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sarif-tools's Introduction


A set of command line tools and Python library for working with SARIF files.

Read more about the SARIF format here:


You need Python 3.9 or later installed. This document assumes that the python command runs that version.

python -m pip install sarif-tools

A script called sarif is created in the Python installation's Scripts directory. The Scripts directory needs to be in the PATH environment variable for you to be able to type sarif at the command prompt; this is most likely the case if pip is run as a super-user when installing (e.g. Admin CMD or using sudo).

If the Scripts directory is not in the PATH, then you need to run python -m sarif instead of sarif to run the tool.

Command Line Usage

usage: sarif [-h] [--version] [--debug] [--check {error,warning,note}] {blame,csv,diff,html,ls,summary,trend,usage,word} ...

Process sets of SARIF files

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version, -v         show program's version number and exit
  --debug               Print information useful for debugging
  --check {error,warning,note}, -x {error,warning,note}
                        Exit with error code if there are any issues of the specified level (or for diff, an increase in issues at that level).

  blame       Enhance SARIF file with information from `git blame`
  csv         Write a CSV file listing the issues from the SARIF files(s) specified
  diff        Find the difference between two [sets of] SARIF files
  html        Write a file with HTML representation of SARIF file
  ls          List all SARIF files in the directories specified
  summary     Write a text summary with the counts of issues from the SARIF files(s) specified
  trend       Write a CSV file with time series data from the SARIF file(s) specified, which must
              have timestamps in the filenames in format "yyyymmddThhmmssZ"
  usage       (Command optional) - print usage and exit
  word        Produce MS Word .docx summaries of the SARIF files specified
Run `sarif <COMMAND> --help` for command-specific help.


The commands are illustrated below assuming input files in the following locations:

  • C:\temp\sarif_files = a directory of SARIF files with arbitrary filenames.
  • C:\temp\sarif_with_date = a directory of SARIF files with filenames including timestamps e.g. C:\temp\sarif_with_date\myapp_devskim_output_20211001T012000Z.sarif.
  • C:\temp\old_sarif_files = a directory of SARIF files with arbitrary filenames from an older build.
  • C:\code\my_source_repo = checkout directory of source code files from which SARIF results were obtained.


usage: sarif blame [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--code CODE] [file_or_dir ...]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           A SARIF file or a directory containing SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file or directory
  --code CODE, -c CODE  Path to git repository; if not specified, the current working directory is used

Augment SARIF files with git blame information, and write the augmented files to a specified location.

sarif blame -o "C:\temp\sarif_files_with_blame_info" -c "C:\code\my_source_repo" "C:\temp\sarif_files"

If the current working directory is the git repository, the -c argument can be omitted.

Blame information is added to the property bag of each result object for which it was successfully obtained. The keys and values used are as in the git blame porcelain format. E.g.:

  "ruleId": "SM00702",
  "properties": {
    "blame": {
      "author": "aperson",
      "author-mail": "<[email protected]>",
      "author-time": "1350899798",
      "author-tz": "+0000",
      "committer": "aperson",
      "committer-mail": "<[email protected]>",
      "committer-time": "1350899798",
      "committer-tz": "+0000",
      "summary": "blah blah commit comment blah",
      "boundary": true,
      "filename": "src/net/myproject/mypackage/"

Note that the bare boundary key is given the automatic value true.

This blame data can then be used for filtering and summarising (TODO: future enhancement!).


usage: sarif csv [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--autotrim] [--trim PREFIX] [file_or_dir ...]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           A SARIF file or a directory containing SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file or directory
  --autotrim, -a        Strip off the common prefix of paths in the CSV output
  --trim PREFIX         Prefix to strip from issue paths, e.g. the checkout directory on the build agent

Write out a simple tabular list of issues from [a set of] SARIF files. This can then be analysed, e.g. via Pivot Tables in Excel.

Use the --trim option to strip specific prefixes from the paths, to make the CSV less verbose. Alternatively, use --autotrim to strip off the longest common prefix.

