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simpledesk's Issues

Additional Information section minimized by default?

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Additional Information section minimized by default?

How to minimize the Additional Information section by default.

Firstly, you'd need to alter the JavaScript - Themes/default/scripts/helpdesk.js
function CustomFields(oOptions)
this.opt = oOptions;
this.bCollapsed = false;

Change the false to true. That'll tell the JS to style it correctly after the first click. Then we just have to fix the rest of the styling, which is all in ./Themes/default/sd_template/SimpleDesk-Display.template.php

Firstly, the image:

<span class="floatright"><a href="javascript:oCustomFields.infoswap();"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/collapse.gif" alt="+" id="shd_custom_fields_swap" class="icon" /></a></span>

Change the collapse to expand.

Then the header:
<div class="title_bar grid_header" id="additionalinfoheader">

Should become:
<div class="title_bar" id="additionalinfoheader">

Lastly, fixing the box itself. This is in two parts due to SMF styling code.
<div class="roundframe" id="additional_info">

Should become
<div class="roundframe" id="additional_info" style="display:none;">

<span class="lowerframe" id="additional_info_footer"><span></span></span>

Should become
<span class="lowerframe" id="additional_info_footer" style="display:none;"><span></span></span>

Remember to clear your browser's cache (CTL-F5) to reload the Java, or else the toggle open and closed will be off by one.

Uninstall hooks

13:15:52 < Antes> [13:02:34] SleePy, oh btw SD has issues in uninstall (not properly removing hooks)
13:15:52 < Antes> [13:02:42] tho I forgot which hooks

WIRELESS template usage

: Use of undefined constant WIRELESS - assumed 'WIRELESS' in
on line

Need to review all files for more calls to WIRELESS.

Bug icons Profile main-menu [Github]

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Bug icons Profile main-menu Github

Sorry, I had overlooked :-[

The icons are not displayed in the user profile Main Menu.

Open root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskProfile.php

    // Put it here so we can reuse it for the left menu a bit
    $context['helpdesk_menu'] = array(
        'title' => $txt['shd_profile_area'],
        'areas' => array(
            'helpdesk' => array(
                'label' => $txt['shd_profile_main'],

replace with

    // Put it here so we can reuse it for the left menu a bit
    $context['helpdesk_menu'] = array(
        'title' => $txt['shd_profile_area'],
        'areas' => array(
            'hd_profile' => array(
                'label' => $txt['shd_profile_main'],

Open root/Themes/default/css/helpdesk_icons.css

    background: url(../images/simpledesk/icons/shd_generic_icons.png) no-repeat;
    background-position: -167px -117px ;

after that

    background: url(../images/simpledesk/icons/shd_generic_icons.png) no-repeat;
    background-position: -167px -117px ;

    background: url(../images/simpledesk/icons/shd_generic_icons.png) no-repeat;
    background-position: -218px -25px ;

    background: url(../images/simpledesk/icons/shd_generic_icons.png) no-repeat;
    background-position: -217px -68px ;

    background: url(../images/simpledesk/icons/shd_generic_icons.png) no-repeat;
    background-position: -218px -117px ;

    background: url(../images/simpledesk/icons/shd_generic_icons.png) no-repeat;
    background-position: -267px -25px ;

Replace shd_generic_icons.png with these


640cb41 - After install, Missing argument for shd error types()

Reference SimpleDesk Website: 640cb41 - After install, Missing argument for shd error types()

Install SMF 2.1 beta 2
Install SimpleDesk from Git 11/29/2015 - 7p Pacific Time
I think it's 640cb41

On main screen of help desk see the following...

Warning: Missing argument 2 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2037

Warning: Missing argument 3 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2037

Warning: Missing argument 4 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2037

Warning: Missing argument 5 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2037

Notice: Undefined variable: file in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2045

Notice: Undefined variable: error_message in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2045

Notice: Undefined variable: file in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2047

Notice: Undefined variable: error_message in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2047

Notice: Undefined variable: error_message in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php on line 2047

"Primary Key field missing in insert call" when viewing tickets - SMF 2.1


When viewing tickets in SMF 2.1, a "primary key field missing in insert call" error is displayed instead of the ticket.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a ticket in SMF 2.1's version of Helpdesk.
  2. Attempt to view the ticket.

Environment (complete as necessary)

  • Version/Git revision: Latest Git copy as of this posting.
  • Database Type: MySQL
  • Database Version: 8.0.12 - MySQL Community Server - GPL

Additional information/references

This is a fresh installation of Simpledesk on SMF 2.1, and this is the first ticket I've attempted to create and view.

