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mori's Introduction



A simple bridge to ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting APIs for vanilla JavaScript. Pull requests welcome.

Breaking changes in 0.3.0

The API now uses idiomatic JavaScript naming conventions.

Improvements to 0.3.0


Mori is considerably faster across the board thanks to recent enhancements to the ClojureScript compiler. For users who would like to benchmark their immutable data structure implementations against Mori, Mori now exposes direct arity invokes which eliminates previous calling overheads from arity dispatching. See Benchmarking for more information.

Mori hash maps now default to ClojureScript ArrayMaps that are automatically promoted to PersistentHashMaps as needed. ArrayMaps deliver considerably better performance at small sizes and when simple keys are at play. For example a Mori hash map with less than or equal to eight keys can now be built nearly an order of magnitude faster than Immutable.js 3.6.2 Maps.

More ES6

All Mori collections support ES6 iteration via foo[Symbol.iterator] or foo["@@iterator"].

Differences from Immutable.js

  • A functional API, data structures do not have public methods
  • Faster, ClojureScript data structures have been subjected to more real world usage and continuous benchmarking for nearly 4 years
  • Larger, gzipped the base Mori module is about 6K larger than Immutable.js

Getting it

You can install the latest release via npm:

npm install mori

The installed package contains a single optimized JavaScript file mori.js.

Load mori in your Node.js programs as you would any other module:

var mori = require("mori");

In a browser, you can load mori with a script tag, as you would any other JavaScript library:

<script src="mori.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can also load it as an AMD module, e.g. with RequireJS.


You can use it from your projects like so:

var inc = function(n) {
  return n+1;

mori.intoArray(, mori.vector(1,2,3,4,5)));
// => [2,3,4,5,6]

Efficient non-destructive updates!

var v1 = mori.vector(1,2,3);
var v2 = mori.conj(v1, 4);
v1.toString(); // => '[1 2 3]'
v2.toString(); // => '[1 2 3 4]'
var sum = function(a, b) {
  return a + b;
mori.reduce(sum, mori.vector(1, 2, 3, 4)); // => 10

Lazy sequences!

var _ = mori;
_.intoArray(_.interpose("foo", _.vector(1, 2, 3, 4)));
// => [1, "foo", 2, "foo", 3, "foo", 4]

Or if it's more your speed, use it from CoffeeScript!

inc = (x) -> x+1  
r = inc, mori.vector(1,2,3,4,5)
mori.intoArray r


You can find extensive documentation and examples here.

More Examples

Efficient Freeze/Thaw

For vectors and maps we provide an efficient thaw and freeze operations:

var m = mori;

// ~220ms with V8 version 3.29.80 MBP 2.26ghz
for(var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
  var s = new Date();
  var arr = [];
  for(var i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
  print("Array push " + arr.length + " items " + ((new Date())-s));

// ~70ms
for(var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
  s = new Date();
  var mv = m._thaw(m.vector());
  for(var i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
    mv = m._conj.f2(mv, i);
  var v = m._freeze(mv);
  print("Mutable vector conj " + m.count(v) + " items " + ((new Date())-s));

ES6 Map/Set inspired interfaces

All Mori maps and sets support all the non-mutating methods of the proposed ES6 Map and Set interfaces. The main difference with the spec is that key lookup is based on value not reference. keys, values, and entries methods return the proposed mutable iterators:

var m = mori;
var h = m.hashMap("foo", 1, "bar", 2);

h.has("foo"); // => true
h.get("foo"); // => 1

var iter = h.keys();; // => {done: false, value: "foo"}

This feature is subject to changes in the ES6 proposal.


Mori includes Transducers. Zero allocation collection operations FTW:

var m = mori;
var a = [];

for(var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {

// make it immutable
var v = m.into(m.vector(), a);

function time(f) {
  var s = new Date();
  console.log(((new Date())-s)+"ms");

// ~190ms V8 version 3.29.80 MBP 2.26ghz
time(function() {
  var xf = m.comp(,,;
  return m.transduce(xf, m.completing(m.sum), 0, v);
}, 10);

// ~440ms
time(function() {
  return,b){return a+b;}, 0);
}, 10);



You will first need to install the Java SDK, if it's not already installed on your system.

On Windows, you will need to manually install Leiningen. On UNIX-like systems, Leiningen will be installed within the project automatically if the lein executable is not found on your path or if your lein version predates 2.0.0.

