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steeloverseer's Issues

/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('

$ g++ 000.cpp && diff output.txt <(./a.out < input.txt)
< 9
\ No newline at end of file
> Hello

$ sos -p 000.cpp -c "g++ 000.cpp && diff output.txt <(./a.out < input.txt)"
Hit Ctrl+C to quit.

Modified: 000.cpp
[1/1] g++ 000.cpp && diff output.txt <(./a.out < input.txt)
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `g++ 000.cpp && diff output.txt <(./a.out < input.txt)'
Failure ✗ (1)

Run Commands on First Start

It would be nice if there were an option to run the commands on first start before any of the files change. This is useful when starting up a server.

Commands with quotes fail to parse

On 85d4008, e.g.:

$ echo "cabal test --test-options='1234'\\'' 567'"
cabal test --test-options='1234'\'' 567'

$ sos . -c "cabal test --test-options='1234'\\'' 567'"
sos: Error parsing command 'cabal test --test-options='1234'\'' 567''


Sometimes it hangs


I can’t quite get how this happens, but look at this screenshot:

For all following modifications of that .hs file, nothing happens: sos doesn’t output interrupted or anything like that. And the commands are not run.

In htop it has 8 instances of Cabal as its child processes, but they are not really Cabal, only named so (look at their mem stats):

Zombie processes

After running a command, a zombie process stays.

32430 robin     20   0  127208   4812   3068 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.24                          `- bash                                                                                                                                                                                        
23581 robin     20   0  1.001t  34584  30164 S   0.0  0.3   0:00.09                              `- sos                                                                                                                                                                                     
23661 robin     20   0       0      0      0 Z   0.0  0.0   0:00.04                                  `- cabal                                                                                                                                                                               
24087 robin     20   0       0      0      0 Z   0.0  0.0   0:00.04                                  `- cabal                                                                                                                                                                               
24213 robin     20   0       0      0      0 Z   0.0  0.0   0:00.05                                  `- cabal

im using Steel Overseer
and the command sos -p '.*\.hs' -c 'cabal run'

Crashes on emacs lock files. (symbolic link without a real target)

While editing a file, emacs creates a lock file (symbolic link) of the form .#filename → [email protected]:timestamp (not sure if it's a real timestamp or not).

While checking file status on files in the target directory, sos crashes with the following message:

sos: /path/to/file: getFileStatus: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an invalid link.

    $ cd /tmp
    $ ln -s /invalid/target link
  2. Run sos

    $ sos .
    sos: /tmp/link: getFileStatus: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Not triggered for `git checkout`

I’m using the latest HEAD, 85d4008.

I’m first modifying Main.hs 3 times in Emacs, and then switch to some other terminal and do git checkout src/ and:

$ cd some-project/
$ sos src/ -p '\.hs$' -e '/\.#' -e '/flycheck_' -c :        Hit Ctrl+C to quit.

Modified: src/Main.hs
[1/1] :
Success ✓

Modified: src/Main.hs
[1/1] :
Success ✓

Modified: src/Main.hs
[1/1] :
Success ✓

# now I’ll do git checkout src/

# nothing happened

Make sos smarter about interactive processes

Right now sos doesn't deal very well with commands that read on stdin (like some stack exec my-thing at the end of a list of commands).

Somehow, these interactive processes aren't actually killed right now, so sos both leaks pids and also subsequent runs compete for input from stdin.

sos doesn't compile with megaparsec-5.0.0?!

~ $ stack install steeloverseer
Run from outside a project, using implicit global project config
Using resolver: nightly-2016-06-21 from implicit global project's config file: /home/simon/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml
megaparsec-5.0.0: configure
megaparsec-5.0.0: build
megaparsec-5.0.0: copy/register
steeloverseer-2.0: download
steeloverseer-2.0: configure
steeloverseer-2.0: build
Completed 2 action(s).

--  While building package steeloverseer-2.0 using:
      /home/simon/.stack/setup-exe-cache/x86_64-linux/setup-Simple-Cabal- --builddir=.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- build --ghc-options " -ddump-hi -ddump-to-file"
    Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
    Logs have been written to: /home/simon/.stack/global-project/.stack-work/logs/steeloverseer-2.0.log

    Configuring steeloverseer-2.0...
    Building steeloverseer-2.0...
    Preprocessing library steeloverseer-2.0...
    [1 of 5] Compiling Sos              ( src/Sos.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- )

    /tmp/stack27432/steeloverseer-2.0/src/Sos.hs:20:11: error:
        • Expecting two more arguments to ‘ParseError’
          Expected a type, but ‘ParseError’ has kind ‘* -> * -> *’
        • In the type ‘ParseError’
          In the definition of data constructor ‘SosCommandParseException’
          In the data declaration for ‘SosException’

If this is due to a missing or too large upper bound on megaparsec, it would be great if you could add a revision for that bound on Hackage!

