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fex-lambert's Issues

Potential typo in `lambert.m`

On line 627 of lambert.m, should r1vec be listed as an argument twice? It seems like the third argument to minmax_distances should instead be r2vec.

Current Code

    extremal_distances = minmax_distances(r1vec, r1, r1vec, r2, dth, a, V1, V2, m, muC);


    extremal_distances = minmax_distances(r1vec, r1, r2vec, r2, dth, a, V1, V2, m, muC);

Also, for your awareness, I've ported these functions to Julia over here. I followed the instructions in the BSD license listed to properly show credit, etc. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Email exchange:

From: Han Cai [email protected]
Sent: 17 March 2017 00:47
To: Rody Oldenhuis [email protected]
Subject: Re: A bug about the Lambert code

Hi, Rody:

Thanks for you reply. I'm not quite sure that the equations of THR2 and phr are the same. THR2 is definitely between -1 and 1 for any input according to its equation:


But the equation of phr is different:

phr = mod(2atan2(1 - q^2, 2q), 2*pi);

the value of phr is between 0 to 2*pi which related its input q. I find another code (please see the attached code line 513) that use the equation below to define thr2, which is similar to Gooding's definition:

thr2 = atan2(qsqfm1, 2.0 * q) / pi;

I'm still confused after I compared Gooding's paper with your code again. The variables dth, and phr are both appeared in line 523:

x0 = x*(1 - (1 + m + (dth - 1/2)) / (1 + 0.15m)x(W/2 + 0.03x*sqrt(W))) + xM;

line 535:

W = x00 + 1.7sqrt(2(1 - phr));

and line 542:

lambda = (1 + (1 + m + 0.24*(dth - 1/2)) / (1 + 0.15m)x03(W/2 - 0.03x03*sqrt(W))).

Whereas, a same variable THR2 is used in all these three equations according to Gooding's paper. To be honest, I have no idea about the physical meaning of these three equations, but I'm just wondering if a same variable dth or phr need to be employed here for consistency?


Best wishes
Han Cai

On 17 March 2017 at 01:36, Rody Oldenhuis [email protected] wrote:

Hi Han Cai,

Thanks a lot for your email, know that it is very much appreciated.

I don’t think you are correct though. I’m looking at R.H. Gooding’s paper:

“A procedure for the solution of Lambert's orbital boundary-value problem” from 1990.

On page 162, the routine XLAMB is printed (Appendix B). There, he defines


Which is (eventually) equal to my definition of phr:

phr = mod(2atan2(1 - q^2, 2q), 2*pi);

Several lines below the definition of THR2, he computes:

W = X + C0DSQRT(2D0(ID0 - THR2))

Compare my line 535:

W = x00 + 1.7sqrt(2(1 - phr));

Now, while reading my code again, I kind of lost a few factors of 2 or π here and there, so I’ll be reviewing my code in the nearby future.

However, since his 1990 paper is newer than the one you referenced, I’m inclined to believe that my code is accurate.

…or do you have a test case as counterexample?

Thanks again! Best regards,
Rody Oldenhuis

From: Han Cai [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 09 March 2017 09:53
To: Rody Oldenhuis [email protected]
Subject: A bug about the Lambert code

Hi Rody:

I'm a PhD student in RMIT, Australia. I'm very appreciate for your Matlab code of Lambert solver. This code is fantastic, it helps me a lot in my study.

However, there is a small bug sometimes could result in program error. So I go back to check the reference and find that Gooding attached the fortran code in his paper: ON THE SOLUTION OF LAMBERT'S ORBITAL BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEM, 1988, page 44. According to his code, I think the bug located in line 535, where the variable 'phr' should be replaced by another variable 'dth' in this equation. When using 'phr', the quantity under the square root sign could be negative. Hope this can be helpful. Thanks.

Best wishes!
Han Cai

Content of attached glambert.m:

function [vi, vf] = glambert(cbmu, sv1, sv2, tof, nrev)

% Gooding's solution of Lambert's problem

% input

%  cbmu = central body gravitational constant
%  sv1  = initial 6-element state vector (position + velocity)
%  sv2  = final 6-element state vector (position + velocity)
%  tof  = time of flight (+ posigrade, - retrograde)
%  nrev = number of full revolutions
%         (positive for long period orbit,
%          negative for short period orbit)

% output

%  vi = initial velocity vector of the transfer orbit
%  vf = final velocity vector of the transfer orbit

% References

%  R. H. Gooding, Technical Report 88027
%  On the Solution of Lambert's Orbital Boundary-Value Problem,
%  Royal Aerospace Establishment, April 1988

%  R. H. Gooding, Technical Memo SPACE 378
%  A Procedure for the Solution of Lambert's Orbital Boundary-Value Problem
%  Royal Aerospace Establishment, March 1991

