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This repo provides a simple, distributed and asynchronous multi-agent reinforcement learning framework for the Google Research Football environment. Currently, it is dedicated for Google Research Football environment with the cooperative part implemented in IPPO/MAPPO and the competitive part implemented in PSRO/Simple League. In the future, we will also release codes for other related algorithms and environments.

Our codes are based on Light-MALib, which is a simplified version of MALib with restricted algorithms and environments but certain enhancements, like distributed async-training, league-like multiple population training, detailed tensorboard logging. If you are also interested in other Multi-Agent Learning algorithms and environments, you may also refer to MALib for more details.


Song, Y., Jiang, H., Tian, Z. et al. An Empirical Study on Google Research Football Multi-agent Scenarios. Mach. Intell. Res. (2024).

  title={An Empirical Study on Google Research Football Multi-agent Scenarios},
  author={Song, Yan and Jiang, He and Tian, Zheng and Zhang, Haifeng and Zhang, Yingping and Zhu, Jiangcheng and Dai, Zonghong and Zhang, Weinan and Wang, Jun},
  journal={Machine Intelligence Research},

For experiment on academy scenario, please see our new repository : GRF_MARL


  1. Install
  2. Run Experiments
  3. Benchmark 11_vs_11 1.0 hard bot
  4. GRF toolkits
  5. Benchmark policy
  6. Tensorboard tags
  7. Documentation
  8. Contact
  9. Join Us


You can use any tool to manage your python environment. Here, we use conda as an example.

  1. install conda/minconda.
  2. conda create -n light-malib python==3.9 to create a new conda env.
  3. activate the env by conda activate light-malib when you want to use it or you can add this line to your .bashrc file to enable it everytime you login into the bash.

Install Light-MALib, PyTorch and Google Research Football

  1. In the root folder of this repo (with the file), run pip install -r requirement.txt to install dependencies of Light-MALib.
  2. In the root folder of this repo (with the file), run pip install . or pip install -e . to install Light-MALib.
  3. Follow the instructions in the official website to install PyTorch (for example, version 1.13.0+cu116).
  4. Follow the instructions in the official repo and install the Google Research Football environment.

Add a New Football Game Scenario

  1. You may use python -c "import gfootball;print(gfootball.__file__)" or other methods to locate where gfootball pacakage is.
  2. Go to the directory of gfootball pacakage, for example, /home/username/miniconda3/envs/light-malib/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gfootball/.
  3. Copy .py files under scenarios folder in our repo to scenarios folder in the gfootball pacakage.

Run Experiments

  1. If you want to run experiments on a small cluster, please follow ray's official instructions to start a cluster. For example, use ray start --head on the master, then connect other machines to the master following the hints from command line output.
  2. python light_malib/ --config <config_file_path> to run a training experiment. An example is given by
  3. python light_malib/scripts/ to run a competition between two models.

Benchmark 11_vs_11 1.0 hard bot

Beats 1.0 hard bot under multi-agent 11v11 full-game scenraios within 10 hours using IPPO, taking advantage of glitches in built-in logics.

Google Reseach Football Toolkit

Currently, we provide the following tools for better study in the field of Football AI.

  1. Google Football Game Graph: A data structure representing a game as a tree structure with branching indicating important events like goals or intercepts.

  1. Google Football Game Debugger: A single-step graphical debugger illustrating both 3D and 2D frames with detailed frame data, such as the movements of players and the ball.

Benchmark Policy

At this stage, we release some of our trained model for use as initializations or opponents. Model files are available on Google Drive and Baidu Wangpan.

Tensorboard tags explained


  1. alive_usage_mean/std: mean/std usage of data samples in buffer;
  2. mean_wait_time: total reading waiting time divided reading counts;
  3. sample_per_minute_read: number of samples read per minute;
  4. sample_per_minute_write: number of samples written per minute;


  1. Elo: Elo-rate during PBT;
  2. Payoff Table: plot of payoff table;


  1. bad_pass,bad_shot,get_intercepted,get_tackled,good_pass,good_shot,interception,num_pass,num_shot,tackle, total_move,total_pass,total_possession,total_shot: detailed football statistics;
  2. goal_diff: goal difference of the training agent (positive indicates more goals);
  3. lose/win: expected lose/win rate during rollout;
  4. score: expected scores durig rollout, score for a single game has value 0 if lose, 1 if win and 0.5 if draw;


  1. batch: timer for getting a rollout batch;
  2. env_core_step: timer for simulator stepping time;
  3. env_step: total timer for an enviroment step;
  4. feature: timer for feature encoding;
  5. inference: timer for policy inference;
  6. policy_update: timer for pulling policies from remote;
  7. reward: timer for reward calculation;
  8. rollout: total timer for one rollout;
  9. sample: timer for policy sampling;
  10. stats: timer for collecting statistics;


  1. Old_V_max/min/mean/std: value estimate at rollout;
  2. V_max/min/mean/std: current value estimate;
  3. advantage_max/min/mean/std: Advantage value;
  4. approx_kl: KL divergence between old and new action distributions;
  5. clip_ratio: proportion of clipped entries;
  6. delta_max/min/mean/std: TD error;
  7. entropy: entropy value;
  8. imp_weights_max/min/mean/std: importance weights;
  9. kl_diff: variation of approx_kl;
  10. lower_clip_ratio: proportion of up-clipping entries;
  11. upper_clip_ratio: proportion of down-clipping entries;
  12. policy_loss: policy loss;
  13. training_epoch: number of training epoch at each iteration;
  14. value_loss: value loss


  1. compute_return: timer for GAE compute;
  2. data_copy: timer for data copy when processing data;
  3. data_generator: timer for generating data;
  4. loss: total timer for loss computing;
  5. move_to_gpu: timer for sending data to GPU;
  6. optimize: total timer for an optimization step;
  7. push_policy: timer for pushing trained policies to the remote;
  8. train_step: total timer for a training step;
  9. trainer_data: timer for get data from local_queue;
  10. trainer_optimize: timer for a optimization step in the trainer;


Under construction, stay tuned :)


If you have any questions about this repo, feel free to leave an issue. You can also contact current maintainers, YanSong97 and DiligentPanda, by email.

