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clean-code-with-clear-coder's Introduction


here is the tricks of having clean code and being clear coder

i will complete this file over time.

  • the most important title is that your knowledge have be Enough for solving the problems. look at your resume and exam yourself , befor every thing, you could have the concepts of programming and developing.

  • before start programming everytime, its necessary have ready mind to see the lot of new problems and solve them. if you have a special problem in your home with your family or friends and ... at first should pay attention to them and clear them that can write clear code. maybe think that if you start programming with busy mind and it have been solve by itself is so wrong opinion. after a week or problem life, look at your old code , maybe the work at this time, but are they ready for tests,updates or good enough for optimizing ? its just waste your time and maybe you force to rewrite that code again.

  • design patterns and code optimizing tricks are two golden Abilities that can distinguished you from other programmers , In other words these Abilities from the coder, turns you to a developer and programmer .

  • you could learn that saying NO so easily ! For everyone special programmers is so well that be a super man and Makes the comebacks . It is not perfesional work . If you see the project need more time, or you can not do it, you should say this to your team manager. The CEOs should know the problems . Maybe they repeat their request and suggest you working at weekends or more time works, you could know if you can not say No, probably writing so diry code at the end, and You are not sure that can you finish the project or not . Say No if you know you cant .

  • if find new framework or new programming lang or service, do not get carried away and forget your old beliefs to starting that and migrate your things on that .

  • your imporvment and learnung is not your team task. You should work for your company and done the tasks, learning time is not at work. After work or weekends or at the way to go home(or work) you can do learning.

  • in my opinion, the good function has 1-3 line of codes . 3-5 in not bad, 5-9 in ok,more than 10 line, should be two function !

  • at the firt of the develop, look at your project target, and find the best architect patterns and design for your work flow. You have no chance to have mistakes, couse the refactoring need new time and money ! The company never like it 😅

  • introduce yourself in your resume real and claerly, your art is that show yourself with simplest words, well.

  • take a few minute or an hour a day to learning new things, see the other technologies and tools, you should be ready for chnage your work language or field in few year later . Be update !

  • do not be a Fanatic on any programmer language or flow works methods, it is the cheeapest and the noobs have it. every method and programmer lang maybe is better than other in diffrent fields and conditions .

  • if you have any interview or conferance , and you decide that do not go there, or you can not go there, you should tell them this problem. do not Notifying them is not an interesting job !

  • it is not important that how much the project is force and you dont have enough time, this atmosfer fource you to make the bad and dirty code. If you could do it, know and say to your ceo that the codes of these part mabye will write again, couse they are real shit code !

  • know that you are not for your wokr! your work is for you, i mean you are not suppost to work till a certain time, you could work everyday in your life , maybe someday it happnes that you wont coding anymore, but you should be healty for enjoy with your family wokrs or ... that th emost important thing is you and your life. i suggest you to spend some time on sports.

  • Code s written primarily for coworkers not compilers. The ultimate test is your code simple enough is can your fellow programmers with similar backgrounds understand your code? if your co-workers have a hard time understanding your code, investigate why. Maybe it’s your code that’s too complex. Maybe there wasn’t enough tests. Maybe you used an uncommon algorithm. The conversation about code is key.

  • in the low ages, the small companies are better for you, you cant have many permision in larg groups, and in small ones can learning more and more than the bigs ...

  • befor start and write the code, first should wrote his tests. Toppa is a fan of two kinds of tests: unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests test functionality in isolation. Integration tests ensure that a change over here doesn’t break something over there. Test-driven development is an approach that helps ensure that tests are in place and can help keep code clean.

  • Be a master listener, one of the tricks is being a good listener to learn and understanding well ! Evrybody know how to speak and kill the time .

  • Use intention revealing names. Choosing good names takes time but saves more than it takes.The name of a variable, function, or class, should answer all the big questions. It should tell you why it exists, what it does, and how it is used. If a name requires a comment, then the name does not reveal its intent.

  • code optimizing is not just one level in your project (if it need to optimization), in evey level of the project the optimization have some sections to do .

  • a master programmer is not who has a lot of project , is who have a strong and perfect in most of his projects. be a master one.

  • its ok that sometimes the have have force project and the time is going to the project deadline, but do not accept that work in your weekends and more that your task. yo can say NO easily sometime .

  • keep in mind that the algorythms are always more important of the codes, thats mean we have a lot of coders, but a few of them are real developer .

  • maybe the begginers have the good ideo for solve the problem, the experience is not the resoan that dont listen to they idea. pay attention some time :D

  • the Programing and algorithm knowlages is not enough for be a master, the social relation and public speaking are the so important things that our family ( computer mans ) have not. lets be stronger than yesterday. maybe some times we dont need a CEO !

