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habitat's Introduction

Sitecore Habitat is No Longer Maintained

This "original" Sitecore Habitat is no longer being updated or maintained, and is being replaced with Sitecore Helix Examples. It's still a valuable reference for aspects of Helix which are not yet reflected in the new examples, but there will be no further releases of Habitat.

You are free to fork this repository for further update, but please rename it if you do so, as to not create further confusion with the still maintained Habitat Home demo site collection.


Sitecore Habitat

Habitat is an example Sitecore solution built on the Helix architecture principles. It is designed to show how a Helix-based solution can be architected, and to demonstrate how tooling can be used to accomplish publishing, serialization, and testing. Habitat is not intended to be a starter solution, or as a recommendation of tools for your solutions.

The architecture and methodology focuses on:

  • Simplicity - A consistent and discoverable architecture
  • Flexibility - Change and add quickly and without worry
  • Extensibility - Simply add new features without steep learning curve

For getting started, please check out the Documentation.
For more information on Helix, please go to

Is Habitat a starter kit or template solution?

No. You should not clone this repository for the purposes of starting a new Sitecore project. There are other community solutions which can be used as a starter for Helix-based Sitecore implementations. Habitat is intended as a reference example of a Helix-based Sitecore implementation.

Is Habitat supported by Sitecore?

Sitecore maintains the Helix documentation and Habitat example, but Habitat code is not supported by Sitecore Product Support Services. Please do not submit support tickets regarding Habitat.

How can I get help with Habitat?

For usage questions regarding Habitat installation or code, or questions about Helix, please utilize Sitecore Stackexchange or #helix-habitat on Sitecore Community Slack.

You can use GitHub to submit bug reports or feature requests for Habitat. Please do not submit usage questions via GitHub.

habitat's People


alan-null avatar alinulms avatar andrewtsitecore avatar artstashchenko avatar brandon-royal avatar chris-castle avatar codingdennis avatar dashkodo avatar derekcorreia avatar digitalparkour avatar dneprokos avatar eldblom avatar eldblom-zz avatar jameshirka avatar jeanfrancoislarente avatar kamsar avatar mkarakasheva avatar nickwesselman avatar npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot avatar olegjytnik avatar peternazarov avatar saintskeeta avatar sc-simardeepsingh avatar scottmulligan avatar soulofuniverse avatar sshushliapin avatar stasmaxymov avatar vyacheslavstashchenko avatar yanbinliu3379 avatar yassinealahyane avatar


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habitat's Issues

Adding a new website

Most likely it isn't an issue, but I'm struggling to add a new website under the habitat structure. I've created a new project (under projects), created configuration and so but it seems that I make a mistake in the site configuration since I can't access the site through the url (I've configured hosts file and IIS)

Here is the config file

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<configuration xmlns:patch="">
      <event name="publish:end">
        <handler type="Sitecore.Publishing.HtmlCacheClearer, Sitecore.Kernel" method="ClearCache">
          <sites hint="list">
            <site hint="mscpoc">mscpoc</site>
      <event name="publish:end:remote">
        <handler type="Sitecore.Publishing.HtmlCacheClearer, Sitecore.Kernel" method="ClearCache">
          <sites hint="list">
            <site hint="mscpoc">mscpoc</site>
      <site name="mscpoc" patch:before="site[@name='modules_website']" hostname="mscpoc" database="web" virtualfolder="/" physicalfolder="/" rootpath="/sitecore/content/mscpoc" startitem="/Home" dictionarypath="/sitecore/content/mscpoc/global/dictionary" domain="extranet" allowdebug="true" cachehtml="true" htmlcachesize="50mb" registrycachesize="0" viewstatecachesize="0" xslcachesize="25mb" filtereditemscachesize="10mb" enablepreview="true" enablewebedit="true" enabledebugger="true" disableclientdata="false" cacherenderingparameters="true" renderingparameterscachesize="10mb" formsroot="{f1f7aab6-c8ce-422f-a214-f610c109fa63}" />
      <setting name="Preview.DefaultSite" value="mscpoc" />

is xdb a requirement?

So is xdb required? There is no mention of it in the install notes.

