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doom-org-style's Introduction

Table of Contents

  1. 使用
  2. 字体样式
  3. 特殊说明
    1. quote 摘要、引用
    2. notice 注意事项、提醒
    3. Declare a reference
  4. 段落及高亮
  5. 表格
    1. AWK 表格
    2. 表格自增 ID
  6. LaTex 公式
  7. Org 代码
    1. Java 代码
    2. babel java
  8. 图片
    1. 引用本地图片
    2. dot
    3. dot sk
    4. plantuml with style css
    5. plant uml 系统 Contex 架构图
    6. 泳道图
    7. plantuml 通过html自定义图片样式
    8. plot 折线图
    9. plot 柱状图
    11. d2 workflow
  9. org 转 Word
  10. 插入时间
  11. Unicode 字符


一个类 doom docorg html 样式模版 点此预览🪄


配置 snippet 模版,然后在 org mode 文件中使用 tt tab 就可展开此模版。

1  #+HTML_HEAD: <script src  = ""></script>
2  #+HTML_HEAD: <script src  = ""></script>
3  #+HTML_HEAD: <link   href = "" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
4  #+OPTIONS: prop:nil timestamp:t \n:t ^:nil f:t toc:t author:t num:t H:2
5  #+LATEX_COMPILER: xelatex
6  #+LATEX_CLASS: elegantpaper
7  #+latex:\newpage


#+HTML_HEAD: <link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script src=""></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script src=""></script>


Table 1: 字体样式说明
粗体 bold
斜体 italic
下划线 underlined
中横线 strike-through
代码,按键 code


quote 摘要、引用


TECO - Tape [later text] Editor/COrrector
A combination text editor/really horrible ProgrammingLanguage. To quote the paper “RealProgrammers don’t use Pascal” (1983):

notice 注意事项、提醒


Please do not file or answer Doom Emacs issues on Reddit, Twitter, or StackOverflow. Kindly refer them to this section.

这是 1 个例子

Declare a reference

According to the documentation Internal-Links we know there have two ways to sign a particular tag.

  1. the outline of org mode is an natural linkable tag.
  2. use to declare a linkable tag.


Example of an comment.

原文:用友 bip 产品功能说明 ,在说明文档

大数据中 最宝贵 、最难以代替的就是数据,一切都围绕数据。

HDFS 是最早的大数据存储系统,存储着宝贵的数据资产,各种新算法、框架要想得到广泛使用,必须支持 HDFS,才能获取已存储在里面的数据。所以大数据技术越发展,新技术越多,HDFS 得到的支持越多,越离不开 HDFS。HDFS 也许不是最好的大数据存储技术,但依然是最重要的大数据存储技术。

HDFS 是如何实现大数据高速、可靠的存储和访问的呢?

  • Hadoop 分布式文件系统 HDFS 的设计目标是管理数以千计的服务器、数以万计的磁盘,将大规模的服务器计算资源当作一个单一存储系统进行管理,对应用程序提供数以 PB 计的存储容量,让应用程序像使用普通文件系统一样存储大规模的文件数据。


C-c ~ to convert to tabel.el table
C-c ~ to convert to org table
org table M-h M-l for move Columns left and right
org table M-k M-j for move Rows up and down

# table.el for merge Columns or Rows
Table 2: square
N N^2 N^3 N^4 sqrt(n) sqrt[4](N)
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16 1.4142136 1.1892071
3 9 27 81 1.7320508 1.3160740
Table 3: student
Student Prob 1 Prob 2 Prob 3 Total Note
Maximum 10 15 25 50 10.0
Peter 10 8 23 41 8.2
Sam 2 4 3 9 1.8
Average       25.0  
Table 4: long table
Format Fine-grained-control Initial Effort Syntax simplicity Editor Support Integrations Ease-of-referencing Versatility
Word Word^2 Word^3 Word^4 sqrt(Word) sqrt(sqrt(Word)) 2 2
LaTeX LaTeX^2 LaTeX^3 LaTeX^4 sqrt(LaTeX) sqrt(sqrt(LaTeX)) 4 3
Org Mode Org^2 Mode^2 Org^3 Mode^3 Org^4 Mode^4 sqrt(Org Mode) sqrt(sqrt(Org Mode)) 4 4
Markdown Markdown^2 Markdown^3 Markdown^4 sqrt(Markdown) sqrt(sqrt(Markdown)) 3 1
Markdown + Pandoc (Markdown + Pandoc)^2 (Markdown + Pandoc)^3 (Markdown + Pandoc)^4 sqrt(Markdown + Pandoc) sqrt(sqrt(Markdown + Pandoc)) 3 2

