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qmsgpack's Issues

MsgPack::pack can't pack type: 51 while packing Qt-parsed JSON with null values

Qt function QJsonObject::toVariantMap() parses JSON 'null' values as QVariants with QMetaType::Nullptr type. When processing these maps with MsgPack::pack() the library prints error:

MsgPack::pack can't pack type: 51

(51 is QMetaType::Nullptr)
It seems that qmsgpack expects not Nullptr type QVariants but null QVariants.

quint8 *MsgPackPrivate::pack(const QVariant &v, quint8 *p, bool wr, QVector<QByteArray> &user_data)
    QMetaType::Type t = (QMetaType::Type)v.type();
    if (v.isNull() && !v.isValid())
        p = pack_nil(p, wr);

This seems to be more of an incompatibility than simply a bug but nevertheless causes problems when converting JSON to MsgPack.

Issue can be reproduced with following code:

#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>

#include "msgpack.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QString json("{ \"test\" : null }");
    QJsonDocument jsonDoc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(json.toUtf8()));
    QVariantMap map = jsonDoc.object().toVariantMap();


It's probably possible to write a user packer, but that feels like a workaround.

Tested with Qt 5.12.2 and qmsgpack e3819fc

msgpack_common.h defines

msgpack_common.h include check defined as

#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H

but in common style should be


I have an issue with it, because in our project exists file common.h which has same define

Write bug with QLocalSocket

I was just working some fixes to the write support for streams (handling partial writes, like it does partial reads now), and I've come across a bug that probably has to be fixed in qmsgpack, but I'm not sure of the best way to do it.

Here's the bug: QLocalSocket on windows will silently drop data that is written if the previously-written data has not been read on the remote end. E.g.:

/* This call will succeed. */
dev->write(data, 1);
/* This call will appear to succeed, but the data is never sent. */
dev->write(data2, 3);

The fix is to call QIODevice::waitForBytesWritten before a second write happens. The obvious place for this is in MsgPackStream::writeBytes after each write, but that's equivalent to calling flush on the device, and it's only needed for QLocalSocket.

Do you have any ideas or preferences on how this should be fixed? It's been a long time since I've worked in C++, but my only thought was to have a templated flushWrite() method, and somehow arrange to have a version specialized on QLocalSocket do the flush and the normal implementation do nothing. I'm not even sure you can actually do that.

Can't complile under windows with cmake, and MSVC2012 x64, Qt4.8.5


  • I run cmake gui and configure:

    The C compiler identification is MSVC 17.0.61030.0
    The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 17.0.61030.0
    Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64
    Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64 -- works
    Detecting C compiler ABI info
    Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
    Check for working CXX compiler using: Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64
    Check for working CXX compiler using: Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64 -- works
    Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
    Detecting CXX compile features
    Detecting CXX compile features - done
    Qt5 not found, searching for Qt4
    Looking for Q_WS_X11
    Looking for Q_WS_X11 - not found
    Looking for Q_WS_WIN
    Looking for Q_WS_WIN - found
    Looking for Q_WS_QWS
    Looking for Q_WS_QWS - not found
    Looking for Q_WS_MAC
    Looking for Q_WS_MAC - not found
    Found Qt4: C:/qt/qt485-Win64VC11-Slot004/bin/qmake.exe (found version "4.8.5") 
    statusBuilding pack_test
    statusBuilding unpack_test
    statusBuilding mixed_test
    Configuring done

Screenshot cmake

  • I Choose Qt4 Build and click 'configrue' and then I get (in red):

    Qt5 not found, searching for Qt4
    statusBuilding pack_test
    statusBuilding unpack_test
    statusBuilding mixed_test
    Configuring done
  • I click 'generate'

  • I go to the build dirctory where i open the 'qmsgpack.sln' with MCVS2012 x64 and choose BUILD ALL

  • I get these errors:

    1>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: ZERO_CHECK, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    2>------ Erstellen übersprungen: Projekt: RUN_TESTS, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    2>Für diese Projektmappenkonfiguration wurde kein zu erstellendes Projekt ausgewählt. 
    1>  Checking Build System
    1>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/build/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    1>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/build/src/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    1>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/build/tests/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    1>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/build/tests/pack/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    1>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/build/tests/unpack/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    1>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/build/tests/mixed/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    3>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: qmsgpack, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    4>------ Erstellen übersprungen: Projekt: uninstall, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    4>Für diese Projektmappenkonfiguration wurde kein zu erstellendes Projekt ausgewählt. 
    3>  Building Custom Rule D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/src/CMakeLists.txt
    3>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\build\src\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    3>  msgpack.cpp
    3>  msgpack_common.cpp
    3>  pack_p.cpp
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(23): error C2027: Verwendung des undefinierten Typs "QStringList"
    3>          c:\qt\qt485-win64vc11-slot004\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h(77): Siehe Deklaration von 'QStringList'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(47): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(47): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(47): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(60): error C2065: 'uint16_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(60): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ushort'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(60): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(65): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(65): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(65): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(75): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(75): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(75): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(86): error C2065: 'uint16_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(86): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ushort'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(86): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(91): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(91): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(91): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(134): error C2065: 'uint16_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(134): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ushort'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(134): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(139): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(139): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(139): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(156): error C2027: Verwendung des undefinierten Typs "QStringList"
    3>          c:\qt\qt485-win64vc11-slot004\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h(77): Siehe Deklaration von 'QStringList'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(156): error C2228: Links von ".length" muss sich eine Klasse/Struktur/Union befinden.
    3>c:\qt\qt485-win64vc11-slot004\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2387): error C2079: 'QForeachContainer<T>::c' verwendet undefiniertes class 'QStringList'
    3>          with
    3>          [
    3>              T=QStringList
    3>          ]
    3>          D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(158): Siehe Verweis auf die Instanziierung der gerade kompilierten Klassen-template "QForeachContainer<T>".
    3>          with
    3>          [
    3>              T=QStringList
    3>          ]
    3>c:\qt\qt485-win64vc11-slot004\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2389): error C2027: Verwendung des undefinierten Typs "QStringList"
    3>          c:\qt\qt485-win64vc11-slot004\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h(77): Siehe Deklaration von 'QStringList'
    3>c:\qt\qt485-win64vc11-slot004\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2389): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ';' vor Bezeichner 'i'
    3>c:\qt\qt485-win64vc11-slot004\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2389): error C4430: Fehlender Typspezifizierer - int wird angenommen. Hinweis: "default-int" wird von C++ nicht unterstützt.
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(158): error C2039: 'i': Ist kein Element von 'QForeachContainer<T>'
    3>          with
    3>          [
    3>              T=QStringList
    3>          ]
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(178): error C2065: 'uint16_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(178): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ushort'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(178): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(183): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(183): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(183): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(220): error C2065: 'uint16_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(220): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ushort'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(220): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(225): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(225): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(225): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(249): error C2065: 'uint16_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(249): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ushort'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(249): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(254): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(254): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(254): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(315): error C2065: 'uint16_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(315): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ushort'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(315): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(320): error C2065: 'uint32_t': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(320): error C2146: Syntaxfehler: Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner '_byteswap_ulong'