Clone the repo

git clone
cd mori

On a UNIX-like system build with


Alternatively using npm

npm run-script build

On Windows


The build process will generate an optimized JavaScript file mori.js, which is suitable for use with Node.js, or in a Web browser or other JavaScript environments. You can also load it as an AMD module.

Copyright (C) 2012-2015 David Nolen and contributors

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

mori's People


brehaut avatar edef1c avatar fogus avatar glenjamin avatar gozala avatar lantiga avatar michaelsbradleyjr avatar michalmarczyk avatar misfo avatar newsomc avatar odf avatar patrickjs avatar rbxbx avatar rickeyvisinski-kanban avatar sgrove avatar swannodette avatar tessellator avatar tgriesser avatar travisennis avatar


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mori's Issues

Documentation for mori.range() not up-to-date?

I'm just starting with mori, so this might be my own ignorance, but the documentation for mori.range says:

range mori.range(start, [end], [step])
Construct a lazy range of values. If not given an end will produce an infinite lazy sequence. A step may be specified.

Reading that, I would expect mori.range( 3 ); to return an infinite lazy sequence starting at 3, where it actually gives me a sequence ending with 3 elements: (0 1 2).

I see the Clojure documentation specifies that there is no way to specify start without also specifying end. May I suggest something like following?

range mori.range([start], [end], [step])
mori.range( end )
mori.range( start, end )
mori.range( start, end, step )
Returns a lazy sequence of nums from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive), by step. If only end is specified, start defaults to 0. If step is not specified, it defaults to 1. If no parameters are specified, an infinite sequence with step 1 starting at 0.

If you'd like a pull request, I'm happy to do that—is the documentation on the gh-pages branch the source, or is that generated from somewhere?

is_associative returning false for sets

The documentation for is_associative states:

Test if something is associative - i.e. vectors, maps, and sets.

which directly contradicts this:

> mori.is_associative(mori.hash_map(1, 2))
> mori.is_associative(mori.vector(1, 2))
> mori.is_associative(mori.set([1, 2]))
> mori.is_associative(mori.sorted_set(1, 2))

Am I missing something?

Development version?

I was able to build a mori.js file as instructed; however, I prefer during development to have a development version of the code that is not obfuscated/minimized. Is that available?

s.conj("dog") vs mori.conj(s, "dog")

I think the documentation is wrong. When I create a set (mori.set()) the resulting object doesn't include a .conj function

"#{"bird" "cat" "dog"}"
mori.conj(s, "kangaroo").toString()
"#{"bird" "cat" "dog" "kangaroo"}"

range() and repeat() eat all process memory

The docs say that these functions are supposed to provide lazy sequences, which is exciting, but it seems like they're being eager:

> require('mori').repeat(2)
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_2 Allocation failed - process out of memory
Abort trap: 6

(range() behaved similarly but I didn't wait long enough for node to run out of memory.)

I'm on node 0.10.26.

Am I doing something wrong?

sampling a set

Is there an efficient way to randomly sample a large set? I tried using nth but it was too slow for large sets. Thanks.

Support for ClojureScript transients

mori is a lovely library, and I'm glad it exists. Since ClojureScript supports transients, would it be possible for mori's API to support them too?

Thinking about builds

My thought is that the build system for mori can still be improved a bit. I don't mean lein cljsbuild needs improvement; rather, it seems the setup in project.clj, package.json, and the various .sh scripts in scripts/ could be tightened up a bit.

Rather than go put a bunch of hours into experimental revisions, I figured I would inquire about your preferred direction for this aspect of mori.

A couple of points:

1.   In project.clj, the only difference between the "tmp" build and the "release" build is that the latter is not pretty printed. Yet mori.js, which is made from the "tmp" build, seems destined for production use in, say, browsers. That is, the README doesn't seem to market mori.js as being a development build, so why not have the "tmp" build spit out minified JavaScript? And in that case, it would be identical to the "release" build. If both builds were identical with respect to lein cljsbuild, the build routines that generate mori.node.js and mori.js could be combined and simplified.

2.   If you take a look at a project like Q promises, you'll see it's quite possible to ship a production (and/or development) .js file that is suitable for consumption by Node.js, browsers and other JavaScript environments; that is, depending on the nature of the library, you don't necessarily need separate .js files for each environment. It seems to me that mori could take a similar approach. I would be willing to take a crack at adapting Q's "wrapper" for use with mori, but I wonder if that's something you feel is worthwhile and would be willing to accept into the master branch?

