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Comments (15)

Damianb0 avatar Damianb0 commented on September 24, 2024

I have replaced the RS-TTL converter, but the logs look the same

[09:23:38][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[09:23:39][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"
[09:23:43][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIRI
[09:23:43][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
[09:23:43][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
[09:23:44][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(001.0 00.0 228.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 408 27.29 002 100 0504 0003 055.3 27.13 00000 10010110 00 04 00110 100\xE1k\r"
[09:23:48][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIGS
[09:23:48][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIRI\xF8T\r"
[09:23:48][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[09:23:49][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"
[09:23:53][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIRI
[09:23:53][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
[09:23:53][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
[09:23:54][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(001.0 00.0 228.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 407 27.24 002 100 0503 0003 055.3 27.12 00000 10010110 00 04 00107 100\x91T\r"

Is it possible that the ESP is corrupted and therefore not decoding the responses? Does the timeout mean that there is no complete response from the inverter after all?

from esphome-pipsolar.

Damianb0 avatar Damianb0 commented on September 24, 2024

I get this log when I replace the contents of the yaml file from esp8266-test-protocols.yaml

[14:28:10][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 50.0 0030 21.0 27.0 28.2 240040 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 27.0 0 0\xFC\xF2\r"
[14:28:17][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPI\r"
[14:28:17][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"
[14:28:19][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "^P003PI\r"
[14:28:19][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"
[14:28:21][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "^P005PIq\xC2\x8B\r"
[14:28:21][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"
[14:28:23][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPI\xC2\xBE\xC2\xAC\r"
[14:28:23][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"
[14:28:25][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QDIq\e\r"
[14:28:25][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 50.0 0030 21.0 27.0 28.2 240040 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 27.0 0 0\xFC\xF2\r"
[14:28:32][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPI\r"
[14:28:32][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"
[14:28:34][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "^P003PI\r"
[14:28:34][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"
[14:28:36][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "^P005PIq\xC2\x8B\r"
[14:28:36][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"
[14:28:38][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPI\xC2\xBE\xC2\xAC\r"
[14:28:38][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(NAKss\r"

Do I understand correctly that ESP should decode the inverter response and send it to the HA? If so, what's wrong with these logos? The inverter returns something wrong or maybe something is missing in the ESP?

I am asking for at least a hint.

from esphome-pipsolar.

syssi avatar syssi commented on September 24, 2024

The esp8266-test-protocols.yaml just sends requests/commands of different known protocols to your inverter and prints the responses to the log. This configuration should help you to identify the supported protocol(s) of you inverter.

  • Protocol PI16: >>> QPI your inverter did respond with NAK (no acknowledge)
  • Protocol PI17: >>> ^P003PI your inverter did respond with NAK (no acknowledge)
  • Protocol PI18: >>> ^P005PI your inverter did respond with NAK (no acknowledge)
  • Protocol PI30/PI30MAX/PI30REVO: >>> QPI your inverter did respond with NAK (no acknowledge)
  • Protocol PI41: >>> QDI your inverter did respond with (230.0 50.0 0030 21.0 27.0 28.2 240040 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 27.0 0 0\xFC\xF2\r

It looks like your inverter responds properly to the PI41 protocol which is supported by pipsolar. Please use this configuration example as next step:

And provide some additional debug output if it doesn't work out of the box. The component retrieves/requests periodically some data from the inverter and can publish the measurements a sensor values and controle entities via MQTT or using the native Home Assistant API.

from esphome-pipsolar.

Damianb0 avatar Damianb0 commented on September 24, 2024

Thank you for your response

I used the recommended sample configuration and my file now looks like this:

name: pipsolar

name: ${name}
platform: ESP8266
board: nodemcuv2

baud_rate: 0
hardware_uart: uart1

key: "6VJNXQQa3gGhiO/O3XonXFfUZKqMsqM8a+/xkWgGwQA="

password: "692e49e9f476ae52acae38ca7f629828"

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password

ssid: "Easun Fallback Hotspot"
password: "8ihPx3tkYiqB"

port: 80

id: uart0
baud_rate: 2400
tx_pin: GPIO1
rx_pin: GPIO3
direction: BOTH
dummy_receiver: true
delimiter: "\r"
- lambda: UARTDebug::log_string(direction, bytes);

uart_id: uart0
id: inverter0


  • platform: pipsolar
    pipsolar_id: inverter0
    name: "${name} grid_voltage"
    name: "${name} grid_frequency"
    name: "${name} ac_output_voltage"
    name: "${name} ac_output_frequency"
    name: "${name} ac_output_apparent_power"
    name: "${name} ac_output_active_power"
    name: "${name} output_load_percent"
    name: "${name} bus_voltage"
    name: "${name} battery_voltage"
    name: "${name} battery_charging_current"
    name: "${name} battery_capacity_percent"
    name: "${name} inverter_heat_sink_temperature"
    name: "${name} pv_input_current_for_battery"
    name: "${name} pv_input_voltage"
    name: "${name} battery_voltage_scc"
    name: "${name} battery_discharge_current"
    name: "${name} battery_voltage_offset_for_fans_on"
    name: "${name} pv_charging_power"