AWK 表格

aardvark 555-5553 1200/300 B
alpo-net 555-3412 2400/1200/300 A
barfly 555-7685 1200/300 A
bites 555-1675 2400/1200/300 A
camelot 555-0542 300 C
core 555-2912 1200/300 C
fooey 555-1234 2400/1200/300 B
foot 555-6699 1200/300 B
macfoo 555-6480 1200/300 A
sdace 555-3430 2400/1200/300 A
sabafoo 555-2127 1200/300 C
/foo/ { print $0 }
Table 5: 筛选出 foo 匹配的行
fooey 555-1234 2400/1200/300 B
foot 555-6699 1200/300 B
macfoo 555-6480 1200/300 A
sabafoo 555-2127 1200/300 C

表格自增 ID

The target scope which at the left of equation , @ means row number and $ means column nubmer of increasing from one.
The expression which at the right of equation , @# stands for the row number of increasing from zero.

序号 字段名 名称
1 age 年龄
2 bir 出生年月日
#+tblfm: $1=@#-1

C-c C-c to execute it

LaTex 公式

$\mbox{需求的价格弹性系数} = \frac{\mbox{需求的变动率}}{\mbox{价格的变动率}}$

$$\mbox{需求的价格弹性系数} = \frac{\mbox{需求的变动率}}{\mbox{价格的变动率}}$$

$$\begin{aligned} \cos 3\theta & = \cos (2 \theta + \theta) \\ & = \cos 2 \theta \cos \theta - \sin 2 \theta \sin \theta \\ & = (2 \cos ^2 \theta -1) \cos \theta - (2 \sin \theta\cos \theta ) \sin \theta \\ & = 2 \cos ^3 \theta - \cos \theta - 2 \sin ^2 \theta \cos \theta \\ & = 2 \cos ^3 \theta - \cos \theta - 2 (1 - \cos ^2 \theta )\cos \theta \\ & = 4 \cos ^3 \theta -3 \cos \theta \end{aligned} $$

Org 代码

代码片段开启行号,修改 `~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/org/lisp/ox-html.el`

10    (let* ((code-lines (split-string code "\n"))
11  	 (code-length (length code-lines))
12  	 (num-fmt
13  	  (and num-start
14  	       (format "%%%ds "
15  	       (format "%(add-hook 'code-review-mode-hook
16            (lambda ()
17              ;; include *Code-Review* buffer into current workspace
18              (persp-add-buffer (current-buffer))))%%ds: "

Java 代码

 * @param request 调用的请求参数
 * @param needLog true 需要记录日志  false 不记录日志
 * @return
protected NcApiResponse runApply(NcApiRequest request, Boolean needLog) {
    NcApiResponse ncApiResponse = null;
    try {
        final NcApiRequest ncApiRequest = executeBefore(request);
        ncApiResponse = executeGetRequest(ncApiRequest);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        afterExecute(needLog, e, request, ncApiResponse);
        if (e instanceof BizException) {
            throw new BizException("NC 提示", ((BizException) e).getErrorMsg(), e);
        } else {
            throw new BizException("NC 异常", e.getMessage());

    return ncApiResponse;

babel java

List<Integer> a = Arrays.asList(1, 2);
return a;

C-c C-c to execute it, but export to html will fail when the babel java result generated.






