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node-steam-chat-bot's People


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node-steam-chat-bot's Issues

Not install

~/test# npm install steam-chat-bot
npm WARN engine steam-chat-bot@2.0.1: wanted: {"node":"0.12.x","npm":"1.4.x"} (current: {"node":"0.12.0","npm":"2.11.2"})
~/test# make: Entering directory `/usr/local/lib/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/ws/node_modules/utf-8-validate/build
  CXX(target) Release/
  SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/
  COPY Release/validation.node
make: Leaving directory `/usr/local/lib/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/ws/node_modules/utf-8-validate/build'

at this point the installation stops
NodeJS: v0.12.0
npm: v 2.11.2
OS: Debian
Help me, please!

Log improvements

In progress.

Main log displays everything as usual, but only logs warnings, errors to file, not general chat.

New trigger logs each groupchat/userchat to a different file, serves live/updating logs that can be filtered by groupchat as well as static downloads (download of userchats disabled).
(This issue is mainly a reminder to myself)

example.js and readme

Is the example.js file meant to show all available options? I can't find an example for the JointChatTrigger. And the AcceptChatInviteTrigger in it doesn't seem to work for me.

API Triggers

Find all api calls (baseTrigger.js and other triggers) and update them to use either the new chatBot.steamApi() or baseTrigger.steamApi(). (see #89)

_onAnnouncement crashes bot

For now, fix this. After that, add more error handling.

 function(groupID, headline) { that._onAnnouncement(that.maingroup, headLine);
ReferenceError: headLine is not defined
    at SteamClient.<anonymous> (/home/chatbots/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/lib/chatBot.js:141:108)
    at SteamClient.emit (events.js:110:17)
    at SteamClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (/home/chatbots/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/handlers/friends.js:319:10)
    at SteamClient._netMsgReceived (/home/chatbots/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/steam_client.js:106:26)
    at SteamClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (/home/chatbots/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/steam_client.js:192:10)
    at SteamClient._netMsgReceived (/home/chatbots/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/steam_client.js:106:26)
    at Connection.emit (events.js:107:17)
    at Connection._readPacket (/home/chatbots/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/connection.js:50:8)
    at Connection.emit (events.js:104:17)
    at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:424:10)

logTrigger websocket server breaks on clearTrigger

logTrigger modifies the built-in http server, and there's no way to clean itself up. For the time being at least, just reinitialize the http server when we cleartriggers.

Maybe see about adding an onUnload function to modules for cleanup.

Allow triggers to perform cleanup

There's currently no way for triggers to perform cleanup functions when they get removed. Add an onUnload that gets called when we run removeTrigger() and clearTriggers(). Added due to #80.

LinkName triggers every second time

Hey guys, terribly sorry about this one.

Don't know how this slipped past me, but LinkName triggers only on every second link. The reason as I understand it, is that the exec method doesn't reset to beginning every time it's called as described here:

Several solutions are described in the link, for my local bot I went with the hacky one- just calling exec again after I got the link once to reset its index back to 0, as shown here in line 54:

Works just fine now, but as always, you might have a more elegant solution ;)

alternative-non-fs-config branch needs testing and finishing

We need a few tests of this on heroku before merging. I've looked it over and it looks good to me, but I don't have a heroku setup right now. It requires the Firebase addon, which can be gotten for free. It should also be tested on a local version.

If anyone's willing to test it out, please post results here.


  1. Download heroku toolbelt and install
  2. run heroku login in your command prompt/shell to login
  3. git clone git:// && cd node-steam-chat-bot && git checkout alternative-non-fs-config && heroku create (clone the bot, switch branches, and make it a heroku app)
  4. edit example-heroku.js with your settings and either save with the same name, or edit Procfile and the next command with the new name
  5. git add example-heroku.js Procfile && git commit -m "update config" && git push heroku master (push everything to heroku)
  6. heroku ps:scale web=1
  7. heroku open - open the bot's internal webserver in your browser
  8. If you're going to actually use this bot, rather than just testing it, you'll want to set up Pingdom or something similar to visit it every so often, or Heroku will shut down your dyno. Same deal with openshift and other free providers.

Suggestions for changes are in the wiki

Fix live logs

The linkifier isn't working correctly for the group names.

