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full_stack_python_javascript's Introduction


Set up: -start django project music_controller (creates folder with -cd in music_controller and start django app api ---Note: in api/; -> has the database models; renders views or api endpoints; an endpoint is a location on the webserver you want to go to like /home) -add apps to project settings -> api.apps.AppConfig (referencing AppConfig in & rest_framework -update databse ---Note: when starting the project or making a change to django internal database you need to update it with makemigrations to detect the changes and migrate to apply them.

BackEnd: Creating An API Endpoint With Django Rest Framework - Build the database model -write database model -update database -create serializer so the frontend can request data and receive it in json format --Note: serializer translates what's in models into a json response -create an api view to let us view a list of all the different rooms --create an in the api folder and link the api view class to a url -include api url to the project urls file -> path('api/', include('api.urls'))

FrontEnd: Adding a frontend app with React: -start django app frontend -in, add the frontend app in INSTALLED_APPS --> 'frontend.apps.FrontendConfig' -cd frontend -create static/, cd in, and create css/, frontend/ and images/ --Note: static/frontend/ will contain a bundle of all the javascripts using the webpack library -create templates/, cd in, create frontend/, cd frontend/, create index.html -back to music_controller/frontend/, create src/, cd src/, create components/ --will contain React components -then terminal: npm init -y --> creates a package.json that npm will use to store all modules we need npm i webpack webpack-cli --save-dev npm i @babel/core babel-loader @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react --save-dev npm i react react-dom --save-dev npm install @material-ui/core npm install @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties npm install react-router-dom npm install @material-ui/icons --Note: babel is used to tranpile the code so it is compatible with older browsers --Note: webpack bundles all javascripts into one file and serves it to the browser --Note: material-ui is similar to bootstrap

-create babel.config.json and set up the babel loader by adding presets and plugins (to use async and await) -create webpack.config.js and specify where to find the JS files (./src/index.js) and where to output the bundle (./static/frontend), also add module rules, optimization to make JS bundle smaller to laod faster in the browser, and plugins -in package.json, add 2 scripts: --"dev" will run webpack in development and watch mode (automatic recompiling when browser refreshed) --"build" will run webpack in production mode

The idea is that django backend will render a page (an html template) and then React will manage it/take control of and fill in

-write the html in .music_controller/frontend/templates/frontend/index.html -add the line to load the static folder {% load static %} --Note: React will render its components into the

-add the script line that will grab the static folder that was specified at the top and combine it to frontend/main.js --Note: we just say "inside static go to frontend.main.js --Note: we essentially just grab and load the bundled javascript that holds all of our React code from static/frontend/

-for django to render the template, add a function to frontend/ that will render the html. -create a and add a url from views -include the frontend url to the project urls file -in frontend/src/components, add a App.js file and write the React code -render that React component inside the index.html <div id="app": --> const appDiv = document.getElementById("app"); --> render(, appDiv); -import App into index.js --Note: so React will execute index.js that will import App.js that will render its page into the div located inside index.html -cd back to root music_controller and run the backend --> python ./ runserver -in a separate terminal: run the script "dev" that we added in package.json --> npm run dev --Note: webpack will at index.js, which imports App; webpack will bundle everythings that's inside and output it in static/frontend -in static/frontend, a main.js appears which contains the bundled up javascript

Adding styling and router: add some css in static/css/index.css create three new components (pages) in src/components: HomePage.js, RoomJoinPage.js, CreateRoomPage.js import BrowserRouter, Switch, Route, Link, Redirect in HomePage in HomePage, add the Router and the different routes and which components they refer to inside the swith statements Note: -> if you don't put 'exact', any path that start with a '/' (i.e. /join, /create) will lead to the homepage. To recap the process: -> the browser checks the list of urls of them project and see that anything different from admin or api leads to frontend/urls -> frontend/ imports function 'index' from frontend/, -> 'index' renders index.html, -> index.html loads static as well as main.js that holds all of our React code (bundled javascript), -> React execute index.js, which imports the class 'App' from App.js, -> App renders HomePage in index.html into the div with the id='app', -> HomePage contains a Router which can switch among the home, join or create page, -> to access thoses pages, they must be added to frontend/

