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Thaliz - Resurrection addon

The Thaliz Project

1. About the Thaliz Project

This addon will target a random friendly (unreleased) corpse, if there are many corpses, the target will be prioritized in the following order:

  • Highest priority to the corpse you are currently targetting (if any)
  • then master looter is resurrected (if any)
  • then other ressers are resurrected
  • then mana users are resurrected
  • then warriors are resurrected
  • and last the rogues.

If no Warlocks are up, one Warlock will be ressed after ressers are up. The raid leader will get priority just below the ressers, as he is usually also the loot master. When a corpse is being resurrected (unreleased or not), a random message is displayed on the screen. This can be configured to be either a /SAY, /YELL or in /RAID chat, together with an optional whisper to the target.

Thaliz works in both Classic ERA/SOM, Burning Crusade and Retail. In theory also Wrath of the Lich King Classic, but that remains to be seen.

1.1. How Thaliz works

Thaliz scan the raid for corpses. If a corpse is found and eligible for a res, the Thaliz action button will change icon to your current class (Priest, Paladin, Shaman, and in retail also Druid and Monk). This means the button is ready for use.

When you click the button, the actual res will begin. If there are more than just one corpse, the priorities listed above will be used.

Thaliz monitors the log and checks if others are ressing the same target, so if there are unreleased corpses around you but the button is not lit up, this means that either someone else casted a resurrection on that corpse, or the corpse is out of range.

1.2. Messages

Up to 200 random messages in total can be configured. The addon ships with 20 pre-configured messages, containing quotes from famous World of Warcraft bosses.

1.3. Advanced messages

All messages - or macros - can be grouped into one of five different groups: GUILD, CHARACTER, CLASS, RACE and DEFAULT.

When a macro is in the GUILD group, the macro can only be used if the target belongs to the guild name, configured together with that macro. Same goes for the CHARACTER group, where the macro can only be used if the configured name matches the target character's name. CLASS and RACE works in a similar way.

If the target being resurrected does not match any of the four above groups, the macro's in the DEFAULT group will be used instead.

All pre-configured macros are in the DEFAULT group, but you can click on a macro and reconfigure it as you like.

If the "Include Defaults in filtered macros" option is checked, then the default macro list will always be considered, also even the target may match macros in one or more of the other groups.

And last, the resurrection whisper can now also be customized.

About Thaliz

Thaliz was a raiding priest in on the World of Warcraft server, famous for dying alot. To be honest, we all died while progressing but he just stood out :-)

To recover faster from wipes, I wrote this simple addon to attempt to block "duplicate" resurrections, and respond with random macros while ressing - and that addon was named after the death-seeking priest: Thaliz!

Dying had never been funnier since that!

Thaliz (the priest) ultimately died mid 2016 when he deleted his account.

RIP Thaliz.

thaliz-classic's People


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thaliz-classic's Issues

any chance to also get separated class quotes like redeemer

in redeemer they had it all separated like this and any person could get the addon at that point even the warlock, using soulstone. it has some quotes also and I don't think redeemer is getting updated at all so more to you my friend

`--If you want to add your own quotes, make sure to
--format them correctly:
--1. Quotes must be surrounded by double quotes(")
--2. The closing quote must be followed by a comma(,)
--3. Sections must begin and end with curly braces( { } )
--4. Notes must be prefixed with a double hyphen( -- )
--5. There must not be any extraneous characters
--Failure to comply with any of the above will cause Redeemer to break.

--To insert the target's name in a quote, use "%t".

noTargetQuotes = { --These should not have "%t" in them.

"*Some*one made me go corpse-huntin'!",
"This corpse brought to life by Spirit Travels, Ltd. Have you considered our Frequent Dier program?",
"We will rule over this corpse, and we will call it...this corpse.",
"Told you the cake was a lie.",
"They say you should never loot your party members' corpses, but it is, on occasion, hilarious.",
"The grave is lovely, dark and deep, but you have miles to go before you sleep.",
"\"Oh, it's just a harmless bunny rabbit,\" you said.",
"Y'know, it took three days for Jesus to do this...",
                                --TheLioness - Magtheridon[US]
"KALIMAAAAAH--no wait...wrong spell.",
"Dear Occupant: Have you considered converting to Pastafarianism? Our afterlife has strippers *and* a beer fountain!",
"Join the living! See the world! Again!",
"Did you know? Resurrections can be wearing on the spirit. To ensure a safe return, please do not release your -- oh wait...",
"While we'll all die eventually, clearly some of us are much, much better at it.",
                                --Jassur - Doomhammer[US]
"o/~ ...To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Nether... o/~",
"o/~ ...A time to pwn, and a time to die; a time to rez, and a time to run... o/~",
"o/~ ...A time to DPS, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to repair... o/~",
"o/~ ...A time to DoT, and a time to nuke; a time to keep, and a time to disenchant... o/~",
"o/~ Dead players, dead players, dead players aren't much fun. o/~",
"So glad we got the time for this down from ten minutes.",
"They say the Cataclysm changed everything, but apparently not--I'm still scraping your corpse off the pavement.",
"No one likes a quitter.",
"Even House couldn't fix you!",
"C'mon, get up...I'm too lazy to drag your body around.",


