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mdast's Introduction


Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree.

mdast is a specification for representing markdown in a syntax tree. It implements the unist spec. It can represent several flavours of Markdown, such as CommonMark, and GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions.

This document may not be released. See releases for released documents. The latest released version is 2.2.0.

Table of Contents


This document defines a format for representing Markdown as an abstract syntax tree. Development of mdast started in July 2014, in remark, before unist existed. This specification is written in a Web IDL-like grammar.

Where this specification fits

mdast extends unist, a format for syntax trees, to benefit from its ecosystem of utilities.

mdast relates to JavaScript in that it has a rich ecosystem of utilities for working with compliant syntax trees in JavaScript. However, mdast is not limited to JavaScript and can be used in other programming languages.

mdast relates to the unified and remark projects in that mdast syntax trees are used throughout their ecosystems.



interface Parent <: UnistParent {
  children: [Content];

Parent (UnistParent) represents a node in mdast containing other nodes (said to be children).

Its content is limited to only other mdast content.


interface Literal <: UnistLiteral {
  value: string;

Literal (UnistLiteral) represents a node in mdast containing a value.

Its value field is a string.


interface Root <: Parent {
  type: "root";

Root (Parent) represents a document.

Root can be used as the root of a tree, never as a child. Its content model is not limited to top-level content, but can contain any content with the restriction that all content must be of the same category.


interface Paragraph <: Parent {
  type: "paragraph";
  children: [PhrasingContent]

Paragraph (Parent) represents a unit of discourse dealing with a particular point or idea.

Paragraph can be used where block content is expected. Its content model is phrasing content.

For example, the following markdown:

Alpha bravo charlie.


  type: 'paragraph',
  children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Alpha bravo charlie.'}]


interface Heading <: Parent {
  type: "heading";
  depth: 1 <= number <= 6;
  children: [PhrasingContent];

Heading (Parent) represents a heading of a section.

Heading can be used where block content is expected. Its content model is phrasing content.

A depth field must be present. A value of 1 is said to be the highest rank and 6 the lowest.

For example, the following markdown:

# Alpha


  type: 'heading',
  depth: 1,
  children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Alpha'}]


interface ThematicBreak <: Node {
  type: "thematicBreak";

ThematicBreak (Node) represents a thematic break, such as a scene change in a story, a transition to another topic, or a new document.

ThematicBreak can be used where block content is expected. It has no content model.

For example, the following markdown:



{type: 'thematicBreak'}


interface Blockquote <: Parent {
  type: "blockquote";
  children: [BlockContent]

Blockquote (Parent) represents a section quoted from somewhere else.

Blockquote can be used where block content is expected. Its content model is also block content.

For example, the following markdown:

> Alpha bravo charlie.


  type: 'blockquote',
  children: [{
    type: 'paragraph',
    children: [{type: 'text', value: 'Alpha bravo charlie.'}]


interface List <: Parent {
  type: "list";
  ordered: boolean?;
  start: number?;
  loose: boolean?;
  children: [ListContent];

List (Parent) represents a list of items.

List can be used where block content is expected. Its content model is list content.

An ordered field can be present. It represents that the items have been intentionally ordered (when true), or that the order of items is not important (when false or not present).

If the ordered field is true, a start field can be present. It represents the starting number of the node.

A loose field can be present. It represents that any of its items is separated by a blank line from its siblings or contains two or more children (when true), or not (when false or not present).

For example, the following markdown:

1. [x] foo


  type: 'list',
  ordered: true,
  start: 1,
  loose: false,
  children: [{
    type: 'listItem',
    checked: true,
    children: [{
      type: 'paragraph',
      children: [{type: 'text', value: 'foo'}]


interface ListItem <: Parent {
  type: "listItem";
  checked: boolean?;
  children: [BlockContent];

ListItem (Parent) represents an item in a List.

ListItem can be used where list content is expected. Its content model is block content.

A checked field can be present. It represents whether the item is done (when true), not done (when false), or indeterminate or not applicable (when null or not present).

For example, the following markdown:

* [x] bar


  type: 'listItem',
  checked: true,
  children: [{
    type: 'paragraph',
    children: [{type: 'text', value: 'bar'}]


interface Table <: Parent {
  type: "table";
  align: [alignType]?;
  children: [TableContent];

Table (Parent) represents two-dimensional data.

