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kabin's Issues

Insert: Incorrect parameters count


The generated code uses an incorrect parameters count for @Insert @Update and other similar annotations, it can be reproduced inside the sample, here's an extract from UserDao:

  public suspend fun insertOrReplace(entity: BankEntity) {
            """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO BankEntity VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)""",
      bindLong(0, entity.number)
      bindString(2, entity.region)
      bindString(3, kotlinCollectionsListKotlinStringKotlinStringAdapter.encode(entity.supportedCards))
    notifyQueries(-1230324746) { emit ->


Parameters count must be equal to columns count of the entity, in our example, it must be 4

Bug: type mismatch for complex compounds having nullable and non-nullable types


If we will have complex compounds hierarchy, and in one place compound is considered nullable, an in another - not null, nullable query is used, and compiler throws "type mismatch" error.

Environment: kabin: 0.1.0-alpha05; android target.
SQLite version (according to documentation): 3.39 (API 34).


data class ACompound(
    val entity: AEntity,

        entity = BEntity::class,
        parentColumn = "bId",
        entityColumn = "id"
    // query1 returning nullable compound is generated
    val bCompound: bCompound?,
        entity = CEntity::class,
        parentColumn = "cId",
        entityColumn = "id"
    val cCompound: cCompound,

data class CCompound(
    val entity: CEntity,

        entity = BEntity::class,
        parentColumn = "bId",
        entityColumn = "id"
    // query1 will be still used in dao, though we have non-nullable returning type
    val bCompound: bCompound,

Maybe we should add postfix "Optional" or "Nullable" to queries returning nullable type to avoid such problems.

iOS: Creating scheme throws SQLiteExceptionErrorCode: transaction within a transaction


After updating to 0.1.0-alpha06, iOS apps started failing during scheme creation:

SQLiteExceptionErrorCode: Sqlite operation failure cannot start a transaction within a transaction

Stack Trace:

