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evil-guide's Introduction

Table of Contents

Emacs/Evil for Vim Users

This is not meant to be a comprehensive introductory guide to emacs or a comparison between vim and emacs. It is meant to focus specifically on evil and address questions vim users might have when first using emacs with evil. Where there are already detailed, informative resources on other related topics, I will included references instead of re-explaining things myself. This aims to be a general guide to teach the reader about how to use and configure evil as opposed to a collection of configuration snippets.

If you have any suggestions for questions or problems it would be useful to discuss, feel free to make an issue or pull request.

Bare Minimum Emacs Knowledge


For a more complete list of terminology, see the emacs manual’s glossary

Cutting and Pasting

In emacs, cutting is called “killing.” Pasting is called “yanking.” This is probably the most confusing terminology difference between vim and emacs. Just remember that emacs packages that talk about “yanking” are talking about pasting, whereas evil-related packages will use “yanking” to mean the same thing as in vim (copying).

Buffer, Window, Frame, etc.

Buffers and windows basically mean the same thing in emacs as they do in vim. A window in emacs displays a buffer, and a “frame” can hold multiple windows (some people refer to them as “splits”). An emacs frame is basically a system-level window. Emacs does not have vim-like tabs builtin, but there are various plugins for storing multiple window configurations in the same frame (see this part of the faq). Also this excellent article has some screenshots to give you visual explanation.

Point and Mark

The point refers to the cursor. The mark refers to the other side of a selected region (the “active region”).


The minibuffer is located at the bottom of emacs. It is used for the evil ex command line among other things. This is also the location of the “echo area” where non-popup messages are be displayed (e.g. (message "message")).

For more information on the minibuffer, see the corresponding section in the emacs manual.


In emacs, the word “mode” is already taken, so evil refers to vim’s modes as “states” (e.g. “normal state”). In emacs, there are major modes and minor modes. Each buffer usually only has one major mode, which is comparable to the filetype in vim. A buffer can have multiple minor modes that can be toggled on and off. An example is flyspell-mode, which enables spell checking. Modes have their own keymaps that apply only when the mode is active.


A hook is similar to autocmd in vim.

Commands and Functions

In emacs, commands are functions that can be bound to a key (interactive) or run with M-x (<a-x>). Most commands can also be run from evil’s ex command line with :command-name<cr>. An exception is commands that have numbers in them such as w3m or mu4e. I will be referring to commands as command-name.

If you want to evaluate a function, you can use M-: (<a-:>) to evaluate an expression in the minibuffer. You can also run elisp by using the eval-... functions (e.g. eval-defun) in an emacs lisp mode buffer or by using ielm or eshell.

Key Notation

In vim, Space followed by Control+a would be written as <space><c+a>. In emacs, it would be written as SPC C-a. See the Emacs Wiki entry on key notation for more information.

Default Keybindings and Getting Help

Some people prefer to learn emacs’ keybindings first without using evil. I never did, but Sacha Chua’s visual guide for emacs beginners might be a good resource for those who want to. Tuhdo’s guides are also very good.

I’ve been able to get by without almost ever using emacs’ default keybindings. The exceptions for me are C-g and C-h. Even if you don’t plan on learning emacs’ keybindings in full, I recommend learning these when starting out.

C-g is bound to keyboard-quit (or an equivalent) by default. You use it, for example, to exit the minibuffer (e.g. if you type M-: which is bound to eval-expression and want to exit). You can replace C-g with <escape> for most cases (see Using Escape to Exit the Minibuffer), but it is still useful to know about it. If emacs freezes from a long-running command or infinite loop, you can use C-g to cancel it.

C-h is a prefix key for getting help. Since emacs has a different help system, :help will not work the same as in vim. If you want to find out about a variable, you can use C-h v (describe-variable). To find out what a key is bound to, you can use C-h k to pop open a help buffer with information about the command. For example, you can find out that C-h k is bound to describe-key by pressing C-h k C-h k. Knowing about C-h k can be useful, for example, if you want to find out what a nested key is bound to. By “nested key”, I mean that you can type d C-h k i w (d<c-h>kiw) to find out that iw here is bound to evil-inner-word.

To make things more friendly, you can use something like ivy-mode from ivy or helm-mode from helm to allow you to quickly narrow your selection. Helm also provides a helm-apropos command that will allow you to search commands, functions, and variables all at once (as well as faces).

Another useful package is elisp-slime-nav which provides commands that allow you to jump to the definition or corresponding help page for emacs lisp symbols.

For more information on getting help, see the corresponding section from the emacs manual.


Quoting is used to prevent evaluation of a symbol or a list. Quoting is done with (quote ...) or by prefixing the symbol or list with a single quote/apostrophe. When using a function as an argument, you use a sharp quote (equivalent to (function ...)). For example:

(+ 1 3 1)
;; => 5
(apply #'+ '(1 3 1))
;; => 5

In this example, the + function is sharp quoted so that it is not treated as a variable. The list of arguments to pass to the + function is quoted so that it is treated as a literal list. Otherwise, (1 3 1) would be treated as a function call to 1. Note that (quote (1 3 1)) is not the same as (list 1 3 1). Either works in this case, but the latter creates a fresh list.

Here is what will happen if you did not quote the arguments:

(apply + '(1 3 1))
;; => Symbol's value as a variable is void: +
;; if you actually want to store a function name in a variable:
(setq my-plus-func #'+)
(apply my-plus-func '(1 3 1))
;; => 5
(apply #'+ (1 3 1))
;; => Invalid function: 1
;; if you wanted to store the argument list in a variable:
(setq my-arg-list '(1 3 1))
(apply #'+ my-arg-list)
;; => 5

This can be confusing to a beginner when setting options or using functions. To simplify things, if you don’t want a function argument to be treated as a variable, you must quote it since functions evaluate their arguments. There are some exceptions. For example, nil and t do not need to be quoted since they evaluate to themselves. Some macros do not require symbols to be quoted; the most common example would probably be defun. For convenience, the name of the function being defined does not need to be quoted:

(defun hello-world ()
  (message "Hello world"))

For more information, see the corresponding section in the emacs manual.