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\pack_p.cpp(320): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ')'
    3>  unpack_p.cpp
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(6): error C2065: 'unpack_nil': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(7): error C2065: 'unpack_never_used': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(8): error C2065: 'unpack_false': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(8): error C2065: 'unpack_true': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(9): error C2065: 'unpack_bin8': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(9): error C2065: 'unpack_bin16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(9): error C2065: 'unpack_bin32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(10): error C2065: 'unpack_ext8': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(10): error C2065: 'unpack_ext16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(10): error C2065: 'unpack_ext32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(11): error C2065: 'unpack_float32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(11): error C2065: 'unpack_float64': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(12): error C2065: 'unpack_uint8': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(12): error C2065: 'unpack_uint16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(12): error C2065: 'unpack_uint32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(12): error C2065: 'unpack_uint64': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(13): error C2065: 'unpack_int8': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(13): error C2065: 'unpack_int16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(13): error C2065: 'unpack_int32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(13): error C2065: 'unpack_int64': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(14): error C2065: 'unpack_fixext1': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(14): error C2065: 'unpack_fixext2': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(14): error C2065: 'unpack_fixext4': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(14): error C2065: 'unpack_fixext8': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(14): error C2065: 'unpack_fixext16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(15): error C2065: 'unpack_str8': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(15): error C2065: 'unpack_str16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(15): error C2065: 'unpack_str32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(16): error C2065: 'unpack_array16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(16): error C2065: 'unpack_array32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(17): error C2065: 'unpack_map16': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\src\private\unpack_p.cpp(18): error C2065: 'unpack_map32': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
    3>  qmsgpack_automoc.cpp
    3>  Code wird generiert...
    5>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: mixed_test, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    6>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: pack_test, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    5>  Generating mixed_test.moc
    5>  Building Custom Rule D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/tests/mixed/CMakeLists.txt
    5>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\build\tests\mixed\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    5>  mixed_test.cpp
    6>  Generating pack_test.moc
    6>  Building Custom Rule D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/tests/pack/CMakeLists.txt
    6>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\build\tests\pack\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    6>  pack_test.cpp
    6>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\tests\pack\pack_test.cpp(147): warning C4146: Einem vorzeichenlosen Typ wurde ein unärer Minus-Operator zugewiesen. Das Ergebnis ist weiterhin vorzeichenlos.
    5>  mixed_test_automoc.cpp
    5>  Code wird generiert...
    5>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: Datei "..\..\src\Debug\qmsgpackd.lib" kann nicht geöffnet werden.
    6>  pack_test_automoc.cpp
    6>  Code wird generiert...
    7>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: unpack_test, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    7>  Generating unpack_test.moc
    7>  Building Custom Rule D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/tests/unpack/CMakeLists.txt
    7>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\build\tests\unpack\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    7>  unpack_test.cpp
    7>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\tests\unpack\unpack_test.cpp(51): warning C4146: Einem vorzeichenlosen Typ wurde ein unärer Minus-Operator zugewiesen. Das Ergebnis ist weiterhin vorzeichenlos.
    7>D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\tests\unpack\unpack_test.cpp(54): warning C4146: Einem vorzeichenlosen Typ wurde ein unärer Minus-Operator zugewiesen. Das Ergebnis ist weiterhin vorzeichenlos.
    7>  unpack_test_automoc.cpp
    7>  Code wird generiert...
    6>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: Datei "..\..\src\Debug\qmsgpackd.lib" kann nicht geöffnet werden.
    7>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: Datei "..\..\src\Debug\qmsgpackd.lib" kann nicht geöffnet werden.
    8>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: ALL_BUILD, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    8>  Building Custom Rule D:/Meeting/qmsgpackneu/qmsgpack-master/CMakeLists.txt
    8>  CMake does not need to re-run because D:\Meeting\qmsgpackneu\qmsgpack-master\build\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    9>------ Erstellen übersprungen: Projekt: INSTALL, Konfiguration: Debug x64 ------
    9>Für diese Projektmappenkonfiguration wurde kein zu erstellendes Projekt ausgewählt. 
    ========== Erstellen: 2 erfolgreich, 4 fehlerhaft, 0 aktuell, 3 übersprungen ==========


