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larix's Issues

openBrowser option not working

After frontend code build, open browser not working anymore in the latest release.

zen.js config

const config = {
    builders: {
        web: {
            entry: './src/index.tsx',
            output: {
                chunkFilename: '[name].bundle.js',
            stack: ['web', 'react'],
            tsLoaderOptions: {
                configFileName: "./tsconfig.json"
            webpackDevPort: 3000,
            openBrowser: true,
            defines: {
                __CLIENT__: true,
            test: {
                role: ['build', 'watch']
            htmlTemplate: "../../tools/html-plugin-template.ejs",
            // Wait for backend to start prior to letting webpack load frontend page
            waitOn: ['tcp:localhost:8080'],
            enabled: true,
            webpackConfig: {
                plugins: [
                    new LodashModuleReplacementPlugin
                // for additional webpack configuration.
                resolve: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
                    ? {
                        alias: {
                            'react-dom': '@hot-loader/react-dom'
                    : {},
        server: {
            entry: './src/backend/app.ts',
            stack: ['server'],
            tsLoaderOptions: {
                configFileName: "./tsconfig.json"
            defines: {
                __SERVER__: true,
            enabled: false,
            webpackConfig: {
                output: {
                    filename: 'main.js',
                plugins: [
                    new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
                        from: '../../tools/esm-wrapper.js',
                        to: 'index.js',
                    new LodashModuleReplacementPlugin
                externals: [
                    nodeExternals({ whitelist: [/webpack\/hot/i, /babel-polyfill/], modulesDir: "../../node_modules" })
        test: {
            stack: ['server'],
            roles: ['test'],
            defines: {
                __TEST__: true
    options: {
        stack: [
        cache: '../../.cache',
        backendBuildDir: "dist",
        frontendBuildDir: "dist",
        dllBuildDir: "dist/.build/dll",
        ssr: false,
        backendUrl: "http://localhost:8080",
        webpackDll: true,
        reactHotLoader: true,
        useDefaultPostCss: true,
        persistGraphQL: false,
        frontendRefreshOnBackendChange: true,
        nodeDebugger: false,
        overridesConfig: "./tools/webpackAppConfig.js",
        plugins: [
            new Dotenv({
                path: process.env.ENV_FILE
        defines: {
            __DEV__: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
            __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',