Generate a CSV summary of a single SARIF file with common file path prefix suppressed:

sarif csv "C:\temp\sarif_files\devskim_myapp.sarif"

Generate a CSV summary of a directory of SARIF files with path prefix C:\code\my_source_repo suppressed:

sarif csv --trim c:\code\my_source_repo "C:\temp\sarif_files"


usage: sarif diff [-h] [--output OUTPUT] old_file_or_dir new_file_or_dir

positional arguments:
  old_file_or_dir       An old SARIF file or a directory containing the old SARIF files
  new_file_or_dir       A new SARIF file or a directory containing the new SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file or directory

Print the difference between two [sets of] SARIF files.

Difference between the issues in two SARIF files:

sarif diff "C:\temp\old_sarif_files\devskim_myapp.sarif" "C:\temp\sarif_files\devskim_myapp.sarif"

Difference between the issues in two directories of SARIF files:

sarif diff "C:\temp\old_sarif_files" "C:\temp\sarif_files"

Write output to JSON file instead of printing to stdout:

sarif diff -o mydiff.json "C:\temp\old_sarif_files\devskim_myapp.sarif" "C:\temp\sarif_files\devskim_myapp.sarif"


usage: sarif html [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--no-autotrim] [--image IMAGE] [--trim PREFIX] [file_or_dir ...]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           A SARIF file or a directory containing SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file or directory
  --no-autotrim, -n     Do not strip off the common prefix of paths in the CSV output
  --image IMAGE, -i IMAGE
                        Image to include at top of file - SARIF logo by default
  --trim PREFIX         Prefix to strip from issue paths, e.g. the checkout directory on the build agent

Create an HTML file summarising SARIF results.

sarif html -o summary.html "C:\temp\sarif_files"

Use the --trim option to strip specific prefixes from the paths, to make the generated HTML page less verbose. The longest common prefix of the paths will be trimmed unless --no-autotrim is specified.

Use the --image option to provide a header image for the top of the HTML page. The image is embedded into the HTML, so the HTML document remains a portable standalone file.


usage: sarif ls [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [file_or_dir ...]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           A SARIF file or a directory containing SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file

List SARIF files in one or more directories.

sarif ls "C:\temp\sarif_files" "C:\temp\sarif_with_date"


usage: sarif summary [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [file_or_dir ...]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           A SARIF file or a directory containing SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file or directory

Print a summary of the issues in one or more SARIF file(s), grouped by severity and then ordered by number of occurrences.

When directories are provided as input and output, a summary is written for each input file, along with another file containing the totals.

sarif summary -o summaries "C:\temp\sarif_files"

When no output directory or file is specified, the overall summary is printed to the standard output.

sarif summary "C:\temp\sarif_files\devskim_myapp.sarif"


usage: sarif trend [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--dateformat {dmy,mdy,ymd}] [file_or_dir ...]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           A SARIF file or a directory containing SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file
  --dateformat {dmy,mdy,ymd}, -f {dmy,mdy,ymd}
                        Date component order to use in output CSV. Default is `dmy`

Generate a CSV showing a timeline of issues from a set of SARIF files in a directory. The SARIF file names must contain a timestamp in the specific format yyyymmddThhhmmss e.g. 20211012T110000Z.

The CSV can be loaded in Microsoft Excel for graphing and trend analysis.

sarif trend -o timeline.csv "C:\temp\sarif_with_date" --dateformat dmy


Print usage and exit.

sarif usage


usage: sarif word [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--no-autotrim] [--image IMAGE] [--trim PREFIX] [file_or_dir ...]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           A SARIF file or a directory containing SARIF files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file or directory
  --no-autotrim, -n     Do not strip off the common prefix of paths in the CSV output
  --image IMAGE, -i IMAGE
                        Image to include at top of file - SARIF logo by default
  --trim PREFIX         Prefix to strip from issue paths, e.g. the checkout directory on the build agent

Create Word documents representing a SARIF file or multiple SARIF files.

If directories are provided for the -o option and the input, then a Word document is produced for each individual SARIF file and for the full set of SARIF files. Otherwise, a single Word document is created.

Create a Word document for each SARIF file and one for all of them together, in the reports directory (created if non-existent):

sarif word -o reports "C:\temp\sarif_files"

Create a Word document for a single SARIF file:

sarif word -o "reports\devskim_myapp.docx" "C:\temp\sarif_files\devskim_myapp.sarif"

Use the --trim option to strip specific prefixes from the paths, to make the generated documents less verbose. The longest common prefix of the paths will be trimmed unless --no-autotrim is specified.

