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@videojs-player/vue   @videojs-player/react   vue-video-player

Video.js player component for Vue(3) and React.


The vue-video-player package has now been renamed to @videojs-player/vue due to the addition of support for React. Also, support for Vue has undergone a Breaking change, with the latest version of the component only supporting Vue3.

The last version of the vue-video-player package will be released in v6.0, which will just re-export everything from @videojs-player/vue, so if you're ready to use the new version of vue-video-player, please import @videojs-player/vue directly.

The latest version of videojs-player supports responsiveness for the vast majority of Video.js configuration options and allows you to fully customize the player's control panel and interaction details, thanks to the fact that the component does enough processing internally for different frameworks.

Legacy Version

If you are looking for a legacy version of the component for Vue2, use the [email protected]

Component Documentation

Video.js Documentation

Usage (Vue)


npm install video.js @videojs-player/vue --save
yarn add video.js @videojs-player/vue

Global component

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import VueVideoPlayer from '@videojs-player/vue'
import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'

const app = createApp()


Local component


  import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
  import { VideoPlayer } from '@videojs-player/vue'
  import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'

  export default defineComponent({
    components: {

Custom player controls

  <video-player :children="[]" ...>
    <template v-slot="{ player, state }">
      <div class="custom-player-controls">
        <button @click="state.playing ? player.pause() :">
          {{ state.playing ? 'Pause' : 'Play' }}
        <button @click="player.muted(!state.muted)">
          {{ state.muted ? 'UnMute' : 'Mute' }}
        <!-- more custom controls elements ... -->

Usage (React)


npm install video.js @videojs-player/react --save
yarn add video.js @videojs-player/react


import React from 'react'
import { VideoPlayer } from '@videojs-player/react'
import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'

export const Component: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      // more props...
      // more events...

Custom player controls

import React from 'react'
import { VideoPlayer } from '@videojs-player/react'

export const Component: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <VideoPlayer videoJsChildren={[]} /* props... */>
      {({ player, state }) => (
        <div class="custom-player-controls">
          <button onClick={() => state.playing ? player.pause() :}>
            {{ state.playing ? 'Pause' : 'Play' }}
          <button onClick={() => player.muted(!state.muted)}>
            {{ state.muted ? 'UnMute' : 'Mute' }}
          {/* more custom controls elements ... */}

Component Props

All parameters are optional and Video.js determines the default value of each prop.

"responsive" means that if the prop value you pass in the component changes, Video.js will automatically respond to the corresponding update, e.g. a change in volume will cause the player to change the volume.

Prop Name Video.js API Doc & Description Type Responsive
id String
src options.src String
sources options.sources Array
width options.width Number
height options.height Number
preload options.preload String
loop options.loop Boolean
muted options.muted Boolean
poster options.poster String
controls options.controls Boolean
autoplay options.autoplay Boolean | String
playsinline options.playsinline Boolean
crossorigin options.crossOrigin String
volume A number, between 0 and 1, control the volume of the player. Number
playbackRate Control the playback rate of the player. Number
playbackRates options.playbackRates Array<Number>
fluid options.fluid Boolean
fill options.fill Boolean
language options.language String
languages options.languages Object
tracks options.tracks Array
textTrackSettings options.textTrackSettings Object
responsive options.responsive Boolean
breakpoints options.breakpoints Object
fullscreen options.fullscreen FullscreenOptions
aspectRatio options.aspectRatio Boolean
liveui options.liveui Boolean
liveTracker options.liveTracker Object
disablePictureInPicture options.disablePictureInPicture Boolean
notSupportedMessage options.notSupportedMessage String
normalizeAutoplay options.normalizeAutoplay Boolean
audioPosterMode options.audioPosterMode Boolean
audioOnlyMode options.audioOnlyMode Boolean
noUITitleAttributes options.noUITitleAttributes Boolean
preferFullWindow options.preferFullWindow Boolean
suppressNotSupportedError options.suppressNotSupportedError Boolean
techCanOverridePoster options.techCanOverridePoster Boolean
techOrder options.techOrder Array
inactivityTimeout options.inactivityTimeout Number
userActions options.userActions Object
restoreEl options.restoreEl Boolean | Element
vtt.js options['vtt.js'] String
children (Vue)
videoJsChildren (React)
options.children Array | Object
html5 options.html5 Object
plugins options.plugins Object
options A fallback scheme, if you need to use options that don't exist in props, pass them to options. VideoJsPlayerOptions

Component Events

Events emitted by Video.js, the argument type is always EventTarget.