Other Resources

In addition to the emacs manual and Tuhdo’s emacs mini manual for general emacs information, there is also the evil manual for specific evil information. It’s very short, and this guide goes into more depth about a lot of things mentioned (e.g. evil-define-key). It might be useful for reading about some of the basic settings (though it leaves most settings out). It can be read from emacs with M-x info RET or simply C-h i, searching for evil, and following the link. If you plan on writing motions, operators, and text objects, you may want to read those sections under “Macros.”

Emacs is configured and extended in emacs lisp, so if you want to learn more about emacs lisp at some point, you may want to read An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp. This (and the emacs manual of course) can be read from emacs in info mode as well.

For asking questions, there is the emacs stack exchange and the emacs subreddit.

Settings and Hooks

The basic syntax for emacs settings is (setq <variable> <value> ...). Note that setq can be used to set multiple options at once:

(setq evil-search-wrap t
      evil-regexp-search t)

For settings that have buffer local values by default (the help for the variable will tell you if this is the case), you’ll want to use setq-default to set the default value instead:

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil
              tab-width 4)

You can use setq-local set the local value of a variable. If the variable is not already buffer local, it will be made buffer local. You could use this with a mode hook, for example, to determine whether indentation is done with tabs or spaces for a specific programming language. Note that the hook should be quoted:

(add-hook 'c-mode-hook
          (lambda () (setq-local indent-tabs-mode t)))

This would be the vim equivalent:

au c_settings
	au FileType c setlocal noexpandtab
augroup END

Functions will only be added to hooks once, even if they are anonymous functions (lambdas).

Also note that for variables created by packages, you can set them before the package is loaded without issues. In some cases, you need to set them before a package is loaded (e.g. the evil manual gives some of the evil-want-... variables as an example). You can also use add-hook with a hook that does not yet exist.

Emacs also provides a GUI for customization, but this probably won’t be all that interesting to most vim users.

Keybindings and States

Keybindings in Emacs

Unlike in vim where keybindings are often made in terms of other keys, in emacs you usually bind keys to named commands. You can bind keys to other keys and keyboard macros (a potentially better approach for this is given in Using Emacs Keybindings in Normal State), but there is no concept of “default” keybindings, so there is no exact equivalent of vim’s noremap.

The main functions you’ll use as an evil user for binding keys are define-key and evil-define-key. Here are some of the other ones provided to you:

  • global-set-key
  • evil-global-set-key
  • evil-local-set-key
  • evil-define-minor-mode-key

All of these, including evil-define-key, are just wrappers around define-key, but they all serve different purposes. I will elaborate on how these functions work and what they can be used for in the upcoming sections. I’d highly recommend looking at general.el for a unified wrapper for these all keybinding functions that reduces the verbosity of key definition and provides functions that are more similar to vim’s (such as general-nmap) among other things.

As a quick disclaimer, I’m going to be quoting (instead of sharp quoting) commands in example key definitions. Sharp quoting commands (since they are functions) is perfectly valid and, if anything, is more correct. You generally want to sharp quote functions, but for keybindings, you’ll hardly ever see people do it (including in the emacs manual). I think this is mainly for historical reasons, but it may also be a stylistic preference for some.

Keymap Precedence

In emacs, there is a hierarchy of keymaps that are searched one by one until a definition for a key is found. Evil keymaps are found in emulation-mode-map-alists which puts them close to the top in terms of precedence. Here is the order of precedence of evil’s keymaps as explained in evil-core.el:

  • Intercept keymaps - evil-make-intercept-map
  • Local state keymap - evil-local-set-key
  • Minor-mode keymaps - evil-define-minor-mode-key
  • Auxiliary keymaps - evil-define-key
  • Overriding keymaps - evil-make-overriding-map
  • Global state keymap - evil-global-set-key

I will be bringing up precedence later on when it is relevant. For more information, see spacemacs’ keymap guide (though it is missing minor-mode keymaps) and the commentary in evil-core.el.

Global Keybindings and Evil States

To make global keybindings in emacs without evil, one would normally use global-set-key. global-set-key is just a small wrapper function around define-key that defines a key in the current global map and signals a error when the key isn’t a string or vector. As an evil user, you won’t often use this function since evil provides several of its own global keymaps corresponding to vim modes. They are as follows:

  • evil-insert-state-map
  • evil-emacs-state-map
  • evil-normal-state-map
  • evil-visual-state-map
  • evil-motion-state-map
  • evil-operator-state-map
  • evil-outer-text-objects-map
  • evil-inner-text-objects-map
  • evil-replace-state-map

Most of these should be self-explanatory coming from vim. Emacs state is similar to insert state but uses emacs keybindings (e.g. C-n is bound to next-line instead of to evil-complete-next). For the most part, the keys are the same as if you weren’t using evil at all in emacs state. Motion state is a bit strange. Keys bound in motion state are inherited in the normal, visual, and operator state keymaps if they are not shadowed. For example, evil-next-visual-line is bound to gj in motion state instead of in the normal state keymap (you can check this with (lookup-key evil-normal-state-map "gj") which will return nil). This means that if you want to rebind a motion key like j or k in the normal, visual, and operator states, you can rebind it in just motion state. Similarly, if you look up the operator keys such as d, you will find that they are only explicitly bound in normal state and not in visual state (with the exception of operators that are bound to different keys in visual state like u, U, and R). Also note that defining a key in evil-visual-state-map is more like xmap in vim since there is no “select” state in evil. There are also buffer local versions of these states (e.g. evil-normal-state-local-map).

