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svdtools's Issues

_derive on a register fails when "displayName" is not defined (RP2040)

derive_register() contains the following code:

        rcopy = copy.deepcopy(source)
        rcopy.find("name").text = rname
        rcopy.find("displayName").text = rname

The RP2040 SVD, however, does not define any displayName, so the last line causes AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'.

The following modification fixes the problem:

        if rcopy.find("displayName") != None:
            rcopy.find("displayName").text = rname

patch testing

I am trying to solve #9 and I noticed that the patch command has no tests.
If you want to help me you can provide here some test cases ๐Ÿ˜€

You should provide: test description, input svd and yaml.

You don't have to provide also the patched svd (the output), since I can obtain it by launching the python script.


Test description

Modify register field.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<device schemaVersion="1.1"
  <!-- details about the cpu embedded in the device -->
  <!--Bus Interface Properties-->
  <!--Cortex-M3 is byte addressable-->
  <!--the maximum data bit width accessible within a single transfer-->
  <!--Register Default Properties-->
      <description>Digital-to-analog converter</description>
          <description>control register</description>
              <description>DAC channel1 enable</description>


_svd: stm32l4x2.svd

# SVD incorrectly labels APB1ENR1 bit 18 as USART1EN instead of USART3EN.
# SVD incorrectly labels APB1ENR1 bit 26 as USBF instead of USBFSEN.
        name: EN2
        description: EN2 description

Register arrays for registers with fields longer than 32 bit fail

I have a peripheral with a number of registers, each 64 bits long. Within each register is one 40 bit long field.
Trying to merge these registers into an array fails with the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".venv/bin/svd", line 8, in <module>
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 764, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 717, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1137, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 956, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 555, in invoke
    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 16, in patch
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1332, in main
    process_device(svd, root)
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1309, in process_device
    d.process_peripheral(periphspec, device[periphspec], update_fields)
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 665, in process_peripheral
    p.collect_in_array(rspec, rmod)
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 878, in collect_in_array
    bitmasks = [Register(r[0]).get_bitmask() for r in registers]
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 878, in <listcomp>
    bitmasks = [Register(r[0]).get_bitmask() for r in registers]
  File "/mnt/btrfs/svdtools/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1259, in get_bitmask
    mask |= (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - fwidth)) << foffset
ValueError: negative shift count
make: *** [Makefile:12: example] Error 1

I have created a minimum failing example that fits neatly into the example from the repo:

        addressOffset: "0x0000000"
        size: 0x40
            bitOffset: 0
            bitWidth: 33
        addressOffset: "0x0000008"
        size: 0x40
            bitOffset: 0
            bitWidth: 33

    REG*: {}

I have played around a bit, and the patch seems to generate fine as long as the field is shorter than 32 bits, even if I offset it into the top half of the register.

(Found on v0.1.13)

Cannot copy from a peripheral that is also deleted in the same patch

If I try to first _copy (or _rebase) a peripheral and then delete the original it does not work. This is the simplest reproduction of this issue:

_svd: svd/stm32g070.svd

    from: TIM2

  - TIM2

It crashes with the error

svdtools.patch.SvdPatchError: peripheral None not found

How is the order of operations defined? It seems like _delete is done before _copy. If I remove the _delete, the _copy works fine. Is there a workaround?

`bit_range` must be initialized when renaming bitfields

I want to rename some register blocks, and their respective bitfields on a given peripheral. Here is my yaml:

        name: UNIT0_VALUE_LO
        name: UNIT0_VALUE_HI
        name: UNIT0_OP
            name: TIMER_UNIT0_VALUE_VALID 
            name: TIMER_UNIT0_UPDATE

The registers are correctly renamed, but when I try and rename the bit fields I get the following error:

Error: Processing device `ESP32-S2`

Caused by:
    0: According to `SYSTIMER`
    1: Processing peripheral `SYSTIMER`
    2: Modifying registers matched to `UPDATE`
    3: `Build error: `bit_range` must be initialized

Have I got the syntax wrong, or is this a bug?

Support REGEX

Hello! The current state of the tool is very limited. Can you add regex to it?

Create new arrays

The _array KEY is useful for aggregating existing registers but I'd like to request functionality to create new arrays without first _adding all the individual registers.

How to bootstrap development environment?