Video.js Event 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 Vue React
event.loadstart - @loadstart onLoadStart
event.suspend - @suspend onSuspend
event.abort - @abort onAbort
event.error - @error onError
event.emptied - @emptied onEmptied
event.stalled - @stalled onStalled
event.loadedmetadata - @loadedmetadata onLoadedMetadata
event.loadeddata - @loadeddata onLoadedData
event.canplay - @canplay onCanPlay
event.canplaythrough - @canplaythrough onCanPlayThrough
event.playing - @playing onPlaying
event.waiting - @waiting onWaiting
event.seeking - @seeking onSeeking
event.seeked - @seeked onSeeked
event.ended - @ended onEnded
event.durationchange - @durationchange onDurationChange
event.timeupdate - @timeupdate onTimeUpdate
event.progress - @progress onProgress - @play onPlay
event.pause - @pause onpause
event.ratechange - @ratechange onRateChange
event.resize - @resize onResize
event.volumechange - @volumechange onVolumeChange
event.posterchange - @posterchange onPosterChange
event.languagechange - @languagechange onLanguageChange
event.fullscreenchange - @fullscreenchange onFullscreenChange
event.playbackrateschange - @playbackrateschange onPlaybackRatesChange
event.controlsdisabled - @controlsdisabled onControlsDisabled
event.controlsenabled - @controlsenabled onControlsEnabled
event.enterFullWindow - @enterFullWindow onEnterFullWindow
event.exitFullWindow - @exitFullWindow onExitFullWindow
event.enterpictureinpicture - @enterpictureinpicture onEnterPictureInPicture
event.leavepictureinpicture - @leavepictureinpicture onLeavePictureInPicture
event.sourceset - @sourceset onSourceSet
event.texttrackchange - @texttrackchange onTextTrackChange
event.textdata - @textdata onTextData
event.useractive - @useractive onUserActive
event.userinactive - @userinactive onUserInactive
event.usingcustomcontrols - @usingcustomcontrols onUsingCustomControls
event.usingnativecontrols - @usingnativecontrols onUsingNativeControls
event.dispose - @dispose onDispose
event.beforepluginsetup - @beforepluginsetup onBeforePluginSetup
event.pluginsetup - @pluginsetup onPluginSetup
event.componentresize - @componentresize onComponentResize
event.playerresize - @playerresize onPlayerResize
event.tap - @tap onTap
event.ready - @ready onReady

The events emitted by videojs-player component.

Component Event Description Vue React
mounted Fires when player component mounted.
({ video: HTMLVideoElement, player: VideoJsPlayer, state: VideoPlayerState })
@mounted onMounted
unmounted Fires when player component unmounted. @unmounted onUnmounted
stateChange Fires when player state changed (React only). (state: VideoPlayerState) - onStateChange

Player State

The component maintains a fully responsive state object internally with the player so that you can consume the player state out-of-the-box outside the player, you can get this object via the mounted event or stateChange (React Only).

Key Description Value type
src The URL of the currently playing video. String
currentSrc ditto String
currentSource The currently playing video source object. videojs.Tech.SourceObject
width Player's width. Number
height Player's height. Number
currentWidth ditto Number
currentHeight ditto Number
videoWidth Video element's width. Number
videoHeight Video element's height. Number
controls Whether player controls are enabled or not. Boolean
volume Player's volume. Number
muted Is the player muted. Boolean
poster Player poster image URL. String
playing Is it playing now. Boolean
waiting Is it waiting now. Boolean
seeking A seek operation began. Boolean
paused Playback has been paused. Boolean
ended Playback has stopped because the end of the media was reached. Boolean
currentTime - Number
duration - Number
playbackRate - Number
playbackRates - Array<Number>
isFullscreen - Boolean
isInPictureInPicture Whether it is picture-in-picture mode. Boolean
isLive Is the currently playing live video. Boolean
language Video.js current language. String
userActive - Boolean
readyState - videojs.ReadyState
networkState - videojs.NetworkState
error A Custom MediaError of Video.js. MediaError | Null
buffered An object that contains ranges of time. videojs.TimeRange
bufferedPercent - Number
played - TimeRanges
seekable - TimeRanges
textTracks - videojs.TextTrackList
audioTracks - videojs.AudioTrackList
videoTracks - videojs.VidioTrackList

Video.js extension

import videojs from 'video.js'

// Video.js plugin
const Plugin = videojs.getPlugin('plugin')
class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
  // do something...

videojs.registerPlugin('examplePlugin', ExamplePlugin)

// more Video.js operation...


pnpm install

pnpm dev
pnpm dev:vue
pnpm dev:react

pnpm build
pnpm build:vue
pnpm build:react

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pnpm release



Licensed under the MIT License.

