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gohack's Issues

gohack does not allow relative directories in GOHACK env var.

We want to be able to set GOHACK to a relative dir, say ./. But this is not possible at the moment as the initial ./ is removed in the replace directive, creating a broken replacement line for go:

replacement module without version must be directory path (rooted or starting with ./ or ../)

We can work around the problem by manually prefixing the replacement with ./.

We like the relative path use-case, because it allows enhanced interop in WSL, when the path is on a shared Windows mount (/mnt/c/...), Windows go tools can interpret the same (relative) path as the WSL go tools. With absolute paths, Windows tools obviously cannot interpret the /mnt/c/... mount.

This is somewhat related to #27.

support linked file in gohack directory

i want to place my local change somewhere other than $HOME/gohack, so i create a linked file under it.
it reports error already exists; not overwriting when running gohack get.

could linked file be treated like a real directory?

implement undo -rm

Currently the undo command purports to recognize the -rm and -f flags but these are ignored.


Just firing in an issue as a reminder more than anything:

  • Discuss goal of gohack, that it's a playground for ideas around how to "hack" on dependencies etc
  • Link to and add comments around golang/go#26640 and any other related issues
  • ...

supporting workspaces?

Would it be reasonable for gohack to support adding a module to a workspace (if a file is present) rather than adding a replace to the go.mod file?

cannot get module info

I am getting error

$ gohack get -vcs
cannot get module info: go list -m: can't compute 'all' using the vendor directory
	(Use -mod=mod or -mod=readonly to bypass.)

Don't pollute $HOME by default

I know the purpose of ~/gohack, but I'm not a big fan of tools that add stuff to my home directory by default.

Perhaps we could use $GOPATH/hack or something else instead. Don't have a clear answer to this one.

well known module config

One of the more frequent comments from those moving from a GOPATH setup to modules is that they lose the ability to know where a given module dependency M is on disk. M is likely a module that they "own" / contribute to, and hence want to make changes and upstream them (frequently). The read-only module cache makes sense, and requiring a step to replace away from that remains sensible.

But I wonder whether gohack can do more to help here.

The directory $HOME/gohack is intentionally named so that it be considered a sort of throw-away area.

One of the early ideas we toyed with was "namespaced" hacks. But we settled on a sensible default for GOHACK and support for "namespaces" can be achieved by GOHACK=$HOME/mywork gohack $module.

That said, perhaps for this more common use case of "use the M on disk in its usual location" it makes sense to drive this with some sort of config.

# some sort of config for gohack such that well-known modules
# "hack" to a custom location. e.g. I might configure (a one-off operation) 
# to be in $HOME/work/gobin
$ gohack config $HOME/work/gobin

# Then everywhere I need to work on
$ gohack => /home/gopher/work/gobin

Thoughts, please @rogpeppe @mvdan

add 'gohack promote' or 'gohack undo -get'

I find myself popping back and forth a lot between working on my current project and working on its dependencies.

The most painful part of this is currently when I've decided I am happy with a change in a dependency and want to use it immediately in my project. This requires:

  1. commit+push dependency (not always to master, sometimes to PR for review while I continue to use it, so as not to be bloocked)
  2. git rev-parse head of dependency to find version to use
  3. go get pkgpath@version in project to update to latest version
  4. comment out replace directive in project (or remove it; I comment out to make it easier to switch back into hack mode)

1 will always need to be done manually, but 2-4 could be automated. gohack currently only does 4.

How do you feel about adding 2 and 3 to gohack? Ideas: gohack promote or gohack undo -get or gohack undo -promote.

(I'm starting to lean towards building another tool that most closely matches my current workflow, in which I am actively working a lot on a dependency or two, but I'd like to first investigate whether I can achieve a happy union with gohack.)

gohack -u with no current replacements fails

When there are no currently gohacked modules, gohack fails:

% gohack -u 
failed to remove go.mod replacements: go mod edit: no flags specified (see 'go help mod edit').
error: [
	{/home/rog/src/gohack/main.go:302: failed to remove go.mod replacements}
	{/home/rog/src/gohack/exec.go:28: go mod edit: no flags specified (see 'go help mod edit').}

It should probably do nothing, or say "no current replacements".

provide way to print directory without doing anything else

It would be useful to be able to print the gohack directory for a module
without actually making any changes.


gohack -p modulepath

would print the directory for modulepath.
With no arguments, -p could print the directories for all the modules in the current module that have gohack directories.

