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Comments (20)

sandman60 avatar sandman60 commented on June 6, 2024

... und was willst Du nun mit dem Issue sagen? Willst Du damit sagen das Du gerade an einem Plugin für LG arbeitest?

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024

genau, das ich versuchen werd da was rumzustricken, bzw ob es überhaupt funktioniert

from smarthome.

sandman60 avatar sandman60 commented on June 6, 2024

Ah, ok. Ich hatte mal angefangen was auf Basis vom lgcommander zusammenzustricken, ist aber nie fertig geworden...

from smarthome.

psilo909 avatar psilo909 commented on June 6, 2024

das smarttv plugin geht da nicht schon? könnte ggf eine standardisierte schnittstelle sein

from smarthome.

sandman60 avatar sandman60 commented on June 6, 2024

Ich meine ich hatte das mal anfangs getestet und dann auf Basis des smarttv und des lgcommanders was gebastelt, bin dann aber irgendwo mittendrin wie so oft stecken geblieben... :-(

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024
hab hier mal verusucht das php beispiel in python zu portieren, jedoch mit mässigem erfolg,
bin da auch nicht so der Crack drin ..

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024

wie sieht denn dein stand darin aus ?
bzw funktionierte da schon was?

Zeile 54 hab ich ein Problem, da Weiss ich nich wies zu wandeln is, der Rest sollte zumindest mal ohne Syntax Error laufen

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024

print des Response

WS Handshake Response: b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: 6nhwbTQ9A9IFKpHUtbbyROQCrrk=\r\n\r\n'

if response != '': print("WS Handshake Response:", response) else: print("ERROR during WS handshake!") print() matches = re.match(b'Sec-WebSocket-Accept:\s(.*)=\\r\n*?', response) print("ergebnis ",matches)

hier hänge ich, trotz dem eigentlich richtigen Regex wird nichts gematcht,
es liegt irgendwie an der typwandlungb oder so ?! jemand ne idee?

from smarthome.

ohinckel avatar ohinckel commented on June 6, 2024

Ich wuerde mal das versuchen:


  • egal wieviele whitespaces vor dem Wert
  • matche den gesamten Ausdruck inkl. "=" (ist vermutlich base64)
  • gefolgt von einem \r\n (ein Backslash war zu viel)

Den "" und das "?" habe ich nicht verstanden. Ersteres koennte \n optional machen, wobei es eher das \r sein sollte. "?" bedeutet "eins oder keins", was nach dem "" keinen Sinn ergibt.

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024

WS Handshake Response: b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XrGFFiYreVhUu0fZfocKMlwMYE0=\r\n\r\n'

matches = re.match(b'Sec-WebSocket-Accept:\s*(.*=)\s*', response ,re.MULTILINE)

bekomme auch mit deinem Code kein match, ich weiss schon warum ich regex syntax hasse :D ..
irgendwie schon komisch, denn selbst verschiedene Python Regex-online Helper sagen mir, das es gehen müsste ;/

from smarthome.

ohinckel avatar ohinckel commented on June 6, 2024

Du solltest eigentlich anstatt re.match() verwenden:

Note that even in MULTILINE mode, re.match() will only match at the beginning of the string
and not at the beginning of each line.

Siehe auch search-vs-match. Damit funktioniert es dann auch.

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024

du hattest recht

jetzt noch hier ..
original php

expectedResonse = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1(self._wskey . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11')))
wobei mir der genaue sinn hier fehlt expectedResonse = base64.base64_encode(binascii.unhexlify(hashlib.sha1(self._wskey + '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11').hexdigest()))

so wprde es funktionieren, dann ist aber gegebener code != errechneter code
expectedResonse = base64.b64encode(binascii.unhexlify(hashlib.sha1(self._wskey + b'258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11').hexdigest()))

erhalten b'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 3Vqb8Su/CTcTcR8boRdZDze/tcM='
errechnet b'bfiJUKRmpNwa/1jCTUr8uLt9ZW4='

from smarthome.

ohinckel avatar ohinckel commented on June 6, 2024
>>> import re
>>>'Sec-WebSocket-Accept:\s*(.*=)', b"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XrGFFiYreVhUu0fZfocKMlwMYE0=\r\n\r\n").group(1)

