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docker-sensu's Issues

Sensu not writing to /var/log/sensu/...

Sorry for another issue!

I've noticed that the containers aren't writing logs to /var/log/sensu, so the only way I can get some more info is to change the LOG_LEVEL and follow stdout.

Should this work or could this be added as an env var?


Files overwritten on mount

When starting the container, if you mount in custom config or even client.json, it's blindly being processed and replaced with the template.

Upgrade to 1.4?

Any chance of getting new versions of the containers for the latest versions?

How to verify if checks are executed on host machine and not docker container?

I would like to verify/test that all checks are running on host machine and not within the docker container where Sensu client is running. Could you please help out with some hints? My docker-compose file looks like this:

version: '2'
    build: .
    command: client
    container_name: docker-sensu-client-prod
    image: adop/sensu-client
      CLIENT_NAME: aca-jira01
      REDIS_PORT: 6379
      HOST_DEV_DIR: /host_dev
      HOST_PROC_DIR: /host_proc
      HOST_SYS_DIR: /host_sys
      - '3030:3030'
      - /dev:/host_dev/:ro
      - /proc:/host_proc/:ro
      - /sys:/host_sys/:ro

Error installing extra plugins

Hi, i hava an error installing sensu-plugins-docker with end RUNTIME_INSTALL, my docker-compose is

 RUNTIME_INSTALL: sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-docker

Error is:

Downloading      sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-docker:master
tar: invalid magic
tar: short read
Building     sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-docker:master
/bin/install: line 32: cd: sensu-plugins-sensu-plugins-docker-master: No such file or directory

Mounting check.d folder as volume deletes all check files on host

Sensu Client compose-file looks like this:

version: '2'
    command: client
    container_name: docker-sensu-client-prod
    image: sstarcher/sensu
      CLIENT_NAME: testclient
      RUNTIME_INSTALL: docker memory-checks
      REDIS_PORT: 6379
      #REDIS_DB: 0
      - ./resources/check.d:/etc/sensu/check.d/
      - '3030:3030'

Same place as the compose-file is placed I have folder named resources which contains check.d folder where all check files are placed. After running docker-compose up -d all files within ./resource/check.d are deleted.

docker-compose up failing for client_1


Thanks for creating this docker-sensu container. I ran docker-compose up and I got the attached error for client_1.


Adding the snippet at which the failure occurs.

client_1  | update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/g++ to provide /usr/bin/c++ (c++) in auto mode
client_1  | Setting up build-essential (12.1ubuntu2) ...
client_1  | Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.24-9ubuntu2) ...
client_1  | Processing triggers for sgml-base (1.29) ...
client_1  | Downloading          sstarcher/aws:master
client_1  | Downloading          sensu-plugins/mail:master
client_1  |
client_1  | gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
client_1  | tar: Child returned status 1
client_1  | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
client_1  | /bin/install: line 47: cd: sensu-plugins-mail-master: No such file or directory
client_1  | Building     sensu-plugins/mail:master

Is there something I am missing here?

Plugins don't appear to be installed

docker-compose logs client output:

client_1    | Downloading    sensu-plugins/http:master
client_1    | Building   sensu-plugins/http:master
client_1    | Installing     sensu-plugins/http:master
client_1    | Finished   sensu-plugins/http:master

However, when I: docker exec -it xxx_client_1 bash and ls /etc/sensu/plugins, there's nothing there.

Checks are not being registered

docker-compose.yml contents:

  image: sstarcher/sensu
  command: api
    - rabbitmq
    - redis

  image: sstarcher/sensu
  command: server
   - './checks:/etc/sensu/check.d/'
    - rabbitmq
    - redis
    - api

  image: sstarcher/sensu
  command: client
    CLIENT_NAME: qa-poker
    - rabbitmq

  image: sstarcher/uchiwa
    - api:sensu
    - '80:3000'

  image: rabbitmq:3.5-management

  image: redis

I can confirm that my check makes it into the server's /etc/sensu/check.d directory and is picked up:

server_1    | {"timestamp":"2016-05-25T13:51:05.507991+0000","level":"warn","message":"config file applied changes","file":"/etc/sensu/check.d/check-sensu-website.json","changes":{"checks":{"sensu-website":[null,{"command":"check-http.rb -u","subscribers":["test"],"interval":10}]}}}

But it's invisible to the API:

root@d3177012135b:/# curl -s http://api:4567/clients


root@d3177012135b:/# curl -s http://api:4567/checks

Server defaulting to rabbitmq


First of all, great work Dockerising Sensu in such a friendly & useful way.