Ability to hack on an already replaced module

I think this makes sense; based on an actual scenario.

A module M I was working on had a dependency on D1. But I'd already forked D1 to D1'. Hence my go.mod already had a replace from D1 => D1'.

So my desire to hack on D1 translates to needing to hack on D1'. And hence gohack should be following replace directives to work out what should ultimately be hacked on. Instead I got:

"" is already replaced; will not override replace statement in go.mod
all modules failed; not replacing anything
error: [
        {/home/myitcv/gostuff/src/ all modules failed; not replacing anything}
] issues

I have the .gitconfig workaround for bitbucket so I can properly get private repositories on bitbucket.

[url "[email protected]:"]
insteadOf =

and 'gohack get' works, but I'm seeing some issue when using 'gohack get -vcs'

$ ~/go/bin/gohack get -vcs
cannot update VCS dir for cannot get info: cannot find module root: 403 Forbidden

Add github topics

Probably go, golang, vgo, modules, vendor(?).
Something that makes gohack more discoverable over the github.
I would submit them, but there is no way to do so. :)

gohack redo

When doing undo in the folder <somepath>, gohack should save what was undone to the file $HOME/gohack/<somepath> or to the file .gohack-redo. Command gohack redo should undo the undoing, so basically turn back what was removed (and delete redo file).

Use case in my mind is the following:

  1. I'm writing the pre-commit hook, which is calling gohack undo
  2. I'm writing post-commit hook, which is calling gohack redo
  3. (optionally) I'm including .gohack-redo file in the .gitignore to not accidentally commit it
  4. I'm working as usual, being more or less sure, that replace directives would not be commited

That would be particulary convenient for multi-repo applications, which has a shared codebase in a separate repos, because allows working on the cross-repo feature (/service1 /service2 and /lib1 /lib2 folders cloned under one root), while keeping CI builds intact (which only have /service1 cloned).

where should submodules be checked out?

If we try to replace two modules in the same repository, the current gohack scheme
of checking out to a single global root won't work well because the two modules
may clash (for example they may well be checked out at different versions).

One possibility might be to detect when there's a clash and use a different
name for the directory that holds the VCS directory. The problem with that
is that names become unpredictable.

gohack of replaced modules does not work correctly

When a go.mod file already contains a replacement of one module by another (not a directory), gohack get -vcs checks out the original repository, not the current replacement. Also, gohack get (without -vcs) does check out the correct code, but puts it in the directory for the original module, not the replacement module, which is probably wrong.

For example, given this go.mod:


require v2.0.0

replace => v0.0.0-20181008213029-f6022c873160

If we run gohack get -vcs, it checks out to $GOHACK/, where we actually want it to check out to $GOHACK/ and end up with a go.mod file like this:


require v2.0.0

replace => /home/rog/gohack/ // was => v0.0.0-20181008213029-f6022c873160

proposal: add command to determine if commit is ancestor of module version

I'm not entirely sure this belongs in gohack, but given the -vcs flag gohack makes answering it possible. So raising here for discussion at least.

I'm trying to answer the following question:

Given commit $commit, are we currently using a version of module $m that that has $commit as an ancestor?

The answer is in effect given by this sequence of commands:

GOHACK=$(mktemp -d) gohack get -vcs
pushd $(go list -m -f {{.Replace.Dir}}
answer=$(git merge-base --is-ancestor $commit HEAD && echo "yes" || echo "no")
gohack undo

Does it make sense to provide a gohack command that answers this question?

cc @rogpeppe @mvdan

add flag to avoid version reset

When we've previously checked out a version of a dependency in a gohack module dir and we want to keep that version instead of switching to the version specified in the go.mod file, it would be nice to have a flag to do that instead of running gohack and then switching back.

ability to place gohack files inside module directory instead of $HOME

I haven't tried gohack yet, but I am curious about this scenario which I have encountered when doing a similar thing manually:

I have two separate projects (let's call them myProjectA and myProjectB), each of which happen to use the package.

For project myProjectA, I discover a need to modify function f of sqlx, so I use gohack to get a mutable copy of the repo, and make my changes.

For project myProjectB, I want to use the original unmodified version of sqlx, but I want to place a log.Printf(...) statement inside function g of sqlx. If I were to use gohack to replace sqlx in this project, my understanding is that project myProjectB would begin using the same copy of sqlx as project myProjectA.

