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All Contributors

A set of tools to build and deploy type-safe microservices. In order to see working examples of these tools, check out the examples folder.

This project is composed of the following packages:

User Documentation

Swarmion user documentation lives in the user docs folder. It is deployed and accessible on

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

François Farge
François Farge

💻 🤔 📖 🚇
Adrien Cacciaguerra
Adrien Cacciaguerra

💻 🤔 🚇 📖
Maxime Vivier
Maxime Vivier

Guillaume Lagrange
Guillaume Lagrange

💻 📖
Axel Fournier
Axel Fournier

💻 📖 🤔

💻 📖
Elias Tazartes
Elias Tazartes

Éloi Alain
Éloi Alain

Corentin Doue
Corentin Doue

💻 📖
Louis Pinsard
Louis Pinsard

Pierre Milliotte
Pierre Milliotte

Thomas Aribart
Thomas Aribart

Charles Géry
Charles Géry

Stan Hannebelle
Stan Hannebelle

Quentin Hello
Quentin Hello

🚇 📖
Paul Molin
Paul Molin

Thomas Prelot
Thomas Prelot

Arthur Pastel
Arthur Pastel

Alexis Reymann
Alexis Reymann

📖 💻

Pierre Chollet
Pierre Chollet

Adèle Gauvrit
Adèle Gauvrit

Clément Marcilhacy
Clément Marcilhacy

💻 📖
Valentin Beggi
Valentin Beggi


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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Swarmion is sponsored by Theodo.

Our Paris, London & New York teams of full-stack developers and agile experts bring together the tech, the talent and the experience to develop your web, mobile and software applications in record time.

swarmion's People


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swarmion's Issues

[windows] failed with exit code 1. 'rm' is not recognized

consider replacing rm -rf with rimraf for crossplatform compatibility

> rm -rf dist && pnpm package-cjs && pnpm package-esm && pnpm package-types && pnpm package-types-aliases

 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
'rm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
       operable program or batch file.

Add top-level await support for lambdas by default

As shown in:

We can easily have top-level await support with the following esbuild config:

format: "esm"
outputFileExtension: ".mjs"
platform: "node"
target: "esnext"
  js: import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);

Adding it as a default will definitely be an improvement.

Caveat 😖

It might not work with aws-sdk v2:
We get the following error:

Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'aws-sdk' imported from

The AWS SDK for JavaScript v2 is imported with the name aws-sdk (non-scoped). This is available in AWS Lambda, but only with require.
aws/aws-sdk-js-v3#3230 (comment)

Indeed, if there are import statement in the source code using aws-sdk, serverless-esbuild will let them pass as we excluded aws-sdk. Thus there are lines import ... from 'aws-sdk' in the lamda code, which will not work as stated in the quoted comment.

Possible solution 💡

Use to rewrite import ... from 'aws-sdk' statements to const ... = require('aws-sdk').

Fix: build issue on documentation

When launching yarn deploy at the root of the package, the build target isn't launched in the user-docs/documentation package.

We need to fix this.

Allow common serverless service configuration outside of `serverless.provider` and `serverless.params`

Hello everyone,

On our project, we have some mandatory configuration requirements applied to any serverless service we generate.
In our precise case, we need to have some serverless plugins, as well as some custom keys.

The problem is we need manual intervention for this on any service we generate, leaving room for manual error.

The ideal way to go about it would be to extend what is done with sharedProviderConfig and sharedParam to allow us to have default values in any key of the serverless configuration object, existing and generated in the future.

To avoid the serverless object to become an unpacking hell, we could use something like a lodash merge before exporting the configuration.

import { sharedConfiguration } from '@myProject/serverless-configuration` // ⬅ sharedProviderConfig, sharedParams are all here now

const serverlessConfiguration: AWS {

const exportedConfiguration = lodash.merge(serverlessConfiguration, sharedConfiguration)

module.exports = exportedConfiguration

An alternative would be to allow the user to override the template, but any change would have to be propagated to all existing services, which could be very cumbersome on an older project. It also goes away from the highly opinionated stance of swarmion so far.