Join Us

Get Interested in our project? Or have great passions in:

  1. Multi-Agent Learning and Game AI
  2. Operation Research and Optimization
  3. Robotics and Control
  4. Visual and Graphic Intelligence
  5. Data Mining and so on

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db-football's Issues

Run Train Example raise error "Box" object is not iterable

run the get a TypeError: "Box" object is not iterable.
Note: I change the gym to gymnasium.

The Traceback as follow
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/", line 126, in
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/", line 114, in main
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/framework/", line 95, in run
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/framework/scheduler/", line 81, in initialize
self.agent_manager.gen_new_policy(agent_id, self.population_id)
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/agent/", line 108, in gen_new_policy
policy_id, policy = self.agents[agent_id].gen_new_policy(population_id)
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/agent/", line 70, in gen_new_policy
policy_id, policy = population.gen_new_policy()
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/agent/", line 131, in gen_new_policy
policy_id, policy = self.policy_factory.gen_new_policy()
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/agent/", line 73, in gen_new_policy
policy_id, policy = self.init(self.new_policy_ctr)
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/agent/", line 117, in init
pid, policy = self.init_from_random(
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/agent/", line 219, in init_from_random
policy = policy_cls(
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 127, in init
actor = model.Actor(
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/model/gr_football/basic_5/", line 31, in init
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/common/", line 35, in init
self.base = get_model(model_config)(
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/common/", line 208, in builder
model = handler(
File "/home/zhp/code/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/common/", line 90, in init
self._feature_norm = nn.LayerNorm(self.input_dim)
File "/home/zhp/miniconda3/envs/football/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 155, in init
self.normalized_shape = tuple(normalized_shape) # type: ignore[arg-type]
TypeError: 'Box' object is not iterable

ValueError in training

Hi, when i tried to replicate your code, i meet some issues. i can not find where the problem is or how to solve it, could you help me?
my environment is builted the same as you recommend, the system is ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
there are 2 gpus : 1080Ti & titan X
in the code, I only modified the 'num_workers' and 'batch_size' in the YAML file to match my hardware.
when i run python light_malib/ --config light_malib/expr/gr_football/expr_10_vs_10_psro.yaml,It generated the following error message:
(/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF) lxd@lxd-T630:/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football$ python light_malib/ --config light_malib/expr/gr_football/expr_10_vs_10_psro.yaml
[2023-09-28 09:18:34,036][WARNING] No active cluster detected, will create local ray instance.
[2023-09-28 09:18:44,991][WARNING] ============== Cluster Info ==============
{'node_ip_address': '', 'raylet_ip_address': '', 'redis_address': '', 'object_store_address': '/tmp/ray/session_2023-09-28_09-18-34_037912_47469/sockets/plasma_store', 'raylet_socket_name': '/tmp/ray/session_2023-09-28_09-18-34_037912_47469/sockets/raylet', 'webui_url': None, 'session_dir': '/tmp/ray/session_2023-09-28_09-18-34_037912_47469', 'metrics_export_port': 55494, 'node_id': 'a8211a7e16deb107246a6dfd4b68c7d43f1a31ddb9fdba7c482c3b64'}
[2023-09-28 09:18:44,993][WARNING] * cluster resources:
{'accelerator_type:G': 1.0, 'GPU': 2.0, 'object_store_memory': 17054784307.0, 'memory': 34109568615.0, 'node:': 1.0, 'CPU': 48.0}
[2023-09-28 09:18:44,993][WARNING] this worker ip:
[2023-09-28 09:18:44,994][WARNING] Automatically set master ip to local ip address:
[2023-09-28 09:18:46,480][INFO] AgentManager initialized
[2023-09-28 09:18:46,514][WARNING] use meta solver type: nash
[2023-09-28 09:18:46,991][INFO] PBTRunner psro initialized
[2023-09-28 09:18:46,991][INFO] PolicyFactory_agent_0_default new policy ctr starts at -1
[2023-09-28 09:18:46,995][WARNING] use model type: gr_football.built_in_11
(pid=47592) [2023-09-28 09:18:49,787][INFO] DataServer initialized
(pid=47595) [2023-09-28 09:18:49,798][INFO] PolicyServer initialized
[2023-09-28 09:18:50,411][INFO] Load initial policy built_in_11 from light_malib/trained_models/gr_football/11_vs_11/built_in
[2023-09-28 09:18:50,426][WARNING] use model type: gr_football.basic_11
[2023-09-28 09:18:50,479][WARNING] agent_0: agent_0-default-0 is initialized from random
[2023-09-28 09:18:50,479][WARNING] policy agent_0-default-0 uses custom_config: {'gamma': 1.0, 'use_cuda': False, 'use_dueling': False, 'preprocess_mode': 'flatten', 'use_q_head': False, 'ppo_epoch': 5, 'num_mini_batch': 1, 'return_mode': 'new_gae', 'gae': {'gae_lambda': 0.95}, 'vtrace': {'clip_rho_threshold': 1.0, 'clip_pg_rho_threshold': 100.0}, 'use_rnn': False, 'rnn_layer_num': 1, 'rnn_data_chunk_length': 16, 'use_feature_normalization': True, 'use_popart': True, 'popart_beta': 0.99999, 'entropy_coef': 0.0, 'clip_param': 0.2, 'use_modified_mappo': False}
[2023-09-28 09:18:50,523][WARNING] after initialization:

policy_ids: ['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0'] populations:

policy_ids:['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0']

policy_ids:['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0']