Missing arguments and undefined variables

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Missing arguments and undefined variables

SMF 2.1 Beta 2 Virgin install
SD 2.0.1 from GitHub this morning

Install then go to [Admin\Helpdesk\Options\Standalone Options]


Warning: Missing argument 2 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 623

Warning: Missing argument 3 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 623

Warning: Missing argument 4 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 623

Warning: Missing argument 5 for shd_error_types() in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 623

Notice: Undefined variable: file in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 631

Notice: Undefined variable: error_message in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 631

Notice: Undefined variable: file in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 633

Notice: Undefined variable: error_message in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 633

Notice: Undefined variable: error_message in /homepages/9/d299421546/htdocs/180support/web_root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php on line 633

r537: Undefined index: label

Reference SimpleDesk Website: r537: Undefined index: label

Funny that I haven't gotten this for a very long time... perhaps years, and then suddenly I got a rash of them two days ago. Presumably because I haven't been digging around the admin area for a long time because there's been no need. But in my log I now see this...;area=helpdesk_options;sa=tally;aab84b5=7288af14de9e17f5779eb1757eb145e9
8: Undefined index: label
File: /xxx/helpdesk/Themes/default/GenericMenu.template.php
Line: 327

There was a whole list of them, as I perused the admin area... all on line 327 of GenericMenu.template.php


<a class="firstlevel" href="', isset($tab['url']) ? $tab['url'] : $menu_context['base_url'] . ';area=' . $menu_context['current_area'] . ';sa=' . $sa, $menu_context['extra_parameters'], isset($tab['add_params']) ? $tab['add_params'] : '', '"><span class="firstlevel">', $tab['label'], '</span></a>

Can't delete custom roles in SMF 2.1


Can't delete custom roles in SMF 2.1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Make a custom role.
  2. Attempt to delete the custom role.
  3. A popup message asks you if you're sure you want to delete the custom role.
  4. Upon agreeing to delete the custom role, the popup message closes, and nothing happens.

Environment (complete as necessary)

  • Version/Git revision: Latest Git copy as of this posting.
  • Database Type: MySQLi
  • Database Version: 8.0.12 - MySQL Community Server - GPL

Additional information/references

This works fine in SMF 2.0. In the SMF 2.1 repository version, this is not working.

Admin Log

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Admin Log

Admin logging logging all admin actions such as created/deleted dept, CF's, CR's, Roles etc.
This log should only be visible to forum admin though.

Adding to SMF admin log might work though I'd much prefer a log dedicated for SD (easier to browse without having to go through SMF stuff).

Success Confirmation

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Success Confirmation

Much like changing you HD Profile preferences, changing the admin options should also display a nice success conformation. Far too many times I've looked away for a sec or even blinked :P and had to wonder if I already clicked the button... though the work around is simply just click again to be sure.

Change some options, click save, see success confirmation would be a nice little touch I think.


2.1 is UTF8 only.

Convert everything and disable non utf8

Undefined index: new

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Undefined index: new

SimpleDesk version: SimpleDesk 2.0.1
Latest revision from the GitHub. Download is of branch smf21 from 07.12.2015.

In the Helpdesk overview page, display this error message:
Notice: Undefined index: new in C:\xampp\htdocs\smf21\Themes\default\sd_template\SimpleDesk.template.php (main sub template - eval?) on line 91
Notice: Undefined index: new in C:\xampp\htdocs\smf21\Themes\default\sd_template\SimpleDesk.template.php (main sub template - eval?) on line 407
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\smf21\Themes\default\sd_template\SimpleDesk.template.php (main sub template - eval?) on line 407

sd_source/SimpleDesk.php at line 401

            'new' => array(
                'block_icon' => 'status.png',
                'title' => $txt['shd_status_' . TICKET_STATUS_NEW . '_heading'],
                'where' => 'hdt.id_member_assigned != ' . $user_info['id'] . ' AND hdt.status = ' . TICKET_STATUS_NEW,
                'display' => $is_staff,
                'count' => shd_count_helpdesk_tickets('new'),
                'columns' => shd_get_block_columns('new'),
                'required' => false,
                'collapsed' => false,

'required' => false,
?should be?
'required' => $is_staff,

Undefined index new

Undefined index: new in C:\wamp64\www\simple\Themes\default\sd_template\SimpleDesk.template.php on line 324


Currently posting a ticket or a response has a fairly broken editor because it doesn't fully use SCEditor from the looks of things.