Use the --image option to provide a header image for the top of the Word document.

Usage as a Python library

Although not its primary purpose, you can use sarif-tools from a Python script or module to load and summarise SARIF results.

Basic usage pattern

After installation, use sarif.loader to load a SARIF file or files, and then use the operations on the returned SarifFile or SarifFileSet objects to explore the data.

from sarif import loader

sarif_data = loader.load_sarif_file(path_to_sarif_file)
issue_count_by_severity = sarif_data.get_result_count_by_severity()
error_histogram = sarif_data.get_issue_code_histogram("error")


The three classes defined in the sarif_files module, SarifFileSet, SarifFile and SarifRun, provide similar APIs, which allows SARIF results to be handled similarly at multiple levels of aggregation. This section briefly describes some of the key APIs at the three levels of aggregation.


Returns a list of distinct tool names in a SarifFile or for all files in a SarifFileSet. A SarifRun has a single tool name so the equivalent method is get_tool_name().


Return the list of SARIF results. These are objects as defined in the SARIF standard section 3.27.


Return the list of SARIF results as simplified, flattened record dicts. Each record has the attributes defined in sarif_file.RECORD_ATTRIBUTES.

  • "Tool" - the tool name for the run containing the result.
  • "Severity" - the SARIF severity for the record. One of error, warning (the default if the record doesn't specify) or note.
  • "Code" - the issue code from the result.
  • "Location" - the location of the issue, typically the file containing the issue. Format varies by tool.
  • "Line" - the line number in the file where the issue occurs. Value is a string. This defaults to "1" if the tool failed to identify the line.


As per get_records(), but the result is a dict from SARIF severity level (error, warning and note) to the list of records of that severity level.

get_result_count(), get_result_count_by_severity()

Get the total number of SARIF results. get_result_count_by_severity() returns a dict from SARIF severity level (error, warning and note) to the integer number of results of that severity.


For the given severity, get histogram in the form of a list of pairs. The first item in each pair is the issue code, the second item is the number of matching records, and the list is sorted in decreasing order of frequency (the same as the sarif summary command output).

Disaggregation and filename access

These fields and methods allow access to the underlying information about the SARIF files.

  • SarifFileSet.subdirs - a list of SarifFileSet objects corresponding to the subdirectories of the directory from which the SarifFileSet was created.
  • SarifFileSet.files - a list of SarifFile objects corresponding to the SARIF files contained in the directory from which the SarifFileSet was created.
  • SarifFile.get_abs_file_path() - get the absolute path to the SARIF file.
  • SarifFile.get_file_name() - get the name of the SARIF file.
  • SarifFile.get_file_name_without_extension() - get the name of the SARIF file without its extension. Useful for constructing derived filenames.
  • SarifFile.get_filename_timestamp() - extract the timestamp from the filename of a SARIF file, and return it as a string. The timestamp must be in the format specified in the sarif trend command.
  • SarifFile.runs - a list of SarifRun objects contained in the SARIF file. Most SARIF files only contain a single run, but it is possible to aggregate runs from multiple tools into a single SARIF file.

Suggested usage in CI pipelines

Using the --check option in combination with the summary command causes sarif-tools to exit with a nonzero exit code if there are any issues of the specified level, or higher. This can be useful to fail a continuous integration (CI) pipeline in the case of SAST violation.

The SARIF issue levels are error, warning and note. These are all valid options for the --check option.

E.g. to fail if there are any errors or warnings:

sarif --check warning summary c:\temp\sarif_files

The diff command can check for any increase in issues of the specified level or above, relative to a previous or baseline build.

E.g. to fail if there are any new issue codes at error level:

sarif --check error diff c:\temp\old_sarif_files c:\temp\sarif_files


sarif-tools was originally developed during the Microsoft Global Hackathon 2021 by Simon Abykov, Nick Brabbs, Anthony Hayward, Sivaji Kondapalli, Matt Parkes and Kathryn Pentland.

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