[2023-09-28 09:18:50,524][WARNING] Evaluation rollouts (num: 50) for 3 policy combinations: [{'agent_0': {'built_in_11': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'built_in_11': 1.0}}, {'agent_0': {'built_in_11': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}}, {'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}}]
(pid=47611) [2023-09-28 09:18:51,072][INFO] TrainingManager initialized
(pid=47610) [2023-09-28 09:18:51,149][INFO] RolloutManager initialized
(pid=47606) [2023-09-28 09:19:02,415][INFO] DataPrefetcher initialized
(pid=47599) [2023-09-28 09:19:02,593][INFO] trainer_1 (local rank: 1) initialized
(pid=47609) [2023-09-28 09:19:02,603][INFO] trainer_0 (local rank: 0) initialized
Elo = dict_items([('built_in_11', 1015.631846603239), ('agent_0-default-0', 984.368153396761)])
[2023-09-28 09:30:57,920][INFO] policy_data: [('built_in_11', 'built_in_11'):{'payoff': 5.551115123125783e-17, 'score': 0.5, 'win': 0.28, 'lose': 0.28, 'my_goal': 0.43, 'goal_diff': 0.0}],[('built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0'):{'payoff': 1.0, 'score': 1.0, 'win': 1.0, 'lose': 0.0, 'my_goal': 3.883116883116883, 'goal_diff': 3.883116883116883}],[('agent_0-default-0', 'built_in_11'):{'payoff': -1.0, 'score': 0.0, 'win': 0.0, 'lose': 1.0, 'my_goal': 0.0, 'goal_diff': -3.883116883116883}],[('agent_0-default-0', 'agent_0-default-0'):{'payoff': 0.0, 'score': 0.5, 'win': 0.25, 'lose': 0.25, 'my_goal': 0.42, 'goal_diff': 0.0}],
(pid=47605) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/monitor/ UserWarning: Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail.
(pid=47605) fig = plt.figure()
(pid=47605) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/monitor/ UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
(pid=47605) ax.set_xticklabels([""] + xpid, rotation=90)
(pid=47605) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/monitor/ UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
(pid=47605) ax.set_yticklabels([""] + ypid)
[2023-09-28 09:30:58,519][INFO] payoff table:
| | built_in_11 | default-0 |
| built_in_11 | +0 | +100 |
| default-0 | -100 | +0 |
[2023-09-28 09:30:58,520][INFO] default-0's top 10 worst opponents are:
| policy_id | payoff |
| built_in_11 | -100.00 |
| default-0 | +0.00 |
[2023-09-28 09:31:10,202][WARNING] agent_0: agent_0-default-1 is initialized from last best policy agent_0-default-0
[2023-09-28 09:31:10,203][WARNING] policy agent_0-default-1 uses custom_config: {'gamma': 1.0, 'use_cuda': False, 'use_dueling': False, 'preprocess_mode': 'flatten', 'use_q_head': False, 'ppo_epoch': 5, 'num_mini_batch': 1, 'return_mode': 'new_gae', 'gae': {'gae_lambda': 0.95}, 'vtrace': {'clip_rho_threshold': 1.0, 'clip_pg_rho_threshold': 100.0}, 'use_rnn': False, 'rnn_layer_num': 1, 'rnn_data_chunk_length': 16, 'use_feature_normalization': True, 'use_popart': True, 'popart_beta': 0.99999, 'entropy_coef': 0.0, 'clip_param': 0.2, 'use_modified_mappo': False}
[2023-09-28 09:31:10,223][WARNING] ********** Generation[0] Agent[agent_0] START **********
[2023-09-28 09:31:10,223][INFO] training_desc: TrainingDesc(agent_id='agent_0', policy_id='agent_0-default-1', policy_distributions={'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-1': 1.0}, 'agent_1': OrderedDict([('built_in_11', 0.99999), ('agent_0-default-0', 1e-05)])}, share_policies=True, sync=False, stopper=<light_malib.framework.scheduler.stopper.common.win_rate_stopper.WinRateStopper object at 0x7f815d04d790>, kwargs={})
(pid=47592) [2023-09-28 09:31:10,243][WARNING] table_cfgs:DataServer uses {'capacity': 1000, 'sampler_type': 'lumrf', 'sample_max_usage': 10000, 'rate_limiter_cfg': {'min_size': 8}}
(pid=47592) [2023-09-28 09:31:10,248][INFO] DataServer created data table agent_0-default-1
(pid=47610) [2023-09-28 09:31:10,281][INFO] Rollout 1
(pid=47599) [2023-09-28 09:31:10,431][INFO] local_rank: 1 cuda_visible_devices:1
(pid=47609) [2023-09-28 09:31:10,405][INFO] local_rank: 0 cuda_visible_devices:0
(pid=47599) [2023-09-28 09:31:12,242][WARNING] trainer_1 reset to training_task TrainingDesc(agent_id='agent_0', policy_id='agent_0-default-1', policy_distributions={'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-1': 1.0}, 'agent_1': OrderedDict([('built_in_11', 0.99999), ('agent_0-default-0', 1e-05)])}, share_policies=True, sync=False, stopper=<light_malib.framework.scheduler.stopper.common.win_rate_stopper.WinRateStopper object at 0x7fd2166e3e20>, kwargs={'cfg': {'distributed': {'resources': {'num_cpus': 1, 'num_gpus': 1, 'resources': {'node:': 0.01}}}, 'optimizer': 'Adam', 'actor_lr': 0.0005, 'critic_lr': 0.0005, 'opti_eps': 1e-05, 'weight_decay': 0.0, 'lr_decay': False, 'lr_decay_epoch': 2000}})
(pid=47609) [2023-09-28 09:31:12,229][WARNING] trainer_0 reset to training_task TrainingDesc(agent_id='agent_0', policy_id='agent_0-default-1', policy_distributions={'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-1': 1.0}, 'agent_1': OrderedDict([('built_in_11', 0.99999), ('agent_0-default-0', 1e-05)])}, share_policies=True, sync=False, stopper=<light_malib.framework.scheduler.stopper.common.win_rate_stopper.WinRateStopper object at 0x7f9099940400>, kwargs={'cfg': {'distributed': {'resources': {'num_cpus': 1, 'num_gpus': 1, 'resources': {'node:': 0.01}}}, 'optimizer': 'Adam', 'actor_lr': 0.0005, 'critic_lr': 0.0005, 'opti_eps': 1e-05, 'weight_decay': 0.0, 'lr_decay': False, 'lr_decay_epoch': 2000}})