hunterQuotes = { --Used when casting Revive Pet

"Forgive me, %t! Your death only adds to my failure!",
"Just remember, %t--better you than me!",   --duplicated in otherQuotes
"See, %t, this is what happens when you demand the expensive kibble.",
"Arise, my champion!",
"Hmm...Beast Training...where's the \"not standing in the fire\" trick?",
"Mend Pet? What's that?",
"Quit dying, %t, or I'll trade you in for a druid.",
"You can has second chance at life, %t!",
"%t! Don't leave your corpse on the carpet!",
"I need a hero!",
"Claw claw bite! Claw claw...dead.",
"The planet devastated, death winging's too much! I need you by my side, %t.",
"At least I won't have to flush you down the toilet, %t.",
"Who's a dead %t? You are! Yes you are a dead %t!",
"A little more protect and serve, a little less dying, please.",


combatQuotes = { --Used when casting Rebirth

"Clearly, %t hasn't learned how to get out of the fire yet.",
"Hey %t, ever wonder what it is I do with these seeds?",
"Back on your feet, %t! Just don't come crying to me if you die again.",
"%t, do you hear the call? The call of the wild?",
"This Rebirth brought to %t by Renaissance Magic, Inc. Bringing the dead to life faster, better, stronger.",
"I coulda been a bear, y'know. Or a kitty. Maybe a tree. Even one of those...whaddayacallems...owlbears. But nooooo, I had ta rez %t. Not that I'm bitter or anything.",
"Caffeine pill for %t, comin' right up!",
"Let nature come hence and heal thy wounds, and resurrect %t, who is an utter noob!",
                    --shamelessly stolen from Brandon M. Dennis (Oxhorn)
"In Soviet Icecrown, life chooses %t!",
"Rezzing %t should aggro every bears.",
"Hey %t, think I should start using Amberseeds for this?",
"No loafing, %t.",
"Be happy you have me, %t! They let anyone do this these days.",
"%t, please report to the land of the living. Your urgent assistance is required.",
"%t--EARN IT!",
"Warm fuzzy naturey things for you, get UP!",


warlockQuotes = { --Used when casting Soulstone

"Here, %t, have a life--you clearly need one.",
"Fire danger: high. Soulstoning %t.",
"Soulstoning %t. ARCHSURGEON'S WARNING: Soulstones contain puppy hearts, and are linked to ghoul fever in laboratory tests.",
"According to my Failometer, %t has a high chance of dying in the next fifteen minutes.",
"%t, this soulstone is just my way of saying \"I don't trust you.\"",
"FYI, %t, using a soulstone removes any chance of getting into heaven.",
"Package for you, %t. Contents: One(1) soul.",
"%t is now warded against noobery.",
"Who's gonna die? %t's gonna die!",
"Preventative Measures® applied to %t; proceed with the scrubbery!",
"Candy dispensed to %t...better that you not need it.",


selfQuotes = { --Used when self-rezzing, as from a soulstone

"I'm awake, I'm awake.",
                    --Gnomesetter - Bonechewer[US]
"Hey, throw me Water Walking--I'm gonna start a religion!",
"What fire?",
"BRAAAAAIINS--no wate.",
"When life knocks me down, I get right back up.",
"Don't rez me bro!",
"What? I was just using my threat dump.",
"I'm just pining for Howling Fjord.",
"I don't want to go on the cart!",
"I turn my back for one minute and the world breaks in half!",
"No one saw that, right?",
"I'm back! Everything's going to be fine.",
" head...",