% Orbital Mechanics with Matlab


r1mag = norm(sv1(1:3));

r2mag = norm(sv2(1:3));

ur1xv1 = cross(sv1(1:3), sv1(4:6));

ur1xv1 = ur1xv1 / norm(ur1xv1);

ux1 = sv1(1:3) / r1mag;

ux2 = sv2(1:3) / r2mag;

uz1 = cross(ux1, ux2);

uz1 = uz1 / norm(uz1);

% calculate the minimum transfer angle (radians)

theta = dot(ux1, ux2);

if (theta > 1.0)
    theta = 1.0;

if (theta < -1.0)
    theta = -1.0;

theta = acos(theta);

% calculate the angle between the orbit normal of the initial orbit
% and the fundamental reference plane

angle_to_on = dot(ur1xv1, uz1);

if (angle_to_on > 1.0)
    angle_to_on = 1.0;

if (angle_to_on < -1.0)
    angle_to_on = -1.0;

angle_to_on = acos(angle_to_on);

% if angle to orbit normal is greater than 90 degrees
% and posigrade orbit, then flip the orbit normal
% and the transfer angle

if ((angle_to_on > 0.5 * pi) && (tof > 0.0))
    theta = 2.0 * pi - theta;

    uz1 = -uz1;

if ((angle_to_on < 0.5 * pi) && (tof < 0.0))
    theta = 2.0 * pi - theta;

    uz1 = -uz1;

uz2 = uz1;

uy1 = cross(uz1, ux1);

uy1 = uy1 / norm(uy1);

uy2 = cross(uz2, ux2);

uy2 = uy2 / norm(uy2);

theta = theta + 2.0 * pi * abs(nrev);

[vr11, vr12, vr21, vr22, vt11, vt12, vt21, vt22, n] = vlamb(cbmu, r1mag, r2mag, theta, tof);

if (nrev > 0)
    if (n == -1)
        disp ('no tminium')

        vi = 0.0;

        vf = 0.0;
    elseif (n == 0)
        disp ('no solution time')

        vi = 0.0;

        vf = 0.0;
    elseif (n == 1)
        disp ('one solution')
        disp ('two solutions')

% compute transfer orbit initial and final velocity vectors

if ((nrev > 0) && (n > 1))
    vi = vr21 * ux1 + vt21 * uy1;

    vf = vr22 * ux2 + vt22 * uy2;
    vi = vr11 * ux1 + vt11 * uy1;

    vf = vr12 * ux2 + vt12 * uy2;


function [dt, d2t, d3t, t] = tlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, x, n)

% Gooding lambert support function


lm1 = false;

l1 = false;

l2 = false;

l3 = false;

sw = 0.4;

lm1 = n == -1;

l1 = n >= 1;

l2 = n >= 2;

l3 = n == 3;

qsq = q * q;

xsq = x * x;

u = (1.0 - x) * (1.0 + x);

% needed if series, and otherwise useful when z = 0

if (~lm1)
    dt = 0.0;

    d2t = 0.0;

    d3t = 0.0;

if (lm1 || m > 0 || x < 0.0 || abs(u) > sw)
    % direct computation, not series
    y = sqrt(abs(u));

    z = sqrt(qsqfm1 + qsq * xsq);

    qx = q * x;

    if (qx <= 0.0)
        a = z - qx;

        b = q * z - x;

    if ((qx < 0) && lm1)
        aa = qsqfm1 / a;

        bb = qsqfm1 * (qsq * u - xsq) / b;

    if (qx == 0.0 && lm1 || qx > 0.0)
        aa = z + qx;

        bb = q * z + x;

    if (qx > 0)
        a = qsqfm1 / aa;

        b = qsqfm1 * (qsq * u - xsq) / bb;

    if (lm1)
        dt = b;

        d2t = bb;

        d3t = aa;
        if (qx * u >= 0.0)
            g = x * z + q * u;
            g = (xsq - qsq * u) / (x * z - q * u);

        f = a * y;

        if (x <= 1)
            t = m * pi + atan2(f, g);
            if (f > sw)
                t = log(f + g);
                fg1 = f / (g + 1.0);

                term = 2.0 * fg1;

                fg1sq = fg1 * fg1;

                t = term;

                twoi1 = 1.0;

                told = 0.0;

                while (t ~= told)
                    twoi1 = twoi1 + 2.0;

                    term = term * fg1sq;

                    told = t;

                    t = t + term / twoi1;

        t = 2.0 * (t / y + b) / u;

        if (l1 && z ~= 0.0)
            qz = q / z;

            qz2 = qz * qz;

            qz = qz * qz2;

            dt = (3.0 * x * t - 4.0 * (a + qx * qsqfm1) / z) / u;

            if (l2)
                d2t = (3.0 * t + 5.0 * x * dt + 4.0 * qz * qsqfm1) / u;

            if (l3)
                d3t = (8.0 * dt + 7.0 * x * d2t ...
                    - 12.0 * qz * qz2 * x * qsqfm1) / u;
    % compute by series
    u0i = 1.0;

    if (l1)
        u1i = 1.0;

    if (l2)
        u2i = 1.0;

    if (l3)
        u3i = 1.0;

    term = 4.0;

    tq = q * qsqfm1;

    if (q < 0.5)
        tqsum = 1.0 - q * qsq;

    if (q >= 0.5)
        tqsum = (1.0 / (1.0 + q) + q) * qsqfm1;

    ttmold = term / 3.0;

    t = ttmold * tqsum;