dot sk

digraph G {
    node [shape="box",fontcolor="#4EAEEF"]
    edge [color="#a69fe0" fontcolor=white]
    rankdir = TD

    subgraph clusterD {
        label = "Local";
        SlaughterServerB -> LocalDBB [splines=ortho]
        SlaughterServerB -> SlaughterClientB [minlen=1]
        {rank=same;  SlaughterServerB , LocalDBB }

    subgraph clusterM {
        node [shape="box",fontcolor="#c475db"]
        label = "Local";
        SlaughterServerA -> LocalDBA [splines=ortho ]
        SlaughterServerA -> SlaughterClientA [minlen=1]
        {rank=same;  SlaughterServerA , LocalDBA }
    EBS -> SlaughterServerA [dir=both minlen=2 label="ϟ" lhead="clusterM"][constraint=true];
    EBS -> SlaughterServerB [dir=both,minlen=2,label="ϟ" lhead="clusterD" color="#a69fe0:#c475db"]

plantuml with style css

plantuml 替换原生样式

!includeurl C4-PlantUML/juststyle.puml


plant uml 系统 Contex 架构图

plantuml 替换原生样式

!includeurl C4-PlantUML/juststyle.puml




plantuml 通过html自定义图片样式


plot 折线图

use org-plot/gnuplot for generate.

月份 旷工次数 漏签次数 早退次数 迟到次数
01 9598 7319 44 673
02 13788 8963 65 719
03 15024 8837 60 1005
04 11977 10662 92 807
05 10942 6005 191 575
06 9958 5943 142 530
07 5443 902 24 89


plot 柱状图

Sede Max cites H-xndex1 H-index
Chile 257.72 21.3 81.39
Leeds 165.77 19.6 19.68
Sao Paolo 71.00 41.5 81.50
Stockholm 134.19 12.3 94.33
Morelia 257.56 19.6 97.67



direction: right
style.fill : transparent
platform : BPM

platform -> RocketMq: invoke  {
  style.animated: true
platform -> API: interface/http/https  {
  style.animated: true
platform -> DataBase: DB_Link  {style.animated: true}
RocketMq: {
shape: image
width: 10
style: {
    stroke: green
    font-color: green
    fill: white

DataBase: {
shape: image
width: 20
} true

RocketMq -> System : belong{
 style.animated: true
 style.stroke: "#53C0D8"
API -> System : belong{
 style.animated: true
 style.stroke: "#53C0D8"
DataBase -> System : belong{
 style.animated: true
 style.stroke: "#53C0D8"

d2 workflow

direction: right
style.fill : transparent

"禅道需求": "需求-PRD"{
shape: image
width: 60
height: 60
产品经理: "产品" {
shape: person
width: 52
height: 54
style.fill: "#85929E"
style.stroke: "#01020d"
style.stroke-width: 1

产品经理 -> 禅道需求 : 创建  {
#style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
style.stroke: "#F4D03F"

禅道需求 -> development : 负责人分配  {
#style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
style.stroke: "#F4D03F"

development: "研发" {
shape: person
width: 52
height: 54
style.fill: "#4b9ae5"
style.stroke-width: 1
概要设计: "DOC\n概要设计" {
shape: page
width: 59
height: 94
style.fill: transparent
style.fill: "gray"
style.stroke-width: 1
development -> 概要设计 : output  {
#style.animated: true
方案评审: "评审会议" {
shape: image
height: 124
height: 124
概要设计 -> 方案评审
# development -> 方案评审 : Meeting  {
#   #style.animated: true
#   # style.stroke-width: 3
#   style.stroke: "#F4D03F"
# }
排期表 : "排期表"{
shape: image
方案评审 -> 排期表 : output{

研发迭代 <- 排期表 : development {
#style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
测试: "测试" {
shape: person
width: 52
height: 54
style.fill: "#EB984E"
style.stroke: "#01020d"
style.stroke-width: 1

测试 <- 研发迭代 : 提测{
style.stroke-width: 3
dev : "dev 环境"{
shape: cloud
style.fill: "#58D68D"
style.stroke: "#2ECC71"
style.font-color: "white"

研发迭代 : "研发迭代" {
style.3d: true

研发迭代 -> dev : 自测

禅道缺陷 : "BUG"{
shape: image
width: 60
height: 60
测试 -> 禅道缺陷 : 提交bug {
style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
style.stroke: "red"
禅道缺陷 -> development : 分配 {
style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3
development -> 测试 : 解决bug{
style.animated: true
style.stroke-width: 3

org 转 Word

pandoc -o ~/Desktop/out.docx ~/.doom.d/


C-c . 插入当前时间 <2023-02-25 Sat>
K lask week
J next week
L next day

Unicode 字符

Use unicode character could express of what you think more directly,cause an image symbol alway make the understanding more clearly.
Here are some unicode website of listing those character,✌

doom-org-style's People


sincebyte avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar



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