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ml-in-action-code-and-note's Issues

a run problem to point out


def getTreeDepth(myTree):
# 下面三行为代码 python3 替换注释的两行代码
firstSides = list(myTree.keys())
firstStr = firstSides[0]
secondDict = myTree[firstStr]
for key in secondDict.keys():
if type(secondDict[key]) == dict:
thisDepth = 1 + getTreeDepth(secondDict[key])
thisDepth = 1
if thisDepth > maxDepth: maxDepth = thisDepth
return maxDepth

in pycharm it should be format to:

def getTreeDepth(myTree):
# 下面三行为代码 python3 替换注释的两行代码
firstSides = list(myTree.keys())
firstStr = firstSides[0]
secondDict = myTree[firstStr]
for key in secondDict.keys():
if type(secondDict[key]) == dict:
thisDepth = 1 + getTreeDepth(secondDict[key])
thisDepth = 1
if thisDepth > maxDepth: maxDepth = thisDepth
return maxDepth

A bug need to adjust

def getNumleafs(myTree):
	numLeafs =0#初始化节点数
	firstSides = list(myTree.keys())#先把最广的key遍历
	firstStr = firstSides[0]#取第一个key
	secondDict = myTree[firstStr]#取第一个key的子字典

#=>Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/admin/PycharmProjects/untitled20/机器学习/决策树的实现.py", line 317, in <module>
  File "/Users/admin/PycharmProjects/untitled20/机器学习/决策树的实现.py", line 98, in createPlot
    plotTree.totalW = float(getNumleafs(inTree))
  File "/Users/admin/PycharmProjects/untitled20/机器学习/决策树的实现.py", line 18, in getNumleafs
    firstSides = dict(myTree.keys())#先把最广的key遍历
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'keys'

The problem was that the PY3.5 to PY3.6 had changed the rules within the dict uses

gtsam IMUKITTIExampleGPS data format description

Hello, nice to meet you, and thank you very much for providing such a useful example for new users of gtsam. About the program (imukittiexamplegps. M), I have successfully run it. Now I want to test it with different data. As a first step, I try to generate data in the same format from Kitti raw data. I want to know   Kittiequivbiasedimu.txt and attached   Kittigps_converted.txt what do these two data components represent respectively, such as attached   What are the meanings of X, y and Z in kittigps_converted.txt? What are the meanings of X, y and Z in kittiequivbiasedimu.txt. Looking forward to your reply!!!
您好,很高兴见到您,非常感谢您为 gts am 的新用户提供了这样一个有用的示例。关于程序( imu kitti example gps 。米),我已经成功运行了。现在我想用不同的数据来检验。作为第一步,我尝试从 Kitti 原始数据生成相同格式的数据。我想知道 Kitti equiv bia sedimum . txt 和附件中的 Kitt i gps _ convorted . txt 这两个数据分量分别代表什么,如附件中 kitt iq ps _ Convented . txt 中的 X , y , Z 是什么意思?kitti equiv biased imu . txt 中的 X 、 y 、 Z 是什么意思?期待您的回复!!!

K-means bug fix

#@wheniseeyou K-means
from numpy import *

#step1 load DATASET
def loadDataSet(filename):

	:param filename:
	dataMat =[]#数据矩阵
	fr = open(filename)
	for line in fr.readlines():
		curLine = line.strip().split('\t')
		fltLine = list(map(float,curLine))
	return dataMat

[[1.658985, 4.285136], [-3.453687, 3.424321], [4.838138, -1.151539], [-5.37971
#step2 calc distance
def distEclud(vecA,vecB):
	return sqrt(sum(power(vecA-vecB,2)))


