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bug_bounty_checklist-fork's Introduction

--Hackers Creed ToDo List-

--Information Gathering--

 Information Gathering With Google:

▪ ▪ ▪ Exploit db

 Review Web Server Metadata:

• Robots.txt • Run Crawlers • Meta Tags

 Enumrating Web Apps:

• Scall All Ports. [nmap -PN -sT -sV -p0-65534] • Check for Virtual Hosting. • Find Subdomains [sublist3r,knockpy] • Trying Zone Transfer. ◦ >host -t ns ◦ >host -l • Reverse IP [] • Httprint

 Webserver MetaTags/Comments:

• Robots.txt • Check source code and Search [<META] • Check source code and Search [<!--] • Check Source code and Search [hidden]

 Identify application entry points (OTG-INFO-006):

• Play Around Burp for 10-20 min. • Spider The App. • Figure Where The GET [Parameters] and POST request are used. • Figure The Hidden Parameters [Pay Special Attention]. • Note Down Every Input Parameter from GET and POSt Requests. • Identify Where New Cookies are Set

 Fingerprinting The Web App Framework:

• Using Netcat ◦ nc ◦ HEAD / HTTP/1.0 • Whatweb tool. • Nmap against the most common ports. • Clustered tool -[clusterd -i -o linux --fingerprint]- • Checking Cookies. • Using HTML source code to analyse js & cs folders.

			Cookies VS Framework
                 FRAMEWORK	                       COOKIE

Zope Zope3 CakePHP cakephp kohana kahanasession Laravel larvel_session phpBB phpbb3_ Wordpress wp-settings 1C-Bitrix BITRIX_ AMPcms AMP Django CMS django DotNetNuke DotNetNukeAnonymous e107 e107_tz EPiServer EPiTrace, EPiServer Graffiti CMS graffitibot Hotaru CMS hotaru_mobile ImpressCMS ICMSession Indico MAKACSESSION InstantCMS InstantCMS[logdate] Kentico CMS CMSPreferredCulture MODx SN4[12symb] TYPO3 fe_typo_user Dynamicweb Dynamicweb LEPTON lep[some_numeric_value]+sessionid Wix VIVVO VivvoSessionId

			FrameWork VS Keywords in SC
                 FRAMEWORK	                 KEYWORD

Adobe ColdFusion Indexhibit ndxz-studio Wordpress phpBB <body id="phpbb" Mediawiki Joomla DotNetNuke DNN Platform Drupal

• Installing The Framework in The localsystem to understand it better. • Bruteforce [fuzzdb,Dirbuster,seclist]

 Map Appilication Artitechture:

• Detecting Firewalls. • Detecting LoadBalancers. • Detecting Reverse Proxies. [headers,Timing]

--Configuration and Deployment Management-- --Testing--

Test Network/Infrastructure Configuration:

• Bruteforce Config Files • Bruteforce Logs Files • Bruteforce .ini Files. • Bruteforce Admin Portal • Run Nikto

Bruteforcing Common file with easywins • easywins -x --threads 10

Testing Subdomain Takeover • knockpy • sublist3r • aquatone ◦ aquatone-gather --domain ◦ aquatone-scan –domain ◦ aquatone-gather –domain ◦ aquatone-takeover –domain

Test Application Platform Configuration:

• CGI Scanner to Bruteforce Know files. • Comment Review. • Check If the server is allowing to access .ini

 Test File Upload Vulnerabilities:

• upload.php --- try to upload a simple php file • upload.php --- and Then Change the content type of the file to image. • upload.php.jpeg --- To bypass the blacklist • upload.PHP --- To bypass The BlackList • upload.php2 --- php version 2 • upload.php3 --- php version 3 • upload.php5 --- php version 5 • upload.php4 --- php version 4 • upload.php6 --- php version 6 • upload.php7 --- php version 7

NOTE:If you are not able to execute the .PHP file upload new .htaccess file in the same directory with data “AddType appilication/x-httpd-php PHP”

Review Old, Backup and Unreferenced Files for Sensitive Information:

• Bruteforce Backup Files. • Bruteforce Admin Portals • Search for Default passwords [] • Bruteforce Sensitve Files • Lookup Js and Css files for Clues • Use Google to Find Senseitve Pages.

