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synedit's Issues

Interested in working with SynEdit

However, it appears the most current version is up on sourceforge because there is an XE5 project there, and not one here in GitHub. What is the roadmap of this project? Has it been fully migrated over to github? I tried the sourceforge version and could not get some of the demos to compile. Thanks.

Border flickers

The border flickers while scolling or resizing.


  • create a new VCL application
  • place TSynEdit on the main form and set Align to alClient
  • run
  • keep resizing the form

Expected: no flicker
Actual: the border around the edit flickers

This issue can be fixed by adding WS_EX_COMPOSITE to ExStyle in TCustomSynEdit.CreateParams if the OS is XP or higher. I will prepare a pull request unless anyone else is faster.

LineModifications: marked as saved is never reset to Modified

When modified lines are marked as saved, they'll never switch to modified again when modifying prevously saved lines. In my case, they stay green.

The issue seems to be the Flags-Field. It can contain both Modified and Saved. When a line is set to modified, sfModified is included. but sfSaved might still be present

SynEdit Invisible at Designtime in XE

Just downloaded the current version and installed it into my XE and opened an existing project where i use SynEdit. Compiles and runs fine. However at designtime after the first click on the SynEdit, it becomes invisible and is only visible when i drag the SynEdit across the form.

I don't know but maybe this has something to do with the Paintlock?

Support for Delphinus Packagemanager

As it seems that this is an official fork of Synedit, i'd like to ask if you are interested in adding support for my Delphinus Packagemanager. It runs from within the IDE like GetIt but works from Delphi XE and up. Delphinus already includes some well known packages like Mormot, Spring4D and OmniThreadLibrary.

To add Synedit, it is required to add 2 files (One holds general info about the package, the other is the installation script) to the Repository and a Keyword to your readme. The package is automatically detected by Delphinus-Clients without any other required steps.

You can find more information here:

if you have any questions, ask me

PS: CWBudde already added some of his projects to Delphinus. I have seen him authoring merge requests here.

TSynBaseCompletionProposalForm incomplete BackgroundColor

Today i changed the Backgroundcolor of the SynCompletionProposal. However a one line rect around was left with clBtnFace. Looking into SynCompletionProposal.pas

[1657]Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnFace;
This is hardcoded. I used a dark color like in VS2015 DarkTheme for the Background and the rectangle is way to visible. However i can not change it by using a property.

EDIT: Ofcourse i can use OnPaintItem and do a FillRect first. But this seems to be avoidable overdraw.

Delphi XE: [DCC Error] SynHighlighterJava.pas(876): E2011 Low bound exceeds high bound

DCC errors when compile revision aff86da with Delphi XE.
[DCC Error] SynHighlighterJava.pas(876): E2011 Low bound exceeds high bound
[DCC Error] SynHighlighterJava.pas(876): E2011 Low bound exceeds high bound
[DCC Error] SynHighlighterJava.pas(981): E2011 Low bound exceeds high bound
[DCC Error] SynHighlighterJava.pas(981): E2011 Low bound exceeds high bound

Error disappears when replace line 981 text:
'_', '$', '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', 'Ą'..'Ö', 'Ų'..'ö', 'ų'..'˙':

'_', '$', '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z':

Stripping out the 'Ą'..'Ö', 'Ų'..'ö', 'ų'..'˙' block

SQL highlighter and 64 bits


We are using SynEdit in x64 projects and all is fine in most configurations.
However, if the project already has consumed more than 4G of memory before the first SQL highlighter is used, we get an Out of bounds exception on this line:

Debugging it reveals that fToIdent is nil and so we are trying to to put a pointer value into Result which is an integer.
And because the pointer is above 4G, this overflows and triggers the exception.

To fix this, I have stored the value Str had at the beginning of the function into a local variable called StrStart and have changed the problematic line to this code:

if fToIdent <> nil then
  fStringLen := Str - fToIdent
  fStringLen := Str - StrStart;

It no longer overflows and I believe the value in fStringLen is now correct.
I have not checked if other highlighters have the same problem.


