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taurus's Issues

[BUG] Slash commands not added | Bot replying wrong

πŸš€ Are you trying to Self Host the bot?

  • I am using the official bot

πŸ€” Current Behavior

I am not able to use any slash commands (also is my console normal or do i have to rebuild as instructed?)

βœ… Expected Behavior

for me to get slash commands

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

running startbot.bat

ℹ️ Anything else?


[BUG] Adding custom commands

πŸš€ Are you trying to Self Host the bot?

  • I am using the official bot

πŸ€” Current Behavior

I added my own commands to the bot to make the /image command premium users only included /addpremium, /removepremium, /gencode, /redeem. But whenever i run them it throws an error

βœ… Expected Behavior

Run as normal

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce


ℹ️ Anything else?


[BUG] Bot replying wrong

πŸš€ Are you trying to Self Host the bot?

  • I am using the official bot

πŸ€” Current Behavior

The bot is replying when the user replies to another user

βœ… Expected Behavior

It should only reply when the user replies to the bot.

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

Reply to another user

ℹ️ Anything else?

To fix this we can add a check in the Taurus events file in the message.reference() statement to check if the message the user replies to is the bot or not. The issue is that this is being done in the utils file so is not returning out of the statement before.

[FEATURE] Advanced Fine Tuning

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

Users should have the option to fine tune/parse in their own model ID.

They should be able to fine tune the model in Google AI Studio and use it in the bot. Or potentially fine tune directly from the bot using the REST API.

[FEATURE] Settings Panel | V4

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

At the moment all of the values are managed in config.json and are not able to be updated live with the bot. To resolve this we can store files in a settings.sqlite file in /utils using quick db.
The settings panel can house different options to customise settings as seen below:


(The donation system along with safety enabling/disabling has not been implemented)

πŸ”΄ Failing
🟒 Success
Loading Loading

How checking would occur:

Webhooks - A request would be sent to see if it contains: {"message": "Invalid Webhook Token", "code": 50027} or not
Gemini - A request would be sent to the listmodels endpoint to check if its working
Prodia - A request would be sent to the listloras endpoint to check if its working
NSFW Image Restrictions - Boolean (True/False) checking
Gemini Safety Restrictions - Boolean (True/False) checking

More info:

The settings embed will have a set of action rows below, for each category, with buttons. These buttons would only appear once checking has been completed. For non-boolean value settings, an accessible modal will open up, allowing the user to edit the setting.
After they have submitted the new value it will be checked, if it is valid the settings embed will update with 🟒, and the database will be updated. If it is invalid the embed will remain the same, along with the database.
The implementation of this would make the config.json file only dedicated to the:

  • Token
  • Client ID
  • Owners Array

This command would be emepheral and only accessible to the userIDs of the Owners array.
This update should also bring a modification to the button handler to allow multiple ids to be specified by separating them with a comma


  • QuickDB Database
  • Improved API Key Checking
  • Status Key in embed checking
  • Model Switching between flash and pro (Error handling modified to accommodate)
  • NSFW Blocking/Enabling
  • Modified Button/Modal Handler
  • Webhook Changing
  • API Key Changing
  • Modify the rest of the codebase to use the improved API Key-checking function
  • Modify Codebase to use db
  • Load Balancing with Settings option (Between Flash and Pro models)
  • Utilise code error response for TaurusAI Error Handling

[FEATURE] Image/File Viewing Support

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

Allow support for images/files to be passed to model along with text.

This is possible because of Googles Gemini Pro 1.5 Model

Discord supports all of the mime types and fetching them for images. It is specified under content in attachments in the message object. Some mime types are different between Gemini and Discord so a converter will need to be made.

This update should add support to unlock all of Gemini 1.5s Multimodal capabilities:

  • Images
  • Audio
  • Videos
  • Plain text

[BUG] Context Menu - blocked due to ping

πŸ€” Current Behavior

At the moment the bot cannot great the user as they don’t have the correct ID so the mention blocker kicks in.

βœ… Expected Behavior

I expected it to ping the user with a greeting successfully.

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

Open up the context menu command and try reply to another user. The bot will not be able to greet that user.