Testing HTTP methods: • Find Http Methods -[cURL] • Find HTTP Trace. [XST] • use JEEF/FOOBAR/ANYOTHER methods on Restricted area. • used HEAD on Ristricted Areas. • Testing HTTP Strict Transport security Header ◦ $ curl -s -D- | grep Strict • Test Cross Domain Policy File for Weak Policies ◦ Fg:

Testing Role Definitions:

Testing Regristration Process: • Register Same Username,Same Email,Same Ph. No,Same Password for 2 Accounts and Check The Response. • See if The Registration Process can be Bruteforced. • Bruteforcing OTP. • Check The Session Token send to email can be used to confirm another email.

Username/Email Enumeration:

• Error Message -[Content Lenght] • Error Codes. • Analyse Error Message.

	--Authentication Testing--

Unsecure Transmission of Sensitive Information:

• Check If The Login Portals are HTTPS or HTTP. • Force Using HTTP on HTTPS. • Check if The Sensitive data is transmitted through GET Method.

Testing Default passwords:

• Try Default Password for The Login Mechanism. • Bruteforce Most Common Admin Passwords.

Testing Account LockOut Mechanism

• After 3 Wrong Passwords --- Login Successful • After 5 Wrong Passwords --- Login Successful • After 10 Wrong Passwords --- Login Successful • After 15 Wrong Passwords --- Login Successful ◦ Which means The Web app has Weak Account Lockout Mechanism. • After This Check The Bruteforcebility of The Valid acc.

Testing Authantication Bypass: • Forced Browsing Restricted areas. • Parameter Modification. • Play around The session id. • Predectable Cookies.

Testing Cache Weakness: • Login to The website and then logout from the website and press back button and see if You can access the sensitive data again. • Visit some pages where the Users sensitive information is sended to the web app and see whether the appilication is telling the browser not to store the contents of this page or not by checking “Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Expires: 0 Pragma: no-cache “ Fallowing Headers in The HTTP response.

Testing Weak Password Policies:

• Check Minimum password with minimum strenght. • How Often an User can change his password. • LastPass Vs Newpass. • Check if The Secret Question are Guessable. • Check if The Web app is allowing You to Creat Your own security questions. • Brute Force the Security Questions.

Testing weak Password Change Functionality: • What info we need to reset the pass. • How are Password Reset link sended to the user. • Check The Randomness of Reset Tokens. • Password Changing CSRF. • Is Old Password Req to Change the Password

Digging Deep for Authantication Problems:

• Identifying Other Channels ◦ Mobile site ◦ App -[Android,IOS,blackberry] ◦ Different website of same orginisation. ◦ Call Center Functionality. • Testing all Authantication Tests Discussed above.

Testing Directory Transversal Vulnerabilty :

• View file:///root/imxx/Cheat-Sheets/Mine/File-inclusion

Testing for Autharization Bypass: • Try To Access The Areas Without Authorization. • Try To Access The Resources of Other Users by Using [URL]. • Try to Use The Admin Function When You Are Logged in As Standard User.

Testing for Privalage Escalation: • Check The Parameter Which Decides you ad user or admin. • Play Around The Parameters. • Have a look Around The cookies.

Testing for IDOR:

• Figure Out All The Parameters Where User input Refrences the Object from The Server. • Point out to some other resource which doesn’t belongs to you. • Examples: ◦ --Session Management Testing--

• Are all Set-Cookie directives tagged as Secure? • Do any Cookie operations take place over unencrypted transport? • Can the Cookie be forced over unencrypted transport? • Check The cookie path -[To whome its sending the session token]- ◦ if its set to / [root] then it may be vulnerable. • Are any Cookies persistent? • What Expires= times are used on persistent cookies, and are they reasonable? • Are cookies that are expected to be transient configured as such? • What HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control settings are used to protect Cookies? • What HTTP/1.0 Cache-Control settings are used to protect Cookies? • Is The sesion id so long to prevent bruteforce attack.

How to Test: • Find How many Cookies Are used. • Figure Out Where The cookie is set. • Figure out the session Cookie. • Copy the cookie and paste in []

Testing for Session Fixation: • Trick 1 ◦ Visit Website and Check The cookie ◦ Login To The Website ◦ Now if The cookie is still the same the webserver is vulnerable to session fixation.

• Trick 2 ◦ If You Were Able to set Your Desired value as Cookie value ◦ The server is vulnerable to session fixation.

• Trick 3 ◦ Login to website ◦ Copy the cookie ◦ Logout The website ◦ Paste the cookie and check the website if it automatically logins you into the website.