These are the other evil keymaps that might be useful:

  • evil-ex-search-keymap (/ and ?)
  • evil-ex-completion-map (:)
  • evil-command-window-mode-map (q:; you’d use evil-define-key for this)
  • evil-window-map (a prefix map for the C-w keys)

Since define-key is the basis for key definition in emacs, I will begin by explaining it. The basic format of define-key is (define-key <keymap> <key> <definition>). The specified key can be a string (or something that evaluates to a string) or a vector. You probably won’t want to use a vector of characters instead of a string, but you can use a vector to remap a command (you could also use advice to do this globally). The definition will normally be a command (or something that evaluates to one), but it can also be a keymap or a string. A key bound to a keymap is a prefix key. Binding a key to a string will cause emacs to lookup that string and execute the command it is bound to.

Here is what a basic nmap command equivalent would look like in emacs:

(define-key evil-normal-state-map "j" 'evil-next-visual-line)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map "k" 'evil-previous-visual-line)
;; with general.el
(general-nmap "j" 'evil-next-visual-line
              "k" 'evil-previous-visual-line)

Evil also provides a convenience function called evil-global-set-key that allows you to simply specify the name of the state as opposed to the full keymap name:

(evil-global-set-key 'motion "j" 'evil-next-visual-line)
(evil-global-set-key 'motion "k" 'evil-previous-visual-line)

Remember that binding a key in motion state is like binding a key in the normal, visual, and operator states all at once (unless that key is already bound in one of those states).

You can write the key portion as just a string, but often people will use kbd to conveniently write keys that have special characters in them like control and space. This follows the format mentioned in Key Notation. These are equivalent:

(define-key evil-normal-state-map "\C-j" 'evil-next-visual-line)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-j") 'evil-next-visual-line)
;; general.el implicitily adds a kbd by default
(general-nmap "C-j" 'evil-next-visual-line)

An alternate way to define keys globally is to use evil-define-key. I talk about this later in Preventing Certain Keys From Being Overridden.

Unbinding a Key

There is no dedicated function for unbinding a key in emacs. To unbind a key, you simply bind it to nil.

Leader Key

There is no exact equivalent of a “leader” key in evil. You can have named prefix keys with a package like general.el or bind a prefix key to a named keymap. This will allow you to easily change your “leader”/prefix key later. Here’s an example that doesn’t use any extra packages:

(defvar my-leader-map (make-sparse-keymap)
  "Keymap for \"leader key\" shortcuts.")
(define-key evil-normal-state-map "," my-leader-map)
;; binding ",b"
(define-key my-leader-map "b" 'list-buffers)
;; change the "leader" key to space
(define-key evil-normal-state-map "," 'evil-repeat-find-char-reverse)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC") my-leader-map)

This isn’t quite the same as the leader key in vim. In vim, <leader> is builtin and commonly used by plugins to bind keys. This is convenient since it gives you some control over what you would like to use as a “main” prefix key without having to manually make keybindings for it with every plugin. In emacs, evil packages generally do not force the use of some extra package that provides “leader” functionality onto the user, and there is no standard, generic “leader” prefix map provided by evil. This means that “leader” keybindings in emacs will be your personal ones.

In terms of functionality, it might be said that named prefixes are actually slightly more convenient in emacs. You can use as many prefix keymaps as you would like and can bind as many keys to the same prefix keymap as you would like (which may be useful if you want to use a different key to access a prefix keymap in insert state).

For an example of a prefix keymap used by evil, see evil-window-map which is used for C-w commands. From evil-maps.el:

(define-prefix-command 'evil-window-map)
(define-key evil-window-map "b" 'evil-window-bottom-right)
(define-key evil-window-map "c" 'evil-window-delete)
(define-key evil-motion-state-map "\C-w" 'evil-window-map)

Note the use of define-prefix-command instead of defvar. Either way works, but define-prefix-command is specifically intended for this purpose (see its documentation for more information).

Mode Specific Keybindings

evil-define-key can be used to define keys in specific states for specific modes. The basic format is (evil-define-key <state> <keymap> <key> <definition> ...). Unlike with define-key, evil-define-key can be used to define multiple keys at once. The state argument can be a single state or a list of states. evil-define-key will also defer keybindings if the specified keymap does not exist. This means that you can use it without putting it in an eval-after-load for packages that haven’t been loaded yet.

Here is an example:

(evil-define-key 'normal org-mode-map
  (kbd "TAB") 'org-cycle
  ">" 'org-shiftmetaright
  "<" 'org-shiftmetaleft)

Coming from vim, this is a lot nicer than using buffer local keybindings with autocommands or ftplugin files in my opinion.

The state can also be nil, so you could also use it like define-key except to define multiple keys at once, for example, in evil-normal-state-map. I’d recommend using general.el instead if you want this functionality.

If you don’t need keybindings to be deferred and would rather use a function (evil-define-key is a macro), evil-define-key* was recently added. Also note that evil-declare-key is an alias for evil-define-key.

There is also a function called evil-define-minor-mode-key that is similar to evil-define-key. Some differences are that evil-define-minor-mode-key only works with minor modes, only allows specifying a single state that cannot be nil, and keys defined with it have a higher precedence than those defined with evil-define-key. You probably won’t need to use this function often, but it has a main practical difference that allows it to be used as a workaround for some shortcomings of evil-define-key (see Why don’t keys defined with evil-define-key work (immediately)?).

Buffer Local Keybindings

Emacs does not have a builtin function for creating buffer local keybindings (that’s not to say there is no such thing as local keymaps; any variable in emacs can be made buffer-local). There is local-set-key, but it will bind a key for a mode instead of for a buffer. General.el provides a way to locally bind keys for both evil and non-evil keybindings. Evil also provides evil-local-set-key which will work as expected. It is similar to evil-global-set-key in that it is a simple wrapper around define-key and can only take a single key and definition. For example:

(evil-local-set-key 'normal key def)
;; is the same as
(define-key evil-normal-state-local-map key def)

Let’s say you are using SPC as a generic prefix key in normal state and want to use Space+’ for org-edit-special and org-edit-src-exit. You can do the following to set a buffer local keybinding:

(evil-define-key 'normal org-mode-map
  (kbd "SPC '") 'org-edit-special)
;; you can do this, but the key won't work immediately
;; (evil-define-key 'normal org-src-mode-map
;;   (kbd "SPC '") 'org-edit-src-exit)
;; this is a potential workaround:
(defun my-setup-org-edit-src-exit ()
  (evil-local-set-key 'normal (kbd "SPC '") 'org-edit-src-exit))
(add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook #'my-setup-org-edit-src-exit)

This is closer to how you might define local keybindings in vim (with an autocommand and buffer local keybindings). Note that you can replace the #'my-setup... with the actual (defun...) without problems, but defun’s return value is technically undefined.