I pulled down the repository and tried to run make. After setting up python venv, I'm getting:

make: venv/bin/pip: Command not found

Am I missing some critical first step here? Forgive me, I've never used python venv before.

Trying to patch registers with missing fields causes a backtrace


Consider the following register layout in a pre-generated SVD file:

          <description>Timer A Capture/Compare 0</description>

along with the following YAML file (_svd points to the right place):

_svd: ../../msp430g2211.svd

        description: "Timer A capture/compare register 0"
        bitOffset: 0
        bitWidth: 16

svd will die with the following backtrace:

$ svd patch overrides/devices/msp430g2211.yaml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/", line 86, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/svd.exe/", line 7, in <module>
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 829, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 782, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1066, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 610, in invoke
    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 16, in patch
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1025, in main
    process_device(svd, root)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1005, in process_device
    d.process_peripheral(periphspec, device[periphspec], update_fields)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 434, in process_peripheral
    p.process_register(rspec, register, update_fields)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 756, in process_register
    r.add_field(fname, fadd)
  File "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 834, in add_field
    for ftag in parent.iter("field"):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'iter'


According to IRC:

(5:12:22 AM) agg: hah, yes, I see the issue
(5:12:43 AM) agg: the backtrace you're hitting is when it goes through existing fields on the register to check you're not adding a duplicate name
(5:12:51 AM) agg: but there's no <fields> member in this register at all


Workaround for now is to delete the register completely and recreate it:

    - TACCR0
      description: Timer A Capture/Compare 0
      addressOffset: 68
      size: 16
      resetMask: 65535
          description: Timer A capture/compare register 0
          bitOffset: 0
          bitWidth: 16

Conflict when adding enumeratedValues to fields in registers in a cluster

The Atmel SAML10 chips have a somewhat odd structure for their UART/SPI/I2C peripherals. There are a couple of single SERCOM peripherals, which can be configured into one of those modes based on a MODE register, whose offset is the same for all modes.

The Atmel-provided SVD files model this like so:


That is, there's a cluster for each independent configuration of the peripheral, with the same register name defined, and different fields defined. (SDAHOLD does not exist in SPI mode, and CPHA does not exist in I2C mode.) Other fields, such as MODE, are in both.

I don't see a way to select just one of these clusters to modify. If I match on CTRLA then I can't match on the right fields, because the selector code in returns all four of the CTRLA register tags for all four clusters. If I try to introduce a _cluster: entry in the YAML then the code insists on grouping all four of the CTRLA registers together into a block, and failing to validate the offsets or the bitmasks.

Is there a way to use the cluster name purely for selection, instead of for cluster creation? If not, can there be?

`dimArrayIndex` not supported & it's use leads to abortion of patching process

I'm using dimArrayIndex to simplify access to array elements (register arrays). The element has been introduced with SVD version 1.3.2 and is not supported by svdtools.

On the one hand, it doesn't seem to be possible to define enumeration values for registers and patch them into an SVD file.
And on the other hand, the patch process aborts (quits) as soon as dimArrayIndex is used in the SVD file which is supposed to be patched. It must be removed to successfully patch the file and inserted again afterwards.

Is there any plan to support this?

makedeps fails to generate valid `.d` files on cygwin.

There is a failing test:


Left:  test.d: \\?\D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\svdtools\res\makedeps\sub-tests\inc1.yaml \\?\D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\svdtools\res\makedeps\sub-tests\inc2.yaml
Right: test.d: D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\svdtools\res\makedeps\sub-tests/inc1.yaml D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\svdtools\res\makedeps\sub-tests/inc2.yaml

The use of std::fs::canonicalize is adding \\?\ in addition to removing \.\ path components.

These paths are not valid paths when svdtools is used as part of stm32-rs when running make patch in cygwin.
The resulting error from the command that uses the generated dependencies make svd2rust is as follows:

$ make svd2rust
.deps/stm32c011.d:1: *** target pattern contains no '%'.  Stop.