ℹ️ Anything else?

This should be resolved by giving the bot both the user and interaction user id. Or just the user id.

[ENHANCEMENT] Condense Files, use external functions

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

At the moment most of the TaurusAI commands contain similar code, this code is mostly duplicated versions of each other.

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

A utils.js file should be added and the code should be put in there and exported as async functions which can be reused in the other files.
This can also be applied for the image files (such as fetching the models)

[FEATURE] Chat Safety Disabling/Enabling

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE,

There should be an option in /settings that allows the user to disable the default safety settings, hence setting all of them to BLOCK_NONE. (Obviously the core model safety features set by Google will still apply)

[FEATURE] Image Upscaling

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

There should be an optional parameter added to the /image command that allows the user to upscale the image by 2 or 4 times. It should be optional.

Prodia supports this, the relevant docs are here

The ability to select the upscaling model should maybe be an option, however, it is also likely that it will cause confusion, so could be best not to include it.

[ENHANCEMENT] Use Webhook for personality

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

Currently a channelID and serverID is required to log the personality when it is changed.

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

This should be changed to work with a webhook instead if possible.

[ENHANCEMENT] PNPM installs in start scripts

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

At the moment the restart script pulls from Github, however, if there are any package changes to go with the code it can cause fatal errors.

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

This should be resolved by running pnpm i every time the bot is restarted via the cli

[ENHANCEMENT] History for context menu commands

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

Currently, the Taurus context menu command does not give the bot info on the past reply threads history.

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

Whilst context menu commands don't have the message.reference() value to retrieve the initial users' message as normal. The information from the original embed that the bot sends in response to the context command could be retrieved and passed into history.

If past message has embed containing reply to user... split where the \n new line character is and get the rest of the content

[ENHANCEMENT] Move utils file

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

The utils file is currently in the main directory

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

It should be moved to the /functions folder for ease of use and centrality.

[FEATURE] Music Generation!

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

Music generation utilising this api which runs of of SunoAI!

The token limits would have to be moderated carefully based on their free plan.



[ENHANCEMENT] Personality Customisation per Server/User

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

Only developers/owners can currently change the bots personality via the /personality command.

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

There should be a global personality and a per-server personality. The server owner should be able to change the per-server personality, and the bot developers/owners should be able to change the global personality. The per-server personality should be secondary to the global one, or maybe overwrite it.

There should be an option to disable per-server personalities and block specific serverIDs so owners from there cannot change the personality in case.

Database structure:

    [USERID].txt  // Example user files
    [USERID2].txt  //  (content specific to each user)
    [SERVERID1].txt // Example server files
    [SERVERID2].txt //  (content specific to each server)
  • There should be a per-user personality customisation option for DMs or for servers that do not have a set personality. Or there should be an option for the bot owner to enable this feature.

[ENHANCEMENT] Add an option for SDXL models

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

Only SD models are supported

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

Add SDXL models for more advanced image generation options

[BUG] Loading dots/timer broken

πŸ€” Current Behavior

The loading timer/dots do not work as intended.

βœ… Expected Behavior

They should load whilst the model is loading the response

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

Chat with Taurus.

ℹ️ Anything else?

To resolve this issue we can add a new interval loader in the 'utils.js' file in the handleResponse() function instead of making an interval before.

[FEATURE] Monitor File Changes

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

Monitor if the personality file path is changed using the function and log it like it would be if the /personality command was used.

The watch function may just replace the current feature where only if the file is updated via the /personality command it will be logged.

[ENHANCEMENT] Utilise Discord's Autocomplete functionality

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

The /image command currently checks for a specific string, doesn't provide any set preview options. This makes it difficult for users.

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

It should be modified to use discords autocomplete feature to provide a curated set of options based on the models provided by prodia.

[ENHANCEMENT] Retry request if token limit reached

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

At the moment it the token limit is reached the user just receives an error embed saying it.

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

There should be a countdown section in that embed, and every 5 seconds the bot should resend the users request, once a request is given the bot should reply as usual.