engineerQuotes = { --Used with Goblin Jumper Cables

"%t, you might feel a slight jolt...",
"I'd pray for a miracle, but then %t wouldn't need these things.",
"Cross your fingers...",
"%t's dead...what's the worst that could happen?",
"Don't worry, %t, I'm an Undermine, Inc. Certified Cable Jumper!",
"I saw this on House once. Piece of cake!",
"Have you hugged your engineer today?",
"I can rebuild %t, but there'll be a...slight chance of explosion.",
"One order of fried %t, comin' right up!",
"Zapping %t. Please be aware that Jumper Cables are a product of Goblin Engineering and may explode for no apparent reason.",
"When the Light goes out, call in an engineer!",
" to nipple, black to ground...or was it the other way around?",
"Zappy, zappy, ending %t's nappy!",
"Huh...never noticed this warning label. 'ARCHSURGEON'S WARNING: High dosages of electricity are hazardous to one's health. Use only if patient is already dead.' Well, %t certainly fits the bill.",
"The clamps on these cables leave some nasty bruises, but I don't think %t would prefer the alternative.",
"Don't worry, %t, this is for SCIENCE!",
"Five gold says %t enjoys these clamps.",


otherQuotes = { --Used when casting Resurrection, Redemption, Ancestral Spirit, and Revive

"Repairing %t's fire damage in 10...9...",
"Bringing %t back to life. Please have shotgun ready in case of zombie.",
"%t, by clicking \"Accept\", you, the resurrectee, hereby consign your soul to the resurrecter, i.e., me.",
"And the %t dies in the FIIIIIIGGHT!!!",
"Let's give %t a round of applause for that beautiful demonstration of what not to do.",
"Rezzing %t. You have 10 seconds to finish your sharpie doodles.",
"Giving %t a shot at another 10% durability loss, please stand by.",
"Quit kissin' the floor, %t!",
--"%t pulled a %guild_clown!",  --removed due to excessive confusion
"De-smearing %t. Try not to step in the goo.",
"Mourning period for %t concludes in 10...9...",
"%t has encountered a fatal error. Rebooting...",
"It turns out %t is only *mostly* dead.",
"You have 10 seconds to finish going through %t's pockets.",
"Just remember, %t--better you than me!",   --duplicated in hunterQuotes
"%t has made the ultimate sacrifice.",
"%t...walk it off.",
"Rezzing Hotstuff--I mean %t.",
"Hey %t, you know it took Jesus three days to do this?",
                            --TheLioness - Magtheridon[US]
"All requisite gnome sacrifices have been performed: Rezzing %t.", 
                            --TheLioness - Magtheridon[US]
"Sorry %t, but you fell off the demand curve for heals.",
"Resurrecting %t. Side effects may include: drowsiness, hunger pangs, liquid dependence, sensitivity to heat, susceptibility to disease, and long-term degradation of strength, manual dexterity, vision, hearing, and cognitive faculties.",
                            --inspired by TheLioness - Magtheridon[US]
"Rezzing %t; /roll for blame.",
                            --Surely - Kargath[US]
"Rezzing %t; /roll for lame.",
"I hear cats have nine lives--how many does %t have left?",
                            --Surely - Kargath[US]
"Does anyone know what the respawn timer on %t is?",
                            --Jassur - Doomhammer[US]
"Removing the \"Kill Me\" sign from %t's back, please stand by...",
                            --Jassur - Doomhammer[US]
"Death, Death, go away, come for %t another day!",
                            --Jassur - Doomhammer[US]
"Remember, %t, if you do not fear death, there is nothing you cannot achieve...unless you die.",
                            --Jassur - Doomhammer[US]
"Renewing %t's lease on life, just a moment.",
"o/~ Why do you build me up, build me up, %t baby, just to let me down, let me down, run me around o/~",
"%t, \"Through the fire and the flames\" is a song lyric, not an instruction.",
"Reports of %t's death have been greatly exaggerated.",
"The world will BURN before I resurrect %t! goes then.",
"%t's death *probably* wasn't my fault.",
"Where would %t be without me? I think we should all think about that.",
"That thing you just did, %t? Try not to do that.",


playerInfo (a number value)

2x Thaliz\Thaliz-3.1.1.lua:978: attempt to index local 'playerInfo' (a number value) [string "@Thaliz\Thaliz-3.1.1.lua"]:978: in function Thaliz_ParseProfileNames'
[string "@thaliz\Thaliz-3.1.1.lua"]:944: in function Thaliz_InitializeConfigSettings' [string "@Thaliz\Thaliz-3.1.1.lua"]:2271: in function Thaliz_OnEvent'
[string ":OnEvent"]:2: in function <[string ":OnEvent"]:1>

Version 3.1.1 for game version 2.5.4 - last published on curseforge on 6/25/2022

I've reset SV several times but still pops up constantly.

international version

The current code is only for the english game client, because the spells are referenced by the english name.

With this patch the spells are referenced by their spell ID. This should work with any game language.


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