If you inspect the generated file you see this:

$ more .deps/stm32c011.d
stm32c011.d: \\?\D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\stm32-rs\devices\common_patches\c0.yaml \\?\D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\stm32-rs\devices\common_patches\nvic\2_prio_bits.yaml

As a workaround I hacked up abspath as follows:

/// Gets the absolute path of relpath from the point of view of frompath.
fn abspath(frompath: &Path, relpath: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf, std::io::Error> {
    let path = frompath.parent().unwrap().join(relpath);

    let path_str = format!("{}", path.display()).replace("\\", "/");


Branch with that is here:

and now the test fails as follows:

Left:  test.d: D:/Users/Hydra/Documents/dev/projects/stm32-rs/svdtools/res/makedeps/sub-tests/inc1.yaml D:/Users/Hydra/Documents/dev/projects/stm32-rs/svdtools/res/makedeps/sub-tests/inc2.yaml
Right: test.d: D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\svdtools\res\makedeps\sub-tests/inc1.yaml D:\Users\Hydra\Documents\dev\projects\stm32-rs\svdtools\res\makedeps\sub-tests/inc2.yaml

However, the resulting .d files are now valid, here's the same one from the stm32-rs project from before:

$ more .deps/stm32c011.d
stm32c011.d: devices/./common_patches/c0.yaml devices/./common_patches/nvic/2_prio_bits.yaml

I'm no expert on the String, PathBuf or FS APIs so not sure what a proper cross-platform fix is, but this unblocked me today.

svd2rust is unable to generate pac for nxp svd file


I'm attempting to generate a pac for an nxp rt633s device (svd: however, svd2rust ends with an error:

[INFO  svd2rust] Parsing device from SVD file
[INFO  svd2rust] Rendering device
[ERROR svd2rust] Error rendering device

    Caused by:
        0: Rendering error at peripheral
           Name: I2S0
           Description: LPC-Next0 I2S interface
           Group: I2S
        1: Could not expand register or cluster block
        2: Error expanding cluster
           Name: SECCHANNEL[%s]
           Description: no description available
        3: Cluster SECCHANNEL[%s] has size 24928 bits that is more then array increment 256 bits

Looking at that particular cluster, we have 96 bits (3x 32-bit registers):

          <description>no description available</description>
            <description>Configuration register 1 for channel pair</description>
                <description>Enable for this channel pair..</description>
                <description>Single channel mode.</description>
            <description>Configuration register 2 for channel pair</description>
                <description>Data Position.</description>
            <description>Status register for channel pair</description>
                <description>Busy status for this channel pair.</description>
                <description>Save Frame Error flag.</description>
                <description>Left/Right indication.</description>
                <description>Data Paused status flag.</description>

What might be causing the error?

cannot _derive from a register that is affected by a _cluster modification

I'm trying to make a patch to clean up the peripherals in the ESP32 USB0 peripheral. It has registers for several endpoints that need to be clustered, and I also want to make some of the registers derive from other registers. svdtools currently doesn't appear to allow me to both apply clustering and make derivedFrom modifications at the same time.

If I add a _derive section, these changes appear to take be applied before the _cluster section. When the _derive changes are made it checks that the derivedFrom register names are valid. However, these register names are later changed by the _cluster operation, which makes svdtools generate an invalid SVD files since the derivedFrom fields refer to the old names. I can't use the new names in the _derive section, since svdtools rejects them as invalid since they don't exist yet when the check is made.

In theory I suppose svdtools should track all derivedFrom attributes throughout the SVD file, and update them correctly whenever it renames/clusters/derives a register that is the destination of an existing derivedFrom attribute. This seems possibly more complicated than it is worth, however. Alternatively, it would be nice if there were an easy way to force svdtools to skip the register name check in _derive, so I could specify the desired derivedFrom name without svdtools complaining because it doesn't exist yet.

Here is a with more details about what I would like to accomplish

How to delete the `dim` register?

I have registers that need to be deleted as follows:

          <description>Set pin output value to high</description>

However, I attempted to use _delete without success:

      dim: 35


      dim: 35

At the same time, I also tried using modify to make changes, but it didn't work either:

      dim: 35


      dim: 35

It seems like I cannot select this register. How can I do it?

Request to update lxml version dependency information

I'm having problems with the lxml version dependency in the python-svdtools package that maintains the AUR.

==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
==> Extracting sources...
-> Extracting svdtools-0.3.9.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package_python-svdtools()...
* Getting build dependencies for wheel...