Design typed (client-server) interface to steeloverseer

I'm thinking of expressing the steeloverseer "server" as a stream of typed "messages", where each one is responded to by the client (front-end: terminal, ncurses, etc).

Haven't though about it too hard but here's what I've come up with:

Use a typed GADT for the message type, produced by the server process and tagged with the expected type of the client response.

data MessageF a where
  -- "I just started a job"
  JobStarted :: JobDescription -> MessageF () -- client responds with (), aka "ok"
  -- "The current job produced a line of output"
  Stdout :: Text -> MessageF ()
  -- "A job exited unsuccessfully, continue?"
  JobDied :: JobDescription -> MessageF Bool

The exact messages obviously need to be fleshed out a bit. Anyways, with this GADT, I think we can reuse the streaming machinery with a clever functor:

data Message a = forall x. Message (MessageF x) (x -> a)

Thus, the overall type of the server is something like

Stream Message IO ()

which expands to (basically)

  Pure ()
| Effect (IO (Stream Message IO ()))
| Step (forall x. (MessageF x) (x -> Stream (Message IO ())))

Special case for working on a single file script

When I'm working on a script named "", I'd like to use sos as a shorthand for sos -c The former invocation does nothing, so this change should not break anything.

Special pattern for filename/basename?

Right now \0 refers to the entire match of the regex, which is not necessarily the entire file.

It might be nice to launch sos like so:

sos -p 'hs$' -c 'stack ghc <the-file>'

and have it run stack ghc on any modified file that ends in hs. However, I believe the simplest way to do this (currently) is:

sos -p '.*hs$' -c 'stack ghc \0'

Not too bad, but that extra .* can be annoying. Would it make sense to have magic variable names for the absolute path matched and/or the basename matched?

Related work

I just stumbled on this and I sort of wish I had found it sooner! I just implemented a similar tool at Mine is not as powerful but perhaps a bit simpler to use. I'm posting here in case there are ideas we can share.

twitch-cli is able to set up many pattern/command patterns and simply relies on you using something like ; or && to run commands in sequence. It uses Glob instead of regex and is therefore a bit simpler but less powerful.

Hackage update

The version in master seems to be working well, and has updated depencencies, would it be possible to upload it to Hackage?

Thank you!

Feature request: support REPLish workflow

I wonder if a typical ghci workflow can be automated with sos.

Usually you run a ghci process and:

  1. When *.hs changes, you send :r<CR> or possibly :r<CR>:main<CR> to ghci
  2. When *.cabal or *.yaml changes, you restart ghci
  3. Also you're able to type stuff into currently running ghci

Right now 2. is working perfectly, 3. works kind of weird (I'm not even sure how to describe it) and 1. is not covered at all.

Meanwhile, ghcid supports 1 and 2, but not 3 (by current design) and naturally only supports ghci. Ideally I'd like to be able to use sos to automate a REPL workflow for any language, e.g. restart the process on project.clj changes and send (run-all-tests)<CR> on other changes.

Crazy idea: reuse .gitignore

Maybe it’d make sense to allow reusing project’s .gitignore, as these are the files one’s most likely to manually be adding to -e exclusion patterns.

Make a package in nixpkgs without GHC in closure

Hi, currently installing haskellPackages.steeloverseer adds up to 2,5Gb of disk storage because it has GHC in closure. The size makes this package hard to add to a development environment, because sharing it with people will imply them downloading 2,5Gb of data. Maybe there is a way to package this wonderful app as they packaged pandoc (it weighs around 200Mb)?
See NixOS/nixpkgs#34376

AsyncCancelled if command takes a while.

sos output.raw -c "sleep 0.15; echo 'test'"
Hit Ctrl+C to quit.

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

This only occurs if sleep 0.15 is present. echo 'test' is never run. This used to work without issue (I might have been on an older commit / version).

This occurs with the master branch (3eee0ec).

Parallel execution of commands

If I understand correctly, currently it is possible to execute commands just one after the other.

Would it be interesting/possible to configure certain commands to run in parallel?

For example, I could have four commands a, b, c and d and I would like to run a, then b and c in parallel and only after they both complete, run d

Write tests

This app is very IO-heavy and side-effecty. Would be nice to refactor it to write some pure tests, be able to feed in pure (mocked) filesystem events, and stuff like that.