webpack config

en debug Zen Config:
 { '[web]':
   { entry: './src/index.tsx',
     output: { chunkFilename: '[name].bundle.js' },
      Stack {
        technologies: [ 'apollo', 'ts', 'react', 'webpack', 'css', 'web' ],
        platform: 'web' },
     tsLoaderOptions: { configFileName: './tsconfig.json' },
     webpackDevPort: 3000,
     openBrowser: true,
      { __DEV__: true,
        __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
        __SSR__: false,
        __PERSIST_GQL__: '\'false\'',
        __FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist\'',
        __DLL_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist/.build/dll\'',
        __DEBUGGING__: '\'false\'',
        __CLIENT__: true },
     test: { role: [ 'build', 'watch' ] },
     htmlTemplate: '../../tools/html-plugin-template.ejs',
     waitOn: [ 'tcp:localhost:8080' ],
     enabled: true,
      { plugins:
         [ DefinePlugin {
              { 'process.env.NATS_URL': '"nats://localhost:4222/"',
                'process.env.NATS_USER': '"test"',
                'process.env.NATS_PW': '"test"',
                'process.env.GRAPHQL_URL': '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
                'process.env.CLIENT_URL': '"http://localhost:3000"',
                'process.env.ZIPKIN_URL': '"test"',
                'process.env.ZIPKIN_PORT': '"test"',
                'process.env.LOG_LEVEL': '"trace"' } },
           DefinePlugin {
              { __ENV__:
                 '{"NATS_URL":"nats://localhost:4222/","NATS_USER":"test","NATS_PW":"test","GRAPHQL_URL":"http://localhost:8080/graphql","CLIENT_URL":"http://localhost:3000","ZIPKIN_URL":"test","ZIPKIN_PORT":"test","LOG_LEVEL":"trace"}' } } ] },
     name: 'web',
      { [Function: require]
        resolve: [Function],
        probe: [Function],
         '/Users/projects/fullstack-pro/servers/frontend-server' },
      [ WebpackPlugin {},
        WebAssetsPlugin {},
        CssProcessorPlugin {},
        ApolloPlugin {},
        TypeScriptPlugin {},
        BabelPlugin {},
        ReactPlugin {},
        TCombPlugin {},
        FlowRuntimePLugin {},
        ReactNativePlugin {},
        ReactNativeWebPlugin {},
        StyledComponentsPlugin {},
        AngularPlugin {},
        VuePlugin {},
        I18NextPlugin {},
        VuePlugin {},
        ReactHotLoaderPlugin {} ],
     roles: [ 'build', 'watch' ],
     cache: '../../.cache',
     backendBuildDir: 'dist',
     frontendBuildDir: 'dist',
     dllBuildDir: 'dist/.build/dll',
     ssr: false,
     backendUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
     webpackDll: true,
     reactHotLoader: true,
     useDefaultPostCss: true,
     persistGraphQL: false,
     frontendRefreshOnBackendChange: true,
     nodeDebugger: false,
     overridesConfig: './tools/webpackAppConfig.js',
     devProxy: false,
     id: '[web]',
     buildDir: undefined,
     sourceMap: true,
     minify: true },
   { entry: './src/backend/app.ts',
      Stack {
        technologies: [ 'apollo', 'ts', 'react', 'webpack', 'css', 'server' ],
        platform: 'server' },
     tsLoaderOptions: { configFileName: './tsconfig.json' },
      { __DEV__: true,
        __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
        __SSR__: false,
        __PERSIST_GQL__: '\'false\'',
        __FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist\'',
        __DLL_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist/.build/dll\'',
        __DEBUGGING__: '\'false\'',
        __SERVER__: true },
     enabled: false,
      { output: { filename: 'main.js' },
         [ CopyPlugin {
             patterns: [ { from: '../../tools/esm-wrapper.js', to: 'index.js' } ],
             options: {} },
           LodashModuleReplacementPlugin {
             matches: [],
             options: {},
              [ [ '_baseIndexOf', '_strictIndexOf' ],
                [ '_cacheHas', '_arrayIncludes' ],
                [ '_createSet', 'noop' ],
                [ '_MapCache', '_ListCache' ],
                [ '_SetCache', 'castArray' ],
                [ '_Stack', '_ListCache' ],
                [ '_getFuncName', 'stubString' ],
                [ '_isLaziable', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ '_LodashWrapper', 'noop' ],
                [ '_baseClone', 'identity' ],
                [ '_baseToNumber', 'identity' ],
                [ '_baseToString', 'identity' ],
                [ '_toKey', 'identity' ],
                [ 'toFinite', 'identity' ],
                [ 'toInteger', 'identity' ],
                [ 'toLength', 'identity' ],
                [ 'toNumber', 'identity' ],
                [ 'toString', 'identity' ],
                [ '_baseAggregator', '_arrayAggregator' ],
                [ '_baseFilter', '_arrayFilter' ],
                [ '_baseMap', '_arrayMap' ],
                [ 'each', '_arrayEach' ],
                [ 'eachRight', '_arrayEachRight' ],
                [ 'every', '_arrayEvery' ],
                [ 'filter', '_arrayFilter' ],
                [ 'forEach', '_arrayEach' ],
                [ 'forEachRight', '_arrayEachRight' ],
                [ 'includes', '_arrayIncludes' ],
