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rsyslog-website's Introduction

Rsyslog - what is it?

Help Contribute to Open Source

Rsyslog is a rocket-fast system for log processing.

It offers high-performance, great security features and a modular design. While it started as a regular syslogd, rsyslog has evolved into a kind of swiss army knife of logging, being able to accept inputs from a wide variety of sources, transform them, and output to the results to diverse destinations.

Rsyslog can deliver over one million messages per second to local destinations when limited processing is applied (based on v7, December 2013). Even with remote destinations and more elaborate processing the performance is usually considered "stunning".

Mailing List

Installing rsyslog

Most distributions carry rsyslog in their repository. So you usually just need to use the package manager to install it. Note that on non-systemd systems (most notably Ubuntu), rsyslog usually is already installed.

Project-Provided Packages

Unfortunately, distributions often do not catch up with the pace of rsyslog development and as such only offer old versions. To solve that problem, we have created packages for current versions ourselves.

They are available for:

Building from Source

Follow the instructions at:

Build Environment

In general, you need

  • pkg-config
  • libestr
  • liblogging (stdlog component, for testbench)

It is best to build these from source.

CentOS 6 / RHEL

For json-c, we need:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/lib64/pkgconfig/
sudo yum install git valgrind autoconf automake flex bison python-docutils python-sphinx json-c-devel libuuid-devel libgcrypt-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel libcurl-devel gnutls-devel mysql-devel postgresql-devel libdbi-dbd-mysql libdbi-devel net-snmp-devel


Add Adiscon repository:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common
add-apt-repository -y ppa:adiscon/v8-stable

Note: if you are a developer who wants to work with git master branch, adding the Adiscon repository is probably not a good idea. It then is better to also compile the supporting libraries from source, because newer versions of rsyslog may need newer versions of the libraries than there are in the repositories. Libraries in question are at least: libestr, liblognorm, libfastjson.

Needed packages to build with omhiredis support:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential pkg-config libestr-dev libfastjson-dev zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libgcrypt20-dev libhiredis-dev uuid-dev libgcrypt11-dev liblogging-stdlog-dev flex bison

Aditional packages for other modules:

libdbi-dev libmysqlclient-dev postgresql-client libpq-dev libnet-dev librdkafka-dev libgrok-dev libgrok1 libgrok-dev libpcre3-dev libtokyocabinet-dev libglib2.0-dev libmongo-client-dev

For KSI, from the Adiscon PPA:

sudo apt-get install libksi0 libksi-devel


sudo apt install build-essential pkg-config libestr-dev libfastjson-dev zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libgcrypt20-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev zlib1g-dev liblogging-stdlog-dev flex bison

Note: For certain libraries version requirements might be higher, in that case adding debian backports repositories might help. For example installing with apt libfastjson-dev -t stretch-backports.

Aditional packages for other modules:

libdbi-dev libmysqlclient-dev postgresql-client libpq-dev libnet-dev librdkafka-dev libgrok-dev libgrok1 libgrok-dev libpcre3-dev libtokyocabinet-dev libglib2.0-dev libmongo-client-dev

openSUSE 13

sudo zypper install gcc make autoconf automake libtool libcurl-devel flex bison valgrind python-docutils libjson-devel uuid-devel libgcrypt-devel libgnutls-devel libmysqlclient-devel libdbi-devel libnet-devel postgresql-devel net-snmp-devellibuuid-devel libdbi-drivers-dbd-mysql

For the testbench VMs:

sudo zypper install gvim mutt

SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 11

Available packages:

zypper install gcc make autoconf libtool flex bison

Missing packages:

libcurl-devel valgrind python-docutils uuid-devel libgcrypt-devel libgnutls-devel libmysqlclient-devel libdbi-devel postgresql-devel net-snmp-devel libdbi-drivers-dbd-mysql json-c zlib-dev libdbi

Reporting Bugs

Talk to the mailing list if you think something is a bug. Often, it's just a matter of doing some config trickery.

File bugs at:

How to Contribute

Contributions to rsyslog are very welcome. Fork and send us your Pull Requests.

For more information about contributing, see the CONTRIBUTING file.

Note that it is easy to add output plugins using languages like Python or Perl. So if you need to connect to a system which is not yet supported, you can easily do so via an external plugin. For more information see the README file in the external plugin directory.