Creating lazy sequences in client code?

First of all, many thanks for this library! For those of us who are forced to work in plain Javascript/Coffeescript, having access to well-designed and efficient persistent data structures is incredibly valuable.

What I've been missing so far is a way to create a custom lazy sequence similar to how one would use lazy-seq in Clojure. Obviously, we couldn't get a syntax quite as nice since we don't have macros. But I think a function, say lazy-cons(head, tail-fn), should be fine for most cases.

I can write such a function in JS, but I can't make it participate in the sequence protocol. I've also tried, with partial success, to implement it via mapcat. I get a sequence, and I get laziness, but apparently, I can't manage to let go of the head. This may of course just be my inability.

At any rate, some built-in support for this kind of thing would be great. I'm willing to get my hands dirty and try to implement this feature myself if you think it could be useful and don't have the time to add it.

Incorrect documented result for `into` examples

The documentation for into follows:

into mori.into(coll, from)

Add all the items in the second collection to the first one as if calling mori.conj repeatedly.

var l = mori.list(2,3)
var v = mori.vector(1,2)

mori.into(l, v) // => (2 1 2 3)
mori.into(l, l) // => (3 2 2 3)
mori.into(v, l) // => (1 2 2 3)
mori.into(v, v) // => (1 2 1 2)

For the last two mori.into calls, the result is a vector not a list:

$ node
> var mori = require('mori')
> var l = mori.list(2,3)
> var v = mori.vector(1,2)
> mori.into(l, v)
(2 1 2 3)
> mori.into(l, l)
(3 2 2 3)
> mori.into(v, l)
[1 2 2 3]
> mori.into(v, v)
[1 2 1 2]

mori.js size and direct download?

I was interested in trying out mori.js in a vanilla javascript/Coffeescript browser application (non-clojurescript), but couldn't find an easy way to directly download it. Sure I can probably download the repo and build it myself, but it would be far easier if there were a release somewhere (maybe I'm just missing it)?

Also, there is no mention of mori.js's size. That is important for those that are considering using it for a browser app (because if it is too big, that's a non-starter).

Can't use strings as iterators in

Taken from the docs (and converted to JS):

    var bob = m.hash_map("first", "Bob", "last", "Smith"),
      mary = m.hash_map("first", "Mary", "last", "Jane"),
      result ="first", m.vector(bob, mary));

    console.log(result); // throws exception "TypeError: undefined is not a function"
    expect(m.clj_to_js(result)).to.eql(["Bob", "Mary"]); // converting to JS also throws

It also fails if you map over a plain [bob, mary] as in the docs.

For now, I'll just use a function (val) { return m.get("first"); } function as a workaround, just wanted to let you know the docs are inaccurate.

Behaviour of mori.flatten with JS arrays?

I have this CoffeeScript usage of mori.flatten:

m = require "mori"

console.log m.flatten([1, [2], 3])

The flatten example in the documentation shows it needs its argument to be converted with js_to_clj first--are there any plans to make flatten work with native arrays?



Maximum call stack size exceeded when using set operations

I use mori for an application, that calculates similarities between words and stores a selection of similar words for each item. I dependent a lot on mori's set operations for it (which are awesome btw). Sometimes mori.union exceeds the call stack size and throws a RangeError exception. The code piece that throws the error looks like this:

generateAll = (items) ->
  mori.reduce((memo, word) ->
    mori.union(memo, generateOptions(word, items))
  , mori.set(), items)

generateOptions calculates the similarity on 2 categories, picks some options (using mori.take and returns a union of options of those 2 categories.

So with some input data this error is thrown but I can't see anything out of the ordinary regarding the data. I can reproduce the error in generateAll with some specific input data and it occurs twice out of 1049 iterations. The count of memo when the error occurs is 80355 and 136968. generateOptions returns on average 150 options.

Is there any size limit for set operations in mori/cljs? I assume the error happens upstream? But unfortunately I'm not competent enough with clojurescript to actually look it up or confirm this.

Maximum call stack size exceeded while evaluating lazy sequence

This is probably an issue for the upstream ClojureScript project. But I wanted to post this to see if anyone knows of a workaround.

