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ng-cache-loader's Issues

weird template path


I fallowed the documentation and created a simple directive:


/* @ngInject */
function TimeDirective() {
    return {
        template: 'template.url'
module.exports = TimeDirective;

but then looking at generated file path is completely wrong:

function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

    var v1="<div> Time </div>";
    angular.module(["ng"]).run(["$templateCache",function(c){c.put("C:\project\src\scripts\time\template.html", v1)}]);


My configuration of loader:

                test: /template.html$/,
                loader: 'ng-cache'

I also tried using different values of prefix parameter. But this was just adding prefix in front of the whole path.

How disable resolving relative images in template

Can I disable resolving relative images in HTML?

In documentation I found

Relative links to the local images are resolved by default.

But I want to disable this behavior, can I do this in config of loader? Or maybe exist workaround ...

Parse Error: when html have multiples classes

The error after very long time...

 [master ≡ +2 ~0 -0 | +1 ~17 -0 !]> ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config webpack.demo.js -d --display-chunks --display-reasons --display-error-details --progress
Hash: 7733c9a6f559e181aea6
Version: webpack 1.12.12
Time: 4200549ms
        Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    bundle.js    1.51 MB       0  [emitted]  bundle    1.75 MB       0  [emitted]  bundle
   index.html  739 bytes          [emitted]
chunk    {0} bundle.js, (bundle) 1.44 MB [rendered]
    [0] multi bundle 28 bytes {0} [built]
     + 49 hidden modules

WARNING in ./~/ng-cache-loader?minimize=false&-url&-removeComments&-removeCommentsFromCDATA&-collapseWhitespace&-conservativeCollapse&-preserveLineBreaks&-removeEmptyAttributes&-keepClosingSlash!./www/components/shared/partials/errorMessages.html
Parse Error: <p ng-message=\"required\" class=\"badge bg-danger text-white\">Este campo é obrigatório</p>\n<p ng-message=\"minlength\" class=\"badge bg-danger text-white\">O valor é muito curto</p>\n<p ng-message=\"maxlength\" class=\"badge bg-danger text-white\">O valor é muito longo</p>\n<p ng-message=\"email\" class=\"badge bg-danger text-white\">Deve ser um e-mail válido</p>\n<p ng-message=\"pattern\" class=\"badge bg-danger text-white\">Não é um valor válido</p>\n\n<span>{{::field.$name}}</span>\n<p ng-message=\"api\" class=\"badge bg-danger text-white\">{{::apiErrorMessages[field.$name] }}</p>\n";
Using unminified HTML
[master ≡ +2 ~0 -0 | +1 ~17 -0 !]>

The errorMessages.html is very simple:

<p ng-message="required" class="badge bg-danger text-white">Este campo é obrigatório</p>

<p ng-message="minlength" class="badge bg-danger text-white">O valor é muito curto</p>
<p ng-message="maxlength" class="badge bg-danger text-white">O valor é muito longo</p>
<p ng-message="email" class="badge bg-danger text-white">Deve ser um e-mail válido</p>
<p ng-message="pattern" class="badge bg-danger text-white">Não é um valor válido</p>

<p ng-message="api" class="badge bg-danger text-white">{{::apiErrorMessages[field.$name] }}</p>

And in my app.js I have import this file


If I change the html with

<p ng-message="minlength" class="badge">O valor é muito curto</p>

this works.

If I change the html with

<p ng-message="minlength" class="badge mySecondClass">O valor é muito curto</p>

this NOT works.

The follow webpack.config

Custom module name based on entry point name

How can I provide a custom module name based on the entry points provided?
entry: { 'foo' : projPath + '/foo.js', 'bar': projPath + '/bar.js }, ... { test: /\.html$/, use: [ { loader: 'ng-cache-loader', options: { //tried this syntax as well as ng-cache-loader?module=foo... module: 'test.[root]' } } ] }

I want to end up with two modules created where my templates will be associated to.
angular.module('foo').run( ... ); angular.module('bar').run( ... )

Is this possible with current existing functionality? Btw, I am also using webpack v4.20 and it seems like the custom module name function doesn't work.

How to keep the relative path?

How to keep the relative path folders with different depth?
require("path/to/file.html") -> $templateCache.put("path/to/file.html"...
require("path/to/subfolder/file.html") -> $templateCache.put("path/to/subfolder/file.html"...

I didn't found a way to do it for webpack config and available prefix options.
{ test: /.html$/, loader: 'ng-cache?module=app,prefix=???' },
Thank you.

How to have multiple root for prefix

How can I have multiple root for prefix?

For example:
├─ app/tmpls/field.html
└─ components/tmpls/yellow.html

loader: "ng-cache?prefix=app and components:**"
//can have
// => ng-include="'tmpls/field.html'"
// => ng-include="'tmpls/yellow.html'"

Lexer Error on partial (ng-click)


I use this pagination directive in my app, which make use of partial templates.