`getFetchRequest` helper sets POST requests' Content-Type header as text/plain. Using getLambdaHandler with middy fails.

Hi all,
On the subject of serverless contracts, I've struggled with a cryptic issue 🤷.

Problem: getFetchRequest in @swarmion/serverless-contracts sets POST requests' Content-Type header as text/plain. When using getLambdaHandler to write a lambda handler, middy middleware enforces and validates application/json Content-Type header.
On the frontend, when I make a POST request to my lambda with the above setup, it errors out. The resulting error does not give information over the problem.

I've struggled to understand clearly the difference between getLambdaHandler and getHandler. I've come to understand getHandler implements middleware of its own and accepts text/plain as a content-type header.

Quick Solution:

  • When using getFetchRequest to be able to type-safely call a lambda that uses serverless contracts, I've come to understand one MUST use getHandler helper from @swarmion/serverless-helpers.

Long-term solution:

  • Recommend using getHandler in 99% of cases.
  • Add application/json Content-Type header in getFetchRequest from @swarmion/serverless-contracts.

Thanks for your time:)!

PS: Using serverless-contracts feels really good. Type-safety FTW! 🚀 🫡

[RFC] Improve Swarmion documentation

In order to provide a useful tool to developers, we need to clearly explain our architectural choices and guide users.

I have drafted a first structure, this is open for suggestions!


  • Generate your first Swarmion app
  • Get started on AWS
  • Add your first Serverless service
  • Add your first shared Typescript library
  • Add your first frontend
  • Create your first contract between the frontend and the backend

How-to guides

  • Add authentication to your Serverless contracts
  • Managing package upgrades with Swarmion
  • Generating libraries with Swarmion
  • Generating Serverless services with Swarmion
  • Migrating from a monolith to Swarmion
  • Share variables between your services
  • Configuring your CI/CD
    • Github actions
    • CircleCI
    • GitlabCI


  • Why use a microservices approach?
  • Why use a monorepo?
  • Why use yarn3 and workspaces?
  • Why share code between services?
  • Why build Typescript packages?
  • Serverless bundling → from TS to JS (why esbuild)
  • Why use Nx as a monorepo management tool?
  • Understanding configuration composition
    • Typescript
    • Eslint
    • Jest
    • linstaged
  • Understanding the Swarmion VSCode configuration
  • Why check for circular references?
  • Why use a precommit hook?
  • Understanding Serverless contracts
    • Types of contracts
    • Concepts
    • Why are they using functionnal programming?
  • Miscellaneous tools
    • Why Fresko?
    • Why synckpack?
    • Why Commitlint?


  • @swarmion/serverless-contracts
  • @swarmion/nx-plugin
  • @swarmion/serverless-plugin
  • @swarmion/nx-plugin
  • Code structure
    • Monorepo structure
    • Root config files
    • Serverless service structure
    • Package structure
    • Frontend shared package structure
    • Frontend structure

Rename `getHttpLambdaHandler` to `getHandler`

The @swarmion/serverless-contracts package currently exports two functions to build the lambda handler of an ApiGatewayContract:

  • getLambdaHandler which only adds the type inference but is bound to be used with middlewares as it does not handle either parsing not validation of the input
  • getHttpLambdaHandler introduced in #185 which handles parsing and validation

The second function is far better as it can be used on its own (without any middleware). However getLambdaHandler is a more generic name and in the future we can use it for other types of contracts (using overloading). This is why the naming of getHttpLambdaHandler seems a bit too specific.

I order to fix this, either:

  • rename getLambdaHandler to getLambdaHandlerType and getHttpLambdaHandler to getLambdaHandler
  • keep getLambdaHandler and rename getHttpLambdaHandler to getHandler

The second options seems the best to me, as it is more concise, and it matches the getTrigger function. WDYT?

⚠️ This will introduce a breaking change, so we should do it before releasing V1.0.0

Broken `lint-fix` on generated package

When generating a new Swarmion App, the generated root package.json does not contain a lint-fix script. Therefore the husky hook will fail when editing root configuration files.

