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filament-tree's Introduction


Please note that we will only be updating to version 2.x, excluding any bug fixes.

Filament Tree

Filament Tree is a plugin for Filament Admin that creates a model management page with a heritage tree structure view. This plugin can be used to create menus and more.

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads

This plugin creates model management page with heritage tree structure view for Filament Admin. It could be used to create menu, etc.

Demo site :

Demo username : [email protected]

Demo password : 12345678 Auto Reset every hour.


To install the package, run the following command:

composer require solution-forest/filament-tree

Important: Need to publish assets after version 2.x

php artisan filament:assets

Note: Add plugin Blade files to your custom theme tailwind.config.js for dark mode.

To set up your own custom theme, you can visit the official instruction page on the Filament website.

Add the plugin's views to your tailwind.config.js file.

content: [

Then, publish the config file using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tree-config"

You can set your preferred options by adding the following code to your config/filament-tree.php file:


return [
     * Tree model fields
    'column_name' => [
        'order' => 'order',
        'parent' => 'parent_id',
        'title' => 'title',
     * Tree model default parent key
    'default_parent_id' => -1,
     * Tree model default children key name
    'default_children_key_name' => 'children',



Prepare the database and model

To use Filament Tree, follow these table structure conventions:

Tip: The parent_id field must always default to -1!!!

Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

This plugin provides a convenient method called treeColumns() that you can use to add the required columns for the tree structure to your table more easily. Here's an example:

Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

This will automatically add the required columns for the tree structure to your table.

The above table structure contains three required fields: parent_id, order, title, and other fields do not have any requirements.

The corresponding model is app/Models/ProductCategory.php:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Concern\ModelTree;

class ProductCategory extends Model
    use ModelTree;

    protected $fillable = ["parent_id", "title", "order"];

    protected $table = 'product_categories';

The field names of the three fields parent_id, order, and title in the table structure can also be modified:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Concern\ModelTree;

class ProductCategory extends Model
    use ModelTree;

    protected $fillable = ["parent_id", "title", "order"];

    protected $table = 'product_categories';

    // Default if you need to override

    // public function determineOrderColumnName(): string
    // {
    //     return "order";
    // }

    // public function determineParentColumnName(): string
    // {
    //     return "parent_id";
    // }

    // public function determineTitleColumnName(): string
    // {
    //     return 'title';
    // }

    // public static function defaultParentKey()
    // {
    //     return -1;
    // }

    // public static function defaultChildrenKeyName(): string
    // {
    //     return "children";
    // }



Filament provides a powerful feature that allows you to display widgets inside pages, below the header and above the footer. This can be useful for adding additional functionality to your resource pages.

To create a Tree Widget and apply it to a resource page, you can follow these steps:

1. Creating a Filament Resource Page

To create a resources page, run the following command:

php artisan make:filament-resource ProductCategory

2. Create Tree Widget

Prepare the filament-tree Widget and show it in Resource page.

php artisan make:filament-tree-widget ProductCategoryWidget

Now you can see the Widget in Filament Folder


namespace App\Filament\Widgets;

use App\Models\ProductCategory as ModelsProductCategory;
use App\Filament\Widgets;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Widgets\Tree as BaseWidget;

class ProductCategoryWidget extends BaseWidget
    protected static string $model = ModelsProductCategory::class;

    // you can customize the maximum depth of your tree
    protected static int $maxDepth = 2;

    protected ?string $treeTitle = 'ProductCategory';

    protected bool $enableTreeTitle = true;

    protected function getFormSchema(): array
        return [

3. Displaying a widget on a resource page

Once you have created the widget, modify the getHeaderWidgets() or getFooterWidgets() methods of the resource page to show the tree view:


namespace App\Filament\Resources\ProductCategoryResource\Pages;

use App\Filament\Resources\ProductCategoryResource;
use App\Filament\Widgets\ProductCategory;
use Filament\Pages\Actions;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\ListRecords;

class ListProductCategories extends ListRecords
    protected static string $resource = ProductCategoryResource::class;

    protected function getActions(): array
        return [

    protected function getHeaderWidgets(): array
        return [


Filament allows you to create a custom pages for resources, you also can create a tree page that display hierarchical data.

Create a Page

To create a tree page for resource, you can use:

php artisan make:filament-tree-page ProductCategoryTree --resource=ProductCategory

Register a Page to the resource

You must register the tree page to a route in the static getPages() methods of your resource. For example:

public static function getPages(): array
    return [
        // ...
        'tree-list' => Pages\ProductCategoryTree::route('/tree-list'),


Define the available "actions" for the tree page using the getActions() and getTreeActions() methods of your page class.