The main rsyslog documentation is available in HTML format. To read it, point your web browser to ./doc/manual.html. Alternatively, you can view the documentation for the most recent rsyslog version online at:

Project Philosophy

We are an open source project in all aspects and very open to outside feedback and contribution. We base our work on standards and try to solve all real-world needs (of course, we occasionally fail tackling actually all needs ;)). While the project is primarily sponsored by Adiscon, technical development is independent from company goals and most decisions are solely based on mailing list discussion results. There is an active community around rsyslog.

There is no such thing like being an official member of the rsyslog team. The closest to that is being subscribed to the mailing list:

This method of open discussions is modelled after the IETF process, which is probably the best-known and most successive collaborative standards body.

Project Funding

Rsyslog's main sponsor Adiscon tries to fund rsyslog by selling custom development and support contracts. Adiscon does NOT license rsyslog under a commercial license (this is simply impossible for anyone due to rsyslog's license structure).

Any third party is obviously also free to offer custom development, support and rsyslog consulting. We gladly merge results of such third-party work into the main repository (assuming it matches the few essential things written down in our contribution policy).

rsyslog-website's People


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rsyslog-website's Issues

Doc submenu items invisible

Reported by Thomas D.

If you are on, the submenu items
(v8-devel, v7-stable) aren't visible... white on white. Could be related
to 1 or another problem. Google understands invisible links and treats
them as forbidden SEO.

Consider to expand textareas with code examples to "width: 100%;"


currently, the documentation with code examples looks like


Often I have to increase the size by hand to see all the content. Doesn't the following design looks better?


I applied

box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;

to the textarea element (box-sizing: border-box; makes the magic), to achieve this design.

make a news feed available on the home page

more precisely, a visible newsfeed, not just a link to the news list. At a minimum, it must contain the post date and heading. Probably that's also sufficient, as it must not clutter the page.

Add very obvious links to repositories and github

Currently it's fairly hard to find the links to repositories. Not sure what the best solution is, here are few ideas:

  • put them in the Project menu (similar to the old rsyslog page)
  • 'Current versions' block on the right could be called 'Installation' or 'Downloads' or 'Where to get rsyslog' and the headline could be a link (to a page descibed below)
  • and could be just one page that lists all repositories as well as packages (tarballs) that one can download

Similarly I don't see obvious links to github, it would be great if they are listed together with other places where one can get Rsyslog. There is a link to github in Community block in lower right corner which is virtually invisible (maybe it's just me:)

More documentation on omrelp/imrelp

Please provide a complete example, somewhere, of how to set up remote logging using RELP.

The documentation is somewhat piecemeal as it comes to the omrelp and imrelp modules. Documentation found on the web indicates that RELP is now the standard, yet there is nothing in the rsyslog docs themselves that indicates this. In particular, there is no obvious clarification whether omrelp is required on the sending/client side of remote logging if imrelp is being used on the server side.

Also, I see that my distro (devuan) does not install librelp0 by default. Since this library is, per rsyslog docs, a requirement for using omrelp and imrelp, clearly RELP cannot be enabled by default, at least on my distro. By carefully tracking down these various pieces of information, I conclude that to use readmode=2 of the imrelp module (reliably, if at all?) one needs to install librelp0 and explicitly configure omrelp and imrelp on the respective servers. (Can the paragraph mode even be used on the server, reliably or otherwise, if the sender is not using omrelp? Seems to me not, but without deep source code inspection, I am not entirely certain.)

It would be gratifying for the documentation to completely and holistically clarify this because I am not entirely sure I have arrived at the correct conclusion. A complete example illustrating the action on each side would be helpful, though maybe not necessary if the documentation were thorough enough.

make current version display at the bottom of the main page be links

currently there is the text:

Current Versions

stable: 7.6.0

devel: 8.0.2

make these be links to and

I would seriously consider adding the three links to the different repos here as well (everything under the downloads menu at the top of the page) It may also be worth putting a link to 'how to compile from source' or 'how to get git version' in one of both of these locatins.

How to solve forum integration?

Can we do that via a WP-integrated Q&A software package? If not, how can we add the forum so that users can make best use out of it?

