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terraform-provider-pingdom's People


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terraform-provider-pingdom's Issues

New release tag post-Make?

Awesome Terraform provider! Thanks for contributing it!

Any chance we can get a new release/tag following the addition of Make to the build process in #48? It looks like there were some good additions in #60 and #61 also!

Having this tag will help us pin to it in our CI/CD pipelines.

Error: 400 Bad Request: Invalid parameter value: host

resource "pingdom_check" "my_website" {
    type = "http"
    name = "My Website Check"
    host = ""
    resolution = 1
    sendnotificationwhendown = 2 # alert after 5 mins, with resolution 5*(2-1)
    integrationids = [
    userids = [,

Error: 400 Bad Request: Invalid parameter value: host

Wish: Handle versioning according to SemVer

Thanks @russellcardullo and @joshsouza for putting out v1.1.3. Also thanks for putting this project on My workflow got much easier That makes things much easier.

In order to get prepared for the Pingdom API v2.1 sunset I attempted a real quick update from v1.1.2 to v1.1.3. As the release versions suggested I did not expect much more work than increasing the provider version and running terraform init -upgrade.

I ended up spending much more time, mainly due to the deprecation of the pingdom_user entity and the redesign of pingdom_contact. Don't get me wrong: Those changes are highly appreciated! But in order to allow other people plan a bit better it would be great to have a proper indication of the effort needed by bumping up the correct part of the version string according to SemVer.

Thats just a tiny wish for the future...

However, great work!

Invalid resource type

Error: Invalid resource type

on ../../ line 14, in resource "pingdom_contact" "contacts":
14: resource "pingdom_contact" "contacts" {

The provider provider.pingdom does not support resource type

Error: Invalid resource type

on ../../ line 14, in resource "pingdom_contact" "contacts":
14: resource "pingdom_contact" "contacts" {

The provider provider.pingdom does not support resource type

url variable as value default with ping type


First thanks a lot for your work !

I try to switch all of my pingdom into terraform using module. After importing my whole ping sucessfully, I try to add them to check the structure but the url variable is add :

  ~ resource "pingdom_check" "pingdom_check" {
        host                     = "123.456.789.111"
        id                       = "1111111111"
        integrationids           = []
        name                     = "TEST IP 123.456.789.111"
        notifyagainevery         = 0
        notifywhenbackup         = true
        probefilters             = "region:EU"
        resolution               = 1
        responsetime_threshold   = 30000
        sendnotificationwhendown = 6
        tags                     = "tag1,tag2"
        teamids                  = []
        type                     = "ping"
      + url                      = "/"
        userids                  = [

my entry look like this :

"TEST IP 123.456.789.111"= { host = "123.456.789.111",id = "1111111111",integrationids = [],name = "TEST IP 123.456.789.111",notifyagainevery = "0",notifywhenbackup = "true",probefilters = "region:EU",resolution = "1",responsetime_threshold = "30000",sendnotificationwhendown = "6",tags = "tag1,tag2",type = "ping",userids = [11411264]}

Why url is add with / as default value ? I try also with url = null in my ressource definition but nothing change.

Thanks in advance !

pingdom_check: Monitor SSL/TLS certificate

Pingdom has options to monitor SSL/TLS certificates and alert when the certificate is some number of days away from expiring. It would be nice to control these settings from terraform.
Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 10 47 30 AM

Maintenance of this repo and new fork ?

Hi !

We often use this provider and we would like to have new features, like integration and maintenance.

@russellcardullo , you seems to have less time to maintain this provider and the associated go lib.

We looked at and it seems that this team is actively maintaining a fork of this provider

Unfortunately, they didn't enable "issues" section, so we can't communicate easily with them.

Could you please, look at their work and encourage them to continue their fork if you can't maintain this provide anymore ?

Anyways, I would like to thank you for your work !

Attr responsetime_threshold doesn't work

When I try to use it I receive this error:

Error: Unsupported argument

  on line 14, in resource "pingdom_check" "this":
  14:     responsetime_threshold = 20

An argument named "responsetime_threshold" is not expected here.

