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sbt-sass's Issues

Affected Stylesheets not Compiling

When a change is made in say variables.sass that is referenced by say main.sass, only the variables file compiles.

Problem is the main.sass references a variable in that changed file but is not compiled so the change does not propagate.

I attempted to use --force, but this requires --update, and in this configuration it is not easy to specify the params for --update without modifying the sbt-sass codebase.

So please either:

  • Allow the use of --force functionality
  • Detect dependent files to be compiled

This would also solve:
Partials with only variables not compiled #16

parameterize output directory

For example, regarding your example project the SCSS is located at:


and the CSS is generated to

target/web/public/main/sass/css/test.scss  <<< 1
target/web/public/main/sass/test.css       <<< 2
target/web/public/main/sass/test.min.css   <<< 3
target/web/public/main/test.css            <<< 4
target/sass/main/test.css                  <<< 5
target/sass/main/test.min.css              <<< 6

Can't you parameterize the output directory or at least generate to target/web/public/main/css?

Cannot run program "sass": error=2, No such file or directory

First of all, I have sass installed:

[rok@rok-laptop ~]$ sass -v
Sass 3.3.9 (Maptastic Maple)

But nonetheless, I get this error. Here is the complete stacktrace: Cannot run program "sass": error=2, No such file or directory
    at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
    at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$
    at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$
    at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$
    at sass.SassCompiler$.runCompiler(SassCompiler.scala:54)
    at sass.SassCompiler$.compile(SassCompiler.scala:22)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$7.apply(SbtSass.scala:47)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$7.apply(SbtSass.scala:42)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6.apply(SbtSass.scala:41)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6.apply(SbtSass.scala:39)
    at com.typesafe.sbt.web.incremental.package$.syncIncremental(package.scala:228)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5.apply(SbtSass.scala:38)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5.apply(SbtSass.scala:32)
    at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
    at sbt.$tilde$greater$$anonfun$$u2219$1.apply(TypeFunctions.scala:42)
    at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:18)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4$$anonfun$1.apply(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:160)
    at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory
    at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
    at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(
    at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
    at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
    at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$
    at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$
    at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$
    at sass.SassCompiler$.runCompiler(SassCompiler.scala:54)
    at sass.SassCompiler$.compile(SassCompiler.scala:22)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$7.apply(SbtSass.scala:47)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$7.apply(SbtSass.scala:42)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6.apply(SbtSass.scala:41)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6.apply(SbtSass.scala:39)
    at com.typesafe.sbt.web.incremental.package$.syncIncremental(package.scala:228)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5.apply(SbtSass.scala:38)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5.apply(SbtSass.scala:32)
    at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
    at sbt.$tilde$greater$$anonfun$$u2219$1.apply(TypeFunctions.scala:42)
    at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:18)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4$$anonfun$1.apply(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:160)
    at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[error] (web-assets:sass) Cannot run program "sass": error=2, No such file or directory

Sourcemap option warning with Sass 3.4.0 (Selective Steve)

I'm getting the following warning in my SBT output:

[error] Sass compiler: DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing --sourcemap without a value is deprecated.

But I only get it if there's a fatal compilation error. I think output of the warning is suppressed if there are no compilation errors. (That could be a separate issue worth noting.)

Unable to obtain css using Stage and Dist command for Play

The plugin in works in devlopment mode but when I run the stage command the css file can't be loaded.

Link in main.html:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="@routes.Assets.versioned("stylesheets/base.css")" data-required="true">


sassOptions in Assets ++= Seq("--compass", "-r", "compass")

sassPublicDir in Assets := "stylesheets"

Structure: public/stylesheets/base.scss

The files are correctly compiled when running the stage command and they can be found inside the assets jar but can't be loaded.

The provided example is crashing with a runtime exception when running the stage command.

Any ideas what to do?

Also why is the folder change from assets -> public ?
Suggest having an assets/stylesheets folder with the less/scss files


A project I'm on just recently converted to sbt-sass after relying on a custom-written task for a while. sbt-sass is vastly underperforming. It takes about a minute to compile our 16 sass files, when it used to be a few seconds. We use the Susy grid framework, which is included by most of the files we compile. Any ideas for how we can speed sbt-sass up?

Here is the task we used to use, for reference:

val sassTask = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Compiles Sass files")

val sassOutputDir = settingKey[File]("Output directory for Sass generated files")

val sassLibDirs = settingKey[Seq[File]]("Directories for Sass library includes")

sassOutputDir := target.value / "web" / "sass" / "main"

sassLibDirs := Seq(
  target.value / "web" / "web-modules" / "main" / "webjars" / "lib" / "susy" / "sass"

resourceDirectories in Assets += sassOutputDir.value

sassTask := {
  val x = (WebKeys.nodeModules in Assets).value // to depend on Webjars being installed before building Sass
  val sourceDir = (sourceDirectory in Assets).value
  val outputDir = sassOutputDir.value
  val sourceFiles = (sourceDir ** "*.scss").get
  val includes = sassLibDirs.value map (_.toString) flatMap { Seq("-I", _) }
  (Seq("sass", "--update") ++ includes ++ Seq(s"$sourceDir:$outputDir")).!
  (outputDir ** "*.css").get

sourceGenerators in Assets <+= sassTask

Not working with sassc because of colon seperator in sass command

When I try to use this plugin on a system with libsass and sassc implementor I get the following error:

[info] Sass compiling on 1 source(s)
Sass compiler: Error: File to read not found or unreadable: /builds/
File: /builds/
Line: 0 Col: 0
    at sass.SassCompiler$.compile(SassCompiler.scala:29)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$7.apply(SbtSass.scala:55)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$7.apply(SbtSass.scala:43)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6.apply(SbtSass.scala:43)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5$$anonfun$6.apply(SbtSass.scala:39)
    at com.typesafe.sbt.web.incremental.package$.syncIncremental(package.scala:228)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5.apply(SbtSass.scala:38)
    at sass.SbtSass$$anonfun$5.apply(SbtSass.scala:33)
    at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
    at sbt.$tilde$greater$$anonfun$$u2219$1.apply(TypeFunctions.scala:40)
    at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
    at sbt.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:17)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
    at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4$$anonfun$1.apply(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:159)
    at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[error] (web-assets:sass) java.lang.Exception: 
[error] Sass compiler: Error: File to read not found or unreadable: /builds/
[error] File: /builds/
[error] Line: 0 Col: 0
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed May 8, 2015 2:14:23 PM

This is because of the way this plugin is calling the sass CLI with a colon ':' separator between input and output file. They should be separated by a space instead to improve the compatibility with libsass implementations like sassc or node-sass.

I will try to create a merge request to fix this later.

Webjars Integration

I would like to be able to include a webjar such as the Foundation libraries in a Play 2.3 project.

I have an app.scss in the assets/stylesheet directory and I am attempting to import the foundation scss library from the foundation webjar. According to when working with less, I should be able to do something like @import "lib/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";

I would equivelently like to be able to do @import "lib/foundation/scss/foundation" but I have been unable to get that to work -- As a workaround, I am currently copying the scss files of foundation into the assets/stylesheets directory.

Partials with only variables not compiled


I'm using foundation framework which is not compiled if when you change variables in _settings.scss

I think having isolated the problem. It happen in partials containing only variables :
The case in your play-sass-example directory:

  • _a.scss : delete everything and only write a variable $color : red;
  • test.scss : change the background body to this variable : background: $color;
  • reload;
  • change the $color property
  • it's not working

This can be fixed if you insert a class in the partial or if you make a change in the test.scss file.

Issue with paths in webjar scss

I am able to bundle scss from a webjar into my main css, but there are problems bundling scss from webjars that reference other resources from that webjar. For example font-awesome will get downloaded to lib/font-awesome with the fonts in locations like /assets/lib/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot. The problem is that the font-awesome scss references it with ../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot which after compilation will be /assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot.

Now I'm not sure that this issue should be fixed by the sbt-sass plugin, by configurations to sass itself or by some other means. I've opened a stack overflow question trying to get some opinions, but so far no luck. However, It's my opinion that this can/should be solved at this level. At the very list you can add a note to the troubles and solutions section in the read me file, as I expect this will become a more widespread issue together with the prevalence of webjars.

Detect changes in imported files

When changing an imported .css file, I need to modify the main .scss file as well, before I can use sbt assets again. Would it be possible to scan all imports and detect changes in these, too?

changes in .scss files with @import directive are not compiled on the fly

it seems that changes on files directly referenced in your scala templates are compiled on the fly.
But files imported with @import directive, are not recompiled.
I've tested this issue also on the play-sass-example project, by running the project with:
activator ~run
and changed the _a.scss file without any effect on the generated test.css.
I've also tried to activate the sass-globbing pluging way, without success.
Have you any clue to solve my issue?

Best regards,

ps: i've tested this use case with the jlitolas plugin, and it works ; but the jlitolas plugin does not handle the webjars feature like your plugin.

sbt-sass not working with sbt-digest

We've installed sbt-digest ( into our project, but it looks like it's hashing the precompiled .scss files instead of the final output .css files.

Running a find . -name "*.md5" in our target directory shows dozens of our scss files, e.g.:


scss files from sourcemaps result in 404

Hi there,

I'm getting up and running using sbt-sass and I like the fact that sourcemaps are generated out of the box. However requesting the rerefenced scss files result in 404's. I thought it was me, but this is also the case in the play-sass-example application in this repository.

Is there a way to make these scss files also available (over http) or is this by design?

Compass Spriting Possible?

I'm currently working on a project for my job on the Play Framework and we are using sbt-sass, and I'm having some trouble getting compass's spriting system to work. I've been working off of their official docs to get it working ( and according to their instructions, and some other similar troubleshooting/stack overflow questions I've seen from others, it starts looking for the images in the default images folder as defined by sass's config.rb. However, there doesn't appear to be a way for me to access or control the data that would normally be gotten from that file. Do you know if there is any way for us to be able to implement compass's spriting system while using sbt-sass? Thanks.

Files get compiled repeatedly

I'm trying out your plugin with an existing project after upgrading to play 2.3.1 however I immediately noticed very slow requests to the play server, 10 seconds plus, making it unusable.

I copied the plugin into my project and added a println statement inside the SbtSass plugin where the css is written with IO.write . This gets called repeatedly and never ends.

I'm investigating more but it would be nice to know if others are experiencing this. I'm trying to debug it but I'm completely new to sbt-web so don't have any ideas yet.

I noticed other plugins write some output to the console so it would be nice if sbt-sass did that too so it would be more obvious that this is happening.

Thanks for the plugin (and any help).

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