  • Add a lint-fix target in examples/swarmion-starter/package.json similar to what exists in Swarmion root package.json

Fix `service` generation

Since, the service generator of @swarmion/nx-plugin is broken. It generates a package with a dependency to a no longer existing local serverless-helpers package.

yarn generate-service myService 

>  NX  Generating @swarmion/nx-plugin:service

CREATE backend/my-service/.dependency-cruiser.js
CREATE backend/my-service/.eslintrc.js
CREATE backend/my-service/.lintstagedrc.js
CREATE backend/my-service/functions/health/config.ts
CREATE backend/my-service/functions/health/handler.mock.json
CREATE backend/my-service/functions/health/handler.test.ts
CREATE backend/my-service/functions/health/handler.ts
CREATE backend/my-service/functions/index.ts
CREATE backend/my-service/jest.config.ts
CREATE backend/my-service/serverless.test.ts
CREATE backend/my-service/serverless.ts
CREATE backend/my-service/package.json
CREATE backend/my-service/tsconfig.json
CREATE backend/my-service/project.json
UPDATE workspace.json
UPDATE my-app.code-workspace
➤ YN0027: @my-app/serverless-helpers@unknown can't be resolved to a satisfying range
➤ YN0035: The remote server failed to provide the requested resource
➤ YN0035:   Response Code: 404 (Not Found)
➤ YN0035:   Request Method: GET
➤ YN0035:   Request URL:

➤ Errors happened when preparing the environment required to run this command.
Command failed: yarn workspace       @my-app/backend-my-service       add --cached @my-app/serverless-configuration @my-app/serverless-helpers

To fix it, we must change the dependency to the now remote one: @swarmion/serverless-helpers

[Github Actions] Deprecation warnings

As of lately, we have started getting warnings on our Github Actions Workflows

#287 already tackled some of these warnings. However, some still remain:

Upgrade Jest from 27 to 28


Here is a follow-up issue to our slack conversation so we can keep a track of things.

Add eslint rule to warn on import of aws-sdk root

Just like lodash, exports from aws-sdk must not be imported from its root, but from a specific path, such asaws-sdk/clients/.....

This is because aws-sdk is included as cjs in the lambda runtime but cannot be tree-shaked. This is a big performance issue.

[Generators] `serverless-iam-roles-per-function` is referenced in `serverless.ts` but not installed

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start from a fresh install of Swarmion
  • Run yarn generate-service my-service
  • Then yarn deploy

The deployment of the generated package fails with error:

       Serverless plugin "serverless-iam-roles-per-function" not found. Make sure it's installed and listed in the "plugins" section of your serverless config file. Run "serverless plugin install -n serverless-iam-roles-per-function" to install it.

We need to add it in the service package.json during the generation

Improve DevX with watch mode

yarn watch on a specific package fails in both swarmion/swarmion and the published example

It seems the issue comes from the packaging of types

Capture d’écran 2022-07-08 à 17 59 11

Allow using node-fetch on ApiGateway contracts

I think node-fetch is more standard as the fetch already available in browsers.

import fetch from "node-fetch" // <= Or nothing in browser

const response = await fetch(

// alternatively
const response = await myApiGatewayContract.fetch(

Undefined query params management in getFetchRequest

Hello swarmion team,

When undefined queryStringParameters are given to getFetchRequest, they are not ignored.

For example:

getFetchRequest(getScenariosForListContract, authFetch, {
          queryStringParameters:  { pageToken: undefined },

results in the following call:

Wouldn't it be better to ignore undefined values and call the following route:

Thanks for the great work!

Define conditions on Cloudformation Contracts

domainName ts — kooalys (Workspace) 2022-03-16 15-56-37

For the moment I have to do:

export const ApiGatewayDomainNameIdExport: CloudFormationOutput = {
  Condition: logicalId({ NotInDev }),
    description: "Common Api Gateway Domain Name Id",
    value: ref({ ApiGatewayDomainName }),

handler() expects {requestContext} argument

I recently migrated from @swarmion/serverless-contract v0.5.6 to v0.7.1 to use getLambdaHandler function to instantiate lambda handlers.

