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ionic-native-transitions's Introduction

Native transitions for Ionic v1. Turn it on and enjoy native transitions!


Please note that this project is now in maintenance mode. We welcome PRs for bug fixes, but encourage you to use Ionic 2 and Ionic Native for all future development.


Join the chat at



npm install ionic-native-transitions --save

Then require the library

# ES5

# or ES6
import 'ionic-native-transitions';


bower install shprink/ionic-native-transitions

Then insert the dist file

<script src="./PathToBowerLib/dist/ionic-native-transitions.min.js"></script>


The recommended version for the Transition plugin is 0.6.5 or higher.

# Using Cordova
cordova plugin add

# Using Ionic CLI
ionic plugin add


Transitions on iOS9 can flicker sometimes. To prevent this from hapenning you can install this plugin:

# Using Cordova
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview

# Using Ionic CLI
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview


if you are using Crosswalk > 1.3 please add the following to your config.xml

<preference name="CrosswalkAnimatable" value="true" />


angular.module('yourApp', [

Set default options (optional)

Beware: Only use setDefaultOptions if you know what you are doing.

        duration: 400, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400,
        slowdownfactor: 4, // overlap views (higher number is more) or no overlap (1), default 4
        iosdelay: -1, // ms to wait for the iOS webview to update before animation kicks in, default -1
        androiddelay: -1, // same as above but for Android, default -1
        winphonedelay: -1, // same as above but for Windows Phone, default -1,
        fixedPixelsTop: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed header, default 0 (iOS and Android)
        fixedPixelsBottom: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed footer (f.i. a tab bar), default 0 (iOS and Android)
        triggerTransitionEvent: '$ionicView.afterEnter', // internal ionic-native-transitions option
        backInOppositeDirection: false // Takes over default back transition and state back transition to use the opposite direction transition to go back

Set default transition (optional)

See the list of possible transitions

        type: 'slide',
        direction: 'left'

Set default back transition (optional)

See the list of possible transitions

        type: 'slide',
        direction: 'right'

Enable/Disable (optional)

You can programatically disable the plugin for any reason:

# Within the config phase
# * @param {boolean} enabled

# Anywhere else (controller, service etc.)
# * @param {boolean} enabled                    default true
# * @param {boolean} disableIonicTransitions    default true
# * @param {string}  ionicTransitionType        default 'platform'

# Disable plugin and enable ionic transitions (same as: enable(false, false))

# Enable plugin and disable ionic transitions (same as: enable(true, true))

# Disable plugin and disable ionic transitions
$ionicNativeTransitions.enable(false, true);

# Enable plugin and enable ionic transitions
# in some cases it is useful <>
$ionicNativeTransitions.enable(true, false);


By default any state transition will use the default transition (Defined in the configuration phase) but you can specify a different transition per state if you want using the UI router state definition:

.state('home', {
    url: '/home',
    nativeTransitions: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "up"
    templateUrl: "templates/home.html"

You can also define a different transition (backward and forward) per device like this:

.state('home', {
    url: '/home',
    nativeTransitionsAndroid: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "right"
    nativeTransitionsIOS: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "left"
    nativeTransitionsWindowsPhone: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "down"
    nativeTransitionsBackAndroid: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "left"
    nativeTransitionsBackIOS: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "right"
    nativeTransitionsBackWindowsPhone: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "up"
    templateUrl: "templates/home.html"

Overwrite just one device (here only android will be different)

.state('home', {
    url: '/home',
    nativeTransitions: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "up"
    nativeTransitionsAndroid: {
        "type": "flip",
        "direction": "right"
    templateUrl: "templates/home.html"

Disable native transition for one state (for instance on tabs)

.state('home', {
    url: '/home',
    nativeTransitions: null,
    templateUrl: "templates/home.html"

Programatically change page with native transitions


# * @description
# * Call state go and apply a native transition
# * @param {string|null} state                default:null
# * @param {object}      stateParams          default:{}
# * @param {object}      stateOptions         default:{}
# * @param {object|null} transitionOptions    default:null

$ionicNativeTransitions.stateGo('yourState', {}, {}, {
    "type": "slide",
    "direction": "up", // 'left|right|up|down', default 'left' (which is like 'next')
    "duration": 1500, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400


