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canvas's Issues

Hello, world demo inconsistent

Hi! Cool lib. I was testing out the readme example and it seems to miss some fills. Am I doing something wrong? (code unchanged, copy->pasted):


What's the proper way to use RGBA for something like SetFillStyle?

Every thing I've tried (while studying the parseColor function, line 83 color.go) it chokes on the Alpha number.

I can't quite figure out what type it expects for that fourth value.

I would love to just send it a string like SetFillStyle("rgba(240, 236, 206, .5)") and it looks like it's supposed to be able to do that, but it doesn't seem to work.

Sending it a string like "rgb(240, 236, 206)" DOES work, so I'm thinking there might be a problem with line 209 on color.go.

I don't know if it's a bug or if I'm just stupid.

Failed to compile vertex shader

Trying to use this on the latest macOS release (Big Sur) and when running, I get the following error message:

failed to compile vertex shader:

                                  ERROR: 0:2: '' :  #version required and missing.
                                  ERROR: 0:2: 'attribute' : syntax error: syntax error

I'm using an OpenGLView directly, rather than some other framework, like glfw or sdl. Is there some special setup I need to do in order to get things to work that those libraries are doing (I'm assuming they work, but I haven't yet tried them to verify)?

For reference, here are some code snippets showing the setup being done for the view:

When creating the view:

NSViewPtr nsNewOpenGLView() {
	NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[] = {
		NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core,
		NSOpenGLPFAColorSize,     24,
		NSOpenGLPFADepthSize,     16,
		// Opt-in to automatic GPU switching. CGL-only property.
	id pixFormat = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attr];
	NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
	OpenGLView *view = [[OpenGLView alloc] initWithFrame:frame pixelFormat:pixFormat];
	[view setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES];
	[view setWantsLayer:YES];
	return (NSViewPtr)view;

The override for prepareOpenGL:

-(void)prepareOpenGL {
	[super prepareOpenGL];
	// Bind a default VBA to emulate OpenGL ES 2.
	GLuint defVBA;
	glGenVertexArrays(1, &defVBA);

Memory Leak in DrawImage()

If I leave the code bellow running for a while, I can see it has a memory leak... If I replace the DrawImage call with PutImageData, the leakage goes away. It happens with when using glfwcanvas and sdlcanvas.

OS: macOS Mohave
OpenGL: native? (didn't have to install anything)
SDL installed with brew install sdl2

package main

import (


var (
	first = true
	bla   = time.Now()
	limg  *image.RGBA

func clientScreen() (image.Image, int64) {
	if !first && rand.Float64() < 0.99 {
		return limg, bla.UnixNano()
	first = false
	rgba := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 800, 800))
	for y := 0; y < 800; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < 800; x++ {
			rgba.Set(x, y, color.RGBA{
				R: byte(rand.Intn(256)),
				G: byte(rand.Intn(256)),
				B: byte(rand.Intn(256)),
				A: 255,
	bla = time.Now()
	limg = rgba
	return rgba, bla.UnixNano()

func main() {
	win, cv, err := glfwcanvas.CreateWindow(800, 800, "hello")
	if err != nil {
	var lastRefresh int64
	win.MainLoop(func() {
		// This call returns a new image and the last timestamp it was updated
		img, lastUpdate := clientScreen()

		// If there were no changes, terminate loop
		if lastRefresh == lastUpdate {

		// Process screen updates
		// cv.PutImageData(img.(*image.RGBA), 0, 0)
		cv.DrawImage(img, 0, 0)
		lastRefresh = lastUpdate


Sorry, how does it require to install the SDL if I do not use the program for writing on c / c ++?

Pixelated text

Hello, I noticed that when using fillText & strokeText, the displayed text is pixelated.
Is there some trick or other to overcome this problem?

[suggestion] Video support?

I think it would be great if this lib had some way to play a video on the canvas. Maybe something like in HTML5 Canvas where you can drawImage a video, or something even better w/ sound support?

support font.Face drawing // font fallbacks

hello o/ my reasoning for this is that i wanted to use this multiface package to support font fallback but realized i couldnt use it since canvas basically only supports truetype.Font and the multiface package implements font.Face

i'm not sure how hard (or easy) this would be. if you have an alternate way to be able to draw text with fallbacks fonts that would be fine too.

Blank red screen macOS

Hi, I have this blank red screen when I try to render something on screen. Weirdly, the only things that are rendered properly are images (DrawImage)
This is a screenshot from the drawing example
Screenshot 2020-06-01 at 14 59 42
I'm using
go version go1.14 darwin/amd64
macOS Catalina Version 10.15.4
Do you guys have any idea what might be a problem?

Flickering when using glfwcanvas

Hi there, thanks for your awesome library! It is refreshingly easy to use!