videojs-player's People


bloatfan avatar chiaweilee avatar dependabot[bot] avatar javierpico avatar jenky avatar no5no6 avatar surmon-china avatar torvaldssg avatar uihoh0 avatar vladimyr avatar wrrwrr111 avatar zerozh avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

videojs-player's Issues


SPA应用下从rtmp直播流跳转到别的页面后,再想跳转到其他页面时只有url变了,页面没有变。控制台提示flash.js?e11f:381 Uncaught TypeError: this.el_.vjs_getProperty is not a function
at Flash.buffered (eval at (app.js:3282), :381:27)
at Flash.bufferedPercent (eval at (app.js:1837), :330:46)
at Flash.eval (eval at (app.js:1837), :272:37)
at Flash.bound (eval at (app.js:1667), :32:15)
at bound (eval at (app.js:1667), :32:15)

Player flashes frames and doesn't play type=rtmp/mp4 VOD

Hi, video.js supports rtmp VOD playback, but when I use vue-video-player the player loads the first frame of the stream and flickers back and forth between black and frame, continually. It seems to have pulled down correct duration information.

video.js example that works:

<video id="example" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="264" data-setup='{"techOrder": ["html5", "flash"]}'> <source src="rtmp://[serveraddress]/vod/mp4:sample.mp4" type='rtmp/mp4' /> </video>

This is what I've done with vue-video-player:

<app-vue-video-player :options="{ sources: [{src: 'rtmp://[serveraddress]/vod/mp4:sample.mp4', type: 'rtmp/mp4'}] }"></app-vue-video-player>

I've tested type=video/mp4 streams and they playback fine.

Shasum failure

When trying to install the module I am getting an error the the expected checksum and the actual Shasum are different and therefore an error is thrown and the module is not installed.

Using node 7.7.3 and npm 4.1.2


/~/video.js/dist/video-js.css Module parse failed: /Users/ash/Documents/b/node_modules/video.js/dist/video-js.css Unexpected token (1:0) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | .video-js .vjs-big-play-button:before, .video-js .vjs-control:before, .video-js .vjs-modal-dialog, .vjs-modal-dialog .vjs-modal-dialog-content { | position: absolute; | top: 0; @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js 9:0-37 @ ./src/main.js @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 webpack/hot/dev-server ./src/main.js



  <video-player :options="videoOptions"></video-player>

  import Vue from 'vue';
  import VideoPlayer from 'vue-video-player';


  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        videoOptions: {
          source: {
            type: 'application/x-mpegURL', 
            src: '',
            withCredentials: false
          live: true,
          autoplay: true

  * {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;








Apple mobile phone play MP4 format video without sound,android has sound.


  1. issue 只接受带重现的 bug 报告,请不要用来提问题!不符合要求的 issue 会被直接关闭。
  2. 请尽量用英文描述你的 issue,这样能够让尽可能多的人帮到你。

Got a question?

Reporting a bug?

  • Try to search for your issue, it may have already been answered or even fixed in the development branch.

  • It is required that you clearly describe the steps necessary to reproduce the issue you are running into. Issues with no clear repro steps will not be triaged. If an issue labeled "need repro" receives no further input from the issue author for more than 5 days, it will be closed.

  • It is recommended that you make a JSFiddle/JSBin/Codepen to demonstrate your issue. You could start with this template that already includes the latest version of Vue.

  • For potential SSR (Server Side Rendering) issue or bugs that involves build setups, you can create a reproduction repository with steps in the README.

  • If your issue is resolved but still open, don’t hesitate to close it. In case you found a solution by yourself, it could be helpful to explain how you fixed it.

Have a feature request?

  • Remove the template from below and provide thoughtful commentary and code samples on what this feature means for your product. What will it allow you to do that you can't do today? How will it make current work-arounds straightforward? What potential bugs and edge cases does it help to avoid? etc. Please keep it product-centric.


Vue.js version and component version

Reproduction Link

  • A minimal JSBin, JSFiddle, Codepen, or a GitHub repository that can reproduce the bug.
  • You could start with this template:

Steps to reproduce

What is Expected?

What is actually happening?