Table can be used where block content is expected. Its content model is table content.

The head of the node represents the labels of the columns.

An align field can be present. If present, it must be a list of alignTypes. It represents how cells in columns are aligned.

For example, the following markdown:

| foo | bar |
| :-- | :-: |
| baz | qux |


  type: 'table',
  align: ['left', 'center'],
  children: [
      type: 'tableRow',
      children: [
          type: 'tableCell',
          children: [{type: 'text', value: 'foo'}]
          type: 'tableCell',
          children: [{type: 'text', value: 'bar'}]
      type: 'tableRow',
      children: [
          type: 'tableCell',
          children: [{type: 'text', value: 'baz'}]
          type: 'tableCell',
          children: [{type: 'text', value: 'qux'}]


interface TableRow <: Parent {
  type: "tableRow";
  children: [RowContent];

TableRow (Parent) represents a row of cells in a table.

TableRow can be used where table content is expected. Its content model is row content.

If the node is a head, it represents the labels of the columns for its parent Table.

For an example, see Table.


interface TableCell <: Parent {
  type: "tableCell";
  children: [PhrasingContent];

TableCell (Parent) represents a header cell in a Table, if its parent is a head, or a data cell otherwise.

TableCell can be used where row content is expected. Its content model is phrasing content.

For an example, see Table.


interface HTML <: Literal {
  type: "html";

HTML (Literal) represents a fragment of raw HTML.

HTML can be used where block or phrasing content is expected. Its content is represented by its value field.

For example, the following markdown:



{type: 'html', value: '<div>'}


interface Code <: Literal {
  type: "code";
  lang: string?;
  meta: string?;

Code (Literal) represents a block of preformatted text, such as ASCII art or computer code.

Code can be used where block content is expected. Its content is represented by its value field.

This node relates to the phrasing content concept InlineCode.

A lang field can be present. It represents the language of computer code being marked up.

If the lang field is present, a meta field can be present. It represents custom information relating to the node.

For example, the following markdown:



  type: 'code',
  lang: null,
  meta: null,
  value: 'foo()'

