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matrixbrandy's Introduction

The documentation for Brandy consists of the following files:

use             This describes how to use the interpreter and
                lists the differences between it and Acorn's
                interpreter and its limitations.

messages        This file describes all the error messages that the
                interpreter can produce and what they mean.

graphics        This contains notes on the program's graphics

basic           This is a brief introduction to Basic VI.

internals       This gives a high level view of the interpreter's
                internals. It is not a line-by-line account of
                how it works but shows how the various components
                fit together.

compiling       Instructions for compiling the program under
                various operating systems.

history         A list of changes and bug fixes in the different
                versions of the program.

ChangeLog       A more detailed list of changes and bug fixes
                beginning with V1.21.0.

Mode7           This contains notes on the program's Mode 7 Teletext

networking      This contains some notes on the implementation of
                network connectivity that was added in V1.21.6.

Brandy implements Basic VI, the the 64-bit floating-point mathematics
variant of the dialect of Basic that Acorn Computers supplied with their
ranges of desktop computers that use the ARM processor such as the Archimedes
and RiscPC. Basic V and VI are an extended version of BBC Basic. This was the
Basic used on the BBC Micro that Acorn made during the early 1980s.

There is some very useful documentation for the BBC Micro
available on the Internet. One very good site is 'The BBC Lives!'

The best manual to look at is the BBC User's Guide. It is useful
in that it gives a lot of background information on BBC Basic and
the environment in which it runs. It should help in understanding
this interpreter better.

matrixbrandy's People


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matrixbrandy's Issues

Add Basalt-style dynamic memory allocator

Basalt for RISC OS extends DIM to allocate Dynamic Memory Areas. In Matrix Brandy this can be a wrapper for malloc() and friends.

DIM HIMEM a% 4095: REM claim
DIM HIMEM a% 512: REM resize
DIM HIMEM a% -1: REM release

numeric issue: x86_64 vs arm

On Raspberry Pi, this program gives the expected result:

$ sbrandy -size 48000000 classic_small-test.bas
? 100

but on x86_64 I get:

$ sbrandy -size 48000000 classic_small-test.bas
Tried to take square root of a negative number at line 8610

A little bit of shotgun debugging (adding 8605 PRINT " *** F0: "; F0) sets variable F0 to 1.07374182e+09 where the same code on x86_64 sets it to -1.07374182e+09

Systems are:

  • Raspberry Pi: gcc (Raspbian 6.3.0-18+rpi1+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516, Raspbian Stretch

  • x86_64: gcc (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.0, Ubuntu 19.04

Add 64-bit indirection

BBCSDL uses ]addr%% to access 64-bit values in memory. This should be added to Matrix Brandy.

RISC OS build claim memory on startup

The current RISC OS build needs a wimp slot set before the binary is run, typically:
WimpSlot 1200K

The binary is about 440K, which is smaller than the default 640K wimpslot, so there should be a way for the binary itself to claim the amount of memory it needs (and is 640K-440K=200K really too little to run?).
I've tried doing this, the code is commented out and maked "I can't get this working".

Add Sound capability

Sound is a glaring part of BBC BASIC that is currently missing from Brandy.

I've taken an initial look at the audio from BeebEm (which also uses SDL 1.2) but it is extremely tightly tied to the emulated sound hardware of the Beeb.

Recommend filename rationalisation

Recommend renaming:
keyboard-inkey.h to inkey.h
mos_swinums.h to swinums.h
mos_sys.c to swis.c

Gets rid of unncessessarily-long and unneccessary hyphenated names, gets rid of inconsitant hyphen/underline-ation, makes names more consitant with contents, eg, when looking for SWI handling I look for s... not m... Also, closer match to RISC OS source naming. ;)

RISC OS build broken (v1.22.0)

I was fighting with this all yesterday get get a stable base before starting work on the keyboard code.
The current RISC OS build bombs out on startup.
See for screenshots.