If you ever need buffer local keybindings, they are there, but for this particular problem, there are also other solutions (see Why don’t keys defined with evil-define-key work (immediately)?).

Mapping Under Keys That Aren’t Prefix Keys

In vim, it is somewhat common to bind non-operator functionality under operators (e.g. co<keys> to toggling options). It’s is also somewhat common for people to do something like remap cw to ciw. With evil, it is not possible to bind something like cow directly since c is not a prefix key (it is already bound to evil-change). For this specific case, you can bind under evil-operator-state-map. If you want to have different things executed based on the specific operator (d vs. c) you can check evil-this-operator; this is how evil-surround works.

This method won’t work, however, if you wanted to rebind something like ct<key> or cw (you’d have to redefine evil-find-char-to and evil-forward-word-begin). For a more general solution that will work for both cases, there is general.el’s general-key-dispatch macro. For more information and specific examples see here.


Since this functionality is used in the next section, I’ll go ahead and mention it now. Emacs allows “advising” a function. This means that you can have certain code execute before, after, or even instead of a function. The examples in this guide are fairly simple, but you can see the corresponding section of the emacs manual for more information.

Further Integrating Evil and Emacs

There is a common misconception that evil is unable integrate well with certain parts of emacs. What is true is that evil has some default configuration that may be annoying and does not provide default keybindings for all emacs packages. That said, once you know about the tools evil gives you, the process of integration becomes much easier. In the following sections, I will present various techniques for reconciling emacs and evil keybindings.

In many cases there are also packages that will make keybindings for you, such as evil-magit. I don’t personally use these unless they provide new functionality too, but some people find these packages indispensable.

What Overrides Evil?

If you’ve ever entered some buffer and noticed that your normal state keybindings weren’t working, it was probably because of some configuration done by evil (see evil-integration.el). There are very few cases where another keymap takes precedence over an evil one. Referring back to the fact that evil’s keymaps are located in emulation-mode-map-alists and the Searching Keymaps section of the emacs manual, you’ll notice that emacs will check in the keymap char property before reaching evil’s keymaps. An example of where this would override evil keybindings is when the point is in a magit diff section in the magit status buffer. The other main case where evil keybindings will be overriden is by overriding-terminal-local-map, which has the highest precedence in emacs. Normally it is used by set-transient-map to temporarily to elevate a keymap to the highest precedence. For an example of packages that use set-transient-map, see this article.

Evil’s Tools

Evil provides a way to set the initial state for a mode as well as to override a state with another keymap. I will be referencing these variables/functions in later sections, so I will briefly explain them now.

Initial States

Evil has “initial state” lists containing modes. For example, if you wanted org-mode buffers to start in emacs state, you could add org-mode to evil-emacs-state-modes and remove it from the list it was previously in or just use (evil-set-initial-state 'org-mode 'emacs).

Overriding/Intercepting Keymaps

Evil has two variables called evil-overriding-maps and evil-intercept-maps. They both have a similar effect. Keymaps listed in evil-override-maps will replace evil keybindings. For example, (Info-mode-map . motion) is in this list by default, meaning that keys bound in Info-mode-map will override keys bound in motion state. If no state is specified (e.g. (compilation-mode-map), another default), all states will be overridden. The corresponding functions are evil-make-overriding-map and evil-make-intercept-map. The difference between the two has to do with precedence (refer back to Keymap Precedence). An overriding keymap will not override keys bound with evil-local-set-key, evil-define-minor-mode-key, or evil-define-key, but an intercept keymap will. Because of this, you generally won’t want to use intercept maps.

Evil also has a function called evil-add-hjkl-bindings that can be useful to add back hjkl movement keybindings to an overriden keymap.

Evil Command Properties

Evil has a concept of “command properties” that can be added with evil-add-command-properties, evil-set-command-property, or evil-set-command-properties and gotten with evil-get-command-property or evil-get-command-properties. These can be used to, for example, customize whether or not and how a command will be repeated later with . (evil-repeat).

Some Emacs Keybindings

Switching Between Evil and Emacs

Some people prefer to just use evil for editing and stick to emacs keybindings elsewhere. This method just involves altering the initial state for certain modes or using evil-make-overriding-map. For example, if you just wanted to use dired’s keybindings as they are without touching your normal state keybindings in dired-mode, you could do the following:

(evil-set-initial-state 'dired-mode 'emacs)

If you wanted to override normal state with dired’s keybindings, you could do this:

(evil-make-overriding-map dired-mode-map 'normal)

The latter is what evil does by default (followed by an evil-add-hjkl-bindings).

Note that at any time you can use C-z (bound to evil-emacs-state) to enter emacs state or \ (bound to evil-execute-in-emacs-state) to execute the next command in emacs state. In emacs state, C-z and ESC are bound to switch to the previous state. This may not be what you want if you’ve entered emacs state from insert state, so you may want to rebind ESC to always enter normal state instead:

(define-key evil-emacs-state-map [escape] 'evil-normal-state)

Note that in this case, attempting to rebind (kbd "ESC") will not work.

If you want to use emacs keybindings instead of the ones that evil makes in insert state, you can change the evil-insert-state-bindings variable to your liking or set evil-disable-insert-state-bindings to t before loading evil. I recommend doing this instead of aliasing or overriding evil-insert-state to evil-emacs-state because the result is pretty much the same and evil intentionally does not record repeat information in emacs state.