And the following markdown:

```javascript highlight-line="2"


  type: 'code',
  lang: 'javascript',
  meta: 'highlight-line="2"',
  value: 'foo()\nbar()\nbaz()'


interface YAML <: Literal {
  type: "yaml";

YAML (Literal) represents a collection of metadata for the document in the YAML data serialisation language.

YAML can be used where frontmatter content is expected. Its content is represented by its value field.

For example, the following markdown:

foo: bar


{type: 'yaml', value: 'foo: bar'}


interface Definition <: Node {
  type: "definition";

Definition includes Association;
Definition includes Resource;

Definition (Node) represents a resource.

Definition can be used where definition content is expected. It has no content model.

Definition includes the mixins Association and Resource.

Definition should be associated with LinkReferences and ImageReferences.

For example, the following markdown:



  type: 'definition',
  identifier: 'alpha',
  label: 'Alpha',
  url: '',
  title: null


interface FootnoteDefinition <: Parent {
  type: "footnoteDefinition";
  children: [BlockContent];

FootnoteDefinition includes Association;

FootnoteDefinition (Parent) represents content relating to the document that is outside its flow.

FootnoteDefinition can be used where definition content is expected. Its content model is block content.

FootnoteDefinition includes the mixin Association.

FootnoteDefinition should be associated with FootnoteReferences.

For example, the following markdown:

[^alpha]: bravo and charlie.


  type: 'footnoteDefinition',
  identifier: 'alpha',
  label: 'alpha',
  children: [{
    type: 'paragraph',
    children: [{type: 'text', value: 'bravo and charlie.'}]


interface Text <: Literal {
  type: "text";

Text (Literal) represents everything that is just text.

Text can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content is represented by its value field.

For example, the following markdown:

Alpha bravo charlie.


{type: 'text', value: 'Alpha bravo charlie.'}


interface Emphasis <: Parent {
  type: "emphasis";
  children: [PhrasingContent];

Emphasis (Parent) represents stress emphasis of its contents.

Emphasis can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content model is also phrasing content.

For example, the following markdown:

*alpha* _bravo_


  type: 'paragraph',
  children: [
      type: 'emphasis',
      children: [{type: 'text', value: 'alpha'}]
    {type: 'text', value: ' '},
      type: 'emphasis',
      children: [{type: 'text', value: 'bravo'}]


interface Strong <: Parent {
  type: "strong";
  children: [PhrasingContent];

Strong (Parent) represents strong importance, seriousness, or urgency for its contents.

Strong can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content model is also phrasing content.

For example, the following markdown:

**alpha** __bravo__


  type: 'paragraph',
  children: [
      type: 'strong',
      children: [{type: 'text', value: 'alpha'}]
    {type: 'text', value: ' '},
      type: 'strong',
      children: [{type: 'text', value: 'bravo'}]


interface Delete <: Parent {
  type: "delete";
  children: [PhrasingContent];

Delete (Parent) represents contents that are no longer accurate or no longer relevant.

Delete can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content model is also phrasing content.

For example, the following markdown:



  type: 'delete',
  children: [{type: 'text', value: 'alpha'}]


interface InlineCode <: Literal {
  type: "inlineCode";

InlineCode (Literal) represents a fragment of computer code, such as a file name, computer program, or anything a computer could parse.

InlineCode can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content is represented by its value field.

This node relates to the block content concept Code.

For example, the following markdown:



{type: 'inlineCode', value: 'foo()'}


interface Break <: Node {
  type: "break";

Break (Node) represents a line break, such as in poems or addresses.

Break can be used where phrasing content is expected. It has no content model.

For example, the following markdown:



  type: 'paragraph',
  children: [
    {type: 'text', value: 'foo'},
    {type: 'break'},
    {type: 'text', value: 'bar'}


interface Link <: Parent {
  type: "link";
  children: [StaticPhrasingContent];

Link includes Resource;

Link (Parent) represents a hyperlink.

Link can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content model is static phrasing content.

Link includes the mixin Resource.

For example, the following markdown:

[alpha]( "bravo")


  type: 'link',
  url: '',
  title: 'bravo',
  children: [{type: 'text', value: 'alpha'}]


interface Image <: Node {
  type: "image";

Image includes Resource;
Image includes Alternative;

Image (Node) represents an image.

Image can be used where phrasing content is expected. It has no content model, but is described by its alt field.

Image includes the mixins Resource and Alternative.

For example, the following markdown:

![alpha]( "bravo")


  type: 'image',
  url: '',
  title: 'bravo',
  alt: 'alpha'


interface LinkReference <: Parent {
  type: "linkReference";
  children: [StaticPhrasingContent];

LinkReference includes Reference;

LinkReference (Parent) represents a hyperlink through association, or its original source if there is no association.

LinkReference can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content model is static phrasing content.

LinkReference includes the mixin Reference.

LinkReferences should be associated with a Definition.

For example, the following markdown:



  type: 'linkReference',
  identifier: 'bravo',
  label: 'Bravo',
  referenceType: 'full',
  children: [{type: 'text', value: 'alpha'}]


interface ImageReference <: Node {
  type: "imageReference";

ImageReference includes Reference;
ImageReference includes Alternative;

ImageReference (Node) represents an image through association, or its original source if there is no association.

