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woonuxt's Issues

Performance issues

my question is not about Nuxt app performance but wordpress backend performance - would you mind sharing your wordpress configuration (env settings, theme, plugins, php and db version, hosting ) ? I've been trying to duplicate what you did there and under no circumstances I get the same level of speed and responsiveness as your demo app.

thank you in advance for your help

Cannot read properties of null (reading 'toLowerCase')


Weird little bug. When using the search I'm seeing this:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'toLowerCase')

Which is strange because nothing was changed on my end for search. Your demo is working fine. I did have a cors issue I solved, but this doesn't seem related. Just checked your source with my page and its exactly the same.

Also speaking on unrelated, any ideas for Algolia integration for faceted search?

npm run generate: products (500)

after: npm run generate, i cannot view the products-page - but the rest works. hwo come?

I configured my GQL_HOST-endpoint correctly, i guess.

Any suggestions?

Purchase as a guest

I am unable to proceed to payments as a guest. Is it possible / is there any workaround to achieve that?

Reviews Comment Not Show On Production


i try to query on graphiql-ide have reviews data and test on localhost it show not have problem. But on my production it show around 2 sec and then will show empty data for reviews data

Any idea to resolve ?

Checkout shipping prices not updating when changing country

Good evening, my cart does not update shipping prices when the country is changed.

It only changes after I click the checkout button to proceed with the order. In fact, when I return to the checkout page the selected country finally appears and the shipping cost is updated correctly.

In Vue Devtools Browser Extension, under , it shows that the selector works fine and correctly captures the chosen country. I believe there might be some issues with updating the shipping cost when changing the country selector.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much!

feat: release action

Hi @scottyzen,

Using GitHub's release feature for your Woonuxt project can increase the number of views on your project's GitHub page. Therefore, it would be great to use releases in this project. You can follow the steps below for this.

Step 1 - Generate Changelogs

We want the release we will make to automatically create a changelog, so we create a file path with the extension .github/workflows in the GitHub action and add a workflow file named release.yml inside.

# .github/workflows/release.yml

name: Release

  contents: write

      - 'v*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 18.x

      - run: npx changelogithub
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}

It will be trigged whenever you push a tag to GitHub that starts with v.

This workflow file will save the following written commits as a changelog for the release.

feat: { title: '๐Ÿš€ Features' },
fix: { title: '๐Ÿž Bug Fixes' },
perf: { title: '๐ŸŽ Performance' },

๐Ÿ‘‰ Changelog example

If you are using GitHub Actions and it's triggered by the correct event, the GITHUB_TOKEN will be generated automatically. If not you might go to /settings/actions to check your permission setting.


Step 2 - Install bumpp

npm install -g bumpp

Add the following script to the package.json file

"release": "bumpp"

and run.

npm run release

You can run the command directly by using the npx bumpp command instead of adding an extra command to the script.


That's all for the processes.

Best Regards,

Create user on /my-account and /checkout is not consistent

Hi, this is my first comment in this project, by the way congrats, this is a huge work.

The problem i see is related to login:

  • In /my-account page users are registed and login with a username.
  • In /checkout page viewers are registed only with email and there is no username defined by themselves.
  • I dont know if this a problem but the login mutation only accepts username and password.

"font-semibold" appearing in

There is a typo in website. Quick Start section > Woo Commerce card (1. Store data): "font-semibold".

Most likely due to wrong CSS style display.

Can't logged in with new user

i try to register that is ok but when im log in at login button loading and i saw on network have return success login but the page stuck on login page when im re-loading need to login again

thank you in advance for your help

Expired token on getCard

Hi. After some time of visiting your demo (, the ability to add a product to cart disappears: I get an Expired token error when requesting it.

    "errors": [
            "message": "Expired token",
            "extensions": {
                "category": "user"
            "locations": [
                    "line": 3,
                    "column": 3
            "path": [
    "data": {
        "addToCart": null
    "extensions": {
        "debug": [],
        "queryAnalyzer": {
            "keys": "f2b7cee48a28d7c3be59a960e2126368a330d76d420b1e2410a8bb52eb9dc90e graphql:Mutation operation:addToCart",
            "keysLength": 101,
            "keysCount": 3,
            "skippedKeys": "",
            "skippedKeysSize": 0,
            "skippedKeysCount": 0,
            "skippedTypes": []


500 on build


Just dusted this off. and even on an old version or latest version new builds are failing here.


any ideas?

nuxt-preview ... Cannot query field "allPaColor" ...


I got error

  1. FATAL Failed to run command nuxt-preview: 11:29:05
    Error: Command failed with ENOENT: nuxt-preview
    spawn nuxt-preview ENOENT

  2. Error: Cannot query field "allPaColor" on type "VariableProduct".: {"response":{"errors":[{"message":"Cannot query field "allPaColor

idem for allPasize, image gallery / sourceUrl ...
Which plugin do you use for variation ?

Any idea to resolve ?

Your solutions seems great !
keep up the good work !

How to implement Paypal payment?

Hi im try to implement Paypal payment method in sandbox test mode but when im try to click paypal button in cart woonuxt client then redirect to wordpress site and cancel order?