I'm using the latest version (1.1.1)

Use deterministic ordering for tags

We often see planned changes which are just the provider re-ordering the tags of our pingdom checks.

e.g. terraform plan will report something like this:

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # pingdom_check.mycheck will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "pingdom_check" "mycheck" {
        encryption               = true
        host                     = ""
        id                       = "6564539"
        integrationids           = []
        name                     = "myhost - healthcheck"
        notifyagainevery         = 0
        notifywhenbackup         = true
        port                     = 443
        probefilters             = "region:EU"
        publicreport             = true
        requestheaders           = {}
        resolution               = 1
        sendnotificationwhendown = 6
      ~ tags                     = "one,two,three" -> "three,one,two"
        teamids                  = []
        type                     = "http"
        url                      = "/ping"
        userids                  = []

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

This doesn't do any harm, but it means any scripts we have which check to see if terraform reports that changes have to be made often generate false positives.

We don't always see this. I'm guessing that's because the tag order is arbitrary, and sometimes the order just happens to match the order which exists in the terraform state.

If possible, it would be great if the order of tags could be made deterministic, so that we don't see these null changes reported in terraform plan.

We're using release 1.1.1 of the provider.

Use Go Modules

Go Modules seems to work well with this project, and has some advantages with smaller repository size and faster dependency resolution.

dep works fine so this isn't a strictly necessary change, but might improve forward compatibility and make it easier for others to contribute.

Document that sendnotificationwhendown requires additional setup

We were surprised that setting sendnotificationwhendown did not seem to have an affect on http checks when used with webhook integrations.

After opening a support ticket with pingdom, we received the following reply:

The webhooks do not follow the alert delay by default (they where implemented to be a separate alerting system originally).
The good news is that we have a feature that allows them to follow the alert delays ... You won't be able to see this setting as it's currently hidden from the interface

The support team was able to manually enable this setting on our account.

Proposal: Add to the README or other documentation that if sendnotificationwhendown is used with a webhook integration, Pingdom support must be contacted to enable that functionality.

Is there any support for manage "PageSpeed"checks?


Is there any support for manage "PageSpeed" checks?

If not, do you know about the API endpoint needed to develop the feature? I'm willing to contribute if is there an API endpoint to use.


version 1.1.3 and contact with only email notification

Hello, and thanks for good work on this plugin.
In version 1.1.3 we could not create contact with only email notification because it always failed with:

You must provide both a high and low severity notification method

similar issue was reported and fix here:

Can I ask you to release new version with this fix?

Best regard.

New release

Hi @russellcardullo! First let me thank you for all the work done here!

Would you consider doing release? It seems the last one was 4 years ago.

Apply Errors without running: netrpc: connect: no such file or directory

I'm getting the following error:

Error asking for user input: 1 error(s) occurred:

* provider.pingdom: dial unix /var/folders/s_/8r27qhtn6b34y1ykmb3jz7r00000gq/T/plugin064193899|netrpc: connect: no such file or directory

I'm new to go so maybe missing something but I've tried installing a few different ways. README doesn't mention how to deal with need libraries from terraform.

I did find I was able to install terraform-provider-pingdom and its dependencies in 1 command via:

$ go get -v (download) (download) (download) (download)

I've tried a few different versions of terraform 0.9.x, 0.10.x Currently:

$ tf -v
Terraform v0.9.8

$ go version
go version go1.9 darwin/amd64

Any advice would be great, I'm currently on a Mac

member_ids in README

README states that "member_ids" can be in pingdom_check, but apparently it is outdated and it should be "userids" instead.

Add support for "Users" in a "Team"

The Team object could have additional references to the User objects for maintaining team memberships. As far as I could tell from the API, we only need to synchronize the user's IDs to make this work.

"teamids" always appears in plan

Every time I run "terraform plan" I am told the teamids field is changing from 0 to 1.

  teamids.#:          "0" => "1"
  teamids.1479235611: "" => "123456"

Here's how I am specifying a team ID.

  teamids = [

Contact Validation error when not passing the paused flag

Terraform Core Version

Pngdom-provider Version

Affected Resource(s)

Expected Behavior
When running apply, it would need to create the contacts pingdom_contact with both LOW and HIGH severity.

Actual Behavior
When running plan, it shows that it will create a contact with both LOW and HIGH severity but in the apply, it triggers an error complaining about that.

