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s4e's Issues

Status4Ever gets blocked and disabled by Pale Moon Browser

With the upcoming Firefox kill all addons change, I have decided to switch to Pale Moon a Firefox clone, so that I can continue to use the addons that I want to use.. But even this browser has issues with some addons.

Status-4-ever is blocked and disabled by the browser.
Here is the message that is given on the more information page.

This Add-on to your browser has been blocked.
Your add-on has been blocked or disabled because it is known to be malware, has known security vulnerabilities (especially in the case of plugins), is known to cause instability, or known to cause (severe) usability issues. In the latter 2 cases, when the blocked add-on is an extension, you may be able to find an alternative on our add-ons site

More detailed information about why it has been blocked may be available on the Mozilla website.

I appreciate this plugin as it maintains the security that one receives when being able verify the link location while hovering over the link.

The biggest problem I have with these browser warnings is that they take away the users choice to use the extension despite the warning.

Fix interaction with scrollbars


with Firefox 29 I noticed that the S4E status bar slightly overlaps with the bottom part of the vertical scrollbar, this is not a big deal actually, the real problem is that it almost covers all the horizontal scrollbar when the latter is needed (test with any "panoramic" image from google image).

The situation improves when I change status4evar.addonbar.borderStyle, with this set to true I can use the horizontal scrollbar but then the icons in the status bar are partially outside of the status bar.

My setup:
Firefox 29
S4E 2014.05.03.06
Classic Theme Restorer 1.1.8

Any ideas?


Incompatible w/ LittleFox/Microfox

Enabling S4E whith LittleFox/Microfox caused high delay in interface, wrong rendering pages and interface elements. Status bar not rendering also. FF 52.

Please add "throbber" / "activity indicator" toolbar item

Firefox removed the "throbber" / "activity indicator" toolbar item between version 28 and 29. This item showed when a page was loading, similar to the animation shown on individual tabs (it would be useful to have this toolbar item because some users hide the tab bar).

Thank you for considering my request, and for the great addon!

Download Status icon is double height

I'm on an on iMac with one Retina and one non-Retina display, which may have something to do with it.
I'm also using Classic Theme restorer, so my workaround is to remove the download icons and SFE bar and move the status item to the CTR bar. Seems to work OK.


add option to show progress in bookmarks bar - bottom, top and fill

Incompatibility with VerticalTabs addon

I'm using the VerticalTabs addon ( in Firefox 23 on Windows. Since I have installed S4E, the last few pixel rows of every website are cut off. This can be noticed e.g. by the missing scrollbar thumb button on a website with scrollbars. It doesn't matter if I activate or deactivate the status bar, but as long as the VerticalTabs plugin is activated, these pixel rows are missing. I suspect this might come from the fact that VerticalTabs replaces the URL hover bubble help thingy by its own implementation, but that might be just wrong.

thickness of status bar increased in firefox 53

After updating ff52, the status bar with its good share of extension icons incresed its height for some reason. If I remove all extensions the status bar has the correct size, but as soon as I add one, even one with a small icon, it becomes twice as high.

Isn't there an option to limit the height somewhere?

Download icon disappears in FF35

There is a bug in FF35.

When a download completes, the download icon of the addon disappears.
If you click the empty area where it used to be, the icon will reappear, otherwise it wont.
If you download again, it will disappear again.

I have tested it in a fresh profile and the problem remains.

This needs a fix.

Doubled "Add-on Bar" (Classic Theme Restorer conflict)

Hi. Your addon and "Classic Theme Restorer" addon both make toolbars under the same name "Add-on Bar" which is doubled as result, not merged into single one. Please reach some agreement with "Classic Theme Restorer" author or make this toolbar optional (I can't find a way to turn it off).

Does not work in Firefox 20

Since upgrading to Firefox 20.0 all it does is disable the annoying URL overlay in the corner, without bringing the status bar back. Had to disable it.

