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bugfixes's Introduction


To install this mod, click on the green "Code" button on this page, then "Download ZIP". Please rename the "Bugfixes-main" folder to "Bugfixes" before putting it into your mods folder.

This mod requires AAA_Loader by Bord Listian:
Visit the above link and install it the same way you install this mod, except that you rename the "AAA_Loader-master" folder to "AAA_Loader" before putting it into the mods folder.

This mod is INCOMPATIBLE with API_Universal. That mod is old and no longer being updated, and I cannot make a compatibility patch without going through its entire code and more or less taking over maintenance duty, which I do not have the motivation to do. If you try to use it together with this mod, things WILL break under the hood even if they initially appear to work fine. I will offer no support to any problems that occur if you try to do it anyways.

This mod fixes a number of things that I believe to be almost certainly bugs or unintended behavior. It also adds a few invisible things under the hood that some of my other mods require to run, since I have no better place to put them and this mod is required by said other mods to begin with.

- The behavior of Frostbite + Ghostfire depended on the order in which you took the two skills. Now you always get a fire ghost when using fire damage to unfreeze an enemy.
- Mercurial Vengeance and Toxic Fumes are now properly passive effects, meaning they're not lost upon reincarnation and can't be dispelled.
- Natural Vigor and all shrine that gave resistances used to give them a second time upon reincarnation. Hibernation was not affected.
- All shrines that gave regen used to give them a second time upon reincarnation.
- Thunder Strike Storm Power upgrade now properly stuns for twice the duration.
- Orbs no longer disappear when completely surrounded. They still disappear when reaching their destinations.
- Trying to examine upgrades on Orb Control no longer crashes the game.
- Hibernation will now remove itself if a unit loses the living tag.
- Bone Wizard, Idol of Sorcery, Gemini Twin, Yggdrasil, Tombstone, Red Rider, Night Hag, Tablets, Volcano Turtle, Jack-o-Lantern, Pillar of Worms, Fallen Angel, Translocator, phoenixes, goatias, and tablets now all show their threat areas appropriately, or at least more helpfully.
- If an ability is on cooldown then it won't show up in threatened areas.
- Multicast used to not work if you cast the last charge of a spell.
- Stunned enemies' spells no longer register on the threat detector.
- Touch of Death extra damage types now benefit from damage bonuses.
- Suspend Mortality can no longer be cast on targets outside its range. Description changed to state that it can also target enemies.
- Protection shrine and Shielded Minions no longer stack on reincarnation.
- Tablet buffs no longer apply to gates or the Imp Collector.
- Lightning Halo now tracks its damage properly for shrines, and no longer double-hits on cast.
- Swamp Queen's attack is no longer limited to only poisoning living targets.
- All the new idols added in the most recent update now have correct icons.
- Hibernation no longer says "unnamed buff" in the combat log. Its healing is properly sourced to the skill.
- Idol of Clarity will now remove berserk properly.
- Unit.get_buff() will now properly match subclasses of the class of buff you're trying to get. This probably won't matter much in regular play, but will matter for modded content that makes subclasses of certain buffs.
- The hallowed earth elementals summoned by the Earth Troll Priest now have the correct tags.
- Eye of Rage now properly benefits from shot cooldown reduction.
- Minions summoned by gates now benefit from shrine bonuses, e.g. Spikeball Factory.
- All furnace units now properly have the fire tag, and all copper units properly have the lightning tag.
- Hollow Flesh is now properly classified as a debuff, and removing it properly restores the original unit's tags, resists, and max HP.
- Darkness no longer removes blindness when it expires.
- Darkness no longer skips units if a unit somehow dies while it's applying blind. Can't happen in the base game but can happen with mods.
- Venom Spit and Hungry Dead now properly set their owner fields when adding their respective spells. This causes them to properly count as damage done by the minions that cast them.
- Ash imps now properly deal fire/dark/poison damage at random instead of only fire.
- When reincarnation removes non-passive buffs after death, and reapplies itself after death if it is non-passive, this no longer counts as applying/removing buffs. May not matter for vanilla but may matter for mods.