The getActions() method defines actions that are displayed next to the page's heading:

    use Filament\Pages\Actions\CreateAction;

    protected function getActions(): array
        return [
            // SAMPLE CODE, CAN DELETE

The getTreeActions() method defines the actions that are displayed for each record in the tree. For example:

use Filament\Pages\Actions\Action;

protected function getTreeActions(): array
    return [

Alternatively, you can use the hasDeleteAction(), hasEditAction(), and hasViewAction() methods to customize each action individually.

protected function hasDeleteAction(): bool
    return false;

protected function hasEditAction(): bool
    return true;

protected function hasViewAction(): bool
    return false;

Record ICON

To customize the prefix icon for each record in a tree page, you can use the getTreeRecordIcon() method in your tree page class. This method should return a string that represents the name of the icon you want to use for the record. For example:

public function getTreeRecordIcon(?\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $record = null): ?string
    // default null
    return 'heroicon-o-cake';


Node collapsed state

You can customize a collapsed state of the node. If you would like to show your tree initially collapsed you can use:

public function getNodeCollapsedState(?\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $record = null): bool
    // All tree nodes will be collapsed by default.
    return true;


This plugin enables you to create tree pages in the admin panel. To create a tree page for a model, use the make:filament-tree-page command. For example, to create a tree page for the ProductCategory model, you can run:

Create a Page

Tip: Note that you should make sure the model contains the required columns or already uses the ModelTree trait

php artisan make:filament-tree-page ProductCategory --model=ProductCategory

Actions, Widgets and Icon for each record

Once you've created the tree page, you can customize the available actions, widgets, and icon for each record. You can use the same methods as for resource pages. See the Resource Page for more information on how to customize actions, widgets, and icons.

Publishing Views

To publish the views, use:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tree-views"

Publishing Translations

To publish the translations, use:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tree-translations"


To run the tests, run:

composer test


See the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


See CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



Filament Tree is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

About Solution Forest

Solution Forest Web development agency based in Hong Kong. We help customers to solve their problems. We Love Open Soruces.

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filament-tree's People


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filament-tree's Issues

How to make custom query?

I have to filter data before showing in the tree.

Are there any ways that achieve somethings similar to this ?

public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
  return parent::getEloquentQuery()->where('visible', true);

Tree does not show up in widget

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Trying to create a category tree widget. However, no tree items show up at all within the widget.

I've followed the documentation exactly. I have some 'categories' in the table below the widget. But absolutely no categories in the widget.

My category migration, which successfully creates the required columns:

    public function up(): void
        Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

My category model


namespace App\Models\Catalog;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne;

class Category extends Model
    use HasFactory;

    protected $fillable = [

    public function products(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany( Product::class );

    public function children(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany( self::class, 'parent_id', 'id' )->orderBy( 'order' );

    public function parent(): HasOne
        return $this->hasOne( self::class, 'id', 'parent_id' );

config/filament-tree.php config file

return [
     * Tree model fields
    'column_name' => [
        'order' => 'order',
        'parent' => 'parent_id',
        'title' => 'title',
     * Tree model default parent key
    'default_parent_id' => -1,
     * Tree model default children key name
    'default_children_key_name' => 'children',

And my CategoryWidget


namespace App\Filament\Resources\Catalog\CategoryResource\Widgets;

use App\Models\Catalog\Category;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Widgets\Tree as BaseWidget;

class CategoryWidget extends BaseWidget
    protected static string $model = Category::class;

    protected static int $maxDepth = 2;

    protected ?string $treeTitle = 'CategoryWidget';

    protected bool $enableTreeTitle = true;

    protected function getFormSchema(): array
        return [

    public function getViewFormSchema(): array {
        return [

The widget shows up, and I have categories in the table below. But no tree items.

Duplicate Name and Slug Per Level


Through a round-about manner, you are able to have duplicate category names and slugs on the same level.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Create a category with name "Test Category" and slug "test-category"
  • Attempt to create a category with name "Test Category" and slug "test-category" with no parent, notice that it is disallowed due to a duplicate name and slug on the hierarchy level
  • Create a sub-category with name "Test Category" and slug "test-category" with the previously created record as it's parent
  • Use the table interface to drag the child category to the top level and save the re-ordering, notice that this is allowed.

V3 upgrade?

Are there any plans to make this v3 compatible?

Should work with NULL parent_id

You lose foreign key constraints with the -1 thing which is kind of no bueno. Is there a reason it doesn't work with nulls?

How to load custom data fro filament-tree package?

On laravel 9 filamenphp site I need to show data in tree and I found this

But source of this plugin is 1 table, not as in my case when I need to combine data from 3 sources and 2 of them are non related tables.
If there is a way to load my custom data into this plugin?

