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goloquent's Introduction


The only sequel ORM that respect google datastore.

Why Goloquent?

Few years back, we required to migrate our database to local due to compliance issue, and there have no way to map back the data to SQL database. For sake, we introduce goloquent for whoever want to migrate their google datastore to SQL database.

Database Support

  • MySQL (version 5.7 and above)
  • Postgres (version 9.4 and above)

This package is not compactible with native package database/sql, if you want the support of it, you may go for sqlike

Sequel Datastore ORM

Inspired by Laravel Eloquent and Google Cloud Datastore

This repo still under development. We accept any pull request. ^_^


  // dependency
  $ go get -u // Mysql
  $ go get -u // Postgres
  $ go get -u
  $ go get -u
  • Import the library
  import ""

Quick Start

Connect to database

    import ""

    conn, err := db.Open("mysql", db.Config{
        Username: "root",
        Password: "",
        Host: "localhost",
        Port: "3306",
        Database: "test",
        Logger: func(stmt *goloquent.Stmt) {
            log.Println(stmt.TimeElapse()) // elapse time in time.Duration
            log.Println(stmt.String()) // Sql string without any ?
            log.Println(stmt.Raw()) // Sql prepare statement
            log.Println(stmt.Arguments()) // Sql prepare statement's arguments
            log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[%.3fms] %s", stmt.TimeElapse().Seconds()*1000, stmt.String()))
    defer conn.Close()
    if err != nil {
        panic("Connection error: ", err)

User Table

// Address :
type Address struct {
	Line1    string
	Line2    string
	Country  string
	PostCode uint
	Region   struct {
		TimeZone    time.Time
		Keys        []*datastore.Key   `goloquent:"keys"`
		CountryCode string             `goloquent:"regionCode"`
		Geolocation datastore.GeoPoint `goloquent:"geo"`
	} `goloquent:"region"`

// User : User kind parent is Merchant
type User struct {
    Key             *datastore.Key `goloquent:"__key__"` // load table key
    Name            string
    Nicknames       []string
    CountryCode     string
    PhoneNumber     string
    Email           string
    BirthDate       goloquent.Date
    Address         Address
    Age             uint8
    ExtraInfo       json.RawMessage
    CreatedDateTime time.Time
    UpdatedDateTime time.Time

// Load : load func will execute after load
func (x *User) Load() error {
	return nil

// Save : save func will execute before save
func (x *User) Save() (error) {
	return nil


    // StringPrimaryKey is to get key value in string form
    key := datastore.NameKey("Merchant", "mjfFgYnxBS", nil)
    fmt.Println(goloquent.StringKey(key)) // "mjfFgYnxBS"

    key = datastore.IDKey("User", int64(2305297334603281546), nil)
    fmt.Println(goloquent.StringKey(key)) // "2305297334603281546"

    key = datastore.NameKey("User", int64(2305297334603281546), datastore.NameKey("Merchant", "mjfFgYnxBS", nil))
    fmt.Println(goloquent.StringifyKey(key)) // Merchant,'mjfFgYnxBS'/User,2305297334603281546


    import ""

    // Check table exists
    db.Table("User").Exists() // true

    // Drop table if exists
    if err := db.Table("User").DropIfExists(); err != nil {

    // Add index
    if err := db.Table("User").AddIndex("Name", "Email"); err != nil {

    // Add unique index
    if err := db.Table("User").AddUniqueIndex("Email"); err != nil {

Create Record

    import ""

    // Example
    user := new(User)
    user.Name = "Hello World"
    user.Age = 18

    // OR
    var user *User
    user.Name = "Hello World"
    user.Age = 18

    // Create without parent key
    if err := db.Create(user, nil); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail to create record

    // Create with parent key
    parentKey := datastore.NameKey("Parent", "value", nil)
    if err := db.Create(user, parentKey); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail to create record

    // Create without key, goloquent will auto generate primary key
    if err := db.Create(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail to create record

    // Create with self generate key
    user.Key = datastore.NameKey("User", "uniqueID", nil)
    if err := db.Create(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail to create record

Upsert Record

    import ""

    // Example
    user := new(User)
    user.Name = "Hello World"
    user.Age = 18

    // Update if key exists, else create the user record
    parentKey := datastore.NameKey("Parent", "value", nil)
    if err := db.Upsert(user, parentKey); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail

    // Upsert with self generate key
    user := new(User)
    user.Key = datastore.NameKey("User", "uniqueID", nil)
    user.Name = "Hello World"
    user.Age = 18
    if err := db.Upsert(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail

Retrieve Record

  • Get Single Record using Primary Key
    // Example
    primaryKey := datastore.IDKey("User", int64(2305297334603281546), nil)
    user := new(User)
    if err := db.Find(primaryKey, user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    if err := db.Where("Status", "=", "ACTIVE").
        Find(primaryKey, user); err != goloquent.ErrNoSuchEntity {
        // if no record found using primary key, error `ErrNoSuchEntity` will throw instead
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record
  • Get Single Record
    import ""
    // Example 1
    user := new(User)
    if err := db.First(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    if user.Key != nil { // if have record
        fmt.Println("Have record")
    } else { // no record
        fmt.Println("Doesnt't have record")