I am working on a blog post on Mori with some examples of lazy evaluation. Here is what I have at the moment:

// With no arguments, `range` returns a lazy sequence of all whole
// numbers from zero up.
var non_neg_ints = mori.range();

// Dropping the first element, zero, results in a sequence of all of
// the natural numbers.
var nats = mori.drop(1, non_neg_ints);

// Let's take just the powers of 2.
var ln_2   = function(n) { return Math.log(n) / Math.LN2; };
var pows_2 = mori.filter(function(n) { return ln_2(n) % 1 === 0; }, nats);

// What are the first 10 powers of 2?
    mori.take(10, pows_2)

// Outputs:
// > (1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512)

That works nicely. But if I change the number of evaluated sequence elements from 10 to 15 (in the node repl) I get a stack overflow exception:

> mori.take(15, pows_2);

b?this.Ca===b.Ca:l};Ub.prototype.toString=m("Ca");function D(a){if(a==j)return
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Compare mori collections with < and >?

Some brief testing indicates that mori collections will sort consistently the way I'd expect. For instance, from the Node REPL:

> m.vector( 1, 1 ) < m.vector( 1, 2 );

Is that a behavior that I can rely on, or is that just coincidental? Is there a better way to do this sort of thing?

Performance compared to underscore and its ilk?

Hello, Sir. First of all, I like what I see in my experimentation with mori. I have been looking for some means of experimenting with immutable data structures in javascript and mori is the best library I have found.

What I am wondering is how immutables stack up against mutables from a performance perspective. I have been running benchmark.js to contrast operations in underscore and operations in mori and I have been finding that underscore is the faster in scenarios I've tested with against a vector -- both read and write.

I am not knowledgeable enough about what scenarios might slant things in favor of immutable structures. I am going to suppose that the overhead of constructing a vector is the culprit. I am also wondering if this is just something that is symptomatic of JavaScript and if in Clojure (or any functional language that includes mutables) this might not always be the case, that mutables would offer comparable performance.

This is not just a curiosity. I have been trying to find a library for a project I am working on and I'm taking performance into consideration. I am not necessarily just going to choose the faster unless the difference is by a huge order of magnitude. The reason being, is the app I am working on loads datasets into memory for user manipulation. I'm not talking monster size datasets, but something that could be in the several thousands of records.

Error in built file when using :whitespace optimizations

I have just changed project.clj to use :whitespace optimizations in the dev build configuration but compiled file triggers the following error when loaded:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'Unicode' of undefined

The error occurs when goog.string.Unicode is assigned.
Here the differences between simple build and whitespace one:

--- mori.simple.js     2014-02-24 11:47:13.732407538 +0100
+++ mori.whitespace.js        2014-02-24 11:47:11.904409281 +0100
-goog.string = {};
 goog.string.Unicode = {NBSP:"\u00a0"};

I don't know it it is related to mori or to the ClojureScript compiler.

isVector, isHashMap, isSet...etc

Are there equivalent functions somewhere to determine if something is a plain js object vs a mori collection?

Useful for libraries that interoperate with vanilla javascript like underscore.

Node REPL experience

I just spent the morning integrating mori into a project I'm working on, which has let me delete a lot of one-off data structures I had lying around. Next up, maybe port it to ClojureScript, which looks pretty appealing right now. =)

Meanwhile, it'd be nice to see a useful inspect on vector/hash_map/etc, so that working in the REPL is less tiresome. I tried to investigate doing this myself, but without prior ClojureScript experience, it was unclear how to approach it.

Take a hashmap as an example:

> h = m.hash_map(1, {some: 'object'}, 2, {another: 'object'})
{ k: null,
  j: 2,
  root: { w: {}, z: 6, g: [ 1, [Object], 2, [Object], , , ,  ] },
  Q: false,
  U: null,
  o: null,
  t: 4,
  n: 16123663 }


With a minimal inspect function attached, we could have:

> h.inspect = function(d) { return this.toString(); }
> h
{1 #<[object Object]>, 2 #<[object Object]>}

And in node 0.11.2 (devel release), thanks to nodejs/node-v0.x-archive@66280de, we could even have:

> h.inspect = function(d) { return m.clj_to_js(this); }
> h
{ '1': { some: 'object' }, '2': { another: 'object' } }

If this seems reasonable (well, the 0.10.x version, for now), and you could give me a hint where to implement this, I'd be happy to try my hand at it.

hash collision for non equal collections

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. The following two vectors of vectors are producing equal hashes.

console.log(m.hash(m.vector(m.vector(13, 5), m.vector(13, 4))))
// => 803955717
console.log(m.hash(m.vector(m.vector(13, 4), m.vector(12, 4))))
// => 803955717

They do not equal, just the hashes.

