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' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''SQL Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''SQL Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim adressgit As Integer Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Close_Click() rs.Close End Sub

Private Sub ComPort_button_Click() If (ComPort_button.Caption = "Connect") Then On Error GoTo Err: MSComm1.CommPort = Val(Comm_port.Text) MSComm1.Settings = "9600,n,8,1" 'MSComm1.RThreshold = 1'設定當接收到1個byte就觸發comEvReceive事件 MSComm1.PortOpen = True

''TimerReadTemp.Enabled = True
''TimerReadHum.Enabled = True
TimerReadHumTemp.Enabled = True
OpenFlag = ture
ComPort_button.Caption = "Disconnect"

ElseIf (ComPort_button.Caption = "Disconnect") Then ComPort_button.Caption = "Connect" 'TimerReadTemp.Enabled = False MSComm1.PortOpen = False 'TimerReadHum.Enabled = False TimerReadHumTemp.Enabled = False

End If Exit Sub Err:

End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) On Error GoTo Err conn.Close Err: End Sub

Private Sub MoveNext_Click() rs.Movenext '將欄位移到下一個 End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo Err Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2 '窗口居中 Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2 i = 0 adressgit = 1 'label set 'Label1 Title cption font size

' Button enable
'TimerReadTemp.Enabled = False
'TimerReadHum.Enabled = False
TimerReadHumTemp.Enabled = False

' variable Flag

'Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
'Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

'conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'連線字串                                      'MySQL server IP            '資料庫       '帳號    '密碼
'conn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 DRIVER;SERVER=;DATABASE=test;UID=root;password=root"

' conn.Open

'rs.Open "test1", conn, 2, 3

'Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'連線字串                                      'MySQL server IP            '資料庫       '帳號    '密碼
conn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 DRIVER;SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test;UID=root;password=root"


rs.Open "SwitchData", conn, 2, 3

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

Err: End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If (Text4 = "T") Then Text1(0) = (Val(GETT(adressgit)) - 4000) / 100 ElseIf (Text4 = "H") Then Text1(1) = (Val(GETH(adressgit))) / 100 ElseIf (Text4 = "HT") Then

If (Check1.Value) Then Call GETTH(adressgit) adressgit = adressgit + 1 If (adressgit > 9) Then adressgit = 0 End If Text9.Text = adressgit Else Call GETTH(Val(Text9.Text)) End If

' ' Set conn = New ADODB.Connection ' Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset ' Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset 'SQL ' conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient ' '連線字串 'MySQL server IP '資料庫 '帳號 '密碼 ' conn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 DRIVER;SERVER=;DATABASE=test;UID=root;password=s186354" ' conn.Open ' rs.Open "TEMPHUM", conn, 2, 3

If (rs.Fields("Humidity") = Val(Text1(3).Text)) Then Else rs.Fields("Humidity") = Val(Text1(3).Text) rs.Update End If If (rs.Fields("Tempture") = Val(Text1(2).Text)) Then Else rs.Fields("Tempture") = Text1(2).Text rs.Update End If

If (rs.Fields("Date") = Now()) Then Else rs.Fields("Date") = Now() rs.Update End If

' rs2.Open SQL, conn, 2, 3
' Set DataGrkid1.DataSource = rs

End If

End Sub

Private Sub TimerReadHum_Click()

HumTemp_Flag = 1 ReadStatus = "H" Text4 = ReadStatus If TimerReadHum.Caption = "讀取轉轍器濕度" Then TimerReadHum.Caption = "停止"

Timer1.Enabled = True
' Button enable
ComPort_button.Enabled = False
'TimerReadTemp.Enabled = False
TimerReadHumTemp.Enabled = False

Else 'TimerReadHum.Caption = "讀取轉轍器濕度"

' Button enable
ComPort_button.Enabled = True
'''TimerReadTemp.Enabled = True
TimerReadHumTemp.Enabled = True

Timer1.Enabled = False

End If End Sub

Private Sub TimerReadHumTemp_Click() HumTemp_Flag = 1 ReadStatus = "HT" Text4 = ReadStatus If TimerReadHumTemp.Caption = "讀取轉轍器溫濕度" Then TimerReadHumTemp.Caption = "停止"

' Timer1.Enabled = True

' Button enable
 ComPort_button.Enabled = False 'connect button disable
'TimerReadTemp.Enabled = False
'TimerReadHum.Enabled = False

Else TimerReadHumTemp.Caption = "讀取轉轍器溫濕度"

