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cicerone's Issues

Get 'transitionData' on new Activity

I happen to have the following line in my code, which invokes an Activity and passing a Map as argument:
router?.navigateTo(RssFeedActivity.TAG, dataMap)

My question is how to retrieve that data once the new Activity is running (similar to what, for instance, getIntent().geStringExtra("myStringKey") does when simply using "plain" Android).

Child fragments

Do you have any examples of working examples with child inner fragments?


Cicerone min sdk is 19, like in sample app, or previous APIs also compatible?
Also how do you use showSystemMessage for everything else except toasts? Overriding?

Back button clicks

I have an idea. How do you think - is it ok or not?

If we delegate Activity#onBackPressed() to something Cicerone has access and then notify about it everything local stack copy has, so we can remove this ugly nullable current fragment reference in activity.

Think this will also be good because of synchronized and only-available-fragment nature of navigator.

sendResult without exit

Please, implement sendResult without exit.
Smth like: router.sendResult(code, object) (now this method is protected ๐ŸŒต)

IllegalArgumentException while using Kotlin and pass only one parameter to router.navigateTo()

If I use router.navigateTo() without passing data as a second parameter like this:
the app crashes with IllegalArgumentException. Part of stacktrace:

Process: com.example.etmkotlin, PID: 4753
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull, parameter data
        at com.example.etmkotlin.activities.MainActivity$navigator$1.createFragment(MainActivity.kt)
        at ru.terrakok.cicerone.CommandBuffer.executeCommands(
        at ru.terrakok.cicerone.BaseRouter.executeCommands(
        at ru.terrakok.cicerone.Router.navigateTo(
        at ru.terrakok.cicerone.Router.navigateTo(
        at com.example.etmkotlin.activities.MainActivity$override.openScreen(MainActivity.kt:107)

Part of

     * Open new screen and add it to the screens chain.
     * @param screenKey screen key
    public void navigateTo(String screenKey) {
        navigateTo(screenKey, null);

     * Open new screen and add it to screens chain.
     * @param screenKey screen key
     * @param data      initialisation parameters for the new screen
    public void navigateTo(String screenKey, Object data) {
        executeCommands(new Forward(screenKey, data));

So if the data is null it will crash.
But if I pass some data for example:
App.INSTANCE.router.navigateTo(SCREEN_NAME, "123")
everything wotks great.

Two navigators in one activity

Hi again. I have a BaseActivity and I want to put both fragment and Activity navigators in it, because I want to open fragment/activity from any place/screen of my app. Is this possible?
Suppose I want to navigate to fragment or to other activity from currentActivity.

SampleApplication.INSTANCE.getNavigatorHolder().setNavigator(activity); // addNavigator()?

Using popBackStackImmediate() to replace the fragment

Hi, thanks for the library!

Now I'm trying to use it in my current project, and I've faced the UI 'blink' artifact while replacing the fragments using the SupportFragmentNavigator class provided by the library. So, the issue is:

  1. navigate to the fragment A. The keyboard should appear here, so the appropriate code is added in the onViewCreated method.
  2. navigate to the fragment B (with the navigateTo method).
  3. navigate to the fragment C. When the back button is pressed, A fragment should be shown, and U use the replaceScreen method

The blink happens because onViewCreated method is called while replacing B with C, and the keyboard tries to be shown for a moment.

Do you have any recommendations how to handle this situation?

Return data on router.backTo(...)

router.navigateTo(EXTRA_NEXT_SCREEN, new Object()) is a great feature and I'm using it in my projects, but sometimes I need to return some data to previous step/fragment, for example, when I need to return token after phone confirm.
It would be great if I can use something like router.backTo(EXTRA_PREVIOUS_SCREEN, new Object()) inside Cicerone routers logic and without necessity of injecting additional interactors to presenters.

Activity navigation without supporting Fragments

As it stands, SupportAppNavigator forces support for both Activity and Fragments when implementing it. If I'm refraining from using fragments altogether, then it doesn't make as much sense for me to put in a containerId(which needs a primitive int value) and to override createFragment and pass back an arbitrary non-null Fragment.

While it is easy enough to override the Navigator interface and build my own Activity-only navigator, it would be nice if we could have one in the library ready to use, out-of-the-box. Could contribute this myself too. Thoughts?

setupFragmentTransactionAnimation is not called in child fragment

First of all, nice library. It's been helping me a lot.
I'm having a problem in a setup similar to the BottomNavigationActivity of the sample.
I want to have a slide animation when navigating inside a tab (opening forwardFragments) and no animation or some other animation when I switch tabs. The problem is: when I switch tabs, the parent fragment recreates the child and this forces the animation that was previously set up, without even calling setupFragmentTransactionAnimation() again, to give me a chance to disable or change the animation. This is my guess of what's happening, at least.
To reproduce this, simply add any animation to the TabContainerFragment's Navigator. Then navigate inside a tab, and then between tabs.

Am I misusing the library, or is this a bug ? Could we have a method that is always called when a transaction will happen ?

Thanks !