- Reincarnation now correctly preserves the minion duration of minions summoned by things other than spells.
- Magic Missile Holy Bolt upgrade description now correctly states it affects demon units as well as undead.
- If an originally non-living unit becomes living, it will now benefit from Hibernation after your next turn. Not possible in vanilla but possible with mods.
- Invoke Savagery now correctly displays that non-living allies are not affected.
- Glass mushbooms no longer erroneously say their attacks only apply glassify to living enemies.
- Conductance description now correctly displays the resistance debuff if you have the upgrade.
- Storm Burst clouds now properly attribute their sources to the spell itself.
- Ice Phoenix description now correctly shows its number of reincarnations, and correctly states that its explosion deals damage in a "radius" rather than "burst", i.e. going through walls.
- Ring of Spiders Aether Spiders upgrade now summons aether spiders with the proper melee damage.
- Void slimes summoned by Slime Form now have the correct range.
- When you die, your character sheet now displays the proper number of available upgrades for each spell.
- Upgrades are excluded from the available upgrades count in the character sheet if you have an upgrade that's mutually exclusive with them.
- Lightning Frenzy duration now benefits from Permanence.
- Arcane Combustion and Lightning Warp now benefit from radius bonuses, which don't exist in vanilla but may exist in mods.
- Nightmare Aura dream upgrade summons now count as units summoned by the spell.
- Healers no longer try to heal poisoned targets. The healing ability no longer displays a damage stat, as it doesn't benefit from damage bonuses, and the amount healed is already in the description.
- Heavenly Blast Echo Heal upgrade now benefits from duration bonuses.
- Heavenly Blast now properly shows the holy graphical effect on tiles where damage was not dealt.
- Venom Spit now correctly inserts the spell as the minion's first attack.
- Venom Spit and Hungry Dead will now always be immediately added when a qualified minion is summoned.
- Pressing Shift + Ctrl + Z while cheatmode is enabled will now disable cheatmode.
- In cheatmode, pressing Q will now always spawn shrines on walkable tiles.
- Very narrow cones now function correctly, and a cone will always at least hit all points in a line between the caster and target. This is not relevant in the base game, but may be relevant in mods.
- The Restless Dead will now activate even if the dead unit was somehow killed without taking damage. Not possible in the base game, but may be possible in mods.
- Burning shrine debuff now stacks properly so that all damage is redealt if the spell deals multiple instances of damage.
- All buffs that do not have colors have been given appropriate colors.
- Orbs now have the correct duration, consistent with how many turns it will take to reach its destination. This is technically a situational nerf, since this bug meant that if the orb is blocked from reaching its destination, then it will erroneously last up to 3 turns longer than intended. Orb Control is also fixed accordingly.
- All non-player spells should now benefit properly from damage, duration, range, and radius buffs applied onto the units themselves.
- Boiling Blood and Dragon Roar will no longer penalize the damage of spells added after a unit obtained those buffs when the buffs are removed.
- Leap attacks no longer crash if too many units try to leap at once. Not possible in the base game but possible in mods.
- Prince of Ruin now benefits properly from damage and radius buffs.
- Storm Caller now benefits from duration buffs.
- Horror and Icy Vengeance now benefit from num targets buffs.
- Shrapnel Blast description changed to clarify that by default, only tiles in line of sight of the destroyed wall are targeted. The Puncturing Blast upgrade description is changed to clarify that it causes the shrapnel to now ignore line of sight. This upgrade used to mislead the player into thinking the shrapnel can destroy wall tiles, which is false.
- Blue Lion shielding spell and all other spells that shield all allies in line of sight are no longer usable if all allies in line of sight have SH greater than or equal to the spell's max SH.
- Thorn Garden and Glittering Dance now benefit from num summons bonuses, which don't exist in the base game but may exist in mods.
- Glittering Dance faeries now have 50% chance per turn to teleport, like all other faeries, instead of 70%.
- Afterlife shrine now applies its effect as a passive buff that cannot be dispelled.
