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kuinameplates-target-helper's Introduction

Target Helper is a KuiNameplates plugin that adds a variety of customization options to help identify priority targets and maximize your DPS.

Its core features include:

  • Marking your current target as a different color to help identify it.
  • Marking enemies as a different color when your class debuffs are applied.
  • Track a list of custom enemy names (or NPC IDs) to display in a different color.
  • Give enemies with longer names a custom name.
  • Filter out nameplates of unimportant enemies (i.e. raid AOE mobs that can tank frame rate).

Pull requests and feature requests are encouraged.

kuinameplates-target-helper's People


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jbondpdx ulu2005

kuinameplates-target-helper's Issues

Failed to import.

while i'm try to import an profil, it doesnt allow me to click on "import" button.

The "import" button is like no available.
does someone have the same issue ? also, when im tryin to use the "Enable Shared Settings" i dont know who is the master data. It erase all my Target Helper i setup before.

Thank you for any feedback.

Purgeable debuffs override nameplate color changes

Regardless of plugin priority, once an enemy has a purgeable debuff / enrage effect, their health bars return to original Kui Nameplates color instead of the color selected for debuffs active in knp Target Helper

Target Helper Debuff Colors for Enemy Auras


Love your addon and thanks for helping me in the past.

Interested if it would be possible to enable debuff tracking from hostile's buff too? Maybe something easy I can change locally myself?
The idea is to use this to help track the Heartsbane Triad's Iris and damage reduction buffs in Manor.

Corey told me to tell you hey.


Hpal glimmer of light

Hi, I wanted to know if it was possible to add a debuff colors for 'glimmer of light' more precisely

Protected function?

Ok I have no idea how this happend or what caused it or WHATEVER. I was taking the portal from Oribos to stormwind for the new prepatch quest.

I pressed my disengage mousebind, to move faster, got error sound from Bugsack/Grabber

"the message "KuiNameplatesTargetHelper has been blocked form an action only available to the BlizzUI, you can disable and reload"
popped up on my screen.

When I click disengage on my bars, i can disengage but when i use the mousebind i get the "protected funcrion dialogue".

and this lua error is what i am left with.

1x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper' tried to call the protected function 'UseAction()'.
[string "@Interface/AddOns/!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function <Interface/AddOns/!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:480>
[string "=[C]"]: in function UseAction' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:364: in function handler'
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:690: in function <Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:672>
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:704: in function <Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:697>
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:746: in function SecureActionButton_OnClick' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/ActionButton.lua"]:109: in function TryUseActionButton'
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/MultiActionBars.lua"]:14: in function `MultiActionButtonDown'
[string "MULTIACTIONBAR1BUTTON12"]:2: in function <[string "MULTIACTIONBAR1BUTTON12"]:1>

Nameplate sizing module

  • set nameplate size by name
  • set nameplate size for minor enemies, totems, etc
  • set nameplate size of friendly nameplates

auras.lua always overrides my additions upon update


I play Discipline Priest and the best best debuff for me to track with colors is Schism- I've been adding it in manually every refresh but was wondering if you could just add that into your baseline so I don't have to keep doing it?

Tracking purge the wicked doesn't make nearly as much sense as tracking Schism. Also, can you add a feature to change the nameplate strata?


Outdated debuff list for Subtlety Rogue (unfixed by adding/removing in Spell list)

Hello. Just wanted to bring it to your attention that the list of debuffs in the debuff color section of the addon is very outdated for Subtlety Rogue. All it features is a spell called Nightblade which hasn't been in the game since Battle for Azeroth. I tried to fix the problem manually by following the advice of adding the spells to KUI Spell List, but this does not seem to fix the problem, the only spell remaining in the list is Nightblade. Thank you for your time and attention concerning this issue.

request : add npc by NpcID

would be easier to add mobs from wowhead or MDT (and in french client some mobs have male/female names on the same ID)

anyway, thanks for your work, very nice addon !

Using Unit filter has caused hiding problem

After using the Unit Filter to test the functions, then subsequently clearing all test filters. The name filter is hiding name-only names that I don't want hidden.

I used 'Shikaar Hunter' and 'Ohn'ir Battleguard' as tests which I cleared. Subsequently Sansok Khan's name tag is completely gone.

Disabling the addon removes the problem, turning the addon back on returns the problem.

Shame the addon got the issues it does because the concept of the addon does perfectly align with what I want out of it.

Focus Colour Addition

Hi there,

Really love KuiNameplates and this is an amazing addition.

I have requested the feature of adding a way of customizing your focus via another texture but I have had no response so trying here instead.

Is there anyway of adding this into your additions? Something similar to adding a "Focus Colour" option. I have managed to implement some version of it, however, it only updates the colour after a target switch. So thought I would request here and hopes you can do a better job.


Cvar question

If enabling cvar modification in Kui Target Helper, should i disable in kui nameplates core? enable it but make sure they both match? etc? there are some options in kui target helper i do not have in core, and vise versa.


Execute Range x Target Helper

Really love this addon... wow. Anyway, I'm using the coloring plugin and it overrides execute range colors. Not sure if that is intended, but I think still seeing execute range interact with custom colors would be better!

Thanks for the addon!

Different colors for combinations of Debuffs?

I posted on CurseForge but wanted to post here for visibility.