SimpleDesk installation is emulated for SMF 2.1 Beta 4 in SMF 2.1 RC1


When installing SimpleDesk on SMF 2.1 RC1, it attempts to emulated the modification under SMF 2.1 RC4 instead of running it natively.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Upload SimpleDesk to a SMF 2.1 RC1 forum using the Package Manager.
  2. The Package Manager will give you the option to install SimpleDesk using SMF 2.1 Beta 4 emulation, rather than install it natively under SMF 2.1 RC1.

Environment (complete as necessary)

  • Version/Git revision: Latest repository files.
  • Database Type: MySQL
  • Database Version: 8.0.12 - MySQL Community Server - GPL

Additional information/references

My forum is running a fresh large update of SMF 2.1 RC1 after upgrading from an older psuedo-SMF 2.1 Beta 4 GitHub repository version.

Bug icons

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Bug icons

SimpleDesk version: SimpleDesk 2.0.1
SMF version: SMF 2.1 Beta 2

Latest revision from the GitHub. Download is of branch smf21 from 08.11.2015.

MySQLi version: 5.6.25
PHP: 5.6.11
SMF 2.1 Beta 2 is from the latest revision from the GitHub 08.11.2015
Some icons are not displayed:



My suggested solution:

Creates a new folder "icons" in root/Themes/default/images/simpledesk/. Inserts the icons in this folder "icons" and the "helpdesk_icons.css" in root/Themes/default/css/:



Download icons and helpdesk_icons.css

Open root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php

function shd_admin_bootstrap(&{&dollarfix;$}admin_areas)
global {&dollarfix;$}sourcedir, {&dollarfix;$}modSettings, {&dollarfix;$}txt, {&dollarfix;$}context, {&dollarfix;$}scripturl;

replaces with
function shd_admin_bootstrap(&{&dollarfix;$}admin_areas)
global {&dollarfix;$}sourcedir, {&dollarfix;$}modSettings, {&dollarfix;$}txt, {&dollarfix;$}context, {&dollarfix;$}scripturl, {&dollarfix;$}settings;

// Load some extra CSS
{&dollarfix;$}context&#91;&#039;html_headers&#039;] .= &#039;
&lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;&#039; . {&dollarfix;$}settings&#91;&#039;default_theme_url&#039;] . &#039;/css/helpdesk_icons.css&quot; /&gt;&#039;;</code>

'icon' => 'shd/simpledesk.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_simpledesk',
'icon' => 'shd/options.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_options',
'icon' => 'shd/cannedreplies.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_cannedreplies',
'icon' => 'shd/custom_fields.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_custom_fields',
'icon' => 'shd/departments.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_departments',
'icon' => 'shd/permissions.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_permissions',
'icon' => 'shd/plugins.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_plugins',
'icon' => 'shd/maintenance.png',
replaces with
'icon' => 'shd_maintenance',

Open root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php

function shd_main_menu(&{&dollarfix;$}menu_buttons)
global {&dollarfix;$}context, {&dollarfix;$}txt, {&dollarfix;$}scripturl, {&dollarfix;$}modSettings;

replaces with
function shd_main_menu(&{&dollarfix;$}menu_buttons)
global {&dollarfix;$}context, {&dollarfix;$}txt, {&dollarfix;$}scripturl, {&dollarfix;$}modSettings, {&dollarfix;$}settings;

// Load some extra CSS
{&dollarfix;$}context&#91;&#039;html_headers&#039;] .= &#039;
&lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;&#039; . {&dollarfix;$}settings&#91;&#039;default_theme_url&#039;] . &#039;/css/helpdesk_icons.css&quot; /&gt;&#039;;</code>

[size=1em]After solution:[/size]

Image Image Image

Missing install integrate_modification_types

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Missing install integrate_modification_types



    $hooks[] = array(
        'hook' => 'integrate_package_upload',
        'function' => 'shd_package_upload',
        'file' => '$sourcedir/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskPackages.php',
        'perm' => true,

add after

    $hooks[] = array(
        'hook' => 'integrate_modification_types',
        'function' => 'shd_modification_types',
        'file' => '$sourcedir/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskPackages.php',
        'perm' => true,



$txt['shd_search_rebuilt'] = 'The search index has been rebuilt.';

add after

//! Package Plugin
$txt['sdplugin_package'] = 'SDPlugin packages';

Bug missing description in Configuration area

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Bug missing description in Configuration area

SimpleDesk version: SimpleDesk 2.0 Anatidae and SimpleDesk 2.0.1
SMF version: SMF 2.0.11 and SMF 2.1 Beta 2

Latest revision from the GitHub. Download is of branch smf21 from 08.11.2015.