• Trick 4 ◦ Login to website ◦ Copy the session code ◦ logout ◦ Login again ◦ Copy the session id ◦ Compare both A and B and if they are same it may be vulnrable.

Testing IMAP and SMTP injection:

• Find all The Parameters GET and POST • Add Black Values to Each Parameter and Check The Response • Add some Random Values to the parameters. • Add (){}|”:>?< Symbols mostly “ ‘ as an Input. • Eliminate some parameters and send only few. • Replace numric values of Parameters to Chracters/Strings and character values to integers.

SMTP Injection:

• Using Carrage Breake: ◦ Eg:http:///read_email.php?message_id=4791 BODY[HEADER]%0d%0aV100 CAPABILITY%0d%0aV101 FETCH 4791

Testing LFI: • Locate All Parameters Which Point outs The resource on the server. • ../../../../../etc/passwd • ../../../../../etc/passwd%00 • If the Web app is vulnerable to LFI try to Get Root Access by using The Log Poisioning.

Testing RFI:

• Find out the Vulnerable Parameters . • Try • Try -[without Php]

Testing Command Injection:

• Find The Parameters POST and GET. • Try Above Payloads: ◦ ;ls ◦ ;whoami ◦ &ls ◦ | ls ◦ %3Bcat%20/etc/passwd –[URL Encoded ;cat /etc/passwd]- ◦ | Dir C: --- windows. ◦ |netstat –- windows.

Testing Format String Specifier:

• find out all the parameters. • Try • And the urls ◦ Eg: ?name=john&code=45765 • add %x.%x and %n ◦ eg: ?name=john%x.%x.%x&code=45765%x.%x.%x

Testing for HTTP Splitting Attack:

Testing for Error Handling: • Visit Now Existing Pages. • invalid input (such as input that is not consistent with application logic. • input that contains non alphanumeric characters or query syntax. • empty inputs. • inputs that are too long. • access to internal pages without authentication. • bypassing application flow.

All the above tests could lead to application errors that may contain stack traces. It is recommended to use a fuzzer in addition to any manual testing

Testing for Weak Cryptography:

• Scan all The Ports and analyse all ssl wrapped ports [nmap]. • Enumerate all Cipher Suite with nmap. ◦ $ nmap --script ssl-cert,ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443,465,993,995 • Checking if the renegotiation is supported by Server. ◦ Openssl s_cleint -connect ◦ continue with ▪ HEAD / HTTP/1.0 R • and Check the results. • Testing for Beast and CRIME Attacks. ◦ Java -jar TestSSLServer 443 • Testing Vulnerabilities with ./Sslyze ◦ sslyze –regular 443

Other Notes: • Force To send sensitive Data Over unencrypted Channels. • SslV2 much be disabled. • Secure Renegotiation should be enabled. • MD5 should not be used, due to known collision attacks. [35] • RC4 should not be used, due to crypto-analytical attacks [15]. • Server should be protected from BEAST Attack [16]. • Server should be protected from CRIME attack, TLS compression must be disabled [17]. • Server should support Forward Secrecy [18].

Testing for Padding Oracle:

Testing Forgery Requests: •

Testing for ClickJacking: • -check if the website can be loaded in the iframe. • -if Yes Then its Vulnerable if not fallow Next.

• Bypassing The Logic: ◦ -Try to Load mobile version of the Website in the iframe. ◦ -Try to Load By Disabling The Javascript.

• Bypassing The Frame Busting: ◦ -Try Nested Frames [2 frames] ◦ -Upper frame - <iframe src="fictitious.html"> ◦ -Sub frame - <iframe src="http://target site">

Cheking Web Sockets:

• Search for web sockets by source Code by searching [ws:// or wss://] • By using OWASP zed Proxy and move to web socket tab and try to make new WS connections. • search for wss:// and check for ssl attacks [beast,crime etc]


The Checklist

[+] Information Gathering

Manually explore the site Spider/crawl for missed or hidden content Check for files that expose content, such as robots.txt, sitemap.xml, .DS_Store Check the caches of major search engines for publicly accessible sites Check for differences in content based on User Agent (eg, Mobile sites, access as a Search engine Crawler) Perform Web Application Fingerprinting Identify technologies used Identify user roles Identify application entry points Identify client-side code Identify multiple versions/channels (e.g. web, mobile web, mobile app, web services) Identify co-hosted and related applications Identify all hostnames and ports Identify third-party hosted content