With a Wimp slot of 1200K from v21/18, it dies with an EMT error. On investigating, FAQs state this is due to there not being enough stack space on startup, so WimpSpace needs to be increased. However, doing that just results in a machine crash. I've tried upping WimpSlot to 12,000K and it still fails.
Version 1.21.18, 28 Dec 2018 works fine.
I've trawlled through the current code, have experimentally commented bits out and back again, and can't find what change has caused this. Unless anybody else can find the problem, my next step is to go back to v1.21.18 and incrementally add stuff back in until it falls over.

Quotes in DATA parsed incorrectly

20 DATA "'/"""
should set A$ to the 3-character string '/"
it incorrectly sets A$ to the 1-character string '
Quotes in DATA strings should be parsed as in any other constant string, eg A$="->""<-" correctly sets A$ to the string ->"<-

Non-function special keys not modified

Non-function special keys are not modified by modifier keys.
Shift/Ctrl/Alt plus arrows,Ins,PgUp,PgDn,End should EOR 0x10 or 0x20 with the keypress.
For example:
PgUp=&9F, Shift+PgUp=&8F
Up=&8F, Shift+Up=&9F

keyboard.c is a big mess, when I was working on the Napoleon fork four years ago I was about to print the whole lot out and edit it with scissors and tape. When the negative INKEYs is done, I'll have a look at tidying the whole lot up.

Function TIME$ being mistaken for a variable

10 A%=TRUE

Gives 'Cannot find variable TIME$'.

20 IF A%:A$=TIME$ ELSE A$=""
works fine.

This happens whether it is entered in Brandy or as prewritten code with the tokenised line:

Not sure where it's occuring. In "normal" BASIC the fnTIME routine called by evaluating tknTIME does:
if byte[next]<>'$' branch to TIME
do TIME$

Version 1.22.9 (MinGW/x86/SDL) 06 Jan 2021

*EXEC (no filename) fails.

*EXEC (no filename) fails. It displays a message instead of closing any existing EXEC file.

*EXEC's functionality is:
If EXEC file open, close it
If filename present, open it, EXEChandle=filehandle

the same as *SPOOL.


Implement *REFRESH from BB4W / BBCSDL:

*REFRESH OFF stops the screen from being updated, so anything you draw or print won't be seen until you ask for the screen to be updated with *REFRESH. And *REFRESH ON makes it so the screen gets updated automatically again. It's useful for eliminating flicker problems from animations.

Possible bug

The following code gives me an "Address exception at line 310" error. I don't think this should happen. I think it's damaging the state of brandy somehow, because once the bug has happened, I can strip this code down to something smaller that also causes the error but then after restarting brandy the stripped down code no-longer causes the error. So it's tricky to pin down how to recreate this bug, but this block of code appears to do so consistently. Hence, to replicate the bug it's safest to restart brandy then run this code.

It also might be something to do with the parser, because putting a "THEN" into line 310 after the IF fixes the bug.

Also weird (this might be another bug), if we move lines 300 and 310 to lines 90 and 95, then the error message changes to "'=' (function return) encountered outside a function at line 95"

10MODE 13
40DIM streamers% 1000
60DIM sfX%(y_oversize%):FOR I%=1 TOy_oversize%:sfX%(I%)=20+I%*4:NEXT
120DEF PROCstreamer(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,col%) LOCAL dy%,m,y,x,I%
150y=(y1%+oversize%-1)DIV oversize%oversize%
180IF m>0 x-=m/y_oversize%
240FOR I%=1 TOy_oversize%
290DEF PROCincrease_streamers LOCAL x1%,x2%,y1%,y2%,m%
310IF 0<y1% ?(streamers%+27)=?(streamers%+27)AND&7F ELSE ?(streamers%+27)=?(streamers%+27)OR&80

Array matrix-vector multiplication not implemented

The following code works under RPCEmu but not under Brandy:
20DIM vec(2)
30DIM matrix(num_rows%,2)
40DIM result(num_rows%)

On brandy it produces an error message "Type Mismatch. Arrays must have the same dimension at line 50". If I change the shape of vec and result to (2,1) and (num_rows,1) respectively, so that the "dot" operation applies to "matrix dot matrix" then it works. But it seems BBC Basic V/VI could also understand how to do "matrix dot vector".

I've checked the above code under RPCEmu and it produces no error.