    % start of loop
    icounter = 0;

    while (icounter < n || t ~= told)
        icounter = icounter + 1;

        p = icounter;

        u0i = u0i * u;

        if (l1 && icounter > 1)
            u1i = u1i * u;

        if (l2 && icounter > 2)
            u2i = u2i * u;

        if (l3 && icounter > 3)
            u3i = u3i * u;

        term = term * (p - 0.5) / p;

        tq = tq * qsq;

        tqsum = tqsum + tq;

        told = t;

        tterm = term / (2.0 * p + 3.0);

        tqterm = tterm * tqsum;

        t = t - u0i * ((1.5 * p + 0.25) * tqterm / (p * p - 0.25) ...
            - ttmold * tq);

        ttmold = tterm;

        tqterm = tqterm * p;

        if (l1)
            dt = dt + tqterm * u1i;

        if (l2)
            d2t = d2t + tqterm * u2i * (p - 1.0);

        if (l3)
            d3t = d3t + tqterm * u3i * (p - 1.0) * (p - 2.0);


    if (l3)
        d3t = 8.0 * x * (1.5 * d2t - xsq * d3t);

        d2t = 2.0 * (2.0 * xsq * d2t - dt);

    if (l1)
        dt = -2.0 * x * dt;

    t = t / xsq;


function [vr11, vr12, vr21, vr22, vt11, vt12, vt21, vt22, n] = vlamb(cbmu, r1, r2, thr2, tdelt)

% Gooding lambert support function


vr21 = 0;

vr22 = 0;

vt21 = 0;

vt22 = 0;

m = 0;

while (thr2 > (2.0 * pi))
    thr2 = thr2 - 2.0 * pi;

    m = m + 1;

thr2 = thr2 / 2.0;

dr = r1 - r2;

r1r2 = r1 * r2;

r1r2th = 4.0 * r1r2 * sin(thr2)^2;

csq = dr^2 + r1r2th;

c = sqrt(csq);

s = (r1 + r2 + c) / 2.0;

gms = sqrt(cbmu * s / 2.0);

qsqfm1 = c/s;

q = sqrt(r1 * r2) * cos(thr2) / s;

if (c ~= 0.0)
    rho = dr / c;

    sig = r1r2th /csq;
    rho = 0.0;

    sig = 1.0;

t = 4.0 * gms * tdelt / s^2;

[x1, x2, n] = xlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, t);

% proceed for single solution, or a pair

for i = 1:1:n
    if (i == 1)
        x = x1;
        x = x2;

    [qzminx, qzplx, zplqx] = tlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, x, -1);

    vt2 = gms * zplqx * sqrt(sig);

    vr1 = gms * (qzminx - qzplx * rho) / r1;

    vt1 = vt2 / r1;

    vr2 = -gms * (qzminx + qzplx * rho) / r2;

    vt2 = vt2 / r2;

    if (i == 1)
        vr11 = vr1;

        vt11 = vt1;

        vr12 = vr2;

        vt12 = vt2;
        vr21 = vr1;

        vt21 = vt1;

        vr22 = vr2;

        vt22 = vt2;


function [x, xpl, n] = xlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, tin)

% Gooding lambert support function


tol = 3.0e-7;

xpl = 0.0;

c0 = 1.7;

c1 = 0.5;

c2 = 0.03;

c3 = 0.15;

c41 = 1.0;

c42 = 0.24;

termflag = false;

thr2 = atan2(qsqfm1, 2.0 * q) / pi;

if (m == 0)
    % single rev starter from t (at x = 0) & bilinear (usually)
    n = 1;

    [dt, d2t, d3t, t0] = tlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, 0.0, 0.0);

    tdiff = tin - t0;

    if (tdiff <= 0.0)
        x = t0 * tdiff / (-4.0 * tin);
        x = -tdiff / (tdiff + 4.0);

        w = x + c0 * sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 - thr2));

        if (w < 0.0)
            x = x - sqrt(d8rt(-w)) * (x + sqrt(tdiff / (tdiff + 1.5 * t0)));

        w = 4.0 /(4.0 + tdiff);

        x = x * (1.0 + x * (c1 * w - c2 * x * sqrt(w)));
    % with multirevs, first get t(min) as basis for starter
    xm = 1.0 / (1.5 * (m + 0.5) * pi);

    if (thr2 < 0.5)
        xm = d8rt(2.0 * thr2) * xm;

    if (thr2 > 0.5)
        xm = (2.0 - d8rt(2.0 - 2.0 * thr2)) * xm;