Write a view to create a new room - backend: add a CreateRoomView class in api/ with a post method (empty (pass)) import APIView, response and status in add a CreateRoonSerializer in api/ with the needed fields for the post request import CreateRoomSerializer to api/ in api/, in class Room, change: code = ... default = '' to default = generate_unique_code Note: to know who the host is, we use a 'session key' so you don't need to sign in everytime the page is reloaded. complete the post method:

  • if session dores not exist, create one
  • if the user is sending a valid request, check if the user already has a room ongoing
  • if yes, update that room with new pause and skip data,
  • if not (if the user does not have a room running), create one with host (session key created), pause and skip data
  • otherwise, request bad request error add create-room url

Add style and forms to the CreateRoomPage: import stuff from material-ui add main grid add sub-grid with title (typography) add form (FormControl) with a text (FormHelperText), and add options (RadioGroup) with labels (FormControlLabel) with different colors add a form with text field to vote for skipping a song add two other forms for the buttons Note: set a variable at the beginning of the class for the default value and set the onChange parameter to Note: set the onChnage parameters to the methods that will change the state of the data to be send to the backend

Add page to display the room info with the room code (v7): create Room.js: create default states (values at false at first, link to the backend later), add variable to get the roomCode from React's props.match.params, and render info add route to HomePage with /room/:roomCode add url to frontend.urls with 'room/str:roomCode' create the get request getRoom to get the data add the url to api.urls try in browser; ...?code=hello should not work add function getRoomDetails to Room to fetch the data from the backend call that function with this.getRoomDetails() in Room Constructor that will update the state and force a re-render Note: add toString() to {this.state.guestCanPause} and {this.state.isHost} to eb able to see the result in the browser in CreateRoomPage.js, modify handleRoomButtonPressed() with React props.history.push() so that when when press create a room, we get directed to the right page --> this.props.history.push('/room/' + data.code)

add content to join the room page and hook it to the backend (vid 8): in RoomJoinPage, add default states, and layout for the textfield and the buttons in api/views, add the JoinRoom class that will check the data attached to the room code in the DB if some data exists - if len(room_result) > 0 - add the room code to the session data: self.request.session['room_code'] = code Note: now if the user leaves, it won't need to re-enter the room code of the last session when he comes back Note: the session data and room data (in DB) are two separate things add the path('join-room', JoinRoom.as_view()) to api/urls in RoomJoinRoom, add the fetch request in the roomButtonPressed method and add it to the onClick key

Styling the homepage and redirecting the user to his room (v9) The idea: When we go to the homepage , we need to call the endpoint to check if the user is already in a room. Note: we add a async to the componentDidMount method so that the rest of the application does not wait for the method to finish/backend response (to check if the user is already in a room and so get redirected to it) Note: React's LifeCycle Methods like componentDidMount are things you can hook into to alter the behavior of a component. componentDidMount() is a hook that gets invoked right after a React component has been mounted aka after the first render() lifecycle. Note: componentDidMount is a lifecycle hook. It doesn't need to be called/invoked directly Add styling to HomePage (add ButtonGroup tp have the buttons side by side; disableElevation removes the shadows) Add view to api/views to get the room code based on the user session Add the url to aip/urls in homePage, set a state for roomCode and fetch the actual roomCode data to componentDidMount in HomePage Router, add what to render --> which page to redirect depending on if the user is already in a room or not Note: if he is in a room then redirect to that room, if not redirect to the homepage

Adding functionality to leave the room and go back to HomePage (v10) in views, create a post request in a class LeaveRoom pop the room_code from the user session data get the user code (session_key) delete all room data attached to the session key add the url when the page render we need to reset the state of the room code to null, otherwise even we delete it from the database it will still be present as a state --> add a clearRoomCode method and setState of roomCode to null in the Route of the Room page, render Room with its props (roomCode: "WGGVFK" in match.params is the one we need) and also add a call back to the props: leaveRoomCallback Note: props are provided in HomePage by Route Note: a call back allows a child component to alter a parent component in Room. leaveRoomCode is used in getRoomDetails and leaveButtonPressed to clear any roomCode previously set as state