PAGE has unexpected value

With the current build PAGE now unexpectedly returns &8F00. That causes all sorts of problems with programs that see PAGE=&8F00 as meaning the program is running on ARM BASIC (as distinct from running on RISC OS which is the OSBYTE 0 value).

If CALL &FFxx/USR &FFxx access a BBC filing system entry block, then PAGE needs to be <&FFFF so that common code that does, eg:
IF PAGE<&FFFF THEN CALL &FFDD ELSE do something else

As currently the only &FFxx entry point implemented is a subset of OSBYTE/OSWORD, PAGE should return a value >&FFFF. Probably larger than &1FFFF as Basic128 has PAGE=&10000.

Program environment pseudovars break IF/THEN statements

If a program pseudovar is used in an IF/THEN statement, a Type mismatch error occurs. Probably an issue from adding 64-bit integers. Could be due to an INT32/INT64 type being misinterpretated. Examples:

1E80020 1E8151C 1E81524 1F00020
-1 -1 -1 -1
Type mismatch: number wanted
Type mismatch: number wanted
Type mismatch: number wanted
Type mismatch: number wanted

And just to make sure it's not the command after the THEN:

Type mismatch: number wanted

Tested on and affects DJGPP, MinGW and WinSDL builds, so probably not build specific.
This kills all the test programs that examine the program's environment! :(

INKEY-256 returns wrong info

"X=&4D Matrix Brandy BASIC (ie ASC"M") for all builds from V1.22.6 except RISC OS."

Wrong. INKEY-256 must return the platform, NOT the interpeter. It's a call to the HOST, NOT the interpreter. It's "Check machine type" not "Check interpreter type". Doing this builds in another IF this THEN dothis ELSE an exception ELSE another excpetion ELSE another exception. There are pre-existing methods of determining what functionality the interpreter has (, they must be used, not abusing the "what is the OPERATING SYSTEM call, and it breaks the principal of "test for functionality not for psychic ability". It must return the values originally in the target.h file, these ones and similar:
X=&FB Beos (Brandy Basic)
X=&FA DOS with DJGPP extender (Brandy Basic)
X=&F9 Linux
X=&F8 MacOS X (Brandy Basic)
X=&F7 FreeBSD
X=&F6 OpenBSD
X=&F5 Amiga (Brandy Basic)
X=&F4 GNU FreeBSD (Brandy Basic)
X=&F3 GNU (Brandy Basic)

program not working.

10 REM - Market Day 20 MODE2 30 FOR X=0 TO 7 40 VDU19,X+8,X,0,0,0 50 NEXT 60 ROW=1100 70 REPEAT 80 SIZE=(60-ROW/20)*4 90 ROW=ROW-SIZE-2 100 FOR COLUMN=1 TO 15 110 MOVE COLUMN*SIZE,ROW-100 120 GCOLRND(255),0 130 PLOT0,SIZE,0 140 PLOT81,-SIZE,SIZE 150 PLOT1,SIZE,-SIZE 160 PLOT81,0,SIZE 170 NEXT 180 UNTIL ROW<=0

Starting to see a problem as a bunch of listings I have tried don't seem to work at all as described in the book. I get not implementing something difficult like sound, but there seems to be things that were commonly used in the listings that just break a great deal of stuff that you will find in the magazines and books for the beeb.

Plot triangle clipping bug

When I run this code, the triangle should be entirely off the top of the screen (i.e. not drawn at all), but the code leaves the top-most line of pixels on the screen coloured white. Hence I believe there is a clipping bug.

10MODE 9

Plot 13 mode 73 bug?

The following code misses out a pixel in the right-hand polyline, but I don't think it should do. The left one doesn't miss it out. Also, why is the left polyline straight?
40MOVE -565,269:PLOT 13,-566,289:PLOT 13,-565,300
50MOVE 565,-269:PLOT 13,566,-289:PLOT 13,565,-300

Note that plot 13 draws a line but misses out the end point. So the consecutive plot statements should not xor any overlapping point out of existence. But this does seem to be happening on the right hand line.

MODE 7: Flash seems not to be working.

When trying to run the following code flash does not seem to be rendered in Mode 7.