- All shrines now benefit from global stat bonuses, except for shrines that deal 1-2 damage or inflict debuffs for 1 turn, which are assumed to be fixed and not benefitting from bonuses. These bonuses are displayed properly in the spell screen.
- Fire and void bomber explosions now benefit properly from damage and radius bonuses.
- Fairies summoned by Glittering Dance now properly have arcane resistances.
- All skills now properly reflect stat bonuses in their descriptions.
- Shock Value and Horror can now refresh debuff duration and affect immobile units.
- The damage upgrades of Blink now benefit from radius bonuses.
- Death Bolt and The Restless Dead will now always correctly add minion damage bonus to the skeleton's melee, even if another spell is added to the skeleton before its melee (e.g. Hungry Dead).
- The Restless Dead Elemental Spirits upgrade now correctly works with ice units.
- The game no longer assumes that the only passive buffs the player can get are skills and spell upgrades.
- Heavenly Blast and the variant used by false prophets now correctly takes its radius into account in AI targeting.
- The UI now takes radius bonuses into account when displaying a unit's spell radius.
- Channeling should finally work properly with Death Cleave and Lightning Form.
- Fixed a memory leak that prevented dead units from being deleted properly, which made late-game saving potentially very slow.
- Frostfire and deathchill tormentors' icy torment attack description changed to correctly state that they freeze for 1 turn.
- Cauterizing shrine can no longer result in the target's current HP being higher than its max HP if the total amount of max HP drain is higher than the amount of damage done, e.g. with an innately max HP draining attack.
- Stripped out some unused information like the name and description of each tile, which should overall reduce the time it takes to save the game by around 0.1 second. Thanks to anotak for coming up with these changes and measuring their performance impacts.
- Siege Golems cannon self-destruct now correctly deals damage in a 3-tile radius, which benefits from radius bonuses. Description changed to correctly state that it deals damage equal to minion damage (instead of 1/4 of its max HP), and also that golems can only operate adjacent cannons and heal cannons for 2 HP.
- Siege golems and other siege operator enemies have better pathfinding when wandering toward their cannons.
- Inferno cannons now properly count as minions summoned by the Siege Golems spell.
- Necrostatics and Crystal Power now resolve after all other pre-turn effects have resolved. This makes no difference in the base game, but ensure that the damage buffs are granted after any modded effects that happen before the start of your turn, e.g. the Cosmic Stasis spell from my Missing Synergies mod that freezes enemies before the start of your turn.
- If you have more than 4 modded archmage trials, the descriptions of trials will no longer be cut off. However, the UI cannot be scrolled, so even with this change, if you have more than 26 modded trials, the trial list would start to get cut off at the top of the screen on a 1920x1080 monitor. They'll become unclickable, but can still be selected via the arrow keys.
- Fire and void bomber suicide explosions no longer benefit from range bonuses, since their ranges are supposed to match up with their explosion radiuses.
- If a spell does not have blindcasting by default, but gains blindcasting from an upgrade or Oculus, the blindcasting will now be reflected in the spell display UI.
- Heavenly Idol fire gaze now benefits from minion damage and minion range bonuses. Description changed to clarify that the additional lightning damage does not affect friendly demons and undead.
- Ring of Spiders will no longer try to summon spiders onto walls or chasms; this may result in fewer spiders being summoned, but spiders will no longer be poisoned or stunned by this spell in a single cast. It will also no longer spawn webs inside walls.
- Boiling Blood, Dragon Roar, and Unholy Alliance no longer affect spells inherited from the player, and no longer persist after a unit dies. This makes their behaviors consistent with other damage buffs like bloodlust and Mystic Power.
- If a player spell has unusual casting costs associated with it, outside of the usual charges, the UI will now respect those unusual costs when letting you select spells to cast. Does not affect the base game but may affect mods.
- Turtles' resistance bonuses from withdrawing into their shells are now considered buffs and can be dispelled accordingly.