However, handler() now expects an argument {requestContext}

In a unit test context, I becomes painful to call handler()
As a temporary fix, I added a ts-ignore but it would be great if swarmion could provide a documentation on the best practices to:

  • mock the {requestContext} argument
  • Unit test a handler

Use versionned templates in `create-swarmion-app`

Currently, create-swarmion-app fetches the examples folder on its latest version (main). However, this is risky since changes can be made on main that have not yet been validated.

In order to fix this issue, we should get the current version in create-swarmion-app and use it to build the remote url in create-packages/swarmion-app/src/create-app.ts

[serverless-contracts] add support for `{ statusCode, body }` as handler output

Hey again,


I have a lambda function directly integrated to an ApiGateway, meaning I can curl this gateway and it should execute the lambda and return its return value to me.


According to the Lambda Proxy Integration doc, it is possible to simply return an object like

  statusCode: 401,
  headers: {
    "x-custom-header" : "my custom header value"
  body: JSON.stringify(responseBody)

in the lambda function and have a curl call to the ApiGateway return that same error code (401 in this example).

However, my lambda also uses swarmion's ApiGatewayContract with getHttpLambdaHandler. As can be seen in this function's code, if the handler does not crash, the getHttpLambdaHandler calls handlerResponseToLambdaResult which automatically returns a 200.

I did not know that at first and it can lead to some funny curl output like these
Screenshot from 2022-09-05 18-07-00
(notice the HTTP/2 200 at the start and the response body at the end)


Don't know exactly how this could be handled, as it could have been a conscious choice to make it like that. I think depending on the decision I'd be able to fix this issue, but I'll first let some cofounders discuss the problem here :)

Add CloudFormation direct deployment

As stated in

Since Serverless Framework v3, deployments are done using CloudFormation change sets. It is possible to use CloudFormation direct deployments instead.
Direct deployments are faster and have no downsides (unless you specifically use the generated change sets). They will become the default in Serverless Framework 4.
You are encouraged to enable direct deployments via the deploymentMethod option:

 name: aws
 deploymentMethod: direct

We should add it to the default provider options

Replace yarn workspaces by PNPM

Rationale for migration from yarn to pnpm

  • This is the package manager that is used by all the major frameworks: next, vue, vite, etc...
  • It uses hardlinks for node_modules by default, so you won't end up with 100GB of node_modules across the projects on your machine.
  • The way they handle workspaces (monorepo) and node_modules in each package is much better than yarn: you have a node_modules folder in all your packages, rather than everything in the root. The impact is that if you have a dependency that does something crazy (like serverless that dynamically requires modules), it will work.
  • The performance is much better for installation, update, etc...

Using swarmion/serverless-contracts forces services to use a specific version of axios

A service using an axios version different of the one used by swarmion/serverless-contracts, it can result in a ts error.

swarmion/serverless-contracts: "axios": "0.27.2"
service using swarmion/serverless-contracts : "axios": "0.26.1"


Possible solutions:

  • add axios to peer dependencies of swarmion/serverless-contracts
  • use fetch instead of axios
  • remove getAxiosRequest

Jest Unit tests broken on CI when creating a new custom Library

Hi, at Kooalys, we encountered an issue that might also bother you.

We created a new lib in our Library folder.
In dev, no problem all tests are green, but as soon as we pushed it and ran tests in CI, we've got some :
Error: xxx/Xxxx/xxx.ts (1,30): error TS2307: Cannot find module '@kooalys/xxxx-xxx' or its corresponding type declarations.
on all of our tests.

It took a bit of digging, but it seems that the issue originated from the yarn modules cache that was still hit in CI, even after the new library addition, because the cache key is a yarn.lock hash and this file has not been modified.

Wrong authorizer type in lambda event

Hello @fargito @Sc0ra,

Great work with this PR, it was really missing !

However, it seems that you only handle a minority of the possible cases.
Indeed I use an HTTP API (api gateway v2) and the type you used for the event (APIGatewayProxyWithCognitoAuthorizerEvent) is not correct for JWT Authorizer in API Gateway V2 (and certainly other cases of API Gateway V2).

