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atomic-blocks's Issues

Disable unneeded CSS

Do I really have to overwrite colors and fonts for atomic blocks or is there a way to remove unwanted CSS.

Colors and font-sizes should be defined by the theme and not by a plugin.

I think you're aware of this already as it's similar to issue38

Post Grid block feature additions

Improvements and additions to the Post Grid block for 1.5.4.

  • Number of posts to offset
  • Excerpt limit
  • Exclude sticky posts
  • A11y improvements
  • Add post class and ID
  • Refactor Inspector code
  • Add post/page selector
  • Match Genesis markup
  • Add Post Grid section title

Regenerate POT file

Once #25 is merged and right before we tag 1.3.7, we need to regenerate the pot file so it includes all the strings.

Gutenberg error when opening style selection

When opening the style selection (accordion in sidebar) for the AB Container block,
Gutenberg editor crashes and displays an error popup. Error message:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerBlocks' of null
    at t.value ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/build/editor/index.js?ver=1550716684:50:144165)
    at commitLifeCycles ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:16085:22)
    at commitAllLifeCycles ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:17386:7)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:143:14)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:193:16)
    at invokeGuardedCallback ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:250:31)
    at commitRoot ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:17582:7)
    at completeRoot ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:19036:3)
    at performWorkOnRoot ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:18965:9)
    at performWork ([...]/app/plugins/gutenberg/vendor/react-dom.60482cc7.js:18873:7)

Two styles have been added to the AB Container block by theme (Border and Empty):

wp.domReady( () => {

  wp.blocks.registerBlockStyle( 'atomic-blocks/ab-container', {
    name: 'border',
    label: 'Border',
    isDefault: true,
  } );

  wp.blocks.registerBlockStyle( 'atomic-blocks/ab-container', {
    name: 'empty',
    label: 'Empty',
  } );

} );

Testimonial block: Removing person's title doesn't work as expected

This doesn't seem to happen every time, and I've been unable to reproduce reliably, but the gist of it is laid out below. I think it could be related to how weird it is to get back into the placeholder field/area once you've removed the title and poking around all the keys is causing something funky under the hood, but I could be way off base. Haven't dug into the code at all.

Removing the title results in the letter F or lowercase f being saved in the title.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Add Testimonial block
  • Add some text
  • Add a name
  • Add a title
  • Save page
  • Edit title and remove it
  • Save page

Visually it looks like it was removed, but viewing it on the front end shows an F where the title goes. Editing the page again in the admin will reveal the F. If you try to remove it and save, you'll see it again appears to be removed but on the front end it's still there and if you refresh the admin edit page you'll see it reappear.

Atomic Blocks: 1.3.6
Gutenberg: 4.1.1
WP: 4.9.8

A11y - Block Post Grid

Just an A11y tip/request -

The Post Grid Block pulls the featured image; if alt text is set on the image correctly, the alt text should be describing the image rather than the purpose of the link.

The Alt attribute in this case should be set to alt or alt="" so it's null this removes the image from consideration by assistive technologies, then the post title should be added to the link so assistive technologies can describe the link.

The Read More links need the page title appended to make them unique as well. In the below I added screen reader only span to hide the additional text. Screen reader will now read - whatever "read more text" set by the block, then append "about + page-title" an assistive technology user will be able to select a unique post from all of the posts on the page and hear in my example "Continue reading about hello world"

This is also required to pass google lighthouse audit for accessibility 100%.

if ( isset( $attributes['displayPostLink'] ) && $attributes['displayPostLink'] ) { $list_items_markup .= sprintf( '<p><a class="ab-block-post-grid-link ab-text-link" href="%1$s" rel="bookmark">%2$s <span class="sr-only">about %3$s</span></a></p>', esc_url( get_permalink( $post_id ) ), esc_html( $attributes['readMoreText'] ), esc_html( $title ) ); }

AB CTA Block: white screen on page editor

When the Atomic Blocks plugin is activated on one of my sites, any page that's using the AB CTA block can't be edited because the editor page is just a blank white screen. The only change that has happened on this site before I noticed this issue was the update to WP 5.1.

