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stable-diffusion-modal-docker's Introduction


How to deploy Stable Diffusion via Docker container using modal client

logotype-bb8cd083 horizontal-logo-monochromatic-white


I recommend using python docker container instead of using venv, since does not work properly if the host machine's python version is 3.8 (default version of ubuntu20.04)

Create a Modal API Token designated only for use for this docker container project => LOG IN => SETTINGS => New Token => copy the command showed up below => close the window
(Do not lose the copied command, this will be required later...)

Copy the huggingface API Token value @ huggingface => Log In => settings => Access Tokens => New token => copy it

Paste the huggingface Token to modal's secret => LOG IN => SECRETS => Create new secret => Hugging Face => Paste the value (key : HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN) => next => set the secret name to "my-huggingface-secret" => create

Create this directory into your local machine (I named the root directory name stable-diffusion-modal-docker)

├── docker/
│   └── modal-cli/
│       └── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
└── modal-cli/
    ├── .modal.toml
    └── workdir/
        ├── models/
        │   ├── Lora/
        │   ├── Stable-diffusion/
        │   └── VAE/
        ├── outputs/
        │   ├── txt2img-grids/
        │   └── txt2img-images/

Code for .modal.toml

token_id = "aa-aaaaaa"
token_secret = "bb-bbbbbb"

Please replace aa-aaaaaa and bb-bbbbbb with your previously copied modal token id and secret
(modal token set --token-id aa-aaaaaa --token-secret bb-bbbbbb)

Please make sure any spaces is not included at the end of both id and secret

Code for Dockerfile

# If your logging-in user at host has a different User / Group ID,
# please change the both value for UID & GID `1000`
# to your desired ID number.

FROM python:3.10.6
ARG UID=1000
ARG GID=1000
RUN groupadd -g $GID $GROUPNAME && \
    useradd -m -s /bin/bash -u $UID -g $GID $USERNAME
WORKDIR /home/sd-webui
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get upgrade -y && \
    apt-get install -y vim less tree jq
RUN pip install modal colorama pathlib
WORKDIR /home/sd-webui/workdir

Code for docker-compose.yml

# If you want to use the original `.modal.toml` file,
# located at your host machine's user home directory,
# please replace `source: ./modal-cli/.modal.toml`
# with `source: ~/.modal.toml`

      context: ./docker/modal-cli
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - type: bind
        source: ./modal-cli/workdir
        target: /home/sd-webui/workdir
      - type: bind
        source: ./modal-cli/.modal.toml
        target: /home/sd-webui/.modal.toml
    user: sd-webui
    tty: true
    stdin_open: true

Code for

# This script is made referencing these awesome Japanese websites!

from colorama import Fore
from pathlib import Path

import modal
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import shlex
import os

# Variables definition related to Modal service
stub = modal.Stub("stable-diffusion-webui")
volume_main = modal.NetworkFileSystem.from_name("stable-diffusion-webui-main", create_if_missing=True)

# Paths definition
webui_dir = "/content/stable-diffusion-webui"
webui_model_dir = webui_dir + "/models/Stable-diffusion/"

# Model IDs on Hugging Face
model_ids = [
        "repo_id": "XpucT/Deliberate",
        "model_path": "Deliberate_v2.safetensors",
        "config_file_path": "",
        "model_name": "Deliberate_v2.safetensors",
        "repo_id": "WarriorMama777/OrangeMixs",
        "model_path": "Models/BloodOrangeMix/BloodNightOrangeMix.ckpt",
        "config_file_path": "",
        "model_name": "BloodNightOrangeMix.ckpt",

    # For forcing the docker image to rebuild
    # image=modal.Image.from_registry("python:3.10.6-slim", force_build=True)
        "pip install -e git+"
    network_file_systems={webui_dir: volume_main},
    # Designate the target GPU
    # gpu=modal.gpu.A10G(count=2),
    # gpu=modal.gpu.T4(count=2),
async def run_stable_diffusion_webui():
    print(Fore.CYAN + "\n---------- Start setting up for all models ----------\n")

    webui_dir_path = Path(webui_model_dir)
    if not webui_dir_path.exists():
        # If you encountered RPC failure related error upon git cloning
        #"git config --global http.postBuffer 200M", shell=True)
            f"git clone -b v2.7 {webui_dir}",