Did an install with the new process and it appears everything went smoothly.

When i run habitat.local from the browser it appears to be tripping up on the xdb calls. Everything works fine in the content/xp editor/preview.

Here is the error we get back:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source

return this.outcomeManager.GetForEntity(new ID(Tracker.Current.Contact.ContactId));
Source File: C:\Projects\Habitat\src\Feature\Demo\code\Models\Repository\OutcomeRepository.cs Line: 68

I saw there were some commits around this code yesterday. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Theming as part of the project?

Just a general question. not really an issue. Is there a reason theming is part of the the foundation vs being incorporated into the websites projects (projects/habitat)?

Account module


  • Login (username/password)
  • Register
  • Manage user profile
  • Forgot password
  • Change password

running gulp task '05-Sync-Unicorn'

throws the following error
Error: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\sa
ystem32\cmd.exe /s /c "powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted "./Sync.ps1 -secret kl3KGocnbp3L9ncCZYRPwFwiW7jW2UhE02T3GZU6sL5rTCKZzsRyRYLtGzuh8Li -url http://sitecoreapp.local/unicorn.aspx""
./Sync.ps1 : The term './Sync.ps1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operab le program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

  • ./Sync.ps1 -secret kl3KGocnbp3L9ncCZYRPwFwiW7jW2UhE02T3GZU6sL5rTCKZzs ...

    • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (./Sync.ps1:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:213:12)
    at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:827:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:211:5)
    It seems to be related to cwd not being used

quick fix in pull request


  • Media module component
  • Carousel item template (based on base media template)
  • support for images and video
  • Media, Title, Link
  • Color theme support (dark, light)

Gulp ms-build task not running?

At some point after forking the project and working on it any of the publishing tasks seem to not work. For some reason the gulp-msbuild package is not working.

Does it happen only for me?

I have tried to do this as Thomas advised:
Open package.json and remove the ^ in front of msbuild: 0.2.13

but that didn't help.

Dictionary module

Framework module for small text snippets usually hard coded. Allows for complete multilingual support.

  • One central dictionary under /content/shared/dictionary
  • Page editor support
  • HtmlHelper extension

Accounts Feature, some stuff to extract to Foundation


What do you think about extracting some of the code of the Accounts Feature like :

  • ContactProfileService
  • AccounTrackerService
  • UserProfileService
  • UserProfileProvider

To a new project in Foundation which will take care of all the aspect about "The user" , "The contact", etc

I wanted to use some of these methods during the hackathon, but i wouldn't have reference to a feature project.

MVC with RazorGenerator & Precompiled View Engine

Hi guys,
Quick question. I just was looking in project and have one question. Why not use RazorGenerator & Precompiled View Engine? It would make webapp load faster, better for deployments as its DLL required to deploy or revert in case problems. Less chance to make an error and many other perks coming static vs runtime compilation. I am pretty sure it's a way to do that in Sitecore MVC. The teams just do great job to separating to the projects any way right now. Add razorgenerator.directives file at root of MVC project with directives:
GeneratePrettyNames: true

And later add custom tool name for each *.cshtml file. This is a not huge effort .

Imagine a huge sitecore implementation with hundreds of *.cshtml files for many sites & development & maintenance issues, this is just a thought....

Persons module


  • Person template
  • Person component
  • Testimonial/Quotes content
  • Testimonial component


I'm getting this error message below with the latest pull.

'Context.PageMode' does not contain a definition for 'IsExperienceEditor' Sitecore.Feature.Navigation C:\Projects\Habitat\src\feature\Navigation\code\Controllers\NavigationController.cs 56

ItemExtensions FieldHasValue issue

Sitecore.Foundation.SitecoreExtensions.Extensions.ItemExtensions.FieldHasValue() does not take into account standard values because of the .HasValue check. Fixed:

public static bool FieldHasValue(this Item item, ID fieldID)
      return item.Fields[fieldID] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Fields[fieldID].Value);

Can't do solution Rebuild

It seems like something isn't right with the project dependencies. If I do Rebuild on the whole solution, it fails. Doing Build Foundation, then Features/Products separately seems to work.