I noticed the issue when using m.hash as a react component key (duplicate key errors). I put in an m.set to remove duplicates and still got the issue:

segments = m.set(, this.state.path,
console.log(m.clj_to_js(m.partition_by(m.hash, segments)))
// produces partitions with count > 1

I can produce several different combinations that duplicate hashes (e.g. [[7, 7], [7, 6]], [[7, 6], [6, 6]] // => 804048423).

version of Mori is 0.2.5

Consider switch to a GPL-compatible license

a quick glance at the source of mori and the GPL leads me to believe that it is not possible to use mori in GPL-licensed code, whereas using the same data-structures from GPL-licensed code written in ClosureScript is no problem at all.

I'm assuming that using the same license (EPL) both for mori and for ClojureScript with opposite outcomes was not intentional.

As I understand it (IANAL), using standard ClojureScript data-structures is not a problem, as they are accessed through a "Standard Interface" as defined by the GPL:

A “Standard Interface” means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a
recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular
programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that

While the fact that ClojureScript is implemented in a GPL-incompatible license is not a problem, this does not appear to apply to mori.

Unless I'm missing something, mori is just a library under a GPL-incompatible license and as such not usable in work licensed under the GPL.

js_to_clj doesn't work in the CoffeeScript REPL

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

... but this appears to be true. I'm completely stymied as to how this behaviour is even possible, and it's obviously difficult to write a test case for it, but here's my shell session so others can attempt to reproduce it:

$ git log -1 --oneline
0f825ab js highlighting
$ node -v
$ node
> var mori = require('mori')
> mori.js_to_clj([1, 2, 3])
[1 2 3]
> mori.js_to_clj({x: 1})
{"x" 1}

So far so good, we call js_to_clj, we get nice vectors and maps back, lets try CoffeeScript:

$ coffee -v
CoffeeScript version 1.6.3
$ coffee
coffee> mori = require './'
{ count: [Function: O],
  empty: [Function],
... and so on and so forth ...
coffee> mori.js_to_clj([1, 2, 3])
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
coffee> mori.js_to_clj({x: 1})
{ x: 1 }
coffee> mori.js_to_clj({x: 1}).constructor
[Function: Object]

So, that's pretty weird right? maybe some bug in the CS compiler (somehow...) but here's where my brain melts:

$ cat
mori = require './'
myvec = console.log(mori.js_to_clj([1, 2, 3]))
mymap = console.log(mori.js_to_clj({x: 1}))
$ coffee
[1 2 3]
[Function: Yg]
{"x" 1}
[Function: Eh]

Any ideas?

not all of what is in clojurescript is in mori

I've just discovered your library, and I think it's pretty amazing. One question: much of what's in clojure (and clojurescript) is not exported to Mori (Example: the distinct function).

Was mori intended to be a small subset of available clojure/clojurescript functions, or was this an oversight? From looking at the source code it appears that it's just a matter of exporting the function from clojurescript.

Strings no longer implement IFn

The docs mention this. I ran across this a few weeks ago but I'm not actively using Mori and forgot about it until the HN post yesterday. Quick patch I've been using for convenience:

(extend-type js/String
    ([s coll]
     (get coll (.toString s)))
    ([s coll not-found]
      (get coll (.toString s) not-found))))

Docs could be better on mobile

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open
  2. Activate Firefox responsive mode or Chrome mobile emulation (set to, say, iPhone 5)

The menu eats up the majority of the width instead of going away, and horizontal scrolling doesn't work (the menu starts overlapping the content).

take returns list


I've just started using mori and it's great!

I called take on a vector and noticed that calling conj on the returned collection added the elements to the beginning. It seems that my vector is converted to a list when using take. Is this the expected behaviour?


juxt example is invalid

It appears to use string as if they were keyword functions, but this doesn't work.

I'd send in a PR, but I don't want to clash with #85

Vector: assoc exception

thanks for this awesome lib :)
I'm not a Clojure programmer and didn't look at the clojurescript implementation yet.