MySQLi version: 5.6.25
PHP: 5.6.11
2.1 Beta 2 is from the latest revision from the GitHub 08.11.2015

The configuration area Display Options are missing subtext in "Custom Fields for Tickets and Replie"

open root/Themes/default/sd_template/SimpleDesk-AdminCustomField.template.php

<dt><strong>', {&dollarfix;$}txt['shd_admin_custom_fields_fieldtype'], ':</strong></dt>
replaces with
<dt><strong>', {&dollarfix;$}txt['shd_admin_custom_fields_fieldtype'], ':</strong><br /><span class="smalltext">', {&dollarfix;$}txt['shd_admin_custom_fields_description_desc'], '</span></dt>

Additional Statuses

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Additional Statuses

As discussed here... additional statuses for SD
Closed/Not Resolved - allows a ticket to be closed but strictly stating that the issue was not resolved
On-Hold - putting a ticket in limbo, not currently active but not closed or deleted either.

Reattribute tickets

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Reattribute tickets

There needs to be a better way of reattributing a ticket from one user to another, without deleting the first user. I have situations where a user leaves the college he works for, and his tickets need to go to someone else, but I don't want to delete the first guy... just reattribute his tickets to his co-worker. The whole reattribution dialog is bad.

Another thing is that I want the ticket ownership to go to someone new, but the old replies on the ticket should still retain the name of the guy who wrote them in the first place.

Bug missing subtext

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Bug missing subtext

SimpleDesk version: SimpleDesk 2.0 Anatidae and SimpleDesk 2.0.1
SMF version: SMF 2.0.11 and SMF 2.1 Beta 2

Latest revision from the GitHub. Download is of branch smf21 from 08.11.2015.

MySQLi version: 5.6.25
PHP: 5.6.11
2.1 Beta 2 is from the latest revision from the GitHub 08.11.2015

The configuration area Display Options are missing subtext

open root/Sources/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Admin.php
array('check', 'shd_hidemenuitem'),
replaces with
array('check', 'shd_hidemenuitem', 'subtext' => {&dollarfix;$}txt['shd_hidemenuitem_note']),

array('check', 'shd_disable_unread'),
replaces with
array('check', 'shd_disable_unread', 'subtext' => {&dollarfix;$}txt['shd_disable_unread_note']),

For Display avatars in replies to a ticket? missing the language String shd_display_avatar_note in the language file and the code for the subtext
array('check', 'shd_display_avatar'),

Missing variable in Subs-SimpleDeskPackages.php

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Missing variable in Subs-SimpleDeskPackages.php

In Subs-SimpleDeskPackages.php missing variable


function shd_packages_sort_id(&amp;$sort_id, &amp;$packages)
    global $context;

replaces with

function shd_packages_sort_id(&amp;$sort_id, &amp;$packages)
    global $context, $packages;


function shd_package_download()
    global $context;

replaces with

function shd_package_download()
    global $context, $scripturl, $txt;


function shd_package_upload()
    global $context;

replace with

function shd_package_upload()
    global $context, $scripturl, $txt;

Disclaimer text missing in Admin - Department

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Disclaimer text missing in Admin - Department

SimpleDesk version: SimpleDesk 2.0 Anatidae and SimpleDesk 2.0.1
SMF version: SMF 2.0.11 and SMF 2.1 Beta 2

Latest revision from the GitHub. Download is of branch smf21 from 03.12.2015.

MySQLi version: 5.6.25
PHP: 5.6.11
2.1 Beta 2 is from the latest revision from the GitHub 30.11.2015

In the configuration of departments, the disclaimer text for Board Theme missing.

open sd_template/SimpleDesk-AdminDepartments.template.php



                                <dt><strong>', $txt['shd_dept_theme'], '</strong></dt>

replace with

                                <dt><strong>', $txt['shd_dept_theme'], '</strong>
                                    <div class="smalltext">', $txt['shd_dept_theme_note'], '</div>

Remove serialize usage

SMF has made the move to remove serialize in favor of json functions. This move is due to the persistent vulnerabilities that serialize has presented in the php core.

We should handle a upgrade where we detect all usage cases of serialize.

