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exchange_backtester's Introduction

Exchange backtester

Framework that allows you to replay the exchange trading history for a single ticker and test your trading strategies.

Written on the pure Rust, it uses some experimental language features such as constant generics. This is necessary in order to instantiate (or not instantiate) machine code as efficiently as possible and calculate everything that is possible at compile time. However, as of now (August 10, 2021), this requires compiling with the nightly version of rustc.

How to use (default)

  1. In order to switch to the nighly version, type the following:

    rustup default nightly
  2. Then create an application project that will use exchange_backtester as a library:

    cargo new <PROJECT_NAME>

    and add exchange_backtester to the project's Cargo.toml as a dependency like here:

    name = "<PROJECT_NAME>"
    version = "0.1.0"
    edition = "2018"
    # See more keys and their definitions at
    exchange_backtester = { git = "" }
  3. Implement your custom trading agent. The following is the example of that implements a command line app that reads the trading history and prints the middle price of the spread into the standard output every trading hour or prints the message into the standard error in case if the order book is empty.

    #![feature(const_mut_refs, const_trait_impl)]
    use exchange_backtester::prelude::*;
    struct CustomTrader {
        price_step: f64,
    impl HandleSubscriptionUpdates for CustomTrader
        fn handle_order_book_snapshot(&mut self,
                                      exchange_dt: DateTime,
                                      deliver_dt: DateTime,
                                      ob_snapshot: OrderBookSnapshot) -> Vec<TraderRequest>
            let mid_price = match (ob_snapshot.bids.first(), ob_snapshot.asks.first())
                (Some((bid_price, _)), Some((ask_price, _))) => {
                    (bid_price.to_f64(self.price_step) + ask_price.to_f64(self.price_step)) * 0.5
                (Some((bid_price, _)), _) => { bid_price.to_f64(self.price_step) }
                (_, Some((ask_price, _))) => { ask_price.to_f64(self.price_step) }
                _ => {
                    eprintln!("Timestamp: {}. Order book is empty", exchange_dt);
                    return vec![];
            println!("{},{}", exchange_dt, mid_price);
        fn handle_trade_info_update(&mut self,
                                    exchange_dt: DateTime,
                                    deliver_dt: DateTime,
                                    trade_info: Vec<OrderBookDiff>) -> Vec<TraderRequest> { vec![] }
        // Called when the time comes for the scheduled periodic trader wakeup
        fn handle_wakeup(&mut self, dt: DateTime) -> Vec<TraderRequest> { vec![] }
    impl const Trader for CustomTrader {
        fn exchange_to_trader_latency(rng: &mut StdRng, dt: DateTime) -> u64 { 0 }
        fn trader_to_exchange_latency(rng: &mut StdRng, dt: DateTime) -> u64 { 0 }
        fn handle_exchange_reply(&mut self,
                                 exchange_dt: DateTime,
                                 deliver_dt: DateTime,
                                 reply: ExchangeReply) -> Vec<TraderRequest> { vec![] }
        // Called when the new trading day begins
        fn set_new_trading_period(&mut self, dt: DateTime) {}
    fn main() {
        let input = ArgumentParser::parse();
        let history_parser = HistoryParser::new(&input);
        let mut trader = CustomTrader { price_step: input.get_price_step() };
        let is_trading_dt = |datetime: DateTime| {
            match datetime.hour() {
                7..=22 => { true }
                23 => { datetime.minute() < 50 }
                _ => { false }
        let mut exchange = ExchangeBuilder::new::<false>(
            &mut trader,
            .ob_level_subscription_depth(lags::constant::ONE_HOUR, 3)

If you compile the above example and print <resulting_exe_name> --help, you will get the following:

    <resulting_exe_name> [OPTIONS] --prl <prl-files> --trd <trd-files>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --csv-sep <csv-sep>                          CSV-file separator [default: ,]
    -d, --datetime-format <datetime-format>
            Sets the datetime format to parse datetime columns [default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.f]

        --bs-flag-colname <order-bs-flag-colname>
            Sets the name of the order buy-sell flag columns in the input csv files [default:

        --id-colname <order-id-colname>
            Sets the name of the order ID columns in the input csv files [default: ORDER_ID]

        --price-colname <order-price-colname>
            Sets the name of the order price columns in the input csv files [default: PRICE]

        --size-colname <order-size-colname>
            Sets the name of the order size columns in the input csv files [default: SIZE]