- Natural Vigor and Oaken, Tundra, Swamp, Sandstone, and Blue Sky shrines now apply their resistance bonuses as passive buffs instead of increasing base resistances directly. This makes no difference in the base game, given the earlier fix to not make them get applied repeatedly upon reincarnation, but will interact better with certain mods.
- If the past self of a unit is somehow brought back after the unit has already matured into another unit, the maturation timer of said past self will be reset instead of going into the negatives.
- Threat display and LoS display will now be displayed simultaneously when you have the corresponding keys pressed, and are displayed simultaneously with spell targeting display.
- Wolf pounce now benefits from minion range bonuses.
- Annihilate and Mega Annihilate no longer cascade if they obtain bonuses to cascade range outside of their cascade upgrades. Not possible in the base game, but possible with mods. Cascade upgrade description changed to clarify that the cascade works if the original target is an empty tile, and that it ignores line of sight.
- The debuff inflicted by Melt now has a proper icon.
- Collected Agony now shows the correct graphical effect when dealing damage.
- If buffs are applied or removed before the start of a unit's turn, the game now iterates that unit's list of buffs properly.
- Meteor Shower stun duration now benefits from duration bonuses.
- Mountain Mage and Earth Troll Magmancer quakeport can now only make floors, so they can no longer softlock the game. Dylan's previous implementation of only affecting "unimportant" floors didn't work, and I didn't want to work out the exact reason why.
- Purity will no longer make the user debuffable after wearing off if the user was originally undebuffable.
- Wolf bloodhound bloodrage duration, Giant Bear blood bear blood rage duration, and venom bear poison duration now benefit from duration bonuses, both the player's and their own.
- Basic melee and ranged attacks that inflict debuffs on hit now benefit from duration bonuses.
- If a unit is killed directly without dealing damage, its HP will be set to 0 and killed flag set to true before the death event is raised, which prevents the death event from erroneously thinking that the unit is still alive.
- Mercurize poison aura upgrade now benefits from radius bonuses.
- Fae Court description now correctly states that fairies have 50% arcane resistance instead of 75%, and that their heal have 2 more range than their attack. The fae queen's fairy and faethorn summons now have the same bonuses as fairies summoned by the spell itself.
- Ghostfire description now correctly states that fire ghosts have 50% dark resistance instead of 100%. The fire ghosts are now identical to enemy fire ghosts.
- Units that mature into other units, transform into other units on death, and have a chance to spawn other units per turn now attribute the new units to the source that summoned the original unit, and apply that source's minion bonuses to the new units. Units that split into smaller versions of themselves now also attribute their children to the same source as themselves, but do not apply minion bonuses, as the HP and damage of the children depend on the parent's HP; similarly for slimes.
- Units that have a chance each turn to automatically summon other units can now summon them within 3 tiles instead of only adjacent, like gates.
- Floating Eye now only casts self-targetable eye spells. Doesn't affect the base game but may affect mods.
- Floating Eye description changed to specify that it will cast spells in the order that they are listed in your spell bar.
- Friendly giant worm balls, gnome variants, redcaps, slime brewers, tombstones, cluster bombers, fire witches, Vampire Necromancer, Yggdrasil, and the Mischief Maker (via Dominate or something modded) now summon friendly units with the same source and minion bonuses as their casters.
- All spells should work properly with Oculus now, even beams. Note that this won't allow bursts to pass through walls if they can't already do so innately.
- Icicle, Poison Sting, Magic Missile, goblin demolitionist bomb toss, ice witch freeze, red cyclops batting units, giant soul jar pickle soul, Ice Wizard icicle, and Goblin Wizard ignite poison now show their graphical effects properly when granted blindcasting.
- Pyrostatic Pulse, Call Archon lightning beam, butterfly demon lightning beam, and storm fiend lightning beam now deal damage correctly when granted blindcasting.
- Now when a spell checks its own stats, it'll always check its caster's stat bonuses even if the caster has no buffs. This ensures that it always returns consistent results, in cases where a base stat is subjected to clamping, or if a unit somehow has stat bonuses that aren't from buffs.