[+] Configuration Management

Check for commonly used application and administrative URLs Check for old, backup and unreferenced files Check HTTP methods supported and Cross Site Tracing (XST) Test file extensions handling Test for security HTTP headers (e.g. CSP, X-Frame-Options, HSTS) Test for policies (e.g. Flash, Silverlight, robots) Test for non-production data in live environment, and vice-versa Check for sensitive data in client-side code (e.g. API keys, credentials)

[+] Secure Transmission

Check SSL Version, Algorithms, Key length Check for Digital Certificate Validity (Duration, Signature and CN) Check credentials only delivered over HTTPS Check that the login form is delivered over HTTPS Check session tokens only delivered over HTTPS Check if HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in use

[+] Authentication

Test for user enumeration Test for authentication bypass Test for bruteforce protection Test password quality rules Test remember me functionality Test for autocomplete on password forms/input Test password reset and/or recovery Test password change process Test CAPTCHA Test multi factor authentication Test for logout functionality presence Test for cache management on HTTP (eg Pragma, Expires, Max-age) Test for default logins Test for user-accessible authentication history Test for out-of channel notification of account lockouts and successful password changes Test for consistent authentication across applications with shared authentication schema / SSO

[+] Session Management

Establish how session management is handled in the application (eg, tokens in cookies, token in URL) Check session tokens for cookie flags (httpOnly and secure) Check session cookie scope (path and domain) Check session cookie duration (expires and max-age) Check session termination after a maximum lifetime Check session termination after relative timeout Check session termination after logout Test to see if users can have multiple simultaneous sessions Test session cookies for randomness Confirm that new session tokens are issued on login, role change and logout Test for consistent session management across applications with shared session management Test for session puzzling Test for CSRF and clickjacking

[+] Authorization

Test for path traversal Test for bypassing authorization schema Test for vertical Access control problems (a.k.a. Privilege Escalation) Test for horizontal Access control problems (between two users at the same privilege level) Test for missing authorization

[+] Data Validation

Test for Reflected Cross Site Scripting Test for Stored Cross Site Scripting Test for DOM based Cross Site Scripting Test for Cross Site Flashing Test for HTML Injection Test for SQL Injection Test for LDAP Injection Test for ORM Injection Test for XML Injection Test for XXE Injection Test for SSI Injection Test for XPath Injection Test for XQuery Injection Test for IMAP/SMTP Injection Test for Code Injection Test for Expression Language Injection Test for Command Injection Test for Overflow (Stack, Heap and Integer) Test for Format String Test for incubated vulnerabilities Test for HTTP Splitting/Smuggling Test for HTTP Verb Tampering Test for Open Redirection Test for Local File Inclusion Test for Remote File Inclusion Compare client-side and server-side validation rules Test for NoSQL injection Test for HTTP parameter pollution Test for auto-binding Test for Mass Assignment Test for NULL/Invalid Session Cookie

[+] Denial of Service

Test for anti-automation Test for account lockout Test for HTTP protocol DoS Test for SQL wildcard DoS

[+] Business Logic

Test for feature misuse Test for lack of non-repudiation Test for trust relationships Test for integrity of data Test segregation of duties

[+] Cryptography

Check if data which should be encrypted is not Check for wrong algorithms usage depending on context Check for weak algorithms usage Check for proper use of salting Check for randomness functions

[+] Risky Functionality - File Uploads

Test that acceptable file types are whitelisted Test that file size limits, upload frequency and total file counts are defined and are enforced Test that file contents match the defined file type Test that all file uploads have Anti-Virus scanning in-place. Test that unsafe filenames are sanitised Test that uploaded files are not directly accessible within the web root Test that uploaded files are not served on the same hostname/port Test that files and other media are integrated with the authentication and authorisation schemas

[+] Risky Functionality - Card Payment

Test for known vulnerabilities and configuration issues on Web Server and Web Application Test for default or guessable password Test for non-production data in live environment, and vice-versa Test for Injection vulnerabilities Test for Buffer Overflows Test for Insecure Cryptographic Storage Test for Insufficient Transport Layer Protection Test for Improper Error Handling Test for all vulnerabilities with a CVSS v2 score > 4.0 Test for Authentication and Authorization issues Test for CSRF

[+] HTML 5

Test Web Messaging Test for Web Storage SQL injection Check CORS implementation Check Offline Web Application

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.