' Button enable
ComPort_button.Enabled = True 'connect button disable
'''TimerReadTemp.Enabled = True
'TimerReadHum.Enabled = True

Timer1.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub TimerReadTemp_Click()

HumTemp_Flag = 1 ReadStatus = "T" Text4 = ReadStatus If TimerReadTemp.Caption = "讀取轉轍器溫度" Then TimerReadTemp.Caption = "停止" Timer1.Enabled = True

' Button enable

 ComPort_button.Enabled = False 'connect button disable
'TimerReadHum.Enabled = False
TimerReadHumTemp.Enabled = False

Else TimerReadTemp.Caption = "讀取轉轍器溫度"

Timer1.Enabled = False
' Button enable

ComPort_button.Enabled = True 'connect button disable
'TimerReadHum.Enabled = True
TimerReadHumTemp.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Sub GETTH(ByVal TT As Byte) Dim strCommand As String Dim strTemp As String Dim OverFlag As Boolean Dim strReturn As String Dim TimeOver As Single Dim OverCount As Integer Dim intType As Integer Dim ext2 As String Dim ext3 As String Dim arrayx(8) As Byte Dim lonCRC As Long Dim intCnt As Integer Dim intBit As Integer Dim intLeng As Integer Dim intTemp As Integer Dim bytTemp As Byte Dim bytRes() As Byte Dim getdata(20) As Byte Dim CRCCK(2) As Byte

arrayx(0) = Hex(TT)
arrayx(1) = "&H04"
arrayx(2) = "&H00"
arrayx(3) = "&H00"
arrayx(4) = "&H00"
arrayx(5) = "&H02"
 lonCRC = &HFFFF&
For intCnt = 0 To 5
    lonCRC = lonCRC Xor arrayx(intCnt)
    For intBit = 0 To 7
        intTemp = lonCRC Mod 2
        lonCRC = lonCRC \ 2
        If intTemp = 1 Then
            lonCRC = lonCRC Xor &HA001&
        End If
    Next intBit
Next intCnt

arrayx(6) = lonCRC Mod 256
arrayx(7) = lonCRC \ 256

Debug.Print arrayx
MSComm1.Output = arrayx

TimeOver = Timer()
OverFlag = False
bytRes = MSComm1.Input
 ext3 = ""
For intCnt = 0 To UBound(bytRes)
    If intCnt <> 0 Then
        ext3 = ext3 + " "
    End If
    getdata(intCnt) = Val(bytRes(intCnt))
    If bytRes(intCnt) < 16 Then
        ext3 = ext3 & "0" & Hex(bytRes(intCnt))
        ext3 = ext3 & Hex(bytRes(intCnt))
    End If
Next intCnt

Text5 = ext3 lonCRC = &HFFFF& For intCnt = 0 To 6 lonCRC = lonCRC Xor getdata(intCnt) For intBit = 0 To 7 intTemp = lonCRC Mod 2 lonCRC = lonCRC \ 2 If intTemp = 1 Then lonCRC = lonCRC Xor &HA001& End If Next intBit Next intCnt

CRCCK(0) = lonCRC Mod 256
CRCCK(1) = lonCRC \ 256

Text6 = Hex(CRCCK(0))
Text7 = Hex(CRCCK(1))

If (getdata(7) = CRCCK(0)) Then
 If (getdata(8) = CRCCK(1)) Then
  Text1(2) = (getdata(3) * 256 + getdata(4) - 4000) / 100
  Text1(3) = (getdata(5) * 256 + getdata(6)) / 100
 End If
End If

End Sub

Function GETT(ByVal TT As Byte) As String Dim strCommand As String Dim strTemp As String Dim OverFlag As Boolean Dim strReturn As String Dim TimeOver As Single Dim OverCount As Integer Dim intType As Integer Dim ext2 As String Dim ext3 As String Dim arrayx(8) As Byte Dim lonCRC As Long Dim intCnt As Integer Dim intBit As Integer Dim intLeng As Integer Dim intTemp As Integer Dim bytTemp As Byte Dim bytRes() As Byte Dim getdata(10) As Byte Dim CRCCK(2) As Byte