Here is a track record. Seems to be mostly for custom profile fields and search.
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Scheduled.php:112: serialize(array(
/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskPost.php:815: 'options' => !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(),
/sd_source/SimpleDesk.php:1153: $row['field_options'] = unserialize($row['field_options']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Search.php:231: list($temp_clauses, $temp_params, $temp_terms) = unserialize($_SESSION['lastsearch']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Search.php:235: $_SESSION['lastsearch'] = serialize(array($context['search_clauses'], $context['search_params'], $context['search_terms']));
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Display.php:403: 'options' => !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(),
/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php:115: $row['extra'] = @unserialize($row['extra']);
/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php:189: // Because this could be a lot of people etc., we compact its storage heavily compared to a conventional serialize().
/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDesk.php:523: time(), $user_info['id'], $user_info['ip'], $action, $ticket_id, $msg_id, serialize($params),
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Notifications.php:464: time(), 0, '', 'notify', $notify_data['ticket'], !empty($notify_data['msg']) ? $notify_data['msg'] : 0, serialize($log),
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Notifications.php:509: $row['extra'] = unserialize($row['extra']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-AdminCustomField.php:173: $context['custom_field']['options'] = !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(1 => '', '', '');
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-AdminCustomField.php:389: $options = serialize($newOptions);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-AdminCustomField.php:494: $row['field_options'] = unserialize($row['field_options']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-AdminCustomField.php:512: $options = serialize($new_fields);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-TicketTopicMove.php:391: 'options' => !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(),
/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskPost.php:815: 'options' => !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(),
/sd_source/SimpleDesk.php:1153: $row['field_options'] = unserialize($row['field_options']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Search.php:231: list($temp_clauses, $temp_params, $temp_terms) = unserialize($_SESSION['lastsearch']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Display.php:403: 'options' => !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(),
/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskAdmin.php:115: $row['extra'] = @unserialize($row['extra']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-Notifications.php:509: $row['extra'] = unserialize($row['extra']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-AdminCustomField.php:173: $context['custom_field']['options'] = !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(1 => '', '', '');
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-AdminCustomField.php:494: $row['field_options'] = unserialize($row['field_options']);
/sd_source/SimpleDesk-TicketTopicMove.php:391: 'options' => !empty($row['field_options']) ? unserialize($row['field_options']) : array(),

Undefinex index: shd_display_avatar

Fresh install with latest commit from SMF2.1

Received the following error:

Steps to reproduce:

  • Admin > Helpdesk > Options > Display Options > Check "Display avatars in replies to a ticket?".

package-info add hooks


        <hook function='func' hook='hook' file='file' />


        <hook function='func' hook='hook' file='file' reverse='true' />

Bug Subs-SimpleDeskProfile.php Undefined variable: sourcedir

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Bug Subs-SimpleDeskProfile.php Undefined variable: sourcedir

SimpleDesk version: SimpleDesk 2.0.1
SMF version: SMF 2.1 Beta 2

Latest revision from the GitHub. Download is of branch smf21 from 08.11.2015.

MySQLi version: 5.6.25
PHP: 5.6.11
SMF 2.1 Beta 2 is from the latest revision from the GitHub 08.11.2015

Error by click of Helpdesk => "OPTIONS"

[quote]Notice: Undefined variable: sourcedir in C:\xampp\htdocs\smf21\Sources\sd_source\Subs-SimpleDeskProfile.php on line 116

Warning: require_once(/Profile-Modify.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\smf21\Sources\sd_source\Subs-SimpleDeskProfile.php on line 116

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/Profile-Modify.php' (include_path='.;\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\smf21\Sources\sd_source\Subs-SimpleDeskProfile.php on line 116[/quote]


open root/Sources/sd_source/Subs-SimpleDeskProfile.php
function shd_profile_areas(&{&dollarfix;$}profile_areas)
global {&dollarfix;$}modSettings, {&dollarfix;$}context, {&dollarfix;$}txt;

replaces with
function shd_profile_areas(&{&dollarfix;$}profile_areas)
global {&dollarfix;$}sourcedir, {&dollarfix;$}modSettings, {&dollarfix;$}context, {&dollarfix;$}txt;

Preview Canned Replies

Reference SimpleDesk Website: Preview Canned Replies

Option to preview a canned reply like previewing a post or ticket before submitting it.

I just came across this as I was creating a reply that is about 13 or 14 lines riddled with BBC, though the final output is only about 4 or 5 lines. I input BBC manually for the most part so at times I tend to mess the closing tag a bit or even outright forget it :P. Needless to say I'm using SD live now and someone had to point out that I royally screwed up 2 of the canned replies ;D (not too bad tho, 2 of 11)

I figure this would be a nice enhancement in the future to preview the replies before making them active. [size=8pt]Otherwise I'll find myself creating them in a post on my local tester first, which isn't a big deal anyway[/size]

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