I'm trying to use it to render a sequence of images in a glfwcanvas, but when I update the image with a new one, it keeps switching between the new and the old image. Here's a snippet of my code:

	win, cv, err := glfwcanvas.CreateWindow(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, windowTitle)
	if err != nil {
        var lastRefresh int64
	win.MainLoop(func() {
                // This call returns a new image and the last timestamp it was updated
		img, lastUpdate := client.Screen()

		imgWidth := img.Bounds().Max.X
		imgHeight := img.Bounds().Max.Y

		// If the image is empty, terminate loop
		if imgWidth == 0 || imgHeight == 0 {

		// If there were no changes, terminate loop
		if lastRefresh == lastUpdate {

		// Process screen updates
		cv.PutImageData(img.(*image.RGBA), 0, 0)
		lastRefresh = lastUpdate

I tried to use cv.DrawImage() but then it does not show anything. What am I doing wrong?

Improper canvas size when using scaled resolutions on macOS

For some reason, my canvas is not the same size as the initial values i had originally passed to sdlcanvas.CreateWindow().

Here is some sample code.

package main


func main() {
    // The size i would like my window to be
    screenW := 1600
    screenH := 900

    // The size i would like the draggable square in the center to be.
    squareSize := 128

    wnd, cv, err := sdlcanvas.CreateWindow(screenW, screenH, "Example")
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("Desired: %v w x %v h\n", screenW, screenH)
    fmt.Printf("Actual: %v w x %v h\n", cv.Width(), cv.Height())

    // Create a square. This square will be displayed in the center
    // of the window and should be draggable.
    backend := softwarebackend.New(squareSize, squareSize)
    cvImg := canvas.New(backend)
    cvImg.Rect(0, 0, 64, 64)
    img := cvImg.GetImageData(0, 0, squareSize, squareSize)

    // Load the square into the main canvas as an image.
    imgFinal, err := cv.LoadImage(img)
    if err != nil {

    // Starting position for the square
    xStartPos := (screenW / 2) - (squareSize / 2)
    yStartPos := (screenH / 2) - (squareSize / 2)

    // Active position for the square
    xPos := xStartPos
    yPos := yStartPos

    // Basic properties for tracking the cursor
    followMouse := false

    // When the mouse is released, stop following it and 
    // snap the square back to it's original pos.
    wnd.MouseUp = func(b, x, y int) {
        followMouse = false
        xPos = xStartPos
        yPos = yStartPos

    // Only begin following the cursor if the square is clicked.
    wnd.MouseDown = func(b, x, y int) {
        if x > xStartPos && x < xStartPos + squareSize {
            if y > yStartPos && y < yStartPos + squareSize {
                followMouse = true

    // When the mouse is moved, if we should be following the cursor
    // update the location of the square to match that of the cursor.
    wnd.MouseMove = func(x, y int) {
        if followMouse {
            xPos = x - (squareSize / 2)
            yPos = y - (squareSize / 2)

    defer wnd.Destroy()

    // Start the main loop for rendering.
    wnd.MainLoop(func() {
        // I've been able to determine that for some reason, my canvas
        // is not the same size as the initial values i had originally
        // passed to sdlcanvas.CreateWindow().

        // This seems to properly fill the entire canvas
        w, h := float64(cv.Width()), float64(cv.Height())
        cv.FillRect(0, 0, w, h)

        // This does not fill the entire canvas.
        w2, h2 := float64(screenW), float64(screenH)
        cv.FillRect(0, 0, w2, h2)

        // This should be in the center of the window when it is first
        // spawned but instead is is in the center of the top left
        // quadrant of the window, which happens to be the center of
        // the true canvas.
        cv.DrawImage(imgFinal, float64(xPos), 

When I run it, I get this output:

Output display

$ go run main.go
Desired: 1600 w x 900 h
Actual: 3200 w x 1800 h

I'm wondering if this has something to do with macOS' scaling features?


After doing some more testing, I've found that if I change my display to "default for display", I get a different "actual" value.

Desired: 1600 w x 900 h
Actual: 2048 w x 1090 h

I'm confident now that this has at least something to do with macOS' scaling features.


This testing was all done on a Late 2015 Mac Book Pro.

Error building on macOS

I'm running the examples on macOS Mojave 10.14.3, and all throw me the same error:

ld: framework not found OpenGLES
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

After changing line 19 of backend/gogl/gl/package.go from

// #cgo darwin           LDFLAGS: -framework OpenGLES


// #cgo darwin           LDFLAGS: -framework OpenGL

the examples now run successfully. As Apple's OpenGL ES documentation only mentions iOS and tvOS, but no macOS, should OpenGL be used to build on macOS?