  • platform: pipsolar
    pipsolar_id: inverter0
    name: "${name} device_mode"


  • platform: pipsolar
    pipsolar_id: inverter0
    name: "${name} add_sbu_priority_version"
    name: "${name} configuration_status"
    name: "${name} load_status"
    name: "${name} battery_voltage_to_steady_while_charging"
    name: "${name} charging_status"
    name: "${name} scc_charging_status"
    name: "${name} ac_charging_status"
    name: "${name} charging_to_floating_mode"
    name: "${name} switch_on"
    name: "${name} silence_buzzer_open_buzzer"
    name: "${name} overload_bypass_function"
    name: "${name} lcd_escape_to_default"
    name: "${name} overload_restart_function"
    name: "${name} over_temperature_restart_function"


  • platform: pipsolar
    pipsolar_id: inverter0
    name: "${name} output_source_priority_utility"
    name: "${name} output_source_priority_solar"
    name: "${name} output_source_priority_battery"
    name: "${name} input_voltage_range"
    name: "${name} pv_ok_condition_for_parallel"
    name: "${name} pv_power_balance"


  • platform: pipsolar
    pipsolar_id: inverter0
    id: inverter0_battery_recharge_voltage_out

And the output log from ESP:

INFO Successfully connected to pipsolar.local
[17:05:25][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2022.10.1 compiled on Nov 10 2022, 15:29:34
[17:05:25][C][wifi:502]: WiFi:
[17:05:25][C][wifi:360]: Local MAC: C8:C9:A3:5C:85:0D
[17:05:25][C][wifi:361]: SSID: [redacted]
[17:05:25][C][wifi:362]: IP Address:
[17:05:25][C][wifi:363]: BSSID: [redacted]
[17:05:25][C][wifi:365]: Hostname: 'pipsolar'
[17:05:25][C][wifi:367]: Signal strength: -66 dB ▂▄▆█
[17:05:25][C][wifi:371]: Channel: 6
[17:05:25][C][wifi:372]: Subnet:
[17:05:25][C][wifi:373]: Gateway:
[17:05:25][C][wifi:374]: DNS1:
[17:05:25][C][wifi:375]: DNS2:
[17:05:25][C][logger:275]: Logger:
[17:05:25][C][logger:276]: Level: DEBUG
[17:05:25][C][logger:277]: Log Baud Rate: 0
[17:05:25][C][logger:278]: Hardware UART: UART1
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:102]: UART Bus:
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:103]: TX Pin: GPIO1
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:104]: RX Pin: GPIO3
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:106]: RX Buffer Size: 256
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:108]: Baud Rate: 2400 baud
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:109]: Data Bits: 8
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:110]: Parity: NONE
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:111]: Stop bits: 1
[17:05:25][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:113]: Using hardware serial interface.
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar:860]: Pipsolar:
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar:861]: used commands:
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar:864]: QPIGS
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar:864]: QMOD
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar:864]: QFLAG
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar:864]: QPIRI
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Pipsolar Switch 'pipsolar output_source_priority_utility'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Icon: 'mdi:power'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Pipsolar Switch 'pipsolar output_source_priority_solar'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Icon: 'mdi:power'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Pipsolar Switch 'pipsolar output_source_priority_battery'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Icon: 'mdi:power'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Pipsolar Switch 'pipsolar input_voltage_range'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Icon: 'mdi:power'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Pipsolar Switch 'pipsolar pv_ok_condition_for_parallel'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Icon: 'mdi:power'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Pipsolar Switch 'pipsolar pv_power_balance'
[17:05:25][C][pipsolar.switch:010]: Icon: 'mdi:power'
[17:05:25][C][web_server:125]: Web Server:
[17:05:25][C][web_server:126]: Address: pipsolar.local:80
[17:05:25][C][mdns:100]: mDNS:
[17:05:25][C][mdns:101]: Hostname: pipsolar
[17:05:25][C][ota:089]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[17:05:25][C][ota:090]: Address: pipsolar.local:8266
[17:05:25][C][ota:093]: Using Password.
[17:05:25][C][api:138]: API Server:
[17:05:25][C][api:139]: Address: pipsolar.local:6053
[17:05:25][C][api:141]: Using noise encryption: YES
[17:05:29][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QMOD
[17:05:29][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QFLAG\x98t\r"
[17:05:29][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QFLAG with length 5
[17:05:29][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(EauxzDbjkvy\xBF#\r"
[17:05:34][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QFLAG
[17:05:34][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIRI\xF8T\r"
[17:05:34][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[17:05:35][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"
[17:05:39][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIRI
[17:05:39][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
[17:05:39][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
[17:05:40][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(226.0 50.0 226.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 393 25.04 000 033 0625 0000 000.0 25.00 00000 10010000 00 04 00000 000\x17O\r"
[17:05:44][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIGS
[17:05:44][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QMODI\xC1\r"
[17:05:44][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QMOD with length 4
[17:05:44][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(L\x06\a\r"
[17:05:49][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QMOD
[17:05:49][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QFLAG\x98t\r"
[17:05:49][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QFLAG with length 5
[17:05:49][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(EauxzDbjkvy\xBF#\r"
[17:05:51][D][api:102]: Accepted
[17:05:51][W][api.connection:071]: Socket operation failed: CONNECTION_CLOSED errno=11
[17:05:54][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QFLAG
[17:05:54][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIRI\xF8T\r"
[17:05:54][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[17:05:55][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"
[17:05:59][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIRI
[17:05:59][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
[17:05:59][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
[17:06:00][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(227.0 50.0 227.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 393 25.04 000 033 0624 0000 000.0 25.00 00000 10010000 00 04 00000 000q"\r"
[17:06:04][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIGS
[17:06:04][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QMODI\xC1\r"
[17:06:04][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QMOD with length 4
[17:06:04][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(L\x06\a\r"
[17:06:09][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QMOD
[17:06:09][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QFLAG\x98t\r"
[17:06:09][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QFLAG with length 5
[17:06:09][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(EauxzDbjkvy\xBF#\r"
[17:06:14][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QFLAG
[17:06:14][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIRI\xF8T\r"
[17:06:14][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[17:06:15][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"