Account Login Issues

Looks like I can't login on the demo or on my own branch. I can register a user just fine. But it hangs on logging in.

Question: Nuxt webp

Hi! Really nice implementation!
I was wondering: Why aren't you using NuxtImage to leverage image processing so that images get converted to webp?

Guest Checkout on order summary : 'Not authorized to access this order'

Guest Checkout on order summer page : 'Not authorized to access this order'
console log
Proxy(Object)ย {client: 'default', operationType: 'query', operationName: 'getOrder', statusCode: 200, gqlErrors: Array(1)}
gqlErrors: {message: 'Not authorized to access this order', extensions: {โ€ฆ}

Revision control request

Hi @scottyzen

I felt the need to revise Woonuxt for use in the textile industry like Zalando. First, I started by revising the product page. Could you please examine the compatibility with the source code? I'll fix the places you want me to fix, if you like it, i can pull request it to the source code.

My fork link =

STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY = pk_test_hYushiff8SDLQBTdWpHx5s192OzMpEh6o

Best Regards,

Product page "Showing 1 to 0 of 0"

Currently having an issue where products are not showing on /products page. They are showing when you go to the "categories" tab and select a category. Products will show up that way, but not on the product page. This is from a fresh install after cloning the woonuxt repository. I have not added anything to it besides my environment variables.


Contact us form

Are you interested in having contact us gql form in woonuxt?

Just made a commit in my fork adding a contact us page functionality

allthough this required installing this plugin
Not sure if you want to include this as part of woonuxt plugins set. maybe optional?

Let me know if you like this @scottyzen.

Issue with stripe 3DSecure


First congratulation for this amazing project.

I'm encountering an issue when using 3D Secure authentication test card provided from stripe website (4000002760003184).

it doesn't show the 2FA popup but the order is created and set as Pending payment.

Is there a workaround to make this work.


strategy and purpose

At first glance, i liked the project, but i see some points in projects that prevent it from becoming useful in a real-life project, even a small one. please correct me if i am wrong

1- it uses static build, but for all of the products at once, so its not possible to update one product via invalidating that build. assume that we have 1000 products and 5 variants for each and we want to update just one variant. basically, its not possible, solution would be capability of invalidating just one of statically generated pages. ( i know it's easily possible in nextjs)

2- in each e-commerce project, search is the most important feature, we don't have search here. trying to load everything in frontend and do a search in FE is not a good idea :) here we need a search layer and interface to be able to connect it to Wordpress itself or any other search engine, opensource or service like algolia.

3- inventory control on the product description page is essential, so we should be able to add some serverside functions and parts to manage things like that.

Problem with Paypal options payment

Do you have how to implement paypal on payment? When i active on woo setting in admin panel and connect to paypal but not have paypal button when im make payment in cart?

Few SEO bumps


amazing project, just adding some findings upon doing some SEO tests:
Also pagespeed recommends adding default image sizes, this can reduce CLS,

Serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve load time. Learn more.
NuxtUse the nuxt/image component and set the appropriate sizes. Learn more.

Same about:
Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers
0.15 s
Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. However, many aren't necessary for modern browsers. For your bundled JavaScript, adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module/nomodule feature detection to reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers, while retaining support for legacy browsers. Learn MoreTBT

And as noticed also here, it seems some content is loaded 2 times indeed:

Cannot start nuxt: GraphQL Document Validation failed with 4 errors


Thank you for this inspiring project in Nuxt. I want to try this solution!

I'm in a local environment. I installed wordpress and the required extensions. I created some sample products.

But I still get these errors. yarn dev. Where could this come from?


ERROR  Cannot start nuxt:  GraphQL Document Validation failed with 4 errors;                                                                                  14:55:23
 Error 0: Cannot query field "date" on type "ProductUnion". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "ContentNode", "Product", "ExternalProduct", "GroupProduct", or "ProductVariation"?
   at /front/woonuxt_base/queries/getProducts.gql:15:7

Error 1: Cannot query field "terms" on type "ProductUnion". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "Product", "ExternalProduct", "GroupProduct", "SimpleProduct", or "UnsupportedProduct"?
   at /front/woonuxt_base/queries/getProducts.gql:20:7

Error 2: Cannot query field "productCategories" on type "ProductUnion". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "Product", "ExternalProduct", "GroupProduct", "SimpleProduct", or "UnsupportedProduct"?
   at /front/woonuxt_base/queries/getProducts.gql:26:7

Error 3: Cannot query field "allowedCountryStates" on type "RootQuery". Did you mean "allowedCountries" or "countryStates"?
   at /front/woonuxt_base/queries/getStates.gql:2:3

 Error 0: Cannot query field "date" on type "ProductUnion". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "ContentNode", "Product", "ExternalProduct", "GroupProduct", or "ProductVariation"?
 at woonuxt_base/queries/getProducts.gql:15:7

 Error 1: Cannot query field "terms" on type "ProductUnion". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "Product", "ExternalProduct", "GroupProduct", "SimpleProduct", or "UnsupportedProduct"?
 at woonuxt_base/queries/getProducts.gql:20:7