def randCent(dataSet,k):
	这里假设dataSet是list 那么 下面的取最值就要改为下面的方法
	回顾下面的算法 发现:
	其随机zhixing的第二个特诊即y是从已知数据最小到最大的rand值 随机游走
	:param dataSet:
	:param k:
	n = shape(dataSet)[1]
	#创建矩阵块 以k为行数 n为列
	centroids = mat(zeros((k,n)))
	[[ 0.  0.  0.]
    [ 0.  0.  0.]
    [ 0.  0.  0.]
    [ 0.  0.  0.]]
	for j in range(n):#对列遍历
		#minJ = min(dataSet[:,j])
		minJ = min(array(dataSet)[:,j])
		rangeJ = float(max(array(dataSet)[:,j])-minJ)
		#rangeJ = float(max(dataSet[:,j])-minJ)#这里是找到每一列的特征的最大值 去减一个ZUIXIAO
		[[ 0.70504333]
         [ 0.88452734]
         [ 0.31081878]]
		centroids[:,j] = mat(minJ + rangeJ*random.rand(k,1))#random.rand可以保证出现k个不一样的值
	return centroids

def KMeans(dataSet,k,distMeas = distEclud,createCent = randCent):

	:param dataSet: 数据集
	:param k: 你懂的
	:param distMeas:距离计算方式
	:param createCent: k点生成方式
	m = shape(dataSet)[0]
	clusterAssment = mat(zeros((m,2)))
	[[ 0.  0.]
    [ 0.  0.]
    [ 0.  0.]
    [ 0.  0.]]
	centroids = createCent(dataSet,k)
	clusterChanged = True
	while clusterChanged:
		clusterChanged = False
		for i in range(m):
			minDist =inf#无穷
			minIndex = -1#初始化 类别
			for j in range(k):#对于每一个知心
				distJI = distMeas(centroids[j,:],dataSet[i,:])
				if distJI <minDist:#迭代距离
					minDist = distJI
					minIndex = j
			#当数据集的簇群点的第一个数字 即类别 不属于j类 则继续迭代
			if clusterAssment[i,0] != minIndex:
				clusterChanged = True
			clusterAssment[i,:] = minIndex,minDist**2
		for cent in range(k):
			dataSet =[
			[1, 1],
			[1, 1],
			[1, 0],
			[0, 1],
			[0, 1]
			(array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4]), array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
			上面是左右对应的 坐标的左边 与右边
			#找到dataset里面的 属于k类的全体点
			ptsInClust = dataSet[nonzero(clusterAssment[:,0].A == cent)[0]]
			centroids[cent,:] = mean(ptsInClust,axis =0)
	return centroids,clusterAssment

dataMat = loadDataSet('/Users/admin/Desktop/testSet_K.txt')


IN PY3.6 if use ur org-code it will run error! TO FIX IT the input must be change th type to MATRIX!!