`10 MODE 7

20 PRINT CHR$(141);CHR$(157);CHR$(129);

CHR$(136); "THE LOT"

30 PRINT CHR$(141);CHR$(157);CHR$(129);

CHR$(136); "THE LOT"`

Variables and functions not found when they really are there

Using test program at

Unzip, will give:
ViewData Acorn tokenised BASIC program
0 Teletext page file

From Brandy, CHAIN "ViewData". Teletext test page displayed ok. Press Escape. Gives error:
Cannot find function 'FNerr'
Program has vanished.
LOAD "ViewData"
LIST 1140,1160 - the function definition is there.
Cannot find variable 'flg%' at line 1150
Ok. flg%=0:PRINT FNerr
Cannot find variable 'flg%' at line 1150

If I edit line 1150, delete flg% then retype it, doing flg%=0:PRINT FNerr works. If I RUN the program it goes back to the initial problem, FNerr not found, program vanishes.

I'm trying to track down what is causing this and trying to create a minimum test case.

Matrix v1.22.10 (MinGW/x86-32/SDL) 14 Feb 2021

GET etc. never return Ctrl-@

Is there a reason for GET/GET$/INKEY/INKEY$ and elsewhere to use constructions like this?
do {
ch=emulate_get() & 0xFF;
} while (ch==0);

It means that Ctrl-@ is never passed back to the caller.

Brandy on Windows 8.1

Has anybody tested Brandy on Windows 8.1? I've been temporarily using my neighbour's Win8.1 laptop for testing and GitHubing.

Brandy Win/DJPP gives 'Cannot run on this version of Windows' - fairly expected as it's a DOS target.
Brandy Win/MinGW runs fine.
Brandy WinSDL gives 'SDL.dll not present' (I believe, as it's in Chinese). Trying to install SDL.dll with regsrv32 gives 'Module SDL.dll failed to load ... The module could not be found'

Works fine on her Win8.0 desktop.

doesn't respect EDITOR environment variable


export EDITOR=micro


EDITOR=micro brandy

Expected result: the EDIT command should open the temporary file in the editor of my choice

Actual result: the EDIT command opens the temporary file in vi, the editor of my very last resort.

Platform: Ubuntu Linux 19.04, x86_64

Sync problems

I've just tried to update my fork with the latest code, but am getting:
Can’t automatically merge. Don’t worry, you can still create the pull request.

but without any actual option to continue to create the pull request :(

USE_ANSI build broken

Building with USE_ANSI defined should instruct the VDU driver to use ANSI control codes (eg esc[...m for colours), but building throws loads of errors. A USE_ANSI build has probably not been tested for some time and modifications for other targets have broken it.

Request For Comments: read modifier keys

I generalised calls from the VDU driver to read the SHIFT keys to a kbd_modkey() call. At the moment the only caller is the VDU driver for paged scrolling, and it passes an argument of 1, kbd_modkey() just tests the SHIFT key but it should be generalisable for other modifier keys - for instance pausing scrolling with Shift+Ctrl.

I have two thoughts about the parameter to pass: the key number or a bitmap of keys.
With keynumber, kbd_modkey(1) would test SHIFT, kbd_modkey(2) would test CTRL, kbd_modkey(3) would test ALT, so kbd_modkey(1) | kbd_modkey(2) would test for Shift+Ctrl.
With a bitmap, kbd_modkey(1) would test SHIFT, kbd_modkey(2) would test CTRL, kbd_modkey(4) would test ALT, so kbd_modkey(3) would test for Shift+Ctrl.

Thinking forward, which would be the most useful? bitmap optimises the caller, but keynum optimises the callee. The equivalent call in the BBC MOS returns a bitmap.

Implement more BBC MOS calls where appropriate.