Some simple high-level properties to test:

  • The same job should not be enqueued twice (so e.g. saving multiple times in succession will not each trigger a separate unit test run)
  • A job identical to the one currently running should cause it to be canceled and restarted

Then there's all the untested IO ugliness:

  • Filesystem oddities (dead symlinks, permission errors, etc)
  • Failed spawned processes, or rogue processes that don't even respond to SIGINT (not sure if Haskell can do anything about these at all)
  • Async exceptions handling

Actions don't restart after an `AsyncCancelled`

If a file change triggers a longer task, and an other file is changed sos interrupts the current task with an AsyncCancelled message.

I'd then expect it to immediately restart the relevant actions, as a watch file has changed. Instead, it waits until an other change is made, and then restarts.

I'm not sure if this is by design or a bug, but either way it would be nice to have the option to restart immediately after cancellation.

If this is a bug, it might be related to #38.

Incompatibility with fsnotify >= 0.3

    /tmp/stack19783/steeloverseer- error:
        • The constructor ‘FSNotify.Added’ should have 3 arguments, but has been given 2
        • In the pattern: FSNotify.Added path _
          In a case alternative:
              FSNotify.Added path _ -> S.yield (FileAdded (go cwd path))
          In the second argument of ‘S.for’, namely
                FSNotify.Added path _ -> S.yield (FileAdded (go cwd path))
                FSNotify.Modified path _ -> S.yield (FileModified (go cwd path))
                FSNotify.Removed _ _ -> pure ())’
    258 |     FSNotify.Added    path _ -> S.yield (FileAdded    (go cwd path))
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

steeloverseer- on hackage doesn't complie

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring steeloverseer-
Building steeloverseer-
Preprocessing executable 'sos' for steeloverseer-

    Could not find module `SOS'
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
ghc --make: /usr/hs/ghc/7.6.3/bin/ghc failure (return code=1)
Failed to install steeloverseer-

cabal unpack confirms that there's no SOS.hs in hackage tarball.

Can't prevent sos from triggering on emacs lock files

I have emacs creating files like .#myfile.txt when I am editing a file, and sos triggers on those (runs the command). This is not the behaviour I want, so I tried using -e to exclude those, but I just can't get it to work!
I tried following:

-e "#"
-e "\.#"
-e ".*\.#.*"

and non of those excludes the files in question from triggering sos.

The message I get is Added: foo/bar/.#yourfile.txt. So it seems to be triggering only on adding the emacs lock file, not modifying it. Is it possible that -e matches only modified files and not added ones?

Am I doing smth wrong? Thank you!

Btw. I am on Archlinux, I am running sos on a directory, and sos version is 2.0.2.

Exclusion patterns

It would be great to be able to exclude patterns explicitly so we don't have to model that with regular expressions. Excluding based on a string makes for a pretty tough regex.

sos -p ".*\.l?hs$" -e "#" -e "flycheck" -c "stack build"

This sos command would only stack build when changes are made to a haskell file (possibly literate haskell) that doesn't contain a # or flymake, which are both emacs artifacts.

Make it work on GHC 8.2.2 w/ newer deps etc.

This patch works for me:

diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
index 5811ff5..339c1f7 100644
--- a/app/Main.hs
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
 import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue.Extra
 import Control.Exception
 import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))
 import Control.Monad.Managed
 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
diff --git a/steeloverseer.cabal b/steeloverseer.cabal
index e6bea6c..63e6a82 100644
--- a/steeloverseer.cabal
+++ b/steeloverseer.cabal
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ library
         , regex-tdfa >= 1.2
         , semigroups >= 0.16
         , stm >= 2.4
-        , streaming >= 0.1.0 && < 0.1.5
+        , streaming
         , text >= 1.2
         , yaml >= 0.8
         , aeson         >= 0.8
         , ansi-terminal >= 0.6.2
         , containers    >= 0.5
-        , process       >= 1.6.0 && < 1.6.1
+        , process
         , unix
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ executable sos
         , regex-tdfa >= 1.2
         , semigroups >= 0.16
         , stm >= 2.4
-        , streaming >= 0.1.0 && < 0.1.5
+        , streaming
         , text >= 1.2
         , yaml >= 0.8
         , steeloverseer
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ test-suite spec
         , regex-tdfa >= 1.2
         , semigroups >= 0.16
         , stm >= 2.4
-        , streaming >= 0.1.0 && < 0.1.5
+        , streaming
         , text >= 1.2
         , yaml >= 0.8
         , steeloverseer

sos: addWatch: resource exhausted (No space left on device)

When running sos on Ubuntu-17.10 (x64), I occasionally get sos: addWatch: resource exhausted (No space left on device) at first I thought this was only when I was in tmux, but it looks like it happens in some non-deterministic fashion. Memory usage is <25% utilization and disk space is ~66% -- so I'm not sure what kind of space is being referred to in this error. I've never had this problem on Archlinux or Debian (so far).

If someone could point me in a direction, I can try to fix this myself (I imagine it is a bit difficult to simulate).

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