Webpack errors


I'm using:

"devDependencies": {
    "babel-polyfill": "^6.7.4",
    "gulp": "^3.9.1",
    "gulp-replace": "^0.5.4",
    "gulp-uglify": "^1.5.3",
    "vue": "^2.1.4",
    "vue-loader": "^10.0.2",
    "vue-router": "^2.1.1",
    "vue-video-player": "^2.3.4",
    "vuex": "^2.0.0",
    "webpack": "^1.13.3"

when I run webpack I get these:

{ [Error: ./~/video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css
Module parse failed: /Users/oleynikd/Dropbox/Business/YTV/www/front/blades/web_client_server/youtv-web-app/node_modules/video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| .video-js .vjs-big-play-button:before, .video-js .vjs-control:before, .video-js .vjs-modal-dialog, .vjs-modal-dialog .vjs-modal-dialog-content {
|   position: absolute;
|   top: 0;
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js 9:0-45
 @ ./resources/assets/js/index.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/bg.json
Module parse failed: /Users/oleynikd/Dropbox/Business/YTV/www/front/blades/web_client_server/youtv-web-app/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/bg.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Възпроизвеждане",
|   "Pause": "Пауза",
|   "Current Time": "Текущо време",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 3:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader?{"objectAssign":"Object.assign"}!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/index.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/cs.json
Module parse failed: /Users/oleynikd/Dropbox/Business/YTV/www/front/blades/web_client_server/youtv-web-app/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/cs.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Přehrát",
|   "Pause": "Pauza",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuální čas",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 5:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader?{"objectAssign":"Object.assign"}!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/index.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ar.json
Module parse failed: /Users/oleynikd/Dropbox/Business/YTV/www/front/blades/web_client_server/youtv-web-app/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ar.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "تشغيل",
|   "Pause": "ايقاف",
|   "Current Time": "الوقت الحالي",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 2:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader?{"objectAssign":"Object.assign"}!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/index.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ca.json
Module parse failed: /Users/oleynikd/Dropbox/Business/YTV/www/front/blades/web_client_server/youtv-web-app/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ca.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Reproducció",
|   "Pause": "Pausa",
|   "Current Time": "Temps reproduït",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 4:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader?{"objectAssign":"Object.assign"}!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/index.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/da.json
Module parse failed: /Users/oleynikd/Dropbox/Business/YTV/www/front/blades/web_client_server/youtv-web-app/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/da.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Afspil",
|   "Pause": "Pause",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuel tid",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 6:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader?{"objectAssign":"Object.assign"}!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/index.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/de.json

and many-many more.

Please help.
Thank you.



  1. issue 只接受带重现的 bug 报告,请不要用来提问题!不符合要求的 issue 会被直接关闭。
  2. 请尽量用英文描述你的 issue,这样能够让尽可能多的人帮到你。

Got a question?

Reporting a bug?

  • Try to search for your issue, it may have already been answered or even fixed in the development branch.

  • It is required that you clearly describe the steps necessary to reproduce the issue you are running into. Issues with no clear repro steps will not be triaged. If an issue labeled "need repro" receives no further input from the issue author for more than 5 days, it will be closed.

  • It is recommended that you make a JSFiddle/JSBin/Codepen to demonstrate your issue. You could start with this template that already includes the latest version of Vue.

  • For potential SSR (Server Side Rendering) issue or bugs that involves build setups, you can create a reproduction repository with steps in the README.

  • If your issue is resolved but still open, don’t hesitate to close it. In case you found a solution by yourself, it could be helpful to explain how you fixed it.

Have a feature request?

  • Remove the template from below and provide thoughtful commentary and code samples on what this feature means for your product. What will it allow you to do that you can't do today? How will it make current work-arounds straightforward? What potential bugs and edge cases does it help to avoid? etc. Please keep it product-centric.


Vue.js version and component version

vue version: 2.0.3

Reproduction Link

  • A minimal JSBin, JSFiddle, Codepen, or a GitHub repository that can reproduce the bug.
  • You could start with this template:

Steps to reproduce

What is Expected?

What is actually happening?

播放过程中一直提示:VIDEOJS: ERROR: TypeError: _vm.onPlayerTimeupdate is not a function

video options start youtube

Hi @surmon-china

I was no able to start in a specific time of the video of youtube, am I doing something wrong?

thanks for the advice before.

        source: {
          type: 'video/youtube',
          src: '' 
        start: 35,
        end: 65,
        techOrder: ['youtube'],
        autoplay: false,
        controls: false,
        ytControls: true

希望支持 x5 同层播放

<video class="video-js vjs-custom-skin" :class="{ 'live': }" id="x5video"></video>

playsinline && (this.$el.children[0].setAttribute('playsinline', playsinline), this.$el.children[0].setAttribute('webkit-playsinline', playsinline), this.$el.children[0].setAttribute('x5-Video-Player-Type', "h5"), this.$el.children[0].setAttribute('x5-Video-Player-Fullscreen',playsinline) )


<script> window.onresize = function () { = window.innerWidth + "px"; = window.innerHeight + "px"; //["object-position"]= "0px 0px" } </script>

