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  • RStudio Cloud
  • Tidyverse
  • R Markdown
  • Shiny
  • Internships


Add stat545 blog post

@apreshill to write about modernization and beautification; @jennybc to detail some of the content massaging (i.e., linking out to Happy Git or What They Forgot or R Packages).

Font size on website

I think we should make the body font size a bit larger on the website. 16px is the minimum recommendation, though I think a size like here seems better -- 19px.

I believe the change would be in the following line:

I didn't want to open a PR without discussion since this might affect quite a bit, but I do think a larger body size would be good. Currently, I find the pages hard to read and the size difference between headers and body text in blog posts seems huge.

Review Dewey's blog post

Hi @paleolimbot,

Thanks for the blog post! I made some minor edits and added photos, etc.

(you may notice your name is currently in brackets, I'm working on the theme to fix this before we publish)

Can you let us know if this looks OK to you content-wise?

Also I know you are super busy but I'm wondering if you want to mention that you also got certified as a trainer (so you can link out to your site section on that:, and maybe mention that you have a shiny new blogdown site too as an internship bonus ⭐

Write "partner" section: request to GVW

Hey @gvwilson,

Would you be willing to write up in a markdown file the "Partner" section for the edu website? My understanding was that section would detail the certification program with all the links. Here was the concept map from our workday:
Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 11 16 20 AM

Please edit this file:

How it will look:

You may need to:

  1. Install blogdown
  2. After fork/clone and opening the project, try using the blogdown "Serve site" add-in interactively while you work so you can preview the file.
  3. PR to this repo with just the md file is fine (please continue to .gitignore to public/ directory, where the rendered file lives locally).

Happy to hop on call to demystify your first blogdown use, if that is what I'm asking you to do!


Add LinkedIn icon to page theme

I'd like to have my LinkedIn account linked to my Education page bio, if it could be added to the page theme as a choice.

Help with "Events" section: request to team

Hi everyone,

On the edu site, I've built in an events section. Each new event will be added to a team "upcoming events" calendar, and all past events will show up on another page, mainly for our own records so we can more easily summarize quarterly/yearly progress on our outreach metrics.

When you click on an individual event in either calendar table, you can view all of that event's info (this is just a sample event to make sure that dates were working correctly- I envision more text in the body of real events).

Each event will have its own markdown file, where the relevant event metadata is in the YAML (so key = "value") and Hugo reads these in to populate the calendar tables you see on the website. Here is what the current event template looks like:

title = "Example Event"

# Event start and end times.
#   End time can optionally be hidden by prefixing the line with `#`.
date = 2030-06-01T13:00:00
date_end = 2030-06-01T15:00:00

# Schedule page publish date (NOT talk date).
publishDate = 2017-01-01T00:00:00

# Announce event on "blog"?
announce = true

# Educators. Comma separated list, e.g. `["Bob Smith", "David Jones"]`.
educators = []

# Location of event.
location = "London, United Kingdom"

# Name of event and optional event URL.
event = "rstudio::conf"
event_url = ""

description: >
  The conference for all things R and RStudio.
# For wide photo caption
  author: Fabio Ballasina

copy written in markdown text


  1. What am I missing in the YAML metadata?
  2. What am I missing in the calendar tables?
  3. What am I missing in the individual event pages?

If you can respond in this issue with ideas, I'd be grateful. Once I solidify these questions, I'll ping you all to start creating the md files for your upcoming events, but feel free to fork and clone and play with the events section locally. It should work to use the new post add-in with blogdown like so:

Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 10 55 19 AM


Help with "Learn" section overview: request to CDH

Hey @cdhowe,

Would you be willing to write up in a markdown file the "Learn" overview page for the edu website? My understanding was that page would provide an overview for our existing/recommended learning pathways or resources for:

-R for Pharma
-R for Finance
-R Markdown
-Machine Learning

Here was the concept map from our workday:
Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 11 16 20 AM

Each of those will link to a more in-depth page probably full of links, but I honestly don't have a great mental model of what each of those will look like yet. I'm hoping starting with the overview might help us wrap our heads around that better.

Also here is the link to the current "online learning" section on the RStudio website- ideally what we write in this overview and the pages under it will replace that.

If you choose to accept this mission (or at least take a first swing at it!), please edit this file:

How it will look:

You may need to:

  1. Install blogdown
  2. After fork/clone and opening the project, try using the blogdown "Serve site" add-in interactively while you work so you can preview the file.
  3. PR to this repo with just the md file is fine (please continue to .gitignore to public/ directory, where the rendered file lives locally).