Fix new youtube issue

So I updated youtube to the newest version, but I am getting an error everytime I start up my bot. It goes something like this:

2015-05-01T04:05:56.396Z - error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'params' of null
    at YoutubeTrigger._respond (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/lib/triggers/youtubeTrigger.js:44:27)
    at YoutubeTrigger._respondToChatMessage (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/lib/triggers/youtubeTrigger.js:39:14)
    at BaseTrigger.onChatMessage (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/lib/triggers/baseTrigger.js:86:27)
    at /Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/lib/chatBot.js:478:41
    at Function._.each._.forEach (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:158:9)
    at ChatBot._onChatMsg (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/lib/chatBot.js:477:5)
    at SteamClient.<anonymous> (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam-chat-bot/lib/chatBot.js:127:91)
    at SteamClient.emit (events.js:118:17)
    at SteamClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam/lib/handlers/friends.js:261:8)
    at SteamClient._netMsgReceived (/Users/Kyle/node_modules/steam/lib/steam_client.js:106:26)

If anyone knows how to fix it, please open a pull request, as I have no idea how.

Bot won't join chat

So my bot doesn't join when the Auto-join chat trigger is added. My code is:

        name: "AcceptChatInvite", 
        type: "AcceptChatInviteTrigger", 
        options: { 
            chatrooms: { "103582791435108754": "Hello, the chat bot has arrived!" }, 
            autoJoinAfterDisconnect: true

Since that didn't work, I tried to use myBot.joinChat('103582791435108754'); to join, but that doesn't work either.

Migrate logins

Get the bot logging in again (without any triggers at all).

  • This may or may not be a good time to dump the username and password fields from the bot constructor and just make a straight object.

Add tests

After some thinking and some motivational sessions, I've decided to start/finish writing tests for the bot. These tests will be available in the spec folder, and will follow the current testing style by bonnici, using Jasmine and Sinon.

hide private messages from live log

if(JSON.parse( return;
if(JSON.parse( === 'roomNames')roomNames=JSON.parse(
else if(!window.location.hash ||window.location.hash === '#'+JSON.parse({
var li=document.createElement('li');

IMDB trigger

Add a trigger to grab info from IMDB. Wolfram has nice info, but no ratings. imdb-api looks to be the most recently module to use, short of ripping off someone else's code.

More APIs to add

[Request] Private message on join

Any chance of a trigger that sends each user that joins the chat a private message, with a cache so it doesn't spam people would be nice.


cannot call method 'crc32' of undefined

Hi, I get this error everytime I start up my bot:

var keyCrc = require('crc').buffer.crc32(cryptedSessKey);
TypeError: Cannot call method 'crc32' of undefined
at SteamClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Kyle\node_modules\ste
at SteamClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Kyle\node_modules\steam-chat-bot\no
at Connection.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Connection.readPacket (C:\Users\Kyle\node_modules\steam-chat-bot\node_mo
at Connection.emit (events.js:92:17)
at emitReadable
at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:406:5)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:168:9)
at Connection.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:130:10)
at TCP.onread (net.js:528:21)

Not really sure what the problem is, maybe i'm missing a module?

IRC trigger

Instances of irc should be available to other instances of the trigger so as not to require multiple bots for the same network. One possible method is below.

var setupNetwork = function(network) {
    this.chatBot.irc[network] = require('irc');

if(this.chatBot.irc && this.chatBot.irc[network] {
    setupRelay(network, chatroom, group);
} else if this.chatBot.irc {
    setupRelay(network, chatroom, group);
} else {
    this.chatBot.irc = {}
    setupRelay(network, chatroom, group);

Webserver in chatBot.js

Move the webserver out of logTrigger and into chatBot.js, and provide api functions other triggers can use.

Required for #56.

Test "new" core functions

Added functions last September(?) I think I fully implemented them, so they should work, but I still haven't tested them yet.


  • _onLoggedOff - bot logged off. Yes, we can see this other ways, but it might be useful anyways
  • _onFriend - when someone sends a friend request? Or when someone adds/removes the bot? Can't remember ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
  • _onGroup - Same as above, for groups
  • _onAnnouncement - when someone posts an announcement. The text isn't included in the event, IIRC, just the fact that an announcement occurred
  • _onRichPresence - no clue.