增加 x5-Video-Player-Type , x5-Video-Player-Fullscreen 属性以后 虽然实现了安卓下的同层播放 但是加载的圈圈一直转 没找到原因 ,可以考虑增加兼容x5的同层播放

nuxt v-for

在nuxt后端渲染的 v-for 循环中,只显示第一个 video ,后面出来的都是空的。

<div v-for="item in items">
         <div class="video-player-box" v-video-player:myVideoPlayer="item.playerOptions">

Uncaught ReferenceError: eventEmit is not defined

使用nuxt 0.10.5 vue-video-player 3.0
Uncaught ReferenceError: eventEmit is not defined
at emitPlayerState (eval at (, :72:15)
at Player.eval (eval at (, :85:13)
at Player.eval (eval at (, :873:14)
at Array.forEach (native)
at Player.eval (eval at (, :872:20)
at bound (eval at (, :32:15)
emitPlayerState @ ssr.js?8c39:72
(anonymous) @ ssr.js?8c39:85
(anonymous) @ component.js?5748:873
(anonymous) @ component.js?5748:872
bound @ fn.js?13cb:32


这样别人可以直接引用es6的源码,就可以利用webpack2的tree shaking来减体积;也可以直接引用dist下的es5代码

there is a warning in nuxt

this is my nuxt.config.js:

css: [
    // '~assets/css/main.css',
plugins: [
    // { src: '~plugins/TcPlayer', ssr: false }

this is my plugins/nuxt-video-player-plugin.js:

import Vue from 'vue'

if (process.BROWSER_BUILD) {
	const VueVideoPlayer = require('vue-video-player/ssr')


  <div id="videos">
    <div class="video-player-box" 

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      playerOptions: {
        // component options
        start: 0,
        playsinline: false,
        // videojs options
        muted: true,
        language: 'en',
        playbackRates: [0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
        sources: [{
          type: 'video/mp4',
          src: ''
        // poster: "/static/images/author.jpg",
  mounted () {
    console.log('this is current player instance object', this.myVideoPlayer)
  methods: {
    // listen event
    onPlayerPlay (player) {
      // console.log('player play!', player)
    onPlayerPause (player) {
      // console.log('player pause!', player)
    onPlayerEnded (player) {
      // console.log('player ended!', player)
    onPlayerLoadeddata (player) {
      // console.log('player Loadeddata!', player)
    onPlayerWaiting (player) {
      // console.log('player Waiting!', player)
    onPlayerPlaying (player) {
      // console.log('player Playing!', player)
    onPlayerTimeupdate (player) {
      // console.log('player Timeupdate!', player.currentTime())
    onPlayerCanplay (player) {
      // console.log('player Canplay!', player)
    onPlayerCanplaythrough (player) {
      // console.log('player Canplaythrough!', player)
    // or listen state event
    playerStateChanged (playerCurrentState) {
      console.log('player current update state', playerCurrentState)
    // player is ready
    playerReadied (player) {
      console.log('example 01: the player is readied', player)

[Vue warn]:

Error in directive video-player inserted hook: "TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object"

found in

---> <D:\sdyh5git\pages\videodynamic\index.vue> at D:\sdyh5git\pages\videodynamic\index.vue
       <Nuxt> at D:\sdyh5git\.nuxt\components\nuxt.vue
         <Default> at D:\sdyh5git\layouts\default.vue

nuxt version:0.10.6
vue-video-player: 3.1.1





<video class="video-js vjs-custom-skin" :class="{ 'live': }" webkit-playsinline="true"></video>





        var playsinline = options.playsinline !== undefined ? options.playsinline : true;
        this.player.el().firstChild.setAttribute('webkit-playsinline', playsinline);


可以看一下啊,谢谢了~ @surmon-china


打包后文件过大, 使用 fis3 进行的打包, 代码如下

	fis.match('::package', {
		packager: fis.plugin('deps-pack', {
			// ...
			'js/video.js': [
			'css/video.css': [
			// ...
		// ...

打包完成后, video.js 有1.1MB, video.css 有40.5KB, 希望可以优化一下

vue-video-player/player.vue Unexpected token (1:0)


ERROR in ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
Module parse failed: /Users/bohai/eduProject/hxhz/web/statics/node_modules/vue-video-player/player.vue Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:0)


在移动端播放器会自动全屏 , 有纯音频播放 或 其他不,播放的时候不自动全屏的解决方案吗?


Anyone can help?
It's working with hard coded, but it's not working with axios.