                [ 'map', '_arrayMap' ],
                [ 'reduce', '_arrayReduce' ],
                [ 'reduceRight', '_arrayReduceRight' ],
                [ 'sample', '_arraySample' ],
                [ 'sampleSize', '_arraySampleSize' ],
                [ 'shuffle', '_arrayShuffle' ],
                [ 'some', '_arraySome' ],
                [ '_createWrap', '_createPartial' ],
                [ 'unary', '_baseUnary' ],
                [ 'deburr', 'identity' ],
                [ '_baseGetTag', '_objectToString' ],
                [ '_equalByTag', 'eq' ],
                [ '_getAllKeys', '_nativeKeys' ],
                [ '_getAllKeysIn', '_nativeKeysIn' ],
                [ '_getSymbols', 'stubArray' ],
                [ '_getSymbolsIn', 'stubArray' ],
                [ '_getTag', '_objectToString' ],
                [ '_initCloneByTag', 'identity' ],
                [ '_mapToArray', 'stubArray' ],
                [ '_setToArray', 'stubArray' ],
                [ '_setToPairs', 'stubArray' ],
                [ 'isArguments', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ 'isArrayBuffer', 'baseIsArrayBuffer' ],
                [ 'isBuffer', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ 'isDate', 'baseIsDate' ],
                [ 'isMap', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ 'isRegExp', 'baseIsRegExp' ],
                [ 'isSet', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ 'isSymbol', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ 'isTypedArray', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ '_baseFlatten', 'head' ],
                [ '_flatRest', 'identity' ],
                [ '_getNative', '_getValue' ],
                [ '_getRawTag', '_objectToString' ],
                [ '_isIterateeCall', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ '_isPrototype', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ '_baseKeys', '_nativeKeys' ],
                [ '_baseKeysIn', '_nativeKeysIn' ],
                [ '_castFunction', 'identity' ],
                [ '_castRest', 'identity' ],
                [ '_shortOut', 'identity' ],
                [ 'isNaN', 'baseIsNaN' ],
                [ 'isNative', 'stubTrue' ],
                [ 'keys', '_nativeKeys' ],
                [ 'keysIn', '_nativeKeysIn' ],
                [ 'times', '_baseTimes' ],
                [ '_memoizeCapped', 'identity' ],
                [ 'memoize', 'identity' ],
                [ '_baseSetData', 'identity' ],
                [ '_getData', 'noop' ],
                [ '_mergeData', 'identity' ],
                [ '_setData', 'identity' ],
                [ '_setToString', 'identity' ],
                [ '_setWrapToString', 'identity' ],
                [ '_baseGet', '_getValue' ],
                [ '_castPath', 'castArray' ],
                [ '_isKey', 'identity' ],
                [ '_parent', 'identity' ],
                [ 'has', '_baseHas' ],
                [ 'hasIn', '_baseHasIn' ],
                [ 'property', '_baseProperty' ],
                [ 'propertyOf', '_basePropertyOf' ],
                [ '_getHolder', 'noop' ],
                [ '_replaceHolders', 'stubArray' ],
                [ '_baseIteratee', 'identity' ],
                [ '_hasUnicode', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ '_hasUnicodeWord', 'stubFalse' ],
                [ '_unicodeSize', '_asciiSize' ],
                [ '_unicodeToArray', '_asciiToArray' ],
                [ '_unicodeWords', '_asciiWords' ],
                [ 'stringSize', '_asciiSize' ],
                [ 'stringToArray', '_asciiToArray' ] ],
             resolve: [Function: bound resolve] } ],
        externals: [ [Function], [Function] ] },
     name: 'server',
      { [Function: require]
        resolve: [Function],
        probe: [Function],
         '/Users/projects/fullstack-pro/servers/frontend-server' },
      [ WebpackPlugin {},
        WebAssetsPlugin {},
        CssProcessorPlugin {},
        ApolloPlugin {},
        TypeScriptPlugin {},
        BabelPlugin {},
        ReactPlugin {},
        TCombPlugin {},
        FlowRuntimePLugin {},
        ReactNativePlugin {},
        ReactNativeWebPlugin {},
        StyledComponentsPlugin {},
        AngularPlugin {},
        VuePlugin {},
        I18NextPlugin {},
        VuePlugin {},
        ReactHotLoaderPlugin {} ],
     roles: [ 'build', 'watch' ],
     cache: '../../.cache',
     backendBuildDir: 'dist',
     frontendBuildDir: 'dist',
     dllBuildDir: 'dist/.build/dll',
     ssr: false,
     backendUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
     webpackDll: true,
     reactHotLoader: true,
     useDefaultPostCss: true,
     persistGraphQL: false,
     frontendRefreshOnBackendChange: true,
     nodeDebugger: false,
     overridesConfig: './tools/webpackAppConfig.js',
     devProxy: false,
     id: '[server]',
     buildDir: undefined,
     sourceMap: true,
     minify: true },
   { stack:
      Stack {
        technologies: [ 'apollo', 'ts', 'react', 'webpack', 'css', 'server' ],
        platform: 'server' },
     roles: [ 'test' ],
      { __DEV__: true,
        __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
        __SSR__: false,