- One specific non-player spell that applies debuffs will no longer try to check for duration bonuses and return a value of 1 minimum if the base duration is 0, thereby making the debuff permanent as intended.
- Mercurize now summons the geist on the same tile as the original target if possible.
- Icicle no longer freezes for 1 turn longer than it should.
- Toxic Spores now benefits from all minion damage and duration bonuses with its explosion damage and debuffs.
- Ice Phoenix explosion now benefits from minion damage and radius bonuses.
- Seraph auras now benefit from radius bonuses, and Essence Aura has a proper description.
- Plague of Filth toads now benefit from minion range bonuses, and snake poison now benefit from duration bonuses.
- Pyrostatic Curse now benefits from num targets bonuses, and Linear Conductance now works properly. Newer instances of the buff will now replace older instances to reflect upgrades properly.
- Multicast, Suspend Mortality, Holy Fire, Heaven's Wrath, Conductance descriptions updated with missing information.
- All spell upgrade descriptions have been changed to dynamically reflect stat bonuses, like spell descriptions themselves do.
- Void and Ice Drake spell descriptions now correctly reflect the spells' breath damage stats.
- Fallen Angel no longer uses its Cacophony attack when no enemies are in radius.
- Fallen Angel Cacophony now shows a visual effect even on blank tiles or tiles occupied by allies, for a more consistent look.
- Touch of Death description now has a clause saying its range cannot be increased.
- Very long chains of Mercurial Vengeance can no longer crash the game when trying to save.
- A color-coded phrase in a spell description display can now have its words split between multiple lines if it contains more than one word.
- The AI now takes range and blindcasting bonuses into account when hitting targets around corners with spells that hit in a radius.
- Even if an orb spell cannot melt through walls, it can now target tiles behind walls, since the orb will try to path-find around walls anyways.
- Megavenom no longer skips enemies if some of them die during its effect.
- On trials with enemy HP multipliers, Gemini Twin cloning now preserves current HP properly.
- Eye buffs now update their damage values and other stats when you reapply them, instead of simply refreshing duration.
- Non-player spells that have multiple damage types now display their damage stats correctly when there are damage bonuses.
- Melee attacks, leap attacks, and burst attacks can now have randomized damage types. The UI display always implied that they could, except the game used to just crash if a melee attack was assigned randomized damage types.
- The UI can now display attacks that deal all damage types instead of randomly one of the damage types.
- Shorter-duration blind will no longer overwrite longer-duration ones.
- Units with custom sprites now update their sprites properly if they gain transformation buffs.
- Chaos Quill scribe scrolls spell now benefits from num summons bonuses.
- Disperse can no longer crash the game if you have effects that automatically summon units when you cast the spell.
- Venom Spit poison duration now benefits from duration bonuses.
- Last Word now works even if the last enemy in the level is deleted without counting as a kill.
- Burning, Berserk, Enervation, Entropy, Storm Cloud, Cruel, Stoning and Toxic Agony shrines no longer trigger on allies.
- Toxic Agony shrine can now be triggered by non-passive buff damage dealt by minions, and damage dealt by clouds spawned by minions.
- The version of Thunder Strike used by enemies now displays its stun duration correctly.
- The version of Chain Lightning used by enemies now correctly uses the cascade range stat, including bonuses.
- Spell effects are now advanced properly if the player casts a spell that does not consume a turn. This functionality exists in the base game, but is unused outside of mods.
- Chaos Relay shrine now works when you damage yourself.
- Healing resistance is now displayed on a separate line as healing penalty, and healing weakness as healing bonus.
- The game now renders at multiples of 800x450 for all screen resolutions. Previously, it renders at 0.5x size if the resolution is smaller than 1600x900, but otherwise it renders at multiples of 1600x900.
- For consistency, the damage bonus of Dragon Roar no longer benefits from the player's bonuses to damage.
- Death Bolt Soul Battery now triggers in all circumstances when the skeleton raising will be triggered, instead of sometimes not triggering when multiple spells are queued at once.
- Spell effects created before the start of a unit's turn are now processed immediately instead of when the unit's turn ends.