    <div class="player">
        <video-player :options="playerOptions" @ready="playerReadied($event)">

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                playerSources: this.fetchVideos(),
                playerOptions: {
                    plugins: {
                        videoJsResolutionSwitcher: {
                            ui: true,
                            default: 3,
                            dynamicLabel: true
                    playbackRates: [0.7, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7],
                    poster: null,
                    height: 360

        methods: {
            playerReadied(player) {
                if (player.updateSrc) {
                    player.on('resolutionchange', function(){
                        console.log('switch the source', player.src())

            fetchVideos() {
                /*this.playerSources = [
                        "type": "video/mp4",
                        "src": "",
                        "label": "360P",
                        "res": 1
                        "type": "video/mp4",
                        "src": "",
                        "label": "480P",
                        "res": 2
                        "type": "video/mp4",
                        "src": "",
                        "label": "720P",
                        "res": 3
                    .then(response => {
                        this.playerSources =;

Cannot resolve module 'videojs'

Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'videojs' in /node_modules/videojs-youtube/dist
resolve module videojs in /node_modules/videojs-youtube/dist

appropriate loader to handle this file type json

Hi @surmon-china

I learning Vue, I was trying your component but have problems with require json file,
How can I config to work with your component?

thanks in advance

ERROR in ./~/vue-video-player/lang/zh-TW.json
Module parse failed: /user/quasar-video/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/zh-TW.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (2:8)
    at Parser.pp$4.raise (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:2221:15)
    at Parser.pp.unexpected (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:603:10)
    at Parser.pp.semicolon (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:581:61)
    at Parser.pp$1.parseExpressionStatement (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:966:10)
    at Parser.pp$1.parseStatement (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:730:24)
    at Parser.pp$1.parseBlock (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:981:25)
    at Parser.pp$1.parseStatement (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:709:33)
    at Parser.pp$1.parseTopLevel (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:638:25)
    at Parser.parse (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:516:17)
    at Object.parse (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn.js:3098:39)
    at Parser.parse (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/lib/Parser.js:902:15)
    at DependenciesBlock.<anonymous> (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:104:16)
    at DependenciesBlock.onModuleBuild (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack-core/lib/NormalModuleMixin.js:310:10)
    at nextLoader (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack-core/lib/NormalModuleMixin.js:275:25)
    at /user/quasar-video/node_modules/webpack-core/lib/NormalModuleMixin.js:259:5
    at Storage.finished (/user/quasar-video/node_modules/enhanced-resolve/lib/CachedInputFileSystem.js:38:16)
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 31:11-39

Issues implementing this in a default Laravel Install (using Elixir)

Hi There,

Thanks for the awesome library. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this module to work using Laravel Elixir (Webpack). I get the following errors. Any idea on where to start looking?