    # Function definition used for downloading files from Hugging face
    def download_hf_file(repo_id, filename):
        from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download

        download_dir = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename)
        return download_dir

    for model_id in model_ids:
        print(Fore.GREEN + model_id["repo_id"] + " : Start setting up....")

        if not Path(webui_model_dir + model_id["model_name"]).exists():
            # Download and copy for model files
            model_downloaded_dir = download_hf_file(
                webui_model_dir + os.path.basename(model_id["model_path"]),

        if "config_file_path" not in model_id:

        if not Path(webui_model_dir + model_id["config_file_path"]).exists():
            # Download and copy for config files
            config_downloaded_dir = download_hf_file(
                model_id["repo_id"], model_id["config_file_path"]
                webui_model_dir + os.path.basename(model_id["config_file_path"]),

        print(Fore.GREEN + model_id["repo_id"] + " : Finished setting up!")

    print(Fore.CYAN + "\n---------- Finished setting up for all models ----------\n")

    # Activate WebUI
    sys.argv += shlex.split("--skip-install --xformers")
    from launch import start, prepare_environment

    # Note that the first argument will be ignored
    sys.argv = shlex.split("--a --gradio-debug --share --xformers --skip-version-check")

def main():

Code for

# This script is made referencing these awesome Japanese websites!

import os
import modal
import subprocess
from concurrent import futures

stub = modal.Stub("stable-diffusion-webui-download-output")

volume_key = "stable-diffusion-webui-main"
volume = modal.NetworkFileSystem.from_name(volume_key)

webui_dir = "/content/stable-diffusion-webui/"
remote_outputs_dir = "outputs"
output_dir = "./outputs"

    network_file_systems={webui_dir: volume},
def list_output_image_path(cache: list[str]):
    absolute_remote_outputs_dir = os.path.join(webui_dir, remote_outputs_dir)
    image_path_list = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top=absolute_remote_outputs_dir):
        for file in files:
            if not file.lower().endswith((".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg")):

            absolutefilePath = os.path.join(root, file)
            relativeFilePath = absolutefilePath[(len(absolute_remote_outputs_dir)) :]
            if not relativeFilePath in cache:
    return image_path_list

def download_image_using_modal(image_path: str):
    download_dest = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(output_dir, image_path))
    os.makedirs(download_dest, exist_ok=True)
        f"modal nfs get {volume_key} {os.path.join(remote_outputs_dir, image_path)} {download_dest}",

def main():
    cache = []

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top=output_dir):
        for file in files:
            relativeFilePath = os.path.join(root, file)[len(output_dir) :]

    image_path_list = list_output_image_path.remote(cache)

    print(f"\nTotal of {len(image_path_list)} files are now being downloaded....\n")

    future_list = []
    with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
        for image_path in image_path_list:
            future = executor.submit(download_image_using_modal, image_path=image_path)
        _ = futures.as_completed(fs=future_list)

    print(f"\nDownload completed!\n")

How to deploy docker container

@project's root directory

docker compose up -d
docker exec -it <container name> bash
modal run

How to download generated pictures into your local machine

modal run

As for LoRA file addition

Put the LoRA files into Lora directory and execute the following command

modal nfs put stable-diffusion-webui-main models/Lora/<lora file name> models/Lora/

Alternatively, you can upload whole directory into Modal server - for multiple LoRA files at a time
(this procedure will overwrite the previously located any Lora files)

modal nfs put stable-diffusion-webui-main models/Lora/ models/Lora/

As for VAE file addition

Put the VAE files into VAE directory and execute the following command

modal nfs put stable-diffusion-webui-main models/VAE/<vae file name> models/VAE/

Alternatively, you can upload whole directory into Modal server - for multiple VAE files at a time
(this procedure will overwrite the previously located any VAE files)

modal nfs put stable-diffusion-webui-main models/VAE/ models/VAE/

As for adding models manually

Put any model files (including base and refiner models) into Stable-diffusion directory and execute the following command

modal nfs put stable-diffusion-webui-main models/Stable-diffusion/<model file name> models/Stable-diffusion/

or, whole directory at once
(this procedure will overwrite the previously located any models)

modal nfs put stable-diffusion-webui-main models/Stable-diffusion/ models/Stable-diffusion/

As for adding embedding files

Put any embedding files into workdir/embeddings/ folder then,

modal nfs put stable-diffusion-webui-main embeddings/<embedding file name> embeddings/