Relevant Error/Panic Output Snippet

pingdom_contact.second_contact: Creating...
│ Error: You must provide both a high and low severity notification method
│   with pingdom_contact.second_contact,
│   on line 26, in resource "pingdom_contact" "second_contact":
│   26: resource "pingdom_contact" "second_contact" {

Steps to Reproduce
Copy the example code:

resource "pingdom_contact" "second_contact" {
  name   = "janedoe"
  paused = true

  email_notification {
    address  = "[email protected]"
    severity = "LOW"

  email_notification {
    address  = "[email protected]"
    severity = "HIGH"

Run teraform apply tf apply --target=pingdom_contact.second_contact

Would you like to implement a fix?
I would like to implement a fix, but I will wait for interactions and then see if it makes sense to contribute.

custom messages

from pingdom UI, we can set a custom message when manually creating a check, i can seem to find info on how to do the same with this provider. is it possible?

custom message not working

I am trying to add custom_message key vaue pair, the apply runs successful, but can't see the customized Message updated in pingdom check UI

Provider Initialising not working on Apple M1 Chip

Hi Team,

I am using Apple MACBook Pro M1 chip. When I am trying to Initializ provider plugins for pingdom I am getting bellow errror.

Error: Incompatible provider version

│ Provider v1.1.3 does not have a
│ package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64.

Please let me know how I can fix this error?


pingdom_contact data source returns wrong ID

I have data "pingdom_contact" "pagerduty" with the correct name and I see that it finds a proper contact in the terraform debug logs, but in the end, the actual id in the state is different (the last element of contacts list)

`id` is now a reserved field name in Terraform

This commit in Terraform introduces id as a reserved field.

When building terraform-provider-pingdom against the Terraform code base including this commit then we end up with a plugin that generates the following error at runtime:

* Internal validation of the provider failed! This is always a bug
with the provider itself, and not a user issue. Please report
this bug:

1 error(s) occurred:

* resource pingdom_check: id is a reserved field name for a resource

It's possible to workaround this by reseting back to a commit before this.

Incompatible API version with plugin


This issue is similar to #6. Since terraform 0.12 there's a new plugin version, which causes this error: Error: Failed to instantiate provider "pingdom" to obtain schema: Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 4, Client versions: [5]

Any thoughts how to fix it or is there any code involved to fix it?

Thank you!

Error: 403 Forbidden: Invalid application key

Hi there, just trying to setup pingdom with terraform via the examples, and am getting an 403: invalid application key error.

I'm using a multi-user account and have generated an API key from Integrations -> The Pingdom API with read write access, but I'm thrown the error.

Note: The api_key works when I use curl with it, so I suspect the api_key isn't the invalid one
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization:Bearer <api_key>'

variable "pingdom_user" {}
variable "pingdom_password" {}
variable "pingdom_api_key" {}
variable "pingdom_account_email" {} # Optional: only required for multi-user accounts

provider "pingdom" {
    user = "${var.pingdom_user}"
    password = "${var.pingdom_password}"
    api_key = "${var.pingdom_api_key}"
    account_email = "${var.pingdom_account_email}" # Optional: only required for multi-user accounts

resource "pingdom_check" "example" {
    type = "http"
    name = "my http check"
    host = ""
    resolution = 5

Default URL value for HTTP checks

The url attribute is optional without a default, but the Pingdom API has a default of /. If you don't configure the attribute for an HTTP check then Terraform will report the following change on every run:

    pingdom_check.paas_http_healthcheck: Modifying...
      url: "/" => ""
    pingdom_check.paas_http_healthcheck: Modifications complete

    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

Do you think it would be safe to set Default: true since url is only used if check == "http"?

Incompatibilities with Terraform 0.8.x

Hello @russellcardullo,

just started using Pingdom at $dayJob and would love to use your plugin to have checks generated through Terraform.

The installation works (though I had to use go get instead of go install to actually get the provider / plugin) but a terraform plan fails with the following:

Error configuring: 1 error(s) occurred:

* Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 3, Ours: 2

I attempted to verify this by running a number of different ways of installing the plugin, but all end in the same error message.

Any pointers into what I could do to make this work?

Add TMS support

After merging api 3.1 there are apis for managing transaction monitoring checks.
That looks like a grate feature

An argument named "pingdom_api_token" is not expected here.

provider "pingdom" {
  pingdom_api_token = var.pingdom_api_token

Error: Unsupported argument

  on line 2, in provider "pingdom":
   2:   pingdom_api_token = var.pingdom_api_token

An argument named "pingdom_api_token" is not expected here.