I seem to be experiencing an issue wherein the server container is not correctly picking up the transport type, either from ENV vars or from the config.

If I docker exec -it sensu_server_1 bash and query the env, I get the following:

root@ccb88ba37781:/# env | grep TRANSPORT

And if I cat the /etc/sensu/conf.d/transport.json, I can see the following config (Host mount):

root@ccb88ba37781:/# cat /etc/sensu/conf.d/transport.json 
    "transport": {
      "name": "redis",
      "reconnect_on_error": true

Yet when I run sensu-server -P, it always returns:

root@ccb88ba37781:/# sensu-server -P
{"timestamp":"2017-04-14T21:49:02.749351+0000","level":"warn","message":"outputting compiled configuration and exiting"}

This means that my checks aren't getting scheduled! Any ideas?


server container not executing handlers

Loading a check which intentionally fails yields expected client output, but it doesn't appear that the server container sees the failure or tries to invoke the correct handler.

I have this check:


"checks": {
"proc-fail": {
"command": "check-process.rb -p idontexist -W 1",
"subscribers": [
"interval": 60

I see the sensu client log reflect that the check has failed:

{"timestamp":"2017-02-08T16:08:06.439738-0500","level":"info","message":"publishing check result","payload":{"client":"core01.private.prv","check":{"command":"check-process.rb -p idontexist -W 1","name":"proc-fail","issued":1486588086,"executed":1486588086,"duration":0.284,"output":"CheckProcess CRITICAL: Found 0 matching processes; cmd /idontexist/\n","status":2}}}

however the server log never reflects this failure, and doesn't even attempt to invoke the default handler:

{"timestamp":"2017-02-08T16:06:37.900642-0500","level":"warn","message":"loading extension files from directory","directory":"/etc/sensu/extensions"}
{"timestamp":"2017-02-08T16:06:37.900801-0500","level":"warn","message":"loaded extension","type":"filter","name":"occurrences","description":"filter events using event occurrences"}
{"timestamp":"2017-02-08T16:06:37.900888-0500","level":"warn","message":"loaded extension","type":"mutator","name":"json","description":"returns JSON formatted event data"}
{"timestamp":"2017-02-08T16:06:37.900966-0500","level":"warn","message":"loaded extension","type":"mutator","name":"only_check_output","description":"returns check output"}
{"timestamp":"2017-02-08T16:06:37.901048-0500","level":"warn","message":"loaded extension","type":"mutator","name":"ruby_hash","description":"returns ruby hash event data"}
{"timestamp":"2017-02-08T16:06:37.901121-0500","level":"warn","message":"loaded extension","type":"handler","name":"debug","description":"returns raw event data"}

my server block in docker-compose is configured as:

image: sstarcher/sensu:0.26
command: server
- redis
- api
- "/opt/sensu/check.d:/etc/sensu/check.d"
- "/opt/sensu/handlers:/etc/sensu/handlers"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
- "/opt/sensu/logs:/var/log/sensu"

and my default handler is configured as:

"handlers": {
"default": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/etc/sensu/handlers/mailer.rb -j /etc/sensu/handlers/mailer.json",
"mail_from": "[email protected]",
"mail_to": "[email protected]",
"smtp_address": "",
"smtp_domain": "private.prv"

the mailer.rb and mailer.json are mapped directly into the handlers directory.

What am I doing wrong? I'd be happy to extend the docker-sensu documentation to cover handlers and handler usage once I figure this out.

Thank you!

Can't get handlers to work

I don't know if is something related to the container or with my setup, but I can get any handler to work! I've tried the event-file.rb example in sensu docs, but with no success. Could someone help me?

Add port for sensu-client


I would add multiple clients on the same server. It would be cool add port in the template in order to custom port :)

Handling sensu-install without build-essentials

Hey again,

The image doesn't container build-essentials so I can't compile ruby gems (Eg. sensu-install -p mailer). How are you currently handling this?

I threw up a container that is based on your image and has build-essentials installed, then used this to generate the sensu files (handlers, plugins, etc.) & gems, but it's a bind to copy these over to the different folders on my sensu_server container.

I guess I could just build on top of your image and add build-essentials ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Fail to start with the example

Fail to start with the example docker-compose.yml file.

The error is

Starting sensu_api_1
Attaching to sensu_api_1
api_1       | sed: no input files
sensu_api_1 exited with code 4

The problem seem to be in the /bin/start file, line 49 to 51

Since isn't *.rb file in /opt/sensu/embedded/bin/.

