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Made in Iran

A list of neat projects made in Iran.

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Awesome Lists

🌟 Name Description 🌍
1319 @soroushchehresa/awesome-coronavirus 🦠 Huge collection of useful projects and resources for COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus) ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
30980 @nuxt/nuxt.js The Intuitive Vue Framework ↗️
19589 @usablica/intro.js A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project. ↗️
5336 @lebab/lebab Turn your ES5 code into readable ES6. Lebab does the opposite of what Babel does. ↗️
4302 @thedevs-network/kutt Free Modern URL Shortener. ↗️
1556 @iamhosseindhv/notistack Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other ↗️
1351 @AriaMinaei/pretty-error See node.js errors with less clutter
1083 @morajabi/styled-media-query 💅💍 Better media queries for styled-component
693 @jalaali/moment-jalaali A Jalaali (Jalali, Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) calendar system plugin for moment.js.
487 @AriaMinaei/TheatreJS A high-performance animation editor for the web.
480 @AriaMinaei/Griddify A tiny Photoshop panel to make guides and grids ↗️
471 @babakhani/pwt.datepicker Javascript jalali calendar capable datepicker widget ↗️
408 @mohebifar/grafgiti Vandalize your github contributions wall.
366 @mohebifar/react-native-loader A collection of animated spinners for React Native
293 @usablica/persian.js A simple library for Persian language localization. ↗️
290 @mohebifar/racket A complete starting app for developing universal React/Redux web apps with generators, best practices and more ↗️
181 @jalaali/jalaali-js JavaScript functions for converting Jalaali and Gregorian calendar systems to each other
169 @evandhq/react-persian-datepicker A Persian date-picker component for react.js ↗️
147 @soroushchehresa/unsplash-wallpapers 🖼️ Unsplash cross-platform desktop application built with Electron, React and Redux
137 @AriaMinaei/RenderKid Stylish console.log for node
117 @mdibaiee/node-telegram-api A simple API to create and control Telegram bots
98 @mohebifar/angular-persian 🌏 Persian tools for angular.js
93 @Sazito/phoenix A simple boilerplate that helps you make your react application with Server Side Rendering & Localization support.
64 @mamal72/persian-twitter A WebExtension which improves Twitter & TweetDeck user experience for Persian users
59 @mostafa/react-native-fullscreen-video A full-screen video component on top of react-native-video
57 @mamal72/telegram-github-search-bot :octocat: A Github search bot for Telegram ↗️
54 @siamak/zarinpal-checkout ☼ Simple implementation of ZarinPal JavaScript. ↗️
40 @mamal72/open-in-code Download and open Github files in Visual Studio Code right from your browser
35 @mamal72/gooz 💨 Send the old sh*tty browsers away from your website as simple as a Gooz
33 @smoqadam/url-to-qrcode-firefox-addon an add-on to convert current url to qr code !!
31 @mort3za/ludo In-browser "Ludo Game" for playing when there is no internet! ↗️
29 @mamal72/react-github :octocat: A set of useful Github components for React
27 @Atbox/CodeChampion Plays epic sound clips when you write epic code on sublime Text! ↗️
26 @mamal72/rtl-md 📝 A simple markdown to html converter which knows the direction!
25 @mamal72/iranian-calendar-events Fetch Iranian calendar events (Jalali, Hijri and Gregorian) from website
20 @mahmoudmy/ ابیات ناب پارسی ↗️
18 @mamal72/dgkala-web A small & simple interface for DGKala in React & Redux ↗️
16 @mamal72/electron-jalali-calendar 📆 A simple menubar app for Jalali calendar built by Electron and React
11 @mdibaiee/Hawk The missing Firefox OS file manager ↗️
10 @smoqadam/add-to-feedly a firefox extension to add a website to feedly ;)
8 @alirezaomidi/classic-snake-html5 A Simple Classic Snake Game with HTML5 ↗️
8 @mamal72/ice-cli Iranian Calendar Events CLI
8 @mamal72/axel-downloader A node.js wrapper around axel downloader
8 @mamal72/node-yahoo-weather [DEPRECATED - SEE ISSUES] ☔ A simple isomorphic yahoo weather API wrapper in 10 lines of code
8 @ilxanlar/react-textarea-autoheight An auto-height textarea component for React
5 @mamal72/atom-isup :octocat: Simple Atom package to check website up or down status using isitup
2 @alipiry/tite-cli (time + date) getter