- The sorcery granted by the Elemental Spirits upgrade of The Restless Dead now benefits from minion bonuses.
- Touched by Sorcery buffs now have correct icons for all damage types in the base game, and will not crash even if new damage types are used.
- Giant fire bomber explosion now has the correct damage type for the purpose of UI display and AI targeting.
- Hypocrisy of the same damage type can no longer erroneously stack if you cast more than one spell in a turn.
- Faery arcanists and the Mischief Maker are now flying.
- Magnetize now determines whether it's a buff or debuff before it's applied, which makes it behave correctly on units that are immune to buffs or debuffs.
- The game no longer crashes if you gain a tag-specific bonus to blindcasting. Not possible in the base game but possible with mods.
- If a slime gains more max HP than the amount needed to split, it will now shed as much excess HP as possible and produce the appropriate number of new slimes, instead of losing half HP and only producing one new slime.
- Regen, troll regen, Regeneration Aura, Minion Regeneration, Healing Light, Choir of Angels, and Faestone now try to heal their respective targets even when said targets are at full HP, for the purpose of modded effects that proc on attempted healing.
- Added a functionality to not automatically display the resistance and stat bonuses given by a skill, in cases where doing so will block out the skill description.
- The game no longer crashes if a unit dies at the start of its turn or while using an action that doesn't take a turn.
- Soul jarring is no longer removed if the soul jar dies while having reincarnations.
- Voidflame Lantern starcharged damage is now attributed to the skill itself instead of the buff.
- Scalespinner is no longer triggered by the breath weapons of non-dragon minions.
- Faestone now still gains 1 SH even when it fails to find a teleport destination.
- Damage dealt by debuffs that aren't associated with spells or skills (usually poison) is now displayed properly at the end of a level, instead of erroneously attributing the damage to the victims of the debuffs (e.g. damage you take from the poison debuff being attributed to yourself).
- An orb now pathfinds properly if it can melt walls but the most direct path to its destination is blocked by a unit.
- Orbs no longer move when stunned.
- When the game checks whether a unit is stunned, it now checks all of the unit's buffs to see if any of them prevent action, not just if any of them is a subtype of the stun debuff.
- Black Rider Tide of Rot now benefits from duration bonuses.
- Furnace hounds summoned by Furnace shrine now have their aura radii benefit from radius bonuses.
- War banners now restore gate timers properly if they're deleted without triggering death events.
- War banners now increase and decrease gate timers properly if there are more than 7 of them in one realm.
- Buffs no longer subscribe their event triggers twice. This matters for my No More Scams mod.
- Minions no longer refuse to approach temporary enemies.
- Righteous March now correctly works with units in LoS of the dead enemy, instead of in LoS of the wizard.
- Restless Dead junk golems now count as minions summoned by the spell.
- Melee retaliation now works if the unit is damaged by a melee or leap attack, not only if the unit is targeted by such an attack.
- Idol of Clarity will now only remove stun and berserk that are classified as debuffs, and will not stop looking if it encounters an instance of stun or berserk that isn't a debuff.
- Spider Spawning is now queued, so the spider will be summoned onto the same tile as the dead unit, instead of shunted to a different tile. This means spiders will no longer get hit again by Toxin Burst.
- Chasm edges no longer look discontinuous when converting floors or walls to chasms, or chasms to floors or walls.
- Fire cluster bombers now correctly display that they spawn fire bombers on death.
- Bomber suicide explosion descriptions now dynamically update their listed radii.
- Ghostly spikeballs are now undead.
- Greater vampires attack description changed to state that it always drains 7 max HP. Its drain now counts as healing.
- The AI will now correctly take advantage of AoE when casting player spells like Fireball.
- Units that split or summon other units on death now queue their summons, so that they happen after the original tiles become empty.
- The spell queue now runs in strictly sequential order instead of allowing effects with the "same code" to jump ahead in the queue, resulting in a more predictable order of execution. If this causes slowdowns, you might need to use Xturbo mode.
- Orb spells no longer crash if they somehow end up targeting your own tile.