        __PERSIST_GQL__: '\'false\'',
        __FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist\'',
        __DLL_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist/.build/dll\'',
        __DEBUGGING__: '\'false\'',
        __TEST__: true },
     name: 'test',
      { [Function: require]
        resolve: [Function],
        probe: [Function],
         '/Users/projects/fullstack-pro/servers/frontend-server' },
      [ WebpackPlugin {},
        WebAssetsPlugin {},
        CssProcessorPlugin {},
        ApolloPlugin {},
        TypeScriptPlugin {},
        BabelPlugin {},
        ReactPlugin {},
        TCombPlugin {},
        FlowRuntimePLugin {},
        ReactNativePlugin {},
        ReactNativeWebPlugin {},
        StyledComponentsPlugin {},
        AngularPlugin {},
        VuePlugin {},
        I18NextPlugin {},
        VuePlugin {},
        ReactHotLoaderPlugin {} ],
     cache: '../../.cache',
     backendBuildDir: 'dist',
     frontendBuildDir: 'dist',
     dllBuildDir: 'dist/.build/dll',
     ssr: false,
     backendUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
     webpackDll: true,
     reactHotLoader: true,
     useDefaultPostCss: true,
     persistGraphQL: false,
     frontendRefreshOnBackendChange: true,
     nodeDebugger: false,
     overridesConfig: './tools/webpackAppConfig.js',
     devProxy: false,
     id: '[test]',
     buildDir: undefined,
     sourceMap: true,
     minify: true } }
zen info Version 0.1.34
zen debug [webDll] =  { name: 'webDll',
   { rules:
      [ { test: /\.mjs$/,
          include: /node_modules/,
          type: 'javascript/auto' },
        { test: /\.css$/,
          exclude: [Function: exclude],
           [ { loader: 'style-loader', options: {} },
             { loader: 'css-loader',
               options: { sourceMap: true, importLoaders: 1 } },
             { loader: 'postcss-loader',
               options: { plugins: [Function: plugins], sourceMap: true } } ] },
        { test: /\.css$/,
          exclude: [Function: exclude],
           [ { loader: 'style-loader', options: {} },
             { loader: 'css-loader',
               options: { sourceMap: true, importLoaders: 1 } } ] },
        { test: /\.ts$/,
          exclude: [Function: exclude],
           [ { loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader',
               options: { configFileName: './tsconfig.json', useCache: true } } ] } ] },
   { symlinks: false,
     cacheWithContext: false,
     extensions: [ '.mjs', '.js', '.ts', '.json' ] },
  watchOptions: { ignored: /(?:)/ },
  bail: true,
   { hash: false,
     version: false,
     timings: true,
     assets: false,
     chunks: false,
     modules: false,
     reasons: false,
     children: false,
     source: true,
     errors: true,
     errorDetails: true,
     warnings: true,
     publicPath: false,
     colors: true },
   { devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: [Function],
     pathinfo: false,
     filename: 'vendor_sampleStackFrontendServerWeb_[hash]_dll.js',
     library: 'vendor_sampleStackFrontendServerWeb' },
  devtool: '#cheap-module-source-map',
  mode: 'development',
  performance: { hints: false },
   [ DefinePlugin {
        { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"development"',
          __BACKEND_URL__: '\'http://localhost:8080\'',
          __DEV__: true,
          __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
          __SSR__: false,
          __PERSIST_GQL__: '\'false\'',
          __FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist\'',
          __DLL_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist/.build/dll\'',
          __DEBUGGING__: '\'false\'',
          __CLIENT__: true } },
     DllPlugin {
        { name: 'vendor_sampleStackFrontendServerWeb',
           'dist/.build/dll/vendor_sampleStackFrontendServerWeb_dll.json' } },
     CheckerPlugin {},
     DefinePlugin {
        { 'process.env.NATS_URL': '"nats://localhost:4222/"',
          'process.env.NATS_USER': '"test"',
          'process.env.NATS_PW': '"test"',
          'process.env.GRAPHQL_URL': '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
          'process.env.CLIENT_URL': '"http://localhost:3000"',
          'process.env.ZIPKIN_URL': '"test"',
          'process.env.ZIPKIN_PORT': '"test"',
          'process.env.LOG_LEVEL': '"trace"' } },
     DefinePlugin {
        { __ENV__:
           '{"NATS_URL":"nats://localhost:4222/","NATS_USER":"test","NATS_PW":"test","GRAPHQL_URL":"http://localhost:8080/graphql","CLIENT_URL":"http://localhost:3000","ZIPKIN_URL":"test","ZIPKIN_PORT":"test","LOG_LEVEL":"trace"}' } } ],
   { __dirname: true,
     __filename: true,
     fs: 'empty',
     net: 'empty',
     tls: 'empty' },
   { removeAvailableModules: false,
     removeEmptyChunks: false,
     splitChunks: false },
   { vendor:
      [ '@cdm-logger/client',
        'webpack-dev-server/client' ] } }
zen debug [web] =  { entry:
   { index:
      [ 'raf/polyfill',
        './src/index.tsx' ] },
  name: 'web',
   { rules:
      [ { test: /\.mjs$/,
          include: /node_modules/,
          type: 'javascript/auto' },
        { test: /\.(png|ico|jpg|gif|xml)$/,