Is my reasoning correct?

If so, a way to avoid this seems to be to place gohack'd packages inside, say, myProjectA/.gohack/ This may also resolve #5?

I suppose the main issues with this are:

  • Having a git repo within a git repo - however, the .gohack directory would most likely be included in .gitignore
  • More difficult to use the same gohack'd package across multiple modules

gohack undo leaves trailing newlines

This is how we can reproduce the issue:

$ git clone
$ gohack get
$ gohack undo
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   go.mod

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

git diff produces:

diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 1c11744..e980eb2 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ module
 go 1.11

 require v2.1.0

What I expected is that it there should be no diff, i.e.

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Looking at the Go's source code

maybe we could include modf.Cleanup() before modf.Format() in

func writeModFile(modf *modfile.File) error {

Created PR #69 for this. πŸ˜„

getting permission denied error

Just installed gohack. Trying first hack I get:
open /var/tmp/rayj/gocode/src/ permission denied

The repo I'm trying to hack on did get created in $HOME/gohack - it appears to be failing just opening the file. But:
ls -l go.mod
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3075 Nov 8 00:33 go.mod

So why is permission denied?

Add tests

I think that, for this kind of tool, the best approach would be shell-like tests. For example:

  • create a new module in a temporary directory
  • add a main.go with a foo/bar dependency
  • run go build to update go.mod
  • run gohack foo/bar
  • check that the replace directive is there
  • run gohack -u foo/bar
  • check that the replace directive is gone

multiple subcommands

As the amount of functionality grows, it seems like we should consider having subcommands.

A possible set of commands:

 gohack get [-vcs] [-u] [-f] [module...]

Get gets the modules at the current version and adds replace statements to the go.mod file if they're not already replaced.
If the -u flag is provided, the source code will also be updated to the current version if it's clean.
If the -f flag is provided with -u, the source code will be updated even if it's not clean.
If the -vcs flag is provided, it also checks out VCS information for the modules. If the modules were already gohacked in non-VCS mode, gohack switches them to VCS mode, preserving any changes made (this might result in the directory moving).

With no module arguments and the -u flag, it will try to update all currently gohacked modules.

gohack diff module

Diff prints (in git style) changes that have been made to the module since it was checked out.

gohack rm [-f] module...

Rm removes the gohack directory if it is clean and then runs gohack undo. If the -f flag is provided, the directory is removed even if it's not clean.

 gohack undo [module...]

Undo removes the replace statements for the modules. If no modules are provided, it will undo all gohack replace statements. The gohack module directories are unaffected.

gohack dir [-vcs] [module...]

Dir prints the gohack module directory names for the given modules. If no modules are given, all the currently gohacked module directories are printed. If the -vcs flag is provided, the directory to be used in VCS mode is printed. Unlike the other subcommands, the modules don't need to be referenced by the current module.

Add CI

Particularly to check that go test ./... is happy, including vet. If we want this to be more than a one-man project, CI will be useful.

Happy to enable the repo on Travis and send a PR with the yaml file if @rogpeppe agrees. We can use go1.11beta3 for now.

README: perhaps briefly explain how to work with a fork, including pushing a change to the fork?

In the README, maybe very briefly explain how to use a fork you created in GitHub, how to push a change back to that fork on GitHub, and then mention you can use that to open a PR on the original project?

For example, if you fork in the GitHub web interface to, then use gohack + git to use that fork:

cd $(mktemp -d)                         # create an initially empty test module
go mod init testmod        
go get                     # not needed if already in go.mod

gohack get -vcs
cd $HOME/gohack/
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin
git remote -v
git checkout -b test-branch-on-my-fork 
touch new.file                          # make your edits
git add -A
git commit -am "test commit"
git push origin                         # push your changes

# then if desired, open a PR to the original project in the GitHub web interface

I purposefully modeled those steps above at least loosely on because that is a somewhat common resource handed out to people who are new to Go.

@rogpeppe mentioned elsewhere that his personal workflow is usually slightly simpler than that:

cd $(mktemp -d)                         # create an initially empty test module
go mod init testmod        
go get                     # not needed if already in go.mod

gohack get -vcs
cd $HOME/gohack/
git remote add rogpeppe
git checkout -b test-branch-on-my-fork 
touch new.file                          # make your edits
git add -A
git commit -am "test commit"
git push origin

I'm not suggesting either of those be the exact text, but I am suggesting that at least mentioning a sample set of steps would be highly beneficial.