- Shot cooldown now has a minimum of 1 rather than 0.
- When counting spells used at the end of a level, copies of a spell now count as the same spell as the original.
- Siege operators no longer crash the game if their siege constructs gain additional attacks with cooldowns.
- If a unit dies to a fake damage event that never happened, without taking real damage, it will no longer permanently hide items on its tile or result in a potential memory leak. This will obviously never happen in the base game, but can happen in mods.
- For consistency, Moonspeaker damage now rounds down, and no longer works when only 1 damage is dealt. This is in line with all other 50% redeal effects.
- Your buffs that have effects when applied and unapplied will no longer trigger those effects again when you enter a new realm.
- Lightning Bolt channeling upgrade now benefits from bonuses to channel duration.
- Holy ghosts summoned by Heavenly Blast are now flying like all other ghosts.
- Dominate description now correctly states that it's based on max HP.
- Searing Seal description now properly states that it works with friendly fire too, and that the damage is a single hit.
- Searing Seal now actually deals 1 damage per 4 charges instead of per 5 charges.
- Shield Burn upgrade of Siphon Shields description clarified to state that it's a single hit.
- Effects triggered at the start of your turn, before you take an action, is now visible in the combat log of the previous turn. Only relevant if you use mods.
- Bone Splinter shrine, Combust Poison, and a few other bursts no longer hit the central tile twice.
- The description of the poison debuff in spell descriptions changed to include the healing penalty.
- Ice Tap no longer removes freeze from the target if you cast a non-arcane spell.
- Ice Tap now uses the same mechanic as Multicast to prevent itself from copying spells until all the copied instances of the triggering spell have resolved. This should prevent some extreme edge case hypothetical bugs.
- Crystal Power now properly states that it works with all frozen units, not just enemies.
- A soul-jarred unit is no longer considered dead right before it's restored to 1 HP.
- For consistency, basic ranged attacks of non-player units no longer have tags equal to their damage types. No other basic non-player attacks have tags.
- Dragon Roar can no longer reduce a dragon's breath cooldown below 2, and no longer makes the cooldown abnormally long when unapplied.
- All modifications done to a unit (resists, damage, etc.) from buffs now persist until all current on-death effects have resolved before being removed.
- Storm drake thunderstorm cloud damage is now attributed to the breath weapon itself.
- The player can no longer spawn stuck inside walls or chasms if a trial alters terrain.
- Units can now be raised as skeletons more than once after they reincarnate.
- Dracolich skeleton raising now has priority over necromancer skeleton raising.
- Starfire Sorcerer's beam now deals the correct damage types.
- Night hag life siphon now states that it deals dark damage.
- The stun component of Watcher Form is now considered a buff.
- If a unit gains clarity while stunned, the stun will be removed if it's a debuff. Can't happen in vanilla but can happen in mods.
- Stun effects that are not debuffs (e.g. Watcher Form) no longer give clarity or are prevented by clarity.
- Archon beams are now considered to deal lightning damage and no longer target lightning-immune enemies. To get around this restriction, get my No More Scams mod.
- Soul jar no longer restores its owner to 1 HP if its owner is instantly killed without taking damage.
- The giant snakes that giant chimeras respawn into are now recorded in the bestiary. Similarly for all monsters that can respawn into more than one monster at the same time.
- Hibernation can now refresh freeze duration on your minions, and benefits from duration bonuses.
- Death Gaze no longer heals without the vampiric upgrade.
- If a damage effect is triggered by healing, but kicks in before the healing itself does and kills the player, the player's HP will no longer be increased by the same instance of healing; otherwise the game will fail to end.
- When checking whether a unit can swap with another unit, it now properly checks the swapped unit's destination tile.
- Bone Wizard's bone swap now properly checks whether the target unit can swap with the caster.
- Prevented potential crashes during level generation.

Known bugs that cannot be fixed due to them being functions instead of class methods:
- The push() function does not work when trying to push by 1 square diagonally. Can be fixed by changing the target point to 3 times the squares pushed instead of 2 squares.

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