           { loader: 'url-loader',
             options: { name: '[hash].[ext]', limit: 100000 } } },
        { test: /\.woff(2)?(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/,
           { loader: 'url-loader',
             options: { name: '[hash].[ext]', limit: 100000 } } },
        { test: /\.(otf|ttf|eot|svg)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/,
          use: { loader: 'file-loader', options: { name: '[hash].[ext]' } } },
        { test: /\.css$/,
          exclude: [Function: exclude],
           [ { loader: 'style-loader', options: {} },
             { loader: 'css-loader',
               options: { sourceMap: true, importLoaders: 1 } },
             { loader: 'postcss-loader',
               options: { plugins: [Function: plugins], sourceMap: true } } ] },
        { test: /\.css$/,
          exclude: [Function: exclude],
           [ { loader: 'style-loader', options: {} },
             { loader: 'css-loader',
               options: { sourceMap: true, importLoaders: 1 } } ] },
        { test: /\.graphqls/,
          use: { loader: 'raw-loader', options: {} } },
        { test: /\.(graphql|gql)$/,
          use: [ { loader: 'graphql-tag/loader', options: {} } ] },
        { test: /\.tsx?$/,
          exclude: [Function: exclude],
           [ { loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader',
               options: { configFileName: './tsconfig.json', useCache: true } } ] } ],
     unsafeCache: false },
   { symlinks: false,
     cacheWithContext: false,
     unsafeCache: false,
      [ '.web.mjs',
        '.json' ] },
  watchOptions: { ignored: /(?:)/ },
  bail: false,
   { hash: false,
     version: false,
     timings: true,
     assets: false,
     chunks: false,
     modules: false,
     reasons: false,
     children: false,
     source: true,
     errors: true,
     errorDetails: true,
     warnings: true,
     publicPath: false,
     colors: true },
   { devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: [Function],
     pathinfo: false,
     filename: '[name].[hash].js',
     chunkFilename: '[name].[chunkhash].js',
     publicPath: '/' },
  devtool: '#cheap-module-source-map',
  mode: 'development',
  performance: { hints: false },
   [ HotModuleReplacementPlugin {
       options: {},
       multiStep: undefined,
       fullBuildTimeout: 200,
       requestTimeout: 10000 },
     DefinePlugin {
        { __CLIENT__: true,
          __SERVER__: false,
          __SSR__: false,
          __DEV__: true,
          __TEST__: false,
          'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"development"',
          __BACKEND_URL__: '\'http://localhost:8080\'',
          __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
          __PERSIST_GQL__: '\'false\'',
          __FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist\'',
          __DLL_BUILD_DIR__: '\'dist/.build/dll\'',
          __DEBUGGING__: '\'false\'' } },
     ManifestPlugin {
        { publicPath: null,
          basePath: '',
          fileName: 'assets.json',
          transformExtensions: /^(gz|map)$/i,
          writeToFileEmit: false,
          seed: null,
          filter: null,
          map: null,
          generate: null,
          sort: null,
          serialize: [Function: serialize] } },
     HtmlWebpackPlugin {
        { template: '../../tools/html-plugin-template.ejs',
          templateParameters: [Function: templateParametersGenerator],
          filename: 'index.html',
          hash: false,
          inject: 'body',
          compile: true,
          favicon: false,
          minify: false,
          cache: true,
          showErrors: true,
          chunks: 'all',
          excludeChunks: [],
          chunksSortMode: 'auto',
          meta: {},
          title: 'Webpack App',
          xhtml: false } },
     DefinePlugin { definitions: { __PERSIST_GQL__: false } },
     VirtualModulesPlugin {
        { '/Users/projects/fullstack-pro/servers/frontend-server/node_modules/persisted_queries.json': '{}' } },
     CheckerPlugin {},
     DefinePlugin {
        { 'process.env.NATS_URL': '"nats://localhost:4222/"',
          'process.env.NATS_USER': '"test"',
          'process.env.NATS_PW': '"test"',
          'process.env.GRAPHQL_URL': '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',
          'process.env.CLIENT_URL': '"http://localhost:3000"',
          'process.env.ZIPKIN_URL': '"test"',
          'process.env.ZIPKIN_PORT': '"test"',
          'process.env.LOG_LEVEL': '"trace"' } },
     DefinePlugin {
        { __ENV__:
           '{"NATS_URL":"nats://localhost:4222/","NATS_USER":"test","NATS_PW":"test","GRAPHQL_URL":"http://localhost:8080/graphql","CLIENT_URL":"http://localhost:3000","ZIPKIN_URL":"test","ZIPKIN_PORT":"test","LOG_LEVEL":"trace"}' } } ],
   { __dirname: true,
     __filename: true,
     fs: 'empty',
     net: 'empty',
     tls: 'empty' },
   { removeAvailableModules: false,
     removeEmptyChunks: false,
     splitChunks: false },
   { hot: true,
     publicPath: '/',
     headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' },
     open: true,
     quiet: false,
     noInfo: true,
     historyApiFallback: true,
     port: 3000 } }

