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mlm's Introduction

Multi-Level Metagenomics

Is a user-friendly, automated metagenomics pipeline the key to making your life as a bioinformatician easier? Do you still want some choice in which tools you use for each analysis step rather a rigid selection of pre-determined tools that other pipelines use? Well look no further!

Welcome to Muti-Level Metagenomics (not to be confused with Multi-Level Marketing), a flexible snakemake workflow designed to handle various metagenomics data types and analyses steps. Use MLM's flexible, high-level configuration settings to choose from multiple tools at each major step in the analysis. Yes, you heard that right: you can use the MLM pipeline to make your own pipeline that answers the questions closest to your heart. Like, is this a pipeline, or a pyramid scheme?

UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT :) Use at you own risk...

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Table of Contents

This is a snakemake pipeline is designed to automate common components of shotgun metagenomic data analysis. Briefly, reads are trimmed, deconvoluted (- human), taxnomically defined, assembled, binned, and annotated. Further optimization is neccessary and functional components of metagenomic analysis have yet to be integrated.


  • Update so it sorts samples into alphanumeric order
  • check metabat
  • integrate visualizations + comparisons
  • move logs to results folder
  • clean up bowtie2 code to reduce used disk space + gzip files
  • add bioconda biopython=1.78 to snakemamba base install
  • probably more stuff


  • full setup/install script
  • singularity
  • test cases?

Notes on snakemake

This pipeline has been tested using snakemake and mamba installed in a single conda environment. For more information regarding snakemake, generally, please see the documentation here

Execute to create a DAG visualization of the pipeline

snakemake --forceall --dag | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf

Execute to create a rule graph visualization

snakemake --forceall --rulegraph | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf

Getting Started


Tested versions for base conda software environment:

  • snakemake version 7.3.8
  • mamba 0.15.3
  • anaconda 4.10.3

STEP 1: Clone Repository

  1. Clone the MLM repository and move into the freshly cloned directory

    git clone
    cd mlm

STEP 2: (OPTION 1) Conda Install from .yaml file

  1. (Optional) if you are on an HPC (i.e., quest), load the anaconda or miniconda module

    module load mamba
  2. Create a new conda environment based on the mamba yaml file located in workflow/envs/mamba.yml

    conda env create -f workflow/envs/mamba.yml
  3. The base environment with snakemake and mamba should now be available using source activate mamba

STEP 2: (OPTION 2) Manual Conda Install

  1. Create a new conda environment to install mamba and snakemake. If you have not already installed conda, install it using the documentatio found here.

    conda create --name mamba -c conda-forge -c bioconda
  2. Activate the new conda environment and install snakemake using mamba

    mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake
  3. Confirm that snakeake has installed.

    snakemake --version


  1. Move data into the data/ subdirectory

  2. From the mlm base directory (mlm or metagenomics-snsakemake), use the script in the workflow/scripts subdirectory to prepare a sample sheet. It will automatically create a file called sample_sheet.tsv in the config/ subdirect E.g.,

    python3 workflow/scripts/ --delimiter="_S"
  3. Configure the cluster config file. Adjust the account and partition setting under default-resources to fit your cluster. Note that the current cluster configurations is a basic setup for SLURM on Quest that's based on this blog

  4. Open the Snakefile and adjust the rule all output to fit your desired output.

  5. Configure the general snakemake config config/config.yaml so that rules you want to execute are set to True and rules you do not want to execute are set to False. E.g., The following lines will assembl and perform metaphlan read-based analysis, but won't execute metabat2 binning.

    FASTQC: False
    NONPAREIL: False
    TRIM_READS: True
    BOWTIE2: True
    METAPHLAN: False
    ASSEMBLE: False
    MEGAHIT: True
    SPADES: True
    METABAT2: False
  6. Download Bowtie2 index for human reference genome

mkdir resources/bowtie_human
cd resources/bowtie_human


  1. (Optional) Check that snakemake is correctly interpretting your sample spreadsheet by executing a dryrun or one of the commands in the notes above

    snakemake --dry-run
  2. In the base snakemake/project directory, use the file to submit the snakemake scheduler as a job to slurm. (Alternatively, you can run an interactive job snakeake via command line for troubleshooting)

  3. wait for data :) (hopefully)

Use interactive jobs on SLURM for debugging

Start interactive job on slurm

srun -A b1042 --partition=genomics -N 1 -n 24 --mem=64G --time=01:00:00 --pty bash -i