co.touchlab.sqliter.interop.SQLiteExceptionErrorCode: Sqlite operation failure cannot start a transaction within a transaction
    at 0   ComposeApp                          0x108a31cef        kfun:kotlin.Throwable#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 119 
    at 1   ComposeApp                          0x108a2b05f        kfun:kotlin.Exception#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 115 
    at 2   ComposeApp                          0x1089e933b        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.interop.SQLiteException#<init>(kotlin.String;co.touchlab.sqliter.interop.SqliteDatabaseConfig){} + 115 
    at 3   ComposeApp                          0x1089e942f        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.interop.SQLiteExceptionErrorCode#<init>(kotlin.String;co.touchlab.sqliter.interop.SqliteDatabaseConfig;kotlin.Int){} + 199 
    at 4   ComposeApp                          0x1089e54a3        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.interop.ActualSqliteStatement#resetStatement(){} + 1127 
    at 5   ComposeApp                          0x1089fecd3        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.interop.SqliteStatement#resetStatement(){}-trampoline + 91 
    at 6   ComposeApp                          0x1089fb333        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.native.NativeStatement#resetStatement(){} + 531 
    at 7   ComposeApp                          0x1089fa623        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.native.NativeStatement#execute(){} + 679 
    at 8   ComposeApp                          0x1089fd38b        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.Statement#execute(){}-trampoline + 91 
    at 9   ComposeApp                          0x1089f838f        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.native.NativeDatabaseConnection.beginTransaction$lambda$0#internal + 67 
    at 10  ComposeApp                          0x1089f876b        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.native.NativeDatabaseConnection.$beginTransaction$lambda$0$FUNCTION_REFERENCE$0.invoke#internal + 79 
    at 11  ComposeApp                          0x1089f87e3        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.native.NativeDatabaseConnection.$beginTransaction$lambda$0$FUNCTION_REFERENCE$0.$<bridge-UNNN>invoke(co.touchlab.sqliter.Statement){}#internal + 99 
    at 12  ComposeApp                          0x108b7ce8f        kfun:kotlin.Function1#invoke(1:0){}1:1-trampoline + 107 
    at 13  ComposeApp                          0x1089dc3a3        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter#withStatement__at__co.touchlab.sqliter.DatabaseConnection(kotlin.String;kotlin.Function1<co.touchlab.sqliter.Statement,0:0>){0§<kotlin.Any?>}0:0 + 279 
    at 14  ComposeApp                          0x1089f76bb        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.native.NativeDatabaseConnection#beginTransaction(){} + 307 
    at 15  ComposeApp                          0x1089fce7b        kfun:co.touchlab.sqliter.DatabaseConnection#beginTransaction(){}-trampoline + 91 
    at 16  ComposeApp                          0x108a074cf{} + 275 
    at 17  ComposeApp                          0x108a0691f{}<> + 159 
    at 18  ComposeApp                          0x10a534977{}<>-trampoline + 99 
    at 19  ComposeApp                          0x10a53150f$transactionWithWrapperCOROUTINE$0.invokeSuspend#internal + 767 
    at 20  ComposeApp                          0x10a531f23 + 323 
    at 21  ComposeApp                          0x10a5310ff;kotlin.coroutines.SuspendFunction1<
    SuspendingTransactionWithoutReturn,kotlin.Unit>;kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<kotlin.Unit>){}kotlin.Any + 151 
    at 22  ComposeApp                          0x10a534703;kotlin.coroutines.SuspendFunction1<,kotlin.Unit>;kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<kotlin.Unit>){}kotlin.Any-trampoline + 127 
    at 23  ComposeApp                          0x10a52eb8f$default#suspend(kotlin.Boolean;kotlin.coroutines.SuspendFunction1<,kotlin.Unit>;kotlin.Int;kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<kotlin.Unit>){}kotlin.Any + 211 
    at 24  ComposeApp                          0x10a54246b        kfun:com.attafitamim.kabin.core.database.KabinSqlSchema.$create$lambda$2COROUTINE$3.invokeSuspend#internal + 1319 
    at 25  ComposeApp                          0x10a542787        kfun:com.attafitamim.kabin.core.database.KabinSqlSchema.create$lambda$2#internal + 331 
    at 26  ComposeApp                          0x10a543afb        kfun:com.attafitamim.kabin.core.database.KabinSqlSchema.$create$lambda$2$FUNCTION_REFERENCE$1.invoke#internal + 115 
    at 27  ComposeApp                          0x108b826eb        kfun:kotlin.coroutines.SuspendFunction0#invoke#suspend(kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<1:0>){}kotlin.Any?-trampoline + 107 
    at 28  ComposeApp                          0x10a532b77<1:0>){}kotlin.Any? + 175 
    at 29  ComposeApp                          0x1089ced57$lambda$0#internal + 243 
    at 30  ComposeApp                          0x1089cf0b7$create$lambda$0$FUNCTION_REFERENCE$0.invoke#internal + 139 
    at 31  ComposeApp                          0x108b8242b        kfun:kotlin.Function2#invoke(1:0;1:1){}1:2-trampoline + 115 
    at 32  ComposeApp                          0x108a3a3b7        kfun:kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.object-4.invokeSuspend#internal + 731 
    at 33  ComposeApp                          0x108b81d47     

It seems like scheme's create method is already wrapped inside a transaction by sqldelight, and kabin tries to wrap it again which leads to the exception above. Further investigation should include the migrate method.

Mapper: issue with the order of mapper constructor arguments in the generated database class


The generated database class has Type mismatch errors when creating mappers using the constructor. This due to incorrect order of arguments.

The error looks like this:

Type mismatch.
ColumnAdapter<Int, Long>
ColumnAdapter<Long, String>

And doesn't allow a successful compilation


Use the same order to generate Mapper class and Mapper constructor calls inside database class

Generator: (File name too long)


Some Dao functions might have many parameters, which sometimes can lead to long function names, since parameters are used as part of the naming. This can be reproduced on JVM targets.


Use shorter function names, by excluding parameters

Multiple and nullable list arguments break code-gen


  1. Using lists multiple times inside a query breaks code-gen
  2. Nullable lists are not handled when creating query arguments using createArguments


Here's an example of a query having lists as arguments, which are used many times in different places, and are nullable

        SELECT * FROM SimpleEntity 
                WHERE(:types IS NULL OR type IN :types)
                AND (:statuses IS NULL OR status IN :statuses)
                AND (:startAt is NULL OR createdAt >= :startAt)
                AND (:endAt IS NULL OR createdAt <= :endAt)
                AND id IN (
                        SELECT parentId FROM SampleParticipantEntity
                        WHERE (:roles IS NULL OR type IN :roles) AND self = 1
        ORDER BY createdAt DESC LIMIT :limit
suspend fun getSampleCompoundsReactive(
        statuses: List<String>?,
        types: List<String>?,
        roles: List<String>?,
        startAt: Int?,
        endAt: Int?,
        limit: Int
): Flow<List<SampleCompound>>