Here's what I see on the editor page (which shows the blank white screen at the top):


I also tried using this block on a test site that is using WP 5.1 and has no other active plugins. Here's what I see when entering a sample title, description, and button text:


And if I click the Resolve button, the suggested fix matches the original content (there are no changes suggested).

Edit to add: I'm using Atomic Blocks 1.5.2 on both sites.

Update placeholder behavior

Gutenberg had some quirks with clearing placeholder text. Test to see if those are fixed and update the blocks accordingly.

[bug] Blocks not appear in gutenberg editor, console error InspectorControls

When I activated plugin on clean install of Wordpress blocks not appear in Gutenberg editor and I can see error in devtools console from
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'InspectorControls' of undefined

Gutenberg Version 4.5.1
Atomic Blocks Version 1.3.8
Wordpress Version 4.9.8
nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu 14.04)
PHP 7.0.3

Styles repeated multiple times in compiled stylesheets

AB Container Block - can't set a 0 margin bottom

Using a AB Container Block and setting the margin-bottom to 0 using the block editor, means you end up with a 1.2em bottom margin.

This is because margin-bottom:0; is not added to the block inline styles and therefore it inherits margin: 0 0 1.2em 0; from the

Setting the margin-bottom to 0.5%, for example does add the inline style and overrides this, but if you want 0 it does not work.

Overly opinionated AB Container block

Can there be a way to turn off the automatically populated inline-styling (i.e. all the padding, margin, max-width, and background color). It feels like those should only result in inline-styling if the user sets them versus automatically being set by default. This really conflicts with any theme styling and forces the use of !important because no level of specificity will trump inline styling.

Update MediaUpload instances

wp.editor.MediaUpload will be removed in 4.2. Use allowedTypes property containing an array with the allowedTypes or do not pass any property if all types are allowed instead.

AB Accordion <summary> should add a element before the text

So far, this library has been great! Thanks for all the hard work!
I opened this issue but it might not be an 'issue' and might be more of a question.


I am trying to style the accordion <summary> element using word press as a headless CMS.

However, when trying to apply specific styles to the <summary> element "text-decoration: underline" it doesn't style the UI even though its in the CSS. This seems like a limitation of the <summary> element.


A solution to this, would be to make a pull request to add an HTML element between the text and the <summary> element. I see your demo for the accordion has a <p> element inside the <summary> element.

Question How'd that <p> tag get in there?

  • Was it from editing the HTML in WordPress for this accordion block? Cause if I do that, I get this validation issue: This block contains unexpected or invalid content. Having raw HTML in WordPress isn't a great solution for this anyways.

Anyways, I am just a little confused how the demo for the accordion has <p> tags inside the <summary> and how I can get that. Preferably without turning my entire accordion into HTML.

Container block: Different "variations"

@atomicblocks, @mikemcalister: If the container block can be styled differently by the theme,
what is the correct approach for allowing the user to select a variation of that container block?
Should the theme somehow add a variation selection field to the block controls?
Assigning CSS classes would be not optimal because the user cannot
select from a fixed set and there is no clear captioning or preview possible.

ab-container block fails validation after changing alignment


I noticed when playing around with the container block that changing alignment to not be centered causes a validation issue. If I find why, I can make a PR. :)

Using Version 1.4.2 . Here's the error:


<div style="background-color:#fff;padding-left:5%;padding-right:5%;padding-bottom:20%;padding-top:20%;margin-top:0%;margin-bottom:0%" class="wp-block-atomic-blocks-ab-container alignundefined aligncenter ab-block-container"><div class="ab-container-inside"><div class="ab-container-image-wrap"><img class="ab-container-image has-background-dim-100 has-background-dim" src="" alt=""/></div><div class="ab-container-content" style="max-width:1600px"></div></div></div>


<div style="background-color:#fff;padding-left:5%;padding-right:5%;padding-bottom:20%;padding-top:20%;margin-top:0%;margin-bottom:0%" class="wp-block-atomic-blocks-ab-container alignundefined ab-block-container"><div class="ab-container-inside"><div class="ab-container-image-wrap"><img class="ab-container-image has-background-dim-100 has-background-dim" src="" alt=""/></div><div class="ab-container-content" style="max-width:1600px"></div></div></div>
(anonymous) @ index.js?ver=1543977903:2

Button not displaying consistently

To recreate, install the Twenty Nineteen theme, which is part of the WP 5.0 RC. When adding an Atomic Blocks button to a post or page, it displays the button without an underline on the link. However, when displayed on the front-end, the underline has been added.