ERROR Missing dependencies:
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package_python-svdtools().

lxml relies on the 4.6 version of the package, which is python2-lxml by checking arch's packages. now arch only supports python3 which requires the python-lxml package, but the python-lxml version is 5.2.2. But the python-lxml version is 5.2.2. It does not meet the dependency requirements of svdtools, please upgrade the lxml version dependency information of svdtools.

yay -Ss python-lxml
aur/python2-lxml 4.9.4-2 (+10 0.60)
Python2 binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
blackarch/python2-lxml 4.6.2-2 (1.2 MiB 4.4 MiB)
Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.
extra/python-lxml 5.2.2-1 (1.3 MiB 5.0 MiB) (ๅทฒๅฎ‰่ฃ…: 5.2.2-1.1)
Python3 binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
extra/python-lxml-docs 5.2.2-1 (3.0 MiB 10.9 MiB)
Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries (docs)

Having an enumerated value `Off` throws an error

I am writing a peripheral for STM32WLE. One of the bits is best described as "Off", so I wrote:

      Off: [0, "SRAM2 powered off in Standby mode (SRAM2 content lost)"]
      OnLPR: [1, "SRAM2 powered by the low-power regulator in Standby mode (SRAM2 content kept)"]

When running make, I get the following output:

โฏ make
svd makedeps devices/stm32wle5.yaml .deps/stm32wle5.d
svd patch devices/stm32wle5.yaml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/stm32-rs/bin/svd", line 8, in <module>
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1137, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1062, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1668, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 763, in invoke
    return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 16, in patch
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1407, in main
    process_device(svd, root)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1384, in process_device
    d.process_peripheral(periphspec, device[periphspec], update_fields)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 661, in process_peripheral
    p.process_register(rspec, register, update_fields)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1032, in process_register
    r.process_field(pname, fspec, field)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1234, in process_field
    self.process_field_enum(pname, fspec, field)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 1260, in process_field_enum
    enum = make_enumerated_values(name, field, usage=usage)
  File "/Users/xxxx/.pyenv/versions/3.8.9/envs/stm32-rs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/svdtools/", line 148, in make_enumerated_values
    if vname.startswith("_"):
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'startswith'
make: *** [svd/stm32wle5.svd.patched] Error 1

I am using Python 3.8.9, compiled on x86_64 (I have an M1 so I tried both x86_64 and aarch64).

If instead, I change the bit to:

      PowerOff: [0, "SRAM2 powered off in Standby mode (SRAM2 content lost)"]
      OnLPR: [1, "SRAM2 powered by the low-power regulator in Standby mode (SRAM2 content kept)"]

Everything works normally.

I have tried in other peripherals and bits and the same issue occurs. The same is true if the value is On, e.g.:

      PowerOff: [0, "SRAM2 powered off in Standby mode (SRAM2 content lost)"]
      On: [1, "SRAM2 powered by the low-power regulator in Standby mode (SRAM2 content kept)"]

Derive registers regex

Regex in derive patch doesnt work
Derive from registers is not documented by the way.

Works correctly:



    Caused by:
        0: Processing device `AT32A403Axx_v2`
        1: According to `FLASH`
        2: Processing peripheral `FLASH`
        3: Deriving register `UNLOCK?` from `String("UNLOCK")`
        4: `Build error: `address_offset` must be initialized
        5: `address_offset` must be initialized


    _derivedFrom: UNLOCK

Panic in field array dim calculation

        description: "Interrupt enable or disable on line %s"

Token boundaries are calculated without comma split.

let (li, ri) = spec_ind(fspec);

li = 5, ri = 8
thread 'main' panicked at 'byte index 18446744073709551614 is out of bounds of `INTEN0`', src\patch\
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

.map(|f|[ - ri].to_string())


Move and improve the documentation from stm32-rs.


The stm32-rs crates are depended on by many. Perhaps we should store their outputs with git lfs or similar, and run regression tests against current last release (or HEAD?) of stm32-rs?

Detect duplicate YAML keys

Currently duplicate keys are silently ignored, which is a common cause of errors.

In principle any conforming YAML parser should emit a warning in such a situation, but PyYAML does not. A workaround might be possible.


There have been votes to rewrite this in Rust, I think most everyone would be open to this, but it would need an external initiative.

Remove empty tag

How to remove empty fields tag?