arrayx(0) = Hex(TT)
arrayx(1) = "&H04"
arrayx(2) = "&H00"
arrayx(3) = "&H00"
arrayx(4) = "&H00"
arrayx(5) = "&H01"
 lonCRC = &HFFFF&
For intCnt = 0 To 5
    lonCRC = lonCRC Xor arrayx(intCnt)
    For intBit = 0 To 7
        intTemp = lonCRC Mod 2
        lonCRC = lonCRC \ 2
        If intTemp = 1 Then
            lonCRC = lonCRC Xor &HA001&
        End If
    Next intBit
Next intCnt

arrayx(6) = lonCRC Mod 256
arrayx(7) = lonCRC \ 256

Debug.Print arrayx
MSComm1.Output = arrayx

TimeOver = Timer()
OverFlag = False
bytRes = MSComm1.Input
 ext3 = ""
For intCnt = 0 To UBound(bytRes)
    If intCnt <> 0 Then
        ext3 = ext3 + " "
    End If
    getdata(intCnt) = Val(bytRes(intCnt))
    If bytRes(intCnt) < 16 Then
        ext3 = ext3 & "0" & Hex(bytRes(intCnt))
        ext3 = ext3 & Hex(bytRes(intCnt))
    End If
Next intCnt

Text5 = ext3 lonCRC = &HFFFF& For intCnt = 0 To 4 lonCRC = lonCRC Xor getdata(intCnt) For intBit = 0 To 7 intTemp = lonCRC Mod 2 lonCRC = lonCRC \ 2 If intTemp = 1 Then lonCRC = lonCRC Xor &HA001& End If Next intBit Next intCnt

CRCCK(0) = lonCRC Mod 256
CRCCK(1) = lonCRC \ 256

Text6 = Hex(CRCCK(0))
Text7 = Hex(CRCCK(1))

If (getdata(5) = CRCCK(0)) Then
 If (getdata(6) = CRCCK(1)) Then
  GETT = (getdata(3) * 256) + (getdata(4))
 End If
End If

End Function

Function GETH(ByVal TT As Byte) As String

Dim strCommand As String
Dim strTemp As String
Dim OverFlag As Boolean
Dim strReturn As String
Dim TimeOver As Single
Dim OverCount As Integer
Dim intType As Integer
Dim ext2 As String
Dim ext3 As String
Dim arrayx(8) As Byte
Dim lonCRC As Long
Dim intCnt As Integer
Dim intBit As Integer
Dim intLeng As Integer
Dim intTemp As Integer
Dim bytTemp As Byte
Dim bytRes() As Byte
Dim getdata(10) As Byte
Dim CRCCK(2) As Byte

arrayx(0) = Hex(TT)
arrayx(1) = "&H04"
arrayx(2) = "&H00"
arrayx(3) = "&H01"
arrayx(4) = "&H00"
arrayx(5) = "&H01"
 lonCRC = &HFFFF&
For intCnt = 0 To 5
    lonCRC = lonCRC Xor arrayx(intCnt)
    For intBit = 0 To 7
        intTemp = lonCRC Mod 2
        lonCRC = lonCRC \ 2
        If intTemp = 1 Then
            lonCRC = lonCRC Xor &HA001&
        End If
    Next intBit
Next intCnt

arrayx(6) = lonCRC Mod 256
arrayx(7) = lonCRC \ 256

Debug.Print arrayx
MSComm1.Output = arrayx

TimeOver = Timer()
OverFlag = False
bytRes = MSComm1.Input
 ext3 = ""
For intCnt = 0 To UBound(bytRes)
    If intCnt <> 0 Then
        ext3 = ext3 + " "
    End If
    getdata(intCnt) = Val(bytRes(intCnt))
    If bytRes(intCnt) < 16 Then
        ext3 = ext3 & "0" & Hex(bytRes(intCnt))
        ext3 = ext3 & Hex(bytRes(intCnt))
    End If
Next intCnt

Text5 = ext3 lonCRC = &HFFFF& For intCnt = 0 To 4 lonCRC = lonCRC Xor getdata(intCnt) For intBit = 0 To 7 intTemp = lonCRC Mod 2 lonCRC = lonCRC \ 2 If intTemp = 1 Then lonCRC = lonCRC Xor &HA001& End If Next intBit Next intCnt

CRCCK(0) = lonCRC Mod 256
CRCCK(1) = lonCRC \ 256

Text6 = Hex(CRCCK(0))
Text7 = Hex(CRCCK(1))

If (getdata(5) = CRCCK(0)) Then
 If (getdata(6) = CRCCK(1)) Then
   GETH = (getdata(3) * 256) + (getdata(4))
 End If
End If

End Function

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