Also, people use git in many ways, so I'm not suggesting anything here be presented as "the one true way to do it", but some type of text like "There are multiple ways to do this, but one approach is ..." means someone new to modules and gohack can follow those steps, while someone more advance can map those steps to however they prefer to work with git (but doing that after having the benefit of at least understanding how gohack works with one git approach, even if it is not their personally preferred git approach).

One nuance is often someone will be using some specific version of a dependency to start in their day-to-day use (e.g., foo v1.2.3). gohack get -vcs foo will get that version by default, but that might not always be what you want if you are planning on sending a PR.

Finally, gohack probably could be tweaked to make some of this simpler, but might be easiest to start by adding something along these lines to the README based on gohack as it exists today.

implement gohack diff subcommand

When we do gohack get of a module without specifying the -vcs flag, we record the checksum so we can later report that the source has been changed, but we have know way of informing the user exactly what has been changed.

We should record the version that's being checked out as well as the checksum. That way we can find out what's changed (using gohack diff). This also potentially allows us to switch from default to VCS mode while preserving changes made by the user.

One potentially issue with implementing this command is that it's potentially a slippery slope towards adding endless diff features.

accept package path in 'gohack get'

$ gohack get -vcs
module "" does not appear to be in use
all modules failed; not replacing anything

The module is But the intent of the command was clear: I want to look at the package gohack get should accept a package path and start hacking on the containing module.

cannot undo if directory has been removed

Running any gohack command runs the go command to find out information on the current modules, but this fails if the modules cannot be resolved (for example because a gohacked module has been removed)

We should be able to undo the gohack even when the target directory no longer exists.

gohack get -vcs failed with incompatible pathspec

$ gohack get -vcs
fetching[email protected]+incompatible
cannot update VCS dir for error: pathspec 'v8.0.0+incompatible' did not match any file(s) known to git
all modules failed; not replacing anything

client-go was actually used as an example in the commit message with that pathspec format:

I'm hoping the fix is simple as just dropping "+incompatible" for the tag.

Imply module name from $PWD

-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/" -*-
Compilation started at Fri May 29 21:53:41

goversion -m $(which gohack) && gohack get
/home/michael/go/bin/gohack go1.14
	mod       v1.0.2
	dep  v1.0.0
	dep               v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e
	dep                v2.1.0
cannot determine main module: go list -m: not using modules

Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Fri May 29 21:53:41

I have to use gohack get even though it’s obvious from my working directory which package I mean.

Would a PR for this be accepted?

Idea: flag for "fork" remote

So the workflow I just used was the following:

  • use gohack to pull down depedenency I want to add log statements too or changes
  • cd int ~/gohack/
  • added a remote called "fork" which points to my fork of
  • hacked on code till I got what I wanted, pushed branch to my fork
  • open PR of fork with original repo.

Obviously the fork will need to be setup everytime we run GoHack. Curious if you think it's a good idea to add a "remote" or "fork" cli flag to gohack which setups a remote fork to push your changes too in an automated fashion. If so I'd like to take a stab at this PR.

Use existing dependency code source from the GOPATH

gohack should check if the dependency already exists in the GOPATH before cloning it into $HOME/gohack.

Let's say I have in my GOPATH.

Instead of having:

replace => $HOME/gohack/

I would have

replace => $GOPATH/src/

proposal: get -tmp

The majority (based on a small sample set) of the time I find myself wanting to make throwaway changes to a dependency. In these situations I really don't want to pollute the shared $HOME/gohack space.

Hence I propose gohack get -tmp $module which would place the "hack" in a temporary directory.

cannot "upgrade" from get to get -vcs

Effectively reproduced by:

> [!net] skip
> [!exec:git] skip
> env GOPROXY=
> cd repo
> go get[email protected]
> env GOHACK=/gohack
> gohack get => /gohack/
> gohack undo
> gohack get -vcs

I think this issue also raises the question of how you "downgrade" in the case you subsequently call bare get (because the assumption would be, in that case, that you aren't working in a VCS checkout).

add 'gohack list' or shell completion support

Many package paths are long. To ease typing, I suggest either/both of:

  • add gohack list, which will emit all package paths in the module, for easy copy/paste
  • add shell completion, so that the tab key can do the work for me


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