[zen]Error: Cannot find module '../../../.pnp.js'

Getting the following error with the latest version. Seems to be a build or npm packaging issue.

> zen  watch

    throw err;
Error: Cannot find module '../../../.pnp.js'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:508:25)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:637:17)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:22:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users//fullstack-pro/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/boot-dev.js:1:63)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:701:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:712:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:600:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:539:12)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:531:3)

when build fails, it throws error but process do not exit

When a build fails especially on frontend, we see it throws an error but process don't exit. Due to it the build just hangs instead of exiting.

server-webpack error ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'apollo-link-scalar' in '/Users/fullstack-pro/servers/frontend-server/src/modules'
    at factory.create (/Users/fullstack-pro/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:925:10)

The fix I have found that work is by replacing this line with process.exit(1). Let me know if you want me to send PR.

latest version fails

After the recent PR we getting following errors

Error: Cannot find module '../../../.pnp.js'
Require stack:
- /Users/common/fullstack-pro/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/boot-dev.js
- /Users/common/fullstack-pro/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/boot-cli-dev.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:815:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:667:27)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:887:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/veeramarni/common/fullstack-pro/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/boot-dev.js:1:1)

found issue with latest clean-webpack-plugin

With the latest clean-webpack-plugin v3, we get the following error. I will create a PR shortly.

zen error TypeError: CleanWebpackPlugin is not a constructor
    at createPlugins (/Users/projects/IDE/fullstack-pro/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/plugins/WebpackPlugin.ts:75:30)

False positive?

My stack has 'webpack' in it, but errors out saying it doesn't.

zen error Error: builder 'web' stack does not include 'webpack'. Consider let zen guess your stack by removing 'stack' propery.

const config = {
  builders: {
    server: {
      stack: ['server', 'webpack', 'es5', 'js', 'ts', 'apollo', 'react'],
      openBrowser: true,
      entry: './src/index.ts'
  options: {
    ssr: true,
    webpackDll: true,
    reactHotLoader: true,
    webpackConfig: {
      devServer: {
        disableHostCheck: true

module.exports = config

Cannot read property 'vendor' of undefined

I cannot seem to get .zenrc.js to work. It works great without it, but I need to do some customization, I can't get past this. It's probably something simple, but I figured I'd ask at the risk of looking like a dummy. Thanks a lot for any help. Zen is awesome.