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024
import logging
import socket
import time
import base64
import json
import binascii
import hashlib
import sys
import random
import re
import pprint
import struct

from uuid import getnode as getmac
logger = logging.getLogger('')

class WebOsTv:

    def __init__(self, host = '', port=3000, lgKey="NOKEY", path="/"):
        #self._sh = smarthome
        self._host = host
        self._port = port
        #self._wskey = base64.encodebytes(self.generateRandomString(16, False, True))
        self._wskey = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.generateRandomString(16, False, True), "utf-8"))
        self._tvkey = lgKey
        self._path = str(path)
        self._handshake = False
        self._handshakecode = '' ##CODE des HANDSHAKES!
        self._connected = False
        if self._tvkey == "NOKEY":
        self.connect()                     #//
        self.message("YEAH, it works!!!")

    def connect(self):
        ws_handshake_cmd = "GET "+str(self._path)+" HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        ws_handshake_cmd += "Upgrade: websocket\r\n"
        ws_handshake_cmd += "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
        ws_handshake_cmd += "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"
        ws_handshake_cmd += "Sec-WebSocket-Key: "+ str(self._wskey) + "\r\n"
        ws_handshake_cmd += "Host: "+ str(self._host)+":"+str(self._port)+"\r\n\r\n"

            self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self._sock.connect((self._host, self._port))
            print("Verbindung zu ", str(self._host), "nicht möglich!")

        print("Sending WS handshake", ws_handshake_cmd)
        response = self.send(ws_handshake_cmd)
        #print ("debug-ausgabe von response", response)

        if response != '':
            print("WS Handshake Response:", response)
            print("ERROR during WS handshake!")

        matches ='Sec-WebSocket-Accept:\s*(.*=)', response)
        #print("ergebnis ",matches)

        keyAccept =
        print("keyaccept ",keyAccept)
        #print("WSKEY", self._wskey)
        expectedResonse = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(self._wskey + b'258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11').digest())
        print("expected response",expectedResonse)
        if keyAccept == expectedResonse:
            self._connected = True
            print("Key Akzeptiert")
            self._connected = False
            print("Key nicht Akzeptiert")
        #    print('Fehler!')
        #    self._connected = False

        if self._connected:
            print( "Sucessfull WS connection to", self._host, ": ", self._port)
        return self._connected