I don't know why but the hindi languages are not displayed correctly e.g paste the following into the edit field.

सिग्नल डिजिटल / एनालॉग

the result will have very big gabs and if you highlight chars they swap around.
arabic/chinese chars work.
Does anyone have a solution for this?

TSynCompletionProposal inside a modal dialog, different from the mainform

if we use a TSynCompletionProposal inside a modal dialog, which isn't the mainform the dialog is hidden, if the synedit show's the proposal list.

inside procedure TSynBaseCompletionProposal.ExecuteEx( ... ) we changed:

  if Assigned(Application.MainForm) then
    Form.PopupMode := pmExplicit;
    Form.PopupParent := Application.MainForm;
    Form.PopupMode := pmNone;
    Form.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
  Form.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;

into this .. that fixed the issue for us:

var f: TCustomForm;

  f := GetParentForm(Form.CurrentEditor);
  if Assigned(f) then
    Form.PopupMode := pmExplicit;
    Form.PopupParent := f;
    Form.PopupMode := pmNone;
    Form.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
  Form.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;

TSynSQLSyn.TableNames slow when adding new strings

Users of HeidiSQL are experiencing slowness when HeidiSQL adds more than ~1000 strings to a TSynSQLSyn.TableNames. On my Core I7 4500U CPU, 1000 strings need roughly 1 second. A normal TStringList would work much faster, but SynEdit does something in the back with this list, which makes it so slow.

It also does not seem to have an effect if I wrap that in a BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block.

See the latest report from a user:

TSynGeneralSyn.StringDelim bug

I'm using TSynGeneralSyn to create my language, but I'm having a problem with the StringDelim property. When there is a line break, the editor understands that the string has also terminated.

Support for Almost Borderless Completionproposal

Using SetWindowLong i removed the default border from CompletionProposal and use

BorderWidth := 1
Instead to create a VS2015 like popup. However deep down theere is a Hardcoded Heightcalculation which will no longer work.


    tmpX := x;
    tmpY := y;
    tmpWidth := 0;
    tmpHeight := 0;
    case Kind of
        BorderWidth :=
          {$IFDEF SYN_CLX}
          6; // TODO: I don't know how to retrieve the border width in CLX
          2 \* GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);
    tmpWidth := FWidth;
    tmpHeight := Form.FHeightBuffer + Form.FEffectiveItemHeight * FNbLinesInWindow + BorderWidth;

This needs some kind of customization. Maybe a more basic BaseClass of CompletionProposal to allow more custom stuff?

TDBSynEdit doesn't work with TWideMemo field

In TDBSynEdit it is assumed that any BLOB field is always encoded in TEncoding.Default

For TWideMemo fields however this doesn't work, because the encoding of the stream is UTF-16.

I have changed the methods to always use AsString which is kind of a sledgehammer solution, but it seems to work well so far.

procedure TCustomDBSynEdit.LoadMemo;
    Lines.Text := FDataLink.Field.AsString;
    Modified := False;
    // Memo too large 
    on E: EInvalidOperation do
      Lines.Text := Format('(%s)', [E.Message]);

procedure TCustomDBSynEdit.UpdateData(Sender: TObject);
  FDataLink.Field.AsString := Lines.Text;

Typing past end of line with word wrap - ignores spaces I typed

I'm having issues using the TSynEdit control, specifically when the following conditions apply:

  • WordWrap is enabled
  • eoTrimTrailingSpaces is enabled
  • eoScrollPastEol is disabled

What happens is while I'm typing, when the cursor reaches the end of the line (thus needs to wrap), and I'm typing a space at the same time (followed by more text), it completely drops the space I typed at that spot, and merges words I had on either side.

For example, when I type This is a test, it might end up like This is atest., if a test was being typed at the end of a line.