Sensu overrides config files


When I restart one of the containers (I am currently experimenting with the client), it overrides the config files mapped to my host when it starts up. But I would like to make changes to this config.

How to do that?

Install aws-ses Ruby gem

This is an excellent set of Docker images and I was nearly able to use "as-is", but I am using Amazon SES for sending emails and this doesn't work "out of the box".

The mailer-ses plugin is already installed:


But that plugin requires a Ruby gem aws-ses, which isn't installed by default.

For now I have extended the image by running gem install aws-ses, but it would be nice to have it built-in. I see there's a RUNTIME_INSTALL env variable, but it looks like that's for plugins, not the gems they require.

Sensu Client doesn't start


I'm trying to create a Sensu Stack in order to have a quick way to instantiate a development stage for Sensu related tools. I found your image very convenient. However I'm having some issues starting the sensu client container.

This is my docker-compose.yml

  version: "3"
          image: rabbitmq:3.6-management-alpine
              - 15672:15672
              RABBITMQ_HIPE_COMPILE: 1
              RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE: 'sarasa'
             - my-net
          image: sstarcher/sensu
          command: server
              - api
              - rabbitmq
              - redis
              - "./server-conf/server.json:/etc/sensu/config.json"
              - "./logs:/var/log/sensu/"
             - my-net
          image: sstarcher/sensu
          command: api
              - redis
              - '4567:4567'
              - "./api-conf/api.json:/etc/sensu/config.json"
              - "./logs:/var/log/sensu/"
             - my-net
          image: sstarcher/sensu
          command: client
              - rabbitmq
              - "/dev:/host_dev/:ro"
              - "/proc:/host_proc/:ro"
              - "/sys:/host_sys/:ro"
              - "./client-conf/client.json:/etc/sensu/config.json"
              - "./logs:/var/log/sensu/"
              HOST_DEV_DIR: /host_dev
              HOST_PROC_DIR: /host_proc
              HOST_SYS_DIR: /host_sys
             - my-net
          image: sstarcher/uchiwa
              - api
              - '3000:3000'
              - "./dashboard:/etc/sensu/dashboard.d"
              - "./logs/uchiwa.log:/var/log/uchiwa.log"
             - my-net
          image: redis:3
             - my-net

All of the containers start just fine but the one for the client. Is shows this message:

{"timestamp":"2017-06-16T20:37:18.101670+0000","level":"warn","message":"loading config file","file":"/etc/sensu/config.json"}
{"timestamp":"2017-06-16T20:37:18.102094+0000","level":"warn","message":"loading config files from directory","directory":"/etc/sensu/conf.d"}
{"timestamp":"2017-06-16T20:37:18.102367+0000","level":"warn","message":"loading config file","file":"/etc/sensu/conf.d/transport.json"}
{"timestamp":"2017-06-16T20:37:18.102640+0000","level":"warn","message":"config file applied changes","file":"/etc/sensu/conf.d/transport.json","changes":{}}
{"timestamp":"2017-06-16T20:37:18.102879+0000","level":"warn","message":"loading config file","file":"/etc/sensu/conf.d/client.json"}
{"timestamp":"2017-06-16T20:37:18.102981+0000","level":"fatal","message":"config file must be valid json","file":"/etc/sensu/conf.d/client.json","error":"unexpected comma at line 7, column 17 [parse.c:575]"}
{"timestamp":"2017-06-16T20:37:18.103128+0000","level":"fatal","message":"SENSU NOT RUNNING!"}

./client-conf/client.json looks like:

  "client": {
    "socket": {
      "bind": ""
    "name": "4494446b45e0",
    "address": "",
    "subscriptions": [
    "keepalive": {
      "thresholds": {
         "warning": 120,
         "critical": 180
      "handler": "default"
  "transport": {
    "name": "redis",
    "reconnect_on_error": true
  "rabbitmq": {
    "host": "rabbitmq",
    "port": 5671,
    "vhost": "/sensu",
    "user": "sensu",
    "password": "secret",
    "heartbeat": 30,
    "prefetch": 50

I don't know where it gets that /etc/sensu/conf.d/* config files. Can you lend me a hand?
Thanks in advance!


the bin/install script assumes the git download url ends with "master.tar.gz" when in fact it's "archive/[version].tar.gz"

Sensu_sensu-srv_1 | 5-10-28T05:24:39.854859970Z --2015-10-28 05:23:48--
Sensu_sensu-srv_1 | 5-10-28T05:24:39.854859970Z Resolving (
Sensu_sensu-srv_1 | 5-10-28T05:24:39.854859970Z Connecting to (||:443... connected.
Sensu_sensu-srv_1 | 5-10-28T05:24:39.854859970Z HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
Sensu_sensu-srv_1 | 2015-10-28T05:24:39.854859970Z 2015-10-28 05:23:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.