# * @description
# * Call location url and apply a native transition
# * @param {string|null} url                 default:null
# * @param {object|null} transitionOptions   default:null

$ionicNativeTransitions.locationUrl('/yourUrl', {
    "type": "slide",
    "direction": "down", // 'left|right|up|down', default 'left' (which is like 'next')
    "duration": 1500, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400

Using directives

<button native-ui-sref="tabs.home({param1: 'param1', param2: 'param2'})" native-ui-sref-opts="{reload: true}" native-options="{type: 'slide', direction:'down'}"></button>

History back button

Using the <ion-nav-back-button> directive automatically uses the default back transition if you have not added a specific ng-click on it.

Hadware back button (Android)

The hardware back button on Android uses the default back transition

Swipe back (iOS)

For now swipe back will trigger the state native transition (or the default). It does not use the back transition.

You can disable swipe back like this:



You can listen to success or error events

$rootScope.$on('ionicNativeTransitions.beforeTransition', function(){
    // Transition is about to happen

$rootScope.$on('ionicNativeTransitions.success', function(){
    // Transition success

$rootScope.$on('ionicNativeTransitions.error', function(){
    // Transition error

Possible transitions

Slide (default animation)

    "type"          : "slide",
    "direction"     : "left", // 'left|right|up|down', default 'left' (which is like 'next')
    "duration"      :  500, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400


    "type"          : "flip",
    "direction"     : "up", // 'left|right|up|down', default 'right' (Android currently only supports left and right)
    "duration"      :  500, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400

Fade (iOS and Android only)

    "type"          : "fade",
    "duration"      :  500, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400

Drawer (iOS and Android only)

    "type"          : "drawer",
    "origin"        : "left", // 'left|right', open the drawer from this side of the view, default 'left'
    "action"        : "open", // 'open|close', default 'open', note that close is not behaving nicely on Crosswalk

Curl (iOS only, direction up and down only)

    "type"          : "curl",
    "direction"     : "up", // 'up|down', default 'up'


What's the best way to animate tabs?

Use fade transition

.state('', {
    url: "/contact",
    nativeTransitions: {
        type: "fade"

if you to use slide, use it with the fixedPixelsTop option.

.state('', {
    url: "/contact",
    nativeTransitions: {
        type: "slide",
        direction: "left",
        fixedPixelsTop: 93



npm install

# Open two terminals
# and run watch to build on the lib files changes
npm run watch

# in the other terminal run following to build the test page and the doc
npm start

Open http://localhost:8080

Tests on device

npm run platformAddAndroid
npm run platformAddIOS
npm run pluginAddAll

# run iOS devices
npm run runIosDevice

# run iOS devices
npm run runAndroid


ionic-native-transitions's People


addityasingh avatar kenmickles avatar klaster1 avatar nicolasmoreira avatar se1exin avatar shprink avatar thomassalvetat avatar tomseldon avatar


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ionic-native-transitions's Issues

Disabling Transitions for Certain Links

Hey there,

Love this plugin, but for tabs - there isn't an need for native Transitions - so is there a way to disable transitions for certain links, but enabling it for everything?

Also - for Swipe back, is there a way to simply disable the Native Transition and go back to the old Ionic swipe back?

Screen stuck after $stateChangeStart is defaultPrevent'ed

Consider the following scenario:

  1. User leaves the state, either by going back or to another state.
  2. To confirm state change, I call preventDefault on $stateChangeStart event.
  3. Continue state change after confirmation.

I guess there's a issue with ionic-native-transitions because after event's prevented, the screen gets stuck until executePendingTransition is called manually. At least this is what I get on iOS 9.1 with platform 3.9.2 and cordova-plugin-wkwebview.

Crash Android androiddelay: -1 AND transition other than slide

The application crash when androiddelay is set to -1 and we attempt to make a transition other than "slide". In my case it was fade, mut I've tried flip and it crash too.