ImageReference can be used where phrasing content is expected. It has no content model, but is described by its alt field.

ImageReference includes the mixins Reference and Alternative.

ImageReference should be associated with a Definition.

For example, the following markdown:



  type: 'imageReference',
  identifier: 'bravo',
  label: 'bravo',
  referenceType: 'full',
  alt: 'alpha'


interface Footnote <: Parent {
  type: "footnote";
  children: [PhrasingContent];

Footnote (Parent) represents content relating to the document that is outside its flow.

Footnote can be used where phrasing content is expected. Its content model is also phrasing content.

For example, the following markdown:

[^alpha bravo]


  type: 'footnote',
  children: [{type: 'text', value: 'alpha bravo'}]


interface FootnoteReference <: Node {
  type: "footnoteReference";

FootnoteReference includes Association;

FootnoteReference (Node) represents a marker through association.

FootnoteReference can be used where phrasing content is expected. It has no content model.

FootnoteReference includes the mixin Association.

FootnoteReference should be associated with a FootnoteDefinition.

For example, the following markdown:



  type: 'footnoteReference',
  identifier: 'alpha',
  label: 'alpha'



interface mixin Resource {
  url: string;
  title: string?;

Resource represents a reference to resource.

A url field must be present. It represents a URL to the referenced resource.

A title field can be present. It represents advisory information for the resource, such as would be appropriate for a tooltip.


interface mixin Association {
  identifier: string;
  label: string?;

Association represents an internal relation from one node to another.

An identifier field must be present. It can match an identifier field on another node.

A label field can be present. It represents the original value of the normalised identifier field.

Whether the value of identifier is expected to be a unique identifier or not depends on the type of node including the Association. An example of this is that identifier on Definition should be a unique identifier, whereas multiple LinkReferences can have the same identifier and be associated with one definition.


interface mixin Reference {
  referenceType: string;

Reference includes Association;

Reference represents a marker that is associated to another node.

A referenceType field must be present. Its value must be a referenceType. It represents the explicitness of the reference.


interface mixin Alternative {
  alt: string?;

Alternative represents a node with a fallback

An alt field should be present. It represents equivalent content for environments that cannot represent the node as intended.



enum alignType {
  "left" | "right" | "center" | null;

alignType represents how phrasing content is aligned.

  • left: See the left value of the text-align CSS property
  • right: See the right value of the text-align CSS property
  • center: See the center value of the text-align CSS property
  • null: phrasing content is aligned as defined by the host environment


enum referenceType {
  "shortcut" | "collapsed" | "full";

referenceType represents the explicitness of a reference.

  • shortcut: the reference is implicit, its identifier inferred from its content
  • collapsed: the reference is explicit, its identifier inferred from its content
  • full: the reference is explicit, its identifier explicitly set


type Content =
  TopLevelContent | ListContent | TableContent | RowContent | PhrasingContent;

Each node in mdast falls into one or more categories of Content that group nodes with similar characteristics together.


type TopLevelContent = BlockContent | FrontmatterContent | DefinitionContent;

Top-level content represent the sections of document (block content), and metadata such as frontmatter and definitions.


type BlockContent =
  Paragraph | Heading | ThematicBreak | Blockquote | List | Table | HTML | Code;

Block content represent the sections of document.


type FrontmatterContent = YAML;

Frontmatter content represent out-of-band information about the document.

If frontmatter is present, it must be limited to one node in the tree, and can only exist as a head.


type DefinitionContent = Definition | FootnoteDefinition;

Definition content represents out-of-band information that typically affects the document through Association.


type ListContent = ListItem;

List content represent the items in a list.


type TableContent = TableRow;

Table content represent the rows in a table.


type RowContent = TableCell;

Row content represent the cells in a row.


type PhrasingContent = StaticPhrasingContent | Link | LinkReference;

Phrasing content represent the text in a document, and its markup.


type StaticPhrasingContent =
  Text | Emphasis | Strong | Delete | HTML | InlineCode | Break | Image |
  ImageReference | Footnote | FootnoteReference;

StaticPhrasing content represent the text in a document, and its markup, that is not intended for user interaction.


See the unist glossary.

List of Utilities

See the unist list of utilities for more utilities.



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This project has a Code of Conduct. By interacting with this repository, organisation, or community you agree to abide by its terms.

Want to chat with the community and contributors? Join us in Gitter!

Have an idea for a cool new utility or tool? That’s great! If you want feedback, help, or just to share it with the world you can do so by creating an issue in the syntax-tree/ideas repository!


The initial release of this project was authored by @wooorm.

Special thanks to @eush77 for their work, ideas, and incredibly valuable feedback!

Thanks to @anandthakker, @BarryThePenguin, @izumin5210, @jasonLaster, @justjake, @KyleAMathews, @Rokt33r, @rhysd, @Sarah-Seo, @sethvincent, and @simov for contributing to mdast and related projects!


CC-BY-4.0 © Titus Wormer

mdast's People


wooorm avatar staltz avatar arobase-che avatar eush77 avatar tmcw avatar

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