    // Example 2
    user := new(User)
    if err := db.Where("Email", "=", "[email protected]").
        First(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    // Example 3
    age := 22
    parentKey := datastore.IDKey("Parent", 1093, nil)
    user := new(User)
    if err := db.Ancestor(parentKey).
        WhereEqual("Age", &age).
        First(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record
  • Get Multiple Record
    import ""
    // Example 1
    users := new([]User)
    if err := db.Limit(10).Get(users); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    // Example 2
    users := new([]*User)
    if err := db.WhereEqual("Name", "Hello World").
        Get(users); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    // Example 3
    users := new([]User)
    if err := db.Ancestor(parentKey).
        WhereEqual("Name", "myz").
        WhereEqual("Age", 22).
        Get(users); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record
  • Get Record with OrderBying
    import ""
    // Ascending OrderBy
    users := new([]*User)
    if err := db.OrderBy("CreatedDateTime").
        Get(users); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    // Descending OrderBy
    if err := db.Table("User").
        Get(users); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record
  • Pagination Record
    import ""

    p := goloquent.Pagination{
        Limit:  10,
        Cursor: "", // pass the cursor that generate by the query so that it will display the next record

    // Example
    users := new([]*User)
    if err := db.Ancestor(parentKey).
        Paginate(&p, users); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    // ***************** OR ********************
    p := &goloquent.Pagination{
        Limit:  10, // number of records in each page
        Cursor: "EhQKCE1lcmNoYW50EK3bueKni5eNIxIWCgxMb3lhbHR5UG9pbnQaBkZrUUc4eA", // pass the cursor to get next record set

    users := new([]*User)
    if err := db.Ancestor(parentKey).
        Paginate(p, users); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record

    log.Println(p.NextCursor()) // next page cursor
    log.Println(p.Count()) // record count

Save Record

    import ""
    // Example
    if err := db.Save(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail to delete record

Delete Record

  • Delete using Primary Key
    import ""
    // Example
    if err := db.Delete(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail to delete record
  • Delete using Where statement
    // Delete user table record which account type not equal to "PREMIUM" or "MONTLY"
    if err := db.Table("User").
        WhereNotIn("AccountType", []string{
            "PREMIUM", "MONTLY",
        }).Flush(); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // fail to delete record


    // Example
    if err := db.RunInTransaction(func(txn *goloquent.DB) error {
        user := new(User)
        if err := txn.Create(user, nil); err != nil {
            return err // return any err to rollback the transaction
        return nil // return nil to commit the transaction
    }); err != nil {
  • Table Locking (only effective inside RunInTransaction)
    // Example
    merchantKey := datastore.IDKey("Merchant", "mjfFgYnxBS", nil)
    userKey := datastore.IDKey("User", int64(4645436182170916864), nil)
    if err := db.RunInTransaction(func(txn *goloquent.DB) error {
        user := new(User)

        if err := txn.NewQuery().
            WLock(). // Lock record for update
            Find(userKey, user); err != nil {
            return err

        merchant := new(Merchant)
        if err := txn.NewQuery().
            RLock(). // Lock record for read
            Find(merchantKey, merchant); err != nil {
            return err

        user.Age = 30
        if err := txn.Save(user); err != nil {
            return err // return any err to rollback the transaction

        return nil // return nil to commit the transaction
    }); err != nil {
  • Database Migration
    import ""
    // Example
    user := new(User)
    if err := db.Migrate(
    ); err != nil {
  • Filter Query
    import ""
    // Update single record
    user := new(User)
    if err := db.NewQuery().
        WhereIn("Status", []interface{}{"active", "pending"}).
        First(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record or record not found

    // Get record with like
    if err := db.NewQuery().
        WhereLike("Name", "%name%").
        First(user); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record or record not found
  • Update Query
    import ""
    // Update multiple record
    if err := db.Table("User").
        Where("Age", ">", 10).
            "Name": "New Name",
            "Email": "[email protected]",
            "UpdatedDateTime": time.Now().UTC(),
        }); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record or record not found

    if err := db.Table("User").
        Where("Age", ">", 10).
            Name: "New Name",
            Email: "[email protected]",
            UpdatedDateTime: time.Now().UTC(),
        }); err != nil {
        log.Println(err) // error while retrieving record or record not found
  • JSON Filter
    import ""

    // JSON equal
    users := new([]User)
    postCode := uint32(63000)
	if err := db.NewQuery().
		WhereJSONEqual("Address>PostCode", &postCode).
		Get(users); err != nil {

    // JSON not equal
    var timeZone *time.Time
	if err := db.NewQuery().
		WhereJSONNotEqual("Address>region.TimeZone", timeZone).
		Get(users); err != nil {