  • for few minutes, every day, follow the news and check the treneds of the world, it can be lucrative for you .

  • each art has special price. Do not work with every cash and know the values, it is so important that do your projects with good price .

  • don not have any fear of new langs or tools, they are easy like old ones, just you could learn somethings more from it.

  • Procedural code(using data structures) makes it hard to add new data structures because all the functions must change. OO code makes it hard to add new functions because all the classes must change.

  • do not look at your desktop and monitor for a long time, have eyes exercise every hour .

  • people talk a lot, dont care about that, the lion do not listen to dogs sparks !! ^^

  • in your work: be yourself, have discipline, do not work more, do not work less, be a person that could be ;)

  • keep in mind the events, the histories, but yesterday is died, now we are in today, have a new life,start it with your heart ^^

  • alway have, paper, pen, headphone, charger, internet and your todo list, these are enough for a long time 😅

  • it is ok that you could be match with your work space , but if the new place have its rules, you should have your rules, it is help you, that be more comfortable and have better sense in with your work and finaly better performance in your programs

  • in the teams that they do not have software and developing knowlage, the most important thing is not your work or code, rather it is Presentation and representation. couse they can not understand the cost of your work and it is more important that have good present .

  • the most important day of your work timeline, is your interview day . in it you shoud say everythings that think someday is a problem or is your demands and donates. like: weekends, vacations or dismissal, Hours of work, your speed of each part of your Skills and so on ... .

  • in some days and situations your group (or team or company or ...) have a acute face, its your duty to help them and mabe need to spend more time on your working each day, its OK, but just for [for axample] a few day or maximum 2 week every 3 maounth note every week ! dont complicate this part to supra notes ;)

  • good music in your tierd time can help you to get better , but not always and in all times.

  • answer to others questions, that other ones answer to your questions . if know some concept or etc. , teach them to others, let them to be better .

  • your programing life have several part, one of them is your next or future work, maybe you are at work and have good situation, but your knowlage should be update and new any time , that in your next work if your current company(team or ...) do not want you or etc, you can find the another good job for yourself and the other companies want your skills.

  • Talk about your problems and discontents to your CEO and boss, this can help you and him(or his) that solve the problem and find the best way to doing that. ;) be honest ...

  • The one of the professionals habits, is refactoring step. after that the tasks done, they(the codes) need check again , maybe find a bug, or a better pattern or algorytm, maybe the queries or loops redused . at last, the famous sentence that say "if the codes work, dont touch it" ! thats pure bullshit :-) refactores the codes, make better perfomance and clean then, be a clear coder ^^

  • Writing lots of code does not mean that you’ve written lots of software. It may just mean you are written lots of bugs.

  • As any discussion about code layout grows, the probability of it descending into a fruitless argument approaches one. You know the tabs vs spaces, bracket placement weather on new line or the same line.

  • If you’re working in a file that doesn’t follow the layout conventions of the rest of your project, follow the layout conventions in that file.

  • A good name is descriptive, correct, and idiomatic. You can only name something well if you know exactly what it is. Make sure you know what it is before giving cryptic names to variables.

-More code means there is more to read and more to understand — it makes our programs harder to comprehend. The more code you have, the more places there are for bugs to hide and tracking them down may not be that easy.

  • Do not copy code sections. Factor them into a common function. Use parameters to express any differences. If you spot duplication, remove it.

  • Ensure that your names are accurate and avoid spelling mistakes. Never alter presentation and behavior at the same time. Make them separate version-controlled changes.

  • Dead code is code that is never run, that can never be reached. Tell your code to get a life, or get lost.

  • Other manifestations of dead code include:

*Functions that are never called

*Variables that are written but never read

*Parameters passed to an internal method that are never used

*Enums, structs, classes, or interfaces that are never used

  • Good code does not need reams of comments to prop it up, or to explain how it works. Make sure that every comment adds value to the code. The code itself says what and how. A comment should explain why — but only if it’s not already clear.

  • Do not remove code by commenting it out. It confuses the reader and gets in the way. Every day, leave your code a little better than it was. Remove redundancy and duplication as you find it.

  • You can improve a system by adding new code. You can also improve a system by removing code.

  • Features are removed from an application’s user interface, but the backend support code is left in. Wizard-generated UI code inserts hooks that are frequently never used. Remove dead code wherever possible. It gets in the way and slows you down.

  • It is safe to remove code that you might need in the future. You can always get it back from version control. Code cleanup should always be made in separate commits to functional changes. Dead code happens in even the best codebases.