Back Stack

I have activity A that opens Fragment A1 and then Fragment A2. And when i want to navigate to activity B, how can i remove fragment A2 from back stack without screen blinking , so when i back from activity B to activity A there would be only fragment A1 ?

Get current fragment


Is there a listener/callback which can be attached to Cicerone, which would trigger when there was a screen change?

If not, is there a method which will return the current visible screen, or the backstack?

Fragment transaction animation issue with nested navigation implemented

Thanks for the great lib!
The usecase:
I've got an app with nested navigation like in your example app. Got several instances of the TabContainerFragment wich could be selected by tapping on bottom navigation bar's icons.
I overrided setupFragmentTransactionAnimation method in TabContainerFragment's navigator and described transition from fragment A to fragment B with animation xml files.
Let's say in tab 1 I move forward from fragment A to fragment B. Animation works perfectly. After that I select tab 2 that contains fragment C and return back to tab 1, that has fragment B. At this point fragment B appears with the last applied animation again. But I don't want to see this animation when I navigating between the tabs. How can I disable it?

Thanks in advance!

Make activity class variable accessible for AppNavigator's subclasses

I want to implement my navigator in separate class to make Activity's code look clearer. I need activity instance for createActivityIntent method. But activity class variable in AppNavigator is private. So i think it would be better to make it protected because now I have to declare another activity variable for my class and it looks really bad.

Use Cicerone without Moxy

Readme says: "It (Cicerone) was designed to be used with the MVP pattern (try Moxy), but will work great with any architecture."

Is there any tutorial how to use Cicerone without an MVP architecture? Even the Cicerone library includes Moxy as a dependency. Is there a way to make Cicerone a bit more loosely coupled?

Replace transition doesn't work for activities

In my Android application I'm writing splash activity screen with makes transition to the core bottom navigation activty with one second delay. In my transition I want to replace splash screen and remove it from backstack.

For this purpose I wrote such code:

My problem is that router.replaceScreen behaves like Router method navigateTo - SplashActivity remains inside in back stack and I can reach it via back button

What's wrong with my code?

Add hint for using onResumeFragments instead of onResume for FragmentActivity

As said in

Note that for better inter-operation with older versions of the platform, at the point of this call the fragments attached to the activity are not resumed. This means that in some cases the previous state may still be saved, not allowing fragment transactions that modify the state. To correctly interact with fragments in their proper state, you should instead override onResumeFragments().

Check current screen is root.

Thank you for good tool.
It would be so good to add "to the box" function to check, if current screen is root.
At now I'm extending Support(App|Fragment)Navigator with function "isRootScreen". I think, it is useful function.

router injection question

Is it right to inject router in presenter with dagger and moxy? Or more correct way is injecting in fragment and providing to presenter?
What the difference?

Rename Router.exit()

I think we need to rename Router.exit() method. It constantly causes misunderstanding from new people.

My proposal is back() as most intuitive one.

Add fragments instead of replacing them

I'm wondering if there is a way to alter the FragmentTransaction instance, which is being used in the forward(Forward command) method, as seen in the SupportFragmentNavigator class. I need to fragmentTransaction.add() fragments instead of fragmentTransaction.replace()-ing them.

I'm using the navigateTo method to show the next Fragment, like so:

App.get().getRouter().navigateTo(Screens.CUSTOMER_DETAIL, customer);

I have a Fragment which basically hosts a RecyclerView with a lots of data (customers), returned by remote API.
Clicking an item from that list will open a new screen which will host detailed data for that customer.

A common scenario you might guess.

When I go back from the detail screen, the API is invoked again, the list reloaded, scrolling position gone, search filters invalidated etc.
That's because the library uses fragmentTransaction.replace(), but fragmentTransaction.add() is what I need, to avoid the reload.

I've copied locally these two classes: SupportFragmentNavigator and SupportAppNavigator and changed what I need, and it works.
But it's a dirty solution.

Is there an API in Cicerone which will provide customization options for this manner?

Make 'Navigator.applyCommand()' return boolean to indicate if command was recognized

I believe this would make a better API in terms of composing several navigators.

It would be more natural to do something like this:

class TopNavigator(private val childNavigator: Navigator) : Navigator {
  fun applyCommand(command: Command): Boolean {
    if (childNavigator.applyCommand(command)) {
        // child has handled this command, great!
    } else {

With the current implementation returning "void" it is not simple to write above logic, you'd have to resort to some "hacky" ways.

If you are not against this suggestion, I could prepare a PR.


    * Clear current stack and open several screens inside single transaction.
    * @param screens
   public void newRootChain(Screen... screens) {
       Command[] commands = new Command[screens.length + 1];
       commands[0] = new BackTo(null);
       for (int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
           commands[i + 1] = new Forward(screens[i]);

This function always results in ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because of iteration comparison with commands.lenght, and it should compare to screens.lenght

How to make transition from one activity to another with Parcelable object?

In my app I make transitions between activities with the help of Cicerone library. The code of my activity is
I want to pass intent with "phoneCallRepresentation" parcelable object, which will be known only during runtime (it depends on selection from recyclerView). I don't know how to do it. Do I need to write putExtra to intent? Or I need to pass this object only in router.navigateTo() as a parameter?