This will generate the following code:

val types = types.orEmpty()
val typesIndexes = createArguments(types.size)
val types = types.orEmpty()
val typesIndexes = createArguments(types.size)
val statuses = statuses.orEmpty()
val statusesIndexes = createArguments(statuses.size)
val statuses = statuses.orEmpty()
val statusesIndexes = createArguments(statuses.size)
val roles = roles.orEmpty()
val rolesIndexes = createArguments(roles.size)
val roles = roles.orEmpty()
val rolesIndexes = createArguments(roles.size)

Here we see two issues:

  1. types and typesIndexes are doubled
  2. createArguments will never return NULL, which is important for the correctness of queries like :types IS NULL OR type IN :types

Flow of a single element doesn't throw error when the element doesn't exist


Querying a reactive entity doesn't throw an exception, if the entity doesn't exist, since Dao is using mapToOneNotNull instead of mapToOne

However, Room uses a different behavior, it emits an error instead of suspending the Flow<T> forever while waiting for insert


Here's a query that returns a Flow of a single element:

@Query("SELECT * FROM UserEntity WHERE name = :name AND sampleAge = :age")
suspend fun getEntityReactive(age: Int, name: String): Flow<UserEntity>

This will generate the following code:

override suspend fun getEntityReactive(age: Int, name: String): Flow<UserEntity> =
    queries.queryUserEntityByNameAge(name, age).asFlowIONotNull()

As we see, converting Query<T> to Flow<T> is done using asFlowIONotNull, but it will be more correct to use asFlowIO, which uses mapToOne under the hood

Constraint foreign key exception when having conflicting operations inside one transaction


If we have several tables with foreign key relations, then inside one transaction do some operations influences on each other and get exception android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed (code 787 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY).

Unlikely, in Room library the same tables and relations such transaction is considered valid.

Environment: kabin: 0.1.0-alpha04;
SQLite version (according to documentation): 3.39 (API 34).


We have 2 tables and a dao.

data class UserEntity(
    val id: Int,
    val name: String

    primaryKeys = ["id", "userId"],
    foreignKeys = [
            entity = UserEntity::class,
            parentColumns = ["id"],
            childColumns = ["userId"],
            onDelete = ForeignKey.Action.CASCADE,
            onUpdate = ForeignKey.Action.CASCADE
data class UserAvatarEntity(
    val userId: Int,
    val id: String,
    val url: String

interface IUserDaoSpecial {

    suspend fun doSomeOperations() {
        val userEntity = UserEntitySpecial(
            id = 0,
            name = "John"
        val userAvatarEntity = UserAvatarEntitySpec(
            userId = 0,
            id = "d64c2cd8-fd5f-4f06-844e-b4006b9464bb",
            url = "https://icon.jpg"


    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    suspend fun insertUser(user: UserEntitySpecial)

    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    suspend fun insertAvatar(avatarEntitySpec: UserAvatarEntitySpec)

If we will invoke dao method, we will catch an exception.

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed (code 787 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY)

Expected behavior: successful operations inside one transaction.
I guess this error is connected with deferred flag in ForeignKey.

Primary keys are ignored, if the columns are inside an embedded class


PRIMARY KEY declaration is missing from table creation query, if the primary key column is inside an @Embedded class, and it was assigned through primaryKeys inside @Entity annotation


Here's an Entity that has an embedded identity class, which contains the column used as primary key:

    primaryKeys = ["identity_id"]
data class FileEntity(
    val identity: FileIdentityLocal,
    val fileReferenceBase64: String? = null,
    val date: Int? = null,
    val size: Int? = null

The generated query looks like this:

     identity_id               TEXT NOT NULL,
     identity_type             TEXT NOT NULL,
     identity_mimetype         TEXT,
     identity_fallbackmimetype TEXT,
     identity_volumeid         INTEGER,
     identity_accesshash       INTEGER,
     identity_datacenterid     INTEGER,
     filereferencebase64       TEXT,
     date                      INTEGER,
     size                      INTEGER

As we can see, PRIMARY KEY is nowhere to be seen

Generator: method call conflicts


The current generator uses parameters to generate method names for queries, and doesn't take into account the query itself. This creates conflicts for situations where parameters and return types are the same, but queries are different.