These are the keybindings evil makes in insert state by default:

keycommandemacs default
C-x C-nevil-complete-next-lineset-goal-column
C-x C-pevil-complete-previous-linemark-page
or evil-window-map
(see evil-want-C-w-delete)

In evil-insert-state-bindings, evil also replaces delete-backward-char with evil-delete-backward-char-and-join and binds <mouse-2> to mouse-yank-primary (same as the default). Regardless of the value of evil-insert-state-bindings or evil-disable-insert-state-bindings, evil will bind the following in insert state:

keycommandemacs default
<escape>evil-normal-stateacts like meta/alt

If you don’t like these, you can always unbind or rebind them. evil-toggle-key defaults to C-z (bound to suspend-frame by default).

Using Emacs Keybindings in Normal State

For modes that still involve editing text but add extra keybindings, you don’t always have to rely on a package to make keybindings for you in normal state or rebind everything yourself. C-c is used as a mode-specific prefix in emacs, and if you are okay with the keys under it for a mode, you can simply change the prefix to something else in normal state. While this won’t always cover all the keybindings made by a mode (e.g. org-mode), it can be helpful.

For example (function taken from Malabarba’s post here):

(defun simulate-key-press (key)
  "Pretend that KEY was pressed.
KEY must be given in `kbd' notation."
  `(lambda ()
     (setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg)
     (setq unread-command-events (listify-key-sequence (read-kbd-macro ,key)))))

(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC") (simulate-key-press "C-c"))

With this configuration, you could, for example, press SPC C-e in normal state in org mode to bring up the export dispatcher. Emacs allows you to bind keys to keymaps, so the following is also possible:

(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC h") help-map)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC x") ctl-x-map)

There are other ways to simulate keys of course, but the way listed here is well-suited for keybindings. This method allows prefix arguments to work properly for the command that ends up running, whereas a keyboard macro would eat the prefix argument. I think this method is also a lot better than the key translation methods mentioned here.

General.el provides a similar command called general-simulate-keys that has some enhancements. It returns a named function with a docstring, so which-key and C-h k will work with the key you bind the result to automatically. It also provides an argument to have the keys simulated in emacs state. This allows simulating keys that evil overrides:

(general-nmap "j" (general-simulate-keys "C-n" t))

With this, j in normal-state would act as whatever C-n is bound to in the current mode for emacs (e.g. next-line or dired-next-line).

Preventing Certain Keys From Being Overridden

A potential downside to overriding normal state with evil-make-overriding-map is that you lose use of all keys that are bound in the overriding map. You may want to make use of evil-make-overriding-map but selectively keep certain keys that you want to be the same everywhere. A good example might be keys bound to commands for window or tab/workgroup/perspective commands.

One way to do this is to bind the keys you never want to be altered in global-map or (current-global-map) using evil-define-key:

(evil-define-key 'normal (current-global-map)
  (kbd "SPC h") 'windmove-left

This is a nonstandard way of defining keys, but the effect is basically the same as binding a key in evil-normal-state-map (though with higher precedence). General.el provides a way to have general-nmap behave this way by default or temporarily. The following are equivalent:

(general-define-key :states 'normal "SPC h" 'windmove-left)
(let ((general-vim-definer-default 'states))
  (general-nmap "SPC h" 'windmove-left))

Evil Everywhere

Make Evil Normal State the Initial State Always

After loading evil, you can use the following configuration to have all modes start in normal state:

(setq evil-emacs-state-modes nil)
(setq evil-insert-state-modes nil)
(setq evil-motion-state-modes nil)

Since evil-default-state defaults to normal, you can simply clear the other mode lists. If you want to be more explicit, you can do this before clearing them.

(setq evil-normal-state-modes
      (append evil-emacs-state-modes

If you’d rather have REPLs start in insert state, you may want to keep evil-insert-state-modes as it is.

Later if you want to change the state a mode starts in, you should use evil-set-initial-state as it will automatically remove the mode from any other state list.

Undo Overriding/Intercept Maps

Undoing an override or intercept involves unbinding either [override-state] or [intercept-state] like so:

(define-key keymap [override-state] nil)
(define-key keymap [intercept-state] nil)

As an example, to undo evil’s default overriding of Info-mode-map:

(define-key Info-mode-map [override-state] nil)

Prevent Overriding/Intercept Maps

Instead of specifically undoing all the overrides that evil makes, you may want to instead prevent evil from ever overriding anything using a more generic method. Evil provides variables containing keymaps to elevate. They must be set to nil before evil is loaded:

(setq evil-overriding-maps nil
      evil-intercept-maps nil)
;; ...
(require 'evil)

If you don’t want anything to be overriden, this is not enough. In evil-integration.el, evil-make-overriding-map is used for dired and ibuffer. If you want to prevent this, you either need to remove these parts from the file, clear the dired and ibuffer keymaps, or prevent evil-make-overriding-map from working. The first would be annoying to do and the second can cause problems (it will break WoMan, requiring extra configuration). By advising evil-overriding-map with :around or :override, it can be prevented from ever doing anything:

(advice-add 'evil-make-overriding-map :override #'ignore)

If evil-make-intercept-map is ever used by default in evil-integration.el in a way you don’t like, you could deal with this in the same way.

If you want to use these functions later, you will need to remove the advice:

(advice-remove 'evil-make-overriding-map #'ignore)
(advice-remove 'evil-make-intercept-map #'ignore)

Prevent Text Property Maps from Overriding Normal State

Locations in a buffer can have their own keymaps. As these keymaps have a higher precedence than evil, you will have to clear them to prevent them from overriding your keys. As of emacs 25, help pages will tell you where a key is bound, so to find the keymap you could press C-h k <key that is being overriden>. A good example of when you might encounter these keymaps is for links (enter and mouse clicks are often remapped) and for magit-status diff sections. To control the keybindings in these locations, you need to clear the keymap (or at least unbind the keys you don’t want) and then define the keys as you like. Note that you should use define-key and not evil-define-key for this.

(setq magit-hunk-section-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key magit-hunk-section-map "s" 'magit-stage)

Modal Minibuffer

Normal state does kind of work in the minibuffer if you bind a key to evil-normal-state, but I don’t personally find it to be usable. For the ex command line specifically, it’s worth noting that evil provides q:.