    def lg_handshake(self):
        if self._connected == False:
        if self._connected:
            handshake ='{"type":"register","id":"register_0","payload":{"forcePairing":False,"pairingType":"PROMPT","client-key":"'+str(self._handshakecode)+'manifest":{"manifestVersion":1,"appVersion":"1.1","signed":{"created":"20140509","appId":"com.lge.test","vendorId":"com.lge","localizedAppNames":{"":"LG Remote App","ko-KR":"리모컨 앱","zxx-XX":"ЛГ RÑ?мotÑ? AПП"},"localizedVendorNames":{"":"LG Electronics"},"permissions":["TEST_SECURE","CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT","CONTROL_MOUSE_and_KEYBOARD","READ_INSTALLED_APPS","READ_LGE_SDX","READ_NOTIFICATIONS","SEARCH","WRITE_SETTINGS","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_ALERT","CONTROL_POWER","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_UPDATE_INFO","UPDATE_FROM_REMOTE_APP","READ_LGE_TV_INPUT_EVENTS","READ_TV_CURRENT_TIME"],"serial":"2f930e2d2cfe083771f68e4fe7bb07"},"permissions":["LAUNCH","LAUNCH_WEBAPP","APP_TO_APP","CLOSE","TEST_OPEN","TEST_PROTECTED","CONTROL_AUDIO","CONTROL_DISPLAY","CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK","CONTROL_INPUT_TV","CONTROL_POWER","READ_APP_STATUS","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST","READ_NETWORK_STATE","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST","READ_POWER_STATE","READ_COUNTRY_INFO"],"signatures":[{"signatureVersion":1,"signature":"eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJSU0EtU0hBMjU2Iiwia2V5SWQiOiJ0ZXN0LXNpZ25pbmctY2VydCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb24iOjF9.hrVRgjCwXVvE2OOSpDZ58hR+59aFNwYDyjQgKk3auukd7pcegmE2CzPCa0bJ0ZsRAcKkCTJrWo5iDzNhMBWRyaMOv5zWSrthlf7G128qvIlpMT0YNY+n/FaOHE73uLrS/g7swl3/qH/BGFG2Hu4RlL48eb3lLKqTt2xKHdCs6Cd4RMfJPYnzgvI4BNrFUKsjkcu+WD4OO2A27Pq1n50cMchmcaXadJhGrOqH5YmHdOCj5NSHzJYrsW0HPlpuAx/ECMeIZYDh6RMqaFM2DXzdKX9NmmyqzJ3o/0lkk/N97gfVRLW5hA29yeAwaCViZNCP8iC9aO0q9fQojoa7NQnAtw=="}]}}}'
            if self._lg_key != '':
                handshake = str.replace(self._handshakecode,self._lg_key)
                handshake = '{"type":"register","id":"register_0","payload":{"forcePairing":False,"pairingType":"PROMPT","manifest":{"manifestVersion":1,"appVersion":"1.1","signed":{"created":"20140509","appId":"com.lge.test","vendorId":"com.lge","localizedAppNames":{"":"LG Remote App","ko-KR":"리모컨 앱","zxx-XX":"ЛГ RÑ?мotÑ? AПП"},"localizedVendorNames":{"":"LG Electronics"},"permissions":["TEST_SECURE","CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT","CONTROL_MOUSE_and_KEYBOARD","READ_INSTALLED_APPS","READ_LGE_SDX","READ_NOTIFICATIONS","SEARCH","WRITE_SETTINGS","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_ALERT","CONTROL_POWER","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_UPDATE_INFO","UPDATE_FROM_REMOTE_APP","READ_LGE_TV_INPUT_EVENTS","READ_TV_CURRENT_TIME"],"serial":"2f930e2d2cfe083771f68e4fe7bb07"},"permissions":["LAUNCH","LAUNCH_WEBAPP","APP_TO_APP","CLOSE","TEST_OPEN","TEST_PROTECTED","CONTROL_AUDIO","CONTROL_DISPLAY","CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK","CONTROL_INPUT_TV","CONTROL_POWER","READ_APP_STATUS","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST","READ_NETWORK_STATE","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST","READ_POWER_STATE","READ_COUNTRY_INFO"],"signatures":[{"signatureVersion":1,"signature":"eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJSU0EtU0hBMjU2Iiwia2V5SWQiOiJ0ZXN0LXNpZ25pbmctY2VydCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb24iOjF9.hrVRgjCwXVvE2OOSpDZ58hR+59aFNwYDyjQgKk3auukd7pcegmE2CzPCa0bJ0ZsRAcKkCTJrWo5iDzNhMBWRyaMOv5zWSrthlf7G128qvIlpMT0YNY+n/FaOHE73uLrS/g7swl3/qH/BGFG2Hu4RlL48eb3lLKqTt2xKHdCs6Cd4RMfJPYnzgvI4BNrFUKsjkcu+WD4OO2A27Pq1n50cMchmcaXadJhGrOqH5YmHdOCj5NSHzJYrsW0HPlpuAx/ECMeIZYDh6RMqaFM2DXzdKX9NmmyqzJ3o/0lkk/N97gfVRLW5hA29yeAwaCViZNCP8iC9aO0q9fQojoa7NQnAtw=="}]}}}'
                print("Sending LG handshake",handshake)
            response = self.send(hybi10Encode(handshake))
            if response == True:
                print("LG Handshake Response",json_string(response))
                result = json_array(response)
                if result and ('id' in result) and  result['id']=='result_0' and ('client-key' in result['payload']):
                    #// LG client-key received: COMPARE!!!
                    if self._lg_key == result['payload']['client-key']:
                        print("LG Client-Key successfully approved")
                        if result and ('id'in result) and  result['id']=='register_0' and ('pairingType' in result['payload']) and ('returnValue' in result['payload']):
                            #// LG TV is prompting for access rights
                            if (result['payload']['pairingType'] == 'PROMPT') and (result['payload']['returnValue'] == 'True'):
                                starttime = time.time()
                                lg_key_received = False
                                error_received = False
                                while (time-starttime<60 and not lg_key_received and not error_received):
                                    response = read(self._sock, 8192)
                                    result = json_array(response)
                                    if result == True and ('id' in result) and  result['id']=='register_0' and is_array(result['payload']) and ('client-key' in result['payload']):
                                        lg_key_received = True
                                        self._lg_key = result['payload']['client-key']
                                        print("LG Client-Key successfully received:",self._lg_key)
                                    elif result and ('id' in result) and  result['id']=='register_0' and ('error' in result):
                                        error_received = True
                                        print("ERROR: ",result['error'])
                                    time.sleep(200000 / 1000000.0)#usleep(200000)
                                    time = time.time()
                print("ERROR during LG handshake:")
            return False