[17:12:32] Starting 'webpack'...
{ [Error: ./~/video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| .video-js .vjs-big-play-button:before, .video-js .vjs-control:before, .video-js .vjs-modal-dialog, .vjs-modal-dialog .vjs-modal-dialog-content {
|   position: absolute;
|   top: 0;
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js 11:0-45
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ar.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ar.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "تشغيل",
|   "Pause": "ايقاف",
|   "Current Time": "الوقت الحالي",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 2:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/bg.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/bg.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Възпроизвеждане",
|   "Pause": "Пауза",
|   "Current Time": "Текущо време",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 3:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ca.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ca.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Reproducció",
|   "Pause": "Pausa",
|   "Current Time": "Temps reproduït",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 4:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/cs.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/cs.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Přehrát",
|   "Pause": "Pauza",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuální čas",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 5:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/da.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/da.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Afspil",
|   "Pause": "Pause",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuel tid",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 6:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/de.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/de.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Wiedergabe",
|   "Pause": "Pause",
|   "Current Time": "Aktueller Zeitpunkt",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 7:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/el.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/el.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Aναπαραγωγή",
|   "Pause": "Παύση",
|   "Current Time": "Τρέχων χρόνος",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 8:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/en.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/en.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Play",
|   "Pause": "Pause",
|   "Current Time": "Current Time",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 9:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/es.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/es.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Reproducción",
|   "Pause": "Pausa",
|   "Current Time": "Tiempo reproducido",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 10:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/fa.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/fa.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "پخش",
|   "Pause": "وقفه",
|   "Current Time": "زمان کنونی",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 11:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/fi.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/fi.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Toisto",
|   "Pause": "Tauko",
|   "Current Time": "Tämänhetkinen aika",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 12:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/fr.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/fr.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Lecture",
|   "Pause": "Pause",
|   "Current Time": "Temps actuel",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 13:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/hr.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/hr.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Pusti",
|   "Pause": "Pauza",
|   "Current Time": "Trenutno vrijeme",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 14:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/hu.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/hu.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Lejátszás",
|   "Pause": "Szünet",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuális időpont",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 15:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/it.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/it.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Play",
|   "Pause": "Pausa",
|   "Current Time": "Orario attuale",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 16:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ja.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ja.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "再生",
|   "Pause": "一時停止",
|   "Current Time": "現在の時間",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 17:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ko.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ko.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "재생",
|   "Pause": "일시중지",
|   "Current Time": "현재 시간",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 18:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/nb.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/nb.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Spill",
|   "Pause": "Pause",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuell tid",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 19:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/nl.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/nl.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Afspelen",
|   "Pause": "Pauze",
|   "Current Time": "Huidige tijd",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 20:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/nn.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/nn.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Spel",
|   "Pause": "Pause",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuell tid",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 21:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/pl.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/pl.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Odtwarzaj",
|   "Pause": "Pauza",
|   "Current Time": "Aktualny czas",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 22:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/pt-BR.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/pt-BR.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Tocar",
|   "Pause": "Pausar",
|   "Current Time": "Tempo",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 23:11-39
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ru.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ru.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Воспроизвести",
|   "Pause": "Приостановить",
|   "Current Time": "Текущее время",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 24:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/sr.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/sr.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Pusti",
|   "Pause": "Pauza",
|   "Current Time": "Trenutno vrijeme",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 25:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/sv.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/sv.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Spela",
|   "Pause": "Pausa",
|   "Current Time": "Aktuell tid",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 26:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/tr.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/tr.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Oynat",
|   "Pause": "Duraklat",
|   "Current Time": "Süre",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 27:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/uk.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/uk.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Відтворити",
|   "Pause": "Призупинити",
|   "Current Time": "Поточний час",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 28:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/vi.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/vi.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "Phát",
|   "Pause": "Tạm dừng",
|   "Current Time": "Thời gian hiện tại",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 29:8-33
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/zh-CN.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/zh-CN.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "播放",
|   "Pause": "暂停",
|   "Current Time": "当前时间",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 30:11-39
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/zh-TW.json
Module parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/zh-TW.json Unexpected token (2:8)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
|   "Play": "播放",
|   "Pause": "暫停",
|   "Current Time": "目前時間",
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 31:11-39
 @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js
 @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js]
  message: './~/video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css Unexpected token (1:0)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| .video-js .vjs-big-play-button:before, .video-js .vjs-control:before, .video-js .vjs-modal-dialog, .vjs-modal-dialog .vjs-modal-dialog-content {\n|   position: absolute;\n|   top: 0;\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js 11:0-45\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ar.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ar.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "تشغيل",\r\n|   "Pause": "ايقاف",\r\n|   "Current Time": "الوقت الحالي",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 2:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/bg.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/bg.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Възпроизвеждане",\r\n|   "Pause": "Пауза",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Текущо време",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 3:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ca.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ca.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Reproducció",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pausa",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Temps reproduït",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 4:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/cs.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/cs.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Přehrát",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pauza",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktuální čas",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 5:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/da.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/da.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Afspil",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pause",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktuel tid",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 6:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/de.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/de.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Wiedergabe",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pause",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktueller Zeitpunkt",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 7:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/el.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/el.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Aναπαραγωγή",\r\n|   "Pause": "Παύση",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Τρέχων χρόνος",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 8:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/en.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/en.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Play",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pause",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Current Time",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 9:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/es.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/es.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Reproducción",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pausa",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Tiempo reproducido",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 10:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/fa.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/fa.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "پخش",\r\n|   "Pause": "وقفه",\r\n|   "Current Time": "زمان کنونی",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 11:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/fi.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/fi.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Toisto",\r\n|   "Pause": "Tauko",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Tämänhetkinen aika",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 12:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/fr.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/fr.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Lecture",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pause",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Temps actuel",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 13:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/hr.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/hr.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Pusti",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pauza",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Trenutno vrijeme",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 14:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/hu.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/hu.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Lejátszás",\r\n|   "Pause": "Szünet",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktuális időpont",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 15:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/it.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/it.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Play",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pausa",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Orario attuale",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 16:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ja.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ja.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "再生",\r\n|   "Pause": "一時停止",\r\n|   "Current Time": "現在の時間",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 17:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ko.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ko.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "재생",\r\n|   "Pause": "일시중지",\r\n|   "Current Time": "현재 시간",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 18:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/nb.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/nb.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Spill",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pause",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktuell tid",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 19:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/nl.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/nl.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Afspelen",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pauze",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Huidige tijd",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 20:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/nn.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/nn.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Spel",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pause",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktuell tid",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 21:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/pl.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/pl.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Odtwarzaj",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pauza",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktualny czas",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 22:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/pt-BR.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/pt-BR.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Tocar",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pausar",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Tempo",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 23:11-39\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/ru.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/ru.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Воспроизвести",\r\n|   "Pause": "Приостановить",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Текущее время",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 24:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/sr.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/sr.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Pusti",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pauza",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Trenutno vrijeme",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 25:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/sv.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/sv.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Spela",\r\n|   "Pause": "Pausa",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Aktuell tid",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 26:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/tr.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/tr.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Oynat",\r\n|   "Pause": "Duraklat",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Süre",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 27:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/uk.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/uk.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Відтворити",\r\n|   "Pause": "Призупинити",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Поточний час",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 28:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/vi.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/vi.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "Phát",\r\n|   "Pause": "Tạm dừng",\r\n|   "Current Time": "Thời gian hiện tại",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 29:8-33\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/zh-CN.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/zh-CN.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "播放",\r\n|   "Pause": "暂停",\r\n|   "Current Time": "当前时间",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 30:11-39\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js./~/vue-video-player/lang/zh-TW.json\nModule parse failed: /Users/Michael/Code/Project/node_modules/vue-video-player/lang/zh-TW.json Unexpected token (2:8)\nYou may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.\n| {\r\n|   "Play": "播放",\r\n|   "Pause": "暫停",\r\n|   "Current Time": "目前時間",\r\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/languages.js 31:11-39\n @ ./~/buble-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/player.vue\n @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js\n @ ./resources/assets/js/app.js',
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  switcher: false, // default true(播放源切换功能)
  hls: false       // default true(直播功能的支持)
    if (configs.hls) require('videojs-contrib-hls/dist/videojs-contrib-hls.js')
    if ( require('videojs-youtube')
    if (configs.switcher) require('videojs-resolution-switcher')