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3986 @saeedalipoor/icono One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS ↗️
960 @morteza/bootstrap-rtl RTL Theme for Bootstrap v3.x
647 @arashmanteghi/simptip A simple CSS tooltip made with Sass ↗️
408 @MahdiMajidzadeh/bootstrap-v4-rtl RTL edition of bootstrap v4 for rtl languages like Farsi and Arabic ↗️
366 @siamak/licon Lightness and Useful icons with Pure CSS3 ↗️
119 @siamak/atom-panda-syntax Panda syntax theme for Atom. ↗️
78 @MahdiMajidzadeh/materialize-rtl RTL version of materializecss framework v1.0.0 ↗️
29 @z-avanes/bootstrap3-rtl Bootstrap 3 RTL with SASS ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
178 @mortezakarimi/gentelella-rtl Free RTL Bootstrap 3 Admin Template ↗️
24 @siamak/FOWDConf94 Source code of FOWDConf94 [Static] ↗️
11 @sallar/rwd-conf-92 Website for 1st Responsive Design Conference in Iran. ↗️
7 @siamak/webpack-react-babel-boilerplate A boilerplate for Webpack, React, Babel project with css-loader ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
1123 @ilius/pyglossary A tool for converting dictionary files aka glossaries. The primary purpose is to be able to use our offline glossaries in any Open Source dictionary we like on any OS/device.
995 @sepandhaghighi/pycm Multi-class confusion matrix library in Python ↗️
860 @sepandhaghighi/art 🎨 ASCII art library for Python ↗️
535 @sobhe/hazm Python library for digesting Persian text. ↗️
387 @smoqadam/PyFladesk create desktop application by using Flask and QtWebKit
116 @smoqadam/python-tips List of python tips
108 @ilius/starcal StarCalendar: Full-featured International Calendar for Linux Desktop ↗️
94 @mostafa/grest Build REST APIs with Neo4j and Flask, as quickly as possible! ↗️
85 @sspipe/sspipe Simple Smart Pipe: python productivity-tool for rapid data manipulation ↗️
75 @ECSIM/opem OPEM (Open Source PEM Fuel Cell Simulation Tool) ↗️
75 @Moduland/Orangetool 📚 Control Functions For Single-Board Computers ↗️
51 @mhajiloo/persiantools Jalali date and datetime with other tools
48 @smoqadam/PyFladesk-rss-reader simple rss reader by PyFladesk
48 @msudgh/syncshell keep your machine's shell history synchronize
29 @msudgh/terminator-search A Google search plugin for Terminator terminal emulator
26 @psamim/aria2-telegram-bot Telegram bot to control an aria2 daemon
15 @jalaali/jalaali-python python implementation of jalali calendar.
9 @mamal72/telegram-iranbot 🌎 A dead simple Telegram bot for FA to FA, EN to FA translation
3 @mostafa/Good-Old-Kott Kott - An abstract data-store for python
2 @mostafa/simplru A backport of Python 3 LRU Cache functionality for Python 2


🌟 Name Description 🌍
13 @mafiagameir/mafia-game Mafia Game engine, Telegram bot and website ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍


🌟 Name Description 🌍
736 @imanghafoori1/laravel-widgetize A minimal package to help you make your laravel application cleaner and faster.
629 @imanghafoori1/laravel-heyman Declarative style of authorization and validation in laravel.
395 @sasanrose/phpredmin Yet another web interface for Redis
272 @imanghafoori1/laravel-MasterPass Helps you securely setup a master password and login into user accounts with it.
204 @imanghafoori1/laravel-terminator A package to help you clean up your controllers in laravel
108 @NabiKAZ/filimo-downloader Download movies from لینک جایگزین جهت احتیاط:
88 @NabiKAZ/namava-downloader Download movies from website. لینک جایگزین جهت احتیاط:
86 @miladrahimi/phprouter PhpRouter is a powerful, lightweight, and very fast HTTP URL router for PHP projects
65 @moeinrahimi/monolog-telegram 🔔 Telegram Handler which allows you log messages to telegram channels using bots
29 @reshadman/laravel-mongo-auth A native mongodb authentication driver for laravel.
28 @miladrahimi/php-jwt A PHP implementation of JWT (JSON Web Token) generator, parser, verifier, and validator
26 @laratalks/payment-gateways Easy to use classes for Payment Provider Services in Iran
24 @Nevercom/php-ipg-ir IPG (Internet Payment Gateway) manager for Iran Banking System ↗️
23 @smoqadam/php-telegram-bot a wrapper class for telegram bot api
18 @QuincePHP/Pelastic An explicit abstraction layer on elasticsearch query DSL ↗️
17 @smoqadam/php-telegram-cli php wrapper for telegram cli
16 @mastani/laravel-google-static-map Laravel Google Static Map Generator
15 @smmoosavi/php-gettext Wrapper for php-gettext by danilo segan. This library provides PHP functions to read MO files even when gettext is not compiled in or when appropriate locale is not present on the system.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
38 @aziz/jalalidate A library for working with Jalali Calendar (a.k.a Persian Calendar)