(pid=47609) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/ UserWarning: The given NumPy array is not writable, and PyTorch does not support non-writable tensors. This means writing to this tensor will result in undefined behavior. You may want to copy the array to protect its data or make it writable before converting it to a tensor. This type of warning will be suppressed for the rest of this program. (Triggered internally at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1682343964576/work/torch/csrc/utils/tensor_numpy.cpp:206.)
(pid=47609) value = torch.FloatTensor(value)
(pid=47599) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/ UserWarning: The given NumPy array is not writable, and PyTorch does not support non-writable tensors. This means writing to this tensor will result in undefined behavior. You may want to copy the array to protect its data or make it writable before converting it to a tensor. This type of warning will be suppressed for the rest of this program. (Triggered internally at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1682343964576/work/torch/csrc/utils/tensor_numpy.cpp:206.)
(pid=47599) value = torch.FloatTensor(value)
(pid=47610) [2023-09-28 09:32:56,022][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-5092.5,average win:0.0)
(pid=47610) [2023-09-28 09:32:56,081][INFO] Rollout 2
(pid=47610) [2023-09-28 09:34:40,549][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-3465.0,average win:0.0)
(pid=47610) [2023-09-28 09:34:40,601][INFO] Rollout 3
(pid=47611) 2023-09-28 09:35:41,233 ERROR -- Unhandled error (suppress with RAY_IGNORE_UNHANDLED_ERRORS=1): ray::DistributedTrainer.optimize() (pid=47599, ip=, repr=< object at 0x7fd2166e3d60>)
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/training/", line 200, in optimize
(pid=47611) training_info = self.trainer.optimize(batch)
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 94, in optimize
(pid=47611) tmp_opt_result = self.loss(mini_batch)
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/common/", line 70, in call
(pid=47611) return tensor_cast(
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/utils/", line 110, in wrap
(pid=47611) rets = func(*new_args, **kwargs)
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 143, in loss_compute
(pid=47611) values, action_log_probs, dist_entropy = self._evaluate_actions(
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 270, in _evaluate_actions
(pid=47611) dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=logits)
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 66, in init
(pid=47611) super().init(batch_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
(pid=47611) File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 62, in init
(pid=47611) raise ValueError(
(pid=47611) ValueError: Expected parameter logits (Tensor of shape (40000, 19)) of distribution Categorical(logits: torch.Size([40000, 19])) to satisfy the constraint IndependentConstraint(Real(), 1), but found invalid values:
(pid=47611) tensor([[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
(pid=47611) [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
(pid=47611) [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
(pid=47611) ...,
(pid=47611) [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
(pid=47611) [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
(pid=47611) [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]], device='cuda:0',
(pid=47611) grad_fn=)
(pid=47610) [2023-09-28 09:35:41,283][INFO] Saving model agent_0 agent_0-default-1 3 to /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/./logs/gr_football/10_vs_10_psro/2023-09-28-09-18-44/agent_0/agent_0-default-1/3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/", line 126, in
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/", line 114, in main
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/framework/", line 106, in run
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 105, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ray/", line 1625, in get
raise value.as_instanceof_cause()
ray.exceptions.RayTaskError(ValueError): ray::TrainingManager.train() (pid=47611, ip=, repr=< object at 0x7f2ff2ba04f0>)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/utils/", line 22, in wrapper
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/training/", line 146, in train
statistics_list = ray.get(
ray.exceptions.RayTaskError(ValueError): ray::DistributedTrainer.optimize() (pid=47609, ip=, repr=< object at 0x7f8bbeab0d60>)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/training/", line 200, in optimize
training_info = self.trainer.optimize(batch)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 94, in optimize
tmp_opt_result = self.loss(mini_batch)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/common/", line 70, in call
return tensor_cast(
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/utils/", line 110, in wrap
rets = func(*new_args, **kwargs)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 143, in loss_compute
values, action_log_probs, dist_entropy = self._evaluate_actions(
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 270, in _evaluate_actions
dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=logits)
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 66, in init
super().init(batch_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 62, in init
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Expected parameter logits (Tensor of shape (40000, 19)) of distribution Categorical(logits: torch.Size([40000, 19])) to satisfy the constraint IndependentConstraint(Real(), 1), but found invalid values:
tensor([[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]], device='cuda:0',