 Error 2: Cannot query field "productCategories" on type "ProductUnion". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "Product", "ExternalProduct", "GroupProduct", "SimpleProduct", or "UnsupportedProduct"?
 at woonuxt_base/queries/getProducts.gql:26:7

 Error 3: Cannot query field "allowedCountryStates" on type "RootQuery". Did you mean "allowedCountries" or "countryStates"?
 at woonuxt_base/queries/getStates.gql:2:3
 at executeCodegen (node_modules/@graphql-codegen/cli/esm/codegen.js:330:24)
 at async generate (node_modules/@graphql-codegen/cli/esm/generate-and-save.js:99:25)
 at async generate (node_modules/nuxt-graphql-client/dist/module.mjs:63:10)
 at async generateGqlTypes (node_modules/nuxt-graphql-client/dist/module.mjs:337:46)
 at async setup (node_modules/nuxt-graphql-client/dist/module.mjs:431:5)
 at async normalizedModule (node_modules/@nuxt/kit/dist/index.mjs:2141:17)
 at async installModule (node_modules/@nuxt/kit/dist/index.mjs:2439:95)
 at async initNuxt (node_modules/nuxt/dist/index.mjs:3653:7)
 at async NuxtDevServer._load (node_modules/nuxi/dist/chunks/dev2.mjs:255:5)
 at async NuxtDevServer.load (node_modules/nuxi/dist/chunks/dev2.mjs:187:7)

Override AppHeader

I can't seem to manage to override the AppHeader.vue.
i have tried creating a folder in the root components/generalElements/AppHeader.vue
but it's not reading the override.
Is there something missing for this?

(I managed to override CategoryCard.vue which is inside components folder but not the ones that are inside generalElements.

New Deploy Broken

Just tried a brand new wordpres install and brand new install of woonuxt and it isnt working anymore.

Question about production


I have question for deploy to production on netlify, When i'm add new product or review and approve it need to build to and deploy again with WooNuxt trigger right? Do you have any idea to resolve it if im add new products?

thank you in advance for your help

integrate with storefront-ui

i stumble upon with storefront-ui and i think its cool tailwind + nuxt3 ready commerce ui to be use with woonuxt...the only think storefront-ui missing are slider filter i guess compare to current woonuxt....can we plan to use the ui rather than reinvent the wheel (of ui)?

p/s : i like the way u use nuxt useState rather than use 3rd party state like pinia

image broken on wishlist

Hey! Looks like on the demo and my deployed test that the wishlist page shows broken images.

Wanted to make you aware!

Cart functionality

I think it would be a good idea to put a button on each product in the cart to be able to delete it.

Error fetching woonuxt settings.

I just installed WP + woocommerce and configured woonuxt settings, but nuxt application does not see the plugin and says Error fetching woonuxt settings. Make sure you have the latest version of woonuxt-settings plugin installed and activated on your WordPress site. You can download it from
Where could be the problem?

In graphiql ide I see woonuxtSettings
Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 09 43 23
Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 09 43 44
Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 09 43 59

missing dependancies for an happy npm run dev

So I cloned your repo and I did manageto run it locally
But, as a non programmer is was a hard road ;)

firstly I did'nt found the doc for that
but you could tell me if I did well

my mini how to

  1. git clone ...
  • obviously copying the .env
  1. pnpm i
  • after fixing the missing dependancies ...
  1. npm run dev

fixing dependancies

I think you already addressed some how here but again; I'm not a dev.

FOR DEV: here how my package.json had to look like to make npm run dev happy

"dependencies": {
    "@intlify/vue-i18n-bridge": "^1.1.0",
    "@intlify/vue-router-bridge": "^1.1.0",
    "@stripe/stripe-js": "^2.2.1",
    "@vueform/slider": "^2.1.10",
    "@vueuse/core": "^10.7.0",
    "nuxi": "^3.10.0",
    "vue-i18n-routing": "^1.2.0"
  • I installed them with: npm i vue-i18n @intlify/vue-router-bridge @intlify/vue-i18n-bridge vue-i18n-routing --force


FOR PROD: here how my package.json looks like so npm run build on Cloudflare as a Page works

  "dependencies": {
    "@intlify/core-base": "^9.8.0",
    "@intlify/message-compiler": "^9.8.0",
    "@intlify/shared": "^9.8.0",
    "@intlify/vue-i18n-bridge": "^1.1.0",
    "@intlify/vue-router-bridge": "^1.1.0",
    "@stripe/stripe-js": "^2.2.1",
    "@vueform/slider": "^2.1.10",
    "@vueuse/core": "^10.7.0",
    "vue-i18n": "^9.8.0",
    "vue-i18n-routing": "^1.2.0"
  • and I had to run pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile after too.

I hope that will help others to enjoy your project.

for Windows user who wonder how to install npm and pnpm

winget install -e --id pnpm.pnpm
winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS

Log In trows error "Password was correct, but there was an error logging in."

refreshCart() method returns results from graphql query GqlGetCart where customer object fields are empty and viewer object is null.

Could this be because of incorrect graphql plugin configuration or something else?

When registering new user from nuxt app, it saves data on backend, but throws same error in nuxt.

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