🌟 Name Description 🌍
669 @ahmdrz/goinsta Unofficial Instagram API written in Golang
210 @Arman92/go-tdlib Golang Telegram TdLib JSON bindings
87 @yaa110/go-persian-calendar The implementation of Persian (Solar Hijri) Calendar in Go ↗️
72 @fzerorubigd/tmass tmux session manager written in golang
34 @mamal72/golyrics A simple Go package to fetch lyrics from Wikia
27 @fzerorubigd/zacman zacman, a simple zsh package manager in go
19 @ilius/repassgen A super-flexible random password generator based on a regexp-like pattern, written in Golang
13 @mamal72/dgkala A simple Go package to interact with Digikala website
13 @sijad/srtfixer Persian subtitle fixer in golang
8 @nasermirzaei89/telegram Golang Telegram Bot API
8 @mamal72/golyrics-telegram A simple Telegram lyrics bot
8 @goraz/humanize DEPRICATED : A simple human friendly :) ast representation for go, new version at
3 @nasermirzaei89/chance Chance is a random generator in Go
2 @fzerorubigd/onion Layer based configuration for golang, this fork is for bc, use goraz/onion ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
19 @yaa110/rust-persian-calendar The implementation of the Persian (Solar Hijri) Calendar in Rust ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
808 @aliab/circular-music-progressbar Beautiful Circular Progress Bar with album art for android
672 @SaeedMasoumi/FAB-Loading A loading animation based on Floating Action Button
471 @saeedsh92/Banner-Slider Banner slider is an easy to use library for implement image sliders in android apps.
426 @yaa110/Effects-Pro An easy-to-use Android application to apply filters to images
274 @aliab/Two-Step-Picker-Dialog Two step wheel picker dialog for Android
252 @mreram/ShowCaseView 🔦The ShowcaseView library is designed to highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with an attractive and flat overlay.
223 @alirezaafkar/SunDatePicker Date picker for Iranian calendar
205 @AhmadNemati/WindView WindView is an Android Library to show Weather's Wind & pressure Status
193 @aliab/Persian-Date-Picker-Dialog Persian Date Picker Dialog for Android
180 @yaa110/Piclice Android application to slice and share your pictures
148 @navabi/JustifiedTextView a custom view that simulate justified text for you
95 @imaNNeoFighT/StepBarView Step Bar View (make your own customized StepBar)
94 @mreram/TicketView 🎫 A custom view for showing tickets
94 @meness/EasyIntro The flexible, easy to use, all in one app intro library for your Android project. ↗️
94 @imaNNeoFighT/ArcChartView Arc Chart View (Draw Creative Statistic Arc Charts)
94 @alirezaafkar/Toolbar Android toolbar with layout direction support
54 @soroushjavdan/ApplicationLocker With this library you could send users to lock activity after they leave your application .
54 @aliab/RTLMaterialSpinner an RTL Material Spinner for android
51 @MostafaNasiri/AndroidFileChooser A customizable file/directory chooser for Android.
42 @AhmadNemati/ClickableWebView Simple WebView to Detect click on an image
20 @soroushjavdan/Android-Mandrill-Interface An Android Mandrill API Connector ↗️
18 @yaa110/RestorableSQLiteDatabase A wrapper around Android's SQLiteDatabase with restoring capability
14 @MostafaNasiri/CircularPulsingButton A circular button with pulse effect for Android.
14 @MostafaNasiri/RtlNavigationView Android RTL Navigation Drawer


🌟 Name Description 🌍
11 @hamidreza-s/Evedis Erlang binding for Vedis which is an embedded datastore C library
6 @bisphone/Tnesia Time-series Data Storage
4 @bisphone/Queuesk Priority Task Queue for Erlang
1 @pouriya-jahanbakhsh/director moved to - Director is a production-ready supervisor and manager for Erlang/Elixir processes that focuses on speed, performance and flexibility.
0 @pouriya-jahanbakhsh/sockerl moved to - Sockerl is an advanced Erlang/Elixir socket framework for TCP protocols and provides fast, useful and easy-to-use API for implementing servers, clients and client connection pools.
0 @pouriya-jahanbakhsh/lb moved to - Load-Balancer for spreading Erlang/Elixir messages.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
34 @mdibaiee/sibe Experimental Haskell machine learning library