This can be reproduced inside the sample, here's an example from UserDao:

@Query("SELECT * FROM UserEntity WHERE sampleAge < 18")
suspend fun getUnderageUsers(): List<UserEntity>

@Query("SELECT * FROM UserEntity WHERE sampleAge >= 18")
suspend fun getAdultUsers(): List<UserEntity>

@Query("SELECT * FROM UserEntity")
suspend fun getEntitiesReactive(): Flow<List<UserEntity>>

The generated code looks like this:

override suspend fun getUnderageUsers(): List<UserEntity> = transactionWithResult {

override suspend fun getAdultUsers(): List<UserEntity> = transactionWithResult {

override suspend fun getEntitiesReactive(): Flow<List<UserEntity>> =

As you already noticed, all three methods call the same queryUserEntityByNoParameters, even if they have different queries.
The generated queryUserEntityByNoParameters looks like this:

public fun queryUserEntityByNoParameters(): Query<UserEntity> = object :
      Query<UserEntity>(comAttafitamimKabinLocalEntitiesUserUserEntityKabinMapper::map) {
    override fun addListener(listener: Query.Listener) {
      listener = listener

    override fun removeListener(listener: Query.Listener) {
      listener = listener

    override fun <R> execute(mapper: SqlCursor.() -> QueryResult<R>): QueryResult<R> {
      val kabinQuery = """SELECT * FROM UserEntity WHERE sampleAge < 18"""
      val kabinParametersCount = 0
      val result = driver.executeQuery(
      return result

As we see, it's only related to getUnderageUsers, the other two queries were lost.


Take into account the actual query when generating method names, using some kind of ID

ForeignKey: Inconsistent behavior across different KMP targets, especially during migration


Enabling and disabling foreign keys currently works through the API provided by sqldelight, however, this leads to inconsistent behavior between android and iOS.


Inside NativeSqliteDriver, and exactly during the creation of a connection through DatabaseManager, PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; is called before migrate.

migrate is executed inside a transaction, therefore, our PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF; call inside KabinSqlSchema.migrate function has no effect, because according to the official docs, it should be called before BEGIN TRANSACTION or after COMMIT

Even tho we have defer_foreign_keys calls inside our transactions, some errors triggered by foreign keys during migration are not handled, since they are not directly related to constraints, for example, having table not found errors when dropping related tables. This throws an error immediately and doesn't wait for COMMIT to recheck the integrity of the keys

On android, foreign keys are enabled inside the callback onOpen, here's the official documentation of the method:

Called when the database has been opened. The implementation should check SupportSQLiteDatabase.isReadOnly before updating the database.
This method is called after the database connection has been configured and after the database schema has been created, upgraded or downgraded as necessary. If the database connection must be configured in some way before the schema is created, upgraded, or downgraded, do it in onConfigure instead.
db - The database.

As we can see, onOpen is called after all the work with the scheme is done, including migration, which means during migration, foreign keys are disabled, and enabled only after everything is set.


Make a unified logic to enabled and disable foreign keys during driver creation, using raw SQL calls, rather than using platform specific config. This will help to increase the consistency and similarity.

Bug: Flow doesn't emit new value when compound have relation to list of entities


When we have complex compound hierarchy with relation to a list of entities (or compounds) - reactive subscription via flow doesn't emit new values on changed entities.

Environment: kabin: 0.1.0-alpha05; android target.
SQLite version (according to documentation): 3.39 (API 34).


data class Compound1(
    val entity: Entity1,
        entity = Entity2::class,
        parentColumn = "id",
        entityColumn = "id"
    val compounds2: List<Compound2>

interface IEntity2Dao {

    @Query("DELETE FROM Entity2 WHERE id = :id")
    suspend fun removeEntity(id: String)

interface IEntity1Dao {

    @Query("SELECT * FROM Entity1")
    suspend fun getCompound(id: String): Flow<Compound1>

to reproduce:

suspend fun reproducer(
    dao1: IEntity1Dao,
    dao2: IEntity2Dao
) {
    coroutineScope.launch {
        dao1.getCompound("id1").collect {
            // only first emit


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