Could you please tell what I'm doing wrong when I run 02-Publish-All-Projects the web.config file is getting overridden with the content below?

I've replaced the web.config from a clean install but running unicorn to sync Habitat.Framework.Assets I get

ERROR: Exception of type 'Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Exceptions.ParentItemNotFoundException' was thrown. (Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Exceptions.ParentItemNotFoundException)

What am I doing wrong? Thanks again for this brilliant framework.

Data templates mapping

How are you creating the Templates.cs classes? are you mapping the Data Templates fields manually?

Let's use an example class: Sitecore.Feature.Teasers.Templates.cs. Are the Accordeon and TeaserContent structs created manually?


Media module

  • image teaser
  • video teaser
  • gallery (image and video support)
  • light box
  • carouse

Unicorn error - Foundation.Multisite and Feature.Multisite

I get following error in the "Unicorn Configurations page" for MultiSite(both Foundation and Feature)

This configuration's predicate cannot resolve any valid root items. This usually means it is configured to look for nonexistent paths or GUIDs. Please review your predicate configuration.



Any ideas?

CI-Do-Magic gulp task

Are any docs surrounding the gulp CI tasks and how to use them? Specifically, what is the intended usage of package.xml output?

Suggestion- Exception Handling, Mode (Preview & Editor), ORM (Glass Mapper)

Hi, Here are few suggestions I have which will make this solution more independent from content.

  1. Exception Handling - I wrote an article to support multi-site exception handling
  2. Content Mapping - I have used model binder implementation along with Glass Mapper previously to abstract the mapping logic out of controller and have the content available when controller start execution. It will remove lot of static references from code, make controller responsible only for business data and unit testable.

  1. Preview & Editor Mode - Most of the time, we don't need controller code to be called in Preview & Editor mode, a filter can be added which can inspect the PageMode and return the model along with content by using the model binder.

GULP steps, 4 and 5 failing

The first three gulp setup steps are working, then the XML transforms fail, most but not all. I've pasted a typical error message here, then shown the whole list of projects with "WORKED!" next to the few that worked. I'm hoping you'll see a pattern to this.

Unicorn step also failing, added that error at the very bottom:

[23:14:46] { [Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" "c:\Projects\habitat\src\Feature\Accounts\code\Sitecore.Feature.Accounts.csproj" "/target:ApplyTransform" /verbosity:normal /toolsversion:14.0 /nologo /maxcpucount /property:Configuration="Debug" /property:WebConfigToTransform="C:\websites\Habitat.local\Website""
killed: false,
code: 1,
signal: null,
cmd: 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" "c:\Projects\habitat\src\Feature\Accounts\code\Sitecore.Feature.Accounts.csproj" "/target:ApplyTransform" /verbosity:normal /toolsversion:14.0 /nologo /maxcpucount /property:Configuration="Debug" /property:WebConfigToTransform="C:\websites\Habitat.local\Website""' }
[23:14:46] Build failed!