Start interactive job on slurm with salloc ssh onto the qnode it outputs

salloc -A p31648 --partition=long -N 1 -n 24 --mem=64G --time=12:00:00 bash -i

Pipeline Contents


Generalized commands + software used by this pipeline


fastp -i {input.r1} \
        -I {input.r2} \
        --out1 {output.r1_filtered} \
        --out2 {output.r2_filtered} \
        --detect_adapter_for_pe \
        --dedup \
        --thread {threads} \
        --length_required 50 \
        -j {output.json} \
        -h {output.html} \


fastqc -t {threads} \
	{input} \
	--outdir {params.outDir}"

BWA - Remove human-derived reads

bwa mem -t {threads} {input.genome} {input.r1Filtered} {input.r2Filtered} > {params.sam}
samtools view -Subh -o {params.bam} {params.sam}
samtools sort -o {params.sortedBam} {params.bam}
samtools view -b -f 12 -F 256 -o {params.unmappedBam} {params.sortedBam}
bedtools bamtofastq -i {params.unmappedBam} -fq {output.cleanFastQ1} -fq2 {output.cleanFastQ2}

Bowtie2 - Remove human-derived reads

        bowtie2 -p {threads} -x {params.filter_db} --very-sensitive -1 {input.r1} -2 {input.r2}| \
        samtools view -bS -@ {threads}| \
        samtools sort -@ {threads} -n -o {output.sorted_bam}

        samtools fastq -1 {output.r1_clean} -2 {output.r2_clean} -@ {threads} -f 12 -F 256 {output.sorted_bam}

        samtools flagstat -@ {threads} -O tsv {output.sorted_bam} > {output.flagstat}



metaphlan --install \
	--index {params.metaphlan_idx} \
	--bowtie2db {output.metaphlan_db} \
	--nproc {threads}


metaphlan {input.cleanFastQ1},{input.cleanFastQ2} \
        --bowtie2out {output.bowtie_out} \
        --index {params.metaphlan_idx} \
        --bowtie2db {input.metaphlan_db} \
        --nproc {threads} \
        --input_type fastq \
        --unknown_estimation \
        -o {output.profile}


megahit -t {threads} \
	-m 0.9 \
	-1 {input.cleanR1} \
	-2 {input.cleanR1} \
	-o {params.outdir_tmp}

Quast \
	-o {output.direc} \
	--threads {threads} \
	--min-contig 0 \
	-L {input}



jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths \
        --outputDepth {output.depth_fi} \
        --percentIdentity 97 \
        --minContigLength 1000 \
        --minContigDepth 1.0 \
        --referenceFasta {input.contigs} {input.sortedBam}


metabat2 -t {threads} \
        --inFile {input.contigs} \
        --outFile {output.bin_dir}/bin \
        --abdFile {input.depth_fi}


  • bedtools v2.29.2
  • biopython v1.78
  • bowtie2 v2.4.4
  • bwa v0.7.17
  • checkm v1.0.7
  • fastp v0.20.1
  • fastqc v0.11.9
  • fastqc v0.11.5
  • hclust2 v1.0.0
  • kneaddata v0.10.00
  • megahit v1.0.6.1
  • metabat2 v2.15
  • metaphlan v3.0.13
  • python v2.7
  • python v3.7
  • quast v5.0.2
  • samtools v1.10.1
  • spades v3.14.1

to add and/or deprecated:

  • kaiju v1.8.0
  • vcontact2
  • blast
  • diamond
  • mcl
  • hmmer
  • cython v0.29.21
  • scikit-learn v0.21.3* prodigal

Configuration settings

So far there are six major steps in the analysis. Each of these can be turned on or off at your desire.

  • FASTQC employs fastqc on raw reads and, if selected to perform the analyses which generate them, trimmed and deconvoluted reads.
  • TRIM_READS employs fastp to trim and QC raw reads.
  • DECONVOLUTE employs bwa alignment to the human reference genome to remove probable human-derived reads
  • METAPHLAN employs metaphlan3 to determine a relative abundance profile at the genus and species level
  • ASSEMBLE employs megahit or metaspades to assemble metagenomes
  • METABAT2 uses the metabat algorithm to bin genomes into metagenome assembled genomes


  • Calculate_unifrac.R from metaphlan/biobakery here
  • ASCII art generated with this tool
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jtsumner avatar

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