@fargito do you have an idea of what API we could use to handle all the cases ?

In the mean time, it would be great to add in the doc that the only supported case is API Gateway V1 with CognitoAuthorizer.

Use generators in repo CI

Since the awesome #112, we have an examples folder, but it is not checked by the current CI.

It is paramount that we implement a CI for this example, otherwise we would risk to ship a broken app for the create-swarmion-app

`getTrigger` doesn't get `authorizer` typing from `ApiGatewayContract`

getTrigger doesn't get authorizer typing from ApiGatewayContract :

  • When providing an authorizerType in ApiGatewayContract, no authorizer parameter is required in getTrigger additionalConfig parameter in lambda configuration.
  • When setting authorizerType to undefined in ApiGatewayContract, no type error is raised if the getTrigger function is provided with an authorizer parameter in lambda configuration.

[getLambdaHandler] improve lambda handler's output typing with `outputSchema: undefined`

When outputSchema is set to undefined in a contract, lambda handler's output typing inferred by getLambdaHandler is Promise<undefined>.

export type OutputType<Contract extends ApiGatewayContract> =
  Contract['outputSchema'] extends JSONSchema
    ? FromSchema<Contract['outputSchema']>
    : undefined;

This causes a TypeScript error when creating a lambda that does not return anything because TypeScript expects a Promise<undefined> instead of a Promise<void>.

Setting outputSchema in the contract to undefined seems to be the proper configuration when a lambda does not return anything. Typing lambda handler's output as Promise<void> would solve this.

export type OutputType<Contract extends ApiGatewayContract> =
  Contract['outputSchema'] extends JSONSchema
    ? FromSchema<Contract['outputSchema']>
    : void;

Improve release flow

Current deployment flow

In order to release a new version of Swarmion, we currently need to:

  • ✋🏻 checkout locally on main
  • ✋🏻 install node dependencies and run tests
  • ✋🏻 run yarn release which will:
    • ✋🏻 prompt for the new version number
    • 🔨 bump versions in all our package.json and yarn.lock
    • 🔨 commit these changes
    • 🔨 add a git tag and push it
    • 🔨 publish packages
  • ✋🏻 go to examples/starter
  • ✋🏻 install node dependencies
  • ✋🏻 run yarn upgrade for Swarmion dependencies
  • ✋🏻 potentially take breaking changes into account
  • ✋🏻 run the tests
  • ✋🏻 commit and push these changes
  • ✋🏻 create the Github release from the git tag created by Lerna

These are may steps 😱. We need to optimize this process in order to scale.


  • we don't want to release at every commit on main
  • we need to be able to choose the version number
  • with #175 , we want to use Swarmion starter with a version number. This means the tagging step must occur after upgrading Swarmion dependencies in the starter
  • we might also want a simpler way to publish alpha releases (but it is not necessarily the same issue)

[FetchRequest] `getFetchRequest` doesn't allow undefined `baseUrl`

At the moment, although it is not typed as required, getFetchRequest requires a baseUrl in its options argument : providing an empty object for options results in the following error : Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL.

This is because getFetchRequest creates a new URL and provide it to the fetchFunction. In the absence of the baseUrl option, it should only call the fetchFunction with the contract path as first parameter (the fetchFunction will then be responsible of adding the baseUrl).

Also, the options argument is always required in getFetchRequest. It could be optional and set to an empty object by default if no option is required.

Publish serverless-helpers on npm

Since the awesome #112, we use serverless-helpers in the examples folder, but there is little interest in having it in the generated apps.

Instead, we should publish it on npm to bring new helpers to repos that are already using it.

Add `syncpack` check in build step of the CD

We may have cache mismatches due to syncpack

Let's imagine that someone forgets to run syncpack format before pushing to PR. When running the build step, we run yarn install, which may edit the package.json. Then the cache key will be computed with the modified value.

When arriving in the test steps, the package.json will not have been changed and therefore the cache key will not match the one from the build step.

This may cause precious time to be lost.

In order to mitigate, we could add a syncpack (not syncpack format) command to our build step, this will validate that no package.json has been modified

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