LIST OF TRANSFORMS with a few that worked:
WORKED! Applying transform project: src\Project\Common\code\Sitecore.Common.Website.csproj
WORKED! Applying transform project: src\Project\Habitat\code\Sitecore.Habitat.Website.csproj
[23:33:26] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Accounts\code\Sitecore.Feature.Accounts.csproj
[23:33:28] Applying transform project: src\Feature\faq\code\Sitecore.Feature.FAQ.csproj
[23:33:29] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Demo\code\Sitecore.Feature.Demo.csproj
[23:33:29] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Identity\code\Sitecore.Feature.Identity.csproj
[23:33:30] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Language\code\Sitecore.Feature.Language.csproj
[23:33:31] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Maps\code\Sitecore.Feature.Maps.csproj
[23:33:32] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Media\code\Sitecore.Feature.Media.csproj
[23:33:33] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Metadata\code\Sitecore.Feature.Metadata.csproj
[23:33:35] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Multisite\code\Sitecore.Feature.Multisite.csproj
[23:33:36] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Navigation\code\Sitecore.Feature.Navigation.csproj
[23:33:37] Applying transform project: src\Feature\News\code\Sitecore.Feature.News.csproj
[23:33:38] Applying transform project: src\Feature\PageContent\code\Sitecore.Feature.PageContent.csproj
[23:33:39] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Person\code\Sitecore.Feature.Person.csproj
[23:33:40] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Search\code\Sitecore.Feature.Search.csproj
[23:33:41] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Social\code\Sitecore.Feature.Social.csproj
[23:33:42] Applying transform project: src\Feature\Teasers\code\Sitecore.Feature.Teasers.csproj
WORKED! Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Accounts\code\Foundation.Accounts.csproj
[23:33:44] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Alerts\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Alerts.csproj
[23:33:45] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Assets\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Assets.csproj
[23:33:46] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Forms\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Forms.csproj
[23:33:47] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Indexing\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Indexing.csproj
WORKED! Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Installer\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Installer.csproj
[23:33:49] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Multisite\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Multisite.csproj
[23:33:50] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Serialization\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Serialization.csproj
[23:33:51] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\SitecoreExtensions\code\Sitecore.Foundation.SitecoreExtensions.csproj
[23:33:52] Applying transform project: src\Foundation\Theming\code\Sitecore.Foundation.Theming.csproj
WORKED! Applying transform project: src\Project\Common\code\Sitecore.Common.Website.csproj
WORKED! Applying transform project: src\Project\Habitat\code\Sitecore.Habitat.Website.csproj
[23:33:55] Applying transform project: src\Project\Demo\code\Sitecore.Demo.Website.csproj
Process terminated with code 0.


if (err !== null) throw err;

Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted "./Sync.ps1 -secret kl3KGocnbp3L9ncCZYRPwFwiW7jW2UhE02T3GZU6sL5rTCKZzsRyRYLtGzuh8Li -url http://habitat.local/unicorn.aspx -configurations Foundation.Serialization^Foundation.Assets^Foundation.Forms^Foundation.Indexing^Foundation.Multisite^Foundation.SitecoreExtensions^Feature.Accounts^Feature.Demo^Feature.FAQ^Feature.Identity^Feature.Language^Feature.Maps^Feature.Media^Feature.Metadata^Feature.Multisite^Feature.Navigation^Feature.News^Feature.PageContent^Feature.Person^Feature.Search^Feature.Social^Feature.Teasers^Project.Common.Website^Project.Demo.Website^Project.Habitat.Website""
Add-Type : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Projects\habitat\scripts\Unicorn\MicroCHAP.dll' or one of its
dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)
At C:\Projects\habitat\scripts\Unicorn\Unicorn.psm1:3 char:1

  • Add-Type -Path '.\MicroCHAP.dll'

    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-Type], FileLoadException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IO.FileLoadException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddTypeCommand

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:213:12)
    at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:827:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:211:5)

"Publish-All-Projects" tasks failing to build


I am having an issue, where when I try to run the "Publish-All-Projects" task in the Task Runner Explorer, it fails to build all the components.(see image 1).

I've made sure that I am running all the latest versions of Git(2.7.3), Node.js(4.3.1) and Visual Studio(2015 professional). However there were a few things that I did note:

When getting more information out of the msbuild task, it would seem, that it can't find the OutputPath and thinks that it is not set( see image 2). However, it is set to the bin\ folder, which seems strange that it is not finding it.

Could it be that it has something to do with the msbuild : 0.2.13 version and that it might not be working as expected? As a side note, when I run npm-install, I do get some "deprecated" warnings, but it does seem to build none the less after that. Also, the project solution builds and rebuilds fine on its own.

I am kind of stumped with this one, so any help you could give me, would be much appreciated.


image 1
image 2
image 3

Task runner has no task

Task runner explorer cant find tasks. I had to comment out following lines in order to get the task runner to find and run the tasks.

//var msbuild = require("gulp-msbuild");
// var debug = require("gulp-debug");
// var foreach = require("gulp-foreach");
// var watch = require("gulp-watch");
// var newer = require("gulp-newer");
// var util = require("gulp-util");
// var runSequence = require('run-sequence');

Got it to work after doing a "Install gulp-install as a development dependency"
npm install --save-dev gulp-install

Which updated the package.json file:
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.9.0"

web.config transforms

Allow project based changes to web.config without having to include the entire web.config in the project.