    def disconnect(self):
        self._connected = False
        print("Connection closed to ",self._host)

    def send(self, msg):
        print("Send Funktion message", msg )
        #write(self._sock, msg)
        time.sleep(2500 / 1000000.0)#usleep(250000)
        #response = read(self._sock, 8192)
        response = self._sock.recv(8192)
        print("Send Response", response)
        return response

    def send_command(self, cmd):
        if (self._connected == False):
        if (self._connected == True):
            print("Sending command:", cmd)
            response = self._send(self.hybi10Encode(cmd))
            if (response):
                print("Command response:",self.json_string(response))
                print("Error sending command:",cmd)
            return response

    def message(self,msg):
        command = '{"id":"message","type":"request","uri":"ssap://system.notifications/createToast","payload":{"message": "msg"}}'

    def power_off(self,):
        command = '{"id":"power_off","type":"request","uri":"ssap://system/turnOff"}'

    def set_volume(self,vol):
        command = '{"id":"set_volume","type":"request","uri":"ssap://audio/setVolume","payload":{"volume":".vol."}}'

    def hybi10Encode(self,payload, type = 'text', masked = True):
        frameHead = []
        frame = ''
        payloadLength = len(payload)

        if type == 'text':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Text-Frame (10000001):
            frameHead[0] = 129
        elif type == 'close':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Close Frame(10001000):
            frameHead[0] = 136
        elif type == 'ping':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Ping frame (10001001):
            frameHead[0] = 137
        elif type == 'pong':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Pong frame (10001010):
            frameHead[0] = 138

        #// set mask and payload length (using 1, 3 or 9 bytes)
        if (payloadLength > 65535):
            payloadLengthBin = str_split(sprintf('%064b', payloadLength), 8)
            if masked == True:
                frameHead[1] = 255
                frameHead[1] =  127

            for i in  range(0,8):
                frameHead[i + 2] = bindec(payloadLengthBin[i])

            #// most significant bit MUST be 0 (close connection if frame too big)
            if (frameHead[2] > 127):
                return False
        elif payloadLength > 125:
            ##payloadLengthBin = str_split(sprintf('%016b', $payloadLength), 8)

            if masked == True:
                frameHead[1] = 254
                frameHead[1] = 126
            frameHead[2] = bindec(payloadLengthBin[0])
            frameHead[3] = bindec(payloadLengthBin[1])
            if masked ==  True:
                frameHead[1] = payloadLength + 128
                frameHead[1] = payloadLength

        #// convert frame-head to string:
        for i in frameHead.iterkeys():
            frameHead[i] = chr(frameHead[i])

        if masked == True:
            #// generate a random mask:
            mask = []
            for i in range(0,4):
                mask[i] = chr(rand(0, 255))
            frameHead = array_merge(frameHead, mask)
        frame = implode('', frameHead)
        #// append payload to frame:
        for i in range(i, payloadLength):
            if masked == True:
                frame += payload[i] ^ mask[i % 4]
                frame += payload[i]
        return frame

    def generateRandomString(self, length = 10, addSpaces = True, addNumbers = True):
        characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"§$%&/()=[]{}'
        useChars = []
        #// select some random chars:
        for i in range(0, length):
            useChars.append( characters[random.randint (0, len(characters)-1)])

        #// add spaces and numbers:
        if(addSpaces == True):
            #array_push(useChars, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ')
            useChars.append(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ')

        if(addNumbers == True):
            #array_push(useChars, rand(0,9), rand(0,9), rand(0,9))
        #print("orig", useChars)
        #useChars = random.shuffle(useChars)
        #print(''.join([str(i) for i in useChars]))
        randomString = ''.join([str(i) for i in useChars])
        randomString = randomString.strip(' \t\n\r')
        randomString = randomString[0:length]
        print("RandomString", randomString)
        return randomString

    def json_array(self,str):
        #result = json_decode(json_string(str),True)
        result = JSONEncoder().encode(json_string(str))
        return result

    def json_string(self,str):
        start = strpos(str,"{")
        end = strripos(str,"}")
        len = end-start+1
        result = substr(str,start,len)
        return result

    #def run(self):
#tv = WebOsTv('',3000,'785cff4fef58555ef82188b83cda579e')
tv = WebOsTv('')`