Missing using normal mode with Unite, I wrote a blog post a while back with the idea of using a hydra to implement modality for helm. Since then, people have created improved versions of my hydra for helm, and ivy has such a hydra builtin.

Example: Integration with Pdf Tools

Configuring a package for evil is not all that different from configuring a package for vanilla emacs. Often the main difference is that you’ll be using evil-define-key instead of define-key to change keybindings. You start off by reading the documentation for the package to learn how it works and what keybindings it provides.

Pdf-tools has a section in the readme that lists its keybindings. If you are happy with them, you could simply let pdf-tool’s keymap override normal state (excluding your “special” non-overridable keys). The readme doesn’t tell you the mode’s keymap name specifically, but it is not hard to figure out. After setting up the basics for pdf-tools, you can open a pdf and evaluate major-mode to find out that you are in pdf-view-mode. You can get a lot more information with C-h m (describe-mode). Mode’s keymaps generally match their mode’s name, and in this case the main keymap is pdf-view-mode-map.

(evil-make-overriding-map pdf-view-mode-map 'normal)

Alternatively, you can find out what keymaps pdf-tools provides by typing pdf map after running helm-apropos.

Pdf-tools has some other modes, the other main one being the outline mode (pdf-outline-buffer-mode-map). For packages that have 2+ main modes for different contexts, you can just repeat this process as necessary and be done with things if you are content with the default keybindings.

If you’re like me though, you’ll prefer to use vim-like keybindings everywhere. You can either change a few keybindings and use the previous configuration (keys bound with evil-define-key here won’t be overriden) or bind all the keys you use yourself. You can either look at the keys mentioned in the readme and check what they are bound to with C-h k or use C-h m to look at all the keys bound. Here are some basic hjkl keybindings:

(evil-define-key 'normal pdf-view-mode-map
  "h" 'pdf-view-previous-page-command
  "j" (lambda () (interactive) (pdf-view-next-line-or-next-page 5))
  "k" (lambda () (interactive) (pdf-view-previous-line-or-previous-page 5))
  "l" 'pdf-view-next-page-command)

You could even bind things in terms of general-simulate-keys without even looking up the keys if you preferred to:

(general-evil-define-key 'normal pdf-view-mode-map
  "h" (general-simulate-keys "p" t)
  "j" (general-simulate-keys "C-n" t)
  "k" (general-simulate-keys "C-p" t)
  ;; alternatively to scroll more
  "j" (general-simulate-keys "SPC" t)
  "k" (general-simulate-keys "DEL" t)
  "l" (general-simulate-keys "n" t))

We can go further if we want:

(evil-define-key 'normal pdf-view-mode-map
  "g" 'pdf-view-first-page
  "G" 'pdf-view-last-page
  ;; alternatively
  "g" 'image-bob
  "G" 'image-eob
  (kbd "C-o") 'pdf-history-backward
  (kbd "C-i") 'pdf-history-forward
  "m" 'pdf-view-position-to-register
  "'" 'pdf-view-jump-to-register
  "/" 'pdf-occur
  "o" 'pdf-outline
  "f" 'pdf-links-action-perform
  "b" 'pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode

Using the tools mentioned in this section, none of this is difficult. It may be time consuming, but I think reading the documentation for a new mode takes the majority of the time when compared to making 10-20 basic keybindings for it.

As a bonus, here are some functions I wrote to make pdf-tools even more vimmy. Want to have G double as a way for jumping to a specific page number? No problem:

(defun noct:pdf-view-goto-page (count)
  "Goto page COUNT.
If COUNT is not supplied, go to the last page."
  (interactive "P")
  (if count
      (pdf-view-goto-page count)

(evil-define-key 'normal pdf-view-mode-map
  "G" 'noct:pdf-view-goto-page)

Want to copy text using vim keys? Pdf-tools displays pdfs using images, but you can open the current page in a text buffer and use vim keys for selection/copying there:

(defun noct:pdf-view-page-as-text ()
  "Inserts current pdf page into a buffer for keyboard selection."
  (switch-to-buffer (make-temp-name "pdf-page"))

(evil-define-key 'normal pdf-view-mode-map
  "y" 'noct:pdf-view-page-as-text)

Once you’re done, you can delete the buffer (kill-this-buffer) and continue reading where you left off.

Customizing Command Behavior

Evil provides the following functions for customizing how it deals with commands:

  • evil-set-command-property: Set one property of a command
  • evil-put-command-property: Alias for evil-set-command-property
  • evil-set-command-properties: Set all the properties of a command
  • evil-add-command-properties: Set one or more command properties of a command

Unless you want to remove command properties entirely from a command, you can just use evil-add-command-properties.

When creating motions, text-objects, and commands, you can set command properties with keywords (e.g. to control whether an operator will move the point or exit visual state; see the evil/Macros info node). Here I will talk about the main command properties that are also applicable to normal emacs commands.


The :repeat property is used to determine how evil records information for repeating later with evil-repeat. These symbols are the possible values by default:

  • t: record by keystrokes
  • motion: record by keystrokes only in insert state
  • change: record by changes to the buffer
  • ignore or nil: don’t record the command
  • abort: immediately abort recording

There is also insert-at-point which has a less common use case. If a command does not have a :repeat property, evil will treat it as if the repeat property was t. You can also create your own recording functions and use them by setting the repeat property to that function’s name. You could also use a custom symbol by adding something like (my-repeat-type . my-repeat-function) to evil-repeat-types.

Evil also provides some wrappers around evil-add-command-properties to set the repeat property for a command:

  • evil-declare-repeat: set to t
  • evil-declare-not-repeat: set to nil
  • evil-declare-change-repeat: set to change
  • evil-declare-ignore-repeat: set to ignore
  • evil-delare-abort-repeat: set to abort

evil-declare-repeat and evil-declare-not-repeat are the most commonly useful ones. You’ll use them for configuring whether a command should be repeatable. See the help text and functions in evil-repeat.el for more information. For examples of these being used, I’d recommend looking at evil-integration.el.