    if (false) require('videojs-contrib-hls/dist/videojs-contrib-hls.js')
    if (false) require('videojs-youtube')
    if (false) require('videojs-resolution-switcher')


移动端,进入页面的时候,一直在显示loading的状态, 是不是1.0版本的vue用不了这个


  1. issue 只接受带重现的 bug 报告,请不要用来提问题!不符合要求的 issue 会被直接关闭。
  2. 请尽量用英文描述你的 issue,这样能够让尽可能多的人帮到你。

Got a question?

Reporting a bug?

  • Try to search for your issue, it may have already been answered or even fixed in the development branch.

  • It is required that you clearly describe the steps necessary to reproduce the issue you are running into. Issues with no clear repro steps will not be triaged. If an issue labeled "need repro" receives no further input from the issue author for more than 5 days, it will be closed.

  • It is recommended that you make a JSFiddle/JSBin/Codepen to demonstrate your issue. You could start with this template that already includes the latest version of Vue.

  • For potential SSR (Server Side Rendering) issue or bugs that involves build setups, you can create a reproduction repository with steps in the README.

  • If your issue is resolved but still open, don’t hesitate to close it. In case you found a solution by yourself, it could be helpful to explain how you fixed it.

Have a feature request?

  • Remove the template from below and provide thoughtful commentary and code samples on what this feature means for your product. What will it allow you to do that you can't do today? How will it make current work-arounds straightforward? What potential bugs and edge cases does it help to avoid? etc. Please keep it product-centric.


Vue.js version and component version

vue 1.0.21 vue-video-player 3.0.8

Reproduction Link

  • A minimal JSBin, JSFiddle, Codepen, or a GitHub repository that can reproduce the bug.
  • You could start with this template:

Steps to reproduce

What is Expected?

What is actually happening?

No poster when controls option is fasle

When I set controls to false, the poster will be not shown. Is it normal that?

here is my videoOptions method for passing Options to the video-player component:

    export default{
        data() {
            return {
                videos: [],
        components: {
        methods: {
            videoOptions(video) {
                return {
                    source: {
                        type: "video/mp4",
                        src: video.mp4
                    poster: video.poster,
                    height: 330,
                    autoplay: false,
                    controls: false

Changing Width of Player

All your samples have black bars by the side how can we remove them and just have the video image?

Is there an area i can change the width of the player?

vue 2.0 有这样的问题

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'css' in 'E:\xxx'
BREAKING CHANGE: It's no longer allowed to omit the '-loader' suffix when using loaders.
                 You need to specify 'css-loader' instead of 'css'.
 @ ./~/vue-video-player/index.js 9:0-45
 @ ./~/babel-loader/lib!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/view.vue
 @ ./src/components/view.vue
 @ ./src/main.js
 @ multi main```

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