I can succesfully load the template, but when parsing it throws an error with any kind of ng-click attributes, in this case ng-click="setCurrent(1)":

Error: [$parse:lexerr] Lexer Error: Unexpected next character  at columns 0-0 [\] in expression [\"setCurrent(1)\"].$parse/lexerr?p0=Unexpected%20nextharacter%20&p1=s%200-0%20%5B%5C%5D&p2=%5C%setCurrent(1)%5C%22
    at eval (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:63:12)
    at Lexer.throwError (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:11950:11)
    at Lexer.lex (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:11909:16)
    at Parser.parse (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:12070:30)
    at $parse (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:12789:39)
    at Object.compile (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:21688:20)
    at applyDirectivesToNode (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:7530:32)
    at compileNodes (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:7071:15)
    at compile (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:6978:15)
    at applyDirectivesToNode (webpack:///./~/angular/angular.js?:7443:33)

Any help would be appreciated! Kind regards

cannot find module - Angular curly braces

Hello @teux

Kindly assist.
Webpack 3.10.0 throws an error when processing the html files.

angular curly braces output are rendered as modules instead


These relative modules were not found:
* ./\"{{edit.picture}}\" in ./resources/views/partials/ep/user/me.html

How to use

With a structure like that:
+-- scripts
+--- foo
+----- a.js
+--- bar
+----- b.js

+-- views
+--- foo
+----- index.html
+--- bar
+----- index.html
+--- shared
+----- index.html

how can one import "views/bar/index.html" AND "views/shared/index.html" within "scripts/bar/b.js" ?
the html files are all called the same "index.html", what can we do to "ng-include" both files?

module.exports is prepended to template string

From this:


I get this output:

var v1="module.exports = \"<div id=\\\"myModal\\\" ...;";["$templateCache",function(c){c.put("my-modal.html",v1)}]);

This is using the require syntax from the first example in the readme, does it need updating or has something changed in webpack recently that broke this loader? I am using webpack v1.12.14 and ng-cache-loader v0.0.15.

Error: Cannot find module 'ng'.

Good day!

I'm new to this webpack stuff, so there might just be something that I'm missing.

what i do have in my config is:

    test: /\.html$/,
    loader: "ng-cache?prefix=[dir]/[dir]"

i've tried both:




in both cases the javascript created by webpack then contains the line:

    __webpack_require__(14)(["ng"]).run(["$templateCache",function(c){c.put("pages/page1/page1.html", v1)}]);

and this line causes a problem, where it sais
Error: Cannot find module 'ng'.

what am i missing?

Strip file ending

Is there any possibility to strip the file ending on each key?

For instance store the template as $templateCache.get('/template1') instead of $templateCache.get('/template1.html')

File name removes every extension


I have the following files template.html.slm and another_template.html and would like to load both with .html extension only as after parsing the files with slm they are only html files.

The current [name] only strips the last extension, how could I achieve this?

Getting warning of Emitted value and template status in blocked in network call

Hello @teux

Version detail
webpack: 5.70.0
ng-cache-loader: 0.0.26

I am using below rules in webpack.config

In test.html

<script type="text/ng-template" id="myTemplate"> ... </script>

With this line in ts file
it shows warning at time of build project, it shows whole template html like

and network call it show blocked status for template fetching like,

Pls guide me for this issue

templateCache value does not match contents of .html partial. Weird string is added to templateCache value.

using 0.0.13, webpack 1.12.2

My movement to webpack is going fantastic. But directives using templateUrl and hence the ng-cache-loader is not working. Only inline templates are which aren't using the cache.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but somehow my partial content X is getting wrapped in the string module.exports="X"

In other words:

var ctrl = function($templateCache) { console.log($templateCache.get('huh.html'); }
define(function(require) {
    return function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            replace: false,
            templateUrl: 'huh.html',
            controller: ctrl

and huh.html: <div>huh</div>

The rendered DOM is: <huh class="ng-isolate-scope">module.exports = "<div>huh</div>"</huh>

and console log: "module.exports = "<div>huh</div>""

Loader silently fails on invalid HTML during minification

If attempting to use invalid HTML as template, say, with unbalanced divs, ng-cache-loader fails silently without giving appropriate message. Web pack still points to 'problematic' file futher, but with undescriptive error.

Please add an option either to disable minifier or ignore errors (like in gulp-plumber):

source = htmlMinifier.minify(source, {
    removeComments: true,
    removeCommentsFromCDATA: true,
    collapseWhitespace: true,
    conservativeCollapse: true,
    preserveLineBreaks: true,
    removeEmptyAttributes: true,
    keepClosingSlash: true

window is not defined

Hi, I have an error with this loader on os x!
Always returns ERROR in ReferenceError: window is not defined.
This is my setup:

loaders: [
        test: /\.html$/,
        loader: 'ng-cache?prefix=[dir]/[dir]&-url'
      { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json-loader' }

Bug: Cannot use 'ng-cache' loader without params

Affected versions
webpack: 3.10.0
ng-cache-loader: >= 0.0.24

Webpack config

    test: /\.html$/,
    loader: 'ng-cache',


Module build failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'prefix' of null

Append ? to loader:

    loader: 'ng-cache?'

loader-utils#getOptions returns null on empty this.query. Prior to version 0.0.24, loader-utils#parseQuery was used, which returned {} on empty this.query.