The :jump property takes a boolean value. If a command has a non-nil jump property value, the location prior to running the command will be recorded in the jump list to later be navigated to with C-o (evil-jump-backward) and C-i (evil-jump-forward). Commands without this command property will not add a position to the jump list. For example, you could use this to have git-gutter’s command for navigating hunks add locations to the jump list:

(evil-add-command-properties #'git-gutter:next-hunk :jump t)
(evil-add-command-properties #'git-gutter:previous-hunk :jump t)


The :type command property determines how commands act with operators. The possible values by default are as follows:

  • :line
  • :inclusive
  • :exclusive
  • :block

This property is mainly useful for evil text objects and motions, but it can also be used for non-evil commands. For example, if you bound j next-line in operator state and set its type to :inclusive, dj would no longer delete both lines entirely (next-line has a type of line by default).

Declaring a Motion

As an example, you don’t always need use evil-define-motion to create new motions. If all you want is to do is control the repeating behavior or the behavior in visual state, you can simply change the command properties of a command. To have an emacs command act like a motion, evil provides evil-declare-motion, which will set the :repeat property to motion and the :keep-visual property to t. Usually the :keep-visual property doesn’t matter for emacs commands (they already won’t exit visual state). Setting the repeat property will cause a command to only be part of a recorded repeat in insert state (for example, after a C-o).

Other Evil Tips

State Indicator

I prefer not to have a state indicator on my mode line and instead to just rely on the color and shape of the cursor to determine what state I’m in. For example:

(setq evil-mode-line-format nil
      evil-insert-state-cursor '(bar "White")
      evil-visual-state-cursor '(box "#F86155"))

See the Settings/The cursor section of the evil info node for more information.

User Created States

Evil lets you create new states with evil-define-state (see Macros/States under the evil info node). You may never need to use this, and if you’re looking for something like vim-submode, I’d highly recommend looking at hydra instead.

Using Escape to Exit the Minibuffer

Escape is used as a prefix key in some parts of emacs, so you need to rebind it to keyboard-escape-quit in certain minibuffer-related keymaps for it to always act as expected. You can find a list of those keymaps here.

Ex Command Definition

You can define your own ex commands using evil-ex-define-cmd. For example, this is how copy is defined:

(evil-ex-define-cmd "co[py]" 'evil-copy)
(evil-ex-define-cmd "t" "copy")

You could, for example, use this to get some emacs commands with numbers in them to work from the command line (this won’t work with “w3m” because of the write command):

(evil-ex-define-cmd "mu[4e]" 'mu4e)

Autocommand Equivalents (unfinished)

Here I’ll list the hooks that are closest to common vim autocommands. See here for the standard hooks that are part of emacs.


Other Emacs Tips


Unlike vim, emacs has a standard way to install plugins (package.el). This has some upsides such as allowing a package author to specify dependencies. There are also some differences vim users might consider to be downsides. For example, you normally install packages through a package repository such as MELPA. If you want to install a package that is not in a package repository immediately (without having to add it yourself), you can use elget or quelpa to grab it from the source repository like you would with a vim plugin manager. Quelpa is also useful if you want the latest version of a package from MELPA (or with your own recipe). MELPA builds packages daily, but sometimes you may want the latest commit for testing a bug fix. You can, of course, always manually clone a repo and put it in your load-path. For comparison, package.el additionally compiles all elisp files and generates autoloads from autoload cookies.

For basic functionality, you can use package-list-packages (or just list-packages) to view and install available packages or just package-install.

Debugging Your Init File

You can start emacs with the --debug-init flag when there is some problem in your init to put you in the debugger with a backtrace. You can use wasamasa’s hack to have the line number where the error was encountered displayed as well.

Flycheck can help to prevent some errors. If you don’t have flycheck installed, you can also byte-compile your init file to get information about detectable errors and jump to them using byte-compile-file; byte-compiling your init file will also give you other nice information such as telling you when you’re using obsolete functions/variables. The emacs manual does not recommend using a byte-compiled init file, so you may want to remove the corresponding “elc” file afterwards if you do this.


Is emacs slow to start?

No, people’s init files are usually the problem. To test emacs’ startup speed, you can start it without loading your init file using emacs -q (there is also emacs -Q). Even with over 100 packages, the startup time shouldn’t be increased very much if you properly defer the loading of your packages when possible.

Deferring a package from loading often just involves not putting a (require 'package) in your config. When you install a package through package.el, autoloads are automatically generated for functions that have autoload cookies (;;;###autoload). This means that if you bind a key to one of these autoloaded commands, the corresponding package will be loaded when you first use that key. Modes can also be autoloaded (e.g. loading is deferred until a certain filetype is opened or a hook runs).

Even if your init is not too optimized, you can you can use emacs’ server functionality so that you only need to start emacs once. You can start the server either putting (server-start) in your init file or by using emacsclient or emacs (with the --daemon flag) to create it. You can connect to a server using emacsclient. I personally use emacsclient as my EDITOR and have a key bound to emacsclient -a "" -c, which will open a new graphical emacs frame and start the server if it isn’t already running. See the emacsclient manpage and the corresponding emacs manual section for more information.

For a convenient way to control package loading, see use-package. For a way to profile your init file(s), see benchmark-init and esup.

How do I improve emacs’ performance?

If you’re encountering lag while using emacs, it’s likely due to part of your configuration. The most common culprit for slowdown is linum-mode. nlinum is a faster alternative. Some people don’t use line numbers at all in emacs.

I’ve also found that git-gutter can cause major slowdown in large buffers with a lot of changes. I’ve heard that fic-mode can also cause problems. In really large files, you may need to disable some of your minor modes or switch to fundamental mode. If you’re having trouble quickly finding the culprit of slowdowns, you should probably try profiling.

Does emacs have vim-like tabs (distinct window configurations)?