Rabbitmq connecting port

Seems like the last build introduced an error. I'm using the docker-compose example listed on README, with sstarcher/uchiwa and I'm getting the following error

server_1   | {"timestamp":"2016-02-13T17:04:36.125812+0000","level":"error","message":"[amqp] Detected TCP connection failurserver_1   | {"timestamp":"2016-02-13T17:04:36.125812+0000","level":"error","message":"[amqp] Detected TCP connection failure"}
client_1   | {"timestamp":"2016-02-13T17:04:46.030183+0000","level":"error","message":"[amqp] Detected TCP connection failure"}
api_1      | {"timestamp":"2016-02-13T17:04:48.623956+0000","level":"error","message":"[amqp] Detected TCP connection failure"}e"}
client_1   | {"timestamp":"2016-02-13T17:04:46.030183+0000","level":"error","message":"[amqp] Detected TCP connection failure"}
api_1      | {"timestamp":"2016-02-13T17:04:48.623956+0000","level":"error","message":"[amqp] Detected TCP connection failure"}

Investigating the container I got this config on /etc/sensu/conf.d/rabbitmq.json in api, server and client,

    "rabbitmq": {
        "port": tcp://,
        "host": "rabbitmq",
        "user": "guest",
        "password": "guest",
        "vhost": "/",
        "prefetch": 1

I could go inside the container and change this mannualy to 5672 and the error will stop, but I don't think this is the expected behavior

Would love an 0.29 tagged release.

It seems like the needed changes got merged in but there wasn't a specific tag and so there isn't an automated build with the tag over on docker hub. Thanks and love the project.

RUNTIME_INSTALL causes server container to crash.

Attempting to add a RUNTIME_INSTALL to the server environment variables in docker-compose.yaml causes the server container to crash

    RUNTIME_INSTALL: sensu-plugins/disk-checks:master

It is possible that I'm not calling the RUNTIME_INSTALL properly?

Perhaps an example of proper execution might help.

Gem issues with example docker-compose.yml during client container initialization

When using the example docker-compose.yml I ran into a problem where the client container would try to run parallel gem installations of sstarcher/aws and mailer plugins which both have dependencies on unf_ext. It seems to create a race condition where one gem starts to build unf_ext and the other begins to build unf_ext and wipes out the priors work as seen here:
Downloading      sensu-plugins/mailer:master
Building         sensu-plugins/mailer:master
Building         sstarcher/aws:master
Installing       sensu-plugins/mailer:master
Installing       sstarcher/aws:master
ERROR:  Error installing sensu-plugins-mailer-1.2.0.gem:
        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

    current directory: /opt/sensu/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/unf_ext-
/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20170911-31-1dglfcg.rb extconf.rb
checking for -lstdc++... yes
creating Makefile

current directory: /opt/sensu/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/unf_ext-
make "DESTDIR=" clean

current directory: /opt/sensu/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/unf_ext-
make "DESTDIR="
In file included from
unf/normalizer.hh:11:19: fatal error: util.hh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:209: recipe for target 'unf.o' failed
make: *** [unf.o] Error 1

make failed, exit code 2

Gem files will remain installed in /opt/sensu/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/unf_ext- for inspection.
Results logged to /opt/sensu/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.4.0/unf_ext-

I've worked around this by preventing the install script from backgrounding each plugin install. I can submit a PR but I'm not sure if this is the best approach.

Docker Hub Failed Build

Looks like the Docker build of this repo failed a few weeks back:

You could always link your builds with "Debian" - so it'll get rebuilt whenever Debian pushes out a change. That'll ensure you're repo gets built regularly and stops these random fails from being a problem as they'll no-doubt get retried before too long.

Perhaps you can repush and update Sensu to version 0.26.5 whilst we're there?

Implement SSL support

Hey there!
Is it possible to implement SSL support (configuration through templates and environment variables) for rabbitmq and sensu?

Update Redis template to support password

We use "requirepass"/"masterauth" for our Redis configuration, and need to be able to provide a password for the Sensu Redis configuration so that it is able to authenticate with our Redis cluster.

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