One new thing is api.connection errno=11. This was not exist before.
However, still nothing is returned to the HA. All entities with ESP are inaccessible


from esphome-pipsolar.

syssi avatar syssi commented on September 24, 2024

I will check the QPIGS response tomorrow. It looks a bit suspicious because of the minus sign. It's possible pipsolar doesn't support this kind of response ((230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0) because it's special in some advance.

from esphome-pipsolar.

Damianb0 avatar Damianb0 commented on September 24, 2024

Then there is some hope that it will start working. However, I wonder about the answer for QPIRI "(226.0 50.0 226.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 393 25.04 000 033 0625 0000 000.0 25.00 00000 10010000 00 04 00000 000\x17O\r" because there is no minus sign, and yet it also generates a timeout. It is true that I found documentation communication over the RS232 interface, but for InfiniSolar there is a different amount of data in the response. Thank you for your help, because I didn't know where to look for the reason why something was not working, which theoretically should.

from esphome-pipsolar.

Damianb0 avatar Damianb0 commented on September 24, 2024

If it turns out that this will not work, is it possible to add individual fields from the response as entities in HA one by one?

from esphome-pipsolar.

syssi avatar syssi commented on September 24, 2024

Do you have access to the protocol description of your inverter?

from esphome-pipsolar.

Damianb0 avatar Damianb0 commented on September 24, 2024

I will ask the seller. He sent me a link to his surveillance software a few days ago, but I can't access it

from esphome-pipsolar.

syssi avatar syssi commented on September 24, 2024

The important parts of the traffic capture above:

>>> "QPIRI\xF8T\r"
<<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"

>>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
<<< "(226.0 50.0 226.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 393 25.04 000 033 0625 0000 000.0 25.00 00000 10010000 00 04 00000 000\x17O\r"
<<< "(227.0 50.0 227.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 393 25.04 000 033 0624 0000 000.0 25.00 00000 10010000 00 04 00000 000q"\r"

>>> "QMODI\xC1\r"
<<< "(L\x06\a\r"

>>> "QFLAG\x98t\r"
<<< "(EauxzDbjkvy\xBF#\r"

from esphome-pipsolar.

syssi avatar syssi commented on September 24, 2024

Please set this line dummy_receiver: true to false. This should fix the timeout issues.

from esphome-pipsolar.

syssi avatar syssi commented on September 24, 2024

The protocol of your inverter is supported by the official pipsolar component of ESPHome. At the moment the dummy_receiver consumes the responses from the RX buffer and the pipsolar component is unable to receive/process the responses because they are stolen (by the dummy receiver).

from esphome-pipsolar.

Damianb0 avatar Damianb0 commented on September 24, 2024

It works! I am very grateful for your help. I didn't expect there could be a problem here, but I'm not very familiar with these protocols either. I think this will be a big tip for other users of these inverters with a similar problem.