Firefox 20.0 RELEASE
Mac OS X 10.8.3

Domain highlighting is broken.

Domain highlighting does not work when using this extension. Tested on a clean profile with FF 25, 26 and 27 - its does not work too.

Bookmark indicator icon disappears

S4E causes the star in the location bar to disappear. I find it useful to know at a glance whether I have the current page bookmarked, so I'd like it back.

I wouldn't mind if it only showed when the page actually is bookmarked, because that would give me the same indication yet would save a bit more space for the status when it isn't bookmarked.

Incompatible with FlagFox

I just discovered this extension. It's almost perfect, but when I enable status in location bar country flag from flagfox dissapears.
Edit: Disabling "show default status" is a workaround.

Progress in URL bar broken...

The "Show progress in the location bar" feature is suddenly misbehaving. Instead of the bar displaying in the selected Top, Bottom, or Fill position, it will only display a narrow progress line thru the center of the location bar while nudging the url address to the right. It seems to have occurred after the latest FF update.
FF 44.0.2, OSX 10.10.5

CPU Load

Just updated to: 2015., last updated: March 27, 2016

My CPU usage for firefox, which is normally between 1-3% mostly on the low side at rest, went to a SUSTAINED 16-20%. I checked by disableing ALL OTHER extensions and plug-ins. Usage returned to normal after disabeling S4E.
iMac/O-SX 10.11.4
Firefox 45.0.2

S4E partially broken in latest Nightly 44.0a1

Hi Bluefang - many thanks for this great addon,
which I've been using faithfully since its early days...

My specs:
OS: WinVista SP2 x86 en-US
Firefox version: Nightly 44.0a1
build ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0 ID:20151009030230 CSet: d01dd42e654b8735d86f9e7c723cc869a3b56798
S4E version: 2015.08.19.02b
CTR version: 1.4.1

Last good build: 20151007030205, cset=d1c5a7c5b433
First bad build: 20151008030232, cset=a955ea9382af
Regression range:

After Nightly updated from 20151007030205 to 20151008030232:

  1. Status-bar panel vanished; 2 addons had their icons placed there
    (IPLogger & Version in Add-on bar).
    I also have CTR installed, after going to "Customize" mode,
    I discovered the status-bar panel had migrated onto CTR's
    addon-bar; I put it back onto S4E's status-bar.
  2. In S4E's settings, I have "Show progress in the Location Bar"
    checked, "Line style" set to "fill", "Use a custom style" checked,
    I've picked a solid blue colour (#3366FF).
    After the update, those settings aren't being honoured,
    instead "Line style" alternates between top/bottom randomly,
    and the colour is permanently set to a light blue (turquoise);
    any attempt to modify those settings is in vain...
    I believe these posts:
    describe the same issue...
  3. In S4E's settings, I have "Progress->Toolbar->Use a custom style"
    checked and have configured a custom colour and a local picture
    (#3366FF url("file:///D:/pathto~/image.png") no-repeat left center).
    Again, those custom settings are not observed, instead I get a solid
    turquoise colour (like in 2) in the status-bar progress indicator...

I believe this breakage of S4E has to do with the issue
discussed in this Mozillazine thread:
So a code rewrite would have to be undertaken...
I don't understand the code inside S4E,
all I can hope for is that you need only edit little code
in order to restore S4E in its previous working state...

Many thanks for this awesome addon!

Small Compatability Issues With Quicksaver's Add-ons

I use S4E to make Firefox show various navigation info in the location bar, but it raises a few minor issues when being used in conjunction with some of @Quicksaver's add-ons.

  • Puzzle Bars: location puzzle bar
    • S4E pushes the location bar's dropper (small grey drop down arrow) all the way to the right edge.  Whereas the dropper normally shows to the left of the toolbar.
  • Puzzle Bars: corner puzzle bar
    • it knocks the puzzle-piece (green puzzle shaped toggle switch) behind the toolbar, making it unreachable.  This only occurs after exiting customization with the toolbar aligned to the right.
  • Beyond Australis: slim chrome
    • the location bar settings in S4E don't seem to be compatible with this add-on's mini location bar, which pops-up when using this add-on's 'slim chrome' feature to hide the navigation bar.

