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shepherd's Issues

Refactor css in shepherd-theme-arrows theme

The theme shepherd-theme-arrows has a high level of specificity which makes it really difficult to override styles within another project. For example, if one wants to override the header in a shepherd step, they have to compete with this:

.shepherd-element.shepherd-theme-arrows.shepherd-has-title .shepherd-content header {
    background: #eeeeee;

Than means if I want to change the background color, I have to get more specific than that rule above. Then best way might be to add my own class when adding a step:

tour.addStep('guide-step-1', {
    title: "Title for a step",
    text:  "Text for step",
    classes: 'intro-step shepherd-theme-arrows',

and then in my css do this:

intro-step.shepherd-element.shepherd-theme-arrows.shepherd-has-title .shepherd-content header {
    background: #ffffff;

There's no reason the initial rule declaration needs to have that high of a specificity. The same affect could be achieved with:

.shepherd-element header {
    background: #eeeeee;

Multi-Page Tour Capabilities?

Is it currently possible to create an application Tour that spans across different Page URL's?

For example the WOrdPress Admin panel has a similar Tour functionality which can go to different pages in your website/app and continue on with the Tour once the new URL is loaded.

I confess I haven't dug into the code yet or built anything with this library. I just didn't see this functionality in the Demo that I saw and wanted to know if it is possible out of the box or if I need to modify a lot. Or perhaps this functionality needs to be implemented outside of this library anyways!

I would love to hear what others thing or know about this please?

Step class cleanup

Right now when step is triggered attached element gets all "shepherd-*" classes but when step is closed this classes should be cleaned up.

Any particular reason this is not happening?

Step divs remain after tour has ended

I am trying to use Shepherd in a single-page app, and I just noticed that divs that Shepherd creates to display step content remain in the document when the tour ends. If the page is not refreshed and multiple tours are started the number of those divs grows indefinitely.

Is there any way to clean them up? I mean I can always just remove '.shepherd-step' divs, but why are they kept around?

Step option "when" is not documented

This is a very usefull option to have and it is not documented in your docs right now (Or Im blind =)).

Also it would be cool to have same thing on Tour object.

Step events fire for every step

If I attach an event listener to 'show' for a step, it fires once for every step, instead of just once for the current step. I have 6 steps, and I do the following:

this.get('steps').forEach(function(step) {
  var tourStep = tour.addStep(, step.options);
  tourStep.on('show', function(currentStep) {

The console.log is called 6 times, once for each step, instead of just once. I saw another issue mentioning this quite awhile ago. Is it being worked on?

Positioning not working if scrollTo is set to true?

When tour scrollTo is set to true and attachTo is set to top the page scrolls so that the element the step is attached to is at the very top and the tour step is automatically relocated to the bottom. Is there a a way to use scrollTo: true and still have the tour step appear on top of the element?

Browserify/Node Support

Any plans? Currently the shepherd.js build is putting Shepherd directly on the window object, and there isn't a main or browser defined in the package.json. In addition, the package name shepherd is already taken in NPM.

Automatically skip missing steps

It would be very convenient for me if shepherd would automatically skip a step if the element/selector specified was not found. Currently an error is thrown and the html is just appended to the body without using tether. At the very least I would expect a way for me to implement this myself through the event system, but that doesn't seem to work either. I tried cancelling a step in the 'before-show' event, but I got console errors from tether.

More universally applicable documentation

I don't use Eager or Coffeescript, so in order to use shepherd I'd have to either change my development method, or learn Coffeescript to know how to translate your examples. As it is I just used a different library.