Here is the copy-paste from logcat:
10-19 16:19:11.293 22071-22071/? E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.compagny.test, PID: 22071
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: delay < 0: -1
at java.util.Timer.schedule(
at com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions.NativePageTransitions.doFadeTransition(
at com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions.NativePageTransitions.access$1700(
at com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions.NativePageTransitions$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

It only append with delay to -1. At 0 or > it doesn't crash.

Have a nice day!

Can't enable transitions & minor improvements to docs


Firstly, I wasn't familiar with Browsify (ie to do the require ES5). I'm building an Ionic app.

I so to get it working, I just added the "/ionic-native-transitions/dist/ionic-native-transitions.js" script to my index.html file (I had to load it after ionic.bundle.js).

In modules I added:
angular.module('stashd', ['ionic-native-transitions',])

And below that I added:

.config(function($ionicNativeTransitionsProvider){ $ionicNativeTransitionsProvider.setDefaultOptions({ duration: 400, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400, slowdownfactor: 4, // overlap views (higher number is more) or no overlap (1), default 4 iosdelay: -1, // ms to wait for the iOS webview to update before animation kicks in, default -1 androiddelay: -1, // same as above but for Android, default -1 winphonedelay: -1, // same as above but for Windows Phone, default -1, fixedPixelsTop: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed header, default 0 (iOS and Android) fixedPixelsBottom: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed footer (f.i. a tab bar), default 0 (iOS and Android) triggerTransitionEvent: '$ionicView.afterEnter', // internal ionic-native-transitions option backInOppositeDirection: false // Takes over default back transition and state back transition to use the opposite direction transition to go back }); });

NB: I had to add a comma fo "fixedPixelsBottom: 0,"- that's a Syntax error.

Then added a transition to routing (a sample):
.state('stores', { url: '/stores', nativeTransitions: { "type": "flip", "direction": "up" }, views: { 'menuContent': { templateUrl: 'app/components/stores/stores.html' } }

ionic serve works, but in the JS console it says "nativepagetransitions is disabled or nativepagetransitions plugin is not present".

When I build the app (ios) xcode does not load the content of the app (aside from the header).

Can some one please guide me?

registerBackButtonAction ignored

If you want to overwrite the default android back button behaviour and do something like

$ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function (event) {
}, 100);

With ionic-native-transitions enablet It goes back normally, ignoring completely the preventdefault event.

Ionic view lifecycle event fired inaccurately

When Ionic page transition animation is disabled via $ionicConfigProvider.views.transition('none'), the view event like $ionicView.afterEnter will not executes accurately. You can clearly see the problem when you test on low end budget device. This brings the problem of same page being animate in, even if you try to animate it with afterLeave.

I have report the issue to ionic (ionic-team/ionic-framework#4555), but I don't hope to see any action taken for it soon. So, for now the only way is to avoid disable animation using $ionicConfigProvider.views.transition('none'). The downside is we will have a small delay on page transition that we need to wait for ionic animation to finish, only then animate ours. Or you have any idea of alternative way to disable ionic animation or speed up the animation to make it extreme fast like almost no transition?

Auto opposite back transition

For example if this is the series of animation I go through when enter to next page:
slide right, slide right, slide up, fade in

Then, if now I continuously hit the back button, it would be:
fade out, slide down, slide left, slide left

From #25

npm install ionic-native-transitions not working

Hi, when I run this command npm install ionic-native-transitions --save the prompt gives me this feedback:

npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.3.9600
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "ionic-native-transitions" "--save"
npm ERR! node v0.12.0
npm ERR! npm  v2.5.1

I'm using Windows 10, and the installing process works with others packages.
I've been able to install using bower, but I can't understand the origin of this issue.

Installation and configuration issue

Followed all the tutorials, but I keep getting the error:

"nativepagetransitions is disabled or nativepagetransitions plugin is not present"

Some help?

Can't set anroiddelay

I use beta6 version with Telerik plugin 0.53 (tried other versions too). Default transitions are set correctly (checked other types of animation), but transition starts immediately in any case. Tested on android 5.1 devices and 4.2.

      type: 'slide',
      direction: 'left'
      type: 'slide',
      direction: 'right'
      androiddelay: 3000

hardware back button

Back button using ion-nav-back-button is working properly except for hardware back button. For example, when I transition to another state, the screen swipe to the left, when I click ion-nav-back-button, the screen swipes to the right, but when I click the hardware's back button, it still swipe to the left ( supposed to be to the right like the ion-nav-back-button).