Here's an exact copy of problematic control:

object Editor: TSynEdit
  Left = 0
  Top = 37
  Width = 763
  Height = 321
  Align = alTop
  Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
  ActiveLineColor = clInfoBk
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -16
  Font.Name = 'Courier New'
  Font.Style = []
  TabOrder = 1
  BorderStyle = bsNone
  Gutter.AutoSize = True
  Gutter.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Gutter.Font.Color = clWindowText
  Gutter.Font.Height = -11
  Gutter.Font.Name = 'Courier New'
  Gutter.Font.Style = []
  Gutter.ShowLineNumbers = True
  Gutter.Gradient = True
  Gutter.GradientSteps = 42
  Options = [eoAutoIndent, eoDragDropEditing, eoEnhanceEndKey, eoGroupUndo, eoKeepCaretX, eoShowScrollHint, eoSmartTabDelete, eoSmartTabs, eoTabsToSpaces, eoTrimTrailingSpaces]
  RightEdge = 0
  TabWidth = 2
  WantTabs = True
  WordWrap = True
  WordWrapGlyph.Visible = False
  OnChange = EditorChange
  FontSmoothing = fsmClearType
  ExplicitTop = 43

This occurs both before and after updating to the latest source just last night.

LineModificationstate is not modified when adding a new line

When i just hit enter to add new lines, the state of a new line is not set to modified. That might be intentional. But from editors like Delphi-IDE, at least i am, used to see modifications on every changed/added line. WHen i write modifications for the SynEdit, i usually implement a second LineBuffer(Hook the original events) to track extra information. In this very old project(the modification is similar to a current one here at work) i set the modificationstate to newly added lines, too:

SynEditPrintPreview show incorrect character spacing

Using demo program TestPP, the preview window display incorrectly spaced characters depending on the window size.

To reproduce, run the sample, load a Delphi source file (for example DPageSetup.pas which is part of the demo) and display the print preview. Then unmaximize the preview window, right click to select "Page width" and resize the window slowly, watching how the preview adjust itself. For some widths, you see the preview with incorrect character spacing (Top view in attached screen capture) and for some other widths, you see correct character spacing (Bottom view in the capture). You can see on the captures that they only differ by a few pixel in their width. It is expected that the preview is correctly shown for all preview window size.

By the way, the popup menu is disconnected from the preview component. It had to reconnect it in the object inspector in order to be able to use it.

I have downloaded latest version of SynEdit from GitHub and compiled everything using 10.1 Berlin Version 24.0.25048.9432. The computer was running Win7 fully updated. Same result on another Win7 computer.


Can't compile package in Delphi 7

I've tried to update my old SynEdit sources from this repositary and found that some of the sources are UTF-8 encoded. Delphi 7 can't read them properly and on the sources like this:
it gives
[Error] SynEditHighlighter.pas(1163): Incompatible types: 'WideChar' and 'String'

Is Delphi 7 is not supported?

The bad thing is that I don't even know what chars are intended to be there. :(

SynEditCodeFolding not for XE

// Code Folding
  {$DEFINE SYN_CodeFolding}

Since D2009?

Unknown namespaces in Delphi XE.
Changed to and so it is OK:


but then:

SynEditCodeFolding.pas(355) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'List'
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(357) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'FromLine'
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(358) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'ToLine'
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(359) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'Collapsed'
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(359) Fehler: E2015 Operator ist auf diesen Operandentyp nicht anwendbar
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(377) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'List'
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(378) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'ToLine'
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(384) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'FromLine'
SynEditCodeFolding.pas(408) Fehler: E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'List'

Unicode Characters in RTF Export

Greek characters are not exported correct in RTF export


function ReplaceReservedChar in SynExportRTF.pas could be changed as follows:

function TSynExporterRTF.ReplaceReservedChar(AChar: WideChar): string;
  Result := '';
  case AChar of
    '\': Result := '\';
    '{': Result := '{';
    '}': Result := '}';
  if Ord(AChar) > 127 then
    if Ord(AChar) <= 255 then
      Result := '\''' + LowerCase(IntToHex(Ord(AChar), 2))
      // SmallInt type-cast is necessary because RTF
      // uses signed 16-Bit Integer for Unicode characters
      Result := '\u' + IntToStr(SmallInt(AChar)) + '?';

New releases?