Basic config within web package.

const config = {
  builders: {
    web: {
      stack: ['web'],
      openBrowser: true
  options: {
    ssr: true,
    webpackDll: true,
    reactHotLoader: true,
    webpackConfig: {
      devServer: {
        disableHostCheck: true

module.exports = config


Awesome-typescript-loader breaks

ts-loader works fine, but I wanted to move to awesome-typescript-loader as from what I've read it does paths better??? Anyways, I get this now. Lots of stuff in Google on this, but so far no luck. I removed ts-loader from manifest to possibly stop conflicts, but no luck there either. :)

$ zen watch -v
TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentCompilation' of undefined
    at Object.getRootCompiler (Q:\PROJECTS\NOWSECURE\distillery\node_modules\awesome-typescript-loader\src\instance.ts:71:15)

Support different CleanWebpackPlugin versions

API changed with CleanWebpackPlugin v2 and v3.

Zen afaik doesn't detect versions and uses only v1 API.

Using Zen 0.1.30 with CleanWebpackPlugin 2.0.2 throws:

zen error Error: clean-webpack-plugin only accepts an options object. See:
    at new CleanWebpackPlugin (.\my-project\node_modules\clean-webpack-plugin\src\clean-webpack-plugin.ts:79:19)
    at createPlugins (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\plugins\WebpackPlugin.ts:74:30)
    at createConfig (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\plugins\WebpackPlugin.ts:294:19)
    at WebpackPlugin.configure (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\plugins\WebpackPlugin.ts:552:50)
    at .\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\createBuilders.ts:146:62
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at _loop_2 (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\createBuilders.ts:146:21)
    at Object.createBuilders [as default] (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\lib\createBuilders.js:154:9)
    at Object.<anonymous> (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\cli.ts:50:30)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:777:30)

Using Zen 0.1.30 with CleanWebpackPlugin 3.0.0 throws:

zen error TypeError: CleanWebpackPlugin is not a constructor
    at createPlugins (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\plugins\WebpackPlugin.ts:74:30)
    at createConfig (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\plugins\WebpackPlugin.ts:294:19)
    at WebpackPlugin.configure (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\plugins\WebpackPlugin.ts:552:50)
    at .\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\createBuilders.ts:146:62
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at _loop_2 (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\createBuilders.ts:146:21)
    at Object.createBuilders [as default] (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\lib\createBuilders.js:154:9)
    at Object.<anonymous> (.\my-project\node_modules\@larix\zen\src\cli.ts:50:30)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:777:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:788:10)

Functionality to ignore folders for BuilderDiscoverer / bug report

BuilderDiscoverer seems to scan all directories recursively. There should be a functionality to ignore certain folders, as there might be:

  • a huge number of files, causing performance issues
  • or, in my case, a permisions issue:
> zen start

zen error Error: EACCES: permission denied, scandir '/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/docker/local-nextcloud/db/mysql'
    at Object.readdirSync (fs.js:955:3)
    at BuilderDiscoverer._discoverRecursively (/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/BuilderDiscoverer.ts:40:22)
    at BuilderDiscoverer._discoverRecursively (/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/BuilderDiscoverer.ts:44:43)
    at BuilderDiscoverer._discoverRecursively (/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/BuilderDiscoverer.ts:44:43)
    at BuilderDiscoverer._discoverRecursively (/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/BuilderDiscoverer.ts:44:43)
    at BuilderDiscoverer._discoverRecursively (/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/BuilderDiscoverer.ts:44:43)
    at /home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/BuilderDiscoverer.ts:25:32
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at (/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/BuilderDiscoverer.ts:24:29)
    at Object.createBuilders [as default] (/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/node_modules/@larix/zen/src/createBuilders.ts:82:44) {
  errno: -13,
  syscall: 'scandir',
  code: 'EACCES',
  path: '/home/manu/stuff/our-board/backend/docker/local-nextcloud/db/mysql'

zen install raf and babel/polyfill

For serverside, we getting the below following unwanted packages. How can we skip it?

zen debug [server] =  { entry:
   { index:
      [ 'raf/polyfill',
        './src/index.ts' ] },
  name: 'server',