Disable animation

Hi ! Very nice work ! I am wandering if it is possible to detect when $ionicHistory.nextViewOptions({disableAnimate: true}); is use to disable native animation.

Incompatible with Admobs

I have an issue when using AdMobs and Native Transitions.
For the first page, all work fine.


But when i change page, the ad go to the top of the screen, the previous page is in the center of the page, and the new page is behind the previous page (crazy !!)

I get inject module error when I try to configure angular module

Hi all !
I install this ionic-native-transitions plugin to my inoic project,
but I get inject module error when I try to configure angular module:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'ionic-native-transitions' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it.

configuration code:
angular.module('houseApp', ['ionic-native-transitions']);

can anyone help me?

iOS flash before transition

I don't know if it come from you plugin or telerik, but when I do a slide transition on iOS, it flash white juste before starting sliding when slide left with delay set to -1. slide right seem to be ok.

I've also revert direction, default transition slide right instead of left and default back transition to left instead of right (just in case it was my code), believe me, slide left flicker again (even if it just go back) and slide right is perfect.
type: 'slide',
direction: 'right'
type: 'slide',
direction: 'left'

Tell me I'm not alone to encounter this issue ^^'

Animate too early or too late

When using native transition, I always face the following issue:

  • Different page content will have different load time
  • Different model of smartphone will have different load time based on it's performance
  • Background running app on user device may cause unexpected slow load of a page causing improper transition animation (animate too early)

Therefore, it is the trouble of animation to be animated too early (where same page slide in, only then change to next page). Or, animated too late (the delay is properly set for low end device, but it will be too slow for high end performance device).

It would be great & super cool if your plugin can help to avoid or reduce this issue.

Failed to instantiate module ionic-native-transitions

I did below 3 steps

  1. ionic plugin add

  2. angular.module('yourApp', [

  3. .config(function($ionicNativeTransitionsProvider){
    type: 'slide',
    direction: 'left'

and now i am getting error

$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module starter due to:
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module ionic-native-transitions due to:
[$injector:nomod] Module 'ionic-native-transitions' is not available!

Plugin has been installed successfully, when i list all plugins i see it in list.
What could have gone wrong ?

$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module starter due to:
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module ionic-native-transitions due to:
[$injector:nomod] Module 'ionic-native-transitions' is not available!

RC testing

Guys, I have released v1.0.0-rc1 with your requested features:

  • Success/Error events
  • Change page programatically (stateGo, locationUrl functions)
  • Change page with directives
  • Enable/Disable as a service
  • Enable/Disable ionic transitions

Can you check if it is all good for you? If I do not have negative feedback I will release v1.0.0 :)

@hlehmann @leobetosouza @mabdelfattah @NgYueHong

PS: Do not forget to use the telerik plugin v.0.5.4

Integration with side menu

Hi! I'm trying to figure out how to implement these screen transitions in a side menu based app, but the documentation is not clear about it. Is this feature planned?

How to know that the transition ended?

I nedd a way to know that the transition ended.

All $state (like $stateChangeSuccess) and view (like $ionicView.enter) events are fire before transition begin.

Hardware back does not close app

When there is no back view, hardware back button should close app, but instead it does nothing. I think problem is this piece of code

if (!$ionicHistory.backView()) {

I tried to put ionic.Platform.exitApp(); instead of return, it does close the app but it's still in memory, so when I try to open it back it causes "White Screen of Death" but that is probably whole different problem.

Using from $state.go()

Is it possible to use the transitions from the $state.go() method?
In case its possible, can you add an example?

Native Transitions doesn't load

Thanks a lot for your work! This incredible plugint seems to work well for most of the users but not for me...

1/ I've installed the lib in my project with bower install shprink/ionic-native-transitions --save
2/ Included <script src="lib/ionic-native-transitions/dist/ionic-native-transitions.js"></script> in my index.html file
3/ Included the require in my routes.js file

=> No error on run but I see no change compare to normal transition. What am I missing??