Add Filter feature doesn't work


could you please tell me whether "Add filter" feature works or not? I'm not able to add any filter while building a new rsyslog configuration. Is that me doing something wrong? When I get down to the tab "Add filter" I don't see any button to click on. I've tried several browsers such as FF/Chrome/IE, none of them worked.


Thank you in advance! = Nothing Found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.

Error message provided by rsyslog for a local log file I'm writing via omfile:

file '/var/log/mysql/mysqld.log': open error: Permission denied [v8.36.0 try ]

When visiting the provided link I was sent to and given this error message:

Nothing Found
Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.

Deprecate forums, point users to replacement resources

Snippet from a mailing list discussion:

So how about this?

  • do not mention forum any longer
  • say "github is for questions"
  • say "SE is experimentally for questions, but less likely to draw
    answers from team"
  • keep "mailing list is great to ask questions"

update this in doc, site etc.

If nobody violently objects by monday morning, let's implement the
changes. We may not get everything immediately, but that's it. I'll
see that I can change the forum to read-only, but that needs to go to
web guys and is not top priority.


@rgerhards @alorbach

refs rsyslog/rsyslog-doc#622

Menu item HTML is not 100% correctly formatted

Reported by Thomas D.

There's no space between attributes:

<li id="menu-item-1366" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom
menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children dropdown
menu-item-1366"data-dropdown="dropdown"><a href="/guides/"
class="dropdown-toggle">HELP <b class="caret"></b> </a>

should become

<li id="menu-item-1366" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom
menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children dropdown menu-item-1366"
data-dropdown="dropdown"><a href="/guides/" class="dropdown-toggle">HELP
<b class="caret"></b> </a>

(missing space before "data-dropdown=")

rsyslog/rsyslog_doc_gen_website image has outdated "Better" theme


See irskep/sphinx-better-theme#32 for details, but due to how PyPi handled the version of the older package and the newer, the old package was installed by default unless the user opted to override it with the latest version. The package maintainer removed the old version (0.13) so that only the newest one (0.1.5) is available via PyPi.

The changes since that version are listed here:


I checked and have confirmed that the old version of the sphinx-better-theme package is installed in the rsyslog/rsyslog_doc_gen_website image.

Opening this ticket in order to have the Docker image updated to include the latest version.


Output from testing/checking the version:

ubuntu@ubuntu-1604-virtual-machine:~/Desktop$ sudo docker pull rsyslog/rsyslog_doc_gen_website

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from rsyslog/rsyslog_doc_gen_website
2fdfe1cd78c2: Pull complete 
1cd4a3ec306a: Pull complete 
24fcc0ddf03d: Pull complete 
43c871a80e9b: Pull complete 
67ae96d55649: Pull complete 
c239b83d8d92: Pull complete 
4fc5cdc94999: Pull complete 
7427d256772d: Pull complete 
d9cfd4dc9e81: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:e49dde128a2ba3a5d3b7e5af9b63fbd714735159cf252440009c0155c990585e
Status: Downloaded newer image for rsyslog/rsyslog_doc_gen_website:latest
ubuntu@ubuntu-1604-virtual-machine:~/Desktop$ sudo docker run -ti rsyslog/rsyslog_doc_gen_website bash
You are now in Alpine's ash

/home/appliance # pip list

DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning.
alabaster (0.7.10)
Babel (2.5.3)
certifi (2018.1.18)
chardet (3.0.4)
docutils (0.14)
idna (2.6)
imagesize (0.7.1)
Jinja2 (2.10)
MarkupSafe (1.0)
pip (9.0.1)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pytz (2018.3)
requests (2.18.4)
setuptools (33.1.1.post20171031)
six (1.11.0)
snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
Sphinx (1.6.7)
sphinx-better-theme (0.13)
sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)
typing (3.6.4)
urllib3 (1.22) not available via https


Installing/trusting a package signing key would probably best be handled by downloading that key over an encrypted connection. As it stands now, the key only appears to be available over an unencrypted connection.

Once this is done, the rsyslog.repo files would need to be updated to reference the new https support.


Line breaks not honored

When writing a post it seems that line breaks are not honored by the template. Either line breaks in the Visual view and the Text view of the editor are shown in the editor, but not when viewing the post.

Even HTML line breaks do not work as expexted. Not with < br > tags nor with < div > tags.

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