According to the documentation, this is the correct way to specify the pingdom api token.
Currently using version 1.1.3 of the provider.

Contacts cannot be imported

Resources of type pingdom_contact cannot be imported via terraform import.

I have hacked together some sort of pindom2terraform converter script which allows to reproduce the issue quite easily:

package main

import (


func renderUsers(users []pingdom.UsersResponse) ([]byte, error) {
	var b bytes.Buffer
	var templ = `{{ range $user := . }}
# {{ $user.Username }}
# terraform import pingdom_user.{{ slug $user.Username }} {{ $user.Id }}
resource "pingdom_user" "{{ slug $user.Username }}" {
	username = "{{ $user.Username }}"

{{ range $contact := $user.Sms -}}
# terraform import pingdom_contact.{{ slug $user.Username}}_{{ slug $contact.Number}}-{{ slug $contact.Severity}} {{ $contact.Id}}
resource "pingdom_contact" "{{ slug $user.Username}}_{{ slug $contact.Number}}-{{ slug $contact.Severity}}" {
  user_id        = pingdom_user.{{ slug $user.Username }}.id
  number         = "{{$contact.Number}}"
  country_code   = "{{$contact.CountryCode}}"
  phone_provider = "{{$contact.Provider}}"
  severity_level = "{{$contact.Severity}}"
{{ end }}

{{- range $contact := $user.Email}}
# terraform import pingdom_contact.{{ slug $user.Username}}_{{ slug $contact.Address}}-{{ slug $contact.Severity}} {{ $contact.Id}}
resource "pingdom_contact" "{{ slug $user.Username}}_{{ slug $contact.Address}}-{{ slug $contact.Severity}}" {
  user_id        = pingdom_user.{{ slug $user.Username }}.id
  email          = "{{$contact.Address}}"
  severity_level = "{{$contact.Severity}}"
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
	t, err := template.New("template").Funcs(GetTemplateFuncMap()).Parse(templ)
	if err != nil {
		return b.Bytes(), err

	err = t.Execute(&b, users)
	return b.Bytes(), err


func main() {
	client, err := pingdom.NewClientWithConfig(pingdom.ClientConfig{
		User:     os.Getenv("PINGDOM_USER"),
		Password: os.Getenv("PINGDOM_PASS"),
		APIKey:   os.Getenv("PINGDOM_APP"),
	if err != nil {

	users, err := client.Users.List()
	if err != nil {

	out, err := renderUsers(users)
	if err != nil {


func GetTemplateFuncMap() template.FuncMap {
	funcMap := template.FuncMap{
		"slug": slug.Make,
		"unspace": func(in string) string {
			return strings.ReplaceAll(in, " ", "")
		"join": func(in []string, joiner string) string {
			return strings.Join(in, joiner)
	return funcMap

This prints a the terraform resources for pingdom_user and pingdom_contact to stdout. It also prints an import statement per resource. This does not work as expected (nothing is imported). Error is:

# terraform import [contact ID according to the api] Importing from ID "[ID]"... Import prepared!
  Prepared pingdom_contact for import Refreshing state... [id=[ID]]

Error: Error retrieving id for resource: strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax

Pingdom v3.1 api

Pingdom released their v3.1 api in September of 2019, which has fewer features at the moment, but uses a different authentication method (tokens vs. username/password/key).
To update this provider to use the 3.1 api also requires an update to the go client go-pingdom, so I've got a fork at with the changes until the main repo is ready for 3.1.
My fork with the changes necessary for 3.1 support is here:

Not putting in a PR, as I think it makes sense to wait for the go-client to have a proper revision that supports v3 than to use my forked version, but hopefully this can help in the process up updating things to use the new API.

Tags are not applied

Hello ,

First, thanks a lot for the provider !

I'm using this provider as a module I don't know if it's change something. But I've noticed that I can add or update tags on ressources created by this provider.
Here my code :

# In the source here is the code

"test"= { host = "",integrationids = [],name = "test",notifyagainevery = "0",notifywhenbackup = "true",probefilters = "region:EU",resolution = "1",responsetime_threshold = "30000",sendnotificationwhendown = "6",paused = false ,tags = "test",type = "ping",userids = []}

# and in the module I use it as : 
resource "pingdom_check" "pingdom_check" {
    tags = var.tags
and tag variable is declare as string.