Given a vector, I want to get a new vector expect some of its first elements (for now, just the tail of the vector) then replace (or insert on head ) the first element of this new vector.
Here is a failing sample:

var v1 = _.vector(4, 5); 
var v2 =; // option1
var v2 = _.drop(1, v1);    // option2
var v3 = _.assoc(v2, 0, 'b');

I get a "No protocol method IAssociative.-assoc defined for type object: (5)"

Is this normal, how can I do what I intended to do ?

Thanks a lot,

Is mori still viable?

In your opinion, is mori still a viable approach for providing persistent data structures to JavaScript?

I tried building after cloning the library and updating project.clj to the latest cljsbuild, but the mori.node.js file that gets created is throwing exceptions related to goog.string.

Rather than spending a bunch of time hunting that down, I thought it might be wise to first ask ask if you still think mori is viable and/or worthwhile, i.e perhaps ClojureScript developments in the last year+ have changed the landscape.

Thank you.

Export ClojureScript's (keyword ) keyword-related functions?

It would be useful to be able to create keywords from JavaScript by calling


so that one can use it in a hash-map, for instance


I can issue a pull request exporting keyword, is_keyword and adding the keywordize option to js->clj, if you're ok with it.

subvec docs

From the api docs

var s = mori.vector("cat", "dog", "bird", "zebra");
s.subvec(1,2); // => ["dog", "bird"]

subvec isn't a method on mori.vector(), and the indices are half-open, not closed, so subvec(v, 1, 2) returns one element, like so

var s = mori.vector("cat", "dog", "bird", "zebra");
mori.subvec(s,1,2); // => ["dog",]

Also expose select-keys

Hello, I'm experimenting with using mori with react, it would be very handy to have the select-keys function available to return subsets of hash-maps.

Multiple copies of the library will cause issues

Issues arise if multiple instances of mori are require'd independently with node - which happens quite frequently with the module lookup algorithm and different semver requirements in various packages.

var mori = require('./mori.js');
var mori2 = require('./mori2.js');

var x = mori.js_to_clj({key: 'val'});
mori2.is_map(x); // false
mori2.keys(x) // Error: {"key" "val"} is not ISeqable

I'm guessing this isn't an issue with cljs as you wouldn't ever have multiple copies of the core language, but this will end up being a deal-breaker for being able to use this reliably within libraries / node.

Not sure whether a bit of duck-type rather than instanceof checking will work here or if it's a more systemic issue. Setting the library as a global would solve these issues, but it'd be great if there was a way to allow interop between the data structures in different copies of the library (even if it meant setting the core data structures as globals).

Wish I could help more but I'm just starting to try and get up to speed with clojure myself.

Add a comparator param for sorted_set

Right now it's impossible (as far as I can tell) to tell mori.sorted_set what the comparator function should be, meaning it's really only useful for primitive types because objects have no useful comparison operators built-in.

I have no idea how hard/easy this would be to implement, but it would be really great if you could add this.

function naming convention

This is a total bikeshedding issue (see Wadler's Law), so feel free to close this, but I was curious why you didn't use standard JavaScript function/method naming conventions with the mori API. I searched the open and closed issues and found nothing.

For example, why mori.is_list instead of mori.isList? It follows neither a normal JavaScript naming convention (camelCase) nor the Clojure function naming convention (kebab-case) (because that syntax would not accessible via dot notation). Is this the result of a default in the clojurescript compiler?

I can't help but imagine the gut reaction my colleagues would have to seeing snake_case appearing over any shared codebase I contribute to. Obviously this isn't going to stop me from experimenting and using mori, because it looks like an excellent library, but it's really funky to have all your code and all your libraries use the same naming conventions as ECMA-262, except for one.

Given that mori.js is transpiled from clojurescript code to JavaScript, I reckon it should be possible to define which naming convention you want used in the generated code. Is this already possible with the clojurescript compiler? I looked at the sample options for lein-cljsbuild and didn't see anything there for defining the naming convention (

Define shorthand for mori.curry(mori.get, "key")

I've found myself writing things like this quite a lot:

m = require('mori');
var getName = m.curry(m.get, "name")

var names =, collection_of_hash_maps);

In real clojure, we'd use keywords for this case, but that's trickier in mori - is this something other people are running into as well?

I'm not sure what a good name for this would be, some suggestions are below


Mori functions return errors when passing JavaScript Arrays

CoffeeScript version 1.6.3
Node v0.10.24
mori 0.2.6.

This is happening in the browser as well.