Debug ausgabe sieht sieht im moment so aus

RandomString 3tC&HqWyk%qeG3E=
Sending WS handshake GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Funktion message GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Response b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
WS Handshake Response: b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
keyaccept b'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ='
expected response b'9mkGR2IN42WLGQ4DEmPgPTUL6Kk='
Key nicht Akzeptiert
Sending WS handshake GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Funktion message GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Response b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
WS Handshake Response: b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
keyaccept b'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ='
expected response b'9mkGR2IN42WLGQ4DEmPgPTUL6Kk='
Key nicht Akzeptiert
Sending WS handshake GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Funktion message GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Response b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
WS Handshake Response: b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
keyaccept b'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ='
expected response b'9mkGR2IN42WLGQ4DEmPgPTUL6Kk='
Key nicht Akzeptiert
Sending WS handshake GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Funktion message GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: b'M3RDJkhxV3lrJXFlRzNFPQ=='

Send Response b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
WS Handshake Response: b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ=\r\n\r\n'
keyaccept b'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: XkvegnTKRpqpJo3y51Q6yYSeQXQ='
expected response b'9mkGR2IN42WLGQ4DEmPgPTUL6Kk='
Key nicht Akzeptiert
Connection closed to

weiss aber im moment nicht weiter....

key accept und response sind nicht gleich, wahrscheinlich ists nur ein umwandlungsfehler, bin aber leider kein programmierer .. ..

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024
def hybi10Encode(self,payload, type = 'text', masked = True):
        frameHead = {}
        frame = ''
        payloadLength = len(payload)

        if type == 'text':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Text-Frame (10000001):
            frameHead[0] = 129
        elif type == 'close':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Close Frame(10001000):
            frameHead[0] = 136
        elif type == 'ping':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Ping frame (10001001):
            frameHead[0] = 137
        elif type == 'pong':
            #// first byte indicates FIN, Pong frame (10001010):
            frameHead[0] = 138

        #// set mask and payload length (using 1, 3 or 9 bytes)
        if (payloadLength > 65535):
            payloadLengthBin = str.split(sprintf('%064b', payloadLength), 8)
            if masked == True:
                frameHead[1] = 255
                frameHead[1] = 127

            for i in  range(0,8):
                frameHead[i + 2] = int(payloadLengthBin[i],2)

            #// most significant bit MUST be 0 (close connection if frame too big)
            if (frameHead[2] > 127):
                return False
        elif payloadLength > 125:
            payloadLengthBin = struct.pack('>H', payloadLength)
            print("payloadlenght", payloadLengthBin)
            #payloadLengthBin = str.split(hextobin, 8)
            #payloadLengthBin = str_split(sprintf('%016b', payloadLength), 8)

            if masked == True:
                frameHead[1] = 254
                frameHead[1] = 126

            frameHead[2] = int(payloadLengthBin[0],2)
            frameHead[3] = int(payloadLengthBin[1],2)
            if masked ==  True:
                frameHead[1] = payloadLength + 128
                frameHead[1] = payloadLength

        #// convert frame-head to string:
        for i in frameHead.iterkeys():
            frameHead[i] = chr(frameHead[i])

        if masked == True:
            #// generate a random mask:
            mask = []
            for i in range(0,4):
                mask[i] = chr(rand(0, 255))
            frameHead = array_merge(frameHead, mask)
        frame = implode('', frameHead)
        #// append payload to frame:
        for i in range(i, payloadLength):
            if masked == True:
                frame += payload[i] ^ mask[i % 4]
                frame += payload[i]
        return frame

verbindung zum TV bekomme ich, kann aber noch keinen handshake machen ..
kann man dieses packet nicht mit struct.pack machen ?
vl weiss ja jemand von euch wo da der Fehler liegt

from smarthome.

ohinckel avatar ohinckel commented on June 6, 2024

Hat sich hier mittlerweile noch etwas getan oder koennen wir davon ausgehen, dass hier nichts mehr passiert und das Issue geschlossen werden kann?

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024

Hab funktionierenden code, die umsetzung fuers plugin is noch nich 100prozent fertig .. die zeit fehlt..

from smarthome.

psilo909 avatar psilo909 commented on June 6, 2024

Die Frage ist, ob wir hier einen Issue brauchen? @Bonze255 kann das Ding ja fertigbauen und gerne einen PR einsteuern. Aber ein Issue?

from smarthome.

psilo909 avatar psilo909 commented on June 6, 2024

Kann der Issue nun geschlossen werden?

from smarthome.

Bonze255 avatar Bonze255 commented on June 6, 2024


from smarthome.

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