This fix is related to the error caused by the TensorFlow.js library
On some systems you may face this issue, I believe this is a bug in the TensorFlow library, on other systems it is fine. If you encounter the issue please fix it by doing the following:

Move D:\TFJS\node_modules\@tensorflow\tfjs-node\deps\lib\tensorflow.dll to D:\TFJS\node_modules\@tensorflow\tfjs-node\lib\napi-v8\

Example Error:

node: internal/modules/cjs/loader:1464
at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:179:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\Taurus\\node_modules\\.pnpm\\@tensorflow+tfjs-node @4.19.0 [email protected]\\node_modules\\@tensorflow\\tfjs-node\\dist\\index.js:72:16)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader: 1368:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader: 1426:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader: 1205:32)
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1021:12) {

If you know of a different fix, I would appreciate it if you would please file a new issue and let me know!

[BUG] Bot not replying when link embed

πŸš€ Are you trying to Self Host the bot?

  • I am using the official bot

πŸ€” Current Behavior

If a link is embedded and the user replies to the bots response it will not reply back.

βœ… Expected Behavior

No response

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

Ask the bot for a link with an embed, wait for it to embed and try reply.

ℹ️ Anything else?

This is because of a feature in the utils.js file

[FEATURE] Proper Docker Support

πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

The bot should have proper docker support, to come with this the config.json file should be migrated to a .env file. Like in the docker branch.

This updated version should come with a end to end tutorial on how to setup the bot for free on Google Cloud Run

[BUG] Getting an error when running

πŸš€ Are you trying to Self Host the bot?

  • I am using the official bot

πŸ€” Current Behavior

Error: The specified module could not be found.

βœ… Expected Behavior

Run normally

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

use start.bat

ℹ️ Anything else?


[BUG] Server Commands Broken

πŸš€ Are you trying to Self Host the bot?

  • I am using the official bot

πŸ€” Current Behavior

Commands are not shown when the bot is added to the server, they are only shown if it is added to a users account.

βœ… Expected Behavior

Expected slash commands to show up for the server, regardless of if the user has added it to their account or not.

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

Deauthorise the app from your discord account.

ℹ️ Anything else?

No response

[ENHANCEMENT] Clickable Commands in /help

πŸ“‹ What is the current feature?

The current feature makes it so that the /help command shows the names of the commands emboldened

🌟 How do you want it to be improved?

This should be improved with clickable commands using this

Mentioning format: </CMD_NAME:CMD_ID>

[BUG] TaurusAI breaks if user deletes message

πŸ€” Current Behavior

The bot is breaking if the user sends a message, the bot replies, then deletes their original message and asks for a response from the bot. Further error handling should be put in place to stop this.

βœ… Expected Behavior

I expected the bot to produce an embed error or work as intended

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce


ℹ️ Anything else?


[BUG] Buggy User Commands

πŸ€” Current Behavior

When using user commands in different servers (above 25 people) the bot produces an error every time.

βœ… Expected Behavior

All commands to work as expected, however as a note this is in BETA at the moment.

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce

Run any command in a different server where the bot is not present

ℹ️ Anything else?

The interaction object is now unable to be directly logged in the console for some reason.

Context commands could not be fixed for guilds as Discord does not support the retrieval of the previous message in those circumstances.

[BUG] getting error when using /taurusai command

πŸš€ Are you trying to Self Host the bot?

  • I am using the official bot

πŸ€” Current Behavior

GoogleGenerativeAI Error]: Error fetching from [400 Bad Request] Invalid value at 'system_instruction' (, "You are Sarah!
Please greet the user with a greeting and then their name which is: <@986498137168441364> and limit your responses to 2000 characters or less. The user's status/presence is currently:
mobile: online" [{"@type":"","fieldViolations":[{"field":"system_instruction","description":"Invalid value at 'system_instruction' (, "You are Sarah!\n Please greet the user with a greeting and then their name which is: <@986498137168441364> and limit your responses to 2000 characters or less. The user's status/presence is currently:\nmobile: online""}]}]

βœ… Expected Behavior

work normally

πŸ“ Steps To Reproduce


ℹ️ Anything else?



πŸ“‚ What category is this feature in?


πŸ“ Description of Feature

I would like to suggest you add command to play music from all platforms like spotify youtube soundcloud etc

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