Happy to hop on call to demystify your first blogdown use, if that is what I'm asking you to do!

Thank you,

Alt text for images in blog posts

We should have alt text for images in blog posts and set fig_caption: false (or whatever the equivalent for that is for blogdown). I perused a couple of blog posts and didn't see them in use.

Add top menu item for calendar

I always have to hunt around to find the calendar of upcoming events (I never remember to look for it under "blog"). Could we please add an item to the menu at the top?

Write "Teach" section: request to MCR

Hey @mine-cetinkaya-rundel ,

Would you be willing to write up in a markdown file the "Teach" section for the edu website? My understanding was that section would introduce our existing resources if you want to teach R (perhaps specifically the tidyverse), Shiny, and R Markdown as the three organizing domains for now. Here was the concept map from our workday:
Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 11 16 20 AM

So each domain will also link out to its own page with more detailed links I imagine, but I honestly don't have a great vision of what those will look like yet.

If you accept this mission, please edit this file:

How it will look:

I assume you know your way around a blogdown site but I'm happy to help where needed!


Multiple menus

Starting here


  • needs corresponding css (appears to depend on bootstrap, not imported here)

  • partial layout,

  • icon files, and

  • ability to add parent/children menu items

    name = "Download"
    url = "/products/rstudio/download/"
    weight = 1
    name = "Support"
    url = ""
    weight = 2
    name = "Community"
    url = ""
    weight = 3

    name = "Open Source"
    post = "Get started with R"
    url = "#"
    weight = 1
    identifier = "opensource" 
    name = "RStudio"
    url = "/products/rstudio/"
    pre = "<i class='icon rstudio-icon'></i>"
    post = "The premier IDE for R"
    weight = 1
    parent = "opensource"
    name = "RStudio Server"
    url = "/products/rstudio/#rstudio-server"
    pre = "<i class='icon rstudio-icon'></i>"
    post = "RStudio anywhere using a web browser"
    weight = 2
    parent = "opensource"
    name = "Shiny Server"
    url = "/products/shiny/shiny-server/"
    pre = "<i class='icon shiny-icon'></i>"
    post = "Put Shiny applications online"
    weight = 3
    parent = "opensource"
    name = "R Packages"
    url = "/products/rpackages/"
    pre = "<i class='icon packages-icon'></i>"
    post = "Shiny, R Markdown, Tidyverse and more"
    weight = 4
    parent = "opensource"

    name = "Hosted Services"
    post = "Be our guest, be our guest"
    url = "#"
    weight = 2
    identifier = "hosted" 
    name = "RStudio Cloud"
    url = ""
    pre = "<i class='icon cloud-icon'></i>"
    post = "Do, share, teach and learn data science"
    weight = 1
    parent = "hosted"
    name = ""
    url = "/products/shinyapps/"
    pre = "<i class='icon shiny-icon'></i>"
    post = "Let us host your Shiny applications"
    weight = 2
    parent = "hosted"

    name = "Professional"
    post = "Enterprise-ready"
    url = "#"
    weight = 3
    identifier = "professional" 
    name = "RStudio Team"
    url = "/products/team/"
    pre = "<i class='icon rstudioteamicon'></i>"
    post = "The premier software bundle for data science teams"
    weight = 1
    parent = "professional"
    name = "RStudio Server Pro"
    url = "/products/rstudio-server-pro/"
    pre = "<i class='icon rstudio-icon'></i>"
    post = "RStudio for the Enterprise"
    weight = 2
    parent = "professional"
    name = "RStudio Connect"
    url = "/products/connect/"
    pre = "<i class='icon connect-icon'></i>"
    post = "Connect data scientists with decision makers"
    weight = 3
    parent = "professional"
    name = "RStudio Package Manager"
    url = "/products/package-manager/"
    pre = "<i class='icon rspm-icon'></i>"
    post = "Control and distribute packages"
    weight = 4
    parent = "professional"

    name = "RStudio Commercial Desktop Software"
    url = "/pricing/resellers/#rstudio-commercial-desktop-software"
    weight = 1
    name = "RStudio Server Pro or Shiny Server Pro"
    url = "/pricing/resellers/#rstudio-server-pro-or-shiny-server-pro"
    weight = 1
    name = ""
    url = "/pricing/resellers/#shinyapps-io"
    weight = 1