i am not sure if it was a hardware issure, so i tried training with just one TITAN X, but it still generated the following error message:

(/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF) lxd@lxd-T630:/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football$ python light_malib/ --config light_malib/expr/gr_football/expr_10_vs_10_psro.yaml
[2023-09-28 09:55:44,004][WARNING] No active cluster detected, will create local ray instance.
[2023-09-28 09:55:52,920][WARNING] ============== Cluster Info ==============
{'node_ip_address': '', 'raylet_ip_address': '', 'redis_address': '', 'object_store_address': '/tmp/ray/session_2023-09-28_09-55-44_005995_37830/sockets/plasma_store', 'raylet_socket_name': '/tmp/ray/session_2023-09-28_09-55-44_005995_37830/sockets/raylet', 'webui_url': None, 'session_dir': '/tmp/ray/session_2023-09-28_09-55-44_005995_37830', 'metrics_export_port': 58593, 'node_id': '0b4c8573ddd5462ff763c6db9c7b0cd22dbe01d81d14b7398a7e5ece'}
[2023-09-28 09:55:52,923][WARNING] * cluster resources:
{'object_store_memory': 17818028851.0, 'GPU': 2.0, 'accelerator_type:G': 1.0, 'node:': 1.0, 'memory': 35636057703.0, 'CPU': 48.0}
[2023-09-28 09:55:52,923][WARNING] this worker ip:
[2023-09-28 09:55:52,924][WARNING] Automatically set master ip to local ip address:
[2023-09-28 09:55:54,333][INFO] AgentManager initialized
[2023-09-28 09:55:54,366][WARNING] use meta solver type: nash
[2023-09-28 09:55:54,844][INFO] PBTRunner psro initialized
[2023-09-28 09:55:54,845][INFO] PolicyFactory_agent_0_default new policy ctr starts at -1
[2023-09-28 09:55:54,849][WARNING] use model type: gr_football.built_in_11
(pid=37950) [2023-09-28 09:55:57,624][INFO] PolicyServer initialized
(pid=37956) [2023-09-28 09:55:57,675][INFO] DataServer initialized
[2023-09-28 09:55:58,195][INFO] Load initial policy built_in_11 from light_malib/trained_models/gr_football/11_vs_11/built_in
[2023-09-28 09:55:58,210][WARNING] use model type: gr_football.basic_11
[2023-09-28 09:55:58,257][WARNING] agent_0: agent_0-default-0 is initialized from random
[2023-09-28 09:55:58,257][WARNING] policy agent_0-default-0 uses custom_config: {'gamma': 1.0, 'use_cuda': False, 'use_dueling': False, 'preprocess_mode': 'flatten', 'use_q_head': False, 'ppo_epoch': 5, 'num_mini_batch': 1, 'return_mode': 'new_gae', 'gae': {'gae_lambda': 0.95}, 'vtrace': {'clip_rho_threshold': 1.0, 'clip_pg_rho_threshold': 100.0}, 'use_rnn': False, 'rnn_layer_num': 1, 'rnn_data_chunk_length': 16, 'use_feature_normalization': True, 'use_popart': True, 'popart_beta': 0.99999, 'entropy_coef': 0.0, 'clip_param': 0.2, 'use_modified_mappo': False}
[2023-09-28 09:55:58,286][WARNING] after initialization:

policy_ids: ['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0'] populations:

policy_ids:['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0']

policy_ids:['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0']