No, but there are plenty of packages that add this feature. Elscreen is often recommended, but it is limited to 10 tabs/screens, old, and not as good as the alternatives in my opinion. I personally use workgroups2. It probably has the most features compared with alternatives, but it is unmaintained, so I’d probably recommend using eyebrowse instead. There are other alternatives listed in the eyebrowse readme as well.

What’s the equivalent of nnoremap Y y$?

You can of course bind Y to simulate y$ or redefine the operator, but evil has an option for this builtin. You can set evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol to a non-nil value before loading emacs to make this change.

You might also want to look at the other evil-want variables in evil-vars.el such as evil-want-change-word-to-end.

What’s the equivalent of nnoremap n nzz?

You can advise evil-search-next to have the command zz is bound to run afterwards.

(defun my-center-line (&rest _)
  (evil-scroll-line-to-center nil))

(advice-add 'evil-search-next :after #'my-center-line)

You could advise several commands at once like this using dolist.

What’s the equivalent of inoremap jk <escape>?

As this is not possible by default with emacs’ keybinding system, you have to use one of a few workarounds.

What’s the equivalent of nnoremap cw ciw?

This is also not possible by default. See the previous link.

What’s the equivalent of vim-unimpaired’s cow?

This is also not possible by default. See the previous link.

How do I copy and paste to/from the clipboard in terminal emacs?

For osx (with pbcopy) and linux (with xclip), you can install xclip.el for this functionality. I have this in my configuration to turn it on when I open emacs in a terminal:

(defun noct:conditionally-turn-on-xclip-mode (_)
  (unless (display-graphic-p)

(noct:conditionally-turn-on-xclip-mode nil)

(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions

If you don’t use emacsclient, you don’t need to use a hook at all. If you do use emacsclient, you’ll still want to run this in your init file initially or add it to the after-init-hook since functions added to after-make-frame-functions won’t run when the first emacs frame is created (the init file is read after the first frame is created).

Can I have better completion in the ex command line?

ivy-mode, for example, does work in the ex command line, but it must be manually triggered. Because of how completion in the command line works, there is no way as far as I’m aware to have automatic completion popups. Company does work with q:, but by default, the completions it suggests may not be too useful.

How do I prevent parentheses becoming unbalanced in my init file?

The simplest way is to install and use a package like evil-cleverparens or lispyville that will prevent evil’s operators from unbalancing parentheses. Lispyville only remaps evil’s operators by default, so you can ignore its other functionality (and lispy too) if you want.

How can I have relative line numbers?

Take a look at linum-relative and nlinum-relative. Nlinum-relative only redisplays during idle time. If you don’t mind this, it shouldn’t slow down emacs and looks quite nice. You can also lower the idle delay if you want. Here is the config I’ve started using to replicate numbers.vim:

(defun noct:nlinum-setup ()
  "Use absolute line numbers in insert state and relative ones in normal state.
Applies only for the current buffer."
  ;; maybe useful if you're not using normal as the initial state
  (when (eq evil-state 'normal)
  (add-hook 'evil-insert-state-exit-hook #'nlinum-relative-on nil t)
  (add-hook 'evil-insert-state-entry-hook #'nlinum-relative-off nil t))

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'noct:nlinum-setup)

One thing to note is that if you are using git-gutter or diff-hl in the margin, line numbers (longer than one digit) will end up behind the diff signs. This isn’t a problem if you are using the fringe to display the diff signs. If you are using terminal emacs, you have to use the margin since there is no fringe. Git-gutter has “experimental” support for not clobbering line numbers for linum-mode, so it is possible that in the future it will also work with nlinum-mode. A workaround for diff-hl is to use the right margin to display the markers instead. One can set diff-hl-side before diff-hl is loaded:

(setq diff-hl-side 'right)

You can check (display-graphic-p) to determine whether or not to use the fringe. If you use emacsclient and want to use both graphical and terminal frames, things are a bit more complicated. You can use the following function to change the settings based on the current frame:

(defun noct:change-diff-location ()
  "Put diff markers in the margin or fringe based on (display-graphic-p)."
  (cond ((display-graphic-p)
         (when diff-hl-margin-mode
           (diff-hl-margin-mode -1))
         (customize-set-variable 'diff-hl-side 'left))
         (customize-set-variable 'diff-hl-side 'right))))

You’ll have to choose a hook to add this to. Using focus-in-hook won’t work because it doesn’t work with a terminal frame (at least it doesn’t work for me; I couldn’t find anything in the documentation about whether it should work). For vim, there is a plugin that uses tmux to get FocusGained to work in the terminal (see here; there is also mention of a patch to natively add this functionality to vim), so I assume it would also be possible to do something similar with emacs.

Does emacs have support for folding?

Yes, evil has integration with various emacs “folding” mechanisms builtin (such as origami, hideshow, and outline-mode/org-mode/markdown-mode; see evil-fold-list). Not all of vim’s z keys will work though.

For manual creation of folds from selected regions, there are the vimish-fold and evil-vimish-fold packages.

Why don’t keys defined with evil-define-key work (immediately)?

This has been a known problem for a while (see issue 130 and especially issue 301, which explains some of the issues with evil-define-key). This doesn’t happen for most modes, but when it does happen, it’s annoying.

There are several possible workarounds. You can use the mode’s hook to either bind the keys locally with evil-local-set-key as shown in the Buffer Local Keybindings section. A more direct solution would be to continue to use evil-define-key and to use the hook to call evil-normalize-keymaps:

(add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook #'evil-normalize-keymaps)

The other way would be to use evil-define-minor-mode-key which was introduced specifically as a result of this issue:

(evil-define-minor-mode-key 'normal 'org-src-mode
  (kbd "SPC '") 'org-edit-src-exit)

Plan to Add

  • A section on configuring undo (e.g. the size of undo units)
  • A section giving equivalent vim and emacs settings
  • A section mentioning emacs plugins that are equivalent to vim-specific plugins and functionality (e.g. plugins that add extra text objects not plugins for autocompletion)
  • Maybe a small section explaining basic configuration like installing packages and setting up minor modes

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