    % starter for tmin
    for i = 1:1:12
        [dt, d2t, d3t, tmin] = tlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, xm, 3);

        if (d2t == 0.0)
            solnflag = true;

        xmold = xm;

        xm = xm - dt * d2t / (d2t * d2t - dt * d3t / 2.0);

        xtest = abs(xmold / xm - 1.0);

        if (xtest <= tol)
            solnflag = true;

    % break off & exit if tmin not located - should never happen
    % now proceed from t(min) to full starter
    if (solnflag)
        tdiffm = tin - tmin;

        if (tdiffm < 0.0)
            n = 0;

            termflag = true;
            % exit if no solution with this m
        elseif (tdiffm == 0)
            x = xm;

            n = 1;

            termflag = true;
            % exit if unique solution already from x(tmin)
            n = 3;

            if (d2t == 0)
                d2t = 6.0 * m * pi;

            x = sqrt(tdiffm / (d2t / 2.0 + tdiffm / (1.0 - xm)^2));

            w = xm + x;

            w = w * 4.0 / (4.0 + tdiffm) + (1.0 - w)^2;

            x = x * (1.0 - (1.0 + m + c41 * (thr2 - 0.5)) / (1.0 + c3 * m) ...
                * x * (c1 * w + c2 * x * sqrt(w))) + xm;

            d2t2 = d2t / 2.0;

            if (x >= 1.0)
                n = 1;

                [dt, d2t, d3t, t0] = tlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, 0, 0);

                tdiff0 = t0 - tmin;

                tdiff = tin - t0;

                if (tdiff <= 0.0)
                    x = xm - sqrt(tdiffm / (d2t2 - tdiffm ...
                        * (d2t2 / tdiff0 - 1.0 / xm^2)));
                    x = -tdiff / (tdiff + 4.0);

                    w = x + c0 * sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 - thr2));

                    if (w < 0.0)
                        x = x - sqrt(d8rt(-w)) * (x + sqrt(tdiff / (tdiff + 1.5 * t0)));

                    w = 4.0 / (4.0 + tdiff);

                    x = x * (1.0 + (1.0 + m + c42 * (thr2 - 0.5)) ...
                        / (1.0 + c3 * m) * x * (c1 * w - c2 * x * sqrt(w)));

                    if (x <= -1.0)
                        n = n - 1;

                        if (n == 1)
                            x = xpl;
        n = -1;

        termflag = true;

% now have a starter, so proceed by halley

if (termflag ~= true)
    for i = 1:1:3
        [dt, d2t, d3t, t] = tlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, x, 2);

        t = tin - t;

        if (dt ~= 0.0)
            x = x + t * dt / (dt * dt + t * d2t / 2.0);

    if (n ~= 3)
        % exit if only one solution, normally when m = 0

    n = 2;

    xpl = x;

    % second multi-rev starter
    [dt, d2t, d3t, t0] = tlamb(m, q, qsqfm1, 0, 0);

    tdiff0 = t0 - tmin;

    tdiff = tin - t0;

    if (tdiff <= 0.0)
        x = xm - sqrt(tdiffm / (d2t2 - tdiffm * (d2t2 / tdiff0 - 1.0 / xm^2)));
        x = -tdiff / (tdiff + 4.0);

        w = x + c0 * sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 - thr2));

        if (w < 0.0)
            x = x - sqrt(d8rt(-w)) * (x + sqrt(tdiff / (tdiff + 1.5 * t0)));

        w = 4.0 / (4.0 + tdiff);

        x = x * (1.0 + (1.0 + m + c42 * (thr2 - 0.5)) / (1.0 + c3 * m) ...
            * x *(c1 * w - c2 * x * sqrt(w)));

        if (x <= -1.0)
            n = n - 1;

            if (n == 1)
                % no finite solution for x < xm
                x = xpl;


function d8rt = d8rt(x)

% Gooding lambert support function


d8rt = sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(x)));

Solver is not fully immune to erroneous input

As noted by Vasco Grilo:

The solver is not blinded against erroneous input. The following situations were detected :

  • For equal initial and final positions, initial or final position at the central body, null gravitational parameter, or null time of flight, the initial and final velocity components are NaN .
  • For negative gravitational parameter, the initial and final velocity components have an imaginary part .
  • For negative time of flight, the initial and final velocity components are real.

For all these cases, the exit flag is 1; which is supposed to indicate success, instead of -1; which indicates that the given problem has no solution. Therefore the outputted results could be interpreted as correct, and undermine the following calculations.

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