[2023-09-28 09:55:58,287][WARNING] Evaluation rollouts (num: 50) for 3 policy combinations: [{'agent_0': {'built_in_11': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'built_in_11': 1.0}}, {'agent_0': {'built_in_11': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}}, {'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}}]
(pid=37940) [2023-09-28 09:55:58,899][INFO] TrainingManager initialized
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 09:55:58,891][INFO] RolloutManager initialized
(pid=37970) [2023-09-28 09:56:08,109][INFO] trainer_0 (local rank: 0) initialized
(pid=37957) [2023-09-28 09:56:08,385][INFO] DataPrefetcher initialized
Elo = dict_items([('built_in_11', 1015.3241542955467), ('agent_0-default-0', 984.6758457044533)])
[2023-09-28 10:07:43,192][INFO] policy_data: [('built_in_11', 'built_in_11'):{'payoff': 0.0, 'score': 0.5, 'win': 0.27, 'lose': 0.27, 'my_goal': 0.5, 'goal_diff': 0.0}],[('built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0'):{'payoff': 0.9807692307692307, 'score': 0.9903846153846154, 'win': 0.9807692307692308, 'lose': 0.0, 'my_goal': 4.035256410256411, 'goal_diff': 4.035256410256411}],[('agent_0-default-0', 'built_in_11'):{'payoff': -0.9807692307692308, 'score': 0.009615384615384616, 'win': 0.0, 'lose': 0.9807692307692308, 'my_goal': 0.0, 'goal_diff': -4.035256410256411}],[('agent_0-default-0', 'agent_0-default-0'):{'payoff': 5.551115123125783e-17, 'score': 0.5, 'win': 0.29000000000000004, 'lose': 0.29000000000000004, 'my_goal': 0.44, 'goal_diff': 0.0}],
(pid=37960) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/monitor/ UserWarning: Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail.
(pid=37960) fig = plt.figure()
(pid=37960) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/monitor/ UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
(pid=37960) ax.set_xticklabels([""] + xpid, rotation=90)
(pid=37960) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/monitor/ UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
(pid=37960) ax.set_yticklabels([""] + ypid)
[2023-09-28 10:07:43,815][INFO] payoff table:
| | built_in_11 | default-0 |
| built_in_11 | +0 | +98 |
| default-0 | -98 | +0 |
[2023-09-28 10:07:43,816][INFO] default-0's top 10 worst opponents are:
| policy_id | payoff |
| built_in_11 | -98.08 |
| default-0 | +0.00 |
[2023-09-28 10:07:56,080][WARNING] agent_0: agent_0-default-1 is initialized from last best policy agent_0-default-0
[2023-09-28 10:07:56,081][WARNING] policy agent_0-default-1 uses custom_config: {'gamma': 1.0, 'use_cuda': False, 'use_dueling': False, 'preprocess_mode': 'flatten', 'use_q_head': False, 'ppo_epoch': 5, 'num_mini_batch': 1, 'return_mode': 'new_gae', 'gae': {'gae_lambda': 0.95}, 'vtrace': {'clip_rho_threshold': 1.0, 'clip_pg_rho_threshold': 100.0}, 'use_rnn': False, 'rnn_layer_num': 1, 'rnn_data_chunk_length': 16, 'use_feature_normalization': True, 'use_popart': True, 'popart_beta': 0.99999, 'entropy_coef': 0.0, 'clip_param': 0.2, 'use_modified_mappo': False}
[2023-09-28 10:07:56,107][WARNING] ********** Generation[0] Agent[agent_0] START **********
[2023-09-28 10:07:56,107][INFO] training_desc: TrainingDesc(agent_id='agent_0', policy_id='agent_0-default-1', policy_distributions={'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-1': 1.0}, 'agent_1': OrderedDict([('built_in_11', 0.99999), ('agent_0-default-0', 1e-05)])}, share_policies=True, sync=False, stopper=<light_malib.framework.scheduler.stopper.common.win_rate_stopper.WinRateStopper object at 0x7fd043b98ac0>, kwargs={})
(pid=37956) [2023-09-28 10:07:56,125][WARNING] table_cfgs:DataServer uses {'capacity': 1000, 'sampler_type': 'lumrf', 'sample_max_usage': 10000, 'rate_limiter_cfg': {'min_size': 8}}
(pid=37956) [2023-09-28 10:07:56,129][INFO] DataServer created data table agent_0-default-1
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:07:56,159][INFO] Rollout 1
(pid=37970) [2023-09-28 10:07:56,375][INFO] local_rank: 0 cuda_visible_devices:0
(pid=37970) [2023-09-28 10:07:57,988][WARNING] trainer_0 reset to training_task TrainingDesc(agent_id='agent_0', policy_id='agent_0-default-1', policy_distributions={'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-1': 1.0}, 'agent_1': OrderedDict([('built_in_11', 0.99999), ('agent_0-default-0', 1e-05)])}, share_policies=True, sync=False, stopper=<light_malib.framework.scheduler.stopper.common.win_rate_stopper.WinRateStopper object at 0x7fb385f97460>, kwargs={'cfg': {'distributed': {'resources': {'num_cpus': 1, 'num_gpus': 1, 'resources': {'node:': 0.01}}}, 'optimizer': 'Adam', 'actor_lr': 0.0005, 'critic_lr': 0.0005, 'opti_eps': 1e-05, 'weight_decay': 0.0, 'lr_decay': False, 'lr_decay_epoch': 2000}})
(pid=37970) /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/ UserWarning: The given NumPy array is not writable, and PyTorch does not support non-writable tensors. This means writing to this tensor will result in undefined behavior. You may want to copy the array to protect its data or make it writable before converting it to a tensor. This type of warning will be suppressed for the rest of this program. (Triggered internally at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1682343964576/work/torch/csrc/utils/tensor_numpy.cpp:206.)
(pid=37970) value = torch.FloatTensor(value)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:09:29,829][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-5103.75,average win:0.0)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:09:29,896][INFO] Rollout 2
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:11:04,900][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-3472.5,average win:0.0)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:11:04,950][INFO] Rollout 3
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:12:38,904][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-2661.875,average win:0.0)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:12:38,938][INFO] Rollout 4
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:14:12,399][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-2166.5,average win:0.0)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:14:12,440][INFO] Rollout 5
(pid=37960) Exception ignored in: <function Image.del at 0x7f7c80696550>
(pid=37960) Traceback (most recent call last):
(pid=37960) File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 4016, in del
(pid=37960)'image', 'delete',
(pid=37960) RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop
(pid=37960) Exception ignored in: <function Variable.del at 0x7f7c806dec10>
(pid=37960) Traceback (most recent call last):
(pid=37960) File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 351, in del
(pid=37960) if self._tk.getboolean("info", "exists", self._name)):
(pid=37960) RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop
(pid=37970) [2023-09-28 10:15:54,407][WARNING] queue is full. May have bugs in training.
(pid=37960) Exception ignored in: <function Variable.del at 0x7f7c806dec10>
(pid=37960) Traceback (most recent call last):
(pid=37960) File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 351, in del
(pid=37960) if self._tk.getboolean("info", "exists", self._name)):
(pid=37960) RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop
(pid=37960) Exception ignored in: <function Variable.del at 0x7f7c806dec10>
(pid=37960) Traceback (most recent call last):
(pid=37960) File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 351, in del
(pid=37960) if self._tk.getboolean("info", "exists", self._name)):
(pid=37960) RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop
(pid=37960) Exception ignored in: <function Variable.del at 0x7f7c806dec10>
(pid=37960) Traceback (most recent call last):
(pid=37960) File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 351, in del
(pid=37960) if self._tk.getboolean("info", "exists", self._name)):
(pid=37960) RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:15:57,987][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-1838.75,average win:0.0)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:15:58,037][INFO] Rollout 6
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:17:20,960][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-1609.642857142857,average win:0.0)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:17:21,004][INFO] Rollout 7
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:18:54,245][WARNING] save the best model(average reward:-1433.125,average win:0.0)
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:18:54,289][INFO] Rollout 8
(pid=37954) [2023-09-28 10:20:04,518][INFO] Saving model agent_0 agent_0-default-1 8 to /media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/./logs/gr_football/10_vs_10_psro/2023-09-28-09-55-52/agent_0/agent_0-default-1/8
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/", line 126, in
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/", line 114, in main
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/framework/", line 106, in run
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ray/_private/", line 105, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ray/", line 1625, in get
raise value.as_instanceof_cause()
ray.exceptions.RayTaskError(ValueError): ray::TrainingManager.train() (pid=37940, ip=, repr=< object at 0x7efa6f4cd4c0>)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/utils/", line 22, in wrapper
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/training/", line 146, in train
statistics_list = ray.get(
ray.exceptions.RayTaskError(ValueError): ray::DistributedTrainer.optimize() (pid=37970, ip=, repr=< object at 0x7fae7d95fd90>)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/training/", line 200, in optimize
training_info = self.trainer.optimize(batch)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 94, in optimize
tmp_opt_result = self.loss(mini_batch)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/common/", line 70, in call
return tensor_cast(
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/utils/", line 110, in wrap
rets = func(*new_args, **kwargs)
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 143, in loss_compute
values, action_log_probs, dist_entropy = self._evaluate_actions(
File "/media/lxd/0A7AE0627AE04BCF/lzw/football_game/DB-Football/light_malib/algorithm/mappo/", line 270, in _evaluate_actions
dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=logits)
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 66, in init
super().init(batch_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
File "/media/lxd/880AA9210AA90CEE/anaconda_envs/lzw_GRF/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 62, in init
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Expected parameter logits (Tensor of shape (80000, 19)) of distribution Categorical(logits: torch.Size([80000, 19])) to satisfy the constraint IndependentConstraint(Real(), 1), but found invalid values:
tensor([[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]], device='cuda:0',
do you know why this happened?