Do not Forget to Start your MongoDB

Once I finished the execution of all steps, even the unicorn synchronization I was facing an error in OutcomeRepository class (null value exception), this was because I did not have Mongo server running,
This is to remind you to start MongoDB or just disable it in case you do not want to use it before launch habitat website.


Multiple predicate include nodes had the same name

Hi Guys

When updating my Habitat to the latest version, I get the above error from Unicorn.

Have looked through all config files, and are unable to find any double entries.
Have found a single element that is not named in the Habitat.Framework.Serialization.config file, however giving it a name doesn't change anything.

Have tried to get a set of Habitat config files from a previous working copy of habitat, that didn't change anything either.

Have cleared out and deleted all temporary files as well.

Do you have any ideas as to what might cause this?

Question about the project structure

I was wondering of the setup of the projects, Let say Habitat.Framework.Indexing:
The physical structure is C:\Projects\Habitat\src\Framework\Indexing and that is cool.

  • In folder code you have the actual Project
  • In folder Tests you have the test Project
  • In folder serialization you have the serialized items

So far so good...

But then you you have a bin and obj folder, what is the purpose with those? I mean you also have have a bin and obj folder in the code folder.
Please shed some light on this :-)

Question about adding a project


This is another question about when creating a project. What kind of project type do you guys choose?
1.Is it an empty Web Application, and then you add all the "MVC" stuff from the Nuget Manager.
2.Or do you create a MVC application and then remove the "unwanted" files.
3.Or are you reusing projects from solution(make a copy)

Wrong location for rendering settings

How to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to /sitecore/content/Habitat in CE
  2. Select item /sitecore/content/Habitat
  3. Right click on item: /sitecore/content/Habitat/Settings
  4. Create new rendering settings

Actual result:
Settings will be created under currently selected item (/sitecore/content/Habitat), not under settings (/sitecore/content/Habitat/Settings).

Expected result:
Rendering settings should be created under Settings root.

License is missing

I did a pull today and ran the task runner. Now when trying to browse to the page I get error:
Required license is missing: Runtime

The license is in place in the data folder, the LicenseFile settings looks alright and finally the patch DataFolder.config has the correct path to the data folder.

This is so strange...
Any ideas?

Refferenced assemblies should be copy local : false


I have forked the project and when i run the Publish from the Task runner i get build errors even if i do a VS normal build i do not get them. I tracked the issue down to be that the Sitecore or Project assemblies that are copied locally on build.

Of all projects Accounts and Search were building ok. The rest were failing. Once i switched the copy local to false on Sitecore.Kernel.dll and Sitecore extensions dll then they start to build correct.

I think copy local false should be set on these referenced dll whenever they are added.

This is more of a possible debate issue than an error considering nobody else has complained about it

Hardcoded \\mars\Installs\Licenses\Sitecore Partner License\license.xml makes tests to fail

In order to run the unit tests using Sitecore FakeDb we need to map the path to the licence.xml, which at the moment is hardcoded to be:
<setting name="LicenseFile" value="\\mars\Installs\Licenses\Sitecore Partner License\license.xml" />
Can you please amend LicenseFile to be relative path so we can drop the licence file somewhere in the git repo and ignore the license.xml file on the .gitignore?

Taxonomy support

  • Framework module
  • Makes potentially all content types and page types taggable
  • central taxonomy support
  • API level support to extract data with given tags

Final layout contents being deleted

To reproduce this, which I'm assuming is related to some kind of layout stuff in Habitat:

  • Create a new Article page under /sitecore/content/Habitat/Home/Modules/Feature
  • Enter experience editor.
  • Add any rendering to Narrow Section, say Inner 1 Column
  • Save the page
  • Delete the added rendering, leaving Narrow Section empty
  • Save again

Result: "Layout not found" error. It looks like something is zeroing out the final renderings instead of resetting them to the standard shared layout.

This is on Habitat 12b50bd using Sitecore 8.1 Update-2.

As a workaround you can reset the __Final layout to standard values to get your renderings back.

Demo module


  • Visit details widget (Launch Sitecore/OfficeCore style)

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