    name = "EULA"
    url = "/about/eula/"
    weight = 1
    name = "Notices"
    url = "/about/notices/"
    weight = 2
    name = "Privacy Policy"
    url = "/about/privacy-policy/"
    weight = 3
    name = "Support Agreement"
    url = "/about/support-agreement/"
    weight = 4
    name = "Acceptable Use Policy"
    url = "/about/acceptable-use-policy/"
    weight = 5
    name = "Website Terms of Use"
    url = "/about/terms-of-use/"
    weight = 6
    name = "RStudio Service Terms of Use"
    url = "/about/rstudio-service-terms-of-use/"
    weight = 7
    name = "Trademark Guidelines"
    url = "/about/trademark/"
    weight = 8
    name = "ECCN Policy"
    url = "/about/eccn-policy/"
    weight = 9
    name = "DMCA Policy"
    url = "/about/dmca-policy/"
    weight = 10
    name = "Individual Contributor Agreement"
    url = "/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/rstudioindividualcontributoragreement.pdf"
    weight = 11
    name = "Corporate Contributor Agreement"
    url = "/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/rstudiocorporatecontributoragreement.pdf"
    weight = 12
    name = "Platform Support"
    url = "/about/platform-support/"
    weight = 13
    name = "RStudio and the GDPR"
    url = "/about/rstudio-and-the-gdpr-what-you-need-to-know/"
    weight = 14
    name = "QuickStart Legal Terms"
    url = "/about/quickstart/"
    weight = 15
    name = "Software License Descriptions"
    url = "/about/software-license-descriptions/"
    weight = 16

    name = "Resources"
    url = "#"
    weight = 2
    identifier = "resources"
    name = "Webinars & Videos"
    url = ""
    weight = 1
    parent = "resources"
    name = "Cheat Sheets"
    url = "/resources/cheatsheets/"
    weight = 2
    parent = "resources"
    name = "Books"
    url = "/resources/books"
    weight = 3
    parent = "resources"
    name = "Education"
    url = ""
    weight = 4
    parent = "resources"
    name = "Certified Partners"
    url = "/certified-partners"
    weight = 5
    parent = "resources"
    name = "In-Person Workshops"
    url = "/workshops/"
    weight = 6
    parent = "resources"
    name = "RStudio Documentation"
    url = ""
    weight = 7
    parent = "resources"
    name = "Frequently Asked Questions"
    url = ""
    weight = 8
    parent = "resources"

    name = "About"
    url = "#"
    weight = 4
    identifier = "about"
    name = "About RStudio"
    url = "/about"
    weight = 1
    parent = "about"
    name = "Events"
    url = "/about/events"
    weight = 2
    parent = "about"
    name = "Customer Stories"
    url = "/about/customer-stories"
    weight = 3
    parent = "about"
    name = "rstudio::conf"
    url = "/conference"
    weight = 4
    parent = "about"
    name = "Careers"
    url = "/about/careers"
    weight = 5
    parent = "about"
    name = "RStudio Swag"
    url = "/about/swag"
    weight = 6
    parent = "about"

    name = "Blogs"
    url = "#"
    weight = 5
    identifier = "blogs"
    name = "RStudio Blog"
    url = ""
    post = "Information about RStudio products and events"
    weight = 1
    parent = "blogs"
    name = "RViews"
    url = ""
    post = "Our blog devoted to the R Community and R Language"
    weight = 2
    parent = "blogs"
    name = "TensorFlow"
    url = ""
    post = "R Interface to TensorFlow"
    weight = 3
    parent = "blogs"
    name = "Tidyverse"
    url = ""
    post = "Make data science faster, easier and more fun"
    weight = 4
    parent = "blogs"
    name = "Pricing"
    url = "/pricing/"
    weight = 3

Articulate categories for content

  • NEWS: Announcements/events (like conf workshops, certified trainers, webinars, etc.)

  • LEARN: New resources useful to learners (new cheatsheets, websites like, webinar Q&A, conf workshops, resource roundups, summer interns, etc.)

  • TEACH: New/packages/tools/ useful to educators (like the flair post, ymlthis, learnr, Mine’s upcoming β€œwhat you need to know to teach the tidyverse in 2020”, etc.)

Solutions to sample tidyverse exam v2.0

Hi there!

I put together this solutions guide (Github repo here) for the most recently released sample tidyverse exam to help those preparing for the instructor certification exams, and I wanted to drop a quick note in case it would be useful to share out. Happy to submit a PR to add a link inside the original blog post if that would be useful, but of course feel free to ignore if you'd prefer to not have unofficial solutions floating out there πŸ™‚


(cc @gvwilson)

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