      <description>Flash memory controler</description>
          <description>Performance selection register</description>

_strip_end behavior incorrect

The current behavior of _strip_end will trim the input string to the length of the substring targeted for removal.

For example:
a patch to _strip_end "_REG" from all register names, with the register name IO_MUX_GPIO36_REG will result in IO_M

The conditional to determine whether a name should be stripped on the front or back is also not behaving as intended. If the function is called to strip the end, and doesn't strip the end, it will then try to strip the front. For example, with the previous patch _strip_end "_REG", "_REG_IO_MUX" would become "_IO_MUX".

Making a cluster array of register arrays


Letโ€™s say we have some peripheral that exposes an interface to feed it with some 128-bit inputs (letโ€™s say 3 for the example), and we have a 32-bit bus. It then provides registers like: INPUT0A, INPUT0B, INPUT0C, INPUT0D, INPUT1A, ..., INPUT3D. INPUT0A is the first 32-bit word in input 0, INPUT3B the second 32-bit word in input 3, and so on.

As you can imagine, working with such registers in a generic way in the code is not very handy, so Iโ€™d like to group them in some kind of two-dimentional array, like INPUT[n][w], where n is the input number and w the 32-bit word index inside this 128-bit input.

Trials with svdtools

The first step Iโ€™ve done is to create arrays for each input, like:

        INPUT0?: {}
        INPUT1?: {}
        INPUT2?: {}

This is better since I can now do in my Rust code:

peripheral.input0[w].write(|w| ...);
// ...
peripheral.input1[w].write(|w| ...);

There is still however a hard-coded index in the names, so I need to use macros to get generic code, which is not optimal.

Trials with the SVD file

While looking to the SVD documentation, I came to see that we can put registers in clusters, and we can do arrays of clusters. I can then write something like:


  <description>Input registers</description>




This allows me to write Rust code like:

peripheral.input[n].word[w].write(|w| ...);

which is exactly what I want.

How to do this with svdtools?

Is it possible to achieve this with svdtools? I see two possible paths:

  1. Is there a way to create clusters from register arrays, and then an array from clusters? Iโ€™ve tried to do so but Iโ€™m getting some errors.
  2. Is there a way to _add clusters and arrays? (Actually the original SVD Iโ€™m using has the registers for only 1 input, so Iโ€™d be fine to just define them from scratch in a _add block)

Suggestion: peripheral library.

ARM (and others, I assume) provide a number of ready-to-use IP blocks which chip manufacturers
can use. Examples include the SP804 dual timer, SP805 watchdog, PL390 GIC, PL080 DMAC, PL011
UART, and so on.

It could be useful to provide a collection of these 'standard parts' in a library for use in patching
and creating svds.

Working within clusters

TL;DR: most svdtools features don't work within the <cluster> tag. Should they?


Somewhat similar to #27, our platform SVDs have registers organized into clusters like so:

    <description />
    <description />


I have no idea whether it's a good idea to arrange the device like so but in case one does, we encounter issues with svd patch which seems to be unable to make most types of changes inside clusters.

Take for instance _array. If you were to write the following patch.yaml against the above architecture:

    REG_*: {}

you would get the following error:

File "src/lxml/etree.pyx", line 943, in lxml.etree._Element.remove
ValueError: Element is not a child of this node.

while if you didn't have the cluster layer, the operation would pass successfully. I suspect the svd patch code is looking for the matching "REG_*" symbols as leaf of the <peripheral>SUBSYSTEM</peripheral>-layer, while they cannot be found due to the symbols actually being wrapped one layer deeper inside a <cluster>-tag. However, we cannot currently represent the cluster-layer in the YAML syntax. #27 seems to work around this through clever re-use of _cluster tag.

Follow up

Did I get the problem statement right? How do you feel about the issue? Do you think it's a user problem i.e. too weird SVD layout, or would it be appropriate for svd patch to support changes inside clusters.