Example was broken

The example was broken after last commits in the library.
In MainActivity and TabContainerFragment there is constructor error in SupportFragmentNavigator.

How to transfer data with a command exit()

Hello! I need to transfer the data to the previous activity screen, because the current screen was launched with the command onActivityScreen. How can i do this? If for example the command navigateTo allows me to do this, then exit() not have an object parameter for data transfer. Thanks in advance for the answer.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: ... declared target fragment FilterFragment{9cee0b7} that does not belong to this FragmentManager!

I've got an exception when trying set Target Fragment (Android 7.0, Samsung J-330), support version - 27.1.0

                    val fragment = BrandSelectionFragment.newInstance(data as ArrayList<StationNetwork>)
                    fragment.setTargetFragment(filterFragment, BRAND_SELECTION_REQUEST_CODE)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment BrandSelectionFragment{99d4bb6 #1 id=0x7f0a00c8} declared target fragment FilterFragment{9cee0b7} that does not belong to this FragmentManager!
        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

is this still Android bug and what could be the steps to fix it?

Methods showSystemMessage() and exit() not work in Executor

The code sample-cicerone, and change this:

public void onForwardWithDelayCommandClick() {
        if (future != null) future.cancel(true);
        future = executorService.schedule(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
             //router.navigateTo(Screens.SAMPLE_SCREEN + (screenNumber + 1), screenNumber + 1);
        }, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Nothing will happen! The methods of the "router" are executed, but no action will occur. And the "navigateTo" method will be executed!

Why do not "exit" and "showSystemMessage" work?

SupportFragmentNavigator.BackToRoot only pops one fragment off the backstack


    private void backToRoot() {
        fragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);

Shouldn't this pop all fragments off the backstack until we reach the root? Currently, it only pops the top one.

As a result, the following navigation happens:
On: A
Navigate: Forward to B
On: B
Navigate: newScreenChain starting with A
On: A
Navigate: Back
On: B <--- what?! But we called newScreenChain!

How to transist complex data between views?

I've seen in your library that you pass data between views with Object data parametr? Could you give me advice how to pass complex data? For example, I want to pass one Integer and one String, what I need to do?

Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState in setNavigator

Activity's OnResume and OnPause looks exactly like this

protected void onResume(){

protected void onPause(){

This exception is reported by remote device and I really don't know how reproduce it, so the only information I have is the following stack trace:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState
    at ru.terrakok.cicerone.CommandBuffer.executeCommand(
    at ru.terrakok.cicerone.CommandBuffer.setNavigator(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

I have two different devices which was affected by this issue:

Philips V377 Android 5.1
UMI X2 Android 4.2.1

The best way to pass arguments to a fragment.

So, guys, you have:

private Navigator navigator = new SupportFragmentNavigator(getSupportFragmentManager(), {
        protected Fragment createFragment(String screenKey, Object data) {
            return SampleFragment.getNewInstance((int) data);
public static SampleFragment getNewInstance(int number) {
        SampleFragment fragment = new SampleFragment();

        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        args.putInt(EXTRA_NUMBER, number);

        return fragment;

and then you execute it with a pretty simple command:

navigator.applyCommand(new Replace(Screens.SAMPLE_SCREEN, 1));

But what if I have more than argument?
Lets say 5 of them?
I can create a helper class with this 5 fields, or pass bundle every time I need to open a fragment.
Maybe you have a better way?

Check if container already has this fragment

I got a question. My Navigation class contains Router. There is no activity context. And for example my ViewModel doesn't know what fragment contains in container right now. It try to set fragment already contains and it replace but new Fragment("Fragment A" replace/forward/etc "Fragment A"). How can I prevent this and do nothing in this case?

Open activity from fragment

How i can open new activity from fragment? I use SupportFragmentNavigator which adding to router in activity.

ResultListener not setting to router.

Trying to set result listener using this code:

INSTANCE.cicerone.navigatorHolder.setNavigator((activity as MainActivity).navigator) getRouter().setResultListener(Utils.NEW_PROJECT_RESULT_CODE, newProjectResultListener) getRouter().navigateTo(FragmentIdentifiers.DETAILED_PROJECT_FRAGMENT)
but when I trying to use exitWithResult nothing is happens cause the set of result listeners in empty.

How to fix it?

Passing result through multiple activities


Would this lib allow a result to be passed across multiple activities like :
A need result
D produce result
But B is finished or destroyed by android

A -> B (destroyed) -> C -> D

maybe a command like
BackToWithResult(screen, result)

More documentation please!

Hi, I've just started using this library and am finding it hard to see what the implementations of Command, Navigator, etc are. There's no API spec that I can find short of crawling through the source myself.

A javadoc would be helpful. Thanks!

Support for androidX packages

This library would need to update references: to to

among others, to support migrations to androidX packages.

Edit: To be clear, it does currently work with jetifier, but throws up error-level warnings in studio, which always has me checking back to classes to make sure I haven't messed something up.

Maybe we could do another artifact for this, for the sake of compatibility for those who haven't yet updated?

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