[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar battery_capacity_percent': Sending state 69.00000 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar inverter_heat_sink_temperature': Sending state 657.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar pv_input_current_for_battery': Sending state 0.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar pv_input_voltage': Sending state 28.60000 V with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar battery_voltage_scc': Sending state 25.69000 V with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar battery_discharge_current': Sending state 0.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar battery_voltage_offset_for_fans_on': Sending state 0.00000 V with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:03][D][sensor:126]: 'pipsolar pv_charging_power': Sending state 0.00000 W with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:04][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QMODI\xC1\r"
[09:35:04][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QMOD with length 4
[09:35:04][D][sensor:126]: 'offgrid pv_output': Sending state 0.00000 W with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:04][D][sensor:126]: 'Total Daily Energy OFFGRID': Sending state 0.00000 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:04][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(L\x06\a\r"
[09:35:04][D][pipsolar:772]: checking crc on incoming message
[09:35:04][D][pipsolar:775]: CRC OK
[09:35:04][D][pipsolar:471]: Decode QMOD
[09:35:04][D][text_sensor:067]: 'pipsolar device_mode': Sending state 'L'
[09:35:05][D][sensor:126]: 'offgrid pv_output': Sending state 0.00000 W with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:05][D][sensor:126]: 'Total Daily Energy OFFGRID': Sending state 0.00000 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
[09:35:05][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QFLAG\x98t\r"
[09:35:05][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QFLAG with length 5
[09:35:05][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(EauxzDbjkvy\xBF#\r"

from esphome-pipsolar.

syssi avatar syssi commented on September 24, 2024

I just realized the debug instructions at the README are wrong. I've fixed the instructions and extended the yaml configuration examples to avoid such trouble in future.

from esphome-pipsolar.

sergeyshadow avatar sergeyshadow commented on September 24, 2024

I have replaced the RS-TTL converter, but the logs look the same

[09:23:38][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[09:23:39][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"
[09:23:43][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIRI
[09:23:43][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
[09:23:43][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
[09:23:44][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(001.0 00.0 228.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 408 27.29 002 100 0504 0003 055.3 27.13 00000 10010110 00 04 00110 100\xE1k\r"
[09:23:48][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIGS
[09:23:48][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIRI\xF8T\r"
[09:23:48][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[09:23:49][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 01.3 230.0 50.0 01.3 3000 2400 24.0 24.5 23.5 28.8 27.0 2 20 20 0 1 4 - 01 1 0 27.0 0 0\xAF\x10\r"
[09:23:53][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIRI
[09:23:53][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
[09:23:53][D][pipsolar:836]: Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
[09:23:54][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(001.0 00.0 228.0 50.0 0000 0000 000 407 27.24 002 100 0503 0003 055.3 27.12 00000 10010110 00 04 00107 100\x91T\r"

Is it possible that the ESP is corrupted and therefore not decoding the responses? Does the timeout mean that there is no complete response from the inverter after all?

I have a similar problem :(

[22:53:57][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIRI\xF8T\r"
[22:53:57][D][pipsolar:838]: Sending polling command : QPIRI with length 5
[22:53:57][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(230.0 47.8 230.0 50.0 47.8 11000 11000 48.0 46.0 44.0 56.8 55.7 2 010 150 0 2 2 9 01 0 0 54.0 0 1 480 0 000}<\r"
[22:53:57][D][pipsolar:772]: checking crc on incoming message
[22:53:57][D][pipsolar:782]: CRC NOK expected: 78 43 but got: 0 0
[22:53:58][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xB7\xA9\r"
[22:53:58][D][pipsolar:838]: Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
[22:53:58][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(235.4 49.9 235.4 49.9 00164 00055 001 422 53.70 010 095 0036 00.0 000.0 00.00 00000 00010101 00 00 00000 010\xED\x99\r"
[22:54:03][D][pipsolar:755]: timeout command to poll: QPIGS
[22:54:03][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QMODI\xC1\r"
[22:54:03][D][pipsolar:838]: Sending polling command : QMOD with length 4
[22:54:03][D][uart_debug:158]: <<< "(L\x06\a\r"

Apparently my inverter does not support pipsolar protocols?

`[22:45:51][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "^P003PI\r"
[22:45:53][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "^P005PIq\xC2\x8B\r"
[22:45:55][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPI\xC2\xBE\xC2\xAC\r"
[22:45:57][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QDIq\e\r"
[22:45:59][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIRI\xC3\xB8T\r"
[22:46:01][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPIGS\xC2\xB7\xC2\xA9\r"
[22:46:03][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QMODI\xC3\x81\r"
[22:46:05][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QFLAG\xC2\x98t\r"
[22:46:19][D][uart_debug:158]: >>> "QPI\r"`

from esphome-pipsolar.

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