If you think this is in the "should fix" category, I could investigate if I could come up with a PR for it. In that case I'd need at least an opinion on if the cluster-layer could be represented in the YAML patch syntax similar to the peripheral, register and field layers, like so:

          description: "a description"

conversion error: unsure if I'm just missing something

Ello. I'm using the rust svdtools program to build an svd for a chip without one.
I started by converting the rp2040.svd to rp2040.yaml as a reference, and began
writing the yaml for my chip, to convert to svd later for use with gdb and such.
Some of the data is dummied out (for instance, its not a traditional mcu, but is
a cortex-a7 proc). Attempting to convert with what I currently have (below) results
in the following error:
[2022-04-11T13:49:24Z ERROR svdtools::cli] peripherals[0]: invalid type: map, expected a sequence at line 20 column 9
Line 20 column 9 translates to the : before BOOT_ADDR; this seems correct,
as the rp2040.yaml file has the same kind of setup:

Am I missing something or is this a legit bug?

vendor: Raspberry Pi
name: RP2040
version: "0.1"
description: ""
licenseText: "\n    Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd. \\n\n    \\n\n    SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n  "
  name: CM0PLUS
  revision: r0p1
  endian: little
  mpuPresent: true
  fpuPresent: false
  vtorPresent: true
  nvicPrioBits: 2
  vendorSystickConfig: false
  deviceNumInterrupts: 26
addressUnitBits: 8
width: 32
  - name: XIP_CTRL
vendor: Hisilicon
name: Hi3521A
version:  "0.0"
description: ""
licenseText: ""
  name: other
  revision: r0p1
  endian: little
  mpuPresent: true
  fpuPresent: true
  vtorPresent: true
  nvicPrioBits: 0
  vendorSystickConfig: false
  deviceNumInterrupts: 64
addressUnitBits: 8
width: 32
  - name: BOOT_ADDR
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x0
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x4000000
      usage: buffer
  - name: BOOT_ROM
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x04000000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x1000
      usage: buffer
  - name: SRAM
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x04010000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x4000
      usage: buffer
  - name: FMC_CTRL
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x10000000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: OHCI
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x10030000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: EHCI
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x10040000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: DMAC
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x10060000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: CIPHER
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x10070000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: SCD
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x10080000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: GSF
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x100a0000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: SATA
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x11010000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: TIMER01
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12000000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: TIMER23
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12010000
    size: 32
  - name: TIMER45
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12020000
    size: 32
  - name: TIMER67
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12030000
    size: 32
  - name: CRG
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12040000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
      - register:
        name: CRG_PLL0
        description: APLL configuration register 0
        addressOffset: 0x0000
        resetValue: 0x12000000
          - name: postdiv2
            description: Level-2 output divider of the APLL
            bitRange: "[30:28]"
            access: read-write
          - name: postdiv1
            description: Level-1 output divider of the APLL
            bitRange: "[26:24]"
            access: read-write
          - name: frac
            description: Decimal divider of the APLL
            bitRange: "[23:0]"
            access: read-write
        name: CRG_PLL1
        description: APLL configuration register 0
        addressOffset: 0x0004
        resetValue: 0x02003064
          - name: bypass
            description: APLL clock frequency-division bypass control
            bitRange: "[26:26]"
            access: read-write
          - name: dacpd
            description: APLL test signal control
            bitRange: "[25:25]"
            access: read-write
          - name: dsmpd
            description: APLL decimal frequency-division control
            bitRange: "[24:24]"
            access: read-write
          - name: pd
            description: PLL power-down control
            bitRange: "[23:23]"
            access: read-write
          - name: foutvcopd
            description: Power-down control for the APLL VCO output
            bitRange: "[22:22]"
            access: read-write
          - name: postdivpd
            description: Power-down control for the APLL POSTDIV output
            bitRange: "[21:21]"
            access: read-write
          - name: fout4phasepd
            description: Power-down control for the APLL FOUT output
            bitRange: "[20:20]"
            access: read-write
          - name: refdiv
            description: Divider of the APLL reference clock
            bitRange: "[17:12]"
            access: read-write
          - name: fbdiv
            description: Integral multiplier of the APLL
            bitRange: "[11:0]"
            access: read-write
  - name: SYSCTL
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12050000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: WDG
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12070000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: UART0
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12080000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: UART1
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12090000
    size: 32
  - name: UART2
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x120a0000
    size: 32
  - name: RTC
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x120b0000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: I2C
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x120c0000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: SSP
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x120d0000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: PMC
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x120e0000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: PINMUX
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x120f0000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: PINCTRL
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x120f0800
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: DDRT0
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12100000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: DDRC
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12110000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: PERICTL
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12120000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: IR
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12140000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: GPIO00
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12150000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: GPIO01
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12160000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO02
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12170000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO03
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12180000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO04
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12190000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO05
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x121a0000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO06
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x121b0000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO07
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x121c0000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO08
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x121d0000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO09
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x121e0000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO10
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x121f0000
    size: 32
  - name: GPIO11
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12200000
  - name: GPIO12
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12210000
  - name: GPIO13
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x12220000
  - name: HDMI
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13010000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: VDP
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13020000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: AVC0
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13040000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: TDE
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13050000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: IVE
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13060000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: JPGD
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13070000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: VGS
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13080000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: VICAP
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x130c0000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: AVC1
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13100000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: VPSS
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13110000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: VOIE
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13120000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: JPGE
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13130000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: AIAO
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13140000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: MDU
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x13150000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x10000
      usage: registers
  - name: SFC_MEM
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x14000000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x1000000
      usage: buffer
  - name: DRAM
    version: "1"
    description: ""
    baseAddress: 0x80000000
    size: 32
      offset: 0
      size: 0x80000000
      usage: buffer