Announcement function should be removed and left to a trigger.

node-steam no longer supports node.js 0.10.x


  var cryptedSessKey = require('crypto').publicEncrypt(fs.readFileSync(__dirna                                                                                     
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'publicEncrypt'                                                                                                          
    at SteamClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (/home/action/workspace/node-steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/steam_client.js:150:42)                        
    at SteamClient._netMsgReceived (/home/action/workspace/node-steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/steam_client.js:106:26)                                      
    at Connection.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)                                                                                                              
    at Connection._readPacket (/home/action/workspace/node-steam-chat-bot/node_modules/steam/lib/connection.js:50:8)                                               
    at Connection.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)                                                                                                              
    at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:408:10)                                                                                                                  
    at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:404:5)                                                                                                                    
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:165:9)                                                                                                                
    at Connection.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:127:10)                                                                                                       
    at TCP.onread (net.js:528:21)

Internal Webserver - show loaded triggers and help

Several options:

  1. merge webui into steam-chat-bot - done
  2. keep webui as a trigger - done
  3. move it into a separate project that requires steam-chat-bot and possibly manages several of them
  4. move it into a separate repo anyways and figure out a way to import triggers from other packages into steam-chat-bot. (this is likely a good idea anyways).

Ideally, webui would have all the functions shown, and possibly more.

  • default page Private plugin-only
    • Optionally can only be shown to someone logging in via steam openid.
    • Triggers X, Y, Z are loaded, click it for help if there's a variable to provide information.
      • trigger.options.webUI=false or trigger.webUI=false should prevent a given trigger from showing
  • Admin page can only be opened by those logging into a whitelisted account via steam openid
    • Allows you to perform actions
      • Say X in Y
      • Load/unload triggers
      • change trigger options without loading/unloading them
      • change options that are currently only changeable in the constructor (ie, global ignores)
    • Shows live bot logs
      • live chat logs are already available in logTrigger, don't show that crap
      • Configurable log level
      • Showing in console is easy. If we can find a way to scroll it through a div, that would be better.
    • Allows server-side file management (ie, downloading, uploading of individual files)
    • Start bot, logon fail due to missing guard code => enter guardcode into webui instead of restarting the bot.


  1. Don't ask for api keys in not-so-private messages.
  2. Don't forward messages sent by the person who created the trigger.
  3. Don't send a message more than once to the same person (multiple words get caught)
  4. When pushbullet api key expires, delete it. Attempt to send a chat message to the user.
    • When there's no api key, keep the settings, but ignore them (this shouldn't need any changes)

Add examples to translate trigger

I will be adding examples of how words are used in a sentence in translate trigger. This is just a reminder for me since I'll forget.

Triggers not working, please answer

so it seems that all of the triggers that require an api do not work for me (steamrep, YouTube, etc). Does anyone else have these issues/know how to fix them? Thanks.

Release 2.1.1

  • No code added to development after today, except fixes for existing bugs (that means no WebUI) and typos, formatting, etc.
  • Update changelog(!)
  • Make sure to get correct version number in package.json this time, last time npm had the wrong version. Then release.
    • update package.json to 2.1.1 in development.
    • merge development into master.
    • push master to github (there's a couple extra commits for the readme, IIRC). I'll probably forget to rebase first and just force-push, though, so be aware.
    • update package.json to 2.1.1-dev in development.
    • rebase webui on top of development
    • push development & webui to github.
    • release on github from master branch.
    • ~24hours later, release 2.1.1 on npm if no bugs found yet. Basically, I just need a little tiny bit more testing--All I've really tested is webui, and that's not gonna be included.
      • Make sure changelog is up to date (again) before releasing.

Create website

Use existing template, but get all documentation in it.

As #79 is completed, add to website.

It would be nice to have the documentation also get served by the bot's internal webserver,


It would be nice to have everything documented, but that's unlikely at this point. At the very least, I want to get all the important stuff documented. Also, all documentation should go on the website #78

OMDB year fix

In the OMDB trigger, when I added the year argument I realized that you can't ask for a movie if it has 2 words. I will implement a fix for this. Putting this here as a reminder.

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