One example is when passing an array to a mori function we return an ISeqable error.

s = mori.set(["cat", "dog", "bird"])
Error: cat,dog,birdis not ISeqable
    at Error (<anonymous>)
    at C (/Users/hcnewsom/node_modules/mori/mori.js:27:196)
    at Object.set (/Users/hcnewsom/node_modules/mori/mori.js:312:111)
    at repl:3:14
    at REPLServer.replDefaults.eval (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/repl.js:33:28)
    at repl.js:239:12
    at Interface.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/repl.js:62:9)
    at Interface.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at Interface._onLine (readline.js:202:10)
    at Interface._line (readline.js:531:8)
    at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:760:14)
    at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:99:10)
    at ReadStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
    at emitKey (readline.js:1095:12)
    at ReadStream.onData (readline.js:840:14)
    at ReadStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
    at ReadStream.<anonymous> (_stream_readable.js:746:14)
    at ReadStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)
    at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:408:10)
    at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:404:5)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:165:9)
    at ReadStream.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:127:10)
    at TTY.onread (net.js:526:21)

In my web application I have a function that returns an object. When attempting to assoc_in to this object I have to explicitly wrap it in mori.hash_map in order to prevent an IAssociative error.

Removing items positionally from a vector

First off, thanks for creating Mori. I am making use of it in a long-term project and it appears to be a good fit for my needs.

I am wondering if it would be possible to port the JavaScript splice method into Mori. It would effectively allow removal and/or insert into sequences where item order is pertinent. Currently, conj seems limiting as it allows no flexibility as to where an item is added. Maybe subvec could play a part in this?

When you consider for example that sometimes order is a significant thing in the real world, it makes sense to allow for the ordering of data even in persistent data structures. For example, a user creates a vector of todos, adding one after the other and then occasionally prioritizes them, moving the more important ones up the list.

Currently, when I manipulate the order, it requires that I first call into_array, perform the reordering, and then reconstitute the vector. I am hoping that existing internal data structures can be reused in allowing for the same operation with greater efficiency.

In another use case, it is possible that a todo is completed and thus removed from the list from somewhere in the middle. I realize there is a remove method that could be used but I wonder about efficiency. When your GUI is already aware of the index of a given item, it seems that this fact would allow for a more efficient operation. For example when you remove an item from a list of hundreds of items and you already know the index that must be better than having to filter it out via remove. It would also probably be useful if one could retrieve the position of an item in a sequence (i.e. indexOf) as this would go hand in hand with splice and even nth. At the very least, providing splice would provide a familiar and immensely useful api.

Obviously, I could add these methods myself, but I think I'd end up with something that internally was as inefficient as the workarounds I'm already utilizing.

Should `toString` for mori vectors return a Clojure literal?

When adapting your README examples into a basic test suite, I found that the "non-destructive updates" example didn't work as expected.

In the README you have:

var v1 = mori.vector(1,2,3);
var v2 = mori.conj(v1, 4);
v1.toString(); // => '[1 2 3]'
v2.toString(); // => '[1 2 3 4]'

But in fact, v1.toString() returns the string '[object Object]', as does v2.toString().

The same things happens when you call .toString on mori hash_map values, list values, etc.

Is toString for mori values supposed to return a Clojure literal?

May need to "flip the switch" on Travis

When we discussed Travis CI integration in IRC the day before last, I forgot to mention that in addition to doing the passthrough login to GitHub, you would need to click on your name near the top right of the main Travis page, then find your mori repo in the list that appears below, and click the toggle switch on the right to change it from "off" to "on".

It's apparent that you did the Travis login, as the build badge in the README went from being a broken image link to indicating build | unknown. But the "unknown" status usually indicates the toggle hasn't been set to "on" for a repo.

Anyway, it could be you've already toggled it and something else is wrong, but that's my best guess as to why your latest pushes to master didn't result in an auto build-test on Travis.

Publish to Clojars?

It would be great to be able to easily include mori as a leiningen dependency in ClojureScript projects. Why?

  • a better JS interface for the browser console
  • a better JS interface for polyglot projects
  • more potential for building libraries in ClojureScript that can be pleasantly used from any JS-hosted language

Of course it is already possible to include mori as a dependency—it just isn't officially published anywhere that I can see.

I was just playing around with your ClojureScript 101 tutorial and found my way into a nice mori-powered browser console by lein installing mori locally and then requiring it in my core.cljs. Would be nice if the lein install weren't necessary :)

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