I'd appreciate you investigating these problems to see if any solutions are feasible.  The developer is quite actively repairing any issues he encounters with other developer's add-ons.  So, if necessary, please consider collaborating with him to find any solutions.

Domain highlighting/focus problem

I noticed an issue with domain highlighting: After just starting the browser, domain highlighting doesn't work (the entire URL is uniform, black) - after focusing the address bar and unfocusing it again, domain highlighting works (for the rest of the session, by the looks of it).

FF 28.0, S4E 2014.05.03.06

XML Parsing Error

when clicking the S4E 'preferences' button in the add-on panel...

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: chrome://status4evar/content/prefs.xul Line Number 424, Column 8: <button id="warningButton" command="status4evar-command-advanced-continue" label="&aboutWarningButton.label;" /> --------------------------------------------------------^

FF 49 on Linux
S4E 2015.

not an issue in v2016.07.16.21b

link shown in location bar doesn't resize based upon change such as addition of Site Identity button

with a fresh profile, with default settings in S4E 2016.10.11.01, with the following exceptions:
extensions.caligon.s4e.status.linkOver 2
extensions.caligon.s4e.status.urlbar.position 100

If user is on an unencrypted page, or a page with encryption but with only a domain validation certificate, if the user hovers their mouse over a link with a long URL (pointing to a site with an EV certificate) and clicks, once the "Site Identity button" ( appears, items in the right side of the location bar will get pushed outside of the location bar -- they will stay this way until user hovers over another link.

example of where i'm able to reproduce this (my resolution is 1280x1024; if yours is higher you may need to make the Firefox window smaller):

  1. navigate to
  2. click the big green "Start" button and just leave your mouse there
  3. once the "Site Identity button" appears, you should notice the stop/reload button and dropdown arrow have been pushed outside of the location bar:
  4. once the next page loads, hover over e.g "Chat Live" to get another link to show in the location bar -- now the stop/reload button and dropdown arrow have moved back inside the location bar.

S4E not displaying in FF Nightly 55


I'm running Windows 10 64 bit Firefox Nightly 55.0a1 (2017-03-08) and I've just noticed that S4E isn't running. I'm pretty sure it was there until 55 came out a couple of days ago.

I don't know if it's a Nightly bug or S4E incompatibility - let me know if there's any way I can find out more diagnostics.


-- Peter

List of downloads opens at window bottom

After upgrade to Firefox 29 with Classic Theme Restorer the pop-up dialog with the list of recent downloads began to open at the bottom-left edge of the window. On another PC (Firefox 29 without Classic Theme Restorer) the problem does not reproduce.
Change of any S4E settings do not seem to affect this problem.

I have patched the problem at my PC by temporarily commenting out this.downloadStatus and related stuff in modules/Status4Evar.jsm.

Original downloads button gone


I installed (latest version of) S4E on (latest release version of) Firefox, then decided to uninstall it, but the original downloads button is also gone. So I feel hostage of this addon, as the only way to get it back was to install it back again and keep it installed. Can you help me solving this? I would appreciate.

Doesn't do anything on FF25b

I just updated to FireFox 25 Beta and S4E doesn't seem to do anything.

The progress in the locationbar disappeared and I don't get any urls or status messages in the popup bar anymore.

I screenshotted my configuration because I don't know how to extract all relevant settings (as some people did on the forum):

Preferences Broken

Love your add-on - however your preferences Link is very broken at the moment - it is showing an XML Parse error

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://status4evar/content/prefs.xul
Line Number 424, Column 8:

<button id="warningButton" command="stat

Can you please fix asap
Many thanks

Shows floating message in fullscreen

At Google Drive the detection, that a html5 player is running in fullscreen doesn't work and floating messages (like here in the left) are displayed.