        --dt-colname <order-datetime-colname>
            Sets the name of the datetime columns in the input csv files [default: Timestamp]

        --price-step <price-step>                    Price step [default: 0.0025]
    -p, --prl <prl-files>
            Sets the file each line of which should contain absolute paths to the PRL csv-files to

    -t, --trd <trd-files>
            Sets the file each line of which should contain absolute paths to the TRD csv-files to

Here, --prl specifies the path to the config file containing the ordered list of paths to the PRL-files to use; --trd specifies the same but for TRD-files. Parameter --price-step specifies the price step of the ticker, i.e. the minimal distance between two limit orders placed at different prices. The descriptions of the other parameters are self-explanatory.

Note that it is not required that each PRL file should strictly correspond to a separate TRD-file. The only requirement is that the lists of paths to the PRL and TRD files and the entries in them should be sorted in ascending order by time.

How it works (default)

Default version of the backtester simultaneously reads two types of the exchange history backups — TRD and PRL — that should be stored in CSV-format and sorted in ascending order by time. The first one is a representation of all trades happened, the second one is a representation of all changes in the order book.

PRL should have the following columns (column names can be specified differently than in the example below. This can be achieved using command line parameters of the ArgumentParser):

  1. Timestampchrono::NaiveDateTime, represents the actual time of the event of a change in the state of the order book.
  2. ORDER_IDu64, a number assigned to the corresponding limit order, unique within one trading session.
  3. PRICEf64, represents the limit price of the order.
  4. SIZEu64, size of the order in lots.
  5. BUY_SELL_FLAG<literal>, represents the direction of the order. Buy orders should have one of the following values: 0/B/b/false/False. Sell orders should have one of the following ones: 1/S/s/true/True.

TRD should have the same columns except PRICE. But the meaning is slightly different:

  1. Timestamp represents the actual time of the trade happened.
  2. ORDER_ID represents the order ID of the reference limit order with which the trade happened.
  3. SIZE represents the size of the trade.
  4. BUY_SELL_FLAG represents the direction of the aggressor whose action led to the trade.

Different entries in the PRL file can have the same ID in two cases: if they correspond to different trading sessions or if they correspond to the same limit order within one session. In the latter case their meaning can be different. The first entry should reflect the event of creating a limit order. The next entries should reflect the remaining price of the limit order after trading. If the value in the SIZE column of the entry equals to zero, the limit order considered fully executed or cancelled (by the market maker or by the exchange at the end of the trading period).

Let's take a look at the following examples.


2020-04-02 13:01:11.100 302 12.08 1 B
2020-04-02 13:01:13.402 203 12.08 1 B
2020-04-02 13:02:44.002 25 13.19 2 S
2020-04-02 13:11:22.242 55 12.08 1 B
2020-04-02 14:45:01.948 22 13.19 2 S
2020-04-02 14:56:32.002 10 12.08 1 B
2020-04-02 17:00:34.123 0 12.08 1 B
2020-04-02 18:12:58.248 0 13.19 2 S


2020-04-02 13:01:13.402 99 1 S
2020-04-02 13:11:22.242 148 1 S
2020-04-02 14:45:01.948 3 2 B
2020-04-02 14:56:32.002 45 1 S
2020-04-02 18:12:58.248 22 2 B

What do we see here? We see that the order with ORDER_ID = 1 was placed at 2020-04-02 13:01:11.100 and then executed at 2020-04-02 13:01:13.402, 2020-04-02 13:11:22.242 and 2020-04-02 14:56:32.002, but at 2020-04-02 17:00:34.123 it was cancelled. We know this because at this time this order does not have corresponding entry in the TRD-file.

Vice versa, the order with ORDER_ID = 1 was placed at 2020-04-02 13:02:44.002 and then was fully executed by two subsequent trades at 2020-04-02 14:45:01.948 and 2020-04-02 18:12:58.248.

Customizing the backtester

1. Ticker history input

In addition to using the default solution, this library allows the programmer to connect other sources of trading histories — not just CSV files on disk. This is achieved by creating a custom structure that must implement the EventProcessor trait:

pub trait EventProcessor {
    fn yield_next_event(&mut self) -> Option<HistoryEvent>;

HistoryEvent is an enum with the following definition:

pub enum HistoryEventBody {
    TRD(Size, Direction),
    PRL(Size, Direction, Price, OrderID),

pub struct HistoryEvent
    pub datetime: DateTime,
    pub event: HistoryEventBody,
  • OrderID, Price and Size are just wrapper types around u64.
  • Direction is the enum type with two possible values: Buy and Sell.
  • Price does not wrap f64, but u64 deliberately — in order to get rid of potential problems associated with the loss of precision in floating point calculations. Actual price f64 value is just a Price inner u64 multiplied by the --price-step in the upper example.
  • DateTime here is just a naming alias to the chrono::NaiveDateTime.