about training

After running "Python light_malib/ -- config light_malib/expr/gr_football/expr_10_vs_10_psro. yaml", the terminal displays:
2024-05-28 19:08:34,393 INFO -- Connecting to existing Ray cluster at address:
[2024-05-28 19:08:36,522][WARNING] ============== Cluster Info ==============
{'node_ip_address': '', 'raylet_ip_address': '', 'redis_address': '', 'object_store_address': 'tcp://', 'raylet_socket_name': 'tcp://', 'webui_url': None, 'session_dir': 'C:\Users\yuechao\AppData\Local\Temp\ray\session_2024-05-28_19-04-22_118266_29684', 'metrics_export_port': 57578, 'node_id': '9f909203f52ca3a98835096647e78acc1432ef723b5796cc3f339a69'}
[2024-05-28 19:08:36,522][WARNING] * cluster resources:
{'object_store_memory': 18431995084.0, 'node:': 1.0, 'CPU': 32.0, 'GPU': 1.0, 'memory': 36863990171.0}
[2024-05-28 19:08:36,522][WARNING] this worker ip:
[2024-05-28 19:08:36,522][WARNING] Automatically set master ip to local ip address:
[2024-05-28 19:08:37,133][INFO] AgentManager initialized
[2024-05-28 19:08:37,133][WARNING] use meta solver type: nash
[2024-05-28 19:08:37,313][INFO] PBTRunner psro initialized
[2024-05-28 19:08:37,313][INFO] PolicyFactory_agent_0_default new policy ctr starts at -1
[2024-05-28 19:08:37,313][WARNING] use model type: gr_football.built_in_11
(pid=20704) [2024-05-28 19:08:42,293][INFO] DataServer initialized
(pid=27764) [2024-05-28 19:08:42,293][INFO] PolicyServer initialized
[2024-05-28 19:08:42,483][INFO] Load initial policy built_in_11 from light_malib/trained_models/gr_football/11_vs_11/built_in
[2024-05-28 19:08:42,498][WARNING] use model type: gr_football.basic_11
[2024-05-28 19:08:42,509][WARNING] agent_0: agent_0-default-0 is initialized from random
[2024-05-28 19:08:42,509][WARNING] policy agent_0-default-0 uses custom_config: {'gamma': 1.0, 'use_cuda': False, 'use_dueling': False, 'preprocess_mode': 'flatten', 'use_q_head': False, 'ppo_epoch': 5, 'num_mini_batch': 1, 'return_mode': 'new_gae', 'gae': {'gae_lambda': 0.95}, 'vtrace': {'clip_rho_threshold': 1.0, 'clip_pg_rho_threshold': 100.0}, 'use_rnn': False, 'rnn_layer_num': 1, 'rnn_data_chunk_length': 16, 'use_feature_normalization': True, 'use_popart': True, 'popart_beta': 0.99999, 'entropy_coef': 0.0, 'clip_param': 0.2, 'use_modified_mappo': False}
[2024-05-28 19:08:42,526][WARNING] after initialization:

policy_ids: ['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0'] populations:

policy_ids:['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0']

policy_ids:['built_in_11', 'agent_0-default-0']