How to save canvas as png with transparent background

I want save canvas as png photo.
But the background is always black.

                fDst, err := os.Create("out2.png")
		if err != nil {
		defer fDst.Close()

		err = png.Encode(fDst, cv.GetImageData(0, 0, cv.Width(), cv.Height()))
		if err != nil {

Combined keyboard touch don't trigger wnd.Event


wnd.KeyDown = func(scancode int, rn rune, name string) {
	switch name {
	//french Keyboard
	case "Digit1":
		buttonUtility(name, souris.X, souris.Y)
	case "Digit2":
		buttonUtility(name, souris.X, souris.Y)
	case "Digit3":
		buttonUtility(name, souris.X, souris.Y)
	case "KeyW":
		//print("	z\n")
		thisPlayer.H = true
		thisPlayer.B = false
	case "KeyA":
		//print("	q\n")
		thisPlayer.G = true
		thisPlayer.D = false
	case "KeyS":
		//print("	s\n")
		thisPlayer.B = true
		thisPlayer.H = false
	case "KeyD":
		//print("	d\n")
		thisPlayer.Droite = true
		thisPlayer.Gauche = false

all my programm run correctly, execpt some event:

  • keyboard touch 3 don't trigger event whenever key s and key d are downed
    • keyboard touch 1 don't trigger event whenever key q and key s are downed
      PS: im on french keyboard

someone know why that don't work?

More Examples?

I hope there's a folder called examples that contains more API to explore.

[suggestion] gomobile display RegisterFilter

Would you be open to a contribution that manages mobile canvas display contexts via gomobile's App interface filters?

There's currently a lot of ceremony required for using canvas with gomobile. By contrast, you can set up a canvas via sdl or glfw in about 3 lines.

I've implemented an App Filter that removes all the manual bookkeeping from using canvas with gomobile via RegisterFilter. This is how it's used:

package main

import (


func main() {
	app.Main(func(a app.App) {
		disp := &Display{}
		view := &game.View{}

                // the event filter handles lifecycle bookkeeping

		for e := range a.Events() {
			switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) {

			case lifecycle.Event:
				if lifecycle.CrossOn == e.Crosses(lifecycle.StageVisible) {

			case paint.Event:
				cv := disp.Canvas()
				if cv == nil || e.External {


Zoom / Magnify + MouseWheel

Based on your event example -- project at:

Updated sdlcanvas to include MouseWheelEvent:

	MouseWheel func(x, y int)
		case *sdl.MouseWheelEvent:
			if wnd.MouseWheel != nil {
					wnd.MouseWheel(int(e.X), int(e.Y))
					handled = true

then included it in project:

	wnd.MouseWheel = func(x, y int) {
		action = 1
		if y == 1 {
			cscale /= cmultiplier
		if y == -1 {
			cscale *= cmultiplier
		cv.Scale(cscale, cscale)
		println("y:  ", y)

this does zoom (my code is buggy..) what I've drawn with lines but the Images (from PutImageData) are not zoomed. I believe this is by design based on this article:

Is it possible to include a function which scales the whole canvas/window?

Slow text rendering?

Hello! I have a somewhat text-heavy use case and I think I'm noticing that text rendering seems to be pretty slow -- with a couple hundred characters on the screen I get about 20fps and it only goes down from there.

I glanced through the code and it seems it's building up a bitmap of the text to draw every frame with image.Draw, and then copying that to the destination buffer. Is that right? Is there some caching or a fast-path somewhere I can exploit?

MacOs canvas ratio problem

Window size is almost two times bigger than canvas size but width and height are constants that are provided to both canvas and window

Rect shadow broken

Hello again,
Was just experimenting with rect shadows and found out that:

  • Rendering shadows is really slow (and uses 100% of my GPU)
  • There is a bug when you call DrawImage before rendering the rect

For the bug, here's a screenshot:


what's excepted:


Here's the code used to draw the rect

cnv.Rect(this.X, this.Y, this.W, this.H)

how I should compile on windows?

haloo I try to install this, but I can not to do it, I try many things, but still:

In file included from ..\\veandco\go-sdl2\sdl\audio.go:4:
./sdl_wrapper.h:2:11: fatal error: SDL2/SDL.h: No such file or directory
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
compilation terminated.

  • on ubuntu it run but I want for windows.........
    I am beginer, would you get some link like tutorial?

Font size units

Are font sizes passed to FillText/MeasureText in pixels or points?

If I use MeasureText it'll return the width, is the height of the text in pixels the font size?
edit: I've since checked the Web API and can see they've added bounding box ascent/descent measurements.

Call CreateWindow function failed on WSL2

I used canvas in WSL2 on win10.

When I call sdlcanvas.CreateWindow, it failed with error:

Error initializing SDL: No available video device

Then I switched to glfwcanvas.CreateWindow

it also emit an error:

2022/01/17 15:27:59 PlatformError: X11: The DISPLAY environment variable is missing
panic: NotInitialized: The GLFW library is not initialized

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