Right now this project seems to be in a fluid development state. However i'd appreciate releases to see which states are considered stable to avoid "In Development" states in Production code.

XE8 Package does not compile

The XE8 package does not compile for me. I spent about an hour trying to make it work then gave up and unfortunately downloaded the SynEdit from the GetIt built into XE8.

Support for Golang

Lazarus 1.6.4 + FP 3.0

I'm surprised to see that Go (Golang) isn't among the list of supported SynEdit languages. Are there any plans to support it in the future. Alternatively are there any steps one could take with the existing components, possibly using the TSynAnySyn component?

Code folding causes memory leak in TSynPasSyn

Need to add the following

destructor TSynPasSyn.Destroy;
{$IFDEF SYN_CodeFolding}

SynHighlighterSQL.pas - bug on Property FunctionNames

Property FunctionNames not work.
Please fix the method SetFunctionNames.

procedure TSynSQLSyn.SetFunctionNames(const Value: TUnicodeStrings);
fFunctionNames := Value;


procedure TSynSQLSyn.SetFunctionNames(const Value: TUnicodeStrings);


Is this the official version now?

I'm trying to figure out if this is the official version of synedit, or is the sourceforge version the definative source? I'm ignoring Roman's emb sponsored efforts (do not agree with their approach). I'm happy to see synedit on github (my preferred platform for open source), just trying to gauge whether this is the one that will be maintained or not.


Handling multiple clicks (triple, quadruple, etc.)

I use a fantastic software called HeidiSql. I asked a feature from the developer (HeidiSQL/HeidiSQL#81) and he said that he builds upon SynEdit so I should ask the feature here. :)

In the query editor of HeidiSQL, clicking once means placing the cursor to the appropriate position and double-click means selecting the complete word under the mouse cursor. No more mouse actions are recognized.

I would need addition multi-clicks, like triple click (3x), quadruple (4x), and so on.

For 3x click I would like the whole line under the cursor to be selected.

For 4x click I would like to select the SQL query under the cursor. It has some difficulties because an SQL query can span over more than one line, it may start not in the beginning of the first line and may finish not an the end of the last line. But the more important thing is that analyzing the SQL syntax is far beyond the scope of the SynEdit. Thus, I think it should be done by callbacks. HeidiSQL and other software that use SynEdit, should register callback functions and SynEdit would call those functions back if the given mouse action gets taken.

I can imagine that SynEdit would support selecting the whole text for 4x clicks because it doesn't care SQL commands. Thus, HeidiSQL should register two callbacks:

  • one callback for 4x clicks to select the query
  • one callback for 5x clicks to select the content of the whole editor

Memory leak "TSynHashEntry" on TSynSqlSyn

In the procedure "TSynSQLSyn.InitializeKeywordLists"
"fKeywords.Clear" is not releasing memory objects on the list, change the "fKeywords.Clear" to "fKeywords.DeleteEntries" solves.

Sorry for the English, I'm using google translator.

Please change 4 source files from CP-1252 to utf-8

When compiling the following 4 files on my win7 PC with XE4, error will be emitted due to file encoding. I attache the screenshot for illustration of the error.




The solution will be converting from the current CP-1252 encoding to utf-8. I done this with an external text editor, but it'll be error-prone and tedious if I need to do this each time I updated my repository :)

Comments in MS SQL

In MS SQL, this is a valid comment:

--select * from table

However, SynEdit doesn't highlight it as a comment. Only if a insert a space after the -- does it recognise it as a comment. In MySQL, the space is required, but not in MS SQL.