Each time I do terraform plan it show me that changes but when I do terraform apply the tages are not created in pingdom UI and they are still visible if I make a terraform plan again.

Do you have an idea ? Is there someting I make wrong ?

Thanks a lot in advance !

Provider produced inconsistent result after apply

When applying a state with about 20 pingdom checks at once the following Error Message is displayed:

Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply

When applying changes to module.subdomain.pingdom_check.url[0], provider
"" produced an unexpected new value for was
present, but now absent.

This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own
issue tracker.

our terraform code looks like this:

resource "pingdom_check" "url" {
  count = var.enable_pingdom ? 1 : 0

  type                     = "http"
  name                     = "subdomain.domain.tld - environment"
  host                     = "subdomain.domain.tld"
  url                      = "/url"
  shouldcontain            = "verificationstr"
  tags                     = "environment,terraform"
  encryption               = true
  resolution               = 5
  sendnotificationwhendown = 2
  userids                  = var.pingdom_users

terraform version: 0.12.19

Cannot use imported resource without forced re-creation

Because resourcePingdomCheckRead does not set the "type" attribute for checks, checks are imported with an empty "type" in the terraform state file. Since "type" is both Required and (correctly) specified with ForceNew: true in the resource schema, this forces a delete+create operation once the user properly specifies the "type" attribute in their resource file.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Import a pingdom_check resource.
  2. Update the resource block to properly reflect the imported check's existing configuration in Pingdom.
  3. Run terraform plan.

Sensitive variables

Is it possible to update private variables as sensitive here?

This will help in the Terraform Enterprise integration because when these values are Sensitive they will be hidden as (sensitive) in the logs - which is highly desired.

Please refer to how the official terraform module for the MongoDB Atlas Database User resource has implemented.

ARM64 support

Hey, more and more developers are moving to Apple M1 (ARM64). Unfortunately, the provider does not support it.

│ Error: Incompatible provider version
│ Provider v1.1.3 does not have
│ a package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64.
│ Provider releases are separate from Terraform CLI releases, so not all
│ providers are available for all platforms. Other versions of this provider
│ may have different platforms supported.

ping check is broken

When I'm trying to apply following

resource "pingdom_check" "example_ping" {
  type                     = "ping"
  name                     = "aaaaaa"
  host                     = ""
  resolution               = 1

I'm getting this

* pingdom_check.example_ping: 400 Bad Request: Invalid parameter value: sendnotificationwhendown

what does not make sense since sendnotificationwhendown is not mandatory, bad anyways when I fix that, so I have this

resource "pingdom_check" "example_ping" {
  type                     = "ping"
  name                     = "aaaaaa"
  host                     = ""
  resolution               = 1
  sendnotificationwhendown = 1

API throws an 500 error

2019/01/17 13:02:48 [ERROR] root: eval: *terraform.EvalApplyPost, err: 1 error(s) occurred:

* pingdom_check.example_ping: 500 Internal Server Error: Internal Server Error
2019/01/17 13:02:48 [ERROR] root: eval: *terraform.EvalSequence, err: 1 error(s) occurred:

* pingdom_check.example_ping: 500 Internal Server Error: Internal Server Error

Error: Error applying plan:

1 error(s) occurred:

* pingdom_check.example_ping: 1 error(s) occurred:

* pingdom_check.example_ping: 500 Internal Server Error: Internal Server Error

THO I'm able to create a ping check with API using curl, so it's related to the provider for sure.

Will appreciate any help

"userids" does not support users who are Owners

"Who to alert?" section on the pingdom website allows you to select "Owner" type profiles as well as "Contact" type profiles, but adding the userid of an "Owner" type profile results in an error.

Request: new release

@russellcardullo can you push a new release for the provider?
#82 and #88 need to be resolved by pushing the fix included in #81 as it's now a blocker for being able to progress in any meaningful way with the provider.

support "Test from" in alert resources

Pingdom uptime checks support defining a "Test from" location.

Right now, for my account, this list is:

  • Default (North America and Europe)
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific

I notice this is not supported by go-pingdom at this point, so I believe it would need to be added there, first.

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