[2024-05-28 19:08:42,529][WARNING] Evaluation rollouts (num: 2) for 3 policy combinations: [{'agent_0': {'built_in_11': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'built_in_11': 1.0}}, {'agent_0': {'built_in_11': 1.0}, 'agent_1':
{'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}}, {'agent_0': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}, 'agent_1': {'agent_0-default-0': 1.0}}]
(pid=2724) [2024-05-28 19:08:42,919][INFO] TrainingManager initialized
(pid=4384) [2024-05-28 19:08:42,919][INFO] RolloutManager initialized
(scheduler +13s) Tip: use ray status to view detailed cluster status. To disable these messages, set RAY_SCHEDULER_EVENTS=0.
(scheduler +13s) Warning: The following resource request cannot be scheduled right now: {'node:': 0.01, 'CPU': 1.0, 'GPU': 1.0}. This is likely due to all cluster resources being claimed by actors. Consider creating fewer actors or adding more nodes to this Ray cluster.
(pid=8760) [W C:\actions-runner_work\pytorch\pytorch\builder\windows\pytorch\torch\csrc\distributed\c10d\socket.cpp:601] [c10d] The client socket has failed to connect to [DESKTOP-617E75Q]:12774 (system error: 10049 - �����������У�������ĵ�ַ��Ч��).
(pid=8760) [W C:\actions-runner_work\pytorch\pytorch\builder\windows\pytorch\torch\csrc\distributed\c10d\socket.cpp:601] [c10d] The client socket has failed to connect to [DESKTOP-617E75Q]:12774 (system error: 10049 - �����������У�������ĵ�ַ��Ч��).
(pid=8760) [2024-05-28 19:08:48,094][INFO] trainer_0 (local rank: 0) initialized
(pid=32500) [2024-05-28 19:08:48,172][INFO] DataPrefetcher initialized
2024-05-28 19:08:48,332 WARNING -- A worker died or was killed while executing a task by an unexpected system error. To troubleshoot the problem, check the logs for the dead worker. RayTask
ID: ffffffffffffffffa044c9c0993cea5fb4fe919201000000 Worker ID: ee8ee2b2cce098aa61892e3724141cc2929dc54b9a0ec44a61534698 Node ID: 9f909203f52ca3a98835096647e78acc1432ef723b5796cc3f339a69 Worker IP address: Worker port: 10013 Worker PID: 32656
2024-05-28 19:08:48,332 WARNING -- A worker died or was killed while executing a task by an unexpected system error. To troubleshoot the problem, check the logs for the dead worker. RayTask
ID: fffffffffffffffff6c3a7c868d50586878fdd5601000000 Worker ID: 20d2f70410f4ddbeb5a4282acc32555178b663ad45ec5d07dc410249 Node ID: 9f909203f52ca3a98835096647e78acc1432ef723b5796cc3f339a69 Worker IP address: Worker port: 10014 Worker PID: 19308
2024-05-28 19:08:48,347 WARNING -- A worker died or was killed while executing a task by an unexpected system error. To troubleshoot the problem, check the logs for the dead worker. RayTask
ID: ffffffffffffffff5183c63df1a9fe187617144901000000 Worker ID: 151ae4c70f39498fa1eac413fb1f5d0998cddca3ec8835d60d5c2e3d Node ID: 9f909203f52ca3a98835096647e78acc1432ef723b5796cc3f339a69 Worker IP address: Worker port: 10012 Worker PID: 31748
2024-05-28 19:08:48,363 WARNING -- A worker died or was killed while executing a task by an unexpected system error. To troubleshoot the problem, check the logs for the dead worker. RayTask
ID: ffffffffffffffffbf37d21eb27c966b8b012a5301000000 Worker ID: d12a5dd2d655729d1571375e00b743a4645c0628bbd4487cbff051ae Node ID: 9f909203f52ca3a98835096647e78acc1432ef723b5796cc3f339a69 Worker IP address: Worker port: 10010 Worker PID: 12588
2024-05-28 19:08:48,363 WARNING -- A worker died or was killed while executing a task by an unexpected system error. To troubleshoot the problem, check the logs for the dead worker. RayTask
ID: ffffffffffffffffb5e28621ad630bea676643e801000000 Worker ID: 649c18b1bd437fadc0916d556fa7708357290073ee4a7fb1bd4f4389 Node ID: 9f909203f52ca3a98835096647e78acc1432ef723b5796cc3f339a69 Worker IP address: Worker port: 10009 Worker PID: 22240
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\code\DB-Football-main\light_malib\", line 126, in
File "D:\code\DB-Football-main\light_malib\", line 114, in main
File "D:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\light_malib\framework\", line 100, in run
File "D:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\light_malib\evaluation\", line 38, in eval
eval_results = ray.get(
File "D:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray_private\", line 105, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "D:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray\", line 1625, in get
raise value.as_instanceof_cause()
ray.exceptions.RayTaskError: ray::RolloutManager.rollout_eval() (pid=4384, ip=, repr=<light_malib.rollout.rollout_manager.RolloutManager object at 0x000002622ECF4AF0>)
File "python\ray_raylet.pyx", line 565, in ray._raylet.execute_task
File "python\ray_raylet.pyx", line 569, in ray._raylet.execute_task
File "python\ray_raylet.pyx", line 519, in ray._raylet.execute_task.function_executor
File "d:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray_private\", line 576, in actor_method_executor
return method(__ray_actor, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray\util\tracing\", line 451, in _resume_span
return method(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
File "D:\code\DB-Football-main\light_malib\utils\", line 22, in wrapper
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\code\DB-Football-main\light_malib\rollout\", line 440, in rollout_eval
results = self.reduce_rollout_eval_results(rollout_results)
File "D:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray\util\tracing\", line 451, in _resume_span
return method(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
File "D:\code\DB-Football-main\light_malib\rollout\", line 510, in reduce_rollout_eval_results
for rollout_result in rollout_results:
File "d:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray\util\", line 93, in map_unordered
yield self.get_next_unordered()
File "d:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray\util\", line 216, in get_next_unordered
return ray.get(future)
File "d:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray_private\", line 105, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "d:\codesoftware\anaconda\envs\light-malib\lib\site-packages\ray\", line 1627, in get
raise value
ray.exceptions.RayActorError: The actor died unexpectedly before finishing this task.

how to solve this problem?

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'set_random_seed'

Trying to run:
python3 -m gfootball.examples.run_ppo2 --level=10_vs_10_kaggle

Gives the following error:
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'set_random_seed'

My understanding this is due to not using Tensorflow 1.15.* as instructed in GRF, but Tensorflow 1.15.* isn't available for python versions above 3.6, which contradicts with instructions to use python3.9!

What versions should be used for Python and Tensorflow to be able to run scenarios!?

about "tree"

As shown in the figure, although I installed all packages of the specified version according to the requirements of requirements. txt, there is still no "tree" prompt

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