Workaround is simple, but I still consider it a bug.

allow overriding html-minifier options

Hi, first of all thanks for the great plugin! However it'd be much better if the options passed to html-minifier could be overridden by config, for instance disabling conservative whitespaces and such. I could prepare a patch if you don't have the time.

module is not available when using custom module name


When I specify a custom module name like this:

    module: {
        loaders: [
            { test: /\.html$/, loader: "ng-cache-loader?prefix=/templates&module=myTemplates"}

I get the following error when I load the application in the browser: "Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod] Module '["myTemplates"]' is not available!
When I omit the custom module parameter, everything works fine.

I'm new to Webpack, so I might be missing something obvious, but looking at the generated code, there seems to be missing some code to create the custom module.

This is the generated code, which results in the above error:

    var v1="<div ui-view></div>";
    window.angular.module(["myTemplates"]).run(["$templateCache",function(c){c.put("/templates/mytemplate.tpl.html", v1)}]);

If I add one extra line, it works fine:

    var v1="<div ui-view></div>";
    window.angular.module("myTemplates", []);
    window.angular.module(["myTemplates"]).run(["$templateCache",function(c){c.put("/templates/mytemplate.tpl.html", v1)}]);

Browserify, for example, does something similar. It generates the following code for each template:

var ngModule;
try {
  ngModule = angular.module('myTemplates');
} catch (e) {
  ngModule = angular.module('myTemplates', []);
}['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {
    '<div ui-view></div>');

Is this a bug?

Upgrade html-minifier

I'm currently getting a bunch of output like 2[{htmlmin-lb}] when using ng-cache-loader.

The template code being:

<span>{{ }}</span>

Looking around in the html-minifier issues, they're addressed this in 0.7.x: kangax/html-minifier@f1754cd

Could you update it to the most recent version?

Support for srcset


I couldn't use html-loader in conjunction but given ng-cache-loader has support for resolving URLs, would it be possible to support srcset attribute too?

<img src="illustrations/hourglass.png"> #works
<img srcset="illustrations/hourglass.png"> # does not work
<img srcset="${require('illustrations/hourglass.png')}"> # does not work but would be great

404 template not found


I've tried to fiddle around with the options for some time now, but I just can't seem to get this ng-cache-loader to work properly. I always end up getting a 404 in the browser from angular trying to async-load the template instead of fetching it from the $templateCache. Here's my test setup:

Controller, using RequireJS format:

define(['angular', 'ng-cache-loader?module=app.test!../templates/test-partial.tpl'], function(angular) {
    angular.module('app.test', [])
        .controller('testCtrl', ['$templateCache', function TestCtrl($templateCache) {
            // putting it into cache manually works! but we're not doing that now
            // $templateCache.put('test-partial.tpl', require('../templates/test-partial.tpl'));

            // this outputs undefined


  <ng-include src="'test-partial.tpl'"></ng-include>

Looking at what the ng-loader generates:

var angular = window.angular, ngModule;
try {
  ngModule = angular.module(["app.test"])
} catch (e) {
  ngModule = angular.module("app.test", [])
var v1 = "<div>Test</div>\n";
var id1 = "test-partial.tpl";
var inj = angular.element(window.document).injector();
if (inj) {
  inj.get("$templateCache").put(id1, v1);
} else {["$templateCache", function(c) {
    c.put(id1, v1)
module.exports = v1;
// ./~/ng-cache-loader?module=app.test!./src/app/test/templates/test-partial.tpl
// module id = 499
// module chunks = 0

The generated code seems correct alright, but still the browser tries to load the template asynchronously: angular.js:8661 GET http://localhost:8000/test-partial.tpl 404 (Not Found).

As noted above, the $templateCache itself works if I inject it into the controller and put the template into the cache! But querying the $templateCache for the template loaded by ng-cache yields undefined.

Am I missing something? Is there some other way to debug this?

Weird behavior

I have

<ul class="list-unstyled padding-left-15 padding-right-15" ui-sortable="feed.sortableOptions" ng-    model="feed.items">
<li ng-repeat="item in feed.items" style="margin-bottom:0px" ng-if="!(item.state==0)">
    <div ng-include="" />

and this


and finally this;

{ test: /\.html$/, loader: "ng-cache?prefix=[dir]/[dir]" },

It works todo.html gets rendered perfectly but I get wrapped in a span before my html gets rendered the following text;

var v1="

and after todo is rendered on screen wrapped in a span I get the following:

"; window.angular.module(["ng"]).run(["$templateCache",function(c)    {c.put("components/widgets/todo.html", v1)}]); module.exports=v1;

What's up with that? Am I doing something wrong?

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