BBCSDL has these supported. It is not a stretch to implement these calls for Matrix Brandy also. The framework exists as OSCLI, OSBYTE and OSWORD are supported already. (Taken from the AArch64 BASIC thread on

	case 0xFFE0: // OSRDCH
		return (int) osrdch () ;

	case 0xFFE3: // OSASCI
		if (al != 0x0D)
			oswrch (al) ;
			return 0 ;

	case 0xFFE7: // OSNEWL
		crlf () ;
		return 0 ;

	case 0xFFEE: // OSWRCH
		oswrch (al) ;
		return 0 ;

	case 0xFFF1: // OSWORD
		osword (al, (void *) xy) ;
		return 0 ;

	case 0xFFF4: // OSBYTE
		return osbyte (al,xy) ;

	case 0xFFF7: // OSCLI
		oscli ((char *) xy) ;
		return 0 ;

clang error

[ 46%] Building C object CMakeFiles/brandy.dir/src/mos_sys.c.o
/Users/polluks/g/MatrixBrandy/src/mos_sys.c:158:81: error: function definition is not allowed here
                    volatile double fm, volatile double fn, volatile double fo) {
/Users/polluks/g/MatrixBrandy/src/mos_sys.c:174:12: error: implicit declaration of function 'wrapper' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    return wrapper (inregs[17].f, inregs[18].f, inregs[19].f, inregs[20].f,
2 errors generated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/brandy.dir/src/mos_sys.c.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/brandy.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Spurious zero bytes returned when pressing certain keys

Reported by dhg2 and scruss at *. :

I've noticed some keyboard/input related bugs. If you run this:


then press any of the arrow keys, page up/page down, Insert, End, or F1 through F12, it seems like two keypresses are recorded into the keyboard buffer. So a 0 appears, and then a number representing the key that you pressed.

Also, if the Capslock is off, pressing the Capslock key seems to put a 0 on the keyboard buffer. This causes another problem where if you switch the capslock on and then start typing at the prompt, the next letter you type after turning on the capslock won't appear. So if you type "one (capslock)two", "one WO" will appear on the screen.

rpmlint complaints

While packaging MatrixBrandy 1.21.7 for openSUSE linux, I see this in the log:

I: A function overflows or underflows an array access. This could be a real error,
   but occasionaly this condition is also misdetected due to loop unrolling or strange pointer
   handling. So this is warning only, please review.
W: brandy arraysubscript src/tokens.c:2206, 2214


brandy.x86_64: I: binary-or-shlib-calls-gethostbyname /usr/bin/brandy
The binary calls gethostbyname(). Please port the code to use getaddrinfo().

Here's why about the latter.

MODE &87 doesn't select MODE 7

MODE &87 doesn't select MODE 7, it is treated as an unknown MODE and selects MODE 0. All other shadow MODEs are correctly selected. The flaw is in
graphsdl.c -> setup_mode() where:
modecopy = mode;
mode = mode & MODEMASK; /* Lose 'shadow mode' bit */

needs to be before the first paragraph.
(Can't do an upload from here otherwise I'd fix it.)

macos fails to build


i am getting the error building the latest MaxrixBrandy. i have installed the SDL1.2 package mentioned.

ld: library not found for -lrt

String concatenation on paramter to OPENUP not expanded

When opening a file or network stream, for example H%=OPENUP "ip4:"+H$
this is not handled correctly, and the code block is passed ip4:"+H$ - which obviously doesn't work, additionally, th

Current workarounds are to either build the string then pass the completed string as OPENUP H$ works, alternatively H%=OPENUP("ip4:"+H$) works too.

Problem with "for a% = 1 to 10 step s", where s is a float variable

I'm trying to run some of my old Archimedes BASIC IV code under Brandy. Most work great - thank you! However this bug came up:

Example code:

20FOR ang%=0 TO 359 STEP step
30PRINT ang%
Error: "Type Mismatch. Number wanted at line 20".

If I run this under RPCEmu I get the numbers printed out 0, 5, ..., 355.

Windows only: Full screen not working correctly

In full screen mode, the screen is not automatically updated (except in Mode 7, which does regular refreshes to support VDU136/Flash), and leaving fullscreen leaves a corrupted display. In both cases *REFRESH will force a display update but does not resolve the automatic updates. Cursor placement is also very wrong.

None of this affects the Linux build.

VDU 20 not working

COLOUR 129:COLOUR 3:PRINT "Hello":VDU 20:PRINT "there"
should print 'there' in colour 7 on colour 128 (white on black), but actually prints in the same as 'Hello'.

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