    // JSON contains any
    if err := db.NewQuery().
		WhereJSONContainAny("Nicknames", []string{
            "Joe", "John", "Robert",
        }).Get(users); err != nil {

    // JSON check type
    if err := db.NewQuery().
		WhereJSONType("Address>region", "Object").
        Get(users); err != nil {

    // JSON check is object type
    if err := db.NewQuery().
        Get(users); err != nil {

    // JSON check is array type
    if err := db.NewQuery().
        Get(users); err != nil {
  • Data Type Support for Where Filtering

The supported data type are :

- string
- bool
- int, int8, int16, int32 and int64 (signed integers)
- uint, uint8, uint16, uint32 and uint64
- float32 and float64
- []byte
- datastore.GeoPoint
- goloquent.Date
- json.RawMessage
- time.Time
- pointers to any one of the above
- *datastore.Key
- slices of any of the above
  • Extra Schema Option

Available shorthand:

  • longtext (only applicable for string data type)
  • index
  • unsigned (only applicable for float32 and float64 data type)
  • flatten (only applicable for struct or []struct)
type model struct {
    CreatedDateTime time.Time // `CreatedDateTime`
    UpdatedDateTime time.Time // `UpdatedDateTime`

// Fields may have a `goloquent:"name,options"` tag.
type User struct {
    Key         *datastore.Key `goloquent:"__key__"` // Primary Key
    Name        string `goloquent:",longtext"` // Using `TEXT` datatype instead of `VARCHAR(255)` by default
    CreditLimit    float64    `goloquent:",unsigned"` // Unsigned option only applicable for float32 & float64 data type
    PhoneNumber string `goloquent:",charset=utf8,collate=utf8_bin,datatype=char(20)"`
    Email       string
    Skip        string `goloquent:"-"` // Skip this field to store in db
    DefaultAddress struct {
        AddressLine1 string // `DefaultAddress.AddressLine1`
        AddressLine2 string // `DefaultAddress.AddressLine2`
        PostCode     int    // `DefaultAddress.PostCode`
        City         string // `DefaultAddress.City`
        State        string // `DefaultAddress.State`
        Country      string
    } `goloquent:",flatten"` // Flatten the struct field
    Birthdate *goloquent.Date
    ExtraInfo json.RawMessage
    model                    // Embedded struct
    Deleted goloquent.SoftDelete

The supported data type are :

- string
- int, int8, int16, int32 and int64 (signed integers)
- uint, uint8, uint16, uint32 and uint64
- bool
- float32 and float64
- []byte
- any type whose underlying type is one of the above predeclared types
- datastore.GeoPoint
- goloquent.Date
- goloquent.SoftDelete
- time.Time
- json.RawMessage
- structs whose fields are all valid value types
- pointers to any one of the above
- *datastore.Key
- slices of any of the above
Data Type Mysql Postgres Default Value CharSet
*datastore.Key varchar(512) varchar(512) latin1
datastore.GeoPoint varchar(50) varchar(50) {Lat: 0, Lng: 0}
string varchar(191) varchar(191) "" utf8mb4
[]byte mediumblob bytea
bool boolean bool false
float32 double real 0
float64 double real 0
int int integer 0
int8 tinyint smallint 0
int16 smallint smallint 0
int32 mediumint integer 0
int64 bigint bigint 0
uint int (unsigned) integer (unsigned) 0
uint8 smallint (unsigned) smallint (unsigned) 0
uint16 smallint (unsigned) smallint (unsigned) 0
uint32 smallint (unsigned) integer (unsigned) 0
uint64 bigint (unsigned) bigint (unsigned) 0
slice or array json jsonb
struct json jsonb
json.RawMessage json jsonb
Date date date 0001-01-01
time.Time datetime timestamp 0001-01-01 00:00:00
SoftDelete datetime (nullable) timestamp NULL

$Key, $Deleted are reserved words, please avoid to use these words as your column name

MIT License

goloquent's People


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goloquent's Issues

A vulnerability has been fixed, but no specific tag denotes the patched version.

Hello, we are a team researching the dependency management mechanism of Golang. During our analysis, we came across your project and noticed that you have fixed a vulnerability (snyk references, CWE: CWE-89, fix commit id: aa59568). However, we observed that you have not tagged the fixing commit or its subsequent commits. As a result, users are unable to obtain the patch version through Go tool ‘go list’.

We kindly request your assistance in addressing this issue. Tagging the fixing commit or its subsequent commits will greatly benefit users who rely on your project and are seeking the patched version to address the vulnerability.

We greatly appreciate your attention to this matter and collaboration in resolving it. Thank you for your time and for your valuable contributions to our research.

enhancement: setup native parameters for driver


Due to some heavy usage of goroutine, it cause mysql driver to be failed via too many connections. There's a workaround by setting paramters to native mysql driver.

Feature & Solving

Expose another function which process native driver some kind function like func(*sql.DB) *sql.DB . Currently workaround via screenshot below but break some features, so better to handle by library.


Will send out a PR soon, for this changes.

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