As for deleting outputs folder on Modal server

Sometimes upon executing, the previously downloaded files are downloaded again, to prevent this, please execute the following command prior to creating any new pictures with stable diffusion webui

modal nfs rm -r stable-diffusion-webui-main outputs/

As for forcing the docker image to rebuild

If you want to rebuild docker image, such as for updating to the latest modules or packages, please refer to here

image=modal.Image.from_registry("python:3.10.6-slim", force_build=True)

Reference URL

stable-diffusion-modal-docker's People


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stable-diffusion-modal-docker's Issues

Working or not working Modules and Library Info @ modal-client ver 0.50.2895

Investigation @ modal-client version 0.50.2895

image=modal.Image.from_dockerhub("python:3.10-slim") --> Working!

image=modal.Image.from_dockerhub("python:3.11-slim") --> Not Working (Stopped with error)"git clone -b v2.2 {webui_dir}", shell=True)
--> Working!"git clone -b v2.3~v2.5 {webui_dir}", shell=True)
--> Not Working (Stopped with error)
(adding torchmetrics==0.11.4 @ pip installation did not solve...)

NansException error

modules.devices.NansException: A tensor with all NaNs was produced in VAE

This seems to happen frequently just after you switched your model to another model on the web UI.
The reports related to this error can also be found here

Newly appeared DeprecationError from modal-client version 0.50.2895

I'm gonna handle these isuues later...but help wanted (LOL)

  • SharedVolume(...) is deprecated. Please use instead.
  • NetworkFileSystem().persist("my-volume") is deprecated. Use NetworkFileSystem.persisted("my-volume") instead.
  • SharedVolume.persisted(...) is deprecated. Please use NetworkFileSystem.persisted(...) instead.
  • shared_volumes is deprecated. Use the argument network_file_systems instead.

RuntimeError: Couldn't clone Taming Transformers

Sometimes, upon 1st time of running, error occurs @ cloning Taming Transformers.
This is probably related to a network issue due to the error messages.
RuntimeError: Couldn't clone Taming Transformers.
unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet

After some trials of running py file, most of the case you would success.
(It seems like from the 2nd time of running py file, you will success without issues.)

Still under investigation.

ReadTimeoutError upon running "modal run"

Sometimes, upon first time of creating environment into your modal server, pip installation gonna fail. (timeout related error)
ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443)
Currently, this will only be prevented when you tried several times doing this process (LOL, sorry...)
I can not figure out what is the timeout controlling commands against modal image functions...

KeyError: '_function_handles'

After terminated the runner, the following error shows up.
KeyError: '_function_handles'

But it seems like everything is ok regardless of this error.

Sometimes very slow while "Launching Web UI" section

It seems that this will be fixed,

  1. Delete "stable-diffusion-webui-main" storage via modal console (browser).
  2. Delete "pycache" folder on your local machine.
  3. Set the force_build=True argument to modal.Image.from_registry section in the file, in order to re-construct modal environment.
  4. modal run

Please be aware that all your uploaded models, lora, vae and etc will be completely erased with these steps.

"" does not work currently...

Please use the following alternative method for a while...

At "workdir" directory on your local docker container
modal nfs get stable-diffusion-webui-main outputs/txt2img-images/2024-04-28/*
(modal nfs get stable-diffusion-webui-main outputs/txt2img-images/<CreatedDate>/*)

"The future loop" issue appeared...

Sometimes upon launching your browser, the message shows up within command line says "The future belongs to a different loop than the one specified as the loop argument"
If this happened unfortunately, please stop process then re-activate your stable diffusion webui until the future issue message has gone...

Now, "" does not work...

After updated to modal client version: 0.50.2895, does not work properly...
I am gonna fix this soon, until then, please use the following command instead, in order to download any pictures.
(change the numbers at the date directory)

modal nfs get stable-diffusion-webui-main outputs/txt2img-images/2023-08-03/* outputs/temporary-images

stub.local_entrypoint error

Upon running, the error message The decorator stub.local_entrypoint without arguments will soon be deprecated always appears.
To solve this, I tried to change @stub.local_entrypoint to @stub.local_entrypoint().
But, this trial made the runner stop working...

I am still learning Python, so I'm gonna pend this matter for a while.
Thank you!

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