MsgPackPrivate::pack_qtime_raw truncates most significant bit of hour

Two bytes is not large enough to store the number of seconds in a day (72000) even if you were to store the absolute value.

As implemented, MsgPackPrivate::pack_qtime_raw (qt_types_p.cpp) stores the hour, minute and second values separately bit shifted but truncates the most significant bit of the hour.

This causes packed QTime and QDateTime values with an hour greater than or equal to 4PM to roll over to Midnight.

MsgPack::pack() and unpack() can not report pack/unpack error.

if QVariantList contains some element that can not be packed, the packer just silently ignore this element and print warning, There is no way to report this error to upper caller.

QVariantList l;
l << 1 << 2 << objectCanNotPacked() << 3;
qDebug() << MsgPack::unpack(MsgPack::pack(l));

Then 1,2,3, is output.

Add testing on Travis CI

The library seems well tested. How about adding a travis.yml for building/running tests on Travis CI? If you configure Travis / service hooks, I could try to cook up a travis.yml (using it for a little project of my own).

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol


I'm trying to build an example of using your library under Windows 10 and QT Creator.

The library configuration is:
LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../qmsgpack/bin/ -lqmsgpackd

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../qmsgpack/src
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../qmsgpack/bin

PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/../../qmsgpack/bin/qmsgpackd.lib

and result of building is:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class QVariant __cdecl MsgPack::unpack(class QByteArray const &)" (_imp?unpack@MsgPack@@ya?AVQVariant@@ABVQByteArray@@@z) referenced in function "void __cdecl test_float(void)" (?test_float@@yaxxz)

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class QByteArray __cdecl MsgPack::pack(class QVariant const &)" (_imp?pack@MsgPack@@ya?AVQByteArray@@ABVQVariant@@@z) referenced in function "void __cdecl test_float(void)" (?test_float@@yaxxz)

fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

How to fix it?



Undefined Reference to MsgPackStream


I was able to build qmsgpack with cmake 3.5.0-rc3, mingw493_32 and Qt5.5.1.

The lib (libqmsgpack.a and qmsgpack.dll) is stored in a subdirectory named /lib to the project root (the location where my *.pro file is stored).

I can use MsgPack::pack() and MsgPack::unpack() without problems but when I try to use MsgPackStream the following compiler error appears:

undefined reference to 'MsgPackStream::MsgPackStream(QByteArray const&)
undefined reference to MsgPackStream::~MsgPackStream()
undefined reference to MsgPackStream:~MsgPackStram()
error: ld returned 1 exit status

Does not build on Windows

I"m rockin' Win7 Home x64 SP1, and using Qt Creator 5.02 with Qt 5.15.2. I have a MSVC 2017 x64 toolchain.

I extract a zip of the latest code, open the .pro file in Qt Creator 5.02, and get the error:

"LNK1181: cannot open input file 'qmsgpack.lib'"

This is not entirely unsurprising, since it only produces qmsgpack0.lib and qmsgpack0.dll. Renaming them to qmsgpack.lib and qmsgpack.dll gets the examples to compile and run just fine; after opening the main .pro file in Qt Creator. Adding LIBS += -L$$PWD/QMsgPack/qmsgpack.lib to my project's .pro file and linking to the lib produces a link error:

mainwindow.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class QByteArray __cdecl MsgPack::pack(class QVariant const &)" (__imp_?pack@MsgPack@@YA?AVQByteArray@@AEBVQVariant@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __cdecl MainWindow::MainWindow(class QWidget *)" (??0MainWindow@@QEAA@PEAVQWidget@@@Z)

Even when I just included the entire source in the project, and tried to compile it, I got that same error!

The commands you give to build and install it "Installation — qmsgpack 1.0.0rc documentation" don't work on Windows. For one thing, it uses nmake for MSVC.

It would really be nice to have a MessagePack that knows Qt, so that I don't have to covert everything over to STL containers and data types. I'd really like to see version 1.00!

Handle dangerous network packet contains invalid length

A packet from network may contains invalid length. QMsgpack have code like this:

int len = _msgpack_load32(int, p);
p += 4;
v = QString::fromUtf8((char*)p, len);


len = _msgpack_load32(quint32, &p[1]);

It is dangerous to use the len directly before checking the memory boundary.

I suggest adding a lengthLimit property to QMsgpackStream. If QMsgpackStream is constructed from a QByteArray, the lengthLimit is set to QByteArray::size() automatically.

solve compiler warnings

There are three compiler warnings, that the expression is always false.

Lines are in msgpackstream.cpp L340, L350 and L512

Those should be removed (checking on uint for negative values).

static library

when i compile the cmake package, i get a dynamic library, but i hope i can use a static one.
Could you please help me with it.

how to unpack qlist

I packed the list as given in the examples

    QList<QVariant> list;
    list << 123 << 4.56 << true;
    packed = MsgPack::pack(list);
    qDebug() << packed.toHex();

but how to unpack them while holding their types?

Fix / document thread-safety

At the moment, it looks like the library has some global data (compat mode, the hash of user packers), which makes me guess the library is not thread safe? It would be great if it were. Until then, it would at least be nice if the thread-unsafetyness was documented in

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