Skip step if element in attachTo is not found

When shepherd tries to go to the next step, and that step's attachTo element is missing, Shepherd should just advance to the next step. Likewise, when going through the steps in reverse and an attachTo element is missing, it should just behave as if the step were not there. Currently, I have a workaround where I cache the previous step in the .on('show' function() ... on the tour and set a flag myElement to true/false. Then I bind a function to the step I want to check like this:

.on('show', function() {
    if (!myElement && === "the-previous-step") {;
    } else if (!myElement && === "the-next-step") {

multiple events

seems I can't do this

shepherd.on('cancel complete', function(){
      // some code here

in jQuery you can do that :)

Also shepherd is not chainable, so I can't even do this:

shepherd.on('cancel', onClose).on('complete', onClose);

Example code doesn't work for me?

what am i Missing here? I can't get this or the code example in the zip to function.
my script editor shows an error at the line : tour.addStep 'example',

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/shepherd.js"></script> <script> tour = new Shepherd.tour defaults: classes: 'shepherd-theme-arrows' tour.addStep 'example', title: 'Example Shepherd' text: 'Creating a Shepherd is easy too! Just create ...' attachTo: '.hero-example bottom' advanceOn: '.docs-link click' tour.start() </script>

Cannot call destroy of null in v1.0.0

 if (typeof this.tether !== 'undefined') {
 this.tether = null;

javascript type of null is object not undefined which is causing the error.

Drop-shadow not recognized in Firefox

Latest version of Firefox does not support the -moz-filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)); style.

As a results, the .shepherd-content appears not to have any border and is difficult to see on pages with light background.

As seen under Firefox:

As seen under Chrome:
Google Chrome

bower.json name

The name in the bower.json file is listed as shepherd but one installs the package with bower install shepherd.js. Should they not be the same? it's certainly confusing with no bower install instructions documented.

Direct Access to Tether options through Shepherd

It's great that Shepherd uses Tether in a way that is so "set it and forget it", but the downside is that Tether has lots of options that would be nice to modify in some situations. We'd really like, for instance, to be able to override the default Shepherd behavior of pinning steps to the edges of the viewport when they are scrolled out of view.

Would be really nice to be able to pass a tether options object to shepherd to override some of the defaults.

Hide event?

Why is Tour hide event not triggered when step is closing?

It should trigger every time step closes: on next, hide, cancel, completed actions.

Right now only Step hide event is triggered.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null

I get this error when trying tour.start(), can't figure out what the issue is...has anybody else see this?

tour = new Shepherd.Tour
    classes: 'shepherd-theme-arrows'
    scrollTo: true

tour.addStep 'sample',
  text: 'Sample Text'
  attachTo: '#main-nav bottom'
  classes: 'example-step-extra-class'
  buttons: [
    text: 'Next'


Box-shadow render bug and margin breaks

In the latest versions of Opera and Chrome I catch bug of box-shadow render in steps more than 3. Shadow makes distant out of popup box and if i resize browser window, shadow places correctly.

Other bug is there: tour sometimes kill margins of div and align it to the side of tour popup shows.


Leftover event handlers when tour has ended

In Step.prototype._show, when this.el == null a call is made to render which calls setupTether. Then, _show calls setupTether again.

Both calls to setupTether add event handlers to the scrollParent, but only the second copies are removed when the step is destroyed. Therefore there are leftover event handlers when the tour has ended.

I think modifying _show so that setupTether is only called when render is not would solve the issue. Happy to create a pull request to that effect.

matchesSelector doesn't support IE 9+

msMatchesSelector is not part of the matchesSelector!

Here is the corrected function:

  matchesSelector = function(el, sel) {
    var matches, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4;
    matches = (_ref1 = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = el.matches) != null ? _ref4 : el.msMatchesSelector) != null ? _ref3 : el.webkitMatchesSelector) != null ? _ref2 : el.mozMatchesSelector) != null ? _ref1 : el.oMatchesSelector;
    return, sel);

Matches will be null and fail on IE 9+ until this is fixed

On complete destroy shepherd

When I fire the complete event is there a way to destroy the plugin and remove all classes and dom elements from the page? Im getting some issues where when I complete the tour and want to show the tour again I get double tour panes.

tour div positioning issue

Shepherd works normally for a drop down selected list. But including Select.js to style a select option results in shepherd sticking to the left-top most corner.

How to add animations to the steps?