🌟 Name Description 🌍
187 @amiremohamadi/DuckX C++ library for creating and updating Microsoft Word (.docx) files.
27 @mohebifar/openbabel-node OpenBabel Bindings for Node.js
11 @keyvank/tracy A simple open-source 3D engine written fully in C++
5 @alipiry/PlanEditor A GUI application for creating task assignment formations of NAO humanoid robots in SPL.
4 @novinsh/GamePlanner Multi-agent Coordination of the Nao Humanoid Robots in SPL


🌟 Name Description 🌍
96 @hamidreza-s/NanoChat A P2P, E2E encrypted and discoverable chat application on top of nanomsg library
7 @aminroosta/sqlite_modern_cpp The C++14 wrapper around sqlite library


🌟 Name Description 🌍
125 @zumoshi/BrowserSelect Browser Select is a utility to dynamically select the browser you want instead of just having one default for all links.
3 @ehsan-mohammadi/eRamz Protect files with DES encryption


🌟 Name Description 🌍
100 @psamim/telegram-cli-backup A simple Lua script to backup Telegram messages into a CSV or sqlite database


🌟 Name Description 🌍
686 @amosavian/FileProvider FileManager replacement for Local, iCloud and Remote (WebDAV/FTP/Dropbox/OneDrive) files -- Swift
78 @mamal72/lyricsify-mac A simple Spotify lyrics viewer menu bar app for macOS in Swift 3


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2321 @imaNNeoFighT/fl_chart A powerful Flutter chart library, currently supporting Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart and Scatter Chart.
317 @imaNNeoFighT/circular_bottom_navigation


🌟 Name Description 🌍
959 @rastikerdar/vazir-font A Persian (Farsi) Font - قلم (فونت) فارسی وزیر
299 @rastikerdar/samim-font A Persian (Farsi) Font - فونت (قلم) فارسی صمیم
240 @rastikerdar/shabnam-font A Persian (Farsi) Font - فونت (قلم) فارسی شبنم
186 @rastikerdar/vazir-code-font A Persian (farsi) Monospaced Font for coding - فونت (قلم) فارسی وزیرکد برای کد نویسی
132 @font-store/BehdadFont Farbod: Persian/Arabic Open Source Font - بهداد: فونت فارسی با مجوز آزاد ↗️
106 @BornaIz/Lalezar A multi-script display typeface for popular culture
103 @rastikerdar/parastoo-font A Persian (Farsi) Font - فونت (قلم) فارسی پرستو
83 @rastikerdar/tanha-font A Persian (Farsi) Font - فونت (قلم) فارسی تنها
59 @rastikerdar/gandom-font A Persian (Farsi) Font - فونت (قلم) فارسی گندم
58 @font-store/NikaFont Nika: Persian/Arabic Open Source Font - Text and Print نیکا: فونت فارسی/عربی با مجوز آزاد
38 @font-store/GanjnamehFont Ganjname: Persian/Arabic Open Source Font - گنجنامه: فونت فارسی با مجوز آزاد ↗️
23 @font-store/FarbodFont Farbod: Persian/Arabic Open Source Font - Text and Print ↗️
16 @font-store/ShahabFont Shahab: Persian/Arabic Open Source Font - شهاب: فونت فارسی با مجوز آزاد ↗️
15 @font-store/NoonFont Noon: Persian/Arabic Open Source Font - For quarn نون - فونتی مخصوص طبع و نشر قرآن با پشتیبانی فارسی
12 @font-store/RitaFontTester Auxiliary tool for the development of Persian-Arabic fonts ↗️
4 @font-store/YaldaFont Yalda: Persian/Arabic Caption Open Source Font - یلدا : فونت فارسی سنگین وزن با مجوز آزاد ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
194 @arastu/iran Administrative divisions of Iran in json and xml formats - تقسیمات کشوری ایران با فرمت جی‌سان و ایکس ام ال
181 @HirbodBehnam/MTProtoProxyInstaller One-click script to install MTProto Proxy server on CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian
15 @mostafa/gnulinux-book An open documentation licensed book about Debian GNU/Linux operating system in Persian
10 @mostafa/iptables_book Netfilter iptables on IPv4 & IPv6, 1st Edition: It's a collaborative book on Netfilter iptables and its programming. ↗️

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