I suppose it looks some laravel feature...
Has it any

    "filament/filament": "^2.17.39",
    "filament/forms": "^2.17.39",
    "laravel/framework": "^9.52.7",

Thanks in advance!

SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Support\Utils::buildNestedArray returns empty array when using null as parentId

I know the documentation recommends using -1, but, I think it makes more sense to use use null as the value for the parentId field of root items. Using null allows for simple parent() relationship, cascade deletes, etc because the parent_id column can be nullable.

Anyway, the tree component actually DOES work when using null for this value. However, none of the functions in the ModelTree trait that rely on the Utils::buildNestedArray function work when using null. For example treeNodes, selectArray all return empty arrays.

I believe one fix for this issue would be to modify the condition on line 62 of SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Support\Utils to check for a null parentId. E.g changing the condtion to below, allows Utils::buildNestedArray to work with null.

if ( ($pk === $parentId) || ($pk === '' && $parentId === 0) ) {

Max Depth not working - unable to make tree with more parents than 1

I tried the package and it works pretty well but even though i have my maxDepth set to 4 - im unable to drag&drop elements deeper than 1 parent. Looks like its just the JS that wont allow me to snap an element to the one that already has a parent. If i manually change the parent_id - it build the tree correctly and then allows me to snap to the child node.

window.livewire.find is not a function

I used this package as dependency with your Access-Management-Package.

But I can not save sorted states. If I click on save-button i get JS-Error:

window.livewire.find is not a function

This error located in filament-tree/resources/views/scripts.blade.php on Line 48.

(btw. there is a console.log, which should not be called in production)

`php artisan view:cache` Throws an Exception


When running php artisan view:cache in a new application with Filament V3 and filament-tree. An exception is thrown and it fails to run.


OS: Mac OS Ventura v13.5.1
PHP v8.1.21
Laravel v10.25.2
Filament v3.0.62
Livewire v3.0.5



  Unable to locate a class or view for component [forms::icon-button].

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Compilers/ComponentTagCompiler.php:311
    307▕         if (Str::startsWith($component, 'mail::')) {
    308▕             return $component;
    309▕         }
  ➜ 311▕         throw new InvalidArgumentException(
    312▕             "Unable to locate a class or view for component [{$component}]."
    313▕         );
    314▕     }

      +2 vendor frames 
  3   [internal]:0

      +7 vendor frames 
  11  [internal]:0
      Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ViewCacheCommand::Illuminate\Foundation\Console\{closure}(Object(Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo), "/Users/nicole/Sites/package-testing/vendor/solution-forest/filament-tree/src/../resources/views/forms/tree.blade.php")

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nestable')

Hi, I'm facing the following issue:

Alpine Expression Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nestable')

Expression: "function () {

let nestedTree = $('#filament_tree_container_BxCAKyCkwLPukL2rHBKg').nestable

To be exact, it's happening in components/tree/index.php file. Looks like its not able to find the JQuery here. $('#{{ $containerKey }}') returns undefined while document.getElementById('{{ $containerKey }}') returns object.

Need SBS (step-by-step) documentation

  1. if I generate only a page (without resource) then "SolutionForest\FilamentTree\Pages\TreePage::getTreeRecordTitle(): Return value must be of type string, null returned" is appeared
  2. if I generate a page (with resource) then how do I access them with proper routing???
  3. what about migration for model that needs tree

Use table-actions


is there a way to use native table actions (for creating and editing).
I am building very complex forms that do not work well in a modal action.

Create and edit pages instead of modal style.


Is it possible to use the pages defined in the getPages() function of the resource to create and edit a tree item instead of using the modal functionality?

I hope my question isn't too silly.


class CreationResource extends Resource
    protected static ?string $model = Creation::class;
    public static function form(Form $form): Form
        return $form
                // etc...


    public static function getPages(): array
        return [
            'index' => Pages\CreationTree::route('/'),
            'create' => Pages\CreateCreation::route('/create'),
            'edit' => Pages\EditCreation::route('/{record}/edit'),

Can't expand after using 'collapse all' button

You can't expand the tree parts after using 'collapse all' button.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. See your demo:
  2. Click button 'Collapse all'
  3. Click on the 'arrow up' on 't-shirt'.

You'll see the arrow change but the tree not expanding. If you click 'expand all' the toggle starts working again.

My browser is Chrome 113.0.5672.126 (Official Build) (x86_64) on MacOS Ventura 13.1 (22C65).

Drag-to-Reorder Handle Coloring in "Dark Mode"


When Filament is running under "Dark Mode", the coloring looks out of place for the drag-to-reorder handles. It looks fine in light mode. There should probably also be some margin between the handle and the text next to it.



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