PS: I'm using HeidiSQL, while digging through the source, found that it uses SynEdit. I gather that SynEdit is responsible for the tokenising and syntax highlighting, but excuse me if I misunderstood this.

TSynCssSyn freezes

When combining TSynEdit with TSynCssSyn and load the following CSS data, the application freezes without warnings, errors or crashes. I'm using C++ Builder XE3 with the latest TSynEdit. There are no other issues.

div[class^="col-xs"], div[class^="col-sm"], div[class^="col-md"],div[class^="col-lg"], div[class^="nsdiv"] { /display:inline;/ display:inline-block; }
/div[class="nsdiv"] { border:0; }*/
div[class^="col-xs"], div[class^="col-sm"], div[class^="col-md"],div[class^="col-lg"] { width:100%; }

Compilation error in SynHighlighterJava

There is a compilation error int this file, at line 876, in Rad Studio XE6:

'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', '$', 'À'..'Ö', 'Ø'..'ö', 'ø'..'ÿ': IdentProc;

[DCC Error] SynHighlighterJava.pas(876): E2010 Incompatible types: 'Char' and 'string'

I had to change this line to the following, to compile it:

'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', '$': IdentProc; // , 'À'..'Ö', 'Ø'..'ö', 'ø'..'ÿ': IdentProc;

Bad pointer

File: SynDBEdit.pas
Line 257:

procedure TCustomDBSynEdit.CMGetDataLink(var Msg: TMessage); 
  Msg.Result := Integer(FDataLink); 

FDataLink is object (Pointer Win32 - 4 byte, Win64 - 8 byte). Good code:

procedure TCustomDBSynEdit.CMGetDataLink(var Msg: TMessage); 
  Msg.Result := Winapi.Windows.LRESULT(FDataLink); 

Direct2D additions break Wine compatibility

The commit ae47e3b causes crashes on Wine, probably due to incomplete Direct2D support in Wine (just guessing):

Access violation at address 00007FDAA8B23E0A in module 'd2d1.dll'. Read of address 0000000000000000

Callstack ends up in line 4 of TCustomSynEdit.WMSize

Perhaps this needs to be reported to the Wine tracker, but I'm unsure?

Implementing syntax highlighter based on HTML, not taking custom tag names

I'd like to create my own syntax highlighter for Markdown language. Since Markdown by nature supports in-line HTML, it only makes sense to base mine off of the HTML highlighter.

So, I made a complete copy of SynHighlighterHTML.pas and am creating an instance of this one instead, renamed to my own TSynMDSyn component.

Then, since my application will support custom (non-standard) HTML tags, I looked into this unit and found the array constant KeyWords listing all the different types of tags. I added my own tag (lets say md) at the end, and increased the array size by 1 to accommodate. However, when using it, it does not recognize this tag still. It still highlights it red as if it's invalid.

I reverted this change, thinking somewhere else it's hard-coded to expect a maximum of 256 values. Instead, I renamed one of the existing ones (xmp) to my own (md), but it still does not recognize this tag, it still treats it as invalid.

I know something happened, because now it no longer recognizes xmp tags. But it also doesn't recognize my md tag either. I'm guessing it has something to do with the KeyIndices array constant, but I have no idea how this works, and doesn't appear to correspond in any way with the KeyWords (different count even).

How do I make this thing recognize my own custom HTML tags?

Escaping Backslash Causes Color Highlight Reversal

I'm using a program that incorporates SynEdit. I am writing an SQL statement which requires that I escape a backslash. Functionally it works fine, but all of the text following the escaped backslash changes color. I've attached a screen shot to show an example of what is occurring. The first portion displays correctly, while the second portion is displaying as though the quote was never closed. Both portions execute without any problems, it is simply a display issue. Is there a way to keep the colors consistent after escaping the backslash?

backslash color change

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