Allow adding derivedFrom attribute to enumeratedValues

As far as I can tell, there is no way to use the svd patch tool to add a derivedFrom attribute to an enumeratedValues tag. This should be possible. I would like to do this so that svd2rust uses the same enum type for the equivalent field on several different peripherals. I would expect to be able to do something like


Or perhaps:

        derivedFrom: TIMER0.CHCTL2.CH0P

But neither of these seem to work at the moment.

svdtools: patching yaml files/multipart yaml conversion?

So, I know this is mostly used to patch vendor-shipped svd files, but as prior issues have stated,
I've been using this to write svd's for cortex-a socs in yaml for use in other projects (ghidra, pycortexmdebug,

Is it possible, for example, do do the patching type stuff without a 'real' 'seed' svd file?
Like, I'd want to define all the svd blocks for stuff that is unique to this particular soc (clock controllers,
system controllers, various glue peripherals) in the primary yaml file, and draw from various 'library'
yaml files that define 'standard' peripherals (arm primecell stuff, designware stuff, etc).

I realize I can just concatenate main.yaml, gpioX.yaml, and so on, but that gets awkward as time goes on
and the file grows.

For example, one could have a file tree like this:

โ”œโ”€โ”€ hi3516dv300.yaml
โ”œโ”€โ”€ hi3521av100.yaml
โ””โ”€โ”€ peripherals
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ designware
    โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ dw-mmc.yaml
    โ””โ”€โ”€ primecell
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ pl011.yaml
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ pl061.yaml
        โ””โ”€โ”€ sp804.yaml

Where hi3516dv300.yaml defines that there is a pl061 gpio at every 0x120d_{0..b}000 address block but
hi3521av100 has them at 0x12{15..22}_0000 and so on?

0.3.6 doesn't patch a clustered register as 0.2.8 did

My svd has a peripheral PWM with a cluster SM and register SMOCTRL

In 0.2.8 I could patch fields in SMOCTRL with...

      - PWMXFS
      - PWMBFS
      - PWMAFS

With 0.3.6 it can't find the SWOCTRL register and its unclear to me how to select it (in the cluster SM)

Actual yaml patch

Actual SVD

svdpatch collect array requires base address as string

When running svdpatch against register with modified base address written as number I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/", line 883, in <module>
  File "scripts/", line 876, in main
    process_device(svd, root)
  File "scripts/", line 855, in process_device
  File "scripts/", line 400, in process_peripheral
    p.collect_in_array(rspec, rmod)
  File "scripts/", line 511, in collect_in_array
    int(rtag.findtext('addressOffset'), 0)])
TypeError: int() can't convert non-string with explicit base
Makefile:38: recipe for target 'svd/stm32f427.svd.patched' failed
make: *** [svd/stm32f427.svd.patched] Error 1

Input used to generate this error:

      addressOffset: 0x10C
    DIEPTXF[12345]: {}

If I put the address in quotes like this: addressOffset: 0x10C everything works fine.

modifiedWriteValues ignored in patches

#106 added support for modifiedWriteValues but this ignored in patches

        access: write-only
        modifiedWriteValues: oneToClear
              <description>Set bit 0</description>
              <access>write-only</access> << it works

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