Full screen mode detection does not work

2013-10-06-03-02-01-mozilla-central-firefox-27.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64 or Firefox 25.0 Beta.

When hovering a link in full screen mode, there is no add-on bar and no pop-up.

New Windows Open Without the S4E Status Bar

I'm running Firefox 38.8.0 and I just installed S4E. It works wonderfully - When it works.

The status bar comes up as part of the window when I launch Firefox from the desktop, but when a new window gets opened via a link click, the status bar isn't there.

It will come up when the window is resized (even with just a nudge, and from any direction), and it's nice knowing it'll be there, but it's a pain in the @$$ to have to nudge a window border every time.

Does anyone have of know of a solution?


popup status does not align right when told to.

Great add-on, thanks.

I cannot seem to get the status shown in a popup to align on the right side. The popup does change sides when moused over, but it always defaults to showing on the left. I tried a large combination of settings, but it just won't stick to the bottom right side of the screen.


Make links always show on hover

I have my messages set to clear after 3 seconds, but a lot of the time this isn't enough while hovering over links. I think it's pretty reasonable that links shouldn't clear until you move the mouse away from the link (plus clear time, maybe). Possibly a setting to toggle this, although I can't foresee any problems with making it default behaviour.

Not working in FF55

Till date I was using S4E with "Classic Theme Restorer".

After upgrading to FF 55, S4E is not working anymore...

Updates are coming?

Since the Addon will be broken, thanks to the upcoming Australis changes in Firefox...

Of course it is an unfinished Firefox Alpha Version, but still, guess the result will be the same in the Australis revamped Final later too..

Thanks to that restrictions of customization it is not possible anymore, to draw adon icons and symbols out of the new customization firefox menu to the S4E Bar.

  • First appeared in latest Firefox Nightly UX Versions.
  • Will quite sure also appear in Final Firefox Versions which Feature Australis Design

Edit Find (in page) stopped working with S4E in FF 26

I have had to disable S4E in FF 26 because a change to Edit Find made it incompatible with S4E. With S4E enabled Edit Find doesn't find whatever you type in the search box. I like S4E so I hate to have to disable it.

window.caligon.status4evar is undefined

Matt, great job with the addon. I have an issue that stated on upgrade from FF35 to FF36 (I hate upgrades). When FF starts, or after a crash, none of the previous tabs or homepage are restored. Starting from the command line, the following stood out:

TypeError: window.caligon.status4evar is undefined -- resource://status4evar/Australis.jsm:186
WARNING: content window passed to PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate. Use isContentWindowPrivate instead (but only for frame scripts). I don't know if something in FF 35->36 changed that effects s4e, but it was very apparent, the FF35->36 was the cause of the homepage no longer being shown and the crash reporter window not to appear after a crash.

The 'window.caligon.status4evar is undefined' error followed the only other error shown on startup:

1428021849673 addons.xpi WARN Exception running bootstrap method startup on {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS) [nsIComponentRegistrar.registerFactory]" nsresult: "0xc1f30100 (NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS)" location: "JS frame :: resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/lib/main.js :: registerPublicAPI :: line 56" data: no] Stack trace: registerPublicAPI()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/lib/main.js:56 < resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/lib/main.js:25 < require()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js:137 < startup()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///home/david/.mozilla/firefox/nbveu8do.default/extensions/%7Bd10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js:21 < XPI_callBootstrapMethod()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:4436 < XPI_startup()@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:2160 < callProvider()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:208 < _startProvider()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:667 < AMI_startup()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:824 < AMP_startup()@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:2402 < AMC_observe()@resource://gre/components/addonManager.js:55 < file:unknown

I admit, I suck at debugging FF addons. I'm not 100% sure those two errors are related. But whatever the reason, I would like to see if the issue could be fixed. I'm happy to do more testing on my end, if you will let me know what you need. I'll get it. Keep up the great work!

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