Adding settings feature for the host to modify the room page (v11) add updateRoom class in views with a patch method (need the room code, guest_can_pause and votes_to_skip data) add a serializer (updateRoomSerializer) to pass the data from the request to the view Note: in the code field needs to be unique, which will pause a pb when we want to update the room since we need to pass a room code that already exists; it's not unique. Note: so we redefine the code field (from right in the serializer. Now, code will be referencing this field --> serializers.CharField(validators=[]) and not the one in models where code needs to be unique. Note: also add a security to check if the person doign the update is the host of the page in case of hack add the url in Room.js add a settings button with a showSettings default value to false in the constructor add an updateShowSettings method that can setState of showSettings bind updateShowSettings's this to the the this of the class add the renderSettingsButton method that will change the value of showSettings to true add the line that will render the button if the user is the host of the room --> {this.state.isHost ? this.renderSettingButton() : null} add the renderSettings method that will return the settings page instead of the room page Note: the settings is the createRoomPage with some tweeks in renderSettings, add a back button to the room page in Room' render, add an if statement that will render the settings page if the settings button is presssed; and thus showSettings state is true, otherwise render the room page bind this of renderSettingsButton and renderSettings to this of class Note: updateCallback is function called whenever the room is updatedr

Making one component reusable (create/update room) (v12) Note: to reuse createRoomPage for the update page we need to pass it props but createRoomPage does not take props Note: one way of fixing this is to use 'default props' (static variable) add static defaultProps to createRoomPage with th default values in the constructor, change the values of guestCanPause and votesToSkip to their props look for place where we hard coded fields, like the default value of the votes to skip field or default value in RadioGroup of guestCanPause add aternary operator to change the title of the page to update if this.props.update = true change the hard coded Create Room title to { title } create two new methods: one to render the button to create a room and one that renders the button to update the room add a ternary operator at the bottom of teh page to render either the create or the update button depending on the state of this.sprops.update add the handleUpdateButtonPressed method: request a patch to update the room and add success and error alert message add default success and error message ("") in the constructor bind teh methods to the this of this of the class change teh onClick value of renderUpdateButtons to this.handleUpdateButtonPressed import collapse from material-ui add Collapse to the page render to pop-up success or error messages since the room page still has some previous states of data, we use the updateCallback to call getRoomDetails after the room data has been updated in handleUpdateButtonPressed, add teh callback after the fetch is finished executing (important) Note: since we passed getRoomDetails as the call back function to the createRoomPage, bind get roomDetails this to the this of teh class to have the this.setState of getRoomDetails available install material-ui/lab to get the 'alert' feature: npm install @material-ui/lab (note: install in /frontend to have access to npm) import ALert from material-ui add the Alert to Collapse Note: onClose -> setState to empty strings to clear the state of success/error message so that the mesage disappear once the 'x' is pressed