Although I can't recreate this in other themes, I'm wondering if this is an Atomic Blocks issue, as I would have thought the plugin's own CSS should ensure consistency across back and front end.

If you believe this is a Twenty Nineteen issue, please let me know and I'll report it to the developers of that theme.


PanelBody throwing undefined error

On the Profile inspector.js When grouping TextControl fields into the PanelBody tag, once you click to open the panel, an error is thrown:

Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined.

Temporarily removed the PanelBody tag as a fix, but would like to regroup these into a panel.

Profile block error due to spacing

After creating a page using the profile block, going back to edit it I get this error:


It doesn't affect every block on the page, but if I save the page and the re-edit, more profile blocks get the same error.

The console displays an error message containing the actual and expected output. Here's a diff of the two outputs:

It appears the issue relates to white space being added to the content by WP.

If I click "Edit as HTML" I get an unknown error (screenshot). If I click "Convert to Blocks" it changes the content to image and text blocks.

Sharing Icon Conflict with Elementor

When I activate the plugin it breaks Elementor Pro's "Share Buttons" icons for social services, but not email or others that are not services.

Before the Atomic Blocks plugin:
screen shot 2018-10-17 at 8 59 09 am

After activating Atomic Blocks:
screen shot 2018-10-17 at 10 46 34 am

To reproduce:

  1. Create a page with Elementor Pro "Share Buttons" and confirm they are showing.
  2. Install and activate Atomic Blocks

Convert CTA block to use InnerBlocks

The CTA block currently uses static title, text, and button components. These can be replaced with the InnerBlocks component and the content can be migrated to individual blocks within there.

h2 on Testimonial

Research the use of the h2 tag in the name in the testimonial block.

Allow profile box block to use Gravatar

So many people use a gravatar to keep their profile pic up to date across all the websites where they have profiles. I would imagine people would appreciate being able to use their gravatar in the profile block so their profile pic in the block matches the one used in, say, their comments ... or their profile in the WP dashboard.

Improve dev tooling configuration

Right now things aren't ideal for multiple devs working in parallel. Since scripts and styles are always compiled down to a single file, even during dev, it's next to impossible to work in parallel due to merge conflicts.

At a minimum we need to compile individual block scripts and styles to separate files and load those when SCRIPT_DEBUG and/or WP_DEBUG is true. Then we can combine them prior to release using the build tools.

  • phpcs
  • break out of create-guten-block
  • transpile and load block JS/CSS files separately in debug mode
  • remove bundled scripts from this repo and only deliver them in releases

Improve handling of email field in profile block

As reported here, if you enter an email address in the Email URL field, it gets created as a web URL like[email protected].

It requires you enter the email in this format to work:
mailto:[email protected]

That's not obvious or terribly friendly. We should look at detecting if a regular email is entered without the mailto prefix, and ensure the link is saved/output appropriately.

Last update 1.1.9 Removed Plugin Required Dist File Folder from WPORG Plugin Repo

I was curious enough to try the atomic blocks plugin since I'm also getting involved in Gutenberg development, but an hour ago when I installed the plugin from wporg's plugin repo it threw me fatal error for missing files, I checked the plugin's trac repo and it turns out your last update has mistakenly removed the dist file folder from the plugin.
I thought you might care and solve it out before any user hits the issue. 😄

Change default button colors

Hi there,
I am working on a client project and looking forward for the 5.0 update I already installed Gutenberg and activated your awesome plugin.

I've declared few default colors but I do not see them when I use your blocks, especially the button ones.

There is a way that will let me override your default colours or I have to force the user to use the colour picker?

Thank you in advance,

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