  • Features are removed from an application’s user interface, but the backend support code is left in. Wizard-generated UI code inserts hooks that are frequently never used. Remove dead code wherever possible. It gets in the way and slows you down.

  • It is safe to remove code that you might need in the future. You can always get it back from version control. Code cleanup should always be made in separate commits to functional changes. Dead code happens in even the best codebases.

  • You thought it was perfect when you wrote it, but cast a critical eye over your old code and you’ll inevitably bring to light all manner of code gotchas.

  • Looking back at your older code will inform you about the improvement (or otherwise) in your coding skills.

  • Do not ignore possible errors in your code. Don’t put off handling errors until “later” (you won’t get around to it).

  • Use exceptions well, with discipline. Understand your language’s idioms and requirements for effective exception use.

  • Programmers must be made aware of programmatic errors. Users must be made aware of usage errors.

  • the code(work) is not your life,but they are for your life. dont forget who is master , who is slave .

  • it is not your company duty that improve your skills , its your task, you get money to work for them ! do it expert :-)

  • be carefull, your work friends mabe exchang to your worse enemy in workplaces!

  • be ontime usualy, show your master wonts and habits

  • you should not be obsessed with your company(job) , you should be update, agile. cause your life after job. you should have your personal rules for living. your are not for your work, your work is for your life.

  • the most places. dont need just your one skill! they wang you in a lot of parts of their need , then. if you know more things, you have more money and job request, then have more duty😅

  • teamworking and pair programming are important soft skills that the most of programmers can not do that! improve these skills special in the crisis times.

  • one of most important rules in each groups or work places, is having friendly atomospher. make it in your team.

  • at first, learn the learning tricks, googling, and training hard, then the others want you for skills. in other way never can find out the happines of softwar and working :-)

  • be the cheap, is the most easiest way! if see that do not have any problem or chalange recently, be careful, maybe smth is went wrong nigaa!

  • do not fear out than new concepts and tasks, do them :) show your skills in Critical times ^^ yes, just Do it ;)

  • working hard and Honestly, and say your opinions and Protests , and enjoy life and proud of yourselves . Happy Code ^^

  • uh,the most dangres killers, are deadlines :c finish them to come back to relaxing ...

  • in every position and conditions, have your business for yourself, work for it ;)

  • Today Is Not All Of Your Life, You should Have Work Tommorrow! Keep Learning Every Time .

  • sometimes the Solution is Dirty, Yo kept code Clean!

  • every each time cycle, come back and refactore your old(1year ago) codes, see your developments and Imporvments, it can help you to make better every day and hopfully life.

  • For Being A Clean Coder, Must Knowing The Design Patterns And Algorithms For suggeste Good Solutions In Hard&Forced Times.

  • Find and Make Your Own Playlists For Diffrent Situations, and use them in Good Times. In Other Words : make exception handling For Your Personality in diffrent Times To Have Control On Yourself

  • help your friends and teammates in they hardships, its help to improve yourself.

  • for more improvment in your refactoring skills, see the others code in anay were, like open sources projects. and refactore some of lines and see the another beautifull world.

  • i think being honest, is the most important thing in all of the world! be honest in your work too. be a more clear coder ^^

  • Meet up with Experienced Open-minded once in a while, Ask your questions and take advice . It can Very very helpfull to you .

  • In Your Job Choosing and work seasons, Be carefull about job hoping, its not good for your resume at all !

  • never take all of your eggs in one basket! Learn other technologies and understand they concepts.

  • The Main Difference between normal peaples with master ones is, in there special life times they reflect perfect! think perfect! being calm and never forget there pesonal rules. they live for themselves. not other vitrines :)

  • you could accept that every project has special chalengs, also the need soft-skills more than hard-skills

  • Its not impotant how old are you have, the important is how much you believe yourself. you can do it ;)

  • Have Your Config and tools anywhere, playlists, notes, and ... can help you too much for getting more comfortable in your new work space.

  • To be a lion, Train with lions !

  • Know your technical level, don't forget your state and experience in software challenge; get help from your senior co-workers easily. every misunderstanding in the boot state can resolve easily, but in the future maybe make monster!

  • keep in mind these words :

  1. "When reviewing code, count to 10 before you refactor a line. If the code does not have tests, a hundred." - Samer Buna

  2. "You need to study other people's work. Their approaches to problem solving and the tools they use give you a fresh way to look at your own work." - Gary Kildall

  3. "Software innovation, like almost every other kind of innovation, requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people, and to sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs." - Bill Gates

Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, has a pertinent quote here:

There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.

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