Adding Spotify API (v13) create spotify account and create app add spotify app in project folder: python ./ startapp spotify add and files Note: credentials will contain our spotify credentials (client ID, secret and redirect uri) Note: the prefered way to store credentials is through environment variables which is a little more complex than just storing them in a file create view AuthURL that will allow the user to authenticate our app Note: AuthURL is the API endpoint that returns a url which we are going to use to authenticate our app. Note: the scopes is what information we are able to access(from spotify docs) Note: after we send the request to be able to get spotify data, the user logs in and authorize our access, we then need an other url where the data ('code') is going to be returned to: aka a RETURN URL/URI or Callback so it can then request the access and refresh tokens with it, among other things. add post request in spotify_callback function to views Note: since multiple users will be creating rooms, we need to store all their tokens Note: we associate the user session key with their accesss/refresh tokens (note: we only need the access token for people who are host of the room); once we have the host access and refresh token we can do whatever we want. make a model that can store tokens: SpotifyToken add spotify.apps.SpotifyConfig (otherwise you get an error later when making the migrations to update the DB) do a python ./ makemigrations and python ./ migrate Note: so things din't get too messy (all information in one file (models)), we create a file that will store the tokens create a, which will create or update tokens in, add functions to get the user tokens and uodate or create user tokens import those functions in views invoke update_or_create_user_tokens in spotify_callback redirect the callback to the frontend specify the app_name and name of path in urls Note: app_name -> this is so django knows that this belongs to the frontend app, it is required to make the 'redirect' of spotify_callback (views) work Noate: path name -> naming the path (name='') is necessary to identifying the path so that when we call the redirect function, we know which path we should actually go to add a functions to check if the user is already authenticated so that he does not have to re-authenticate Note: we check if the current session ID is in the database and if the access token is expired or not add function to refresh the access token if it's expired: expiry <= and update the database add a view that will let us know if we are authenticated: IsAuthenticated; that will JSON the result from is_spotify_authenticated from add url to spotify/ in Room.js, add a spotifyAuthenticated state to false add an authenticateSpotify method to ask the backen if the user is authenticated, only if he's a host. invoke that method into getRoomDetails method Note: the app get the room details, then check if the user is a host, if yes, it invokes authenticateSpotify update the state of spotifyAuthenticated with the status from the response if the user is not authenticated, window.location.replace(data.url) redirects the user to the spotify authorization page, from here, after the user authorises us; we get redirected to the spotify_callback (views), the spotify call back will save the token and redirect us to the frontend, then the frontend will redirect us back to the room page. bind the authenticateSpotify method to the this keyword add the redirect url to REDIRECT_URI in in spotify dashboard, edit settings of the project and authorize that redirect url with the same redirect url from credentials

Using Spotify API (v14) add currentSong function to spotify view to get data from the song in utils, add a function that will handle any type of request sent to spotify: execute_spotify_api_request Note: "Bearer " + tokens.access_token is the way to send an authorization request to spotify Note: if we dont do a post nor a put request then the response is a get request Modify Room.js to see the song data add a state song (empty string) that will store the song data and get updated whenever it changes add getCurrentSong method to call the endpoint current-song to get the song data and update the state of song get the state of song in render invoke getCurrentSong after authenticating Note: usually you would use a Web Socket to handle changes automatically but Spotify does not offer web sockets for the public so we instead the "pulling" method which will check the song data every second (not optimal) in Room, implement an interval in componentDidMount method: we call getCurrentSong every second bind getCurrentSOng to the class this keyword in Room, to stop that interval when the component unmount (stops/disappears), clear the interval in a componentWillUnmount method add a MusicPlayer.js file that will render the music player buttons in a Card from material-ui in Room, return MusicPlayer with the song data in the props

pausing and playing music (v15) in spotify view add PauseSong and PlaySong that get the room code from the user session key, get the room data from the room code and call play/pause (from if the user is either the host or is allowed to add play_song and pause_song to add urls add pauseSong and playSong method in MusicPlayer in MusicPlayer, in IconButton, add the onClick event for the play/pause button Note: to modify the playback control via API you need a premium account. Need to implements browser playback later on.

Skipping Songs and Handling Votes (v16) add SkipSong class in spotify view that will invike skip_song() from util if user is host add skip_song to util add url add skipSong method to MusicPlayer add onClick event to skip button Note: using the arrow function allows us to not having to bind the method to the this keyword. (irrelevant in this case though) in spotify/models add the Vote model Note: ForeignKey allows use to pass the instance of the Room object to the Vote model; it will store a reference to that room in our Vote. That way, when we look at a vote we can determine which room is was in; and access all information about that room from this vote Note: on_delete=models.CASCADE means that if the room gets deleted in api/models, in Room, add the current_song field makemigrations and migrate add update_room_song method in the currentSong class in spotify views Note: it will check if the current song has the same id as the one in the database. If no, update the current song in the DB Note: also, using the foreign key, it will also delete all votes related to the previous song import Vote invoke update_room_song in the get request of CurrentSong class display number of votes to skip in MusicPlayer render

Adding functional components (v17) add Info component add info button in HomePage addthe Route add the url

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