You can implement your own trading history interface using the following backbone:

#![feature(const_trait_impl, const_mut_refs)]

use std::collections::VecDeque;

use exchange_backtester::input::default::DATETIME_FORMAT;
use exchange_backtester::prelude::*;

const PRICE_STEP: f64 = 0.0025;

struct CustomTrader;

impl HandleSubscriptionUpdates for CustomTrader {
   fn handle_order_book_snapshot(&mut self,
                                 exchange_dt: DateTime,
                                 deliver_dt: DateTime,
                                 ob_snapshot: OrderBookSnapshot) -> Vec<TraderRequest>
      let mid_price = match (ob_snapshot.bids.first(), ob_snapshot.asks.first())
         (Some((bid_price, _)), Some((ask_price, _))) => {
            (bid_price.to_f64(PRICE_STEP) + ask_price.to_f64(PRICE_STEP)) * 0.5
         (Some((bid_price, _)), _) => { bid_price.to_f64(PRICE_STEP) }
         (_, Some((ask_price, _))) => { ask_price.to_f64(PRICE_STEP) }
         _ => { return vec![]; }
      println!("{},{}", exchange_dt, mid_price);
   fn handle_trade_info_update(&mut self,
                               exchange_dt: DateTime,
                               deliver_dt: DateTime,
                               trade_info: Vec<ExecutedTrade>) -> Vec<TraderRequest> { vec![] }
   // Called when the time comes for the scheduled periodic trader wakeup
   fn handle_wakeup(&mut self, dt: DateTime) -> Vec<TraderRequest> { vec![] }

impl const Trader for CustomTrader {
   fn exchange_to_trader_latency(rng: &mut StdRng, dt: DateTime) -> u64 { 0 }
   fn trader_to_exchange_latency(rng: &mut StdRng, dt: DateTime) -> u64 { 0 }
   fn handle_exchange_reply(&mut self,
                            exchange_dt: DateTime,
                            deliver_dt: DateTime,
                            reply: ExchangeReply) -> Vec<TraderRequest> { vec![] }
   // Called when the new trading day begins
   fn set_new_trading_period(&mut self, dt: DateTime) {}

struct HistoryHolder {
   history: VecDeque<HistoryEvent>,

impl HistoryHolder {
   fn add_prl(&mut self, ts: &str, size: u64, dir: Direction, price: f64, order_id: u64) {
      self.history.push_back(HistoryEvent {
         datetime: DateTime::parse_from_str(ts, DATETIME_FORMAT).unwrap(),
         event: HistoryEventBody::PRL(Size(size), dir, Price::from_f64(price, PRICE_STEP), OrderID(order_id)),

   fn add_trd(&mut self, ts: &str, size: u64, dir: Direction) {
      self.history.push_back(HistoryEvent {
         datetime: DateTime::parse_from_str(ts, DATETIME_FORMAT).unwrap(),
         event: HistoryEventBody::TRD(Size(size), dir),

impl EventProcessor for HistoryHolder {
   fn yield_next_event(&mut self) -> Option<HistoryEvent> {

fn is_trading_dt(datetime: DateTime) -> bool {
   match datetime.hour() {
      7..=19 => { true }
      _ => { false }

fn main() {
   let mut history = HistoryHolder::default();
   history.add_prl("2020-03-03 12:22:22.31", 3, Direction::Buy, 12.0025, 1);
   history.add_prl("2020-03-03 14:11:26.33", 22, Direction::Sell, 12.0075, 2);
   history.add_trd("2020-03-03 16:11:26.33", 2, Direction::Sell);
   history.add_prl("2020-03-03 16:11:26.33", 1, Direction::Buy, 12.0025, 1);
   history.add_trd("2020-03-03 18:24:00", 1, Direction::Sell);
   history.add_prl("2020-03-03 18:24:00", 0, Direction::Buy, 12.0025, 1);

   let mut trader = CustomTrader;
   let mut exchange = ExchangeBuilder::new::<false>(
      &mut trader,
           .ob_level_subscription_depth(lags::constant::ONE_HOUR, 1);