[[ 1.658985  4.285136]
 [-3.453687  3.424321]
 [ 4.838138 -1.151539]
 [-5.379713 -3.362104]
 [ 0.972564  2.924086]
 [-3.567919  1.531611]
 [ 0.450614 -3.302219]
 [-3.487105 -1.724432]
 [ 2.668759  1.594842]
 [-3.156485  3.191137]
 [ 3.165506 -3.999838]
 [-2.786837 -3.099354]
 [ 4.208187  2.984927]
 [-2.123337  2.943366]
 [ 0.704199 -0.479481]
 [-0.39237  -3.963704]
 [ 2.831667  1.574018]
 [-0.790153  3.343144]
 [ 2.943496 -3.357075]
 [-3.195883 -2.283926]
 [ 2.336445  2.875106]
 [-1.786345  2.554248]
 [ 2.190101 -1.90602 ]
 [-3.403367 -2.778288]
 [ 1.778124  3.880832]
 [-1.688346  2.230267]
 [ 2.592976 -2.054368]
 [-4.007257 -3.207066]
 [ 2.257734  3.387564]
 [-2.679011  0.785119]
 [ 0.939512 -4.023563]
 [-3.674424 -2.261084]
 [ 2.046259  2.735279]
 [-3.18947   1.780269]
 [ 4.372646 -0.822248]
 [-2.579316 -3.497576]
 [ 1.889034  5.1904  ]
 [-0.798747  2.185588]
 [ 2.83652  -2.658556]
 [-3.837877 -3.253815]
 [ 2.096701  3.886007]
 [-2.709034  2.923887]
 [ 3.367037 -3.184789]
 [-2.121479 -4.232586]
 [ 2.329546  3.179764]
 [-3.284816  3.273099]
 [ 3.091414 -3.815232]
 [-3.762093 -2.432191]
 [ 3.542056  2.778832]
 [-1.736822  4.241041]
 [ 2.127073 -2.98368 ]
 [-4.323818 -3.938116]
 [ 3.792121  5.135768]
 [-4.786473  3.358547]
 [ 2.624081 -3.260715]
 [-4.009299 -2.978115]
 [ 2.493525  1.96371 ]
 [-2.513661  2.642162]
 [ 1.864375 -3.176309]
 [-3.171184 -3.572452]
 [ 2.89422   2.489128]
 [-2.562539  2.884438]
 [ 3.491078 -3.947487]
 [-2.565729 -2.012114]
 [ 3.332948  3.983102]
 [-1.616805  3.573188]
 [ 2.280615 -2.559444]
 [-2.651229 -3.103198]
 [ 2.321395  3.154987]
 [-1.685703  2.939697]
 [ 3.031012 -3.620252]
 [-4.599622 -2.185829]
 [ 4.196223  1.126677]
 [-2.133863  3.093686]
 [ 4.668892 -2.562705]
 [-2.793241 -2.149706]
 [ 2.884105  3.043438]
 [-2.967647  2.848696]
 [ 4.479332 -1.764772]
 [-4.905566 -2.91107 ]]
[[ 0.83986288 -1.83976116]
 [-4.0469936  -1.40467133]]
[[ 2.47925453  0.21182184]
 [-3.10532438 -0.12876332]]
[[ 2.71473038  0.18858278]
 [-2.9219568  -0.07998038]]
(matrix([[ 2.71473038,  0.18858278],
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        [  0.        ,  10.51812157],
        [  1.        ,   3.01449392],
        [  0.        ,  17.31191999],
        [  1.        ,   3.02361363],
        [  0.        ,   1.97967838],
        [  1.        ,  10.75521236],
        [  0.        ,  17.74606725],
        [  1.        ,   9.13487445],
        [  0.        ,  10.04995372],
        [  1.        ,   9.77841689],
        [  0.        ,   4.48854562],
        [  1.        ,  21.48211857],
        [  0.        ,   1.93310494],
        [  1.        ,  16.26236793],
        [  0.        ,  12.62402277],
        [  1.        ,   4.93241188],
        [  0.        ,   7.36050686],
        [  1.        ,   8.22877329],
        [  0.        ,   4.66259677],
        [  1.        ,   7.51261982],
        [  0.        ,  14.50993584],
        [  1.        ,   6.85903854],
        [  0.        ,   5.04565231],
        [  1.        ,  10.95654103],
        [  0.        ,  10.44232656],
        [  1.        ,   0.80741959],
        [  0.        ,  20.89357231],
        [  1.        ,   5.32341991],
        [  0.        ,   6.93251564],
        [  1.        ,   3.53209105],
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        [  1.        ,  11.79736257],
        [  0.        ,  25.69995006],
        [  1.        ,   9.64081992],
        [  0.        ,   8.12103192],
        [  1.        ,  10.91213604],
        [  0.        ,  14.05290621],
        [  1.        ,   9.06855533],
        [  0.        ,  11.80514107],
        [  1.        ,  17.88489819],
        [  0.        ,   9.09553212],
        [  1.        ,  11.37480809],
        [  0.        ,  16.17242331],
        [  1.        ,   6.23872366],
        [  0.        ,   7.39385874],
        [  1.        ,  20.07577022],
        [  0.        ,  10.4085923 ],
        [  1.        ,  16.85042532],
        [  0.        ,  25.63541221],
        [  1.        ,  15.29989117],
        [  0.        ,  11.90587245],
        [  1.        ,   9.58149736],
        [  0.        ,   3.20000848],
        [  1.        ,   7.57676457],
        [  0.        ,  12.04560092],
        [  1.        ,  12.25947225],
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        [  0.        ,  17.70978882],
        [  1.        ,   3.86003859],
        [  0.        ,  14.78056918],
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        [  0.        ,   7.74010731],
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        [  1.        ,   8.5792329 ],
        [  0.        ,   6.92941377],
        [  1.        ,  11.94977392]]))

Process finished with exit code 0

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