Is there any way to do 1 color for a specific debuff, but a different color if 2 debuffs exist?

For instance: Enhancement Shamans want Flame Shock on targets and then want to Lava Lash targets to cause the debuff Lashing Flames so they deal more damage. So I'm attempting to have:

1 color for just flame shock
1 color for just lashing flame
1 color for both flame shock and lashing flame on same target.

Color pickers do not show up in various options

it seems that it's not possible to pick colors in any addon option section after the 10.2.5 update (addon version 1.4.5). When I try doing it by clicking on the color indicator squire, color picker simply does not show up. (and nothing happens at all)

This is what appears in the BugSack when i try doing it in the "Debuff Colors" section, for instance:

1x Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:371: attempt to call method 'SetColorRGB' (a nil value)
[string "@Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua"]:371: in function `ShowColorPicker'
[string "@Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua"]:508: in function `AuraColorOnClick'
[string "@Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/auras_panel.lua"]:65: in function <...eKui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/auras_panel.lua:64>

self = KuiConfigTargetHelper {
 0 = <userdata>
 AddTooltip = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:147
 ShouldResetFrames = false
 CreateCheckBox = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:179
 Initialized = true
 class = <table> {
 TargetEdit = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/targets_panel.lua:240
 currentEditName = ""
 original_kui_show_function = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates/addon.lua:93
 SetClassAuraChecked = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:255
 EnsureSpecEnabledValid = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:199
 ResetFrames = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:87
 CreateButton = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:565
 CustomInterruptsOnClick = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:454
 CreateColorTexture = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:513
 CreatePanel = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:586
 ConfirmDelete = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/config.lua:408
 CreateSliderWithReload = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:844
 plugin_execute = <table> {
 ui = <table> {
 NeedsSpellListConfig = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:215
 IsDragonFlight = true
 CancelGlobal = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/config.lua:402
 CustomTargetColorOnClick = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:446
 OnExecutePluginEnabled = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/panels.lua:198
 name = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 ConfirmFilterDelete = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/filter_panel.lua:144
 AuraColorOnClick = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:497
 EvaluateFilter = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:60
 ConfirmGlobalLoad = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/config.lua:383
 AddToSpellList = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:226
 original_kui_hide_function = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates/addon.lua:117
 ShouldFilterUnit = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:47
 ConfirmTargetDelete = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/targets_panel.lua:341
 currentInterruptId = ""
 ShowColorPicker = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:369
 global = <table> {
 Update = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/config.lua:283
 PendingInterrupts = false
 ConfirmInterruptDelete = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/interrupts_panel.lua:324
 CreateIcon = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:871
 CreateSlider = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:306
 UpdateInterval = 1
 AddTooltip2 = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:129
 SetupLocale = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/localisation.lua:3
 info = <table> {
 env = <table> {
 TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0.731000
 ReloadGlobalData = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/config.lua:369
 OnTooltipLeave = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:121
 CreateClassAuraCheckBox = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:279
 ColorPickerOnClick = <function> defined @Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/helper.lua:378
 ConfirmRenameDelete = <function> defined @Kui_

It also seems that a similar issue with the SetColorRGB method appeared in ElvUI after the update.

Restro Druid

Could we have debuff colors for moonfire please

Latent Poison tracking for Hunters

Currently there is an option to track Serpent Sting but via the talent Poison Injection the Serpent sting applies Latent Poison stackable debuff.

I've added the debuff to KuiSpellListConfig and I can see it on the nameplates however there is no way to color track it

Also would be fantastic if there is an option to track it via color based on stacks. (i.e color changes with 8 or more stacks)

Debuff Collors (MM) Hunters

It would be awsome to have debuff colors enabled for (MM) Hunters.

My suggestion would be:
.) Targets affected by Serpent Sting should have the nameplate turn green.
wether it be through the Hunter Talent (ID: 271788) or Serpentstalkers Trickery (ID: 378888)
.) Targets affected by Razor Fragments (ID 384790) should turn orange

Happy to supply more suggestions for Hunters when it comes to debuff colors, those are just the two most important ones for me personally.

Hope you enjoy DF launch.

game freeze when joining a raid group


so i have this issue, when i join a group, the more the player the more the game freezes (like for 10sec when joining a full raid), also, when someone im in group with change spec, small freeze too.

this only happen with kui target helper loaded
i tested with only knp & target helper loaded, still freezes, then i disable target helper, no freeze -no other addon loaded-

i think maybe my config file has gotten too big with new seasons and all (thanks a lot for the addon btw, so usefull to me and all my team mates -who also freeze because they use my config-)

anyway, i'll join my config, hope you can help !
this is a global profile

Custom current target color stays after target switch

first of all: thanks for your work on this addon, great addition to KNP :)

Just wanted to report that with the latest update the custom target color which has been set in the options stays for the nameplates of targeted NPCs even after switching to another target.
This can be seen in this screenshot, blue is my "active target" color, red would be the "regular target" color:

minor extension to auras.lua - "Festering Wound" for Unholy DKs

Maybe not real issue, more like usefull minor upgrade to this greate addon

Could you add "Festering Wound" to Unholy DK in auras.lua?
I think more DKs would appreciate it in 10.0.2 :)

[252] = { 	-- Unholy DK
	191587,	-- 	Viralent Plague
	194310 	--	Festering Wound


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