Below is my code for routes.js

angular.module('app.routes', ['ionic-native-transitions'])

  .config(function ($ionicNativeTransitionsProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ionicConfigProvider) {

    // Ionic uses AngularUI Router which uses the concept of states
    // Learn more here:
    // Set up the various states which the app can be in.
    // Each state's controller can be found in controllers.js

      duration: 500,
      // backInOppositeDirection: true

      type: 'flip',
      direction: 'left'

      type: 'slide',
      direction: 'right'




      .state('login', {
        url: '/login ',
        nativeTransitions: null,
        templateUrl: 'templates/login.html',
        controller: 'loginCtrl'

      .state('tabMenu', {
        url: '/tabMenu',
        abstract: true,
        templateUrl: 'templates/tabMenu.html'

      .state('tabMenu.match', {
        url: '/match',
        views: {
          'tab10': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/match.html',
            controller: 'matchCtrl'

UIWebView Nav Bar Text Disappears

Hi All.

It seems that when you run this plugin within UIWebView on iOS the nav bar text and buttons are not present in the screenshot. Everything runs great on Android.

Please see the video here:

In my case I cannot move to WKWebView due to CORS issues... and a great deal of the userbase is still stuck on iOS 8 due to being corporate devices.

Keen to help debug this if someone can point me in the right direction?

slide events

being able to slide between views to mimic ionic slidebox

Transitions in beta5

I updated to beta5, and removed all of the native-transition directives in the markup. I'm having trouble controlling when the native transition happens.

For example, it works on my post list at first. But if I click to another state, then go back, it stops using native transitions.

I don't want native transitions when a menu item is clicked, so I added this:

.state('app', {
url: "/app",
abstract: true,
template: require("./templates/menu.html"),
nativeTransitions: null,
controller: 'AppCtrl'

That didn't work, it still uses the transition.

My config file looks like this:

"duration"          : 300,
"androiddelay"      : 100, // Longer delay better for older androids
// "fixedPixelsTop"    : 64, // looks OK on iOS

  type: 'slide',
  direction: 'left'

  type: 'slide',
  direction: 'right'

Documentation Request

Any chance you can further document the installation process for those who are unfamiliar with webpack?

Blink and Lag

Hi, there's a way to remove the 'blinking' when transition starts?
I'm already using $ionicConfigProvider.views.transition('none'); to disable ionic default transitions.

Versions used:
Telerik Native Transitions Plugin @ is 0.4.3
ionic-native-transitions @ 1.0.0-beta5

(and when I set $ionicNativeTransitionsProvider.setOptions, the app does not load)

Problem with crosswalk webview

App crashes(shows alert message 'unfortunately application has stopped) with crosswalk web view.
(works fine without crosswalk plugin).

Thank U

-1 is not applied for back transition

Samsung S5, not using crosswalk, 0.5.4 of npm telerik plugin

-1 delay is working great but when moving 'back', the transition is immediate without waiting for page to load, so the same page starts transitioning before flicking over to the new page. Not sure if it is this plugin or telerik plugin issue.

Screen flashing with old view

Transitions seem to work great, but there's a flashing/flickering of the old view after the animation. I haven't seen this mentioned this a known issue?

Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong. This is running on a phsyical Nexus 6 with 5.1. All I did was include the plug-in and set some defaults (I tried lots of duration and androiddelay and slowdownfactor combinations too):

        "duration"          : 200,
        "androiddelay"      : -1, // Longer delay better for older androids


video here

StateParams with native-ui-sref

When linking another with stateParams, i get an error like:
"Could not resolve '{param1: data1, param2: data2})' from state 'someState'"

The transition works well without the stateParams.

tested it with the ui-router directive ui-sref attribute with stateParams and it works well as expected.
Is it possible to pass stateParams using the native-ui-sref directive?

Back button with custom ng click wont listen to setDefaultBackTransition

i have the following

<ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable" ng-controller="MainController">
        <ion-nav-back-button native-back class="button-clear ion-chevron-left" ng-click="mainGoBack()">&nbsp;Back</ion-nav-back-button>
        type: 'slide',
        direction: 'left'

        type: 'slide',
        direction: 'right'

Clicking on the back button will still animate to the left and not right

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