And this is our configuraiton for server

const config = {
    builders: {
        server: {
            entry: './src/index.ts',
            stack: ['server'],
            tsLoaderOptions: {
                "configFileName": "./tsconfig.json"
            defines: {
                __SERVER__: true
            enabled: true,
            webpackConfig: {
                output: {
                    filename: 'main.js',
                plugins: [
                    new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
                        from: '../../tools/esm-wrapper.js',
                        to: 'index.js',
                externals: [
                    nodeExternals({ whitelist: [/webpack\/hot/i], modulesDir: "../../node_modules" })
        test: {
            stack: ['server'],
            roles: ['test'],
            defines: {
                __TEST__: true
    options: {
        stack: [
        cache: '../../.cache',
        ssr: false,
        backendBuildDir: "dist",
        frontendBuildDir: "dist",
        dllBuildDir: "dist/.build/dll",
        webpackDll: false,
        reactHotLoader: false,
        persistGraphQL: false,
        backendUrl: "http://{ip}:8080",
        frontendRefreshOnBackendChange: true,
        nodeDebugger: false,
        defines: {
            __DEV__: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
            __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',


zen generated `web` stack as well even we don't list in the stack

We seeing this issue with latest version 0.1.32. I have uploaded the log.

Script used

const url = require('url');
const path = require('path');
var nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

const config = {
    builders: {
        server: {
            entry: './src/index.ts',
            stack: ['server'],
            tsLoaderOptions: {
                "configFileName": "./tsconfig.json"
            defines: {
                __SERVER__: true
            enabled: true,
            webpackConfig: {
                output: {
                    filename: 'main.js',
                plugins: [
                    new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
                        from: '../../tools/esm-wrapper.js',
                        to: 'index.js',
                externals: [
                    nodeExternals({ whitelist: [/webpack\/hot/i], modulesDir: "../../node_modules" })
        test: {
            stack: ['server'],
            roles: ['test'],
            defines: {
                __TEST__: true
    options: {
        stack: [
        cache: '../../.cache',
        ssr: false,
        backendBuildDir: "dist",
        frontendBuildDir: "dist",
        dllBuildDir: "dist/.build/dll",
        webpackDll: false,
        persistGraphQL: false,
        backendUrl: "http://{ip}:8080",
        frontendRefreshOnBackendChange: true,
        nodeDebugger: false,
        defines: {
            __DEV__: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
            __GRAPHQL_URL__: '"http://localhost:8080/graphql"',


config.options.devProxy = config.options.ssr;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
    // Generating source maps for production will slowdown compilation for roughly 25%
    config.options.sourceMap = false;

const extraDefines = {
    __SSR__: config.options.ssr,
    __PERSIST_GQL__: config.options.persistGraphQL,
    __FRONTEND_BUILD_DIR__: `"../frontend-server/dist/web"`,
    __DLL_BUILD_DIR__: `"../frontend-server/dist/build/dll"`

config.options.defines = Object.assign(config.options.defines, extraDefines);

module.exports = config;

latest webpack and webpack-dev-server causing to load the webpack-dev-server package twice

Webpack-dev-server is getting loaded twice when using the latest webpack and webpack-dev-server.

"webpack version": "4.41.2"
"webpack-dev-server": "3.9.0"

From the browser console .log

index.2f5ee125b2932ecc10fc.js:145885 [WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled.
index.2f5ee125b2932ecc10fc.js:145889 [WDS] Live Reloading enabled.
index.2f5ee125b2932ecc10fc.js:146069 [WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled.
index.2f5ee125b2932ecc10fc.js:146073 [WDS] Live Reloading enabled.

From the browser console, we see

module.exports = __webpack_require__("./src/index.tsx")

After investigating the issue, I found out that zen adds the following in dev environment which is also been added from webpack-dev-server from the latest version.

debug [web] =  { entry:
   { index:
      [ 'raf/polyfill',
        './src/index.tsx' ] },
  name: 'web',
Can this be corrected for version greater than >3.1?


                    index: ( ? ['webpack/hot/dev-server', "webpack-dev-server/client?" + webpackDevURL + "/"] : []).concat([
                        builder.entry || './src/client/index.js'


        if(webpackDevServerVersion >  3.1) {
                      index: ([
                        builder.entry || './src/client/index.js'
  } else  {

                    index: ( ? ['webpack/hot/dev-server', "webpack-dev-server/client?" + webpackDevURL + "/"] : []).concat([
                        builder.entry || './src/client/index.js'

I cannot figure out how to create aliases with Zen & Typescript

Is it possible to build a config for a TS project that uses path aliases? I'd like to alias package paths in a monorepo. I can't seem to get this to work after spending days trying everything I can think of. All I could think of was to open an issue, maybe someone can recommend something? Thank you.

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