This code prints a CSV-table into the standard output representing the middle price of the order book at every hour of the trading period after the start of trades determined by the function is_trading_time:

Timestamp MidPrice
2020-03-03 13:22:22.310 12.0025
2020-03-03 14:22:22.310 12.005
2020-03-03 15:22:22.310 12.005
2020-03-03 16:22:22.310 12.005
2020-03-03 17:22:22.310 12.005
2020-03-03 18:22:22.310 12.005
2020-03-03 19:22:22.310 12.0075

2. Trader Subscription Configuration

The exchange notifies the trader about the events happened in two ways.

  1. By sending ExchangeReply that contain an information about order placement, discarding and execution. It is directly related to the trading agent. Agent may react to this notifications by sending a list of instances of TraderRequest. This can be achieved via the method handle_exchange_reply in the Trader trait. Below you can see the full list of useful structures involved in such request-reply process:

    pub enum TraderRequest {
    pub enum ExchangeReply {
       OrderPlacementDiscarded(OrderID, DiscardingReason),
       OrderPartiallyExecuted(OrderID, Size, Price),
       OrderExecuted(OrderID, Size, Price),
       OrderCancelled(OrderID, CancellationReason),
       CannotCancelOrder(OrderID, InabilityToCancelReason),
    pub enum DiscardingReason {
    pub enum CancellationReason {
    pub enum InabilityToCancelReason {
  2. By sending subscription updates. This information refers to the state of the market as a whole. Trader can subscribe to this information using special chained initialization methods of the Exchange. Here they are:

    fn ob_level_subscription_depth<G: NanoSecondGenerator>(self, ns_gen: G, depth: usize) -> Exchange;
    fn ob_level_subscription_full<G: NanoSecondGenerator>(self, ns_gen: G) -> Exchange;
    fn trade_info_subscription<G: NanoSecondGenerator>(self, ns_gen: G) -> Exchange;
    fn with_periodic_wakeup<G: NanoSecondGenerator>(self, ns_gen: G) -> Exchange;
    • ob_level_subscription_depth subscribe the trader to the order book snapshots which depth is limited to the depth parameter. Information comes at intervals, the duration of which is determined by the ns_gen structure.
    • ob_level_subscription_full does the same, but the depth is not limited.
    • trade_info_subscription subscribe the trader to the candles that contain the information of the executed trades after the last trade_info_subscription call.
    • with_periodic_wakeup just ping the trader and allow him to send the list of instances of TraderRequest every time interval, the duration of which is determined by the ns_gen structure.

Exchange replies, subscription updates and trader requests does not come immediately after sending. The lag in nanoseconds is set by exchange_to_trader_latency (for exchange replies and subscription updates) and trader_to_exchange_latency (for trader requests) methods in the Trader trait. Note that they can use the exchange random number generator rng and can return different values each time which makes it possible to simulate a latency noise. Also note that trader wakeups do not suffer from exchange_to_trader_latency.

As you can see, the ns_gen structure must implement NanoSecondGenerator trait that looks like the following:

pub trait NanoSecondGenerator {
    fn gen_ns(&mut self, rng: &mut StdRng, dt: DateTime) -> NonZeroU64;

gen_ns method here receives the exchange random number generator rng and the datetime of the event ts.

3. ExchangeBuilder

ExchangeBuilder::new and ExchangeBuilder::new_debug are used to initialize the exchange. They have identical signatures except that the latter one create an exchange that prints to the standard error some debug messages while running. These functions have the following signature (consider an example with ExchangeBuilder::new):

fn new<const TRD_UPDATES_OB: bool>(
    event_processor: EP,
    trader: &'a mut T,
    is_trading_time: TradingTimeCriterion,
    where EP: EventProcessor,
          T: Trader,
          TradingTimeCriterion: Fn(DateTime) -> bool

As you can see, the first argument should implement the EventProcessor processor trait, the second one should implement the Trader trait and the last one should be a function that says whether the given DateTime is a trading datetime.

TRD_UPDATES_OB template parameter is responsible for the behavior of the order book after receiving TRD events. If it is set to false the order book will change or delete traded limit order only if the PRL entry corresponding to this TRD exists. If it is set to true the order book will change or delete traded limit order immediately after receiving the TRD event, so the existence of the corresponding PRL event is unnecessary.

exchange_backtester's People


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