Neither shepherd's, nor tether's documentation talk about adding animation and googling around didn't help either. I tried adding 'animate' class and some effect classes from animate.css to the steps, but doesn't work.

I will appreciated any help regarding this.

Buttons behind tour shouldn't be clickable?

On the GitHub demo page, shouldn't I be disallowed from clicking on buttons outside of the tour unless I exit the tour or the tour specifically tells me to press a button?

Should the default build be UMD-wrapped?

Hi there

Thanks for providing a UMD-wrapped build. I'm using this version with RequireJS and it works well.

Looking at the other Tether-based projects Drop and Tooltip I noticed they do not offer such a build, so my first thought was to add to those projects' gulpfile's something similar to what is done in Shepherd's.

Thinking about it though, I'm not convinced this is the best approach. A few issues:

  1. Shepherd's default build cannot be used in combination with that of Drop or Tooltip without Tether and/or Drop being loaded multiple times, as these libraries are bundled in each others' builds.
  2. The point of the UMD pattern is to produce a module which is compatible with all module systems, including "script tags". It shouldn't be necessary to create a UMD build separate from the default build.
  3. The naming of the UMD-wrapped build (shepherd-amd.js) is a bit misleading, since it's not solely an AMD module.

Here's what I propose.

  • Do not concatenate Tether into the default build. Require it to be loaded separately prior to loading Shepherd, either with the help of a proper module system or with an additional script tag.
  • UMD-wrap the default build.
  • Remove the shepherd-amd.js build from the project.
  • Follow a similar pattern in the other projects (Drop, Tooltip etc.)

If people really want a build with all dependencies bundled, I think this should be a secondary build. Ideally it would contain individually UMD-wrapped components, with the AMD bits producing named modules. Unfortunately I don't know an easy way to achieve this, but see selectize.js' standalone build for an example.

Any thoughts?

Demo snippets throw "tour is not defined" error when clicking Run button

On the Shepherd API page when clicking the run button above each code snippet, a tour is not defined error is thrown. This happens when snippets are run in either Coffee or JS mode. The errors begin with the second snippet.

Here's the stack trace.

Uncaught ReferenceError: tour is not defined VM259:2
(anonymous function) VM259:2
runners.javascript executr.js:7 executr.js:167
Editor.execute executr.js:178
(anonymous function) executr.js:84
x.event.dispatch jquery.js:5095
v.handle jquery.js:4766

And my browser.

Google Chrome   32.0.1700.107 (Official Build 248368) 
OS  Mac OS X 
Blink   537.36 (@165586)
JavaScript  V8
User Agent  Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.107 Safari/537.36
Command Line     /Applications/Google Chrome -psn_0_40970 --flag-switches-begin --enable-experimental-extension-apis --flag-switches-end
Executable Path /Applications/Google Chrome
Profile Path    /Users/amatthews/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default
Variations  6dcb530d-954431d1

Step events

I catch a trouble with step events in new version:
— If i try to bind one step to event 'show', all other steps binds to this event too
— And the same thing - if i set in Step a new parameter (like step.newvar = 5), all other steps get it.

That bug wasn't in old version (shepherd 0.5.1 and tether 0.6.5)

Memory leak due to one lost tether instance

In setupTether() a new instance of Tether is created (src/js/shepherd.js:191). But setupTether() is called twice: in _show() (line: 215) and in render() (line 348).

In my case of testing, after a Tether instance is created, a second new instance overwrites this.tether.

Now, when there are event listeners (for example: scroll on scrollParent), there are 2 times addEventListener but the destroy() function only removes 1 event listener (the second).

Possible solution: (line 191)

if (this.tether) {
this.tether = new Tether(…)

Show does not wait on before-show to complete

The rendering of the step does not wait for before-show to complete. It should be a promise, and only continue calling render and show and getAttachTo and all of that, after before-show is completed. This allows before-show to do things with the app and show certain elements that you may want for the tour.

Doesn't really make sense to have before-show, if it isn't guaranteed to all happen before-show.

If you guys agree with this, I can work on a PR. Let me know!

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